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President trump just got a blistering salvo from another republican senator, arizonas jeff flake, who slammed the president on the senate floor while announcing he wont run for reelection in 2018. Flake, a trump critic who has been attacked repeatedly by the president , said reckless, outrageous and undignified behavior from the top of our government is dangerous to a democracy. He accused the president of the United States of undermining americas norms and values. And that came after the president went to capitol hill to talk tax reform with Senate Republicans over lunch. But there may have been cases of indigestion as the meal was proceeded today by a breathtaking war of words between the president and senator bob corker, who will also not run again in 2018. After corker urged the white house to leave tax reform to the professionals, the president lashed out on twitter, claiming falsely that corker helped president obama with the iran far too many principles. We were not made great as a country by indulge in or even exall thing our worst impulses, turning against ourselves, glorifying in the things that divide us, calling fake things true and true things fake. We did not become the beacon of freedom in the darkest corners of the world by flouting our institutions and failing to understand just how hardwon and vulnerable they are. This spell will eventually break. That is my belief. We will return to ourselves once more, and i say the sooner the better. Reporter just a remarkable speech there on the floor, and he got a Standing Ovation from some and a round of applause from some in that chamber this afternoon. Now, the white house, wolf, in response, they suggested it is time for flake to retire. Sarah sanders saying this is a good move and called his comments petty today. Somebody trying to get a headline or two on his way out the door. Flake in an interview with our colleague jake tapper later went on to say that he did have a very narrow path to his reelection, given the Political Climate of late. He said its not enough to be conservative, you have to be angry about it. Wolf . All right, sunlen, thank you very much. Sunlen serfaty up on capitol hill. President trumps latest personal feuds are eclipsing a move to push ahead with one of the biggest items on his agenda. Lets go to our senior White House Correspondent jeff zeleny. Jeff, the president is getting in his own way once again. Thats what it certainly seems like. Reporter wolf, it does, indeed. We saw the president there making his first visit to meet with Senate Republicans during their weekly lunch. This whole idea was to sell his tax plan to rally support for that tax plan, but at the end all of it was overshadowed by this widening gop civil war. President trump on capitol hill today trying to sell his tax plan and revive the agenda of a fractured republican party. But only an hour after leaving with a wave and a smile, republican senator jeff flake delivered a stinging rebuke of the president. We must stop pretending that the degradation of our politics and the conduct of some in our Executive Branch are normal. They are not normal. Reporter flakes announcement, that he would not seek reelection, and his blunt concession that hes no longer comfortable with Trumps Republican Party there is an undeniable potency to a pop list by mischaracterizing our problems and giving into the impulse to scapegoat and belittle threatens to turn us into a fearful, backwardlooking people. Reporter came on the same day the republican picked a new fight with senator bob corker, chairman of the Foreign Relations committee. It was an extraordinary moment for a party in power. White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders called flakes decision to leave the Senate Good News and blasted his speech as inappropriate. I notice that a lot of the language i dont think was befitting of the senate floor. Reporter she also defended the president s fight with corker. Hes a fighter. Weve said it many times before, the people of this country didnt elect somebody to be weak, they elected somebody to be strong. Reporter after corker said in a round of Morning Television interviews that the president should leave the details of tax reform to congress, mr. Trump issued a searing attack on twitter. Corker, who Couldnt Get Elected dog catcher in tennessee, is now fighting tax cuts. Seven minutes later, the president added, corker dropped out of the race in tennessee when i refused to endorse him and now is only negative on anything trump. Look at his record. The senator fired off this rebuttal. Same untruth from an utterly untruthful president the extraordinary exchange between a republican president and one of the partys senior statesman devolved from there. Corker who also decided against seeking reelection next year said the president did not refuse to endorse him. No, its not accurate. You know, nothing that he said in his tweets today were truthful nor accurate. He know it is. People around him know it. I would hope the staff over there would figure out ways of controlling him. Reporter when asked by cnns manu raju if the president is a liar, corker had this to say. The president has great difficulty with the truth. On many issues. Reporter asked whether he would support him again, corker did not hesitate. No way. No way. No, think that hes proven himself unable to rise to the occasion. Reporter taken together, the decision by flake who also has quarrelled repeatedly with mr. Trump, underscored the challenges facing the gop and potential complications to the president s agenda. Reckless, outrageous and undignified behavior has become excused and countenanced as telling it like it is, when it is actually