Jon whoa, welcome to the daily show cheers and applause jon my name is jon stewart and we have a good program for you tonight. My guest tonight, the secretarygeneral of the United Nations ban kimoon is going to be joining us here tonight because, you know, i really dont know why. laughter im excited, but i dont know why. But first, you may remember earlier this year, the what do you call Baltimore Ravens ray rice found himself in a hot water when a cass insecurity caught him dragging his foe and says unconscious body out of an el after he had assaulted her because a gentleman without never leave his fee san fiancees unconscioused aboutee unattended in an elevator, i mean it was the sort of dispectable act our society would not tolerate. And the Justice System had no choice but to throw the book at rice. Specifically a book titled so youre sentenced to counselling, a violent offenders guide to lenient punishment. But not to worry, the nfl jumped in to fill the justice void. Nfl commissioner Roger Goodell slapped ray rice with a two game suspension. Jon two not one. laughter but two cheers and applause two a twogame slap. Two game slap, one for each wrist. Then after a rather vociferous and negative response to the perceived coddling of the allpro elevator puncher, the nfl recognized the errors of its ways. The nfl announcing players will get a six game suspension for their first Domestic Violence offen offend offense. Jon ah let that be a lesson. To nfl players everywhere. If you hit a woman, they will not let you hit a man for six more weeks. laughter the point is applause i would say at that point case closed. Until this week. Its the second shocking video to surface. Tmz releasing this tape of Baltimore Ravens player ray rice brutally knocking out his then fiancee janay palmer. The nfl kicked him ot of the league definitely. Nike scrubbed all rice items from their web store, in baltimore local merchants have launched a kind of Buyback Program to get rice jerseys off the street. Jon ricearoni is changing its name. It will now be referred to as simmered grainaroni. Rice university will now be referred to as the university where we will not punch ladies in elevators. Where to turn. Where to turn. That is an unwieldy name for a university. Where to turn for perspective on a case like this. Well, this being the nfl, it turns out you could turn to another man named ray who played for the Baltimore Ravens and was also punished for his part in a violent crime. People will try to draw this comparison, how do you see that. There is no comparison, you know, there is no comparison of me and ray rice. Its night and day. Its night and day of anything weve ever been through and thats why both situations are totally dichb. Jon how dare you say were the same . I would never hit a woman i would object strukt justice in a murder case but that but that is where i draw the line. laughter my favorite part of that video is is what happens next. Steve, whats your reaction . Hmmmm. laughter applause jon indeed. But heres my main question. Back in july the nfl felt this crime was only worthy of a two game suspension. But now suddenly its a lifetime of exile. So what changed . Did you really need to see a videotape of ray rice punching her in the face to make this decision . No, we certainly didnt. And i would tell you that what we saw in the first videotape was troubling to us in and of itself. But what we saw yesterday was extremely clear, is extremely graphic, and it was sickening. And thats why we took the action we took yesterday. Jon so you did need to see ray rice to make this decision which begs the question, why hadnt you seen that video. We asked for video, but we were never granted that opportunity. Jon granted that opportunity. You were never granted that opportunity. Really . The king of video never bestowed upon you the opportunity for are you just a simple peasant boy commissioner armed with only your wit, the clothes upon your back and billions in dollars worth of the most highpowered team of lawyers in the history of man. Oh o little oliver. Please, sir, please, sir. applause may i . Please, sir, may i see the tape . The tape, no heres the only problem with that story. The ap is now reporting that a Law Enforcement official did, indeed, send a copy of the ray rice video to an nfl executive back in april. Jon [bleep] up but it only makes sensing april, thats the off season. laughter so you had the tape, and you want us to believe that you did not look at it . Well, i think were all pretty aware of the get 24 angles and high res slow motion just to see whether or not a mans knee goes over an imaginary line before his hand crosses a different imaginary line. And that in stadium system has a builtin remote backup. Immediately after a call is challenged the nfl officiating command center in new york will begin reviewing replays. Jon the nfl officiating command center. You think they were launching nukes rather than con terming if the ball had, indeed, touched the ground first. laughter so nfl, perhaps next time you attempt to bury the damaging information about your leagues conduct, i guess well no to throw the red challenge flag. Well be ri