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That flag were to be removed. That would also require the legislature to work an extended session this legislative session, so well see how it plays out in the upcoming minutes and days. Back to you. Cnns Senior Investigative correspondent drew griffin is in charleston. We just learned that president obama and Vice President biden are planning on flying to charleston for reverend pinkneys funeral, one of the nine victims of the terrorist attack last week. President obama were told will deliver the eulogy there for pinkney. Tell us more. Yeah i think looking at all of this and the funeral behind me here jake here in charleston really whatever the shooter tried to do or whatever he was trying to do its having the complete opposite effect. We may see that flag removed from the State Capitol grounds. Well have a huge unity spirit for those funerals. We saw that over the weekend here. So i think looking at this whole, you know episode, this very, very dark episode, it is true that hate will not win it in. In fact that whatever actions this killer tried to spur its having the exact opposite effect. On all of us jake. Let me bring in cnns Brianna Keilar and brianna, just as some history for our viewers, this flag the rebel flag was put up on top of the capitol dome in 1961 by the democratic governor fritz hollings. It stayed there until about 200 on 0, and then putting it at the capitol, but not on top the capitol was an attempt at a compromise. This authority was issued back in 200, and it has reemerged as a thorny issue for the candidates. It certainly has. Now they are forced to take a position on something where they could be losing some of their base but as past has shown, jake they may not be picking up a whole lot of africanamerican support, so youre seeing different reactions from republicans. We for instance have heard from Lindsey Graham you noted that Governor Haley has changed her opportunity in the last few days same with senator Lindsey Graham saying before that this is what he said on cnn it works here to have a confederate memorial and to have an after kaj memorial in front of the statehouse. However, i think we are seeing this things have shifted here. A lot of that i would say is from a tweet from mitt romney. He tweeted very clearly saying speaking out against the flag saying it has to go. I think that tweet might as well have been a shove to a lot of they republicans candidates now theyre coming occupy positions are being forced a little more to say they either dont like the flab or the flag should do. George pataki former new york governor he has straight up said it needs to go but you have a lot more republicans being nuanced, including jeb bush who said when i was Florida Governor i was against the flag we took it out, but he doesnt go so far to say South Carolina, your flag needs to go. A lot of republicans want to say its up to the states to decide and certainly they were afraid of losing some of that White Conservative base and not and its important to note that whatever individuals outside of South Carolina think of the rebel flag and certainly people have strong opinions. They spokes the compromise and putting it at the confederate mel yam. We see in the statehouse. A lot of different members of congress the mayor of charles ton, you sew congressman mark sanford. It seems to be a bipartisan gathering for this announcement about a very, very contentual issues. Its interesting that all of this has happened so quickly. When i interviewed a president ial candidate a few weeks ago, i asked about a confed real flat he had not been briefed on it did not have an opinion on before as this obviously emerged as a huge issue. Not a small issue for people of either party. In the south, the confederacy is something that a lot of people have pride in. When president clinton was governor clinton, he took steps to honor the confederacy, whether with the arkansas flag which has a star designated to honor the confederacy or taking steps to honor robert e. Lee or jefferson davis. Thats right. I think you have this divide of people who identify and we should also mention the Clinton Campaign not commenting on that. Certainly what they said to do is point to 2007 when Hillary Clinton said is the South Carolina conphet rad flag has to go. But some people say this speaks to our heritage also somesomething that speaks of our south. Lets listen in. Im not going hopefully you all are ready to go. This has been a very difficult time for our state. We have stared evil in the eye and watched good prayerful People Killed in one of the most saeb credit places. We were hurt and broken and we need to do heal. We were able to start that process, not talking about issue that is divide us but by holden vigils hugging our neighbors, honoring those we lost and by falling to our knees in prayer. Our state is grieving but we are also coming together. The outpouring of love and support from all people across the state and country has been amazing. The families who have lost loved ones have been unbelievable pillars of strength and grace. Their express of faith and forgiveness took our breath away. They truly have shown the world what South Carolina looks