Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Poppy Harlow 20160820

Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Poppy Harlow 20160820 23:00:00

top of the hour, 7:00 p.m. eastern. i'm poppy harlow in new york. we begin this hour with donald trump, who has just wrapped up a rally in virginia. he made an aggressive play there for a key voting bloc he's been struggling with in an extraordinary way: african-americans. listen. >> finally today i would like to address an issue of great and very deep personal importance to me. in recent days, across this country, i've asked the african-american community to
honor me with their vote. i fully recognize the outreach to the african-american community is in an area where the republican party must do better, and it will do better. the gop is the party of abraham lincoln. and i want our party to be the home of the african-american voter once again. >> let's go straight to our cnn white house producer, kristen holmes. you were at the site of the rally. the people have cleared out. that is certainly what stood out to me in his 40-minute plus address tonight, was the moment where he said we as a party have to do better with you, african-american voters.
did it rest on ate? >> i've got to tell you, poppy, this was the most impassioned plea for african-american voters that i've heard since i started covering donald trump. he touched on what you just said, asking for the honor to have african-americans vote for him. another interesting thing he talked about was immigration policy and how it affected both african-americans and hispanics. as you know, several hispanics have felt alienated by trump's policies on immigration. one of his most popular policies, that you hear chanted here at these rallies over and over again, is the building of the wall. one of the things he said tonight in addition to that was, he said that open borders, immigration is really a huge problem for hispanics and african-americans, the biggest problems for them getting jobs, those immigrants coming across the borders are taking jobs away from hispanics and african-americans. again, this is the third time
we've heard him ask for african-american voters to come to him. he met today with a council that is supporting him of hispanics. it's all part of that. i think we'll see more of that moving forward. >> again, and correct me if i'm wrong here, this audience, mainly white that he was making this appeal in front of, correct? >> it is true, yes. like the last two times, a mainly white audience, yes. >> by the way, trump supporters say that doesn't matter, it's broadcast nationally, and therefore it doesn't matter what the audience is he's making the play in front of. there was this other interesting moment, kristen, when trump appears to have insinuated that clinton and virginia's governor were attempting to rig the vote. what did he say? >> this is interesting, governor terry mcauliffe in virginia say long-time clinton confidant.
this is not the first time that he's said that mcauliffe is working with the clinton campaign. let's listen. >> hillary clinton is banking on her friend terry mcauliffe on getting thousands of violent felons to the voting booths narratiin an effort to cancel out the votes of law enforcement and crime victims. they are letting people vote in your virginia election that should not be allowed to vote. >> now, of course this is in response to reporting that governor mcauliffe is going to announce on monday that he will allow 13,000 fell ones to vote that he approved on a case-by-case basis here. but, you know, this is just another step in one of the things that we have seen with donald trump calling the system rigged.
he started out by saying it was a rigged system that hillary clinton supported, and he said that governor mcauliffe was in on it. >> trying to rally as many people as he can sercertainly i virginia, where he's down 12 points in polling. thank you so much. donald trump is again questioning whether hillary clinton is physically fit enough to take on isis. >> she will never be able to fix the isis problem that her policies created. for one thing, she doesn't have the strength or the stamina, coupled with all of the other problems that this country has, and we have a lot. yet as our military was depleted on hillary clinton's watch, things turned out really well for her and only her. >> joining me now, andre bauer,
former lieutenant governor of south carolina, a donald trump supporter, and hilary rosen, a democratic strategist and hillary clinton supporter. andre, why does he keep going after hillary clinton's stamina? right wing media outlets have been going after questions about her health, seeming like conspiracy theories. is that effective? >> it makes one question what was she doing this weekend, what was she doing last weekend, why doesn't she want to take questions from the media? i think there is a question there that he's pointing out, is she up for the job. >> but he's talking about her stamina and sort of health capacity. do you think that's legitimate? >> i mean, when you're 80 days out from a campaign and you're three days off the trail? i mean, that just seems a little odd. last weekend, the same thing. clearly the voters have a right to know whether she's prepared and up for the challenge.
>> hillary? >> oh, god. well, hillary clinton does more even events, you know, in a week than donald trump has ever done this entire campaign. he does one event a day. she does three and four events a day. the last thing voters will ever believe is that hillary clinton will be outworked. she won't be outworked. we ought to go to the bigger picture, though, of this message. you know, i'm amused in watching donald trump now. this is i think day three of his constant teleprompter use. he doesn't really seem any more comfortable on day three than he did at the outset. but this is clearly an attempt to be a little more disciplined and more controlled. but in many ways it loses all of the authenticity that donald trump has. so he gets kind of the worst of both worlds. he's on this teleprompter saying really ridiculous things.
