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Public. The American People should know the risk for the average american remains low. Announcer this is new day weekend with victor black well and christi paul. Good morning. Its good to have you with us here from the u. S. And around the world. We begin this hour with new concerns regarding the coronavirus here in the u. S. Health officials in the state of washington investigating now a possible outbreak at a longterm nursing facility. Two people have tested positive there. More than 50 residents and staff have symptoms and will be tested. The state of washington also confirmed the first patient to die after being infected with the virus in the u. S. In this country, there are now at least 71 confirmed or presumptive cases of coronavirus, including a third case in illinois. In total, the cdc says 24 coronavirus cases originated here in the u. S. Cnns omar jimenez is in washington. Lets start with the first known patient to die of coronavirus in the u. S. What do you know . Reporter yeah. Victor, the man known to die ear here in the United States was a man in his 50s and did have Underlying Health conditions according to Health Officials here. One of the reasons or one of the Major Concerns i should say aside from the death itself is that this person showed no relevant travel history that would have potentially exposed him to the coronavirus. Indicating that this likely came through community spread. Now, while his was the only deadly announcement that was put forward over the course of saturday, it was one of three in total new coronavirus case that is were announced here for washington state. Two of them stemming from the life care nursing facility right behind me at this moment. One of them a Health Care Worker in her 40s who worked at this facility and another resident in her 70s. Both of them being treated at this moment. Its part of why governor jay insly declared a state of emergency. You look at this site in particular, state officials are treating [ inaudible ] expect state health and cdc officials to be here over the course of today trying to get to the bottom of where this came from and also testing around 50 people or so associated with this. Its why the center here has put out a note telling families and people who would be otherwise visiting to not come here because they wont be be allowed in as they try to get to the bottom of this. Country wide, of course, weve heard from the cdc director over the course of yesterday saying this is likely not the end of the cases. We will see more as they pop up across the country and a third one in illinois. Victor, christi. Omar gjimenez. A man who lives with coronavirus. He was quarantined for 14 days on the cruise ship before being among the hundreds of americans evacuated. Karl goodman is with us from the university of nebraska hospital. Hes in isolation there. Carl, i understand you just got tested positive again yesterday. How do you feel . I feel fine, christi. Im healthy. No fever for now. About eight days. All i have is a dry cough that still lingers. Youre saying you feel fine now. Youve got this cough. What was the worst of it . How were you feeling at its worst . During the worst, one to ten scale of being ill with ten being the worst, i was about a two. My only really bad day was when i was on the plane back from the diamond princess to california and my fever i woke up after a twohour nap and spiked up to a fever over 103. That stayed with me for probably six, seven, eight hours, the remaining flight back to california. So carl, i understand the cruise started january 17th, which means you have been out of work and dealing with this since that time. How is your work handling your absence . Sure. So my wife and i own the local Radio Station in california. We travel weve traveled many times for short trips. But we can work virtually. We scrambled once we knew we were going to be quarantined to change appointments. Im working eight, nine, ten hours a day with my laptop here, internet and phone. And then i get to relax a little bit toward the end of the day. Our staff has really picked up the ball. So has our community. They offered to do just about anything we asked. Carl, we dont often talk about the treatment that people diagnosed with coronavirus receive. Tell us about your treatment daytoday as they try to help you recover. Yeah. Its pretty funny. My biggest treatment is drinking tons of gatorade. Ive been through every rainbow slor. Multiment amounts of time. There is no antibiotic for this. No cure for it. Other than what i had the high fever and they gave me ibupro n ibuprofen, i basically receive no medical ive gotten lots of medical care, but no medication. Waus its messy. You are five, six weeks into this thing according to best i can deduce from the calculations here of how long youve been gone. How long are you mandated to be in isolation, do you know what has to happen to help you would you go to a quarantine level or are you cleared altogether. Thats the up to my body. The good news, my wife who has been quarantined separately in omaha is able to go home monday, tomorrow. Thats wonderful. She never had the virus. Her main every two days, every 48 hours she was tested until i was negative. I tested positive again, unfortunately, yesterday. So monday theyll give me another test. Ill have to go through three tests in a row, 24 hours apart before im declared free of the virus. Those tests, by the way, christi, are swabs up my nose and theyre also theyre swabs of my nose and also my throat. So i made sure i had nine tests. Three of those tests each day. Wow. Carl goodman. I say that you feel fine, that is great to hear. Unfortunately, still testing positive