just reckless, outrageous and undignified. And when such behavior emanates from the top of our government, it is something else, it is dangerous to a democracy. Reporter the move stunned republicans and overshadowed discussion of a tax plan the party still hopes will be the one major legislative accomplishment of the year. House Speaker Paul Ryan was among gop leaders trying to extinguish the unusual and to many the unseemly civil war. So all of this stuff you see on a daily basis on twitter this and twitter that, forget about it. Lets focus on helping people reporter now, all of these talk of early retirements certainly are putting a smile on the face of steve bannon, the former white house chief strategist here, who an ally said that he called the resignation for the retirement of jeff flake was another scalp. But, wolf, the question is this, despite all of their stronger rhetoric, senator flake and Senator Corker were reliable voters with this white house, voting with him some 85 to 90 of the time. The question is, how do both of these affect the midterm elections and trying to get anything accomplished, particularly that tax reform plan. Wolf consider. All right. Very important. Thanks very much. Jeff zeleny over at the white house. Lets get some insight now from our specialists. David chalian, let me start with you. I want you to listen to senator flake calling on his republican colleagues to not remain silent but to speak out when they see these kinds of abuses going on. Listen. What do we as United States senators have to say about it . The principles that underlie our politics, the values of our founding are too vital to our identity and to our survival to allow them to be compromised by the requirements of politics. Because politics can make us silent when we should speak, and silence can equal complicity. I have children and grandchildren to answer to. And so, mr. President , i will not be complicit or silent. How extraordinary is it, david, to hear a senator tell his colleagues, you must not be complicit . I cant think of an example of Something Like this that ive seen. I mean, on the same day, wolf, we heard senator flake tell his colleagues, we must stop pretending, we have fooled ourselves long enough. What is different about what senator flake did there is that he is doing Something Different than corker and mccain, hes challenging his fellow republicans to take their heads out of the sand. On the same day that we heard Senator Corker say that the president of the United States is debasing our nation, not living up to the job and showing no ability to turn it around. Hes thrown his hands up and basically declared the Trump Presidency a failure. One senator from the president s party declares the presidency a failure and the other is urging with a moral plea to his colleagues to not ignore whats going on anymore. I have never seen anything like it. It truly is extraordinary. Everyone stand by for a moment. Republican Congressman Will Hurd of texas, a member of the house intelligence committee, is joining us right now. Congressman, thanks very much. Do you share that feeling of obligation to speak out against President Trump and his policies and what hes doing when he goes against your values . Well, wolf, i think you and i have had enough conversations that you know im going to agree when i agree and disagree when i disagree. The residents of the 23rd district of texas elected me to be their representative. Im always going to be honest and talk about what i believe is important. So thats what i stick to. You heard senator flake call on your party, the republican party, to defend the values of this nation. So what will you and your colleagues do right now, a critical moment as these other republican senators are suggesting, to heed that call . Well, i think one of the things that were going to do is were going to make sure more Hardworking Taxpayers have more money in their pockets by continuing to do tax reform. Were going to make sure we continue to have Strong National security. You know, the fact that nine months from its been nine months and were talking about the defeat of isis and looking at how do we, you know, change the tide of problems in afghanistan. These are the things that im focused on. You know, ive missed some of this back and forth and tit for tat because i was in a hearing looking at how do we, you know, protect our Voting Infrastructure from political ads, from outside forces like the russians . And so i think for many of us, were going to continue to do our job that residents sent us up here to do and focus on that. Were going to get to those that russian interference in the u. S. Democracy in just a few moments. But you have spoken out repeatedly here with me in the situation room, to call out President Trump, for example, to apologize after his remarks about the violence in charlottesville, virginia. But the house Speaker Paul Ryan, the Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell today, they dismissed all of these fights. Do you think republicans, congressman, are being wellserved by their leaders right now who remain silent in the face of a lot of this outrage . Well, i wouldnt i dont think id necessarily characterize it the way you did, wolf. I know speaker ryan was pretty clear about his opposition after charlottesville. I think he has spoken out on a number of times. I havent kept track, but i do think its important for all of us to do what we think is right and do what the folks that elected us sent us up here to do. And for me, whether its a president of my own party or a president of another party, i agree when i agree, i disagree when i disagree. Think that we can learn that we can disagree without being disagreeable. I think that is something