so he's not even getting the benefit of them sounding off-the-cuff. he's attacking her stamina but it's on the teleprompter. so i don't know what donald trump we're getting at any one moment here. but i can tell you that this sort of disjointed speech is not going to be effective. >> however, hilary rosen, even as a clinton supporter, didn't the moment strike you when he said, he admitted, it was sort of this moment of contrition, he said we as a party have a problem with african-american voters, i know we have to do better. he said, will african-american voters please honor me with your vote. >> yeah, look, i believe that it is a crime that the republican party has so abandoned people of color and the diversity and inclusion message. i do think it's ironic that the entire democratic convention, which was the most inclusive and diverse convention we've ever seen, donald trump mocked hillary for that very thing, and then he goes into an audience
and says we care about inclusion, we care about reaching out. i just don't think it's going to be very credible. you should go on black twitter today and see how people of color are reacting to his speech. having said that, should republicans be making policy proposals and thinking about how to help people of color? of course they should be. and, you know, it will remain to be seen whether this is successful. i don't think it will be. >> another moment that stood out to me was when donald trump talked about the second amendment. let's play this. >> hillary clinton wants to essentially abolish the second amendment for law abiding americans. she wants to overturn the supreme court ruling that affirmed the second amendment as a private right so that any city
or state in this country can ban private gun ownership. >> andre, that's just factually inaccurate to say. and i know it plays well with his supporters, we've heard them cheer afterwards. i just wonder, as a former lawmaker yourself and a trump supporter, do you think that saying things like that over and over again, that she wants to abolish the second amendment, which is just not true, is a smart long term play? >> she said she favors a buyback program. she said she favors the australian system. so she has given some indication that she would like to substantially reduce the amount of guns in this country. >> that is not abolishing the second amendment though. so say it that way, right? >> you look at it from my perspective, if you're trying to encourage people to give their guns back, that's doing a lot to do away with the second amendment. i'm sorry, go ahead.
>> come on, andre, you know that's not true. you know, it's just rhetoric. she's not for that. she's where 90% of the country is in terms of background checks and the like. >> then i don't run into the other 10%, the only 10% that want to sell their guns back to the government. as a taxpayer, i don't want to buy the guns back. i think law abiding citizens ought to own a firearm, they ought to own several. that keeps the peace in a lot of neighborhoods. quite frankly, to continue, you know, not to show up, not to have law enforcement officers dressed in law enforcement uniforms at the convention, i mean, it seems kind of odd to me, it's almost like she's run away from law enforcement. and so i don't think she can ask for the fraternal order of police endorsement this year, which is odd in itself. she's definitely given some indication that she doesn't want to be near law and order. >> hillary, 30-second response,
then we've got to go. >> it remains to be seen whether trump is consistently lying, four-pinocchio fact checker, which he says things like hillary wants to take away the second amendment. it makes him look bad. in a debate situation, when he can't back up these charges with real facts, he will be back on his heels. he's got to be in a situation where he's telling the truth to the american people. he seems incapable of that. >> andre bauer, hilary rosen, thanks so much. it was the picture president george w. bush regrets. he's seen looking over the hurricane katrina devastation while flying over it. people are comparing it to president obama. could this affect the president's legacy? he claimed he was robbed at
gunpoint. olympic gold medallist ryan lochte is sitting down and speaking out for the first time in an exclusive interview with nbc's matt lauer. we'll bring you what he said about this entire fiasco in rio. you are live in the cnn newsroom. this car is traveling over 200 miles per hour. to win, every millisecond matters. both on the track and thousands of miles away. with the help of at&t, red bull racing can share critical information about every inch of the car from virtually anywhere. brakes are getting warm. confirmed, daniel you need to cool your brakes. understood, brake bias back 2 clicks. giving them the agility to have speed & precision. because no one knows & like at&t.
