Transcripts For CSPAN CPAC 20240704 :

CSPAN CPAC July 4, 2024

Matthew boyle, ladies and judgment. Kurt schlichter, ladies and gentlemen. Monica crowley. Dont you miss having someone at the Treasury Department who speaks english and worries about things like the economy and inflation instead of what, Climate Change . We need a Treasury Department to focus on Climate Change. All right, matt, go ahead sorry about that. Already chaos. The point is we know what will happen on the republican side, donald j. Trump is going to be the republican nominee for president again. Sorry, nikki haley is in the back of the room objecting. [laughter] we dont know what is going to happen on the democrat side. Karen President Joe Biden current President Joe Biden is allegedly. Allegedly the nominee for president at the same time you have a special counsel report that shows what we all know, this guidelines and a member care institution, not the oval office for monica, you from the stage where the first person warning conservatives that we need to be ready for the possibility that the parachute in Michelle Obama at the convention. This is your fault, crowley. Matt you give them the idea committed and you . Didnt you . Monica great to be with you, matty, and great to be with you at cpac. I saw a film by my friend joe called Michelle Obama 2024. I came here to cpac and a light bulb went off in my head when i watch that documentary. Even at the time two years ago, there was no way joe biden would be the democrat nominee for president. He has always been a corrupt hack, but now he is a corrupt hac k with dementia. I thought there was no way they could put them up for 2024. When i saw the documentary, i saw that is the most logical route for the democrats. Two years ago from this stage i was the first person after joel and his movie to raise the possibility that the democrats might reach for Michelle Obama. Ill never forget the room fell silent. There was not a peep, you could hear a pin drop, and then there was a collective gasp across the room. And there was one fword, that was me. Monica and i said dont shoot the messenger. It does us no good to live in fantasy land that the democrats dont have a plan. They are communist, communists always have a plan to seize power. Joe biden doesnt know what planet he is on, and the Vice President is in a constant state of nervous breakdown. The democrats cannot run either one of them as a solution, and theyre all these names being thrown out like gavin newsom or gretchen whitmer. But now more and more people are on the michelle bandwagon, after i threw it out here two years ago. It seems she covers all of the bases, unfortunately. We need to deal in reality. Dont buy the nonsense she is not political. She is totally political. Her father was a precinct captain in chicago. From the time she was a little girl she was going to precinct meetings with her dad. Her best friend growing up was Jesse Jacksons daughter, so she was always at Jesse Jacksons house, etc. Look, she is completely political. The democrats moved their convention to chicago, ok . You start to put some of the pieces together. And it is entirely possible that they could make the change out at the convention in august. They could throw out all the rules because communists do not play by any rules, democrats do whatever they want. And they could make the switch. And if they do that, they could position michelle as the reluctant candidate who really didnt want to do this, but she needs to save her party and her country, so she is going to reluctantly recruited, and they could run her as a pristine candidate without getting bruised and bloodied up in any kind of primary. She would only have to run for 10 weeks to november 5. Look, i dont know if any of this is going to happen. I know it sounds offthewall, but what weve been through the last 8 years, everything has been offthewall. Its possible. I dont know how likely it is, and i hope to god i am wrong. Matt kurt, you see things a little different . Kurt i do, and i have a couple of phones to pic bones to pick. Cat fight kamala vs. Michelle, why are you ruining cat fights . [laughter] i dont think joe biden has any plans other than eating mush while watching murder she wrote. Two scoops. It will be tough to pry that desiccated old husk of a human being out of the white house. But if they do, i dont think michelle wants to be president. I think she enjoys her life. She is at marthas vineyard, on the yacht with Leonardo Dicaprio babysitting his dates. I just dont think she wants to do it. Kamala, on the other hand, really wants to do it. If i were joe biden and she brought me the mush, i would have the dog taste it. Larry i always thought the move to the convention to chicago because they wanted to send a message to maga country. They can win in chicago. Take that, jussie smollett. You are right there . All right there . Im fine. Larry if joe biden cant stand trial, he cant be president of the United States. As soon as they get rid of the messy democratic process, because they are the democratic party, right, he steps down not just from the ticket, but steps down from the white house. Kamala harris runs and an historic figure, our first woman president , and running as an incumbent from the convention. I dont see how they get rid of her. You are right, dr. Jill is going to hang onto the white house with her talons dug deep, but that is why she becomes secretary of education. Believe it or not, her doctorate is not in heart surgery. She