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Destination. The immediate aftermath a chaotic scene. Officials say at least 18 people were killed including a group of chinese tourists, 117 others at least are injured. Lets bring in our senior cameraman mark phillips. Hes on the ground in bangkok for us. Mark, youre joining us on the phone. You were there shortly after the blast. Describe what you saw. When we got down there, the place had already cordoned off the area. We could see at least one body laying in the debris, there were two blackened motorbikes in the middle of it and six or seven motorbikes were pushed to the ground. I could see the fence of the shrine opinion pushed in by the force of the blast. There was a lot of debris laying around, a lot of police down there at the time, the military, police and ambulance. And then as were getting closer were told to move back because they thought there was a secondary device there so the police pushed us back about another 150 meters for a while and they continued on going through the debris. Wolf . The police chief bangkok announced theres no active bomb threat. But there were fears earlier potentially the could be more explosi explosives. What are you learning about that . Was this seen as just an explosion explosive device left there or some sort of suicide bomber. What do they say . At the moment still unclear, we havent got a lot of information coming out. The secondary devices they found were just plastic bags that had been left at the scene. That scene is very busy. Theres a lot of flower sales around there, theres a lot of food sellers around there. There was a lot of debris from that. And the secondary devices, they considered them were just plastic bags left there by the people. Mark, has there been any claim of responsibility . Not at the moment, we havent heard any claim of responsibility. Were still waiting to hear what or who planted this bomb and what their motives were. The significance of the location, though, is very important. This is right in the heart of bangkok, a very popular tourist attraction. It is. Its basically the epicenter of bangkok shopping and tourism. Across the road from the shrine is one of the largest shopping malls in bangkok, the Central World mall. Beside that, you have the intercontinental hotel, you have severalor large hotel there is and its a major intersection. You have a train line that runs over top of it. Theres so many people going through that place. So whoever set off this bomb was doing it to maximize the maximum damage because there would have been so many people there at the time. Also you have to remember that was 7 00 at night when it happened and people were going home. People were leaving work. And a lot of tourists were going through that area at the same time because it also is the end of the School Holiday season so its kind of you do shopping and you go and have a look at the shrine and you can go in there, you can buy flower, you can say a prayer and that place would have been incredibly busy at that time of day. The hindu shrine in the heart of bangkok. Finally, mark, some v suggested this area would be the equivalent of times square in new york. Is that an accurate description . Fairly good because its a very, very busy part of bangkok. A lot of pedestrians Walking Around there and its a major intersection there where there have been demonstrations that s the place where they all go knowing full well bangkok stops if you close down that intersection and bangkok does stop. So whoever planted this device knew the same thing would happen. They knew that this was they were going to get the maximum amount of casualties by planting a bomb there. Wolf . Mark phillips is on the scene for us, one of our senior photojournalists, mark thanks very much for that report. I want to stay on the breaking news, the deadly bombing in bangkok, joining us here in washington, cnn counterterrorism analyst, the former cia counterterrorism official phil mudd and joining us from new york, bobby ghosh, our Global Affairs analyst, managing editor of quartz. Bangkok has seen its terror plots in the past, phil. What do you make of this when you saw what was going on . Theres a lot of curiosities in this one for me, wolf, early on. The first is no claim of responsibility. I would have expected to see a claim at this point if its the guys that ive followed in the past, the al qaeda guys, the isis guys. The second to me is, again, if it were the people i followed, i would have expected a different target. Youre talking about bangkok, youve probably been, there ive been there many times. Major hotels. Thats a typical terror target. You have embassies but in this case by contrast you have an Economic Zone and a hindu shrine. The clue ill be looking gnat the coming showers whether it was a suicide bombing or not. If it was not, that will almost confirm to me that this is a different story than what weve seen in the middle east and europe and north america in the past few years. Its a Different Organization than what weve been following. We did some checking, bobby. There were a couple of incidents over the past few years in bangkok, i know youre familiar with them in 2014 two hezbollah members were detained, deported over an alleged plot targeting jewish tourists in bangkok in 2012, an iranian agent blew himself up, others were injured in a similar plot targeting israeli diplomats in bangkok. What do you make of whats going on over there . Well, quite recently the Police Chiefs in neighboring countri countries . Malaysia