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golfing while on vacation in martha's vineyard. to the right, the catastrophic flooding in louisiana right now. as donald trump visited the area in louisiana, his supporters seized on the opportunity to compare the absence of the president to the presence of a presidential hopeful. >> we're glad you're not playing golf in martha's vineyard. >> thanks for showing up here. >> somebody is. >> and now the white house has announced president obama will be going to tour the flood zone on tuesday. meantime, hillary clinton is issued a statement yesterday saying she spoke with the governor of louisiana and called on the public to help support the flood victims. she has not traveled to the flood zone either. how will the optics of this play out for not just president obama's legacy but in this race for the white house? to help answer, our jean ca cassares takes us back. >> reporter: hurricane katrina makes landfall with
127-mile-per-hour winds. 80% of new orleans flooded after the levees failed. more than 1 million people were displaced by the storm. then-president george w. bush would stay at his ranch at crawford for two more days. he did a flyover on august 31st, allowing the press a photo op of the president looking out over the ruin. at the time, bush said he didn't want to disrupt efforts on the ground. but in 2010, admitted to nbc's matt lauer that photo was a mistake. >> it was a mistake. >> and it made you look so out of touch. >> detached and uncaring, no question about it. >> reporter: total damage for katrina was estimated at $108 billion. damage to bush's legacy was profound. 13 years earlier, a natural
disaster struck during his father's presidency. it was hurricane andrew. a category 5 storm with sustained winds of 165 miles per hour, whose path included southern florida and south central louisiana. more than $25 billion in damages with controversy raging throughout the country that h.w. bush didn't respond fast enough to the victims of this tragedy. bush fought back, saying he wasn't going to make politics out of this natural disaster. >> this isn't the business of second guessing. it's the business of trying to help people. that's what we're about here. not going around trying to find blame other make some politics out of a national disaster. >> reporter: unfairly or not, weather disasters can be used to attack politicians at any level. new jersey governor chris christie was commander-in-chief of his state when hurricane sandy hit the northeast in 2012. a leader for the efforts,
christie drew lasting criticism from republicans after hugging president obama, who was visiting the state to survey damage. >> i put my people first every day. it was a disappointment for him probably that i didn't hug him. when i got off air force one, i did shake his hand, which is what civilized human beings do with other civilized human beings. >> reporter: the white house has announced president obama will visit baton rouge on tuesday. history has yet to determine how his legacy will be affected by this year's flooding in louisiana. >> jean, thank you very much. let's talk about all this with princeton university historian julian zelezer, the author of the book "the fierce urgency of now." is it fair, julian, is it accurate, not just fair, to compare president obama not going to louisiana now with what we just saw with former president bush and katrina? i think the key difference is
the federal response lacked so much to katrina. the federal response and supplies, et cetera, to louisiana right now is not what's been criticized, it's the optics. >> right. it's inevitable that the optics get criticized. it often happens in the summer months, when the president is away, it's going to be a criticism. that said, the heart of the katrina issue wasn't that photo. the heart was the inadequate response and the way in which fema had been gutted in previous years because of cuts and poor staffing. right now that's not the criticism. obama and the administration still have the opportunity to show a forceful responsibility to the crisis and help clean this up. >> it's important to know that the governor of louisiana actually asked that the president wait to come, because whenever a president comes, especially a sitting president, a lot of resources get diverted from the cleanup. at the same time, the white house announced the president will be going on tuesday, after donald trump and mike pence landed there. >> right. it's often the case, and this
was also the case with president bush, that the white house feels their presence there will only create more problems. it's a huge thing for a president to come into any place in the country. but to do that in the middle of a crisis makes things even more difficult. but the timing, again, whether it's fair or not, becomes an issue. so it looks like the president is responding to the critics. >> what about hillary clinton? what do you make of the optics and the action in terms of she spoke to the governor, she issues this statement on facebook, calls in everyone to help, give money to the red cross, do what you can. she's not planning to go, as far as we know, yet. >> we'll see if she changes her mind and goes. again, i think what most people are looking for, what are the solutions, what are the candidates offering. some might think donald trump being there and handing things out is good, it's more effective, but in the end, a lot of people from louisiana want relief. that's what they're looking for. >> they get some relief from funding and money that comes
when the television cameras are there, which comes when a president or presidential candidate is there. donald trump came and gave out supplies which is great, but he could have said nothing political. instead there were moments when he said political things, like you just heard at the beginning, "the president should be here." did that make it look like a photo op? >> most people are convinced, when the president, when a candidate goes, anyone political goes into a crisis area like this, politics is on their mind. certainly trump's comments didn't help. at the same time president obama is savvy enough to realize images of him golfing on martha's vineyard combined with the crisis images don't look good and it doesn't help hillary clinton. you can't extract the politics from a crisis like this. >> julian zelizer, thank you so much, important perspective, we appreciate it. most importantly, beyond the politics, how do you help the victi victims? 40,000 homes damaged. if you want to help, go to every little bit counts. coming up, ryan lochte tonight speaking out for the first time since his scandal in rio. the decorated olympic gold medallist now admits he exaggerated some parts of his original story. hear what else lochte had to say in his exclusive interview with matt lauer on nbc. we'll have part of it for you, next. i am sebastian artois. brewmaster. risktaker. i sold everything i had to own a brewery. you might have heard its name... stella artois be legacy i made a deal with myself that i would never grow up. we met when we were very young.. i was 17, he was 18.
