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Now more than twice the size get this washington, d. C. It is scorching 115,000 acres and destroying at least 439 homes. Across the region more than 100,000 people forced to run for their lives. Thousands of firefighters and military personnel battling to save the homes and businesses there. Were going to have a live report for you in just a moment. Plus we have some breaking news on the russia investigation to tell you about. And it is a cnn exclusive. Sources telling cnn the british publicists who arranged that infamous tower meeting sent multiple follow up emails afterwards to a russian who was there and to a member of Donald Trumps inner circle. That news coming one day after donald trump, jr. Refused to tell congressional investigators what he discussed with his father after that news became public. I want to begin with our breaking news, those california fires. Live for us in Ventura County with that thomas fire. Paul, youre in the midst of this. The numbers are starging. 1153in1 acres scorched, 439 homes destroy. This is monster. What are you seeing on the ground . Reporter well orb its an absolute monster. What we see behind me is an extremely successful controlled burn. Its actually on the Ventura County line right now. That faint glow in the background, firefighters fought fire with fire here earlier tonight off this very important corridor. And they were extremely successful. They burned out this part so the fire cant advance. There have been some mandatory vacations in the small city of carpinteria, the Beachfront Community here and mainly to the south part of carpinteria. And as you described this is monster of the fire. More context. This fire is as big as the cities of orlando and seattle combined. As i said, twice the size of washington, d. C. Paul, theres another fire in southern california. This one is in san diego county, and it is a new front for firefighters there to contend with. Tell us about it. Reporter another fire breaking out here. Whats causing all this, the santa ana winds. This is called the lilac fire. All right, were having some technical issues with paul, as you can probably imagine a lot going in on in that area. As you look the wildfires there just raging out of control. Some folks under a manatory vacation orders. Half a dozen wildfires all over, more than 100,000 acres that have been scorch tld. Number of buildings destroyed, 500 in some areas, 439 in some areas. Firefighters from surrounding towns and cities coming to assist. There was an Emergency Alert that was sent out. So much going on in california. Were going to continue to follow that and bring you the breaking news as we get developments right here on cnn tonight. Now i want to turn to the breaking news on the russia investigation. Cnn justice correspondent Jessica Snyder joins me with the latest on that. Tell us what youre learning tonight about these new emails that followed the june 2016 meeting at trump tower . These were follow up emails. They were from rob goldstone, the british publicists who arranged the meeting. And multiple sources telling us he sent several emails. These emails have emerged despite the fact that donald trump, jr. Had stated there was no discussion with any participant after the initial june 2016 meeting. So now a lot of questions now that these emails have come out. What do the emails say, jessica . So we know about two emails. So one of them was to senior trump aide dan scavino, currently the president s social media director. In the email he encouraged then candidate trump to create a page on the social networking site called vk. In the email it said, don and paul were also on the email. A source tells cnn that goldstone had actually mentioned that idea of a social media post at the end of the trump tower meeting. As everyone was leaving, goldstone continued to push that proposal in the emails and weeks following. Cnn has search done a search of vk pages, but we cannot find any indication that a Campaign Page was ever setup. And five days after the trump tower meeting, in that email goldstone forwarded a cnn story on russias hacking of dnc emails. He forwarded that to his client, a russian pop star and also one of the russians who attended the meeting. And in the email he described the news of the dnc hacks as quote, eerily weird given what they had discussed at the trump tower meeting five days earlier. One of the sources familiar with the email downplayed the interaction saying that news of the dnc hack was only surprising because in the run up to the trump tower meeting, don, the russian participants had promised information to illicit funtding of the dnc but that information was never provided. So sort of downplaying this. Thank you, jessica. Appreciate it. Want to bring in now former congressman jack kingston, who was a senior advise door the Trump Campaign and max booth, the author of the road not taken. Jack, since youre here with me in the studio, thank you for joining us. Why the constant drip, drip, drip on this . If theres nothing to hide, why not just come out with it . I