Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Victor Blackwell And

Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Victor Blackwell And Christi Paul 20200801

want to go to cnn's polo sandoval following the latest on the coronavirus pandemic. first of all, polo, good morning to you. what are you hearing from where you are? >> reporter: well, christi, let's start in the state of new jersey across the where authorities are watching increase in covid cases. according to health authorities in new jersey they confirmed at least 2,000 cases in the four days. those are the kinds of levels they haven't seen in a month. you're about to hear from the governor exactly why he thinks this is happening. but he is warning if this continues to be a trend, that he could reverse some reopenings. the coronavirus may kill another 20,000 americans by late august, according to a sobering fresh forecast from the centers for disease control and prevention. the cdc projections warn of an increase in reported deaths in puerto rico, washington state, kentucky, alabama, tennessee and new jersey. the governor there says house parties are contributing to covid spread among young people. >> we are not past this. everyone who walks around refusing to wear a mask or who hosts an indoor house party or who overstuffs a boat is directly contributing to these increases. >> reporter: the white house coronavirus task force says covid cases are plateauing in the hard-hit states of california, arizona and texas. florida is also on that list, though it may face further complications with approaching hurricane' say' yas. nearly 3,400 covid patients remain in florida hospitals and there's a possibility some floridians near the storm's path may have to turn to shelters. >> the storm exacerbates the conditions. what it does it is forces people to remain in close quarters. this is where we need to get that message out. that people need to make sure that those protocols are not sacrificed. that they understand how important it is to wear face masks. >> reporter: this week, texas became the latest state to surpass new york in the number of covid cases. the hot spot isn't south texas where death counts are staggering. ron rivetta, a funeral director says his facility is overwhelmed. turning to additional storage for the influx of bodies and worried surviving family members may worsen the spread of the virus. >> it's the loved ones, the families that come in to give their condolences to the families, that's where the danger is. and you get all sorts of people coming in at one time and that's what really makes these families vulnerable to having this disease spread amongst the living, not actually the dead. >> reporter: with many schools nearing reopening a new cdc study offers insight into what can happen when young people are allowed to assemble. researchers looked at a georgia summer camp, not named in the study, and found high infection rates among campers at that facility. the data shows the camp followed most but not all of the cdc safety guidelines. >> as this study shows, when you have large groups of people and children especially because you really can't expect children to strictly adhere to some of these safety precautions, there is a very high risk of transmission. >> reporter: students already back in the classroom in indiana's hancock county where the local health department confirmed on the first day of school that a middle schooler tested positive for the virus. officials with the school district told parents the student was immediately isolated. and speaking to schools here in new york, officials just yesterday unveiled their new plan to bring students back into the classroom. the plan will call for combination of remote learning and in-classroom teaching. it's going to require that students and teachers wear a mask, remain socially distant and students stay in their groups and try to limit movement, victor and christi. at any point any parent feels that they do not want to send their child in, then they can do remote learning, no questions asked. secondly, the infection rate will be key. if it meets or exceeds 3% in new york city, then schools will close. at this point, that number holding steady at 1%. >> yes. specifics that we're seeing out of new york, not so many specifics in other districts across the country. polo sandoval for us there. thank you. >> thanks, polo. according to new details from the cdc, hundreds who attended a summer camp in georgia have tested positive now for coronavirus. this study found at least 44% of campers and counselors became infected. the camp followed some, not all of the cdc recommendations, to prevent the spread of covid-19, but after studying details of what happened at the camp, the cdc shows what to expect when schools reopen to learn something from this. i spoke with tom earlier this morning. his son attended the camp in georgia where the virus broke out. here is what he told me. >> well, my wife and i, we felt just -- we said darn it. you know, the camp had done everything they possibly could to ensure that our kids were safe. and they had the best laid plans. so when it happened, we just, you know, we call and we said should we pick him up? we went and picked him up. that was pretty much it. the camp and the director did an amazing job of keeping us all up to date on what was going on. their preparation, the emails, the videos they sent out. again, all the kids and the camp counselors were tested. and everyone was tested negative. so, when we sent thomas there, you know, we felt secure. when we drove up and dropped him off and all the counselors were in masks. and this was before -- this was the week of june 22nd. so this was the week before masks really became a huge deal. you know, we told him wash your