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Room. This is cnn breaking news. As george h. W. Bush is laid to rest here in texas, President Trump is taking a cue from bush 41 to fill a very critical opening his cabinet. Sources now tell cnn that bushs former attorney general william barr is emerging as a leading candidate to lead the Justice Department once again, potentially replacing Jeff Sessions and inheriting oversight of the russia investigation. The president weighing his options right now at a very sensitive moment in Robert Muellers probe. The special counsel is poised to reveal new information tomorrow involving two central figures, Paul Manafort and Michael Cohen, and tonight mr. Trump and his legal team, they are bracing for impact. This hour ill speak with congressman eric swalwell. He is a democrat who serves on the intelligence and judiciary committee. And our correspondents and analysts are also standing by. First, lets go to our senior White House Correspondent jeff zeleny. Jeff, after a lot of speculation about a potential white house shakeup, the president seems to be moving forward in his new search for a new attorney general. Whats the latest . Wolf, good evening. The president could not wait to fire his attorney general Jeff Sessions, but he has taken longer to hire a permanent replacement. But tonight we are learning that one of the leading contenders for the position is someone who indeed has held the position before. William barr was the attorney general for a couple of years during the first bush administration, whose been on hand for all of the ceremonies here this week in washington is described to us by officials as one of the leading contenders. Of course, the president could always change his mind. See still reviewing others as well. But wolf, the question is, if he named him, if he was confirmed, what that mao would mean for the russia investigation. President trump is moving closer tonight to nominating a new attorney general. Cnn has learned that william barr, who led the Justice Department under president george h. W. Bush 25 years ago is emerging as alleged candidate. The president has not made a final decision officials say, but is strongly considering the veteran washington lawyer. Its been one month since trump fired attorney general Jeff Sessions. I put in an attorney general that never took control of the Justice Department, Jeff Sessions. Never took control of the Justice Department and its sort of an incredible thing. Reporter after months of publicly chastising him for his recuse until the russia investigation. Even my enemy says that Jeff Sessions should have told you that he was going to recuse himself and then you wouldnt have put him in. Reporter he named loyalist Matt Whitaker as acting attorney general, technically overseeing the russia probe that lies at the heart of President Trumps anger. But tonight the president is contending with more fallout in the markets worldwide after the arrest of a top chinese executive heightened concerns about a trade war with china. The cfo of huawei was arrested saturday, just as trump and chinese president xi jinping agreed to a trade truce over dinner at the g20 summit in argentina. National security adviser john bolton today saying he knew about the arrest, but would not say if trump did. I dont know the answer to that. I knew in advance, but this is something thats that we get from the Justice Department and these kinds of things happen with some frequency. We certainly dont inform the president on every one of them. Reporter meanwhile, a month after the president signaled staff changes are coming people leaf. People leave. Reporter so far the west wing and cabinet look just like they did before the midterm elections. Were looking at different people for different positions. You know, its very common after the midterms. Reporter after being on the brink of being fired, the president has warmed to Homeland Security secretary kirstjen nielsen. She has been given at least a temporary reprieve even though he has made little secret of his dissatisfaction over immigration. Id like her to be much tougher on the border, much tougher, period. Reporter still, white house officials are brace fogger more staff changes as the president nears the halfway mark of his first term in office. Chief of staff john kelly is among those up in the air, with the president often giving him a mix red view. There. Are certain things that i love what he does and certain things that i dont like that he does. Reporter avenue being unusually silent during the state funeral ceremonies for george h. W. Bush, trump began voicing discontent today again on twitter. Without the phony witchhunt and all that we have accomplished in the last two years, my Approval Rating would be at 75 rather than 50 he added. Its called president ial harassment. And wolf, a bit of a reality check on the president s Approval Rating. Its not 50 in most polls. About the average in the low 40s or. So but never mind that its clear that the president is beginning to focus back on the matter at hand here, that