[groaning] [screams] aaaaahhh aaah aaaah [wailing] [groans] dude. Get outta here, you piece a gahbage you wanna smush . Go creepin somewheres else snooki get the smush in the youre gahbage you know that . Youre cabbage bah bah bah bah bah bah bah snooki bah bah bah you got cabbage in ya muff [gibberish] you got cabbage in your [bleep] muff [gibberish] [punch] [whimpering] [glass shatters] [sniffling] thank you, kyle. [gunshot] thats the last of it were out of ammo then weve got to start falling back to utah whats the point . Cant you see its over . [airplane engines roaring] who is that . Its alqaeda [cheering] [rockets screeching] [explosion] [explosion] give em hell, alqaeda [cheering] on a cold october night, a small town in colorado stood up to new jersey and finally said, go away. Our fortitude was the inspiration for others, and now new jersey is slowly receding back to the desolate land from whence it came. Our country is getting back to normal. And we owe it all to osama bin laden. [cheers and applause] [kisses] well, kyle, looks like youre totally back to normal. Yeah, the more distance between me and the others from jersey, the better i feel. Yeah, but you still have it in you. You saved my life, kyle. Deep down inside, youre a monster, but youre my little monster. I just have one question, kyle. At sizzler, when you were yelling, muff cabbage, whats muff cabbage . Its a its a jersey thing. On this day, let us all remember that no people on this earth are really enemies only folks with differences. [gunshot] tango is down. Tango is down. We got him captioning by captionmax www. Captionmax. Com Comedy Central news headquarters in new york, this is the daily show with trevor noah. cheers and applause . Trevor welcome to the daily show, im trevor noah. Thank you so much, everyone. Thank you to you for tuning in. I am so excited, my guest tonight is a u. S. Ambassador to the United Nations, Samantha Power is joining us, everybody. cheers and applause . Trevor Samantha Power in the house, well, powerful now until friday then it will be samantha out of power. But thats another thing. But lets begin tonight with a major protest if spain. During the unveiling of a donald trump statue at Wexford Museum in madrid a barebreasted activist from the feminist group femen protest. The slogan in english suggested patriarchy should be grabbed by the again i tales. Grab by the balls. cheers and applause . Trevor there are times when i dont know if im happy or sad about a trump presidency. Cuz this is one of those where you are like more protests but now theyre topless . Seems like a weird thing, you know. Its like a boob protest. And by the way, by the way, i just want to say kudos to whoever it was that made that statue. Because its superrealistic. Look at it. Yeah, it doesnt look human at all, which is just like trump. applause its just like trump. If you think about it, donald trump is the first famous person to have a wax figure that looks more real than him. I bet trumps foundation has already purchased that statue and is he will sneak it into the white house and then go on vacation for four years, just leave it there. And it will do a better job. But you know what, my favorite part of this protest was for me, the poor guy from the wax museum trying to cover that woman up. Look at him, he tries to put a shirt on her t doesnt work, he tries balloons. It is like, i dont know what to do. I dont know what to do. laughter with the balloons, cover the balloons. [bleep] how perfect is that, by the way. I bet first he tried to block her with, tried with balloons, it didnt work. Then lets try these canteloupes, no, that doesnt work. Oh, two jugs of milk. No another topless woman, ah. Something has to work. Honestly, though, this was a really effective protest it. You know, im impressed. Because this woman, this protester wrote her message on her boobs. And thats really the only way to get donald trump to read anything. laughter the cia should start writing his Intelligence Briefings on boobs. I promise you now he will want to see that every day. And he will know right away when they come into his office with really big news, he will be likeu oh, double ds, what is going on in the middle east. Somethings wrong. Somethings wrong. applause lets move on. Lets move on. Over the past few weeks the senate has been Holding Hearings on trumps cabinet nominees. The hearings have raised important questions about each of them. For instance, his is Rex Tillerson too loyal to oil. Jeff sessions, is he down with the brown. And will ben carson be good for the hood . See cuz hood, but of all trumps picks none seem to be less prepared than the one we saw yesterday. Which brings us to our continuing segment, profiles in tremendousness. Have i the most dedicated people. I have the best people. Trevor meet betsy devos, trumps nominee for secretary of education. Shes a billionaire business woman from michigan. Shes a major voice for conservative education reform. And a lot of people dont know this, she is the cofounder of the 90s r b group bell you have devos. They had to kick her out because that girl was poison. But her illustrious