hands. make sure you're staying with ten people. you know, keep yourself -- his camp, his pod was separated from everybody. so we felt really secure in everything that the camp did and him being there. and camp is just such part of life for us that we were -- he needs -- he needed this experience based on, you know, school closing -- not closing but him being virtual and so forth for so long. >> yeah. there are a lot of parents that understand what you're saying right now about the need for kids to have their social interaction. and in all transparency, i'm sorry i forgot to say this right off the top, i meant to, but my daughter goes to this camp. my kids have gone to this camp. my daughter was supposed to go back and be a counselor this year. she went to the three-day training. she tested beforehand as they mandated. she was negative. she tested right after and before she was supposed to go to camp, she was negative again. but then they cancelled it. she never ended up going herself. i know you said thomas came home and he was sick but you thought it was strep? >> he actually was confirmed. that's what -- he came home with the sore throat and we thought that was just from being at camp. the yelling and the screaming and the jubilation that they have when they're there. after a couple days, he was like, my throat still hurts. so we did the tell le doctor. they said bring him home. they had a rapid test. we knew he was confirmed with strep throat and covid. >> at the end of the day, does what happened there at the camp, does that shape the way you view what should happen now as we're talking about spending kids back to school? >> well, that's a really good question. i'm torn on that. listen, there are no substitute for in-person learning. we all know that. i want my kids to go to school. my kids want to go to school. their friends want to go to school. i mean, i think they're really -- i think they're dying a little bit from not having the interaction that they used to have. but we know that the best laid plans, as we saw with camp, something could happen. so, if i had the opportunity to send my kids back to school face to face, i would. but i think there would be more education on their part about what to do. definitely wearing a mask right now. washing hands. and trying to keep as much social distance as we can. >> and real quickly, knowing what you know now, would you still send him to camp? >> absolutely. i mean, camp is such a part of every kid's life that i would. but i think there would be more education again for him on what to do to try to avoid those particular situations that something may occur that he would catch the virus. >> again, the one thing that is pointed out is that the camp had all the counselors wearing masks, but the kids were not wearing masks there and they think that was part of what perpetrated everything. so there are still some major questions around whether it's safe to bring kids back into the classroom. later this hour, we're taking you to a part of rural georgia where students and parents have the option of going back to school yesterday. why some are going back, others are not. you're going to hear from parents. new this morning, a critical witness from president trump's impeachment inquiry, lieutenant colonel alexander vinman is out with a stark assessment of where our country stands as his military service comes to an end abruptly officially today. "the washington post" just published a piece in it he reflects a campaign of bullying, intimidation and retaliation by president trump and his allies that forced him into retirement. cnn's kristen holmes is following this from the white house. kristen, he has a lot more to say in this op-ed. >> reporter: well, that's right, victor. and we had herd some of this from his lawyer. but now we're seeing it in his own words. and he starts this op-ed by talking about his career in the military. he served for 21 years, 10 months, 6 months and 10 days. and now as of today he is officially a civilian. just to remind our viewers who he was, he's a lieu ten innocent colonel, top ukraine expert and he did raise concerns about that infamous phone call that led to him being a witness in the impeachment inquiry and really being attacked by the president and many of his supporters as well as just conservative media overall. this is a purple heart recipient, alexander vindman. in this he says, as you said, there was a campaign of bullying and intimidation and retaliation by the president for his testimony that forever limited his military career. of course, as we know, he should have received or was up to receive the ranking of colonel. but instead he was passed over for that. he did not receive it, so he is going to retire as lieutenant colonel. i want to point out his assessment here of where the country is. these are powerful words. at no point in my career or life have i felt our nation's values under greater threat and in more peril than in this moment. our national government during the past few years has been more reminiscent of the authoritarian regime my family fled more than 40 years ago than the country i have devote midlife to serving. now, i do want to just interrupt very quickly. he did flee ukraine when he was 3 years old at that point was a soviet republic. he continues on to say our citizens are being subjected to the same kinds of attacks, tyrants launch against their critics and political opponents. those who choose loyalty to american values and allegiance to the constitution over devotion to a men day shous president and his enablers are punished. so very, very strong words here. he says that even though it ended his career coming forward that he believes that he did the right thing and that doing the right thing still matters. and the op-ed really