agree with you on the big picture. On the other hand, this is situation where everyones lawyered up and theyre being very carefully. Frankly, i think i would be a little bit more worried as a trump supporter if there were responses. And certainly goldstone would have those responses to the emails. So far were only looking at his side of the ledger, and it doesnt seem like the bait was taken. As you know in the campaign, lots of people circle around and they have ideas and they want the candidate to do that, meet with these people and so forth. And it looks like so far thats what were seeing in these emails. Do you agree with that . I think i have a pretty different view of the situation, which is that i think we are seeing growing evidence that President Trump was probably complicit in collusion between this campaign and the russian government. And we certainly see growing evidence that President Trump was guilty of obstruction of justice. I think those cases become clearer every day. And its this drip, drip, drip of information which cannot be explained in any kind of innocent manner. I mean why would at least 12 Trump Associates have at least 52 contacts during the course of the campaign with representatives of the russian government . I mean there was no innocent topic they could have possibly been discussing. In fact everything we know suggests they were not discussing their favorite brand of vodka or specifically to this jack is saying there appears to be no follow up to goldstone. Remember, don, that we only know a small portion of what actually happened. Whats been publicly reported. And i think its significant that every time that Robert Mueller, the independent counsel, has acted he has caught people by surprise. Because, for example, nobody expected this plea deal from George Papadopoulos or the very generous plea deal that mike flynn got or the charge against Paul Manafort. Clearly hes got information that the rest of us do not possess. But i think even the information we have is extremely damnening. And its not any one data point that can be explained away. But theres no way to explain away this vast number of at least 52 contacts with the Trump Campaign and the kremlin. There was an expectation that trump would lift sanctions on russia. In fact, there was a the Washington Post story on monday which said flynn on Inauguration Day was telling Business Associates that the sanctions were going to be ripped up. Gold stone also forwarded a cnn story a stoory about russias hacking of dnc emails to his russian pop star client Jared Kushner and Paul Manafort describing the news and this is their quote, eerily weird, given what they have discussed at trump tower five days earlier. Do you find that strange . I think thats an interesting comment. My daughter worked for a Foreign Policy magazine. I know hes a regular contributor. But at the same time, max, we would both agree its been a year and a half and there hasnt been anything that mueller or the senate or the house has produced to show collusion. For manafort it had nothing to do with the campaign. For flynn it was lying to the fbi, for papadopoulos it was lying to the fbi. If collusion was so apparent why hasnt there been somebody whos been indicted. Jack, dont just throw away, lying to the fbi. But it had nothing to do with the campaign its their own character. He was not instructed to lie to the fbi. Go ahead. Thats just not a very compelling argument. Well, if youre partisan im not a partisan, jack. I used to be a right wing republican until donald trump was elected. Im an independent, and the reason why thats can i just finish the point . The reason thats not a convincing spin is thats like saying to the Watergate Special prosecutor in early 1974, well, youve been on the job for six months now, why havent you delivered a compelling case against Richard Nixon . The fact is it takes a long time to unravel a very complex case like this. Any kind of large conspiracy requires a lot of time. But in fact Robert Mueller whos been on the case about half a year now, i think has made stunning progress with the guilty pleas of two trump aides including former National Security advisor to lying to the fbi. And a very compelling Money Laundering case against Paul Manafort, Trumps Campaign manager and had a lot to do with russia. He was laundering money from russia. There are a lot of people who cannot accept the results of the election, and theyre doing everything they can to discount the trump presidency, now youve got hold on. Thats an absurd spin. That is ridiculous spin. Theyre also investigating how russia floounlsinfluenced t election. Its not just collusion theyre investigating. If information about russia or someone committed an illegal act as theyre investigating this i dont understand your point here. Well, my point is what max was saying theres all kind of evidence about collusion. Thats what weve been hearing now for a year and half, were not seeing anything. Im confused why did the dnc correspondent with the fbi when they said your computers have been hacked, lets take a look at them and they would not let