and knees warned to be International Islamist terror plots in the region. As fill says this doesnt fit into the normal patterns that weve seen before and the target is sort of clearly designed to wreak maximum havoc. Its a hindu shrine but its important remember the vast majority of people who go there are not hindus. That i ear Thai Buddhists and terrorists beg your pardon, tourists from different faiths. Theres not a large hindu population in thailand and theres almost no hostility or resentment between the hindu population and the buddhist majority. So i would suspect that the fact that it was a hindu shrine is sort of incidental. It is might have had more to do with the fact that its a place where a lot of people congregate. Is there any animosity there that you know of, bobby, wean the buddhists and hindus . No. Ive never heard of any animosities. Theres an insurgency taking place in southern thailand, an islamist insurgency, theres an islamic Muslim Population that feels resentful towards the Central Government because of years of being ignored and not being given a fair share of state resources but that insurgency is very confined to the south. Theres been no indication that people fighting against the Central Government have wanted to come to bangkok or any other part of thailand to do this. This is a very, very difficult one to understand. And i suspect until we know until somebody steps up and takes credit or responsibility it will be hard to fit it into the patterns weve already seen. I think thats a good point. Phil, the embassy in bangkok issued a statement saying u. S. Citizens are advised to avoid the area and monitor local media for updates. Thats a standard informative piece of advice coming from a u. S. Embassy following a incident like this. Sure. And it reminds me of looking that the area in the past 10, 15 years. Asia, particularly in jakarta against places where tourists go. That is embassies but also places like discos. But this looks to me i agree, like an economic target where somebody is trying to send a message to the government not necessarily antireligion to persuade the government politically. Its a good point for the embassy to tell folks to be careful. If theres a bomb maker out who placed these, hes out there somewhere and he could hit locations that tourists are going to if thats the intent of the organization that conducted this attack. We know tourism is a source of a huge amount of revenue for thailand and an incident like this has very painful ramifications for that whole tourism industry. All right, guy, we eel city on top of the breaking news. Much more on the breaking news out of bangkok, well update you as we get more information. Also ahead, weather is interfering for search for wreckage from a plane crash in indonesia. 54 people were on board. Well take a closer look at why there have been so many deadly crashes in that country this year alone. Plus, donald trump here in the United States continuing to dominate in a brand new poll. And Bernie Sanders, hes gaining ground on Hillary Clinton. Why do voters seem so enthusiastic about these socalled outsiders . Well discuss. What do a nascar® driver. A comedian. And a professional golfer have in common . We talked to our doctors about treatment with xarelto®. Xarelto® is proven to treat and help reduce the risk of dvt and pe blood clots. Xarelto® has also been proven to reduce the risk of stroke in people with afib, not caused by a heart valve problem. For people with afib currently well managed on warfarin, there is limited information on how xarelto® and warfarin compare in reducing the risk of stroke. I tried warfarin before, but the blood testing routine and dietary restrictions had me off my game. Not this time. Not with xarelto®. Ill have another arnold palmer. Make mine a kevin nealon. Really, brian . Hey, safety first. Like all blood thinners, dont stop taking xarelto® without talking to your doctor, as this may increase your risk of a blood clot or stroke. While taking, you may bruise more easily and it may take longer for bleeding to stop. Xarelto® may increase your risk of bleeding if you take certain medicines. Xarelto® can cause serious, and in rare cases, fatal bleeding. Get help right away for unexpected bleeding, unusual bruising, or tingling. If you have had spinal anesthesia while on xarelto®, watch for back pain or any nerve or muscle related signs or symptoms. Do not take xarelto® if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. Tell your doctor before all planned medical or dental procedures. Before starting xarelto®, tell your doctor about any kidney, liver, or bleeding problems. Xarelto® has been prescribed more than 11 million times in the u. S. And that numbers growing. Like your guys scores. With xarelto® there is no regular blood monitoring, and no known dietary restrictions. Treatment with xarelto® was the right move for us. Ask your doctor about xarelto®. When heartburn comes creeping up on you. Fight back with relief so smooth and fast. Tums smoothies starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue. And neutralizes stomach acid at the source. Tumtumtumtumtums smoothies, only from tums. Ive got a nice long life ahead. Big plans. So when i found out medicare doesnt pay all my medical expenses, i got a Medicare Supplement insurance plan. [ male announcer ] if youre eligible for medicare, you may know it only covers about 80 of your part b medical expenses. The rest is up to you. 