tmobiles network has more data capacity than verizon or at t. Its a Network Designed Data strong. Its part of a hersheys bar. We break it. We bite it. We sneak it. We smoosh it. We savor it. We love it. Hersheys is mine, yours, our chocolate. This is a steak . [sighs] lets make this right. Stay low and spread out. [yawns] nicely done. [crunch] cheezy. Thats it. Sprinkle it on top. Enough ah, check please. [clank] another beer . Sure, give me a. Ummmmm give me a redds apple ale. Redds apple ale. Crisp like an apple; brewed like an ale. cheers and applause jon welcome back oh, is today what day is today, wednesday, todays wednesday, time to check in on the united kingdom. Really hasnt been a kingdom for quite some time. And now turns out the united part is looking a bit shaky as well. In just another week scotland will vote on whether to break away from the united king doll. Polls show rival campaigns for and against independence running neckinneck. Jon neckinneck, by the way the first two ingredients in hagis. Scotland really, the ray rice tape, they can watch, that picture sauceage. Scotlands big secession vote is the subject of our continuing coverage of it is not the british empires proudest moment, once dominated half the globe. But if you lose scotland youre down to the one corner of ireland that doesnt hate you, and wales. Territory with so few Natural Resources it needs to import fowl. Of course theres got to be more applause theres got to be more at stake here than pride, yes. There is a lot of money at stake. Most of the u. K. s oil reserves are off scotland shores. Scotland is the European UnionsLargest Oil Producer and the British Nuclear submarine fleet is headquartered in scotland. Jon oil rich with nuke i bet dic cheney just went where . What . What . Huh . What . Can i i can invade . So what what exactly are the financial ramifications . What are the financial ramifications here . Ron all mcdonald, one of the Top Economists in the u. K. Jon all right, im just going to laughter that poor sweet man. How was he to know literally eight years after he was born his proud name would be stolen by an american hamburger clown. Perhaps a problem can only discuss with his good friend Paul Franklin chang. An Thaddeus George irving fry. But this whole voting to leave the united kingdom, well, it brings up a very important question. Namely, you can do that . Because we kind of had to fight a whole with the tea in the harbor and the british are coming and the two if by sea. Meanwhile you just stick it on the agenda and youre like yeah, thats [bleep] were gone. And not just here in the u. S. Africa had to fight you, india starved themselves to get free. 700 years after what do you call it Mel Gibson Wallace was drawn and quartered for scottish independence, it turns out they just had to have an election. England, are you just going to let them go . Britains political leaders like David Cameron have headed north. Today theyve all gone up to scotland to deliver a kind of collective political lovebomb. Jon oh, a lovebomb. That sounds sticky. laughter i believe we actually have footage of Prime Minister cameron pleading with the scottish people to come back. Is there anything more romantic than the sound of air slowly getting pushed from a bag . Well be right back. I think cam newton needs to be a better leader. 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In your career, in your life, can you recall a more dire time for the human condition . Is that how it strikes you now . Are you an optimist . For many years tragic situations where i feel very sad, particularly when u. N. Peacekeepers are killed, when theres a huge, serious violation of human rights. Many people being killed around the world. Thats why we have to protect the human rights. This is a very important important of the United Nations that is one of my strongest mandates by the charter of the United Nations. Of course we have security, all around the world. Jon is there how difficult is it to rally the world to these causes . Because we see this situation boko haram in nigeria, isis, syria, ukraine, gaza, all around the world. Is it too much to ask the u. N. To to or is it better for the u. N. To keep focused on humanitarian issues and try and sort out the more political issues later. Or can you accomplish both . I think we are living in an era of multiple crisis. A lot of crisis are taking, at the same time, all around the world. We have a serious situation in syria which has been continuing for three years, with well over 20,000 people have been killed. We have a serious terrorist attacks in iraq and south of sudan in african republic. And in gaza we have seen so much devastation. Therefore, we need to really protect the civilian population. And i have been traveling all of these hot spots, without exception, all around the world. Sometimes i have to protect myself. And i know that with the difficult interviews, meeting with the different people, i give you this u. N. Peacekeeping heat met to protect yourself. cheers and applause keep it handy because i may need it for my protection. Jon okay. Is this your way of telling me im being shipped out somewhere . Oh, yeah. Thats