them do that what does that have to do with the dnc not cooperating . Well, its part of in that email you just read to me, that its eerily that the dnc computer was hacked. Im thinking it might have something to do with it. It might be interesting to know who paid for the dossier and why wont the fbi tell us who paid for the dossier . This is one red herring after another. What does that have to do that has nothing to do with anything. Jack, youre throwing out shiny objects that have nothing to do with anything. There is an investigation going on im just saying going to Paul Manaforts records before he was involved with donald trump you dont know what theyre investigating. Youre not there investigating. Who paid it and why wont the fbi why does it matter who paid for it . If the information is correct, it doesnt matter who paid for it. No, no, dont say you guys. Im not on anybodys side here. Im just on the side of the truth. And im just looking at the truth and there is no there there. Your next thing is going to be Hillary Clinton and her emails. But you know what let me say Hillary Clinton is not president. But i am saying putting information on the table the information is already on the table. This investigation has nothing to do with dnc emails or dnc hacking. This has to do with russias hang on russias influence in our election and also the contacts between the Trump Campaign and people tied to the kremlin. Thats what this investigation has to do with. And on that point i agree with you. However, if we are talking about the blanket statement of russias involvement in the election, and russia was involve would the dossier, isnt it relevant to know who paid for it . No. Its not relevant to know who paid for it. Can i just get in a word edgewise here . What jack is suggesting is that the attempt by the Clinton Campaign to pay this respected former mi 6 officer, that the attempt to uncover those contacts, its as bad as the contact themselves. That is nonsensical. It doesnt stand up to minute of scrutiny. This is just an attempt to create a smoke screen to disguise the very real expectation connections between the Trump Campaign and the russians. The real scandal here, and this is what we need to keep our eye on, the fact is the russians subverted our democracy. And we know that. The u. S. Intelligence committee unanimously concluded there was interference to help elect donald trump. Those are facts, jack. You cannot explain those facts away. If this was Hillary Clinton guilty of these contacts and if putin had intervened in the u. S. Campaign to help elect Hillary Clinton, you would be screaming bloody murder and demanding a special counsel investigation. Let me just say this Hillary Clinton is chilling on the couch somewhere or walking in the woods. She is not the president of the United States. I wish people would stop bringing her up as a scary person because you need a foil. Thats im just saying whats good for the goose is good for the gander fch and if the question was interference in the election. It doesnt make you look great when you do. Maybe not to trump critics. I appreciate it. Well continue this conversation. When we come back, conservative media waging war on Robert Mueller and the fbi. The president charging the bureau is in tatters. Is it all part of the plan to derail the russia investigation . [vo] quickbooks introduces jeanette and her new mobile wedding business. At first, getting paid was tough. Until she got quickbooks. Now she sends invoices, sees when theyve been viewed andtadahpaid twice as fast for free. Visit quickbooksdotcom. Your body was made for Better Things than rheumatiod arthritis. Before you and your rheumatologist move to another treatment, ask if xeljanz xr is right for you. Xeljanz xr is a oncedaily pill for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. It can reduce pain, swelling and further joint damage, even without methotrexate. Xeljanz xr can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections, lymphoma and other cancers have happened. Dont start xeljanz xr if you have an infection. Tears in the stomach or intestines, low blood cell counts and higher liver tests and cholesterol levels have happened. Your doctor should perform blood tests before you start and while taking xeljanz xr, and monitor certain liver tests. Tell your doctor if you were in a region where fungal infections are common and if you have had tb, hepatitis b or c, or are prone to infections. Xeljanz xr can reduce the symptoms of ra, even without methotrexate. Ask your rheumatologist about xeljanz xr. Conservative media waging war on the fbi and Robert Mueller as the president charges the bureau is in quote, tatters. Lets discuss now cnn senior media correspondent Brian Stelter is here. Legal and National Security analyst asha ran gaupa, a former special fbi agent joins me via skype. And jason miller, a former trump Senior Communications advisor. Asha, im going to start with you. Today fbi director ray defended accusations by republicans including the president that its agents were allowing political bias to seep into their investigations. Whats