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Donald trump, the twice impeached social media pariah, soon to be former president of the United States who, according to the new york times, was still Walking Around air force one this week telling people, i won. I won the election. The trial will begin after he leaves office next week. House managers tell cnn they have not yet decided whether or not to seek witnesses or subpoena documents. Overnight, president elect joe biden urged lawmakers not to let the trial get in the way of doing the crucial work of fighting the pandemic. Ten House Republicans voted in favor of trumps impeachment. Senate Majority Leader Mitch Mcconnell says he has not ruled out voting for impeachment. Trump himself is now seething at Rudy Giuliani, his disgraced lawyer who helped get him impeached twice. He doesnt want to pay giuliani anymore. Were also hearing a new round of pardons could come as soon as today so brace yourselves. And developing overnight, a new intelligence bulletin warns the domestic extremists are likely more emboldened to carry out attacks after the insurrection at the u. S. Capitol which they see as a success. Investigators warn that online chatter is, quote, off the charts. The National Guard preparing to find improvised explosive devices like pipe bombs and molotov cocktails ahead of next weeks inauguration of joe biden. All of this as Law Enforcement, federal Law Enforcement official tells cnn that the evidence uncovered so far suggests that the siege at the capitol was planned. We have brandnew video this morning that captures more of how violent this attack was. This was not a simple protest gone wrong. The fbi says it has received tens of thousands of digital tips, including some that appear to show members of congress with individuals who later showed up at that insurrection. So we begin with cnns Suzanne Malveaux is live on capitol hill with the top story. Whats the latest . Reporter alison, impeachment 2. 0 very different from the one in 2019. It was lightning speed for the second impeachment. House managers debating and trying to figure out how can they prosecute this on the senate side quickly and still get republicans on their side, 2 3 majority thats necessary in order to actually have a conviction. So theyre looking at potentially calling witnesses, subpoenaing documents but they dont want it to last too long to interfere with the new president , President Joe Biden to get what he needs to get done. We did see this go round, 10 republicans peeling away from their party, from the president and essentially saying that the president must be held accountable. That is the same case, same argument theyll make on the senate side. Take a listen. Unless we address this and tackle it head on, unless we make sure to send a resounding message that this is not acceptable, then we risk just papering over some of these divisions and the wounds will never truly heal unless we air them out, unless we fully understand what happened and unless we send the signal this is not something that can ever be acceptable from an american leader. Senate Majority Leader Mitch Mcconnell is kicking it forward to the democrats when they take over in the new session, the 117th session of congress. And it will be up to them to establish the rules and essentially the trial that will take place. There is some concern among the Biden Administration whether or not this will interfere in his own agenda. This statement coming from the president elect saying this nation also remains in the grip of a deadly virus and a reeling economy. I hope that the Senate Leadership will find a way to deal with their Constitutional Responsibilities on impeachment while also working on the other urgent business of this nation. Alison, very much a sensitivity, but they plan on working with the administration trying to push this through. They know that its important just because the president President Trump is out of office if they get a conviction. That means he will no longer hold a federal office ever again. Alison. This is not over. Suzanne, thank you very much. So last night the white house finally released a video message from President Trump in which he finally condemned the violence, though he did not concede that he lost. Cnns joe johns is live for us at the white house with more. So what he did he say . Reporter good morning, alison. The second impeachment now on the books and the president essentially releases that selfserving video telling his supporters to stop the violence. Selfserving because the president had been told by his own advisers at the white house that he needed to do something because hes in legal jeopardy due to his role in the riots last week. Just the same, the president did not say anything on the video about joe biden, about the impeachment, or even the transfer of power coming next week. As one advisor put it, the president is in selfpity mode and hes blaming everybody whos around him. An advisor also saying in the end it all came crashing down because he could never tell the truth. This will be the story you tell your kids when you lecture them about telling the truth. So the president now, were told, has also been suggesting to people around him that they need to stop paying Rudy Giulianis legal fees. Thats potentially unfortunate because there is some reporting that Rudy Giuliani might have a role in the president s upcoming impeachment trial, but we are told that the president is blaming giuliani and others for not doing enough to defend him. One other note, weve also been told theres a distinct possibility that the latest round of pardons could come as early as today. Were told by some advisers that the president has been told its not a good idea for the president to pardon himself or members of his own family, especially in light of the riots up on capitol hill last week, but the president wants to exercise the