like at our best. And the Mother Emanuel Church reopened its doors yesterday, michael and i were there, we took our two little ones. My children saul what true faith looks like. My children saw that true haye can never triumph over true love. My children saw the heart and soul of South Carolina starting to mend. I want to talk a bit about the heart of our state. I want to talk about the people of South Carolina im so proud to serve. The country and the world have watch our strength and resilience over the last few days. We are strong people, who love god, our families and have a deep faith. We believe in neighbors helping neighbors. We are a state that has helped our traditions and continue to grow and change in ways that move us forward. We were recently named the friendliest state in the country and the most patriotic, too. American flags fly proudly from home to home in South Carolina. In just the last few months the nation watched our state go through another time of crisis when we dealt with the betrayal of one of our own in the tragic shooting of walter scott. South carolina did not respond with rioting and violence like other places had. We responded by talking to each other, by putting ourselves in other peoples shoes, and by finding Common Ground in the name of moving our state forward. The result both republicans and democrats, black and white came together and passed the first body camera bill in the country. I stand in front of you, a minority female governor twice ecelebritied by the people of South Carolina behind me stands my friend senator tim scott, elected by those same people as one of just two africanamerican members of the United States senate. Five years ago it was said in the last 50 years South Carolina is a state that has changed the most for the better. That was true when i quoted it at my first inauguration in 2011. Its even more true today. We have changed through the times, and will continue to do so but that does mean we forget our history. History is often filled with emotion, and thats more true in South Carolina than a lot of other places. On matters of race South Carolina has a tough history. We all know that. Many of us have seen it in our own lives and the lives of our parents and grandparents. We dont need reminders. In spite of last weeks tragedy, we have come a lot ways since those days and have much tore proud of but theres more we can do. That brings me to the subject of the Confederate Flag that flies on the statehouse grounds. For many people in our state, the flag stands for traditions that are noble, traditions of history, of heritage and ancestry. The hatefilled murder that massacred our brothers and sisters in charleston has a sick and twisted view of the flag. In no way does he reflect the people in our state who respect and in many ways rever it. Those south carolinians view the flag as a symbol of respect, integrity and duty. They also see it as a memorial a way to honor ancestors who came to the service of their state during a time of conflict. That is not hate nor is it racism. At the same time for many others in South Carolina the flag is a deeply offensive symbol of a brutally oppressive past. As a state we can survive and indeed we can thrive as we have done while still being home to both of thousands viewpointsse viewpoints. We do not need to declare a loser or winner here. For those who wish to reflect their pride in the flag on their private property, no one will stand in your way, but the statehouse is different. The events of this past week call for us to look at it differently. 15 years ago, South Carolina came together to move the flag from atop the capitol dome. Today we are here in a moment of unity in our state, without ill will to say its time to move the flag from the capitol grounds. [ cheers and applause ] 150 years after the end of the civil war, the time has come. There will be some in our state who see this as a sad moment. I respect that but know this for good or for bad, whether it is on the statehouse grounds or in a museum the flag will always be a part of the soil of South Carolina. But this is a moment in which we can say that that flag while an integral part of our past does not represent of future of our great state. The murderer now locked up in charleston said he hoped his actions would start a race war. We have an opportunity to show that not only was he wrong, but just the opposite is happening. My hope is by removing a symbol that divides us we can move forward as a state in harmony and honor the nine blessed souls who are now in heaven. [ applause ] the General Assembly wraps up their year this week. As governor i have the authority to call them back into session under extraordinary circumstances. I have indicated to the house and senate if they do not take measures to ensure this debate takes place of business i will use that authority for the purpose of removing the legislateflag from the statehouse grounds. That will take place in the coming week after the regular session and the veto session have been completed. There will be a time for discussion and debate but the time for action is coming soon. I want to make two things very clear. First, this is South Carolinas statehouse. It is South Carolinas