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u.s. olympic gold medallist ryan lochte speaking out for the first time since the whirlwind of bad pr he's gotten since brazilian police say he lied about being robbed at gunpoint. the international olympic committee has set up a disciplinary commission to investigate what happened. chris brennan reports tonight that lochte will be suspended.
he and his teammates are accused of vandalizing a gas station after a night of partying. lochte apologized in statement but tonight is speaking out for the first time in an interview with nbc's matt lauer in manhattan. lochte said this. >> you told me on the phone, ryan, you said we are victims here, we are victims, and we're happy that we're safe. in the police press conference they said, not victims, they're vand vandals. how do you feel about that? >> it's how you want to -- how you want to make it look like. whether you call it a robbery, whether you call it ex portion, or us paying just for the damages, like we don't know. all we know is there was a gun pointed in our direction and we were demanded to give money. >> gunnar in his statement to police said, at some point someone who spoke english walked
over and helped to translate this altercation. and he made it clear that the security guard was telling the four of you, you need to pay for that stuff, that damage before you can leave here or i'm going to call the police. you understood that at that time, didn't you? >> so then we had to give the money. >> at that point you're striking a deal. you're striking a deal to pay for what damage you've caused so that he doesn't call the police and this doesn't become a bigger incident. isn't that fair? >> we just wanted to get out of there. i mean, there was a gun pointed in our direction. we were all frightened. we wanted to get out of there as quick as possible. and the only way we knew is this guy saying you have to give money. so we gave him money and got out. >> what i'm trying to get at is the first version of the story you told, ryan, was much more about the mean streets of rio. and the version we're hearing now is much more about a
negotiated settlement to cover up some dumb behavior. >> and that's why i'm taking full responsibility for it, is because i overexaggerated that story. if i never had done that, we wouldn't be in this mess. those guys would never be in rio or were in rio. nothing of the -- none of this would have happened. it was my immature behavior. >> that's just part of the interview. let's bring in cnn's sports analyst, "usa today" sports columnist christine brennan from rio. christine, is that taking full responsibility for it? >> reporter: well, it's certainly a start. i'm glad, i think everyone is glad to hear from ryan lochte, and you heard him say that he understands that if he had not said the things he said, that we wouldn't be in this place,
especially the three teammates of his who went through such an ordeal that clearly would have been completely unnecessary if ryan had done the right thing from the get-go. this is smart, also it's public relations, of course, let's just be honest about that. he is clearly being advised, and he realizes that the silence for five days was devastating as events unfolded in rio and he of course was back safely at home, all the remnants of this drunken rampage and ridiculous fiasco were playing out, and he was really not saying anything about it. >> we know he certainly was advised, not only advised but advised by one of the best crisis pr managers in the business, matthew hiltig. he didn't just give that interview to nbc. he gave a second interview to global television, brazilian television network, in an effort
to directly apologize to the people of brazil. how important do you think that is? >> reporter: oh, i think that's huge, poppy. because as you know and so many people who have been following this story now, the narrative has always been about the concerns about brazilian street crime. and when almost a week ago now, when we first heard the news that ryan lochte said that he had a gun put to his forehead, it played into every stereotype and concern that people had from around the world who come to rio for these olympic games. we know of course that that story was at least partially fabricated, and now ryan is telling another story. so yes, i think it's fantastic that he has made the decision to speak to the people of rio, because they were so affected by the story that he made up. >> let's get to the consequences here. your sources telling you that he will indeed be suspended. i mean, for how long, what is the punishment going to look like?
>> reporter: as you may have heard, as reported earlier today, the international olympic committee is now setting up a commission to look into this. what i think that does, poppy, is elongates the conversation. the u.s. olympic committee will be playing a big role. usa swimming, the national governing body to the sport, is going to be playing a big role in this. and now the international olympic committee. who knows who will go first, although i wouldn't be surprised if it's usa swimming in terms of punishment because they've been so no-nonsense on michael phelps and others over the years. this may be more elongated than we thought. a decision may not come in the next week or two just because so many people are now looking at these four swimmers, especially lochte, and trying to figure out how to punish them. >> christine, lochte is 32, he's closer to the end of his career than the other three swimmers that were with him that are much
younger. what does it mean for them? >> reporter: for them, let's say they're suspended, and i don't think what the length would be, obviously we don't know because none of this has happened yet. let's say michael phelps is suspended for six months for drunk driving, they may still be back for the next olympic games. ryan lochte, it's hard to imagine him at age 36 coming back to the olympic games. i think he would also get a bigger suspension simply because he was clearly the ringleader, and from the stories the others told, it sounds like lochte misbehaved in ways that were particularly embarrassing to the olympic committee as a representative of our nation as an athlete at these games. >> christine brennan, phenomenal reporting all week on this. and the actual games and the wonderful things out of the olympics that matter the most.
christine brennan for us from rio tonight, thank you so much. coming up, a federal judge makes two major decisions on hillary clinton's private e-mails, details on that. plus what she told the fbi about the e-mail advice she got from colin powell. you're would i have in the cnn newsroom. ell, fantastic!" a lot. i do say that, you see... i study psychobiology. i'm a fine arts major. nobody really believes that i take notes this way, but they actually make sense to me. i try to balance my studying with the typical college experience. this windows pc is a life saver! being able to pull up different articles to different parts of the screen is so convenient. i used to be a mac user but this is way better. moms know their kids need love, encouragement and milk. with 8 grams of protein, and 8 other nutrients. 9 out of 10 u.s. olympians grew up drinking milk. moms know kids grow strong when they milk life.