for coronavirus. Carl gold man, thank you so much for being with us. We hope you get better soon. Of course. I cant wait to get home from omaha. I did get my first omaha steak yesterday from omaha steaks. Wonderful. Thats great. Im sure your wife misses you. We hope you get home soon. Take care of yourself. Thank you. Carl gold man there for us. So President Trump and top u. S. Health officials are aiming to reassure americans that the government is handling this outbreak. Theyre urging us not to panic over this virus. Vice president is in charge of this. He tweeted about the situation room yesterday in he with jake tapper, Vice President pence says most people will recover. But theres a risk for people with underlying conditions. There will be more cases. Possibly more deaths . It is possible. I mean, the reality that dr. Fouch and others explained to me a few days ago is that for people that contract the coronavirus, they will recover. They will deal with a respiratory illness. Well get them treatment. For people with other conditions that would militate toward a worse outcome, that we more. We could have more sad news. The American People should know the risk for the average american remains low. Lets go to Sarah Westwood now. Shes at the white house. Sarah, listen, before the president came out this week to talk about coronavirus, he had only been in that Briefing Room once and now a second time in a short period. You phrased it earlier as a bit of course correction. How are they handling it now . Thats right, victor. President trump really demonstrating a shift in tone, a shift in his approach to talking about the coronavirus. Yesterday we saw him reading carefully from a set of prepared note. Thats not something we often see President Trump doo do when he gets in front of a bunch of reporters like that. We saw him feeding groupd to the experts. There are technical questions about the specifics of the virus and the resources that the administration has. Hes walking the sidelines between keeping people calm and setting realistic ex peck takes bs what an outbreak in the u. S. Might look like. He started out yesterday by offering condolences to the family of the american in washington who died becoming the First American to die of the coronavirus. He said were likely to see many more cases in the u. S. Take a listen. Additional cases in the United States are likely. But healthy individuals should be able to fully recover. And we think that will be a statement we can make with great surety now that weve gotten familiar with this problem. This is really a shift from his more dismissive tone during the earlier weeks of this virus when say example it would disappear when the weather got warmer. Hes set to meet with the pharmaceutical companies. But the topic of a a vaccine is likely hell discuss with the pharmaceutical executives on monday. The white house listed travel restrictions for parts of italy and south korea. Expanded restrictions on travel to iran. Sarah westwood, thanks. Be sure to watch the state of the union for more of jake tappers interview with Vice President mike pence. Winner of the South Carolina democratic primary, joe biden on the show. Former Vice President biden as we said binning big in sook. Hes how do they position him heading into super tuesday. All of those of you who have been knocked down, counted out, left behind, this is your campaign. And the u. S. Is expanding travel restrictions to coronavirus hotspots. Well tell you where and what else the government is doing to protect you and your family. The march across the Edmund Pettis bridge was a key moment in the civil rights movement. Were speaking with one of the youngest marchers that day about what she remembers. Stick with us. Woman the deadly corona virus officially hitting the us. Man the markets are plunging for a second straight day. Vo Health Experts warn the us is underprepared. Managing a crisis is what Mike Bloomberg does. In the aftermath of 911, he steadied and rebuilt americas largest city. Oversaw Emergency Response to natural disasters. Upgraded hospital preparedness to manage health crises. And hes funding Cutting Edge Research to contain epidemics. Tested. Ready. Mike im Mike Bloomberg and i approve this message. Since youre heading off to dad. I just got a zerowater. But weve always used brita. Its two stagefilter. Doesnt compare to zerowaters 5stage. This meter shows how much stuff, or dissolved solids, gets left behind. Our tap water is 220. Brita . 110. Seriously . But zerowater let me guess. Zero . Yup, thats how i know it is the puresttasting water. I need to find the receipt for that. Oh yeah, you do. 100 online car buying. Carvanas had a lot of firsts. Car vending machines. And now, putting you in control of your financing. 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A late night man turned into an Early Morning for you. Whats been the reaction to bidens win . Reporter good morning to both of you. Great to be with you. Joe biden and his campaign, his supporters incredibly excited about his big victory here last night. They had counted a victory. Biden himself had said he would win. But even their biggest dreams, this was a big one for them. He won across a section of demographics here in South Carolina and as you mentioned, it really shifts as delegates raise putting him into second place. It really does show you that one primary night can really shift the dynamics. Bernie sanders also announcing this morning a huge haul when it comes to money. 46. 