that is important and weve got to show that as an example up here as elected officials. If we cant do it, our kids wont be able to do it and our grand kids wont be able to do it. I ask the question because the Speaker Paul Ryan has said he doesnt have any major disagreements with the president of the United States. Which seems to be in stark contrast to what we heard today from these other two republican senators. Senator flakes powerful speech, as you know, follows that very Harsh Criticism of the president by senator bob corker, who is the chairman of the senate Foreign Relations committee. Publicly condemned President Trumps impact on National Security and Foreign Policy. His position as a role model for children. He says hes not a role model. And his relationship with the truth. He keeps saying the president is not telling the truth. Do you share those concerns . Well, like i said, i didnt hear all of all of that, wolf, im sorry. Its a little loud here. And also i didnt see what he said earlier, but for me when it comes down to it, im going to agree on things that i agree on, im going to disagree when i dont when i disagree. Im going to stand up for what i think is right and my own brand of conservatism. I always have to remind people, we didnt elect an emperor, we elected a president and he is one member of the party. Now he has a pretty big bully pulpit, but the republican brand is larger than just any one individual, and the fact that we can have this kind of conversation amongst ourselves and, you know, spilling out into the open, i think this is a sign that you can see there is not group think when it comes to the republican party. There certainly is. Senator corker, senator flake, they apparently feel they can speak more honestly now that theyre not running for reelection next year, but do you and other republicans privately share the concerns they expressed . You speak to your fellow republicans on the house side all the time. Without mentioning names, do they share those concerns . Well, look, wolf, i think most of my colleagues i talk about, you know, they share their opinions. Theyre not afraid to say it publicly and in private, so, you know, i havent had those conversations, but i also cant say i can speak for all, what, 247 of my colleagues in the house or the 52 in the senate. You held an important hearing today, congressman, on political ads, on social media. Right now if you see a political ad on facebook or another platform, you dont know who paid for that ad. Do you believe that should change . Well, i think what we have to remember is we have to separate political advertising from others, and when it comes to express advocacy like vote for this guy or dont vote for that guy or issue advocacy, call your congressman and tell them to vote against x, y or z, this is regulated by the federal elections act. There are a number of court cases. There is the Mccain Feingold law. Political advertisement and speak whether its new immediate or or old media are handled the same way. The Foreign Agent registration act, and this says that, you know, Vladimir Putin cant buy or shouldnt be able to buy an ad in on broadcast or on print media and say dont send tell your congressman not to send defensive weapons to the unitkrainians. This is an area we can focus on and make sure were addressing the problem of russian influence. Political advertising is difference from political disinformation and we need to have a Counterdisinformation Strategy in how we deal with this issue that the russians have been doing for decades in europe and trying to do here in the United States. Ultimately the russians goal is to undermine trust in our democratic institutions. We cant let them get away with that. The president said its all a hoax, the Russian Investigation that you and your committee and others are investigating. The special counsel robert mueller. Its also a hoax. What do you say to the president when he says that this is not serious, its a hoax . Well, in my 9 1 2 years as an Undercover Officer in the cia, i dont know too many occasions where the nsa, the cia and the fbi actually agreed upon, you know, a number of analytical judgements. It was clear the russians attempted to undermine trust in our institutions. You know, we still dont have enough understanding of the magnitude of some of these social media ads, but we do know that the russians didnt manipulate the vote counting machines. So russian activity to try to undergird trust in our institutions is a big deal and i think many folks within this administration have talked about how russia is an adversary, not an ally and one of the biggest threats to our country. You dont hear that from the president of the United States. Other aides, National Security aides of his, they speak like youre suggesting. The president does not. All right. Weve got to leave it right there. I know youve got to go vote. Congressman will hurd, thanks so much for joining us. Always a pleasure, wolf. All right. Weve got our panel here. Weve got a lot to assess. There is breaking news. Well be right back. I would hope the staff over there would figure out ways of controlling him when they know that everything he said today was absolutely untrue. You said hes an untruthful president. Yes. Are you calling no question . No question. I dont we grew up in our family not using the l word, okay . But, yeah, just, i mean, theyre provable untruths. Unfortunately, i think World Leaders are very aware that much of what he says is untrue. Is the president of the United States a liar . The president has great difficulty with the truth. On many issues. All right. So, gloria, other republicans, 52 republicans in the United States senate, most of them attended this luncheon with the president