russia investigation. He has not said anything publicly at least about the things weve learned this week, most notably, the National Security adviser he fire in order than a year ago, of course cooperating with the special counsel, interviewing him some 19 times. The president not yet talking about that publicly, but wolf, all that could change tomorrow as were expecting so much more news and information coming out of the special counsels office. Wolf . Tomorrow could be a really, really big day. All right, jeff zeleny, thank you very much. And the russia investigation tonight, trump confidante roger stone is speaking out after invoking his fifth amendment rights to avoid testifying before the u. S. Senate and turning over what he describes as truckloads of documents. Lets go to our Political Correspondent sara murray. She is working the story for us. Sara, President Trump araised roger stones defiance in the russia probe earlier in the week, and you had a chance to speak with him. What are you learning right now about any coordination between the two . Wolf, remember earlier this week, trump praised roger stone said he had guts because he said he would never testify against the president. Stone insisted there has been no communication between the president s lawyers and his lawyers. He says they dont have a joint defense agreement, and in a speech here in d. C. , he insisted the president s tweet was nothing more than a tweet, certainly not witness tampering. I was proud to see a tweet from the president of the United States who lauded me for my guts. Now, some in the Mainstream Media went immediately to a post of all liberal legal analysts who said that the president s tweet could cute witness tampering. Absurd on the basis of the fact that i have said the exact same thing on the record on numerous forums for the last two years. Now, wolf, obviously some read the president s tweet as a nod to roger stone, that maybe he would pardon him if he ended up in legal trouble. Roger stone obviously downplaying the idea that there is any kind of obstruction of justice going on here, wolf. As you know, sara, the senate wants stone to testify, but he is refusing to do so by pleading the fifth. Is he changing his mind . Well, i certainly think he is trying to play a little bit of a game with the senate here. He made it very clear he was not willing to testify behind closed doors, but said maybe i would be willing to reconsider if they made that public. Here is how he described it in his speech today. Have i elected to invoke my fifth amendment rights when it comes to the witchhunt being conducted by the Senate Intelligence and the Senate Judiciary committees. Just for the record, i informed through my attorneys both of those committees that i would not be turning over three tractortrailer loads of documents for them to root for, and i will not testify unless i am allowed to testify in public so that the American People can hear every word. Now its worth noting that stone has already testified in private before the house intelligence committee. He says things are different now that he knows that hes actively under investigation. I asked him what he would do if he heard from the special counsel, if he would also invoke his fifth amendment privilege ares when it came to mueller, and wolf, he refused to answer the question, saying its a hypothetical and he has learned not to answer those. Joining us now, congressman eric swalwell. He is a democrat. He serves on the intelligence and judiciary committees. Congressman, thank you so much for joining us. Let me give you Immediate Reaction to roger stone. What do you think . Good evening, wolf. Well, i dont think you have a lot of guts if you are refusing to cooperate in an investigation thats trying to secure our elections. And if you admire President Trump so much, then you must also admire his words in september 2016 when he said who takes the fifth . Only the mob takes the fifth. So unless youre associating yourself with moblike tactics, you i dont think have much guts, and it looks like roger stone has much to hide. Ill leave it at that. Wolf. William barr is now emerging as President Trumps possible nominee as attorney general. If nominate and confirmed, he would oversee the Mueller Investigation. Would you support barrs nomination . Im certainly open to it, and i think as weve seen over the last few days, you know, how honorable of man george h. W. Bush was, someone who was kind, who loved his country, who sought to unite us and led with optimism that this individual served in his administration, i think that must give him some credential. I would want to know, though, has he ever talked to President Trump or kniffin anyone in the r the administration who has ever expressed thoughts or prejudged the investigation and whether he would pledge to allow bob mueller to continue to follow the evidence and reach its natural conclusion. Right now he sounds a hell of a lot better than Matt Whitaker who already has prejudged the investigation. And according to vox. Com reporting, has plotted with the president to try