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the fbi this week made an extremely rare move by handing over its investigative report on hillary clinton's e-mails to congress. that report includes notes from hillary clinton's 3 1/2 hour interview with fbi investigators. that is revealing details that we have never heard before. our suzanne malveaux has more on that tonight. suzanne? >> reporter: well, poppy, we're learning that it certainly wasn't a secret that hillary clinton was considering setting up and using a private e-mail for state department business. in fact, it was discussed with her predecessor colin powell. but what clinton ended up doing went far beyond what was
considered acceptable in the handling of classified documents. clinton's focus was not the e-mail controversy but changes she's making to convince voters she'll be a straight shooter. the clinton campaign wasting no time reacting to trump's latest campaign shake-up, his campaign manager paul manafort now gone, the clinton campaign saying, you can get rid of manafort but that doesn't end the odd bromance with vladimir putin. clinton is launching a reset of her own, trying to counter trump's scathing crescendoing narrative. >> hillary clinton has proven to be one of the greatest liars of all time. >> reporter: in the wake of polls showing most voters believe clinton is trustworthy or transparent, she is making big changes. >> if you're president, will his
husband divest himself of any association with the foundation? >> well, andersson, you know, we'll cross that bridge if and when we come to it. >> reporter: thursday, the crossing claim. the clinton foundation announcing if hillary clinton is elected president, it will no longer accept foreign or corporate donations. and bill clinton would no longer give paid speeches during her tenure. concessions to critics who have accused the clintons of using the foundation to enrich themselves. >> then there was all the money funneled into the clinton foundation from foreign governments and corporations. it was pay for play. >> we have so much that we're proud of. i'll put that up against any of the innuendo and accusation coming from donald trump. >> reporter: but today clinton's e-mails are back in the headlines. "the new york times" reporting leaks from the fbi's investigation from those classified notes the agency shared with members of congress on tuesday. the documents reveal that in clinton's three-hour interview
with investigators, she said her predecessor colin powell advised her to use a personal e-mail account. a spokeswoman for powell released a statement saying in part he did write former secretary clinton an e-mail memo describing his use of his personal aol e-mail account for unclassified messages and how it vastly improved communications at the state department. at the time there was no equivalent system within the department. we are told he also used a secure state computer on his desk to manage classified information. and unlike clinton, he did not have a private server at his home or use outside contractors to set this all up. poppy? >> suzanne, thank you very much. coming up next, we'll discuss it all, how that federal judge's ruling that clinton has to answer questions about her e-mails in writing, how that will all play in. and what about that advice from colin powell? but grandma, we use charmin ultra soft
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in southern california, the blue cut wildfire has destroyed nearly a hundred homes and blackened almost 40,000 acres. also lost to the flames, a route 66 landmark, the legendary summit inn, visited by stars like elvis presley and john wayne. >> the wine rack, the gum ball machine over there. >> reporter: cecil stevens, the long time owner of the summit inn until he sold it a couple of months ago, can't believe the blue cut fire torched his life's work. >> i knew every light switch and pipe. after 50 years, i had to repair half of that stuff. >> reporter: that's right, a half century of ongoing a favorite hangout on route 66. stevens bought the restaurant on friday the 13th in 1966, shut down the motel, and focused on food and the history of the
fabled route from chicago to the pacific ocean. cecil and his wife of 41 years, debbie, became the mom and pop of a nostalgia stop for classic car crazed patrons, route 66 worshippers, even locals obsessed with both. >> many a time i would sit at the bar having coffee when it was snowing and just said, i'm not going to work. >> reporter: celebrities rolled in too, including elvis presley, who reportedly saw cecil's jukebox didn't offer a single one of his records. >> he kicked the jukebox lightly and said, maybe when i come back you'll have one of my records. you can believe i went out and got a record right away. >> reporter: music that certificaserenad serenadserenad serenaded people who pulled off the road to eat a hillbilly burger. >> sourdough bread with hamburger, lettuce, tomato,
onion. it was delicious. >> it was a meal in itself. >> it was huge. >> reporter: the kitchen is now a pile of charred heartbreak. but perhaps a good omen that it still stands inside. the new owners say they plan to rebuild and recapture every charming inch of cecil stevens' american treasure. >> glad they're rebuilding. coming up, to politics. hillary clinton, no question, has a formidable advantage in battleground states. but a lot of voters still don't find her honest and trustworthy. we'll tell you what she can do for the numbers, on the other side. stay with us.