very kind of you. But it does, you know, boy t brings up a serious situation. How difficult is it to get World Opinion on any situation. And does the u. N. Have to contract in some ways to be more effective in certain situations or can if continue to and who within the u. N. Organization, and you dont have to necessarily name names but which country is the biggest pain in the butt . laughter when the United NationsMember States are united, United Nations should be united. Jon right. But there are some cases that the Member States are not united and divided. In such case we have a serious problem, as we are seeing in syria. But when there is a unity of opinion and position, we can address all these issues. This is the unspeakable terrorist attacks, and crimes which are now being committed in iraq and syria, and elsewhere. I think we have to unite and we have to show strong sol dar solidarity. Thats what im saying, that all the countries, whoever may have capacity, or influence, should bring it. Jon that brings up a good point. So syria, clearly gassing nair own people, terrible devastation, theyre bombing. But the Security Council could not come to an agreement on now there was a way of disarming them on their chemical weapons and i think you are looking into there is a new report on that. But is there anything any more, other than ebola is back, where we need to help them. Humanitarian type issues, where you will get the type of agreement that you need. And even when resolutions are passed, do people just ignore them . Is there still the respect for the United Nations as an institution, and the teeth behind it to make that effective . Overall, you should have Great Respect and appreciation for what United Nations has been doing for maintaining peace and security. And development for poor people, and also human rights. I think we have done a great job getting that. But in the case of syria or some other areas, when the Security Council members are not united, then we are seeing that tragic continuing. That we have to prevent. That is why im asking that we have to rally behind the charter of the United Nations, United Nations flag. We have seen so many cases of radicalism, and terrorism. Not a single country or person request handle this one. As the secretary of general of the United Nations i cannot. Jon i like that you went for your name plate. Without the support of the Member States. Jon how does pressure then, how do we put pressure on nation states when they feel a certain impunity. Certainly the United Nations, the United States vetoes resolutions when its not in their interests. Russia does the same. China can do it. You know, when you have these large superpowers that have the ability to you have your Global Warming initiative that have not been able to be necessarily implemented because of our inability to come to agreement on it. Or does that help you . Do you think to yourself, boy, with all the terrible things in the world well all be under water in 200 years anyway o so who cares. Some people may think that the president has all the powers. But i think its the people. Its the people. Its civil society, ngos, they have now more power, more voice, i think, young people, they should raise their voices, look, mr. President , this is my world. Im going to live in this world so please make this world safe and prosperous and where everybodys Human Dignity is respected. I think they have their rights. That is why im asking our young generation, you have all the tools, the social media, that they can, you know, generate a strong power all around the world. So raise your voice. Jon do you still believe in the idealism that can rise up and snuff out the types of extremism that weve been seeing. You are still an optimist . We have to work and we have to address them. We have to be united. This is unacceptable, in the name of humanity. How can they so afford as a human being. We have progressed on this one, and asking whole world, regardless of police call ideology. We have to unite in the name of humanity. You would hope that we will get to that point and there will be that type of groundswell. And i appreciate you very much for being here. I know are you have a tremendous amount of work to do. You may keep this. Thank you very much. Jon thank you so much. Thank you very much. Jon thank you so much. Ban kimoon, well b great. This is the last thing i need. seriously . Lets take this puppy over to midas and get you some of the good ol midas touch. Hey you know what . Ill drive i really didnt think this through. Brakes, tires, oil, everything. whistling hey hey, baby. [ starts car ] were you eating smoked sausage in here . No no. Could have gotten me one. I did. Add some spice to your day with dunkins spicy smoked sausage breakfast sandwich. The smoked sausage you crave, now spicy. Grab one today. America runs on dunkin. Start your morning spicy hurry in today for a spicy smoked sausage breakfast sandwich. It runs on doritos. [ barks ] sure. So now what . Got to put the whole bag in. Okay. Yes its really working, jimmy [ humming, thumping ] [ humming ] [ thumping ] this is the greatest moment of my life get out of my yard [ birds c