historic moment and this will be South Carolinas decision. To those outside of our state, the flag may be nothing more than the symbol of the worst of americas past. That is not what it is to many south carolinians. The statehouse belongs to all of us. Their voices will be heard and their roles will be respected. We have made progress on South Carolina on racial issues yes, but on so many others. The 21st century belongs to us because we have chosen to seize whats in front of us to do what is right and do it together. I have every faith that this will be no different. It is what we do in South Carolina. It is who we are. Second i understand that what i have said here today will generate a lot of interest. What i ask is that the focus still remain on the nine victims of this horrible tragedy. Their families the mother eplan family the a. M. E. Church family the South Carolina family we all deserve time to grieve and to remember and to heal. We will take it and i ask that you respect that. We know that bringing down the Confederate Flag will not bring back the nine kind souls that were taken from us nor rid of us of the hate or bigotry that drove a monster through the doors of mother emanuel that night. The evil we saw last wednesday comes from a place much deeper much darker. But we are not going to allow this symbol to divide us any longer. The fact that people are choosing to use it as a sign of hate is something we cannot stand. The fact that it causes pain for so many is enough cause to move it from the capitol ground. It is afteral, a capitol that xwlongs to you will. July 4th is around the corner. Soon we will once again celebrate the byrd of our nation and our freed dom. It is be fitting that the State Capitol, god bless, got bless of people of et great state of South Carolina. Thank you. South carolina governor nikki haley, a republican raising a congressional delegation and the delegation mark sanford, as mayor riley from charleston a very potent moment. No matter what you think of the decision that the governor and other members of the senate and house that stood with her, whatever you think of that decision you have to take some comfort in the fact that a, the racist killer who perpetrated the assault will not be happy about the announcement. Lets bring in Brianna Keilar. I tell you, one thing thats remarkable about this decision and we can get to the merits of it with our analyst who is disagree on the merits of the flag but brianna, very seldom to political leaders have a moment of crisis that is on the National Stage where they have to act, and do they act so decisively i cant imagine that Governor Haley has not shot to the top of a lot of president ial candidates lists. I think she was probably already up there. She has represented someone who i think speaks to what republicans are trying to do not very well at times, and need to do which is be more embracing of women and minorities. Shes very charismatic, shown herself to possession a love the good political qualities, but i think you have this moment where you see her standing in front of so Many Democrats and republicans, where shes brought people together and i think she is going to be judged very well because of this definitely. And she did so drew griffin, or Senior Correspondent who is in charleston right now, she did so in a way so as to make it clear that she doesnt think that everybody who likes the rebel flag the Confederate Flag is racist but a lot of them see it as a symbol of heritage but we have to look at it in a new light because of the events of last week. You have to look at it in the light of everybody who lives under that flag in this state, and if you have half the people dont like it and half the people like it it seems to be a good compromise to take it down. What i think everybody kind of misses in this though it certainly its not the state flag. They have a state flag. They have an american flag. This is just this rebel battle flack that we want up as you said 100 years after the end of the civil war, which also went up right at the beginning of what was the Civil Rights Movement and many people in this state and elsewhere believe it went up sort of in 1961 as a sign to protest the Civil Rights Movement. It has always been a symbol to especially the black community of South Carolina that that was an unwelcomed flag in their state. Drew griffin, thank you so much. Ana cabrera was in the room as nikki haley stood with the bipartisan delegation. Ana, tell us about it. Reporter well there was a lot of applause when she announced she believe that flag must come down and be moved to a more appropriate place, perhaps in a museum as some have suggested, as she browed a lot of that Bipartisan Group, several republicans, which have been a Traditional Group of people that have been for the flag staying where it is because they believe it represents heritage southern pride, rights for the states but at the same time she noted there is no winner or loser if that flag is moved ultimately. If theres a groo up that feels so strongly that it represents the negative aspects of the history of this state, thats nothing that should have a place on state grounds. At the same time she also calls for being respectful for the