Better hotel. I have a home there. Of course you do. Kidding about that. Hey, chris, you know what i think that really warmed my heart. That showup for shabbat. Did you see different faiths from all aunder round the country. Reporter but all weekend through the services to remember the people in pennsylvania who lost their lives and the people there who are in mourning right now. I think its just fantastic. Ive seen it from protestant churches to muslims, and were going to talk about it a little bit later. I love it. I just hope that people see what the message was in the murders. That man was trying to stamp out the instinct to do for others. He was trying to stamp out that ethos in these 11 people. You cant reward that with quiet. You cant. You got to get loud and proud, and you have to do exactly those things that he was trying to stamp out. Thats how you honor the legacy of who was lost and the commitment we should have to one another no matter what your faith is. Mmhmm. Hey, lets put up some of the pictures. I just want to show it if we have a picture of it. Go ahead. There it is. Look at the line. I think thats the one in d. C. Mmhmm. There was one in boston too. There it is. Theres one in boca raton, florida, as well. Its just really, really amazing. You know what . Heres what i say. This is one in new york. This is what i say. When anyone who is in a marginalized community or anyone who has a history of being discriminated against, jews, africanamericans, muslims, women, whomever, we must stand up for each other with the passion that we stand up for our own group because otherwise when you attack one, you attack us all. If we dont do that, its the end of america. It is the end of this democracy and with some big holes in the fabric of our society. Amen, amen. Yeah. Have a great weekend. Thank you for your fantastic work. Ill see you on sunday. All right, bud. Ill see you. This is cnn tonight. Im don lemon. Thank you so much for joining us on this friday. If you had any doubt at all that the midterm elections, just four days away by the way, that it may be the most important one of our lives, well, take a look at your screen now. Heres the proof. Not one but two president s out on the campaign trail, making their closing arguments. Youre going to decide maybe which Party Controls the United States senate. Its a very powerful vote. And a vote for joe is a vote for schumer. Its a vote for a majority leader who will be not good. If thats what you end up with, its your fault, not mine. It shouldnt be democratic or republican to say we dont lie with impunity. It shouldnt be democratic or republican to say we dont punish our political opponents trying to use a justice system, that we dont threaten the freedom of the press because they Say Something we dont like. What a contrast there. Two president s taking aim at each other. President trump, of course, mocking former president obamas name. Its no surprise that joe donnelly is holding a rally this weekend with barack h. Obama. I watched him speak today. He had a very small crowd. They dont talk about that. Barack h. What do you think that meant, huh . The 44th president calling the 45th a liar. What we have not seen the way were seeing right now is politicians just blatantly, repeatedly, baldly, shamelessly lying, just making stuff up. Thats what theyre doing right now all the time. Dont be bamboozled. Dont be hoodwinked. When words stop meaning anything, when truth doesnt matter, when people can just lie with abandon, democracy cant work. Lets compare and contrast their approval ratings, shall we . President trump at 40 in the latest gallup poll. The former president barack obama at 63 . But both have seen their share of hecklers. Lets also compare and contrast their reactions. Were okay. Were okay. Were okay. You know what . This is what i look forward to is having a few hecklers to get me back in the mood. You know . I enjoy that. You always got to have a few in order to know that youre on the campaign trail. You know what they used to do to guys like that when they were in a place like this . Theyd be carried out on a stretcher, folks. Id like to punch him in the face. If you see somebody getting ready to throw a tomato, knock the crap out of them, would you . Seriously. So the last one is a president who in spite of encouraging violence himself, today actually tried to blame reporters for political violence. I guess he forgot that this network was targeted along with Top Democrats by an alleged bomber who is a trump supporter. And in case you think this is all just politics, in case you think its all just talk and it doesnt affect real people, here are some pictures that will show you how its affecting everyday americans. These are teachers at an Elementary School in idaho dressed for halloween as a stereotype of mexicans and as President Trumps promised wall labeled make America Great again. The superintendent ended up apologizing for their costumes and their actions today, saying, quote, we are better than this, that he was deeply troubled by what he called the clearly insensitive and inappropriate costumes. If only our president had the integrity of that School Superintendent in idaho. Its no accident that this is happening under this president who, dont forget, started his cha Campaign Like this. When mexico sends its people, theyre not sending their best. Theyre bringing drugs. Theyre bringing crime. Theyre rapists. So that kind of language, language that divides us. Thats not what this country is supposed to be about. Come on. Cant we all just admit that . Thats not who we should be. We aspire to live up to the words that all men are created equal, endowed by their creator with inalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Since this country was founded, many people fought to expand those rights to