history aside, the big question is, is betsy devos qualified to lead the education department. Well, yesterday the senate sat her down to test her on her knowledge of education stuff. And right away, you knew there was going to be a problem when she couldnt answer a simple yes or no question. Do you think that schools that receive k12 schools that receive government funding should meet the same accountability standards, equal accountability in any k12 school or Educational Program that receives federal funding, whether public, public charter or private. I support account ability. Equal accountability for all schools that receive federal funding. I support account ability. Okay s that a yes or a no. I support accountability. Do you not want to answer my question. I support account ability. Trevor aaahhhhhh slm aahh aahh sorry, sorry. Aahh im sorry. I just, when i watch that, i had a flashback to every single time i called tech support. You know, saying the same thing. Aahh. Accountability. Aahh im surprised tim kaine didnt start screaming, operator, operator, i just want to talk to a human. Now the reason betsy is ducking that question is because she wants to take taxpayer money from Public Schools and send it to private schools without holding the private schools to the same standard. Which means the taxpayer could be paying for schools with less qualified teachers, crappier curric la, weaker testing and worse Chicken Nuggets in the cafeteria. Yeah, you know that brand where every once in a while, the crunch, i dont know, there why there say crunchy thing in a nugget, you know those. One of betsy devos main jobs would be to improve student performance. Now some say you should measure that by what students know as in proficiency. Others say you should measure it by how much students improve. Growth. Betsy devos, she says what . I would like your views on the relative advantage of measuring doing assessments and using them to measure proficiency or to measure growth. If i am understanding your question correctly, around proficiency, i would also corelate it to competent tensee and mastery so that you each student is measured according to the advancement that they are making in each subject area. Well, thats growth. Thats not proficiency. Proficiency, is if they have reached a like third grade level for reading, et cetera. No, im talking about the debate between proficiency and growth. I was kind of surprised, well, im not that surprised, that you did not know this issue. laughter applause . Trevor dang. I would like to enter that shade into the record. Yeah, immediately after he said that, all the other senators were like so okay, okay, okay. So betsy did not do well on the verbal part of frankens questioning. How did she do on the math . You said that student debt has increased by a thousand percent. 980 percent in eight years. Im sorry . 980 percent. Thats thats just not so. Its increased 118 in the past eight years. Hmm. Trevor damn, can i ask the question, why dont they ever fight back in these hearings. She should have just been like oh yeah, i forgot to carry the one. She should do that. I mean another question i have, how do you put this person in charge of americas education. Its like hiring an amish person to run nasa. All right. Lets strap some of the horses to the space shutter el. And take it to heaven. laughter i dont even know if that was a good or bad amish accent. I mean its not like they are going to watch the show and complain, so i mean. I dont know. Did you see what trevor noah said. Me neither. So applause so one of the hearings most revealing moments was when senator chris murphy who represents newtown, connecticut, the site of the sandy hook shooting. He asked devos about guns in schools. You cant say definitively today that guns shouldnt be in schooled . Well, i will refer back to senator enzi and the school that he was talking about in wyoming. I think probably there, i would imagine that there is probably a gun in the school to protect from potential grizzlies. Trevor get the [bleep] out of here, man. Should schools have guns . And you say yeah, they should have guns because maybe grizzly bears . laughter let me tell you something, and this is true. We called the school in way i would she is talking about. And a bear answered the phone. No, we called the school, we called the school. And they told us that they dont have a gun. Because they have a fence, and bear spray. And that works fine. Like here is another question. Like you are trying to justify having guns in schools. What do you think there are more of in america, School Shootings or school bear attacks, huh . In fact, i would argue every school should have a bear to protect them from guns. That is what they should have. Grr, grrr, grr. applause so after a day of hearings we learned betsy devos clearly has no clue about how to run the education department. So the question is, why is she being nominated in the first place. Mrs. Devos, there is a growing feel, i think in this country, that we are moving towards what some would call an oligarchic form of society. Would you be so kind as to tell us how much money your