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Ben carson at 12 , the texas senator ted cruz at 10 , jeb bush, look at this, hes dropped to 9 , putting him in fourth place. The wisconsin governor who had beening down really well, scott walker, hes tied with Mike Huckabee at 6 . Florida governor marco rubio is at 4 tied with Ohio Governor john kasich. The former hewlettpackard ceo Carly Fiorina is the latest and can diet campaign at the iowa state fair. Were watching as she takes her turn on the soap box, as its call. Lets listen in briefly. A mans judgment might have been clouded by his hormones. [ cheers and applause ] any at all . All right, yes, sir . Delight in front. Youre up. Is. Reporter [ inaudible question ] raising the minimum wage and how that would impact the tax receipts to the u. S. Treasury and additional funds coming in to Social Security and medicare. So the question is about raising the minimum wage. So first i believe that minimum wage should be a state decision, not a federal decision. Why . [ applause ] because it makes no sense to say that the minimum wage in new york city is the same as minimum wage in mason city, iowa. That makes no sense. Secondly, we have to remember that a lot of minimum wage jobs are jobs where people start. And in those jobs they learn skills to move forward. We need to be honest about raising minimum wage too high. One of the consequences is young people trapped in poor neighborhoods will have less opportunity to learn skills and move forward. I started out as a s. E. C. Their a nineperson real estate firm. My husband frank started out as a tow truck driver. N a familyowned autobody shop. And i tell young people all the time, dont worry about getting the perfect job, just get a job. Any job. [ applause ] because in every job you will learn things. Youll learn things about yourself, youll learn things about the world around you. Youll learn skills that you can use to get a better job so we need to understand where real growth in jobs comes from. It doesnt come from the federal government telling businesses how much to pay their workers, actually where jobs come from are little company, little businesses, family owned businesses and farms like many of you started out in. In fact, those small family owned businesses and farms create twothirds of the new jobs in this country. They employ half the people. And we are crushing them under the weight, the complexity, the cost, the power of a federal government that frankly advantages the big, the powerful, the wealthy and the well connect and is crushing the small and powerless. We are now destroying more Small Businesses than were creating for the first time in u. S. History and every time we destroy a Small Business or we destroy a Community Bank we are destroying the opportunity for someone to get that first job, learn skill, and get a better jo job. A little flavor from Carly Fiorina. Shes doing well right now. Shes doing well in the polls. She did well in the first debate and shes continuing her struggle to get that republican president ial nomination. The only woman running for the president ial nomination. Donald trump, meanwhile, is taking a break from the campaign trail to fulfill, we have this video of trump leaving juror duty in new york city. He was met by a huge crowd of reporters when he arrived this morning. Donald trump doing his civic responsibility. Hes been criticized for a lack of specifics on things like ilLegal Immigration. In response, donald trump has outlined his most detailed immigration plan so far. One of his positions is at odds with the United States constitution. The 14th amendment to the constitution says all persons born or naturalized in the United States are citizens of the United States. Trumps call for ending that socalled birth right citizenship. Lets bring in senior political reporter niamalika henderson and cnn political reporter sara murray. Nia, this is a major shift on his part. He would have to have a constitutional amendment if we were to get his way. Thats right. This is a big deal, its something splitting the republican field in many ways. John kasich, for instance, he seemed to be aligned with this idea, seems not to like this idea now. Chris christie i think was asked on our air this morning about it, was more vague in terms of what his approach will be. But think, i think, will do him good among conservatives. Conservatives that boosted him to the top of the polls. Other more moderate republican, people like jeb bush, people like Reince Priebus would be alarmed with this sixpoint plan because they want to do well with latino voters. In some ways, this is a flashback to the rhetoric you heard in 2012 from mitt romney, this idea of selfdeportation. This is whichtomake things so Difficult People would leave the country. What are the specific details on this plan . On this comprehensive Immigration Reform plan which is very different than moderates would have liked, including this wall that he says mexico will pay for. Whats interesting is he goes into detail on certain issues. So he talks about how hell force mexico to pay for the wall by blocking remittances to mexico which is not an insignificant sum of money. He talks about tripling the number of customs and Immigration Enforcement agents. Whats interesting is what he leaves out in the plan. He talks about deporting all criminal aliens in the plan. But when you hear him speak normally, he talks about deporting everyone whos undocumented and allowing a path to legal stall us the for some to come back in. That path to legal status is missing. Also missing are pledges hes made to streamline the Legal Immigration