your reaction to what seems to be a concerted effort, looks like a concerted effort to undermine the fbi and the special counsels investigation . I would say that it doesnt recognize what agents go through to get into the fbi. So theres a pneumonic that we use to do background checks in the fbi. Its called which stands for character, associates, reputation, loyalty, ability, finances, bias, alcohol and drugs. So every agent has to be measured against all of those criteria. And bias is one of them. And its important because any kind of bias whether its political, religious, racial will disqualify an agent from getting in because the whole idea is that agents need to be able to put aside all of their personal feelings in order to approach casings objectively. And its a very intensive process. So i would say, you know, this is extreme vetting for fbi agents. And to impugn an entire agency which is 35,000 people, 14,000 agents for what appears to be political reasons i think really does a disservice to the men and women who are out there fighting the good fight and really trying to up hold the constitution every day. Brian, theres been a huge rise in antimueller and antifbi rhetoric. Its shocking to watch. Its got to be coordinated because theyre all saying the exact same thing. Some of the same people who praised some of the members of the fbi and the fbi not that long ago. Watch this. Mueller is frankly a disgrace to the american Justice System and has put the country now on the brink of becoming a banana republic. The Mueller Investigation is illegitimate and corrupt. And mueller has been using the fbi as a political weapon. And the fbi has become americas secret police. Secret surveillance, wiretapping, intimidation, harassment and threats. Its like the old kgb that comes for you in the dark of the night banging on your night. It seems theyre doing everything in their power and then some to remove President Trump from office. Do you think this is concerted effort to remove Robert Mueller . Hes being told on a daily basis going back months but especially right now theyre out to gets you, this investigation is bogus, it is out to reverse the election, theyre trying to impeach you. And that message over and over again it must have an impact not just on President Trump but also on his aides and on his supporters. Thats why i think its so troubling. I wish asha go go on fox and say what she just said. Because the problems with shows like hannity, were not hearing the other side. I disagree with what you said. Were hearing it. The fox viewers are not hearing it. I hope they change the channel and hear the other side. Right now on the right that bubble is an alternative reality. I used to watch fox all the time, and we would talk about it. And people would ask me why do you watch fox . Well, you need to know what theyre doing. I watch everyone. And now its embarrassing. It is embarrassing to watch and i have many friends over there i will be partly because of this rhetoric, partly because of this daily drum beat of antimueller. I wonder do you think they know what a disservice theyre doing to the american public. I know theyre going to play this and this is not personal. One wonders as a journalist, and some of them are not. Some of them are hosts. And they will admit that. Im not saying anything disparaging. How they can sit there and do such a disservice to the voting public, because were supposed to be informing people and theyre not. Newt gingrich is saying there should be an investigation it is a kis service to the audience because in the case of mueller, this one fbi agent removed over the summer, he was removed. And i wonder if their viewers realize anytime there is a what aboutism, you know that a shiny object because Hillary Clinton is not president , bill clinton is no longer president and these are different times especially when it comes to Sexual Assault and abuse allegations. After 12 months Robert Mueller is the new boogeyman on fox news. Jason, i want to get you in here because do you think the president is taking his cues from the rightwing media or is the the other way around . Is it sort of a circle or echo chamber that goes around and around . This might come as a complete surprise, but i disagree with you in the entire premise here. Thats okay. During the commercial i flipped through it breitbart, daily collar, news max. And i didnt see any of their top stories focus on fbi or mueller. They certainly had other stories they go into. So a couple of clips you showed, hannity and couple of other telecasters over there isnt it kind of proving the point if theyre not reporting on this russia investigation . No, but i think there are a couple of other things that i think are fair game. You talked about using it as an excuse to go back to the bill clinton presidency, but the Clinton White house very much made it a point to go of ken star and folks working with him. I think you were on with paul ben gala earlier, and he explained earlier the difference in that. And i will give you that, that democrats are using some of the same talking points during