amount of power that he has left. Back to you. Joe johns, thanks so much for being with us. Joining us now, cnn senior political analyst john avlon and rachel bay. She is a reporter for politico. What does your reporting tell you about what we can expect to see in the senate . Yeah. I mean, i think its still an open question right now. The really interesting thing is Mitch Mcconnell saying basically he is open to convicting, not in so many words, but very much signaling that. Go back to a year ago they were just about to start an impeachment trial where mcconnell had said he would be in, quote, total coordination with the white house and remember last year, mcconnell was single handedly the reason trump got acquitted so quickly in just a couple of weeks. He was able to keep his conference together, except for mitt romney. This time is going to be different. Weve seen people like Lisa Murkowski and ben sasse come out and say trump committed impeachable offenses. The question is if they come out to impeach him. There will be a real discussion if you watch joe manchin, a democrat from west virginia. Hes been talking about of course trump deserves to be impeached. He thinks this move is, quote, ill advised. He is concerned about the unity of the country and thats just sort of stirring things up again and then also concerned about joe biden bidens agenda being totally sort of rum rolled completely by an impeachment trial. I think a lot of senators, it will be interesting to see where they come down on this whole unity of the country versus, you know, wanting to send a strong signal that what happened on january 6th is absolutely unacceptable and were going to see people potentially crossing party lines in multiple places. John, anybody whos concerned about unity of the country and an impeachment creating divisiveness may not have been paying attention for the past weeks plus. I mean, i heard senator Lindsey Graham, you know, saying they just impeached him without evidence. May i remind republicans who didnt vote for impeachment yesterday what the evidence is. Heres some of the tape that we can show you of last wednesday of the evidence. Here are people who brought bull horns, who brought floor plans of the capitol awaiting instruction for where they could go find mike pence to hang the Vice President , as they were chanting, as they brought in their spears, et cetera. I mean, this is just i dont understand the logic for people who say, whoa, an impeachment trial could really cause some disunity. Reporter yeah. It would be incredibly divisive if the impeachment went forward but, you know, lets sort of put to the side any plans that were handed out to protestors and their attempts to potentially kidnap or execute members of our government, including the Vice President , to try to stop the peaceful transfer of power. Thats why there needs to be accountability before there is unity. Yesterday, look, you know, the fact that ten republicans signed on in the house is historic. It may not sound like a lot given the severity of the charges and the evidence that we have all seen, but it is the most bipartisan impeachment in american history. Donald trump is the only president to be impeached twice and he now owns 50 of all the impeachments in u. S. History. That leaves a mark. Theres every indication that you will see a bipartisan martyr before it gets out who knew what when in this insur rex attack against the capitol. Its interesting, rachel. It strikes me. It seems trite but the president Walking Around air force one on tuesday of this week after the insurrection at the capitol, Walking Around air force one with Lindsey Graham, mind you, the afore mentioned Lindsey Graham whose role will be studied for times as being spineless. The president said, i won. I mean, if that doesnt tell you everything this morning about the president s mindset, and i think inform republicans who will vote on conviction, i dont know what does because, yes, he released this video about violence last night, but he never said and has never said he lost the election. Reporter yeah. I think theres a desire for more people to hear from republicans say that generally. You hear some of them on capitol hill but very few still willing to go out there and say, look, the president is wrong. Joe biden won this election. I think its going to be interesting to see what this trial how long does it go . Impeachment trials have gone from 21 days to 80 some days in terms of calling in witnesses, seeing evidence. There is a strong desire on the part of some democrats to move on, and i know they wont say that publicly because of, you know, blowback from the base let alone just general people who think there need to be accountability, rightfully so, but there privately is a desire to move quickly. If they just have a couple of days, we might not see a lot of witnesses, we might not see a lot of evidence, however, there is a lot of evidence. The witnesses and the stories are astounding and so i do think it will be interesting to see, do they go for like a really a real trial, you know, where they bring people in, have people who, you know, were hiding under their desks on january 6th telling their story . I think those could be really moving and you would see a lot more, perhaps, republicans vote to convict or do they move quickly, again, to get to the biden agenda which, again, a lot of democrats are concerned about how long this is going to run and what its going to mean for the transition of power for the new president. People were saying goodbye to their families. People were texting their families to say goodbye as they did in a previous terror attack, 9 11. That brings us to Rudy Giuliani, john. Apparently theres a rift now, and Rudy Giulianis calls cant get through to President Trump. I mean, you can set your watch to the time when a close ally and close friend is then, you know, summarily dismissed by donald