cover more americans, people of color, women, lgbtq americans. But along with our rights, every one of us also has a responsibility right now, okay . I hope everyone is listening. We all have a responsibility. Its a responsibility thats at the heart of our democracy. We have to vote. It doesnt matter whether youre republican or democrat or an independent. Youve got to vote. And dont let anybody on any side tell you that this election is in the bag because its not, that your vote wont make the difference. Millions of people in this country have already cast their ballots in early voting states. Plenty of them support the president , and plenty dont. And no one will know who wins until after election day. So youve got to vote. Youve got to make your voice heard. And thats a message thats especially important for young voters, young people. Listen to me. I have to be honest because too many of you have been, lets say, unmotivated about voting in the past. Just 17 of citizens under 25 voted in 2014. But there is some good news that may be turning things around this year. A harvard poll found that 40 of people under 30 say theyll definitely vote in the midterms. It should be higher, but 40 is better than 17 . Of course saying that youll vote and actually voting, thats two different things. So if youre tempted to skip going to the polls, i want you to imagine this, right . Imagine how youll feel on wednesday morning if the results arent what you hoped for. Imagine how youll feel when its too late because by then it will be too late. Lots to talk about now with mark mckinnon, gel ady cobb and max boot. Were going to dig into it next. To help hand everyone a better world. Thats why we, at the Cocacola Company, make shore breaks with actual coconuts. Tea, organically. Treats for celebrations. Water with added minerals for taste. 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The president s lies and fearmongering reaching a new low. Tonight he claimed that democrats want to turn america into a giant sanctuary for predators and ms13 killers. Theres obviously no truth to that. But the question is four days before the midterms, will it matter . Lets discuss now. Mark mckinnon is here, the executive producer of showtimes the circus. Jelani cobb of the new yorker. And max boot, author of the corrosion of conservatism, why i left the right. Good evening. Welcome to the program. Ive got to as these words are coming out of my mouth, you know, ms13, you know, they want to turn into sanctuary cities, hes sowing hate and division and fear. The question is will america go for it on tuesday . Well, i mean america went for it in 2016. And, you know, weve kind of seen that even as we had the conversation where we kept trying to avoid what this actually was, you remember the age of the economic anxiety argument. And then what people have done in the aftermath is seen time and time and time again that people were attracted to the very thing that people on the left found most loathsome about the way donald trump ran his campaign. And also it helped that there was a kind of disaffected democratic voter on the other side. So the question is really now what were looking at is in some ways a referendum on the current presidency. Certainly thats what midterms tend to be. Were also looking at a kind of referendum on issues that people care about, but in a way that is very atypical and uncommon. This midterm is a referendum on human nature, that are people going to be motivated and captive to fears. Every single its almost like it was like a cameo from the most recent halloween movie. Like everything that could terrify you is coming out now. Theyre predators. Then when talking about the caravan, at first they were saying these were people who were trying to invade america. Then they were saying they were unknown middle eastern people. It was like pick a staereotypst. Its every kind of thing that people could fear rolled into one. I kept thinking as i hear him say that at the rallies, its like a marauding gang from an old western movie carrying torches trying to break into your houses. That is never, ever, ever going to happen. Max, i want to bring you in here because president obama also made the case tonight that no matter what your party, that you need to vote for democrats. Heres why he said that. It shouldnt be democratic or republican to say that we dont try to monkey around with the rules of our democracy, that we dont threaten the freedom of the press just because they write something about us we dont like. It should not be a matter of partisan politics to say we dont target certain groups of people based on what they look like or how they pray or who they love. Max, you left the Republican Party, but youre still a conservative, is that correct . Yes. Yes. So you make the same case. You write in the washington post, vote against all republicans, every single one. Why . What the former president said, does that resonate with you . Absolutely, don. Youve got to send a message. This is so unconscionable what donald trump and the republicans are doing now. This kind of fearmongering, this kind of racism and xenophobia, we have not seen this in modern american politics. I dont think theres any precedent for it until you go back to the dark days of jim crow and the way that southern segregationists would compete with one other for bashing africanamericans. This is so blatant, so over the top. The ad that we were discussing a few days ago that trump released with the cop killer immigrant, he blames democrats for that when he actually entered the United States under president bush and he was arrested and released by sheriff joe. The whole thing is such a pack of lies to suggest there is some kind of invasion of Illegal Immigrants going on when, in fact, illegal immigration is down 80 since the year 