and take over the investigation. Do you think barr would get confirmed by the senate . Well, if all of that is true, that he has not talked to the president , that he hasnt prejudged the investigation, that he would allow bob mueller to finish his work, i do think he would be confirmed. Look we do need an attorney general. I accept that donald trump is allowed to make and have people in his cabinet who he wishes i just want to make sure that the rule of law is followed. And thats what is at stake right now with Matt Whitaker being there. So i think mr. Barr certainly deserves a fair hearing. Well, what would be your concerns if Robert Mueller actually finishes his final report before the president is able to confirm a new attorney general . Well, my biggest concern would be that congress would not have access to the report, and that the president would seek to stand on executive privilege and prevent us from seeing it. However, i think bob mueller is going to continue to speak through indictments and i expect that in the coming weeks, considering the number of grand jury witnesses who have come forward that we will see more indictments. But i think its imperative that the congress, particularly the House Judiciary Committee where i sit is able to see the Mueller Report as soon as it is presented to the attorney general or acting attorney general. What do you expect, congressman, from the mueller findings tomorrow on both Michael Cohen and Paul Manafort . Well, i expect that we will see that President Trump, his family and his campaign were eager to do two things during the pend dentsy. They were eager to work with the russians and they were eager to do business with the russians. Also we have found that when confronted about it, people like Michael Cohen and Michael Flynn and Paul Manafort have all lied. And so i expect youll see more evidence of candidate for president of the United States drawing himself very close to our adversaries. Wolf, as you sit there in honor of george h. W. Bush, you cant help but listen to all the tributes said about him, he was person who knew who our allies were and who were not. That distinguishes him with the current occupier of the white house who was so eager to work with a foreign adversary. The special counsels filing on Michael Flynn, the president s former National Security adviser revealed there are three ongoing investigations. So does it sound like things perhaps arent wrapping up quite yet . Thats right, wolf. There are three ongoing investigations. It looks like at least one of them relates to the trump russia question as to whether they worked with the russians. But it also signals that when they are able to get witnesses to cooperate and tell the truth, and it took 19 interviews to get there with Michael Flynn, they can learn a lot and they can do a lot. But when witnesses lie, tamper, obstruct, as we have seen with Paul Manafort, it really sets back the investigation. And i say that because donald trump, as much as he complains about the length of the investigation, he ultimately drives the length of this investigation i think more than almost anyone else who is in it. So if he were to just cooperate, sit down with the special counsel, stop trying to obstruct via twit other dangling pardons, we could reach a conclusion much sooner. What do you think that filing reveals about others in the trump transition who potentially might be pretty vulnerable in the Russian Investigation . Well, this was a transition unlike any wed seen in any prior administration, wolf. We saw that Jared Kushner and steve bannon and many others were taking meetings with foreign nationals before the Obama Administration had even left. Knowing that they were doing that and knowing that Jared Kushner has failed to disclose prior foreign contacts, knowing that he was financially vulnerable because of his prior financial dealings, i hope that we answer the question as to whether Jared Kushner has be compromised or as to whether Jared Kushner has been trying to access or cash in on access to the white house. And i expect that will be a part of the special counsels final presentation to congress. Congressman, before i let you go, on a very different subject, you tweeted in support of a proposal of a Biden Swalwell ticket in 2020. Are you prepared to run in 2020 as either a president ial or a Vice President president ial candidate . Or swalwell biden, wolf. Im open to entertaining both variations. And i was actually as a fan of cher and my mom has been to many of her concerts, my mom was thrilled. I think my mom has sent that to every person in the world she has ever talked to. Well see what happens on that front. Congressman swalwell, thanks for joining us. My pleasure. More news were following. Just ahead, more on President Trumps possible pick for attorney general. Would william barr move to limit Robert Muellers russia investigation or even kill it. Plus, a reported secret turkish lobbying effort involving former National Security adviser Michael Flynn. Did he discuss kidnapping a turkish cleric . With an ingredient originally discovered. In jellyfish. In clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve shortterm memory. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. I can do more to lower my a1c. Because my body can still make its own insulin. I take trulicity once a week to activate my body to release its own insulin, like its supposed to. Trulicity is not insulin. It works 24 7. It comes in an easytouse pen. And i may even lose a little weight. Trulicity is an injection to improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes when used with diet and exercise. 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Your reporting suggests one of the redacted cases in the flint filing may have to do with work involving turkey. What makes you suspect that . What we reported was that some time in recent month, mueller has actually referred a case of turkish lobbying back to the Eastern District of virginia where it began. And if you recall, this is the case that originally kind of ensnared Michael Flynn. He was caught as not having registered as a Foreign Agent for turkey and was part of an effort to get a cleric living in pennsylvania repatriated to turkey. This is an enemy of the turkish government. This is originally what got the Justice Department flynn on the Justice Departments radar. What we say in the story is it appears this may have been one of the cases mueller was referring to on thursday because flynn has direct knowledge of this case, and there is active measures being taken in this case to pursue other elements of it. Well, give us some more details. Explain the type of work Michael Flynn was doing, and why that raised suspicions. Flynn came out with an oped actually on election day of all days advocating for the repatriation of this cleric, a man name gulen. He worked with several different clients to try to lobby congress, to try to put out information about gulen that might influence american policy. They didnt register as Foreign Agent, and thats ultimately what got them in trouble with the Justice Department. There were reports also, media reports there was ivan a discussion of some kind of rendition or kidnapping of gulen to send him back to turkey. We should say that flynns lawyer has denied this vehemently, that flynn had any knowledge of such a plot, if there was even such a plot. What conflicts potentially does that raise when you look at flynns work during the trump president ial campaign and later during the transition and for about a month as the president s National Security adviser . Well, we actually reported last year that the trump transition knew that flynn was under investigation for this turkish lobbying, even as they made him National Security adviser. And it shows that flynn was very actively participating on one side of a very controversial issue for another government. In other words, coming on the side of turkey without disclosing it, at the same time he was working for Trump Campaign. At the same time we should say its a little bit in line with the Trump Campaign in terms of seeking Business Opportunities at the same time they were campaigning. I mean, the president himself said last week that he while he was seeking the presidency, he was actively pursuing a deal in moscow for a trump tower. Solve this is obviously not the first time you see a Campaign Official who was pursuing Business Opportunities at the same time they were working for the campaign. What does it tell you, mark, that Robert Mueller handed off this case . I think its significant because youve seen mueller in recent weeks, month, hand off other aspects of this investigation. Trump has tried to create this impression that the Mueller Investigation is this giant blob that sort of consumes everything in its path and then gets bigger and bigger and bigger. In fact, what were seeing is in a way its getting narrower. He is putting and sending to other districts different satellite parts of the case, and he really seems to be focusing on the central issues of his investigation, which is any possible conspiracy with russia in the Trump Campaign and obstruction of justice. So in a way, the narrowing focus of it is significant, and its in line with what weve seen over the last few months. Clark hmazzetti, good reporting. Thank you so much. Thank you. The president is ranting once again about a russia witchhunt. How worried should he be about Robert Muellers new Court Filings tomorr s tomorrow. And breaking news on roger stone denying he shared any information with the probe. Stick around. I cant believe it. That grandpas nose is performing flight of the bumblebee . No, you goof. I cant believe how easy it was to save hundreds of dollars on my Car Insurance with geico. Nice. I know, right . [nose plays a jazzy saxophone tune] believe it. Geico could save you 15 or more on Car Insurance. Were following multiple breaking stories right now. Sources now say President Trump is moving closer and closer to choosing a new attorney general, that william barr is emerging as a top contender. Barr served in the post under president george h. W. Bush. Also tonight, trump