today. Do a lot of them share the view of Senator Corker, senator flake . Think of what a stunning day this was. They went into that luncheon with the president , wolf, and they applauded him. They didnt discuss the elephant in the room. At that point, there was only one elephant in the room, not two. They knew about the corker statements. They applauded the president. Didnt discuss it. They come out, jeff flake goes to the senate floor and just laces him not only to the senators whom he calls complicit and the republican leaders, but it was an indictment of trumpism. I was compiling a bunch of words today that the president has effectively been called. Now, Senator Corker wouldnt call him a liar, but he did call him a liar. Donald trump was called today unstable, venal, immature, dangerous, reckless and undignified. Those are my words. Some of them i share with the speech that senator flake gave. This was an unbelievable day, where a sitting president of the United States was called all of these things, was told that he was dangerous and two sitting senators said that the president of the United States lies. Not only to the american public, but to foreign leaders, and as a result it has put our country in peril. And those senators go in that room and they applaud the president. Because what is important to these senators is that they want to get tax reform done. And flake made the point, how important is your agenda when it comes to larger issues about the presidency or the values of this country . And i dont know that anything will change as a result of this, but i certainly think this is a historic moment in our nations history. Certainly nothing that we have ever witnessed. You know, biana, senator flake said he will not be, in his words, complicit or silent. The implication being, of course, that other republicans are right now being complicit and silent in the face of all of this and the reaction we did hear from the Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell, the house Speaker Paul Ryan, they said youve got to move on and talk about big issues. They really didnt even want to address these charges by their fellow republicans. Yeah, i think Senator Mcconnells reaction to senator flake, that was the most emotional gloria, we were talking about this earlier. For mcconnell. That was the most emotional weve seen him. This clearly took him by surprise as well. You could see that he sympathized and probably maybe part of him envoyed the fact that senator flake could be so honest. Clearly Senator Mcconnell has his own agenda, but looking at just this past year, theyve not been able to pass any legislation with this president. Why they think within the next few weeks, given Everything Else thats going on, given the fact that the president seems to undermine them every single day via twitter, why they think theyre going to be able to get tax reform done if they cant get Health Reform done is beyond me. Something else that struck me, though, when you heard senator flake was the normalization. Its not normal. What weve seen transpire in this country over the past year. What weve seen transpire in washington. It is not normal for a president to get into a fight with a goldstar family. It is not normal for a president to be belittling people via twitter within his own party, whether or not theyre in his own party or not. Its just something weve never seen before. And i think what was striking is what we heard from both Senator Corker earlier in his interview with manu raju and what we heard from senator flake in his interview with jake tapper was that both republican senators when asked said this president is not a role model for children in this country. That is quite striking and that, you know, in a sense its heartbreaking, the president of the United States not to be a role model for people within his own party. I cant imagine democrats not being able to say that with past president s of other parties. No doubt that Mitch Mcconnell was emotional. I saw him speak on the floor. Hes emotional because senator flake is a dearly loved fellow conservative in the senate. He is wellrespected among his colleagues. I have no doubt that Mitch Mcconnell was emotional. What hes not is actually heeding senator flakes words in any way. If you look at mcconnells statement and paul ryans statement afterwards, i mean, the most mcconnell said was, i appreciated hearing his words. That doesnt sound to me like Mitch Mcconnell was sort of woken up into leading his conference in a different way to respond to the criticisms that corker and flake are putting forward. I agree with gloria. Think this is not going to change much at all. Sarah sanders is absolutely right when she says from the white house podium that bob corker and jeff flake are in a different place from where the Republican Voters are, primary voters in their states. They were likely potentially to lose those elections. They are out of touch with the party and Mitch Mcconnell understands where the where all of his voters are and his members voters are, which is why i dont think you see him joining jeff flakes cause, no matter how emotional he might be with the goodbye. I think jeff flake said he isnt in the same place as the voters. He knows that. He basically admitted that he was going to lose and hes kind of hopeful that this shall pass, but he made the case that the voters determine what occurs in congressional and in senate races. And he knew that he was, what, at 18 in the polls. He knew that he wasnt going to win. So, you know, he got out rather than run that kind of a race. He said he wouldnt be true to his values. Bianna, go ahead. No, im not saying that in any way the administration is going to change or were going to see much change in the larger