ends on a more positive and hopeful note. not about president trump who he continues to lambaste for his handling of the economy, of the pandemic, but just over the country as a whole. i want to read you one line here because i think it's pretty powerful. it says to this day despite everything that has happened i continue to believe in the american dream. i believe that in america right matters. i want to help ensure that right matters for all americans. so some pretty powerful words there from somebody who in his own words was bullied out of his job for doing the right thing. >> yeah. we remember during his opening statement, during that testimony, he tried to reassure his father that he would be okay because he was in the united states of america. he was doing determined the right thing in telling the truth. kristen holmes at the white house. thanks so much. well, new this morning, president trump says he'll take executive action to ban tiktok from the u.s. you know how popular this video app is. it's owned by a chinese company and critics fear data from the u.s. users could end up in the hands of chinese government. >> cnn's national security analyst says the president cannot outright ban the app but there are other steps that he could take. >> what the president could do is a few things. he could move to limit tiktok's use on government phones, for example. it's a consumer app that won't have a major impact. or the department of commerce could put the app on something known as the entity's list. that would limit commercial activity between u.s. companies and the app. we did things -- we took those measures with other chi these entities in the past. and the president could move to issue an executive order under the emergency powers act to limit u.s. apps, u.s. companies like google and apple from engaging with foreign apps like tiktok. that could lead google and apple to, quote unquote, deplatform tiktok from its devices. that could certainly have an impact. >> and tiktok says that u.s. data is stored in the u.s. with strict controls on employee access. so right now florida is under threat from dangerous storm surges. take a look at the radar here. that hurricane heading towards the east coast. >> cnn's allison chinchar is tracking that path. >> that's right. we're already seeing the outer bans begin to push into florida. we'll break down the time line coming up. ♪ into a smaller life? 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hurricane hunters are flying out in the storm 89 miles per hour wind is what the latest they're reporting here. the key thing they're going to look at is what is going on inside the storm? dry air. there's a lot of dry air surging into the western side of the storm. typically that prevents these things from strengthening anymore. but on the flip side, it's also entering incredibly warm ocean water. and that typically intensifies a storm. so right now because you have one thing working for it and one thing working against it we anticipate that this storm is just going to stay put basically in terms of strength. it will remain as a category 1 as it continues to slide up the florida coast. here is a look at what it is expected to do not only today but also as we head into sunday when we anticipate a potential landfall would be. maximum winds for jupiter and melbourne, you're talking winds that could exceed 74 miles per hour. that is hurricane strength. but even places inland, like orlando could still see winds up around 60 miles per hour at times. storm surge is going to be one of the biggest threats with this storm. 2 to 4 feet from jacksonville stretching down to jupiter. keep in mind that 2 to 4 feet is on top of astronomical high tides because monday is a full moon. so a lot of these places are going to be looking at some of the highest tides for the month. the question really becomes the models. what do they have this doing? you still have about half of them or nearly half that want to have a landfall over florida. the others just skirting along the east coast of florida where they really start to come into agreement is once we get towards north carolina, all of them basically have some type of landfall over north carolina and then sliding up into the northeast. potentially going even far west as western ma ssachusettmassach. this is one of the key things we have to watch out for because rainfall will be a concern, not just in florida but probably more especially from north carolina all the way up to maine. >> so that stays off the east coast, i mean, it still is going to be as much of a problem lower winds maybe but the rain still hits south florida, right? >> and the storm surge. remember, the storm surge is going to be big regardless of whether this makes landfall or not. >> all right. allison chinchar, thank you so much. >> thanks, allison. so we know that based on what you just saw there, president trump has approved federal disaster funds for florida, but of course they're dealing with this during a pandemic, which brings up a whole new issue. >> yeah. the surge in coronavirus cases will send 10,000 ppe kits to shelters as well. cnn's rosa flores is in miami. there's a lot of prep that's happening now. but of course the concern is if you have to evacuate, where can people go? >> reporter: you know, christi and victor, that's one of the biggest concerns from officials, too, because they have been telling people here in the state of florida to stay home because of the pandemic. so they know that that's one of the big hurdles. they're hoping that if an evacuation order is issued that people will heed that warning. now, the city of miami mayor frances suarez just had a press conference, a city of miami tropical storm force winds at 2:00 p.m. for eight hours. he says that parks and marinas