states and i think she made those exact comments sort of dancing around this issue, on this heated controversy, but she kept coming back to the nine people who lost their lives and emphasized at this time thats what the state is focused on called on the state legislature to work in the coming weeks to resolve this Confederate Flag issue. Ana cabrera, and Brianna Keilar in the studio drew griffin in charleston, thank you all. Lets talk with senator scott, and david french thanks to both of you for joining me. Senator scott, let me start with you. Im assuming you think Governor Haley plead for the right call by calling for the flag to come down. Its going to take a two thirds majority in the South Carolina legislature to do so based on the law that was pass when would this compromise was first made 15 years ago. Do you think theres any chance she will not be able to marsha that support . Two thirds is a lot. I think shell get that support. I would say to you that members of the senate are already talking about having an organized coalition of Bipartisan Group coming together to try to figure out those who probably would not want to do this, to get them on board. I was very happy with the governor and the washington delegation coming in support to react and get this flag down thats been so divisive. When the Faithbased Community gentz involved that tells you that we have allowed this flag to stay up too long. Im excited about going back to work getting this flag down reaching across the aisle, working with my colleagues so that South Carolina can come back together as a family. David, let me go to you. I could note david, youre actually from tennessee, not from South Carolina. And we should know we reached out to many South Carolina senator legislators, and we were not able to get them to come so we thank you for standing by what you believe you do not view it as a symbol of hatred do you think we just saw an overreaction . You know im not going to call it an overreaction. One, this is a decision for the people of South Carolina not for a lawyer from tennessee. Its a decision for the people of South Carolina. Number two, they dont want to do anything and should not think of doing anything to detract from those who lost their lives. The issue here is and this is what i have articulated. If the flag is put there, its a matter of context and intent. If the flag is put there with the intent and in the context of trying to demonstrate or celebrate white supremacy, that africanamericans should not enjoy equal rights take the flag down. If the flag is there to demonstrate the historical reality of what South Carolina has endured over the years, what South Carolina citizens did in the civil war, where will this 21,000 lost their lives, thats a part of history. There are typically two Confederate Flags flying in charleston on federal land. Those are two flag that is fly over ft. Sump terr. Yet the consensus there is thats not a demonstration of hate other defiance but a reflection of history, that those flags actually flew over that fort and therefore its an appropriate demonstration of what history was. Senator scott, i want to ask you, there was a november poll from Winthrop University in South Carolina finding that a majority of south carolinians want it to stake, and 73 want it to say where it is. 61 of black South Carolina residents want it taking doane. Why do you think that most of the people who support it why do you think they do so . Is it racist or is it heritage but just blind to how others see it . I think its a combination of both. I think you have some of the rate hate groups that want it to say so they feel like they have a superior state in South Carolina that the others of course who lost loved once and then theres the other side of those, people like after kaj americans such as myself those fame who have been oppressed, endured slavery, that means you have a stay thats toldly divided. We have a museum we can put the flag in and grande time groups want to look at it its available. Ft. Sump terr they is always visit the battle flag there for. But for south carolinians as a whole, we need to come together. This flag is divisive this flag does not help our economy. Does not help us in growing and getting our children to work together. A young 21yearold south carolinian killed nine people. Thats a wakeup call for us. The church itself has said enough is enough. Those of us who are christian, not White Christian or black christian, were christians. We want people in South Carolina to act like christians and not to use any symbol flag or anything other thing to be divisive among or people. The governor said it was time to look at the flag in a new light given the events of last week. Do you think it is that photograph the moment that people were made aware of the photograph of that racist killer with the flag that what happened today was a forgone conclusion . I dont think theres any question that was a pivotal moment. Completely understandable. This reaction is completely understandable. Thats why i think the people of South Carolina now you are wrestling with this decision. That was the moment that revolted every person of goodwill in this country. I think the question we have to ask