Transcripts For CSPAN British Foreign Affairs Committee Hear

CSPAN British Foreign Affairs Committee Hearing March 14, 2015

Deployment program to get the numbers back for the Third Marine Expeditionary force to what they should be. Second, the reposture of forces. Relieving some of the pressure and oak at our and rebuilding forces in guam. And the forces in australia. Several pieces. Guam australia, and forces going to japan, and some forces going to hawaii. We are Getting Started with that this year. In the budget 2016 theres a Training Range in guam that is a precondition to bring forces. We will bring 5000 forces to guam, eventually. We are rotating the spring another force of 1000 in australia with plans to bring it up to 2500. In terms of issues you should be concerned about, one is the progress for the replacement facility in japan. That will be critical. We have to have deficit does the facility to leave our current air station and to make the redeployment to guam. To properly support the marines in the area. The other piece is lift. We will better support the Combatant Commanders daytoday requirements. In other words, moving to guam and ulster earlier we get better coverage in the pacific daytoday, but in the contingency we have to aggregate those forces for the, for example, the korean peninsula. One thing we are working on is the additional list that would be required to move marines around. And enabling capability, amphibious lift, and other forms of lift to move marines for training and contingency purposes. And the Training Facilities and life support that will be on guam over time. We are further, i have touched on this off and on for 10 years, senator, we are finally starting to pour concrete and actually move forward. I feel much better about it that i have in recent years. I want to talk about in terms of the arctic. The dod 13 page arctic strategy. And you look at what the russians are doing in the arctic , it is impressive. Impressive, but disturbing. So im sure you gentlemen are somewhat familiar. General dempsey mentioned in testimony with the secretary of defense last week that the russians are looking at four arctic combat or gates as our u. S. Army is thinking of pulling them out of the army. I think that would give Vladimir Putin a lot of joy. Theyre building 13 new airfields, longrange air patrols with bombers off of the coast of alaska, again. They have incredibly six new icebreakers, five new to add to their fleet of 40. The United States is thinking about an additional one to our fleet of 5. Does it concern you when we talk about keeping ceilings open . There will be an important ceiling developing in the Northwest Arctic passage. Has the navy given any thought to this in terms of adding icebreakers to the navys shipping fleet if we are going to be remotely competitive with the russians in the arctic. They have stood up a new arctic command and are all in in the arctic. 13 pages of paper it is not 13 pages of paper, it is concrete ships, airfields. We are thinking of removing forces from alaska. We are number five or six the world in terms of icebreakers. It seems ludicrous that the navy should be concerned about the situation. The purview of the icebreakers is the department of homeland security. The coast guard. If we clip that we will be clobbering our strategy. Right now it resides with the department of homeland security. Am i concerned . Yes. For us to take up combat ships we have to work in conjunction with that and make sure we can get there. We have to look at the hardening of our haulers, and it is not just surface ships. It is the aircraft and undersea domain. Earlier i mentioned i have directed the increase in our exercise capacity and our activity. We are spending a little more, it is modest right now, in exercising with the norwegians, scandinavian countries, and canada to get used to operating up there. Senator sullivan as the art as the ice melts secretary mabus. I stopped at the university of fairbanks. It is not just platforms are capability, it is what we are facing. We not only have less ice but it is freezing in different ways. As we send up submarines, they do not have a lot of clearance above or below. The ice is forming in different ways that are beginning to be a hazard to navigation. As it was said, we are upping our exercises. We are upping our research into the area. We are moving in terms of hardening holes hardening hu lls and training capabilities. We have a Training Facility in kodiak focused on cold weather combat. Every seal goes through it. We are concerned about it. We are trying to move on it. But, again, it is one of these things, that in this budget situation, you have to make very hard choices. We do not have the capability that we would like to have in the arctic. I would like to think the witnesses for their excellent testimony and services. The hearing is adjourned. This sunday on q and a dr. Adrian the director of the Georgetown Medical center watchdog project. On our pharmaceutical companies lobbying congress and what medications to prescribe. The promotion of a drug starts seven to 10 years before a drug comes on the market. While it is illegal for a company to market the drug before it is approved by the fda, it is not illegal to market a disease. Drug companies have sometimes invented diseases or exaggerated the importance of certain conditions, or exaggerated the importance of a particular mechanism of a drug. And then blanketed medical journals, meetings, and other venues with these messages meant to prepare the minds of clinicians to accept a particular drug. And also to repair the minds of consumers to accept a particular condition. Sunday night at 8 00 eastern and pacific on cspans q a. The Gridiron Club is hosting its annual dinner tonight in washington dc. The white tie event includes journalists from the d. C. Area and invited