system. This plan is all red meat. Its all about curbing ilLegal Immigration and cutting back on Legal Immigration chance. It does resonate with potential republicans out there, right . We dont know what the price tag would be because maybe there would be sticker shock among conservatives who are very concerned about government spending, if you look back that that 2013 Senate Bipartisan bill, that was Something Like 23 billion over ten years. The security part of that was 15 billion and that, of course, was offset by revenues that theyd get from increase in tax revenue with Illegal Immigrants who had legal status. So its hard to say. Never mind this idea of sending everybody back. I think there is a price tag of, that Something Like 100 billion so if you get into the details of this, we dont have any cbo scoring on this, but i think if you would you get sticker shock among many. He says this is just the first of several position papers hes going to put out in the coming weeks and months outlining his positions on taxes and other issues including National Security matters. Why is it right now, sara, youve been looking into this, the socalled renegade candidates like donald trump, dr. Ben carson, ted cruz, theyre doing well among republican voters, at least according to this latest fox news poll but some of the establishment candidates like jeb bush, for example, scott walker, maybe hes an establishment candidate, marco rubio, not necessarily moving up. I like how you call them renegade candidates. This is what we were surprised about when we saw Donald Trumps support keep rising and support from one in four voters. People arent happy with the folks they sent to washington. That means democrats and republicans. We see ben carson piggybacking on that. This is what ted cruz has been talking about from the beginning even though he is a sitting senator. So i think we underestimated how angry voters were to begin with. For the establishment candidates, the reality is, if your name is jeb bush, its hard to get people excited about your candidacy when we are this far out from voting. If youre scott walker or marco rubio, this is a bigger problem. You would expect more people to be excited to see sort of these young upandcomers rising. And lets be precise. Donald trump is not only winning in this latest fox news poll but the national polls. Including the early states, iowa, new hampshire, south carolina. Thats right, and the people who have been nicest to him, ted cruz and ben carson including rand paul, he was last place in a lot of polls so all of these other candidates bunched together below donald trump and obama secured by the phenomena of donald trump have to figure out what do they do with him . Do they follow his lead or punch him in the nose . Rand paul is in haiti. Hes a doctor doing some Public Service work in haiti, taking a break from the campaign trail which is very nice, obviously, as well. Guys, thanks very much. Well have more on donald trump coming up, including where he gets his military advice and how he says he would defeat isis. Stay with us. Why do so many People Choose aleve . Its the brand more doctors recommend for minor arthritis pain. Plus, just two aleve can last all day. Youd need 6 tylenol arthritis to do that. Aleve. All day strong. You premium like clockwork. Month after month. Year after year. Then one night, you hydroplane into a ditch. Yeah. Surprise. Your Insurance Company tells you to pay up again. Why pay for insurance if you have to pay even more for using it . If you have Liberty Mutual deductible fund™, you could pay no deductible at all. Sign up to immediately lower your deductible by 100. And keep lowering it 100 annually, until its gone. Then continue to earn that 100 every year. 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Probably two or three every president ial candidate has a goto. Probably there are two or. Three i like bolton, i think hes a tough cookie, knows what hes talking about. You mean ambassador john bolton . Colonel jack jacobs is a good guy. I see him on occasion. Lets bring in one of our own good guy, Lieutenant General mark hertling, a cnn military analyst, retired former commanding general for europe and the seventh army. Whats your take on where donald trump says he gets his military advice . Well, first of all, wolf, jack jacobs is a great guy and very sound in some of his commentary on another channel but i would suggest that mr. Trump needs to get more into the complications of some of these issues. You cant just get a few snippets off a tv show or get a read off a twitter feed and think you know or understand the imp cautions of some of these complex issues the United States is facing right now. You called Donald Trumps earlier comment about bombing oil fields in iraq that isis now controlled, you said it was troubling. He repeated that position on meet the press, listen to this. I said you take away their wealth, knock the hell out of the oil, take back the oil, we take over the oil which we should have done in the first place. Thats going to take ground troops. Thats okay. Maybe 25,000. We can circle it. Well have so much money and what i would do with the money that we make, which would be tremendous, i would take care of the soldiers that were killed the, families of the soldiers that were killed, the Wounded Warriors that are see, i love them. Theyre walking all over the streets of new york, without arms, legs and worse that that. I would take care of them. In response to your criticism trump told anderson cooper, he said im a better in