trump. Weve seen it time and again. Because number one were told the reporting he didnt like the 20,000 a day bill that Rudy Giuliani was giving him to represent him. Id pay half as much to get myself impeached. I think if i was going to get myself impeached, id pay 10,000. You know a good bargain. Guess what, hes not going to pay Rudy Giuliani . I mean, we could have told Rudy Giuliani that a couple years ago. Reporter yeah. Loyalty is a oneway street for donald trump. He only cares about himself. That is the flow through of his presidency in addition to lying. So, you know, look, Rudy Giuliani is in a distinct category in that hes had a direct role in two impeachments of a president. Thats, you know, quite the legal counsel. But the approving expenses of a person who has, you know, debased himself and destroyed his reputation in your desentences fence is so typical because donald trump basically chooses loyalty as one white house staffer recently based on whether youre willing to light himself on fire for him and ultimately everyones burned. Anyone who hasnt figured that out by now has the additional burden of a stupidity you cant cure. If you want to get yourself impeached theres no one better to go to than Rudy Giuliani. That should be on his business card. Ill get you impeached fast. Fast ptd and i know my cousin vinnie. Rachel, thank you for being with us. John, stick around. Something else is happening overnight which is really important here which is we are being told more pardons could come as soon as today, and this matters. Why . Because, again, its between impeachment and a senate trial, who will the president pardon . How will it be received . How will this press constitutional limits because, man, you know it will. And eating nothing but cheese till you find the perfect slice. Even if everyone asks you. Another burger truck . Dont listen to them that means cooking day and night until you get. [ ding ] you got paid that means adding people to the payroll. Hi mom. That means. Best burger ever. Intuit quickbooks helps Small Businesses be more successful with payments, payroll, banking and live bookkeeping. Want to brain better . 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Anybody whos like, that would be unwise, but President Trump doesnt listen to that kind of conventional wisdom. I mean, i cant actually believe its taken him this long. I can remember having this argument with you about roger stone and boy was i wrong. He didnt do it on the exact day that you predicted but he did eventually do it and he may, indeed, try to pardon him self. I can guarantee you no court in this country will go for it. No man is supposed to be a judge in his own case. If this is tested, any court will agree with me on this. I guarantee you, alison. We shouldnt let it be a distraction. If he does this, it doesnt distract or take away from the fact that we have just seen history. He has been impeached for the second time, this time for inciting a deadly riot. Five people, at least five people died. We cannot let this become a distraction. Reporter i dont think it will pass legal muster at all and its also just politically i had idiotic, may guarantee it to happen, john avlon. To pardon yourself after youve been impeached, does that give incentives to republicans who might be on the fence . Reporter it does. A couple of things here. This is unfortunately still a matter of some constitutional debate. As laura pointed out, theres not only a 1974 olc opinion that says you cant pardon your self, but logic and the foundations of law would say that. If this is challenged and brought to the court, this could represent a real constraint. James madison specifically said that a president would not have would have his pardoning power suspended between a an impeachment but this was what madison meant. It has never been put to the test. I dont know what you mean that youre a geek when you use words like interegmun. You had a bad case of that the other day but you got a shot and it cleared it right up. Reporter exactly. You can put ointment on that. Ointment . Laura, im going to bring this back onto the rails. Thank you. In terms of the defense or this Upcoming Senate trial, if President Trump were called and testified in his own behalf and what his defense would be, it will be a challenge, i would predict, you tell me, because heres the evidence of how he and his allies incited the deadly attacks. So lets watch. Today is the day american patriots start taking down names and kicking ass. Its where right, a lot of them will go to jail. So lets have trial by combat youll never take back our country with weakness. We fight. We fight like hell. Interestingly, laura, yesterday congressman jim jordan during the impeachment process said that what he heard the president say was, quote, they impeach the president of the United States to say peacefully and patriotically let your voices be heard. Thats some selective listening. I cant count the number of times the president said fight in that speech. Its not just that speech. You have to look at the whole context of what hes been saying for weeks now and what he said after that rally. But, really, who is going to defend him . Everybody has abandoned him. He reportedly doesnt want to pay giuliani for his legal bills, the 20,000 a day that hes been racking up which i find fascinating. If you think back to the early days of the muller investigation, the president of the United States could not recruit top white collar lawyers to defend him. Why . In part because the firms were afraid that he would not pay his legal bills. And now we find ourselves in that precise situation. Its just stunning. Hes the president. He should be able to get the best defense possible in america and yet everybody is running away from him. Jay sekulow, ras kins, everyone who defended him the first time around. Alan dershowitz may be there for the defense. He