guests from the state and federal government. The guest list includes Governor Scott walker and president obama will also attend to give remarks. He last spoke at the dinner and 2013. Here is more on the event and its history. Clarence page, a columnist for the Chicago Tribune and the president of the Gridiron Club. Lets talk about the club. Who are the members, what is the mission, and how do you become a member . Clarence page it was started in 1885 by newspaper reporters in washington. I like to think they started the club because of the proper societies of washington would not let them join their clubs. It started with three reporters from philadelphia, as i understand. Ever since then, at that time the access has been limited to 50 people. There are what are called the associate members who are perhaps not full journalists or retired members who still maintain what we call and associated membership. And then there are people who are in formally called ringers who are not journalists but have good voices and make us sound good. This has gone on for many years. 130 years now. We are keeping it alive. It only recently opened up to nonnewspaper people. The late great hymn russert was her first nonnewspaper journalist. The great nbc anchor. We have opened up to the internet. We have John Dickerson from slate who is also from cbs news. Things, we try once in a while to move up into modern times. The gridiron is at its charming best when we can stick with the old white tie tradition. We are the only office that still holds to a great old white tie tradition. When did the club begin to accept women . Clarence page in the 70s, before my time, but behind the rest of society. We found a press Organizations National press clubs, etc. , and the industry itself did not open up to women and minorities until the 1960s. The Gridiron Club owners institutions opened up to africanamericans before it opened up to women. As i understand the story, it was kay graham, the publisher of the washington post, who decided at the urging of other women to boycott the Gridiron Club until they opened their membership to women. That sent a shockwave through the organization. The oldtimers tell me that there was no event and gridiron history that caused more eternal internal division and discussion. They relented, and women have not only done well in the gridiron, but also been president. They are wonderful members like everyone else. Even us old stodgy male conservative throwbacks to earlier times come up to the 21st century every now and then. Wear to the name gridiron come from . Clarence page the name comes from the motto of the club. Gridiron singes but does not burn. That is satirical humor to the political figures that we harpoon. The gridiron is an important symbol. In 1892 was when washington was electrified. A big gridiron symbol was electrified, very dramatically, and was turned on during the annual dinner. The speech in the dark is delivered at the beginning of the dinner, and the gridiron is turned on and gives not only a dramatic affect, but it is amusing because even at the very beginning, a lot of people are hearing about a gridiron dinner and expected to find football stars. Sometimes they are there as guests, but it has nothing to do with the club. If you leave journalism are you still a member of the Gridiron Club . Clarence page if you leave journalism no. You have to stay in the confines of journalism professionally. There is so much new media coming along, satellite operations, Digital Media and journalists are involved in those now. The question is who and what is a journalist. That is a subject of growing debate in the general society and the Gridiron Club itself. We do stick to that, though. However journalist is defined the member must be a fulltime active working journalist. As a journalist and organization you fight for access and openness, yet this is closed to cameras . Clarence page life is full of contradictions. Having cameras in the gridiron is a continuing debate. It is something let me say the most practical reason for not having cameras is because it was and is a very intimate gathering of newsmakers, journalists, families, etc. A night to let ones hair down, so to speak. The initial resistance to cameras was do we want our newspapers our home audiences or offices to cs gallivanting around in dresses and costumes . Singing funny songs . Usually off keep it still spirited. But still spirited. We wouldnt want that public image getting out out of context. Would it be counterproductive. Also, would it inhibit what goes on in the room. That is a continuing debate. Over time we developed a system whereby the speeches are on the record. In other words they are publicly released. For a long time it was through our press releases, or just people in the room taking notes. We have now opened up to print full coverage. Working with the White House Correspondent association and the white house itself. 2012 was the first time we let a print journalist in to give a full report. It has been expanded to the wires. This year, we have five reporters. They must be press only, even if they happen to be a tv producer, they cannot shoot video. Not even a cell phone camera. No tweeting, no instagram which many of our members think is a kind of laxative. We try to keep out video and audio. The question is, these are public speakers public figures speaking. We have a spokesperson for the republican partys and the democratic party. This is the public record, the argument goes. And the folks should be publicly accountable. We think it is efficient to hold them accountable through print media. Since theyre just telling jokes, they are not official policy announcements. We think that is a good argument for the exception whereby one does not necessarily have to have full coverage. Someday, i suppose the Gridiron Club may open up