his words im a better general than the general youre talking about . Okay . Im a better general. Does that suggest to you he understands the complexities this that this kind of military action launching air strikes to destroy potentially isis controlled oil fields in iraq could complicate . Could cause, if you will. Well, from the standpoint of National Security strategy or military campaigning or campaign strategy, hes sophomore rick in his approach. This is very simple stuff. If you were to ask a guy on the street and they gave you answers mr. Trump has given you, you would think they were crazy but because he has money this suddenly generates interest. The suggestion hes going to bomb things a violation of International Law in some cases take the wealth away and then feed that wealth to veterans is just its more than troubling, its almost laughable, his lack of understanding. And the president of the United States has to have a lot of understanding of a wide degree of issues. It repeatedly tells me some of the things hes saying that he does not have that depth of knowledge and hes not willing to listen to other people. What would he need to do to show you, general, that hes capable of being the commanderinchief . Well, i think one of the things he needs to do is show me a little bit of empathy that he is, in fact, listening to people more than just soundbites on tv. He has to show me that he actually does have a strategy which he hasnt shown yes yet. He issued one of his policies yesterday on immigration and that seemed to be significantly flawed from the standpoint of violating the constitution. All soldiers raise their hand and vow to support and defend the constitution of the United States. Thats one of the things that we have to be very careful of when youre asked to defend the country. Were also very concerned about how were seen around the world. Its troubling to me i was just in europe last week at a conference and heard from some of our european partners, they are very troubled by what theyre hearing from mr. Trump. This is an International Situation that, you know, we have to remember, we can pander somewhat to the people in the United States during campaigns but there are people around the world listening and they are troubled by some of the things theyre hearing. General hertling, thanks very much for joining us. Thank you, wolf. Coming up, well go live to iowa and talk about the significance of the state fair going on over there, whether that states caucus is really still mattering. The chairman of the Iowa Republican party is standing by live. But your stellar notebook gives hanyou the gumptionlc. To reach for the sky. Thats that new gear feeling. This week, these Office Depot Brand notebooks just one cent. Office depot officemax. Gear up for school. Gear up for great. It takes a lot of work. But i really love it. S. 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Ill have another arnold palmer. Make mine a kevin nealon. Really, brian . Hey, safety first. Like all blood thinners, dont stop taking xarelto® without talking to your doctor, as this may increase your risk of a blood clot or stroke. While taking, you may bruise more easily and it may take longer for bleeding to stop. Xarelto® may increase your risk of bleeding if you take certain medicines. Xarelto® can cause serious, and in rare cases, fatal bleeding. Get help right away for unexpected bleeding, unusual bruising, or tingling. If you have had spinal anesthesia while on xarelto®, watch for back pain or any nerve or muscle related signs or symptoms. Do not take xarelto® if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. Tell your doctor before all planned medical or dental procedures. Before starting xarelto®, tell your doctor about any kidney, liver, or bleeding problems. Xarelto® has been prescribed more than 11 million times in the u. S. And that numbers growing. Like your guys scores. With xarelto® there is no regular blood monitoring, and no known dietary restrictions. Treatment with xarelto® was the right move for us. Ask your doctor about xarelto®. Its the hardland of american politics right now, the iowa state fair. Every four years the fair mixes cotton candy with candidates as the politicians with pork chops in hand line up to prove they are regular, regular people. For some it may seem like a dog and pony show, but the state fair speeches are serious business. When it comes to a candidate trying to get his or her message out in iowa. Joining us from des moines is jeff kaufman, the chairman of the Iowa Republican party. Jeff, thanks very much for joining us. The importance of the fair, obviously, very significant to potential Republican Caucus goers. The soap box is very important, but donald trump decided not to do the soap box. Is that a big deal or a little deal . It depends on whether hes getting his message out in other ways. The soap box for a lot of our candidates is the main way you get your message out during our state fair season. Donald trump doesnt seem to have a problem getting his message out in other ways so i dont think its a make or break but the soap box is one of the many iconic events that we have here that people have come to i think not just educate themselves policeally but i think they cherish this time of the year. Are you surprised hes doing so well in iowa . You know, i think yes, at first, then when you look at the National Attention hes getting and the pure amount of airtime, i think that explains a lot. Also i think the fact that he is as blunt as he is. The real question is not where