5 million in the month of february. Thats a very, very big number. While he did not have a victory here last night, theyre looking ahead to super tuesday. This was Bernie Sanders last night. Take a listen. Now, i am very proud that in this campaign so far weve won the popular vote in iowa, we have won the New Hampshire primary, we have won the nevada caucus. But you cannot win them all. A lot of states out there and tonight we did not win in South Carolina. Again, Bernie Sanders flexing his fundraising muscle this morning. 46. 5 million in the month of february. In the meantime, tom steyer, the billionaire businessman who put a lot of money and a lot of time into South Carolina made the announcement last night that he would be dropping out of the race after a disappointing finish here. He has said last night that he really didnt see a path forward. Take a listen to that. But i said if i didnt see a path to winning that id suspend my campaign. And honestly, i cant see a path where i can win the presidency. So am i going to continue to work on every single one of these issues . Yes, of course, i am. Because ive never stopped. Reporter so also a lot of questions this morning about will the field get any narrower by super tuesday or just after that. My colleagues jeff bellamy reporting last night for the bidens campaign, theyre happy to see Amy Klobuchar stay in the campaign in minnesota. Giving Bernie Sanders a run for his money. Happy to see Elizabeth Warren do the same thing in her state. Now we turn to super tuesday with joe biden off a huge win in South Carolina. You can expect a lot of money to be flowing into their campaign as well. There have been questions about things for sure. After the disappointing finishes in iowa and New Hampshire. Hell have money, also momentum. You also see Bernie Sanders with that huge fundraising number. Were setting up a very pivotal super tuesday coming up in a couple of days. Victor and christi. 46. 5 million for the Sanders Campaign in february alone. Jessica dean in columbia, thanks. Lets talk to political reporter for the Hill Julia Manchester and podcast errol louis. Good morning to you both. Good morning. Lets listen to Something Else that the former Vice President said yesterday to the crowd there that caught some peoples ears. Lets listen together. This is the moment to choose the path forward for our party. This is the moment and its arriv arrived. Maybe sooner than anyone guessed it would. But its here. And the decisions democrats make all across america the next few days will determine what this party stands for, what we believe and what well get done. What this party stands for. Errol, it sounds like it might have been a dig to Bernie Sanders and the president challenging voters. You decide who is the face of the Democratic Party. Is it me or sanders . Thats right. Not just in terms of who is the figurehead or the front man, but also what the policies are and what its all about. I mean, he made repeated references in that same speech to not being lured but what he called implied was a false promise of a revolution. Its about affecting peoples lives in the here and now. Its about shoring up the party up and down the ballot. That was another theme of the Biden Victory speech last night, to talk about how all kinds of offices are really in play and are really at stake. That what he wants to do is carry the whole democratic ticket to victory. Thats not something you often hear Bernie Sanders say and frankly, biden is pointing out its not something sanders can credibly claim to do. I want to look at an exit poll that was particularly interesting, julia. They asked will you vote democratic in november regardless of who wins the nomination . 81 said yes. Only 17 said no. Is that reflective of the rest of the country . Polls have shown that electability is key here. If that is true, does bidens win reshape the whole thing if they want to go for electability. I see a number of polls that essentially said the same thing and talked to a number of voters on the ground in virginia and New Hampshire who have said the same thing. They will vote for whoever wins the primary. Youve seen a lot of more establishment candidates like Mike Bloomberg and joe biden essentially touting the assertion that if Bernie Sanders is the nominee, he wont be able to beat donald trump. I would say that poll negates that, its probably good news for someone like Bernie Sanders. Going foort, i think Bernie Sanders needs to continue to tout results like that and polls like that. Saying, look, it doesnt matter even though i might not have this traditional establishment view that other democrats have, you know, i could potentially unite the Democratic Party just as much as a bloomberg or a biden will. But with new fresher image full. You mentioned bloomberg. As of today, were stepping into a whole new ball game here, are we not, errol . This is the first contest, super tuesday that bloombergs name will be on the ballot. It was interesting yesterday one of the political reporters in South Carolina said he had talked to several people who thought bloomberg was on the ballot in South Carolina and would be voting for him. Of course, they couldnt. Does bidens momentum eat into what could potentially be bloombergs i think its a question that runs both ways, frankly. Mike bloomberg has been spending millions and millions of dollars, hundreds of organizers on the ground in the super tuesday states. Much of that work is invisible to the rest of us. We wont know if it worked or not until the results roll in on tuesday. Joe biden has got the wind at his back, a lot of momentum going in these states. Some of which shared media markets with South Carolina. North carolina is going to be a good Hunting Ground for him. Hes getting a big endorsement today in virginia. To the extent that he can sort of play on the regional sympathies of democratic voters in alabama and tennessee, hes looking to have a good