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the controversy surrounding hillary clinton's e-mail use is not going away. it's an issue voters are certainly paying attention to.
a bloomberg poll found 80% of registered voters are bothered by clinton's e-mail use. more than half of them says it bothers them a lot. let's talk about this with our guests. scott, let me ask you this. more than half of the voters here say this bothers them a lot. if you were in the seat of advising hillary clinton, how would you tell her 80 days handoout here's what you need to do to change the public's perception on this issue? >> a couple of things. i'd tell her to stop talking about the e-mail piece, stop trying to explain it. she's got a comfortable lead nationally. she's got a comfortable lead in battleground states. and so what she ought to say is
what she's been saying is i apologize. >> what she's been saying isn't working as reflected in those numb numb numbers. >> well, those numbers say it bothers them, but is she trustworthy to most american voters. >> let's look at those numbers. >> that is where we are. >> this same bloomberg shows less than half of voters find clinton honest and trustworthy, but trump is trusted even less. let's pull up the other numbers. trump is trusted even less, right? he's at 39%. >> exactly. >> but she is trusted more than trump. >> well, she's continuing to take on a barrage of issues. now, you know, she's saying colin powell. she's finding somebody new to blame. i don't know if i can say
honestly anything more about her e-mails, but she hasn't said anything honest from the start. >> that was revealed yesterday because the fbi notes from the interview with her were handed over to congress. >> she said it. she just said it to congress or she said it to the fbi. >> no, she said it to the fbi in an interview that almost would never become public usually. >> it wouldn't matter whether this becomes public or not. she's throwing it to the fbi as a scapegoat to get out of what she did. she wanted to keep this private to nobody could find out. she knew she was subverting the law. whether it's been benghazi, pardon gate, travel gate, the congo cash, it's one thing after another. if you wonder why the justice department didn't investigate
her, 228 people in the justice department donated to guess who. hillary clinton. >> scott? >> can i jump in here, poppy? >> yes. >> let me just say this. you know what is amazing about the republicans when they go after hillary clinton and bill clinton is it is all nefarious, it is all allegation, it is all innuendo. the clintons have been investigated upwards of 1,000 times in the 20 years they've been in public life. and not one time have they been charged, indicted, made a finding of negative. in fact, in benghazi it was a republican-led congressional committee -- >> but scott, the fbi director james comey called her actions with this e-mail server extremely careless and she should have known better. >> again, he didn't charge her. he said he couldn't charge her because no reasonable prosecutor would charge her. listen to my statement.
my statement was simply this. all these investigations the republicans push or raise these issues about hillary clinton are all innuendo. >> so bill clinton didn't lie under oath? bill clinton didn't lie under oath, did he? >> let's keep it to the candidates, guys. >> well, sure. if you compare hillary clinton and the reason she is more trustworthy is we're living through a narrative of lies and misleading statements by donald trump every day. he says he's going to turn over his tax returns before he runs and he doesn't. >> andre, i have 30 seconds. 30-second response. >> again, those numbers aren't there by happenstance. she has repetitively done things to break the public's trust and it keeps coming every day. seems like it is a new story. >> both candidates have trustworthy issues according to those numbers.
thank you both. have a good weekend. coming up next, tonight's number. a powerful and heartbreaking image that has captured the world's attention. own a brewery. you might have heard its name... stella artois be legacy this car is traveling over 200 miles per hour. to win, every millisecond matters. both on the track
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finally, tonight the number is five. 5 years old. that's the age of this little, beautiful boy. his name is omran. the home that he once shared with his family in aleppo, syria, was bombed this week. who was behind the air strike? we don't know. activists blame the regime and russia. omran sits in this ambulance. he's bloodied and covered in dust and is waiting for help. a syrian doctor there tells us he didn't cry at all because he was just in shock.