like other organizations and have full video coverage. That may be an inevitability and our society. But, i think it will lose something. And this is a general agreement that it will lose Something Special if that happens. Will we be any different than the White House Correspondent association . We will be different in terms of our rituals and program and white tie, but the atmosphere that allows people to feel more relaxed to be able to develop more of a rp in a town that has so much rancor and political bickering etc. That will be lost. Are there rules for membership for those who are part of the gridiron . How many members do you have . Act of members, 50. The associate members number about 60, in that neighborhood, and the requirement for membership basically is that of being a working journalist in american media. If it is not open to overseas media or overseasbased media. It is not open to people who are ancillary and by that i mean, not directly reporting. In this diddled jewel age, who is not directly reporting, that gets a little fuzzy, that our rules are pretty specific about it. Lets talk about the dinner itself. Who gets invited . This is the word time that the president has been in attendance, how were you able to get him . Who the members want to invite, we have an auction list which, which is major newsmakers look at private, celebrities etc. , who a lot of people want to invite, so that we dont have a members on the same person. We do a ceremony where you put big numbers out of the hat which gives you the right to choose ahead of other people who you want to invite. It takes little while, but it does work well for us, and there are others who are not on the list, but if you want to invite them, each member of the club guest to invite a certain number. Me as president , i have an unlimited amount of people i can invite. That is the one benefit of being president besides being the center of attention for whole evening, whether i want to be or not. He, or someday she is the center. This is inevitable. The president there, through formal invitations the controlling if necessary, the people who know the president gets to them, putting in the good work for you, etc. Since grover cleveland, who was in office when the club was founded, nobody could convince him to come, he did not get along that well at the media. Every president since then has come to the gridiron as an honored guest, has spoken, the president , we give the president the last word. No matter how much lampooning goes on, the president gets the last word. That is a very important attraction. And it is viewed as an important enough. Some of them have come every year. Richard nixon didnt come every year. But, especially at the end, jimmy carter. Ronald reagan was here every year and he loved it. His wife performed famously, a one year singing secondhand close, to the tune of secondhand rose and turned her image around. Everyone agrees that america appreciated her a lot more afterwards and that was one case where those did leak out somehow. Through the white house, that was delighted to have that kind put out before the public. Clarence tate, the president of the Gridiron Club this year, thank you for your insight. Thank you for filling in. Tonights dinner is close to cameras but we will have live Coverage Later today at five eastern here on cspan as guests began to arrive. We plan to bring you as much of that up until our program, the communicators. Our guest is minion cliburn who talks about the commissions newly adapted Net Neutrality rules. Next, a hearing with the British Foreign secretary Philip Hammond who was before the British Foreign Affairs Committee to discuss a range of topics including the Ukraine Russia conflict isis, and negotiations over Irans Nuclear program. From london, this is just under an hour and a half. Can i welcome members of the public to the sitting of the committee and what i suspect will be the last opportunity to question the foreign secretary and his team on world events. The secretary didnt welcome. Good to see you. Welcome. Come. Good to see you here today. Thank you. Foreign secretary, this Committee Published a report a couple weeks ago on the finance performance and administration of the Foreign Office. We rather felt the Foreign Office was at a bit of a crossroads. In our judgment, it had done a good job over the last five years but it is spread rather thinly. The choice now is whether or not we maintain that spread or deepen it which requires extra resources, or we narrow the band width of the Foreign Office and tailor our aspirations accordingly. Which direction do you think we ought to be going . It is certainly the key decision, threat versus debt and this is not a new discussion in the Foreign Office. I asked the league nonexecutive to conduct a review of the network shift policy that was introduced and changing the allocation of resources and opening some new posts. And i, in the course of doing that piece of work, i discovered that actually this debate has been going on in the Foreign Office not just during the course of this parliament but for many years about the tension between breadth coverage and depth intensity of resources. Clearly and by the way, that review suggested that the network shift decisions that have been taken had been broadly the right decisions and it had broadly satisfactory outcomes. I think when we know what our resource envelope for the next parliament is after the next Spending Review i think this is a discussion that the Foreign Office needs to hold once again. Between breadth of coverage footprint and depth of coverage and also around the balance between the resource thats devoted to the core bilateral and multilateral relationships and what i call the thematic resource that is focused around the, if you like, di

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