is a phd in education and she cares very much about the children. She becomes sec. Of education and they get the grifter going for the biden family, and kamala runs against donald trump. Monica the mechanics of this are difficult again, i dont know how realistic any of this is. They dont just have to get rid of the president , they have to get rid of the Vice President as well. She is historically the most unpopular Vice President weve ever had. Matt oh, come on, she is a great job. [laughter] monica i dont have the answers of how the democrats wouldve tried to move both of them out. You have got a couple of really important things going on here. First of all, the most devout democrat constituency is black women. So if they want to bounce kamala , that voting bloc would be absolutely enraged. The only way you square that circle is by running another woman of color, and michelle meets that. But the other point about this imagine if there were all of these whispers about a republican candidate possibly jumping into the race. Somebody as iconic and sort of immune to criticism as Michelle Obama. Every Single Member of the imperial media would be staked outside their home, you would have satellite trucks, you would have people like matty boyle running after the candidate with a microphone, hey, are you going to run . Not a peep from the imperial media nobody has asked michelle are you running, certainly not recently. There is no stakeout at the obama homes. Not a word. That is a huge tell, guys. She has not denied it, but the imperial media is not after her to answer the question. Larry i know it is not really my role to ask a question have you noticed we are saying they are going to do this and do that and move this person out who is they . Kurt exactly. Matt there is no they look, you can imagine barack obama trailing nancy pelosi and schumer come into joe biden, well, joe, its time to go. Chosen idiot joes an idiot, plus see now. And he is a narcissist. Barack obama is a smart guy. Joe is an idiot. I have a very high iq. Of course you do. Larry a person with a high iq is constantly telling you they have a high iq. Kurt they say its time to go, hes gonna say no, im not doing it. Matt we were talking about this backstage, there are divisions between biden and the obamas. Sometimes when you see David Axelrod on cnn, you can tell he is telling the truth for a little bit about biden when it is really bad. How do we square that circle, monica . How do we get to a place where the obamas and biden come back together for this reunion where Michelle Obama takes it at the convention . Monica thats a great point, but it dovetails with the question you just raised, who who is they. This is obama 3. 0. They installed joe biden in there because they knew he was a senile guy and could be a puppet. Theyre the ones pulling the strings. The left has a whole group of powerbrokers working in conjunction with the deep state, which is real. When you say they, that are really powerful, shadowy figures including barack and Michelle Obama who are pulling all the strings right now. Again, i dont know the mechanics of moving biden, who is very stubborn and will not go on his own. Kamala, very stubborn, not going to go on her own larry i will pick this up. Monica the final point and then you can address the mechanics of getting rid of the two of them. Theyve got obama 3. 0 right now. They want obama 4. 0 and 5. 0, and the only way they can really guarantee that is having michelle in the white house, because gavin newsom, mrs. Clinton, gretchen whitmer, yeah, it would be on the left and do most of what they wanted in terms of advancing the great reset, but they cant totally control of the way they could with biden and michelle. Larry it was obama who decided it had to be joe biden. Democrat primaries and 2020, he won South Carolina, Elizabeth Warren wasnt dropping out, Pete Buttigieg wasnt dropping out, Bernie Sanders wasnt dropping out, and then klobuchar was still in. The phone call was made, its got to be joe. Remember when greg brady got signed by the record producer to record a song and then it turned out they didnt use his voice, and he was like what is this, and they said, no, you fit the suit. Joe biden fit the suit. He was the right guy to run in that position, they could prop him up. Of course he is stubborn, of course you wont want to leave. Here is how the phone call goes. Or maybe they go to the oval office, joe, the heat is on hunter, the heat is on your brother, and the heat is on you. This going to be a couple of very powerful democrats in the house and senate who are going to start publicly say that this thing smells dirty, and theres going to be convictions and theres going to be impeachment. Here is your chance. You pardon your brother, you pardon your son, you get the hell out of here. That is how they get rid of joe biden. Monica that reminds me of president nixon, who is my first boss in his final years. It was very cold water and the republicans who went to him in 1934 Barry Goldwater and the republicans who went to him in 1974 and said you are done. I see the democrats doing that maybe if they are given marching orders. Kurt the difference is Richard Nixon had respect for norms and the United States of america. These guys dont, joe biden doesnt. Joe biden is the capo of a criminal organization, the biden family. He doesnt care about the country. All he cares about is himself. I could see him day after his next inauguration or the day before Donald Trumps