picture within the party. I think, in fact, i think the president and the Administration May be emboldened by what they saw. These two senators went after the president. The president went after him. Now theyre both gone. In the president s eyes, he won. The question is, he won the battle, what about the war . What legislation are they going to be able to pass and what happens if these senators are replaced by democrats . Theyre not gone yet. Both going to be United States senators for 14 months. Another year, exactly. Not going to run for reelection, but still january, 2019, theyre going to be United States senators. There is much more to assess. Were following the breaking news. How do we say that this fall, specialists. Glory, Senator Corker, who is the chairman of the senate Foreign Relations committee, well plugged in on all things National Security, international relations. Listen to what he said because he suggested that the president of the United States has an impact, of course, on Global Policy that is potentially a very dangerous man. Do you think the president is a threat to National Security . I think that there are people around him that work in an effort to contain him. That would be Secretary Mattis and tillerson and general kelly there as chief of staff. Well, that almost seems to accept the premise of the question, if he needs to be contained. I do think when you have the kind of issue were dealing with in north korea, where we have a very unstable leader there, when you send out tweets into the region to raise tensions, when you knee cap, which is what hes done publicly when you knee cap your Secretary Of State, whose diplomacy you have to depend upon to really bring china to the table to do the things that need to be done, back channelling in some cases to north korea. When you knee cap that effort, you really move our country into a binary choice which could lead to a world war. So, yes, i want him to support diplomatic efforts. Not embarrass and really malign efforts that are underway to try to get some kind of diplomatic solution here and i think most people would agree with that. What does it say, gloria, when the chairman of the senate Foreign Relations committee, a republican, says the republican president of the United States could lead the u. S. To world war iii, as he said before. Suggested it once again today. It represents a threat to u. S. National security. So the chairman of the senate Foreign Relations committee believes that the president of the United States is dangerous. Thats what it says. It says that he believes that this president could get us involved in a world war. And this is coming from a republican. This is not coming from Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton for that matter. This is coming from bob corker. This is not the cause the president said that he Couldnt Get Elected dog catcher. This is because he knows something about Foreign Policy. He clearly talks to the Secretary Of State Rex Tillerson very much. They are close. And i think what we are seeing in that is the chairman channelling the Secretary Of State here, probably through the conversations that they have had privately. You know, this is why its so important, wolf, of what you said before. There are 14 months left. Bob corkers not leaving Congress Next week. So think about how the person who is in charge of americas Foreign Policy from the legislative branch, the chairman of the senate Foreign Relations committee, is going to work with the person who is in charge of our Foreign Policy, the Executive Branch, the president of the United States. Over the next 14 months with some very serious challenges facing us and theyre clearly not on the same page, and by bob corkers telling today, he doesnt think theyre capable of getting on the same page. And, by the way, Rex Tillerson probably wont be around for as long as bob corkers going to be around. You know, bianna, i want to point out, Rex Tillerson reportedly calling the president of the United States a moron over the summer. It follows former president george w. Bush without mentioning the president by name a very serious critique of the president by the former president , republican as well. Senator john mccain also bitterly critical. None of this is happening in a vacuum. None of this is happening in a vacuum at home and you have to remember that all of our allies and adversaries abroad are watching whats happening here as well. Senator corker, when he says that the president knee caps the Secretary Of State, that says something because there is a protocol that traditionally foreign leaders, foreign dignitaries speak to certain people, they go to either the president , the Secretary Of State. Who do they talk to in certain situations . The secretary of defense. Here they see sort of this hodgepodge of different policy being thrown out left, right and center, sometimes vee via twitter, and you can understand why its jarring for our allies, potentially an opening for our adversaries and thus i think thats what Senator Corker was talking about, that it puts us in this unstable position where you dont know whether or not you can rely upon the United States to come to your aid. And also, They Dont Know foreign leaders dont know whether they can rely on the president s word. And thats important. Because if they cant trust the president s word, because as weve heard from these senators, that believe that he has a strange relationship with the truth, as in he lies, well, then what do they have . If you cant listen to Rex Tillerson because he doesnt speak for the president , then who do you trust when it comes to our Foreign Policy . You know, i want you to point out what a truly extraordinary day this has been. Wolf, no matter what