the clinton investigation, but it is different. Also remember Robert Mueller is a republican. Ken star was a republican as well. Bill clinton was a democratic president. Also ken star worked for the tobacco industry, which was very anticlinton. So its a no, its fact. Im giving you facts. The tobacco industry, come on, lets reel it back in. The point i was getting to if you want to raise an issue that someone has sent a bunch of Text Messages that are antitrump, i think that is very fair grounds for removing them. And he was removed. Thats what i was doing. I was giving him credit for going and doing that. I think thats a fair point. I think if someone has maxed out whether it be to secretary clinton or President Trump, i think thats a very fair issue. Saying wait a minute, this person has contributed 2,400 or 5,400, thats a fair point of criticism. Last year under director comey i think the fbi, at least in the eyes of the american public, really became highly politicized. And i think some of comeys actions really kind of cast a shadow over a lot of hardworking men and women at the fbi. I have a lot of friends who what does that have to do with bob mueller. Because the point, that i think its very fair if the folks want to go and make sure that people part of these investigative teams are in fact playing it very nonpartisan i dont think anyone will disagree with that. Thats different than saying its illegitimate. You know that. Youre aware of that. But youre making it sound like theres some conservative bat signal thats being shot into the sky yeah, its called satellite or telephone or a text message or email. Come on, jason. No, don, youre being how else would the deep state get in touch with each other if they didnt send out bat signals . Listen, ive got to go. I am two minutes over and im in trouble. Trump supporters dont want to hear about the russia investigation. Don, can i just Say Something here . Thank you, when we come back, the president being criticized for planning to attend the opening of a Civil Rights Museum. Their criticism well discuss next. Before shipstation it was crazy. 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He said President Trump it was attendance and his hurtful policies are an insult to the people portrayed in this Civil Rights Museum. Of course, it is his choice, but is he making a mistake by not going, do you think . Absolutely not making a mistake by not going. I think what we know about congressman lewis and what i think some of your viewers will have yet to learn about congressman thompson famously said, im sick and tired of being sick and tired. These are civil rights heros who are going to be honored in this museum. Some of them like who would roll over in their graves, which these members of Congress Also acknowledge. These are folks every day who are fighting. Not just engaging in resistance against donald trump, but engaging in resistance against the bigotry that has shown its ugly head and reared its ugly head all the more since donald trump was elected in november 2016. They are showing their constituents that they havent forgotten whos elected them and demonstrating to black folks throughout this country and other folks who stand with us that they know exactly who this president is. They havent forgotten the bigotry. Ive got to get bruce in here then van. Heres what the naacp, the statements and policies regarding the civil rights is abysmal and its an affront to the veterans of the civil rights movement. Bruce, are you disappointed with this reaction . Yeah, i am, the falcons just won by the way, yay. Boycotting the nfl. I got to thinking about this with its quite unfortunate, to me, charles everies is going to greet the president saturday at the Civil Rights Museum that theyre opening as well as meg evans wife. I think its iconic, its big. The fact is that here we have a Beautiful Museum going to be open in jackson, mississippi, the president of the United States is going to attend, who Charles Evers did endorse and support President Trump. With the invite from the governor to bring a Beautiful Museum thats going to bring economic developments, its going to bring, you know, jobs, its going to bring tourists through interstate 55. And then to jackson, mississippi. Its a beautiful, beautiful town. And this is what i look at. This is an opportunity for job growth and for opportunities for a lot of people that live in jackson. And i think its really unfortunate that congressman lewis who were seeing here on cnn in the Fifth District would stick way over there in jackson, mississippi, and make a comment like that when he should be worrying about his own district and his own constituents which he was voted for by the people. Hes voted as he should stay in the Fifth District where his people are. Where his Congress District is. Van, it sounds like hes saying, hes saying its all about the money. Thats what it sounds like hes saying to me. No, i see it as a job opportunity for everyone. Van. Economic development. Don, thats what i see. Van, go. Let me say a couple things. In some ways, you know, President Trump is in kind