have been closed. and also they have checked the drainage of the system -- of the city and also the pumps they have been inspected and have been prepositioned to make sure that there are no flooding issues in this city. but look, everything about this hurricane is going to be different because of the pandemic. shelters, you're going to start hearing local officials refer to them as non-congregate shelters. what that means is they're trying to find space to make sure people can social distance. schools will be used as shelters and they'll use classrooms to isolate. here is the other thing that will be different, when you're going to get your power back. we checked in with fpl, they say it's going to take a little longer because these crews will have to take the necessary measures for their own safety, social distancing, wearing masks and also going to be working in small groups to make sure that they can contact trace very quickly in the case of covid-19. christi and victor. >> so much at once. rosa flores for us there. thank you. >> thanks, rosa. so jefferson city schools in georgia just became the first to go back to class in the state. what students and what their parents are saying about reopening schools. >> i'm ready to be back in-person learning but it is kind of scary not knowing what it's going to be like. >> i think i would feel better about it if we had stronger man dagss in our school systems to keep us safe. takes care of yourself. so when it comes to screening for colon cancer, don't wait. because when caught early, it's more treatable. i'm cologuard. i'm noninvasive and detect altered dna in your stool to find 92% of colon cancers even in early stages. tell me more. it's for people 45 plus at average risk for colon cancer, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your prescriber if cologuard is right for you. i'm on it. that's a step in the right direction. i'm on it. try wayf♪ r. you got this! ♪ perfect. -you're welcome. i love it. how'd you do all this? 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>> reporter: christopher's mother said i'm sad and worried about my son going to school. the bus pulls away, there's at least one state of the uniudent christoph christopher's sister. she was going to start eighth grade but at the last minute was too frightened to go. >> i don't want to go because i'm scared of getting it. and -- >> it's okay. lots of children are scared. it's okay. i think you'll be okay tomorrow or next week maybe. it's okay. and your mom is nice to let you stay home. do you agree? >> uh-huh. >> you brother went to school today. he'll tell you how it is, right? we wish you the best. >> uh-huh. okay. >> reporter: just up the road, at the high school, students gathering and hugging like they would any year on the first day. many of them wearing masks. but just as many, if not more, not wearing any face coverings. at the elementary school, parents dropping off their children, most of whom seem to have masks, but not all. the fact is while masks are mandated on the district school buses for students and drivers, there is no mandate for mask wearing in the actual schools for students or teachers. the jefferson city board of education has many guidelines in place designed to keep the students safer, and masks are handed out. but actually wearing them is not required. only strongly recommended. we talked to high school seniors before they returned to school. >> i'm ready to be back like in-person learning, but it is scary not knowing what it's really going to be like. >> i think i would feel better about it if we had stronger man da dates to keep us staff. >> reporter: they started an online petition asking the board of education to mandate masks. >> i'm scared for not just myself but for other teachers that are at our school, elderly and pregnant. and then the people that you could be bringing it home to. some people live with their grandparents or people that are at high risk if they got the virus. >> our country was built on freedom. >> reporter: in response to that petition, sophomore brett kelly started his own with the support of his older high school sister and his father. his petition declaring mask wearing should be a choice. >> i think it's a freedom issue because it is slowly taking our rights away. >> and your right not to wear a mask? >> yes, sir. >> reporter: would you feel less safe if i was standing here talking without my mask on. >> no, we're outside. >> no, i would probably be okay. yeah. >> reporter: the district superintendent did not want to talk on camera, but donna mcmillen told us in a written state they are confident in their plans. and regarding masks, we are following the guidelines established by the cdc and georgia department of public health in recommendationiing th of face coverings as one effective measure. meanwhile, yolanda is not going to let her fourth grader go back to school. they're roughly one of 5% who have chosen to learn remotely. her father passed away from covid two months ago and her son josh has asthma. >> i can't take the risk of sending him back to school and getting covid. >> reporter: worrisome school year now beginning. gary tuckman, cnn, jefferson, georgia. >> so schools across the u.s. are now working on how to balance online learning with in-person instruction, but colleges and universities, they've got a unique challenge because a lot of students travel across the country before they report to campus. and with me now is the president of rice university in texas. sir, good morning to you. thanks for being with us. >> good morning. >> so let's start here with what i read is your protocol to get students back on campus. some of them already coming in. you're requiring all students to take a rapid test results in 30 minutes. if they're