donald trump is in the polls right now. I think in august a lot of these polls are going to be very fluid and have very little predictable value. But is he capped at where hes at right now can he move beyond that . I know political activists in the area are asking that question right now. The last two Iowa Caucuses and those of us who covered them, 2008, 2012 2012, Rick Santorum won by a tiny margin over the eventual nominee mitt romney. In 2008 john mccain finished fourth but got the nomination. Mike huckabee won in 2008. How important are these Iowa Caucuses in the big scheme of things, the eventual effort to capture the republican president ial nomination . I think theyre important along along for two reasons. One, theres still a place in this country where a person they that may not have the name recognition or necessarily have the fund canning run for president and actually move to a position of leadership and leading the pack at least for a time. I think iowa is very relevant. Mitt romney lost by just a few votes. Is and last years results show you a relative unknown was able to work hard, go to 99 counties and become a nationally known leader. On the other hand, we were good at predicting who the nominee would be. Were relevant but were important the overall dream most americans have and that is almost anyone, if they have a lot of hard work, can run for president. Without an iowa and a new hampshire, we dont that dream. You can have your cake and eat it, too, you can have your corn dog at the iowa state fair and eat it as well. Sy know you have been doing that. Jeff coughmkaufman, thanks very thanks for having me, wolf, any time. Coming up, well turn our attention to the democrats. Bernie sanders is continuing to gain on Hillary Clinton in the polls. Well ask two clinton supporters why their candidate is losing ground. Big day . Ah, the usual. Moved some new cars. Hauled a bunch of steel. Kept the supermarket shelves stocked. Made sure everyone got their latest gadgets. Whats up for the next shift . Ah, nothing much. Just keeping the lights on. laugh nice. Doing the big things that move an economy. See you tomorrow, mac. See you tomorrow, sam. Just another day at norfolk southern. 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Lets bring in cnn political commentator, democratic strategist paul begala and cnn political commentator democratic strategist donna brazile. Youre a huge Hillary Clinton supporter paul, you cant endorse any candidate because of the role of in the dean see . Thats correct. I cannot endorse until the nomination is over. But you love her . Ive given noun all of the candidates on the democratic side. If i gave to all the republicans i would be dead broke for sure. Theres 17 of those. Why is Bernie Sanders moving up and up and up . Shes moving down, down, down. Bernie is taking his campaign directly to the people. Hes campaigning not just in the early states but hes campaigning across the country. Hes reviving what i believe some of the democrats who probably have not paid attention in the last two years. Im not surprised theres a rise in the poll. But at the end of the day it comes down to your ground game, retail politics and were going to have a very competitive primary. I want you to listen to what Hillary Clinton said in iowa friday night and well discuss. Now, theyll try to tell you this is about benghazi, but its not. Benghazi was a tragedy. Four dedicated Public Servants lost their lives and we have to be focused on how to prevent future tragedies. And you know what . Its not about emails or servers, either. Its about politics ive just provided my server to the Justice Department but heres what i wont do. I wont get down in the mud with them. I wont play politics with the National Security or dishonor the memory of those who we lost. She was very well received at that speech friday night. She was. But her strategy is basically to say this has nothing do with an fbi investigation, its all about republicans trying to smear her. Its not strategy, thats reality, right . Im old enough to have lived through this for many years. This is what republicans do. What i dont understand is why they keep doing it, because it fails. Years ago hillary said this to me when we needed to change strategy for her husband and i didnt want to. She said insanity is defined by doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result. Republicans keep practicing the politics of personal destruction and they keep losing to clintons. Theyll lose this time. The investigation began about benghazi, which is important and should have been investigated and looked into in an independent and fairminded way. It was. Under Hillary Clinton she had an independent board come in and had a seringly tough and honest report. Now the politics in the Republican Party have taken over and it turns out they have spend more time and money investigating hillarys emails and benghazi than they did katrina, pearl harbor, the Warren Commission or irancon a irancontra. But the fbi is now investigating. Theyre investigating, sure, because they want to make sure there was no classified information that got out. But this is a Republican Committee in the congress that now has spent more time and money investigating this than pearl harbor or katrina or the kennedy assassination. Her decision to have her own private server was a blunder. Yes. She said. It our viewers should know, i not only love her, i work for a super pac, i advise a super pac supporting hillary so i have a vested interest. Despite that, of course its a