ourselves because this is not the last time were going to be faced with the question of difficult historical symbols. History is different. When it comes to the civil war these battlefields these monuments are all on government land. Theyre in open museums all over the south, even into the north thats correct depict the confederacy, that often show Confederate Flags. Thats hurtful to people but the question is do we get rid of that . Or do we acknowledge it . Do we learn from it teach ear other where these people were coming from when they did what they did, and hopefully go forward in unity. Thank you for the civil conversation david smith and john scott, thank you so much. A sitting governor announcing a major health battle. Its a breaking story. Well have it next. Help you make all kinds of connections. Connections you almost miss. And ones you never thought youd make. We help connect where you are. To places you never thought youd go. This, is why we travel. And why we continue to create new technology to connect you to the people and places that matter. Its one of the most Amazing Things we build and it doesnt even fly. We build it in classrooms and exhibit halls, mentoring tomorrows innovators. 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I cant imagine what its like having to share such a personal moments that youve been diagnosised with aggressive nonhodgkins lymphoma. A few days ago i was diagnosed with cancer. Its an aggressive bcell nonhodgkins lymphoma to be specific. As the governor said he received this diagnosis. He made it clear hes not going to be stepping down looking to his Lieutenant Governor so sort of step up and fills the gap as he undergoes an 18week treatment. Obviously going think chemo wrecks user body and hes tells people to be prepared. It will be much tough you are to do this job along the way. So sad. Our thoughts and prayers with him and his family. He says the n word before but not like this. The less guarded side of president obama, as he talks about race in a candid way. Its his second term and hiss more candid. Big day . Ah, the usual. Moved some new cars. Hauled a bunch of steel. Kept the supermarket shelves stocked. Made sure everyone got their latest gadgets. 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And thats still part of our dna thats passed on. Were not cured of it. Racism . Racism. We are not cured of it. Clearly. Its not just a matter of it not being polite to say nigger in public. Thats not the measure of whether ratism still exists or not. Its not a matter of overt discrimination. Societies dont overnight completely erase everything that happened 200 to 300 years prior. Joining me to talk about the remarks are cnn political commentator Mark Lamont Hill and larry elder. Gentlemen, thanks so much for being here. Let me start with you. Do you think people are making too big a deal about the president using the n word here . Im kind of surprised that people are surprised. His first book in which he used the n word. To me it all the to be how any hiv sell is on Race Relations. Weve been talking about what happened in 1963 when those four little girls were killed in birmingham they had so many bombs they called it bombingham. The klan was so virulent. Fast forward to South Carolina youre talking about a female governor whos of indians descent, widespread vigiling and in the case of birmingham it was decades before they brought the people to justice. We knew who did it right away. This man did not pull out a Confederate Flag and shoot people he i dont understand why were talking about a flag but maybe something might have happened in there were concealed weapons in the church or if a friend intervened. Its a sideshow to talk about the flag or president obama using the n word. The issue is whether or not somebody today can work hard go to school make it to the mid cal class and tries heart. The answer is devastating yes. Mark im sure you have strong opinions on what larry just said. One or two, i suspect. First i agreed that the n word shouldnt be the lead, pardon the pun, in our national conversation. Im not surprised by it and i think it was perfectly acceptable one baas he an an after kaj africanamerican imagine, but two think about how powerful this is. He said two or three 300 layers you cant cure racism. The president is actually saying that racism will be around for the next 150 years. Its an important point, but the president also said that progress exists. That is to say, that were not in selma, were not in bimming harm. Things have improved but nevertheless even the description that larry just offered, where the response to the Charleston Shooting is different than the response to the birmingham bombing, there are people dead simply because theyre black. Antibleak racism still exists but to the president s point. Notice foaming at the mouth. Most white people dont approve most white bonnell dont want to see black People Killed. That is not the issue, as the president said its about instrumenting and institutions and the answers to larrys rhetorical question can people access the middle class, if thats our goal its a devastating no if were staying on par with their white counter counterparts. In between those two extremes, we