day on tuesday. On the other hand, Mike Bloomberg has been picking up endorsements from mayors all over the country, all throughout california. Hes been running ads on social media as well as on television in all of these states. We dont know what its going to amount to. Especially when you start going district by dikt strict to pick up turning to Bernie Sanders, Bernie Sanders, julia, did it come down to the younger voter turnout for him . I think in part it does. It depends what state youre looking at. Obviously in california and texas, Bernie Sanders already has a pretty strong lead in those two states. However, in states like tennessee, virginia, where Mike Bloomberg spent quite a bit of time and resources, bernds will be looking to get that younger vote to turn out. Especially the younger vote among minority communities. If he doesnt have that younger vote, is that problematic for him . Absolutely. I would say it is problematic. Looking at South Carolina, he appeared to have that younger vote among African Americans at the polls but he didnt win at the same time. Super tuesday is a whole new ball game. Steyer is out, bloomberg is in fl well see what happens. Julia manchester, errol louis. Always a pleasure. Thanks for being here. My pleasure. The Surgeon General says stop buying face masks. Why wearing one will not prevent you from catching the coronavirus. We see you trying and the effort is for real dont forget you could just show her how you feel. Make the moment mean more. Jared. Lets be honest. Quitting smoking is hard. Like, quitting every monday hard. Quitting feels so big. So try making it smaller, and youll be surprised at how easily starting small can lead to something big. Start stopping with nicorette. 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The ninja foodi Pressure Cooker, the Pressure Cooker that crisps. I often see them have teeth sensitivity as well as gum issues. Does it worry me . Absolutely. They are both very much hand in hand. So you should really be focusing on both and definitely at the same time. The new sensodyne sensitivity gum gives us the dual action effect that really takes care of both our teeth sensitivity as well as our gum issues. By brushing with sensodyne sensitivity gum at home its giving you the relief that you need and the control that you need to take care of your oral health. And it creates a healthier environment. Theres no question its something that i would recommend. There are more than 86,000 confirmed cases of the coronavirus worldwide. Most of the deaths have been in china. Just yesterday the cdc announced the first death of a coronavirus patient in the u. S. President trump and top u. S. Health officials are urging everyone to stay calm, stressing that most people who contract the virus will experience mild to moderate flulike symptoms, nothing beyond that. With us now, senior medical correspondent Elizabeth Cohen and dr. Abdul fie yet. An epidemiologist and a cnn political commentator. Elizabeth, i want to start with you. This virus seems to be spreading in the u. S. What is the realistic expectations at that hospitals and the medical field is prepared to treat patients . I think the expectation is that this will continue to grow. Theres new evidence that for everybody who gets this virus, they will spread it to few people. Weve seen several states popping up over the weekend. What hospitals need to prepare for, there are several issues here. One is they want to be able to test for this virus as quickly as possible. When someone walks in with sim tons, trouble breathing, they want to test quickly. That has not been the case so far. Its getting better. Are there enough negative pressure rooms in u. S. Hospitals today . The cdc says you really should be putting the patients in negative pressure rooms. That keeps the infection out from the other from other areas of the hospital. They might change that. But thats the recommendation right now. Theres concern there arent enough of these rooms. Dr. Al say yesterday, we spoke with carl gold man who is in isolation. He was on a kruchlz he said its worse on a scale of one to ten. His symptoms were a two. He said he has no body aches, ch no chills, only tightness in his chest and coughing spells. I would imagine that for a lot of people that that may not be enough to send them to a doctor or a hospital. He says he would have goth gone to work. How do you test people if they can test positive with so few symptoms . How do you know who to test . What youre speaking to, victor, the fact for most people, an infection with this coronavirus is going to give them mild symptoms. The problem, though, is that they can pass that on to people who they love who may have a far worse curse. People with lung disease, Heart Disease will have a far worse course than the individual with whom you spoke. Weve got to make sure that the people understand its not the risk to themselves, its the people around them. The other worrisome moment is the number of cases that weve seen that have been spread in the community with no known contact to people with coronavirus. This moment is going to stress the lack of access to the testing kits that we have right now. Weve got a responsibility to get very clear information out to people about what they ought do if theyre feeling these symptoms and in a place where theres an outbreak. Weve got this moment where we can act, weve got to act quickly and get recommendations out to people waiting on leadership from the cdc and from the administration. We know people have been buying these face masks in bulk and a lot of people are concerned there wont be a big enough supply. The Surgeon General is telling people face masks arent necessary, theyre not going to