happens in terms of outcomes out of this or the fallout, this is a day for History Books. Starting with this morning, seeing bob corker, senior statesman in the republican party, out on the morning shows blasting the president , followed by these amazing set of words he put together in his Roaming Interview with plamanu raju, Yo Then Come In The Afternoon and you have jeff flake trying to grab his party by the lapels saying hes not going to stick around for this because he has to answer to his children and grandchildren and that he believes his colleagues are being complicit in something that is dangerous for the country. This will go down in the History Books no matter what or if something comes of it. All right. Everybody, stick around. There is a lot more to assess. Also coming up, a prominent critic of Vladimir Putin now faces accusations in a mysterious and notorious death. He not only denies it, he says its an attempt by putins government to shut him up. 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President trump was supposed to impose new sanctions on russia back on october 1st. So far, the administration has not done so. In the meantime, a prominent critic of the russian president , Vladimir Putin, now stands accused of a notorious and mysterious death. But William Browder contends that russian officials are trying to silence him by making false accusations. Cnns brian todd has been looking into the story for us. What are you finding out . Tonight we have obtained documents from putins prosecutor to fire bill browder. Putin is furious with browder, because browder exposed a Scheme Including Putin and his cronies. Tonight, Vladimir Putin has a wellknown whistleblower in his crosshairs. A man who has exposed putins alleged corruption. In putins russia, there are no good guys. Reporter russian prosecutors are claiming that this man, americanborn financier, bill browder, conspired to murder sergey magnitsky, an investigative lawyer who browder himself had hired to blow open a Tax Fraud Scheme Worth Hundreds of millions of dollars, benefiting people linked to putin. I think its totally absurd. It shows that putin has effectively lost his mind and hes totally rattled about the Magnitsky Act. Reporter the Magnitsky Act is an american law, spearheaded by bill browder, which sanctioned individual russians close to putin. Putin is furious over it. He takes very seriously the threat to his economic interests. Reporter browder, who once ran a hedge fund in russia, hired magnitsky because browder believed russian officials were ripping him off. After magnitsky exposed that Tax Fraud Scheme, magnitsky was jailed. He got sick in a moscow prison and died in 2009. Browder believes because russian officials purposefully didnt care for him. Sergey magnitsky is dead. He suffered terribly and is dead because he was my lawyer. Reporter putin and his aides have repeatedly denied browders allegations and now they claim magnitskys death was all browders idea. Translator underneath are the criminal activities of an entire gang, led by one particular man. I believe browder is his name. Reporter cnn has obtained from bill browder a letter from a top russian prosecutor to justice officials in moscow, asking them to investigate browder and an unidentified person, employed by the British Intelligence agency, mi6, accusing them of a, quote, criminal plan to take actions aimed at the termination of rendering medical care to s. L. Magnitsky. Its also absurd because of the implication which russians themselves would deny, that somehow mi6 or bill browder are able to control what russian Prison Officials do. How exactly would that work . Reporter when we interviewed browder recently, he spoke of being targeted by the kremlin in an even more menacing way. What are the Security Threats you have received . Theyve the russian government has made numerous Death Threats against me. They want to kill me. They would like to kidnap me. They would like to have me arrested and sent back to russia. The kremlin denies wanting browder dead. Now, cnn got no Immediate Response from the British Intelligence agency, mi6 to the russian prosecutors allegations. We also reached out here in washington and in moscow to russian officials to ask them what specific evidence they have against bill browder and mi6 tying them to the death of sergey magnitsky. We didnt immediately get a response to that. But Vladimir Putin has called browders charges of corruption against him garbage. Wolf . Brian, This Isnt The First Time that putins gone after bill browder with legal action, right . Thats right, wolf. Putins regime has accused browder of committing financial crimes in russia. Theyve even convicted him in an sench ya of those allegations. He refutes those charges, but the russians have issued five Interpol Arrest notices for bill browder. Theyre trying to get him captured and take him back to russia where browder believes theyre going to kill him if they get him. Brian todd reporting for us. Thank you very much. Coming up, theres breaking news. Two republican senators have had enough of President Trump. Both will not run for reelection and both deliver blistering attacks on the president , saying hays ining h the United States and undermining american values. We were not made great as a country by indulging in or even exalting our worst impulses, turning against ourselves, glorifying in the things that divide us, and calling fake things true and true things fake. How much money do you think youll need in retirement . Then we found out how many years that money would last them. How long do you think well keep oooooohhh you stopped youre gonna leave me back here at year 9 . How did this happen . 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