of a damned if you you and if you dont situation. If in fact hed been asked and turned it down, that would have been a reason for some concern. But its just unfortunate that his record is so bad on civil rights and not just as president , before he was president his position with regard to the central park joggers case, call frg the death penality for black kids who are innocent, hes never apologized to them. His entire run, positioned himself to be president , attacking the barack obama citizenship. Its very hard for him to show to honor the symbols of racial progress when hes been an opponent of the substance of racial progress. And so thats listen, as an american, as a black person, as a human being, it just makes me sick at heart to be in the situation. Yes, you are right, we should be able to celebrate this. This is a big deal. It is a huge achievement that in mississippi were honoring this history. Thats a very positive thing, but we have a president that if he comes or doesnt come, its still an insult because he is a walking insult to the legacy of civil rights. All right. Listen. Stick with me. When we come back, doug jones reaching out to African American voters turn out against roy moore. Do democrats have a pattern of taking black voters for granted . Well talk about that. This holiday, the real gift isnt whats inside the box. Its whats inside the person who opens it. Give ancestrydna, the only dna test that can trace your origins to over 150 ethnic regions and open up a world of possibilities. Save 30 for the holidays at ancestrydna. Com voters in alabama go to the polls on tuesday to choose a new senator. President trump and the rnc endorsing republican roy moore whos accused of Sexual Assault. Angela, at a Campaign Event in september, one of the only African Americans in the audience asked roy moore for his opinion on when the last time america was great. Heres the quote, i think it was i think it was great at the time when families were united even though we had slavery, they cared for one another. Our families were strong, our country had a direction. Is he saying that the last time america was great was when we had slavery . I think thats how thats the only way thats not even funny, but this is like insane. So, this is the only reasonable interpretation. And unfortunately, a pedophile saying Something Like this isnt at all surprising. The reality of roy moores bigotry and frankly, some of the folks who have been polled talking about this race in alabama, this doesnt surprise me at all. The fact that folks would rather elect a pedophile to the United States alleged. Instead of okay. Whatever. Instead of their cards and their yearbook signed, by the way, okay, and hes been banned from malls, but okay. But theres also this democratic candidate wow. Whose been wow, is exactly right. But theres this other democratic candidate who was prosecuted. Member oz of the kkk. And they would take the pedophile over the guy whos tried to lock up kkk members. You cant make this stuff up. Come on, alabama, do better. Go ahead, bruce. You want to respond . Look, at the end of the day, 40 years ago like you said we dont know what happened, angela, and if you recall were not talking about that now. Were talking about i think it was great at the time when families were united you dont to want talk about that, don. They cared for one another. Our families were strong, our country had a direction. Thats what were going to talk about. Thats when the last time the country was great again. Saying make America Great again was the last time america was when there was slavery. No, i dont agree and i cant get into roy moores head, i dont know where his thoughts sit on this. What do you hear him saying. Well come on now, brother. Brother, come on. Brother we all had van, i know you got your new show and youre making a lot of money. Dont do that. Come on. He interrupted me. He interrupted you because you talking that nonsense. Hes trying to help you. Thanks, angela. Go ahead, bruce. What do you think hes saying when you hear those words . Please read it again. Where did this quote come from . Los angeles times. An article. Who wrote that . Were not doing that. What do you think when you hear those words . Based on what i see, you know, don, its horrible. Slavery was bad back then. You know, we did evolve from a long way as what we saw when we were kids, what we present through when we were children. Im in my 50s, and weve come a long way. What do you think he meant when he said that . I dont know what roy was thinking, don, to tell you the truth. What do you hear him saying . I dont know what to call it one way or another. I really dont. I really dont. I cant do this today. Van, please help me, van, please. I need a break through, please. That was so good. Sorry. I know, don. You know exactly what hes saying. I think it was great at the time, talking about slavery, when families were united, even though we had slavery, they cared for one another. Slavery. Our families were strong, our country had a direction. What else is he saying . Theres no other way to interrupt that. He said