was there last time. Yeah, i wonder why. We dont have a real sense. Even the process of having a former president launch a defense, we just dont know how its going to work. Jim jordan, one might suggest he has a history of selective seeing and hearing of certain things going on around him. Ill leave that out there. John avlon, laura jarrett, thank you very much for being with us. Was the deadly insurrection at the u. S. Capitol planned . What were learning that investigators have now uncovered. Thanks. There is a glass and its broken. More lotion puffs bring soothing softness and relief. A nose in need deserves puffs indeed. The new myww is our most Holistic Weight Loss Program ever. You can choose any workout you want to fit with your time frame. There are a ton of zero point foods that i love. I never feel restricted. The new myww . Dont pay until spring your first three months are Free University of phoenix is awarding dont pay until spring up to one Million Dollars in new scholarships through this month, because hope fuels opportunity. 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Theyre also following the money for clues. This comes as we learn that fbi director chris wray gave a briefing across the country warning that violent domestic extremists still pose the most significant threat to the inauguration. A federal Law Enforcement source tells cnn that Surveillance Footage indicates the domestic terror attack was not just a protest that spiraled out of control. Look, theres no doubt that were at least some conspiracies, people wandering around exercising their First Amendment rights dont bring ropes, ladders to an event. Reporter the tactics suggest a high level of planning went into the attack the Law Enforcement says. Some attendees of Donald Trumps speech left the event early possibly to retrieve items. Law enforcement officials are following the money to try to piece together the events of january 6th. Were looking at everything, money, travel records, looking at disposition, movement, communication records. Officials are also investigating reports that groups of people receive tours for members of congress the day before the attack. Investigators stress that does not mean any members of congress are under investigation. More than 30 house members have called on the sargeant at arms and Capitol Police to investigate what one House Democrat is reporting a reconnaissance mission. No one is above the law. Not the president , not his attorney, certainly not any member of congress. If any member of congress incited the insurrection or gave inside information, the fbi should investigate them and if prosecutors look at the facts and think they should be charged, then they should be charged. New is video shows the chilling communication efforts showing how determined rioters were to penetrate the capitol. Guys, ive been in the other room and the other room on the other side of this door, right where youre standing. There is a glass that somebody can break it, you can drop down into a room underneath it. So you should probably coordinate together if youre going to take this building. Reporter more have been arrested on charges including two off duty Virginia Police officers. They posted a photo from inside the capitol and had their First Court Appearance wednesday. This man, who wore a sweatshirt that read camp auschwitz, has been arrested and charged with violent entry and Disorderly Conduct on capitol grounds. And olympic Gold Medalist klee keller has been arrested after investigators say he was photographed in the capitol wearing a team u. S. A. Jacket. Looking ahead to january 20th, the National Guard has upped its troop count to more than 20,000. Multiple defense Officials Say they expect explosive devices to be a threat. Because of these concerns president elect joe biden has decided not to take the amtrak train from delaware to washington on Inauguration Day as originally planned. John, of course, that is up ending what has been a decades long tradition for joe biden. Thats a shame. Thats a shame. It would have been significant, i think, symbolic for the country and really important personally for him. Jessica schneider, thank you. Julg us is julia kayem. This notion of planning. What matters here . What matters is the extent to which groups of people, it may be a subset of those who showed up for the rally, organized and coordinated a direct attack on the capitol. So theres the question of motivation, which was clearly coming from the president ignited and incited by the president and his friends speeches and then they move up to the capitol. Its relevant because it goes to conspiracy, the charges that you can file against these people and it also goes to an infrastructure that is supporting them. Money, planning, reconnaissance. All the things that were talking about now. There is no way an attack on the capitol given the pictures that weve seen, the words that weve heard, planning wasnt at least discussed amongst some group of the people that were at the rally and thats why its relevant. I think we were talking about this for a week. If we could just get our head around the notion that a subset of Donald Trumps supporters have been radicalized to use violence for domestic terrorism, then using Counter Terrorism tactics, including isolating donald trump and what hes able to incite becomes that much more pressing especially since we only have a week left. Im not having a hard time getting my head around this. Julia, theres something about an armed insurrection that crystalizes i find the thinking. When you just saw that video that Jessica Schneider put in her piece with the woman with the bull horn, i dont know if people could hear, they were talking about a floor plan. Lets look at the floor plan. You can hear them saying they have a floor plan and shes sort of, it seems, winging it. Saying i see theres a glass window here. If somebody wants