mistake. I said this the day this broke. Every Government Employee should use government email. I worked in the white house. I used government email. Guess what . When george w. Bush was in the white house, his aides used a Republican Party email and we didnt have congressional committees in the middle of that. They couldnt even turn over emails to the prosecutor in the Valerie Plame case where the identity of the cia agent was leaked. So this is totally politics. Let me read to you from michael muknew khazei. He writes it is inconceivable that the Foreign Affairs official was unaware of the risk of the relationships with foreign governments would be of particular interest to those governments and to others. Its no answer to say if mrs. Clinton did it at one time that emails were not marked classified when marked or received. Of course they were not. There is no little creature sitting on the shoulders of Public Officials classifying words as they were uttered and sent. But the laws are concerned with the sensitivity of the information, not the sensitivity of the markings or whatever may contain the information. Hes potentially saying that she could face felony charges for what she did. But what did she do . Did these email that were marked classified, did she give them to someone who was not supposed to handle classified information as general petraeus did . Look, i know we can get into the legality of this but the big picture is, paul is absolutely right. The republicans have decided that this is the way to take down Hillary Clinton. Is to have a taxpayerfunded committee. Were not trying to figure out what went wrong. What happened in libya. They are trying to figure out how to demean and, i think, demonize Hillary Clinton. Paul, youve been around washington, donna, you have been as well and i have. The Benghazi Committee which is the republicanled committee, trey gowdy is conducting the investigation, you dont know where the attorney general investigation will end up. What happened is, bill clinton was left office as the highest ratest president in American History and ken starr went to a university in texas. That did not work out well for the republicans then either. If they were smart, they would be talking about ideas and initiatives. All they are running on now is hate. Bernie sanders, hes talking about issues and ideas. Hes not trading insults with anybody. Neither is Martin Omalley or jim web or Hillary Clinton. Thats right. So even the ones i do not support, they are worried about ideas and issues. Its just an easy, cheap thing to try to practice politics. Believe me, it never works. You just assume joe biden is going to throw us out of the ring . I think he will continue to talk to his family and supporters out there. Theres support for him but at the end of the day its a personal decision. I dont think he will run but thats joe bidens decision. I think hes a beloved figure. I love him. Across the country, both parties. Hes a beloved figure. He needs to make the best decision for himself and his family. Guys, thanks very much. Michael mukasey will join me later at 5 00 p. M. Eastern. Still ahead, a plane crashing into a mountain in indonesia. The airline is run by a Safety Record that is very, very poor and its banned in europe. Stay with us. Ow, mommy, but its time to let the new kitchen get some sleep. If you want beautiful results, you know where to go angies list. 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This easytounderstand guide will answer some of your questions and help you find the aarp Medicare Supplement plan thats right for you. Searchers think theyve spotted debris of the airliner that crashed yesterday in indonesia. 54 people were on board. The bad weather is forcing the suspension of the search and rescue operation. Lets bring in david soucie, a cnn safety analyst and a former inspector for the faa. The plane lost contact with the faa. Well, its horribly difficult right now, wolf, because of the fact that they dont know if they are survivors there or not. There are no open areas at all, dense forest and jungle. So although they are only five or six miles away from where the aircraft is right now, they have to be equipped for everything from triage. There was a crash in december, killed 162 people in june a military plane went down. 135 people on board. Indonesia is on the faa list of countries and they are banned from operating in the United States and that includes ukraine, zimbabwe, honduras, the philippines. What does it take to get a country on this do not fly list . Well, it takes a couple of things, wolf. One is that there was surveillance in which they gave the country a very low rating. That doesnt mean they dont have good people trying to do good things here. It means that the air traffic has increased so substantially. Their economy is changing and their middle class has become more aware of flying and able to afford it. Every flight is packed. They are continually buying new aircraft. This increases the monitoring. Its the possibility of safety issues as much of the actual occurrences. So its under very close scrutiny. Each country itself has their own standards that they use on top of what icao recommends. Well stay on top of it. David, thanks very much. The news continues next on cnn. Good morning. Im ana cabrera. A bomb exploded in a popular tourist area in thailand. Take a look at this dash cam ra inside of a car. Listen as the bomb goes off. You can see that flash. A car was not injured. A look at the

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