ally roger stone tells cnn that hes not, repeat not sharing any information with President Trumps lawyers about the russia investigation. Stone pleading the fifth this week to avoid testifying before the u. S. Senate. Lets bring in our analysts. Listen to roger stone today defiantly refusing to turn over documents to congressional investigators. I have elected to invoke my fifth amendment rights when it comes to the witchhunt being conducted by the Senate Intelligence and the Senate Judiciary committees. Just for the record, i informed through my attorneys both of those committees that i would not be turning over three tractortrailer loads of documents for them to root for, and i will not testify unless i am allowed to testify in public so the American People can hear every word. Michael, so what do you make of that defiant tone he is striking . Well, he has been pretty defiant all along. Of course, his defiance has been that he has done absolutely nothing wrong. So its not easy to understand as to what he is asserting fifth amendment rights as to. But clearly he doesnt like the Mueller Investigation. He doesnt want to cooperate with it, and he will stand on his Constitutional Rights and fight to the extent that he has a right to fight it. And that will be up until the time that mueller decides whether or not to indicthim or not indict him. Phil mudd, stone poent potentially could be indicted in the coming months. Do you believe this is a brazen play . Oh, yeah. Note what he said in that flip clip. He didnt talk about Robert Mueller. He talked about the Senate Intelligence and judiciary committees. This is not reality yet, wolf. This is like me in fourth grade on the night before i was going to be bully odd tonight schoolyard saying im going to stand up to the bully. My point is when mueller potentially throws some hardcore indictments in front of roger stone, its not about the Senate Intelligence or judiciary committees, its about spending time behind bars. If that ever happens, what is stone going to do . Right now, of course, as michael said, he could plead the fifth. He can say i did nothing wrong. He hasnt faced an indictment yet. But he also hasnt faced reality. When that 18wheeler hits him in the head, i suspect we might get a different answer. You know, gloria, stones rhetoric seems to stand in sharp contrast to the cooperation from other Trump Associates like Michael Cohen and Michael Flynn, for example. Do you think thats by design . Yeah. Look, i agree with phil. I think helps asking for some kind of pardon. He said he was proud that the president tweeted that he had guts, and, you know, obviously the president doesnt believe Michael Cohen has any. What was interesting to me about flynn after the sentencing memo is we didnt hear anything from the president on that because the message that was copping out of muellers Office Strong and clear is if you cooperate with me and you give us substantial assistance in any way, shape, or form, were going to be good to you. And thats not Donald Trumps message. Trumps message is if you cooperate with mueller, youre not doing yourself any good. But if you cooperate with me, then maybe i wont take a pardon off the table, as he said about Paul Manafort. Kaitlan, you cover the white house for us. How do you think the president will react to that kind of rhetoric from roger stone . He is going to react positively, wolf. Weve already seen that. He was praising him saying he is one of few people left who has guts. That is something raised money off of trying to raise money for his legal bills that he is experiencing right now. Back to the campaign, roger stone was certainly seen by Campaign Officials as this pathway to wikileaks sort of someone who is keeping them updated on those kinds of things, what was happening, as you saw the president talking about wikileaks on the campaign trail. But to be clear, Campaign Officials did not always take roger stone seriously. They know how he is. They know how he has fashioned himself, and sometimes they thought he essentially oversold his goods. So it is important to keep in mind that they did not always take him seriously in that manner. But right now, because of what roger stone is doing and what he is saying publicly about the special counsel in contrast with what Michael Cohen and Paul Manafort are doing, the president is reacting very positively to roger stone, as weve seen play out on his twitter feed. David swerdlick, what did you think of those remarks . I think were all in accord here, wolf. Manafort did the im not talking. Michael cohen did the im changing my tune. Jerry corsi, figure out if you can see what im saying right now. Carter page took the approach of the confused businessman. So all that is left i guess for roger stone is righteous indignation, because im not sure what it gets him to have an open hearing that he seemed to demand in front of congress, in front of cameras if he is either going to go in front of cameras. He hasnt been indicted yet, and takes the fifth, if there are any charges leveled against him, or if he is simply going