to drop me down this window, i think we get to another door. Then what jim comey said in the piece, you dont bring ropes and plastic handcuffs to a peaceful rally. So is that enough evidence for you that this was planned . Yes. Im pretty convinced of it now. And it explains, to be honest, why the Capitol Police may have been caught so off guard was because there had been some planning. This wasnt some random group. This is not a question of the loan wolves just happening to all congregate. One of the thing thats interesting is that, you know, all of them say they were operationally motivated by the president of the United States. So its not enough to say hes inciting them. They were urged tactically, operationally urged to come to d. C. To fight. Now we can parse words as much as you want. That means something to a lot of people, including me. So that gets to whats next, which is the house of trump must fall. This idea that republicans have that it will just calm down, theyll be protected, people wont be angry at them if they just let trump go out into the sunset, its not true if you view him as the symbolic and motivational leader of an organized terror group. He has to be isolated. Im so glad you brought this up because i was thinking about you last night as the president released that video, not brave enough to speak live. You say he is operationally motivated this group of terrorists. Hes the inspirational leader of a terrorist group. I want to know what you think these terrorists heard from that speech yes. Because he said dont be violent. You cant support me and be violent. What he did not say was that i am responsible for this and what he certainly did not say is i lost the election. Thats exactly right. So ive been saying for years, dont parse his words. Try to understand how theyre hearing them, and they heard those omissions, just as you said, that this is in some ways this is not done. I know people want to talk about moving on but this is basically a maximum pressure effort, the same language we use against enemies, against state enemies which is donald trump has to be a loser. He has to be powerless. He has to not be able to get more oxygen on his way out because and be very clear here, a very small group of his supporters are now emboldened to use violence, not just in dc but now we know in 50 states. If we dont see him as the leader of a terrorist organization or motivator, then he wont stop. Thats the frustrating thing about even jim comey saying maybe biden should, you know, pardon him, we should move on. None of that has worked in the past in terms of Counter Terrorism effort. We need to go after the violent people, but we need to essentially isolate the leadership. Youre seeing that so that makes me pleased for the future because if you think january 20th this ends, i mean, we all thought this would end in 2021 and wlook where we are now. Julia kayyem, thank you for helping us understand what we did hear and did not. This morning the cdc has a new forecast for the number of americans who will die from coronavirus in the next three weeks. You need to hear this next. One more bite kraft. For the win win. Youre strong. You power through chronic migraine 15 or more headache days a month,. Each lasting 4 hours or more. Botox® prevents headaches in adults with chronic migraine. So, if you havent tried botox® for your chronic migraine,. Check with your doctor if botox® is right for you, and if samples are available. Effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after injection. Causing serious symptoms. Alert your doctor right away, as difficulty swallowing,. Speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness. 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When youre ready, well come to you, pay you on the spot and pick up your car, thats it. So ditch the old way of selling your car, and say hello to the new way at carvana. Overnight the United States reported 3,848 new coronavirus deaths. The cdc now forecasts another 92,000 americans will die in just the next three weeks. That is more than 4,000 people a day. Joining us now is cnn medical analyst dr. Jonathan reiner. I dont understand where the peak is and how anybody can ever predict when were going to plateau and why were still peaking. I know that these deaths, youve taught us these are from two to three weeks ago. So from possibly the holiday surge, possibly the new variant. What are you seeing . Well, thats right, alison. Lets think about this. It takes about a week for someone to become really sick after being infected with the virus, and then another week or so to be sick enough to be hospitalized, people get into trouble and die at a variable time after that. Youre right. So what were seeing now in terms of deaths are people who became ill at least three weeks ago. Until we start to see both the number of hospitalizations dropping, right now were at 130,000 hospitalizations in the United States, until we see hospitalizations drop and until we start to see a sustained drop in daily cases, were going to see this terrible toll. Thats what were looking for. Were looking for a sustained drop in daily casings and when you start to see the hospitalizations drop thats going to tell you even before maybe the death toll drops, thats going to start to tell you that maybe were at peak and on our way down. Its not going to be the vaccinations that change this in the short term. Its just not. Thats not how its going to work. Vaccinations long term will be a salvation for us, not now, not in january, not in february, but i do want to focus on some news about vaccines. Thats the Johnson Johnson vaccine which is interesting because its a single dose. There are some signs, some positive signs that we are hearing from j j. What are you hearing . Right. So j j published yesterday in the new england journal of medicine data concerning the antibody response to this vaccine. This