it and youre a smart man and you dont you dont hear what hes saying in that . Well, only thing i dont know whats in roy moores mind, don, but i can tell you this, things that went on back then, it was a bad situation whats in the quote. Are you going to let me finish . Three against one. Im just saying, bruce, slavery is a bad situation. Youre not really saying anything. Im just being honest. Obviously everyone knows its bad. Im asking you what youre hearing. You could say, i hear roy moore saying something that does not make sense. That slavery was terrible, obviously. And who wants to emulate that and repeat that and say america was great then. That was not americas greatest time. There are many ways you could have answered that question, but instead, you dont know how to do it because you cant figure out a way to defend him. Thats what im reading im not here to defend him. I dont know the man, i dont know the article. This is the first ive seen it tonight. I dont know anything about it. I cant articulate, don. Okay. Is this part of the article . Is this the whole article . Is this a piece of the article . I dont know. Van, van, Campaign Rally in florence, alabama. A Campaign Rally. Its not a cnn, not official cnn would any context make that okay . No, no, don. I dont like think that would depict anything with slavery. We agree, thats good. Right after the break. Well be right back. Crohns disease. 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Do not take stelara® if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. Were fed up with your unpredictability. Remission can start with stelara®. Talk to your doctor today. Janssen wants to help you explore cost support options for stelara®. They were talking all during the break. There was a whole thing going on, it continued. So, van, you didnt get to speak. Go ahead. I all i want to say is that this is this, what you just saw is the tribalism of american politics. Where, if somebodys on my team politically, i cannot form my mouth to say theyre wrong, they shouldnt have said that, they shouldnt have done that, because its just weve gotten to the point where we put party over principle as a matter of course. And what i would just say is simply this. Its not unusual, what this man is saying. There is a nostalgia. Im from the south. There is a nostalgia on the part of a certain section of our country who feels that the future is not going to be good for them, what they now call racial anxiety, we used to just call it racism, there is this concern that where were going is not good and somehow the past was better. They ignore or glorify or polish up the pain of people when it comes to slavery and segregation. And, you know, people are shocked when they hear this stuff, but its much more common than what we would think. The tragedy is, stuff like this should be batted back hard by republicans. Republicans say, we are the party of lincoln. We are the Republican Party was founded to end slavery. Were not going to become the party of steve bannon. Even when these softballs are served up, republicans cant form their mouths to say that, thats a problem. Yeah. And im from the south, too, bruce, you are there in atlanta. I remember one of my best friends having to explain to him that the Confederate Flag was not about southern pride, it was about something else. I just grew up thinking it was about southern pride, but there you go, to vans point. Bruce, i dont want to beat up on you, but i think its sort of, you know, it really is just kind of it is what it is, man. Do you want to say anything . Yeah, well, you know, like i said, i cant speak for judge roy moore, the term that he put slavery in there. Obviously, thats wrong and its bad. We have a bad, bad history in the United States of whats happened, don. And we laughed, its not funny, but you know, i am very optimistic about where we were and where were at. I remember coming here back in 1980 to cnn, there were no black news anchors. There were no black Jewelry Store owners. So, im looking in the future that there will be more guys like us that look like us that will grow. Im not going to put it just on put everything in our destiny on this particular guy or anyone. You should know, just from the recent Mayoral Election that blacks are fleeing atlanta no. Ah, yeah. Were a city thats too busy to hate. Facts. Facts. Number one i just left there three years ago. I know atlanta. The mecca. Youre talking to one right now. All right. I like new york. Congratulations to the new mayor. Oh, yeah. Shes awesome. Thank you, all. Good night, everybody. See you tomorrow. Pursue. How do they avoid trips to the post office . Stamps. Com mail letters, ship packages, all the services of the post office right on your computer. Get a 4 week trial, plus 100 in extras including postage and a digital scale. Go to stamps. Com tv and never go to the post office again. I am announcing that in the coming weeks, i will be resigning as a member of the United States senate. Day of reckoning on capitol hill, Congress Facing three resignations. 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