to say what he does or doesnt already know that mueller probably already has information that we dont know that he knows about roger stone. Hes playing to the cameras. He is playing i think to President Trump and President Trumps core supporters. Wolf, may i add one thing . Go ahead. The one thing that is important to remember is were stone pardoned, he then would have no fifth amendment rights and could be forced to testify before any investigative body. So im not sure exactly what the play here is. If he doesnt want to cooperate, doesnt want to testify, a pardon, if that comes, maybe keeps him out of jail, but certainly does not prevent him from testifying. And if hes got something bad to say about the president , the president is just opening the floodgates for stone to be required to testify against him. Michael, let me get your thoughts on the news that President Trump is strongly considering william barr to serve as the next attorney general. You served under barr. Are you surprise beside think choice . Well, yes and no. Barr is 68 years old. He has already been there and done that, and im not sure why wants to go home again. But he is a good choice, i think. He is an honest broker. I think that he will bring experience and stability to the Justice Department. Remember, when i worked for mueller and barr was the attorney general, we worked closely with barr because moneylaundering and Asset Forfeiture work were all the rage at the time. And thats what bob and i did together. I think that relationship was cooperative. I think that in respect of will barr come in and try to interfere with the Mueller Investigation, i think thats probably off the table now. So i think in many respects, i think its a good choice that will probably get a consensus vote on the hill. Kaitlan, once again, you cover the white house for us. How serious do you think the president is about barr as attorney general . It seems that people surrounding the president are pretty serious about bar. But still an open question what the president thinks about him. He is not a typical pick for President Trump as attorney general, especially following the drama that was the firing of Jeff Sessions and how long that took. And the president was so unhappy with someone who was seen as pretty not even establishment. Jeff sessions was seen as someone essentially on the fringes in washington, and then he still made that decision, which he said he felt was in accordance with the law to recuse himself. So it would be unseemly if the president did pick someone who was seen as an establishment type who would likely follow in the path that Jeff Sessions took. It seemed the president surrounding the president think bar is a good idea and would make a good attorney general for him, and that is why theyre trying to get this out there, so its someone the president cease a as serious pick. Wolf you have noticed with any hiring story that comes with someone President Trump is considering, it always includes the line that a source close to the president cautions nothing is final until President Trump either tweets it or announce it. Wolf, thats true. Because oftentimes in this west wing, things are so up one minute and down the next that they truly do not know if the president is sold on someone, even if he tells them that, the next minute he could be asking about someone else. Just a word of caution with that, as with any other hiring decision made. Thats a very important word of caution. Phil mudd, do you have any concerns that barr would carry out instructions from President Trump to limit the Mueller Probe . At the moment, i do. As kaitlan said, i think she nailed it. This is an establishment figure. I think the debate in this town is going to get confused if he is ever nominated. The confusion will be is he a conservative nominee who has held conservative positions . Absolutely. That should not be confused with the question about whether he would interfere with the investigation. Let me throw one fact on the table. You have a Republican Former fbi director, thats Robert Mueller, who is going to walk in the room with a new attorney general and say heres all the facts of the case, including everything related to russia and people around the Trump Campaign. Once an attorney general sees those fax, if i know director mueller, i suspect any incoming attorney general, even if its a conservative is going to look at him and say i cant stand in the way of this because the facts are just too compelling. You know, gloria, let me put this graphic up on the screen and show to it you and show to it our viewers. These are individuals who worked for william barr at the Justice Department, including the special counsel Robert Mueller, the white House Counsel pat cipollone, john roberts, ken starr who was the former independent counsel during the whitewater and bill clinton impeachment process. What does that say to you . Look, he is a known quantity. Hes probably confirmable. The relationship with mueller is interesting because they did work together. They worked together on pan am 103, for example. So the