and the perverse reality is that omran is one of the lucky ones. the syrian observatory for human rights says more than 4500 children have been killed in syria as this war rages on. among that number, we learn today that omran brother, a 10-year-old, died. he died at a field hospital today. omran's mother remains in critical condition at that hospital. this is a family torn apart by a brutal war, and omran is facing an uncertain future at the age of 5 years old. i'm poppy harlow. thank you for being with me tonight. "anthony bourdain, parts unknown" is next. ♪ ♪ here we are arms around each other

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Petal , Landmark , Skyline , Cityscape , Electricity , Christmas Lights , Neon Sign , Electronic Signage , Musical Theatre , Drag Queen , Peking Opera , Cosplay , Theatre , Christmas , Theatrical Scenery , Function Hall , Dancer , Haute Couture , Modern Art , Doll , Showgirl , Acrobatics , Costume Design , Jheri Curl , Drama , Light Commercial Vehicle , Chinese New Year , Carnival , Fur Clothing , Artificial Hair Integrations , Musical , Folk Dance , Theatrical Property , Opera , Spectacle , Celestial Event , Truck , Rolling Stock , Web Page , Software , Office Supplies , Led Backlit Lcd Display , Gps Navigation Device , Video Game Software , Helmet , Canoe Slalom , Open Water Swimming , Swimming Pool , Contact Sport , Striking Combat Sports , Interview , Cab Driver , Race Car , Water Polo , Poker , Tennis Player , Bodybuilding , Bodybuilder , Magazine , Professional Boxing , Competition , Internet Meme , Gopro , Kettlebell , Muay Thai , Wrestler , Professional Wrestling , Hero , 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Player , Ball , Soccer Ball , Plush , Stuffed Toy , Snout , Bear , Teddy Bear , Mascot , Bathroom Accessory , Plumbing Fixture , Tap , Door Handle , Toilet Paper , Toilet , Household Supply , Paper Towel Holder , Toilet Roll Holder , Paper Towel , Laundry Detergent , Mattress , Cylinder , Column , Plastic , Flightless Bird , Penguin , Clip Art , Bird , Peach , Twine , Ring , Jewellery , Baby Carriage , Scooter , Toy Vehicle , Model Car , Baby Products , Motorcycle , Mobility Scooter , Wheelchair , Figurine , Guitarist , Guitar , Ukulele , Cup , Exercise Machine , Weight Training , Exercise Equipment , Bicycle Wheel , Kick Scooter , Bicycles Equipment And Supplies , Freestyle Bmx , Bmx Bike , Flatland Bmx , Segway , Breakfast Cereal , Cereal , Corporate Headquarters , Manhattan , Limousine , Classic , Automotive Fog Light , Mesh , Watch , Analog Watch , Watch Accessory , Strap , Hardware Accessory , Titanium , Steel , Hardware , Rolls Royce Phantom , Rolls Royce Phantom Coupé , Rolls Royce Phantom Drophead Coupé , Rolls Royce Ghost , Rolls Royce Wraith , Piano , Sculpture , Vehicle Audio , Center Console , Steering Part , Mitsubishi , Acura , Automotive Navigation System , Odometer , Speedometer , Trip Computer , Plaid , Gmc Terrain , Gmc Acadia , Chevrolet Tahoe , Nissan Gt R , Carbon , Automotive Exhaust , Exhaust System , Gmc Canyon , Gmc Sierra , Lincoln Navigator , Panorama , Hill , Mansion , Cottage , Balcony , Historic House , Twig , Autumn , Landscape Lighting , Water Feature , Neon , Street Sign , Lager , Energy Drink , Tin Can , Beverage Can , Bar , Banquet , Perfume , Candle , Lighting Accessory , Lampshade , Statue , Santa Claus , Baconator , Hamburger , Cheeseburger , Magic , Plain , Sunrise , Sunset , Picture Frame , Jersey , Frankfurter Würstchen , Cervelat , Falukorv , Knackwurst , Vienna Sausage , Mettwurst , Sausage , Cabanossi , Chistorra , Idiot , Bratwurst , Chorizo , Loukaniko , Sujuk , Breakfast Sausage , German Food , Kielbasa , Skewer , Yakitori , Bacon , Arrosticini , Thuringian Sausage , Longaniza , Spanish Cuisine , Italian Sausage , Sandwich , Burger King Premium Burgers , Breakfast Sandwich , Whopper , Slider , Buffalo Burger , Veggie Burger , Sloppy Joe , Mcmuffin , Patty , Bacon Sandwich , Canadian Cuisine , Kids Meal , Limestone , Concrete , Shower , Marble , Cement , Bayou , Wilderness , Jungle , Watercourse , Swamp , Wetland , Old Growth Forest , Boats And Boating Equipment Supplies , Dog Sled , Sled Dog , Sled Dog Racing , Mushing , Canis , Winter Sport , Sled , Mammal , Trail Riding , Rein , Bridle , Mustang Horse , Halter , Steppe , Pack Animal , Mane , Ecoregion , Stallion , Ranch , Endurance Riding , Equestrian Sport , Horse Tack , Equestrianism , Mare , Competitive Trail Riding , Savanna , Stomach , Mosque , Historic Site , Mecca , Ancient History , Bangs , Hair Accessory , Cocktail Dress , Gown , Fashion Model , Plucked String Instruments , Computer Keyboard , Personal Computer Hardware , Highland , Mountainous Landforms , Vegetation , Fell , Meadow , Ridge , Mountain , Rural Area , Shrubland , Plant Community , Trail , Mountain Range , Terrain , Chaparral , Mountain Biking , Tundra , Hill Station , National Park , Temperate Coniferous Forest , Surfer Hair , Wedding Dress , Marriage , Veil , Wedding Ceremony Supply , People In Nature , Wildflower , Agriculture , Loft , Family Pictures , Coffee Table , Loveseat , Handbag , Bag , Comfort , Horse Harness , Cannon , Carriage , Horse Supplies , Bedroom , Bed Sheet , Bedding , Shed , Courtyard , Patio , Construction , Mud , Plaza , Industry , Gas , Tall Ship , Sailing Ship , Mast , Ship , Bicycle Tire , Bicycle Part , Tabloid , Grocery Store , Banknote , Vintage Car , Classic Car , Antique Car , Roadster , Hot Rod , Ford Model A , Military Vehicle , Mercedes Benz , Shopping Mall , Fast Food Restaurant , Convenience Store , Outlet Store , 1941 Ford , Custom Car , Automobile Repair Shop , Hardtop , Convertible , Muscle Car , Naval Architecture , Port , Foundation , Jukebox , Slot Machine , Farm , Food Court , Cemita , Pan Bagnat , Chivito , French Fries , Sundae , Gelato , Strawberries , Dairy , Cherry , Parfait , Strawberry , Fish And Chips , Deep Frying , Lifejacket , Superhero , Superman , Geology , Formation , Sole , Office Chair , Feather , Insect , Moisture , Drop , Dew , Liquid , Crystal , Glass Harp , Waterfall , Ice Cave , Glacial Landform , Cave , Fluvial Landforms Of Streams , Alley , Sad , Sandal , Waist , High Heels , Lace Wig , Necklace , Earrings , Prom , Window Treatment , Display Case , Shoe Store , Closet , Sneakers , Athletic Shoe , Wardrobe , Collection , Line Art , Collage , Golf Equipment , Golf , Golf Course , Golfer , Golf Club , Professional Golfer , Putter , Wedge , Pitch And Putt , Hickory Golf , Baseball Equipment , Trap Shooting , Precision Sports , Lawn Game , Baseball Bat , Sand Wedge , Shade , Pull Up , Pole Vault , Match Play , Lob Wedge , Pitching Wedge , Foursome Golf , Sports Training , Golf Ball , Stick And Ball Sports , Village , Captain America , Middle Ages , Champagne Stemware , Off Roading , Off Road Vehicle , Off Road Racing , Rally Raid , Mud Bogging , Rapid , Regularity Rally , Motorsport , Dirt Road , Racing , Auto Racing , Group B , Tread , Tire Care , Hubcap , Synthetic Rubber , Fender , Acura Mdx , Mountain Pass , Valley , World Rally Car , Bmw X5 , Bmw , Chevrolet Captiva , Jeep , Volvo Xc90 , Lincoln Mkx , Mini Mpv , Bentley , Race Track , Formula One , Formula One Car , Open Wheel Car , Kart Racing , Formula Racing , Indycar Series , Formula One Tyres , Go Kart , Race Of Champions , Autocross , Ariel Atom , Sports Car Racing , Sports Prototype , Arcade Game , Video Game Arcade Cabinet , Machine Tool , Gramophone Record , Endurance Racing Motorsport , Auto Race , Motorcycle Racing , Mecha , Robot , Shooting , Paintball , Sports Gear , Camera , Single Lens Reflex Camera , Cameras Optics , Lens , Reflex Camera , Digital Slr , Camera Lens , Track Cycling , Hobby , Kitten , Felidae , West Highland White Terrier , Whiskers , Wire , Electrical Wiring , Electrical Supply , Turquoise , Dietary Supplement , Barbie , Potato Chip , Sports Drink , Packaging And Labeling , Whiteboard , Badge , Automated Teller Machine , Vending Machine , Surfboard , Surfing Equipment , Fin , Escalator , Double Bass , Bowed String Instrument , Jazz Pianist , Airbus , Airbus A330 , Wide Body Aircraft , Narrow Body Aircraft , Landing , Awning , Café , Dry Cleaning , Coffeehouse , Dress Shirt , Collar , Overcoat , Button , Cutlery , Belt , Jeep Trailhawk , Jeep Cherokee , Jeep Grand Cherokee , Toyota Fortuner , Volkswagen Tiguan , Volkswagen Touareg , Knee , Undergarment , Mini , Nissanx Trail , Toyota Land Cruiser Prado , Toyota Land Cruiser , Ocean , Beach , Wind Wave , Coast , Coastal And Oceanic Landforms , Channel , Tide , Yacht , Luxury Yacht , Killer Whale , Whale , Great White Shark , Humpback Whale , Cetacea , Shark , Calm , Surfing , 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