is the phase 1, phase 2 Clinical Trials. The preClinical Trial data that suggests that this vaccine in the doses that are being used in the big Clinical Trial, which should be available in the next two weeks, produce a very robust amount of neutralizing antibodies. The neutralizing antibodies are what produces the immunity. This vaccine is interesting because j j is betting really big that they can get this kind of response from a single dose of the vaccine and its also important to note that this is a more robust vaccine that doesnt require the ultracold supply chain. This vaccine is stable in a refrigerator for three months. It actually may be longer because similar vaccines that j j produced, they will say this can be refrigerated for three months which makes its distribution around parts of the United States and in fact around parts of the world much easier. It makes this vaccine more ideal for the kind of mass vaccination events where you basically have, pun intended, one shot at ad administering the vaccine to somebody. Its much more attractive. You can bring in 1,000, 2,000 people to an event, vaccinate them once and they will be done. You dont have to have a relationship with them where they come back in three or four weeks with the second dose as they do with the pfizer and moderna vaccines. We should have Clinical Trial data by the end of the month. Johnson johnson assuming the data looks great will imme immediately apply for an eua. I believe j j believes they could have this vaccine going into arms in the United States by the beginning of march. The u. S. Has purchased 100 million doses with an option to purchase another 200 million doses. This vaccine would really, i think, open up any bottlenecks we have in vaccine distribution. That would be wonderful, dr. Reiner. Thank you very much for giving us all of that information. My pleasure. The fbi is warning that armed protests are being planned in all 50 states at the capitols in the coming days. How is Law Enforcement preparing for this . We have reports from around the country next. Complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. Whoohoo great tasting ensure with 9 grams of protein, 27 vitamins and minerals, and nutrients to support immune health. Is skincare from around the world better than olay . Olay regenerist faced 131 premium products, from 12 countries, over 10 years. Olays hydration was unbeaten every time. Face anything. Find out more at olay. Com new years resolutions come and go. So give your business more than resolutions. Give it solutions, from comcast business. 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Also the state of georgia is sending 300 National Guards men to washington, d. C. , to help in the operation there. Im Miguel Marquez in lansing, michigan, where authorities are preparing for a socalled stand up for liberty march. Organizers say it is armed but peaceful. Authorities here also preparing for the possibility of protests and or violence through Inauguration Day. Michigan very sensitive to this as right wing militias have taken over the capitol before with long guns and at one point even plotting to kidnap the governor here. Im matt rivers outside the State Capitol in austin, texas, where the department of Public Safety is on high alert after last weeks events in d. C. They have deployed Additional Resources here at the capitol to ensure security. We know there were small protests here on tuesday. We also know state lawmakers have been told about at least two potential events that could take place on sunday although questions remain about the potential size and scope of events. Department of Public Safety says it can quickly scale up the response even further should any potential threat merit that. Thanks to our reporters. We have major new questions this morning. What does the senate do next . What does donald trump do next what does joe biden do next . All of this ahead. Ditions. Lets get fast, accurate results. Introducing letsgetchecked Health Testing you do at home. Know your health. Know yourself. Order now at letsgetchecked dot com three derm ingredients in one cream. Dont settle for less. Revitalift triple power with proretinol plus hyaluronic acid and vitamin c. It visibly reduces wrinkles. Firms. And brightens. Now thats triple power. Revitalift triple power moisturizer from loreal. We made usaa insurance for members like martin. 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So thats what we give you. Introducing Career Services for life. Learn more at phoenix. Edu new years resolutions come and go. So give your business more than resolutions. Give it solutions, from comcast business. Work more efficiently with fast internet and advanced wifi. Make your business safer with powerful cybersecurity solutions. And stay productive with 24 7 support. Make this years resolution better solutions. Bounce forward with comcast business. Get started with a powerful internet and voice solution for just 64. 90 a month. Plus, for a limited time, ask how to get a 500 prepaid card when you upgrade. Switch today. In a bipartisan way, the house demonstrated that no one is above the law. He feels betrayed by the fact that he has been impeached a second time. Unless we make sure to send ooh resounding message that this is not acceptable, we risk just papering over some of these divisions and the wounds will never truly heal. The president bears responsibility for wednesdays attack. He should have immediately denounced the mob. The president is in selfpity mode. He is upset that no one is defending him. Thousands of armed troops keep guard both outside and inside the capitol. It is a major Security Threat and we are working to mitigate those threats. Announcer this is new day with Alisyn Camerota and john berman. We want to welcome our viewers in the United States and all around the world. This in

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