fact that they have a relationship is something that i think is probably of interest to donald trump. Whats of more interest to him i think is that barr has come out and said, well, the firing of comey is absolutely justified, that an obstruction investigation would be asinine, and, you know, so i think that would be of interest to the president. And he has also said that maybe mueller should have chosen some people who didnt give political contributions to democrats, that he felt that that was inappropriate. So he has been mildly critical, i would say, but not substantively critical of mueller himself because he believes hes talented and smart and can, you know, can produce a good investigation. Clearly said at the outset, although he has grown a little bit more critical as the process has continued, and also at one point he said that the Justice Department was not doing its duty by not investigating uranium 1 on hillary clinton. And that of course is music to Donald Trumps ears. Good point. Everybody stick around. There is more news. Angry republicans teaming up with democrats against President Trump as they look to punish the Saudi Crown Prince Jamal Khashoggis murder. Will the senate do what mr. Trump wont and accused russian spy may be close to striking a plea deal tonight. What information could she give up to prosecutors . This is your wakeup call. If you have moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis, month after month, the clock is ticking on irreversible joint damage. Ongoing pain and stiffness are signs of joint erosion. Humira can help stop the clock. Prescribed for 15 years, humira targets and blocks a source of inflammation that contributes to joint pain and irreversible damage. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections. Serious and sometimes fatal infections including tuberculosis, and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. 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Delivered exclusively with doordash. And accessoriesphones for your mobile phone. Like this device to increase volume on your cell phone. phone ringing get details on this state Program Visit right now or call during business hours. Tonight, Key Senate Republicans are ramping up their revolt against President Trump over his refusal to blame the Saudi Crown Prince for the murder of the journalist jamal khashoggi. Theyre joining with democrats to push for legislation to punish the saudis. The gop chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee suggesting mr. Trumps failure to denounce the crown prince sun american. Lets go to sunlen serfaty. She is up on capitol hill. Sunlen, senators of both parties held private talks on all of this today. Whats the latest . Thats right. They did indeed, wolf. Many of the senators were in that private briefing earlier in the week with cia director gina haskell. That set off democrats but republicans too, who came out of that briefing saying that the intelligence they were communicated about was very clear, and they felt it was undeniable that the Saudi Crown Prince was indeed behind the murder. And now some in Congress Moving without the support of the white house are trying to do something about it. With anger boiling over on capitol hill you dont chop somebody up in a consulate. Thats not too much to ask. Reporter momentum is growing to go around the white house and take matters into their own hands. Us denouncing the unbelievable behavior of a crown prince who is out of control is appropriate. Reporter with lawmakers moving to do what President Trump hasnt, punish saudi arabia for the brutal murder of Washington Post columnist jamal khashoggi. There is Common Ground around stopping sales of arms to saudi arabia and limiting support for the saudi war in yemen until mr. Khashoggis death is reconciled and they reform the way they do business. Reporter huddling on capitol hill today, top senator, include manage of the president s own republican allies are readying plans for a response with teeth that would withdrawal the u. S. Involvement in the war in yemen, suspend arm sales with the saudi kingdom, and rebuke the crown Prince Mohammed bin salman. We need to send a message in the wake of the khashoggi revelations that the United States does not condone, sanction, and cannot turn our face away from this sort of violence. That message would serve as a sharp rebuke of the trump administrations response. As secretary of state mike pompeo and defense secretary james mattis insist there is no smoking gun, and the president still refusing to denounce the murder, they have nothing definitive. And the fact is maybe he did, maybe he didnt. That stance fuelling the anger of Top Republicans on capitol hill. Today the republican chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to use that as a reason that were not going to say anything about this is its unamerican. Meantime, the saudi ambassador, the crown princes brother is now back in washington for as he resumes his duties, there are new calls from senator dick durbin for him to be formally expelled. This was an orchestrated