negative, they can move in. if they're positive, they can either go home and then come back later or move into a designated residence hall. i think it said richardson college. all these covid positive students in one building, how do you prevent it from spreading to then people who work in the building and then across the campus? >> so, the first thing is after -- if they do test positive with the rapid test, then we perform kind of somewhat more reliable test immediately after that. and then if they continue to test positive, they will be isolated. we have mek micchanisms in plac deliver meals. we think we can keep those students isolated in that building in their rooms. it's the route the residence hall has been set up to deliver that. and we're confident we can do that. >> so the confidence comes will meals be delivered to their dorm rooms? and because there's a dining hall in the building, right? will they have any contact or communication with the dining hall staff? >> no. there are no contact with the dining hall staff. we'll protect them. we set up the dining halls to protect the staff. it's not set up. i think one of the complications of opening in these circumstances is you basically have to rethink everything you're doing in order to prevent contact and of course all folks will be required to wear masks. >> so let's talk about testing of asymptomatic students who live on campus. from what i understand, there should be regular and reoccurring testing according to the plan. how often is that? >> i'm not sure yet. we're developing the final protocols of that now. we really put everybody coming to the campus at a risk group depending on particular the number of contacts they're likely to have. and so the most frequent testing will be done of the students who are living on campus. we've already contacted for 60,000 tests and we have to keep in mind this fall will have about 1,600 plus or minus students living on the campus. we've reduced the density of the campus. also to decrease the likelihood of spread. >> will students still have roommates? >> some students may have roommates. we're sort of still finalizing that. probably most students who don't want to have a roommate will not have a roommate. but some students prefer even under these circumstances to have one, one roommate and go through school in those, you know, having somebody really close to them and becomes like a little family for them. but there won't be more than two in a room and probably most students won't have roommates. >> let me ask you this, if a student tests positive who is living on campus, what then? do they move into this covid positive dorm and then do they move back? what's the plan? >> yes. if they test positive, then they will move there. they will be isolated. that's the basic protocol that we've adopted. >> when you say isolated can you be more specific? do they move to richardson college which is this building that's identified for covid positive students? and then do they move back or does the roommate move out? what are the specifics? >> they move into the isolation. >> okay. >> okay. so let me ask you this, the texas faculty association says that the start of classes should be pushed to september 8th. from your calendar, classes are starting on the 24th, if i have that right. they sent this letter to governor abbott saying that texas remains a hot spot and that openings can be reassessed after labor day, the 8th. but they don't believe it will be safe to reopen any earlier. what's your reaction to that? >> well, we think it will be safe. i will say we adopted a basic framework which we call being flexible, agile and adaptable. so we'll be looking at each stage of our decision making and asking the question right now i would say the numbers in our area are broadly headed in the right direction after the peak. we follow very closely those numbers including the hospital occupancy and other numbers to get a sense of what the overall condition is. and so, we stay on the trajectory we're on, we expect to open for freshman in effect about two weeks. and more full open in about three weeks. but we'll be assessing that at every stage. we've adopted probably stronger protocols than a lot of other universities have. >> yeah. >> we're able to have very frequent testing. we are unequivocally requiring masks. very strong protocols on social distancing. every classroom has been reassessed for occupancy and has rules for the classroom. so all of those protocols redone what our dining protocols are. seating in the dining halls, all of that has been completely redone. >> rice university president, thank you very much. good luck this semester. >> my pleasure. thank you. so congress failed to reach a deal to extend the $600 a week unemployment benefits. yes, if you're just waking up, those are now gone as of midnight. and still, there is some distance to bridge before agreeing on the next stimulus package. new leaders from both sides back on capitol hill this morning. we have a live report for you. how about no no uh uh, no way come on, no no n-n-n-no-no only discover has no annual fee on any card. offering delivery or curbside pickup to serve their communities safely. ♪ that's why i've got the power of 1,2,3 medicines with trelegy. the only fda-approved, once-daily 3 in 1 copd treatment. ♪ with trelegy and the power of 1, 2, 3, i'm breathing better. trelegy works 3 ways to open airways, keep them open, and reduce inflammation for 24 hours of better breathing. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. trelegy is not for asthma. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. think your copd medicine is doing enough? 