dont have the same level of access to health care housing, food were overly charged, we go to prison more, we get expelled more suspended more in school for the same behaviors as the white counterparts. There are so much glaring points of evidence to show that things arent the same. Larry . Jake in 1959 another whiteman wanted to start a race riot. His name was charlie man son. He ordered seven white people to be murdered over two days ago. He had a following, unlike this guy, in South Carolina. And we did not consider charlie man son to be a speer of a movement we saw him for what he is a deviate. Thats what this guy is a deviant, not some sort of represent aches of Race Relations in america. Lets call this guy what he is a nut case, an evil deviant, but certainly did not reflect a mo. I think were having two different conversations. He represents a movement a White Nationalist movement that according to all our Law Enforcement experts, suggests have been revived and expanded over the last ten years. Im saying that racism isnt measured by the number of people in white lynch mobs. Its represented by the structural issues. Its not whether somebody calls any the n word or not, its not about whether people are polite or not. Studies show that black men without felony convictions are less likely to get a job call back. If my name is tokwanda versus jane i have a much less likely chance to get a call back. Larry, dos disagree . I do wave it over the hearts of White American and expunge every smidgen we still have the same problems. Thats my point. Government schools that government work and the fact that unemployment for the black community is twice as. What does it have to do to get rid of racism. Explain to me im trying to. Larry, let mark answer your question. Waving a wand over white peoples hearts isnt the point. Im something called postintentional racism. What is the point then . Im trying to tell you. Its not you pointing out the fact that black people are unemployed at a much higher rate is proof that racism still exists unless you think that black people dont really want jobs. A 50 dropout rate in the inner city. Its bad government schools that dont work. You can call it a dropout or paetschout race. Usually the black people dont have the same access to books, same action to quality teachers. They get suspended three times at the rate and expelled as their white counterparts for the same behaviors, according to an expert in this area. So again, yes theres room for responsibility. Yes, people can make better choices, everybody deserves to make better choices, but the difference is white people have access to healthy choices and Second Chances, and for too many people who were marked black brown or poor white for that matter healthy choices and Second Chances arent offered. If i have to go thats not about my own desire to not eat pigs feet out of the jab. I have live in a footinsecure neighborhood. Let me say one thing and then i have to say goodbye to both. I think we honored what president obama wanted us to do by not focusing on the n word talking about more important issues of race in america everybody and Mark Lamont Hill and larry elder, thank you for bringing your passion and intellect. I appreciate it very much. The National Lead investigators may have new information on thousand the two prisoners escaped. 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Know better sleep with sleep number. The Obama Administration specifically the office of personal necessarily management originally said the china ears hackers got the good on 4 million federal employees, names, Social Security numbers, anything and everything that the chinese might need to blackmail anyone but cnn has learned that the scope of the breach is far, far worse than the Obama Administration initially told us. Lets get to evan perez. Hes bracking the story. Just how bad is this . Jake were told the number is 18 million, the estimate of the number of current, former retired, even prospective xwoismt employees. This includes people who applied for government jobs but never actually worked for the government. Their information is all compromised by a hack believed to be traced back to the chinese government. It was about a year before it was detected. Why is there such a huge disparity between the first number and now . And do you think were ever really going to know the full extent of this hack . Theres some dispute why it is that opm has been slow to disclose of of t they say that theyre still having an ongoing investigation, and still trying to determine this exact number. Whether this is the real in your opinion better. The answer to your question is we may never know. To this day the government still doesnt know everything that Edward Snowden took and that is the nature of headaching they never truly know what these thieves getting. Evan perez, thank you so much. To our other National Lead the hunt for richard matt and david sweat thats heating up. Law enforcement have a confirmed lead now 17 days ago, and this just in tools possibly hiding in hamburger meat delivered to one of the convicts. I want to get right to cnn correspondent bora sanchez. We should note that the Law Enforcement has sung this song before