decision by some 15 members of the saudi forces to go into istanbul to lure khashoggi into the consulate shs to kill him, the crown prince who leads saudi arabia must have been part of this. In the senate there are additional calls for the cia director to come back up here on capitol hill and next time brief the full senate. The house of representatives we found out today will receive a briefing at some point next week, although it is still unclear who on the part of the administration will come up here to capitol hill. The housic leader says shes hope fful that person will be t cia director. Thank you very much. Just ahead, theres more news. A possible plea deal for a russian spy. What information does he have for u. S. Prosecutors. New signals indicate authorities are in agreement of a woman accused of acting as an agent for the russians. She was arrested just days before she intended to leave the United States after coming in contact with Top Republicans and officials at the National Rifle association. Lets bring in brian todd. What are you learning . We have learned tonight that a plea deal could be eminent following conversations today between her lawyers, prosecutors and the judge in the case. A key question now, is this accused russian spy about to give up her boyfriend and possibly others as part of this deal . Reporter tonight the accused russian spy could be close to a plea deal. Her lawyers and prosecutors moving to cancel court dates and subpoenas. Her lawyers saying shes languishing in solitary confinement living in a cell the size of a parking space and may need Mental Health treatment. Her family says she was. Given a public defender. Charged with conspiracy, shes believed by prosecutors to have infiltrated american conservative groups including the nra, allegedly at the direction of a high level russian official. What information could she give up to prosecutors . What she was tarveged with doing, what steps she took to actually conduct those tasks and who, if anyone, was complicit in the activities here in the United States. Reporter a plea deal could be a big problem for paul ericson, a republican operative who she allegedly had a romantic rep with. Hes received a target letter from federal investigators according to the daily beast. A let r saying they are considering charging him with conspiracy. If you get a target letter, thats serious. That means charges are most definitely eminent. Potentially, he could face the same charges as her. Reporter prosecutors say ericson helped in the efforts to establish back channels between the republican party, a source tells cnn, ericson sent an email to a Campaign Adviser of trump trying to facilitate a meeting between trump and vladimir putin. Those efforts were rebuffed by the Trump Campaign. Was he used by the russian half his age . A lawyer says their relationship was real and cites this video of them recording beauty and the beast in the studio and a source close to the situation tells cnn ericson has been visiting her in jail, even recently. But in court papers, prosecutors say, quote, she appears to treat that relationship as simply a necessary aspect of her activities. What would his best defense be . Your best defense is that you were a dupe. You were an unknowing participate in certain activities. Reporter former spies say deploying a young woman is tried and true russian spy craft. She was definitely a honey trap. She was a beautiful woman, young, alluring, spoke beautiful english, she would be attractive to a lot of lonely men in washington, d. C. She was the perfect trojans horse, if you like, get her through the gates of republican Decision Making and kgb has a winner. The latest developments in the case in her connections to ericson lead analysts to ask a key question tonight. How many others could be out there . Form r cia agent believes there are dozens of them, possibly men and women, and just here in washington to target wellconnected political officials. Could she be part of the spy swap with the russians . It does not appear thats likely. Were told if she changes her plea in this case from not guilty to guilty, she probably is going to return to russia, but there are no indications right now that the russian and american governments are about to make a cold warstyle spy deal involve iing her. Lots of intrigue going on right now. Brian todd, thank you. And thanks to our viewers for watching. Im wolf blitzer in the situation room. Erin burnett starts right now. Pardon me, the president s adviser roger stone showing theres nothing he wont say to get the president s attention. As mueller is about to drop what could be his biggest reports yet. Plus concerns intensifying over an allout trade war after the arrest of a top chinese tech executive and unprecedented move the white house trade edadvisers out front. And trump claims undocumented immigrants are taking american jobs. Why were they reportedly working in his room at the country club . Lets go out front. Good evening, im erin burnett. Anything for a pardon. Ro

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