family has contributed to the Republican Party over the years. I wish i could give you that number. I dont know. I have heard the number was 200 million. Does that sound in the ball park . Collectively, between my entire family. Over the years. Thats possible. Do you think if your family has not made hundreds of millions of dollars in contributions to the Republican Party, that you would be sitting here today. Bernie bernie, we miss you, bernie why didnt we listen, bernie oh, bernie hes right. Shes going to get confirmed even though she failed everything, every subject she got on the hearing, failed, failed, failed, failed. Except donations 1016789 and thats why i feel like this hearing was a perfect metaphor for the worst of the Education System in america. Here are the student who is clearly not proficient in the required subject matter. But because of the system, we know they are still going to get pushed through. Well be right back. Well be right back. applause well be right back. applause oh, look weve got fees ew, really . Oh, its our verizon bill look at them. 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The new poll finds just 40 of americans approve of trumps handling of the transition. Thats lower than any incoming president in decades. That trump 40 is also lower than the post katrina Approval Rating of president george w. Bush. Trevor wow. Trump is less popular than post Katrina George w. Bush. That is in fact, those same katrina families have moved on to Bashing Trump now. Thats what theyre doing. Now most people being told that they are not popular would make them try harder. But like i said, donald trump is not most people. Trump is taking issue with the findings saying on twitter, the same people without did the phoney election polls and were so wrong are now doing Approval Rating polls. They are rigged just like before. Trevor okay, first of all t is not the same polls and you cant just say everything is rigged because you dont like it trump is just, rigged for everything. How much is that, 24. Rigged, its all rigged. Its all rigged. Its phoney, its false. He just dont like it. For more on this were turning now to michelle wolf, everybody. Michelle, michelle, i, before we get into everything, i mean its two days until president trump. How are you feeling i feel great. How are you . Trevor i mean to be honest im surprised that you feel great. We should all feel great. I mean if theres one thing that is keeping me going is that as much as we hate the idea of trump as president , its nothing compared to how much he is going to hate being president. laughter he has no idea what is coming. Its like im walking to a carwash without a car. Being president is hard work. You never get a day off. And the irony is after all of this, trumps reward is a library. A library. The guy who never reads what is he going to do with a library. Thats like give be stefen hawking a bicycle. I know, its a terrible gift. I mean honestly, i kind of feel bad for trump. I mean everything that happens from now on is his false. Trevor michelle, thats not fair. Not everything that happens will be his fault. No, everything. If the market goes down, trumps fault. If oil prices go up, trumps fault. If justin doesnt call me back even though he said we had a real connection, i gave him a handy in the back of. Whoa dzz t whroa, whoa, thats trumps fault. That is justins fault but he voted for trump. Michelle, do you really think trump is is going to be upset. He won. Trump never wanted the job of president. He just wanted to be mr. U. S. A. , put on a sash and tell people how you change the World Without actually having to change it. But inside trump has gone from being a carefree billionaire to a public servant. Yeah, donald j. Trump. You just became americas butler. Now go fix our health care. Make me a sandwich you sun burnt bitch. Trevor thank you, michelle, michelle wolf, everyone. Well be right bac for me, it all began with a boy. His name was ethan. Bailey, bailey, bailey, bailey. My name was bailey, bailey, bailey, bailey. 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Trevor i understand this is your final interview as ambassador to the u. N. So it seems. Trevor so are you just going to tell us everything, just like, you know, for real for real . Cuz what can happen . Youre leaving anyway. True. Trevor just spill the beans on the u. N. Lets get floo it. It is a it is a trying time for america and you know, for administrations changing over. But lets take a step back and just talk about what your role at the u. N. Is. It seems selfexplanatory but what are you doing as an ambassador to the u. N. Well, in representing the United States, i am sitting behind the practice card that says the United States of america and were the biggest financial contributor. We are the leader. If we dont lead, bad guys benefit. Trevor uhhuh. Other big countries that do bad things step into the void. So we use it to mobilize coalitions, to burdenshare. The rest stled world pays 78 of the budget, even as we pay a large share. But we look out for u. S. Interests and the welfare of the American People but recognize that that is