help. Elizabeth, if thats the case, then what should we be doing other than washing our hands . We know thats the overarching theme here. Right, washing hands, staying home when youre sick, dont get near other people who are sick. These masks, the issue is that the kind of masks that most people are using are called surgical masks. Those wont protect you as well. They wont protect you from the droplets were concerned about here. The ones that do a better job of protectsing you, they have to be fitted to your face. If theyre not fitted properly, those also wont work. Really for most of us, we dont need to worry about this. Again, i always say, what people need to worry about depends on who you are. What a Young Healthy person is going to worry about is different than someone who is older or someone with underlying conditions or both. If you fall into those categories, you might want to think about other precautions, maybe not traveling certain places, maybe not being in large groups. If youre young and healthy, weve talked about that patient in nebraska, its like during flu season, when youre young and healthy, you still do things. You dont wear a mask during flu season. We learned so much from carl in isolation. One of the things that surprised me. I asked him about the treatment. He said what hes getting is gatorade. He says hes gallons of it. Every color. Is that the extent the of treatment . Again, if youre relatively healthy, you have no underlying disease, then, yeah, just like we tell everybody with a flu or a cold, hydrate and make sure to get your rest. Thats basically the treatment. This is a viral illness that affects your upper respiratory and lower respiratory system. The real danger is for folks, like elizabeth said, who have a baseline heart or lung disease. For them, it could be a far worse course. Sometimes landing them in. I kruchlt u on a ventilator. It will be a mild viral illness for most that will look like what carl suggested. It really is about containment of the spread. Because if it gets to somebody who truly is baseline ill, this could end up in a far more serious illness or each death. In addition to an epidemiologist and Public Health expert, youre a cnn political commentator. Youve endorsed Bernie Sanders. I bring that up, my question about the intersection of Public Health and politics. I read the president s proclamation adding the additional travel restrictions. Theres one sentence that jumped off the page considering what the rest of the text is. Lets put it up on the screen. In discussion of iran, it reads, iran is not a trustworthy state actor as it has repeatedly demonstrated through history of engaging in malign activity and confirmed most recent lirks its repeated denials of responsibility for shooting down an international airliner. Is that relevant in the discussion of adding these travel restrictions typically . Its sad to see this administration politicizing some sort of International Issue with respect to iran. What i really would have liked to see from this administration is upfront leadership early on. The thing about a pandemic, potential pandemic like this, you have to beat it at its source. We had a moment to be able to contain this in wuhan. Guess what . Under this administration they cut the branches of the cdc that were focused on International Emerging Infectious Diseases like this coronavirus. So i think what were trying to see, what were seeing from this administration is an attempt to wag the dog a little bit, to focus this on the issue with the iran rather than focusing on what the country could do right now. We have an incredible cdc and health service, baugh theyve been underfunded. Politicized in a way that i think is inappropriate in a moment like this. We need to see one leader step up, command and control the situation. Its not going to be Vice President mike pence because he frankly lost trust in the scientific community. I hate to see this turn into a focus on the president s beef with iran. We have to just wait and see what happens in the next couple of days. I know the president is meeting tomorrow with pharmaceutical Companies Regarding a vaccine. Well be watching and hoping everybody takes care of themselves. Thank you both. Thank you. 55 years since protesters were attacked attempting to march for Voting Rights in alabama. Linda black man lowrey, she was 15 when she was beaten by police. We hear a story about the day and how shes continuing to make contributions to civil rights. Also a reminder, Vice President mike pence will join jake tapper on state of the union and also joe biden right off his win in South Carolina. This morning at 9 00 eastern on cnn. Celebrating a successful business trip together is easy, if youre staying at holiday inn. Were there. So you can be too. In august 1619, a ship appeared on this horizon, near point comfort, virginia. It carried more than 20 enslaved africans, who were sold to the colonists. No aspect of the country we know today has been untouched by the slavery that followed. America was not yet america, but this was the moment it began. [sfx typing] when i needed to create a better visitor experience. Improve our workflow. Attract new customers. Thats when fastsigns recommended fleet graphics yeah, and now business is rolling in. Get started at fastsigns. 