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sprinkle it on top of yogurt or add a tablespoon of ground flaxseed to your cereal or smoothie. >> federal agents have been deployed across the country in what's being called operation legend. this is an initiative from the white house. a lot of people are skeptical of it after we saw this play out on television. it shows federal officers using aggressive, some people say, force against protesters in portland. 200 officers are now in chicago. >> we have an exclusive look at what operation legend will look like there. hi, ryan. >> hi. good morning, guys. let me tell you one thing, this operation, of course a lot of people are focussed on it because of the federal agents that are coming into chicago, but one of the reasons why we're standing by live here is just less than a mile from where i'm standing a young man, he was 9 years old, was playing outside yesterday at 6:45, just think about this, when someone walked up shooting at someone else, hit this young man and killed him. that's why these federal agents are here. >> reporter: a battle of words about chicago as violence in the city explodes. >> chicago is a disaster. people are dying in chicago and other cities. we can solve the problem. >> i've drawn a very hard line. we'll not allow federal troops in our city. >> reporter: more than 100 federal agents are serging into the city as part of operation legend. do you think this operation will make a difference? >> yes, i do. i do. i think adding more federal resources to help on this, it can only help. >> reporter: john lausch is leading the federal effort to cut violence in the city. he understands people's concern about the influx of agents. >> the people coming in for operation legend, they will not be doing patrol. they're not out there, you know n uniforms like the chicago police officers. but they will certainly be there in the background. they'll be working with the police officers in the background to help on various kinds of cases whether they're gun cases or drug cases. >> reporter: agents have brought in cutting-edge technology to v behind us, this is a crime intelligence mobile command vehicle, mobile command center. it's the only one of its type. >> reporter: inside, agents tell me guns pulled off the streets just days ago. one of the guns agents tell me has been illegally modified making it fully automatic with just a switch. inside this mobile lab unit you can see a gun taken from the streets, fired and then examined within hours. >> each firearm leaves a unique imprint on the casing. so, like fingerprints, it takes an expert to take a look at that and match those. >> reporter: any bit of evidence helps to connect crimes and maybe even offenders. in chicago, law enforcement is dealing with the staggering amount of violence. >> so far this year in july of 2020 we have more murders in the city of chicago than we had in all of 2014. it's just staggering. >> reporter: over the last 28 days, murders in chicago are up 152%. shootings are up 62% in chicago compared to last year. the gun violence here cruel. through july 26th, 212 of these shooting victims have been kids. 36 kids have lost their lives to violence. federal agents working with the chicago police have made several arrests so far, but each day the stakes seem to be getting higher. >> well, there's never going to be a mission accomplished as long as there are people being killed in the streets of chicago. >> reporter: guys, when you think about this, i said this n that story, 36 kids have been killed now that number is 37. talking to a community leader on the way to this story, they are begging for more. they want more help on the street because obviously there's a lot of people trying to enjoy the summer. but all this is being robbed from them basically because if you can't have a kid who can play outside in front of his own home, where can a kid play? >> ryan young for us there in chicago. thank you, ryan. >> ryan, thank you so much. important story there. we thank you for spending time with us this morning. we appreciate you. >> there's much more ahead in the next hour of cnn's news room. erica hill is in for fredricka whitfield. she's up next. for people with n inflammatory conditions. because there are options. like an "unjection™". xeljanz. the first and only pill of its kind that treats moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, or moderate to severe ulcerative colitis when other medicines have not helped enough. xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections. before and during treatment, your doctor should check for infections, like tb and do blood tests. tell your doctor if you've had hepatitis b or c, have flu-like symptoms, or are prone to infections. serious, sometimes fatal infections, cancers including lymphoma, and blood clots have happened. taking a higher than recommended dose of xeljanz for ra may increase risk of death. tears in the stomach or intestines and serious allergic reactions have happened. needles. fine for some. but for you, there's a pill that may provide symptom relief. ask your doctor about the pill first prescribed for ra more than seven years ago. xeljanz. an "unjection™". ♪ good saturday morning. thanks for being with us i'm erica hill in for fredricka whitfield. we begin with an eye on hurricane isaias which is on track to impact as many as 70 million americans. it's barrelling towards the florida coast. just a short time ago, president trump issuing a federal disaster declaration for the state in advance of the storm. florida is trying to get a handle on the coronavirus which is spreading there at a rapid rate. some testing sites have been forced to close for several days because of the hurricane. meantime, a critical lifeline for millions of americans is now gone. the extra $600 unemployment benefit expired at

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