but why are they more certain now . This is the biggest lead. The strongest indication that these two escapees are still in new york. It was dna that matched richard matt and david sweat that was broken into over the weekend. Investigators believe they got tools into their cells through frozen hamburger meat believe it or not, theyre also looking into Hotel Registries looking at anyone who may have stayed there in the past six to eight months that may know the two escapees. Clearly lyly investigators looking into every possible lead. F. Tonight dna discovered in a burglarized cabin. Please descended in owls head new york today, just 22 miles west of the maximum security clinton correctional facility. We have developed evidence that the suspects may have spend time in a cabin in this area. Dna from richard matt and david sweat was found on perch items inside the cabin, that coincides with an eye complain witness account of a person running from the cabin into the woods on saturday. Its generated a massive Law Enforcement response and were going to run this to ground. The discovery shifts the hunt back to the killers back to the area not far from where they escaped. Saturday afternoon a possible sighting of the fugitives 300 miles in a pennsylvania border in a small town of friendship new york, on high alert. Nothing was found. Sources now tell cnn theres no evidence the escaped killser have the support network needed to get away from the prison wince they broke out. Joyce mitchell is in jail accused of helping the two men escape but investigators say she does not follow through with the plan to pick them up. A corrections officer at the prison has placed on administrative leave as part of 9 investigation. Gene palmer was questioned for 14 hours saturday but hes not been charged. I can 100 confirm he did not know they were planning to break out of the prison. One last note jake investigators are looking at whether Joyce Mitchell may have convinced a guard at the prison to pass the meat through without going through a metal detector. Lets talk about this manhundred dollars. Here with me in washington is former agent john roscoe. How significant of a lead do you think this is . Jake this is a game changer this is a significant break for laud enforcement. A lead like this provided it is accurate youre tightening a noose at this point. Having said that this dna, as we all know we dont know if it was left there this weekend or over the past two weeks. Until they can determine, if also how long they have been how old up in in cabin is going to be keep. Theyre going to treat it as a crime scene. They would have processed it for any indicia of flight personal effects, things of that nature. If there was clothing up there, obviously, what was left behind was it issued from the prison . That kind of thing. Possibly anything that they might have done to alter their identity for example there might be hair dye, things of that nature. But when you tie it in with the fact there was a sighting from someone on saturday that kind of closes this gap, providing that it was one of these individuals. That closes this gap, and Law Enforcement will now throw out a wider net and hopefully in short order get these guys. Ron, how accurate do you think this dna testing is . I think it can be incredibly accurate. In some cases it can be very thin, it can be an indicator, it can include a more Diverse Group of people but here based on what we are hearing from the state police this is a huge step forward in a high stakes, high tech game. Ron, let me keep you for one second. Law enforcement has seemingly been close before, do you think the involvement of the public is critical more than ever. More and more critical. Before i think there were sightings, but not conclusive sightings, so we have seen this what looks like a game of soccer with 6yearolds, moving around from place to place, but here where elf a piece of hard evidence that may have led us to much more evidence than indicates how long they have been there, hopefully they can look at utility records from that cabin, determine electrical usage, it may tell you theyve been there for 5, 10 days. We only have about a minute left but theres no way to predict. If these men are armed and dangerous, how concerned would you be they would want to go out guns blazing, not go back to prison . Thats certainly concern for law infersment and the public. If they did acquire a public their mindset do they want to go back to prison or suicide by police . Thats always a possibility. There will be a heightened level of alertness. Thank you both. Thats it for the lead. You can follow me on twitter, and you can also follow us on facebook. I turn you over to one mr. Wolf blitzer, who is right next door in a room i like to call Office Office the situation room. Wolf . \s. Police find a burglar iced cabin, and the convicts dna. It comes as were learning about an ingeniusly simple way the tools used in the breakout may have been smuggle edd South Carolinas top leaders stand shoulder to shoulder but the fight to take down the flag still is not over. Racist manifesto. Were learning more from the writings and pictures that confessed gunman

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