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In march of 1965, civil rights activists, some of them students, attempted to march the 54 miles from selma to montgomery calling for equal Voting Rights. They were met with clubs and tear gas and state troopers. With me now is one of the younger marchers that day. Linda blackmon how lowrey. Turning 15 on the road to freedom. Thank you so much for joining me this morning and thank you for the work youve done over decades for voting and civil rights for people across this country. Well, thank you. Good morning. Thank you for having me. Good morning. Let me start here. Because to be so young, you were 14 years old on bloody sunday. You turned 15 a couple of weeks later. What you tell us, i think we dont talk enough about is that there was a Kids Movement as well. Tell me about that. I always tell people that the Selma Movement was the childrens movement. The children went to jail, marched and went to jail in order for our parents not to have to march and go to jail. One of our parents marched, they would go to jail. Two, they would lose their jobs and three, in 1965 we felt the young people felt that if our parents went to jail, they would separate the family. And much like it is at the borders today. So the Selma Movement was the childrens movement. We see black and white videos and we hear stories and see photographs of that day from that period. But give us the vivid, bold color memory that stands out for you from that period. I remember [ lost audio ] on that day, march 7th. I remember feeling by the time we topped the Edmund Pettus bridge and could see over to the other side, i remember feeling like something about to happen. Its not going to be good. That day, i was beaten, i received seven stitches over my right eye and 28 in the back of my head. I became a very angry 14yearold. And because i had done nothing, nor had anyone on that bridge done anything for the brutality, you know, we received that day. So the day was a terrifying day. Let me for a 14yearold. I apologize for interrupting. I want to save time for this painting that a man came up to you with. Tell us the story. We have a picture of you with it. Tell me what happened. We were at the foot soldiers breakfast yesterday morning and a local artist from hes originally from selma, but lives in montgomery. His name is frank hardy. Frank said come, i got something to show you. He said, this has haunted me for years. The picture of a girl running from the bridge bleeding from her head and he said, this girl is you. I said, oh, okay. And it was like, this is awesome. I was really speechless. People who know me know i am never speechless. So i was really speechless that day. Wow. Lynda blackmon lowrey, thank you so much again for all that youve done. You continue your work in mental health. Thank you to all the people who were there 55 years ago. Well be right back. You are so very welcome. Thank you. Well be right back. My lack of , is about to become your problem. Ahh no, come on. I saw you eating poop earlier. My focus is on the road, and thats saving me cash with drivewise. Since youre heading off to dad. I just got a zerowater. But weve always used brita. Its two stagefilter. Doesnt compare to zerowaters 5stage. This meter shows how much stuff, or dissolved solids, gets left behind. Our tap water is 220. Brita . 110. Seriously . But zerowater let me guess. Zero . Yup, thats how i know it is the puresttasting water. I need to find the receipt for that. Oh yeah, you do. Finding the right words can be tough. N it comes to autism, finding understanding doesnt have to be. Together, we can create a kinder, more inclusive world for the millions of people on the autism spectrum. Go to autismspeaks. Org crowd noise arella stick bell rings when heartburn hits. Fight back fast. With tums chewy bites. Beat heartburn fast. Tums chewy bites. Coming up tonight, Queen Elizabeth takes the thrones, but rumors involve her and her sister. The windsors inside the royal dynasty. A new episode tonight at 10 00 on cnn. Lets talk about human kindness as we highlight the kindness of strangers around the world that helped to save a little girl. You might remember the little girl from florida. She was diagnosed with cancer in 2018. Well, she needed aggressive treatments that required blood and platelet transfusions to save her life. She is missing an antigen and there was a desperate search for a donor man. People lined up to see if they were a match. Only five suitable donors found and they consistently donated to keep zina supplied with the life saving blood. They are surely a life saver for us. They have given our daughter a new life and we are very thankful to them. Thank you so much. And we just got word from one Blood Donation center that she is in remission. She celebrated her 4th birthday. All thanks to some people who are so kind and really think about other humans. We thank them so much. Absolutely happy birthday to her. So lets go spread some human kindness. Thanks for starting your morning with us. Inside politics with john king is up next. L her how you f cause there is no doubt this love is real ooohh. Take the leap, with our diamond price match guarantee. Jared. They grew their first tomatoes right here. And when it snows, the kids go sledding right there. The frels family runs with us on a john deere 1 series tractor. Because this is more than just land, its home. Search john deere 1 series for more. I often see them have teeth because this is more than just land, its home. Sensitivity as well as gum issues. Does it worry me . Absolutely. They are both very much hand in hand. So you should really be focusing on both and definitely at the same time. 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A packed hour ahead, including joe bidens blowout win in South Carolina and his framing of the race against Bernie Sanders heading into the giant super tuesday just ahead. Democrats want to nominate someone who will build on obamacare not strap it. Take on the gun manufacturers not protect them. And the democrats want a nominee whos a democrat. A lig

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