2000, or to suggest that this caravan of these poor refugees is this marauding hoard of criminals and terrorists financed by george soros. I mean this is so crazy. This is so offensive. There is no way that republicans should be allowed to get away with this because if they do get away with it, youre going to see more of it in the future. And we dont want to live in a country where fearmongering and racism and hatred is a way to win an election. You just took the words out of my mouth because its in some way, hes not hiding it anymore. Its this sort of behavior is becoming normalized. Are you oh, no question about it. Its back to the old playbook that we saw in 2016. You know, im waiting for a video to surface of steve bannon handing out 100 bills in Central American to immigrants to join the caravan. This is so perfectly to his script. The thing that im struck by is theres such powerful Economic News every single day these days. What would Ronald Reagan do . It would be morning in america, right . Instead we have midnight in america. I hearken back to one of our episodes with steve bannon where bannon was saying if the deplorables are leaning on their shovels say things are great, so crank up the fear machine. Let me ask you something as a republican. This is something from fareed zakaria. He said the Republican Party has many good people and good ideas, but none of them matters while it houses and feeds fantasies, conspiracies and paranoia tinged with racism, bigotry, and antisemitism. Republicans are now squarely the party of mccarthy, he says, and until that cancer is excised, they should not be entrusted with power. On the one hand, you can say that thats not fair. On the other hand, have republicans done enough . No, clearly not. And you see you feel like so many members of congress, of the Republican Party, they seem like hostages, you know. And the only people speaking up are the people leaving office. And all these other republicans, i mean theyre complicit. They cant escape this because theyre taking part in it, and theyre not repudiating what trump is doing. A lot of them are even imitating it. To carry the Mccarthy Point forward, its crucial that we remember that mccarthys fall came about in part because he alienated himself from the Republican Party. It was eisenhower. He didnt fall under truman. It was the eisenhower presidency where he said this is actually corrosive and we have to put a stop to this. So it was not simply a preordained thing that when you have a demagogic figure in your party, you are obligated to toe the line and support this person, defend this person time and time again, yet weve seen feeble, at best, criticism of donald trump from within the Republican Party, and partly because of the nature of the populist swell he has, kind of cult of personality that hes constructed, that no ones willing to take the risk of the political fallout of criticizing him. Trump exercises his political power. He is not shy about going into districts in primaries and taking people out if they dont toe the line. Which brings us back to gerrymandering. I just wonder if theyre safety in numbers. Arent they smart enough to realize if enough of us come together and say, you know what, this is i dont think it would matter so much. I think i think its up to them to help pull the voter along and get them somehow out of their fog and really tell the truth about this presidency. I think these politicians need to realize theres more about being a political leader in this country than simply doing whatever it takes to win the election. Exactly. You have to have some larger principle. How cute of us to think that way. Beyond your own selfinterest. I know we have to get a break in but let me get this in for jelani before we go to break. This is the current president talking about the former president. Watch this. Its no surprise that joe donnelly is holding a rally this weekend with barack h. Obama. Barack obama. What do you think . H. , emphasizing the h. Sure. Hussein. Thats right. We can remember that this person introduced himself to american political life by lying, outright lying about the origins of the first black president of the United States. Thats what hes doing again and kind of whipping up this idea that the person who is named hussein, you know, how much can you trust them . Are they in league with people who are enemies and so on . And this has been. And weve never seen that level of contempt and disrespect between one presidency and a prior one. You didnt see that between carter and the Nixon Administration or ford, you know, who for all the excesses and violations that happened during the Nixon Administration, yet we see this between donald trump and barack obama. And so the one thing that he did say is that he had a much smaller crowd. He said obama had a really small crowd. You know where obama had a bigger crowd . At the inauguration. In the electoral college. And the inauguration. Okay. Stand by, everyone. Stay with me because the president is also talking up the good economy today. But if he truly believes that his party is the reason for the countrys success, why is he also admitting republicans could lose the house . Infive hundred year storm should happen every five hundred years, right . Fact is, there have been twentysix in the last decade. Allstate is adapting. With drones to assess home damage sooner. And if a flying object damages your car, you can snap a photo and get your claim processed in hours, not days. Plus, allstate can pay your claim in minutes. Now that you know the truth. Are you in good hands . So the last jobs report came out today, and the last one brought before the election, it brought some good news. Jobs created, 250,000 jobs created, and hourly wages growing at the fastest rate in nearly a decade. Could the strength of the e