inauguration, god willing, him putting his brother, son, and himself. I dont think that is going to work, because they are never going to jail. I just dont see him leaving. Remember, the 25th amendment matt interesting point that larry brought up about the history and how joe biden became the democrat nominee in 2020. If you go back further than that timeframe when the obamas stepped in and said it has got to be joe, what led up to that is jim clyburn. The clyburn endorsement was contingent upon joe had to pick a black woman as his Vice President. All these people talking about gavin newsom being the candidate in 2024, im like, eh, i dont think so. Good luck to the white man trying to take it away from the black woman. Kurt what about hillary . Matt oh, my god. Larry like saying beetlejuice three times. Who here loves the chance for Hillary Clinton to get back in it . If bill clinton was our first black president , that would make her technically our first black woman president. Kamala could be our first black woman president , and Michelle Monica to be clear, i want President Trump to run against joe biden because he is so vulnerable. I dont want any of this to unfold, but it does us no good to not be prepared. Larry what does that mean, be prepared . Him and michelle, between the two of them who beats trump . Monica we need to be prepared for the worst Case Scenario, and Michelle Obama is the worst Case Scenario because she poses the most threatening challenge to President Trump. I had President Trump on my podcast, which everybody here should be listening to if you are not already. Larry our response to plug our stuff up here . Buy my book. Monica i had president on my power cast a couple months ago and i asked him on my podcast a couple months ago i asked him, im assuming you are running against joe biden, but are you prepared for all contingencies including against obama . There was a pause and he said, yes, we are prepared for all comers, everybody. I hope that is true. She is a woman of color, she is considered iconic kurt who considers her iconic . Monica the country kurt i dont know, i think a lot of frustrated wine women from the suburbs do. We went through four years of the worst president since james buchanan, a guide jimmy carter celebrates because now he is not the worst president of the last century. I dont know if it is michelles for the taking. If she comes out, i think a lot of people are going to be puzzled and go, well no monica i hope you are right, but i fear you are wrong. Matt last time i was with President Trump at maralago we talked about this, and he expects that biden will step aside, or be pushed aside, and they will try at the convention to go with kamala, and he think they will fail to get kamala larry you are saying donald trump agrees with me. Matt then the question is who after kamala. That is what monica is saying about Michelle Obama. It could be somebody else. We do need to be prepared for it. Kurt we agree kamala on the ticket is an absolute disaster for the democrats. She makes joe biden look like oppenheimer. [laughter] larry without the charm. I think kamala running as Vice President while joe plays out his futile term this week. If she is running as an incumbent president who has taken over and has enjoyed the honeymoon as our historic first black woman president , i think that is a strong thing. I dont think it beats trump, but it is a strong move. Kurt i would like them to think it is a strong move. Definitely do it. Matt i saw a store that they have decided to put kamala in charge of fixing the Biden Campaign heading to the general election. Kurt woohoo, we are going to win larry that borderfixing magic. Monica on the same day that you and breitbart were reporting that the campaign wanted to reach for kamalas advice and have her right the ship, that was the same day nikki haley was up there crying over something, and i was like, not a good day for women. Your question im sorry, what was your question . Matt what do you think, kamala cannot fix can fix the campaign . Monica kamala cannot tie her shoelaces she was stuck at the border. She is not doing her job, period, because she is not capable. She has imposter syndrome, and it comes out all the time where she knows she is a fraud, she knows she doesnt belong in this position. That is why the nervous laughter and the cackling, she knows she is not up to the job. Biden does not have imposter syndrome. He doesnt belong there, but he thinks he does. The two will be clinging to the white house curtains, they do not want to leave. The lefts powerbrokers barack and michelle working in conjunction with the deep state, all the agencies we note are so deeply corrupt, they will make some sort of move on one or both of them. I hope i am wrong. Matt another story we saw recently is that the white house is hoping that the state of the Union Address coming up next week is going to help joe biden prove to the nation that the special counsel report about his memory loss is not true. Kurt hes going to prove he has no memory loss by reading off a screen . Matt he has trouble doing that. Kurt that is the insanest think, Kamala Harris is going to fix the campaign. Kamala harris is going to fix the campaign to wait the vet is going to fix our terrier. Larry cut the nads off the campaign . Didnt mean to assume the gender of your dog. We keep saying that and Breitbart Breitbart it was 15 years ago at cpac 2009, 2010, that my friend and brandnew boss Andrew Breitbart told me to come here, and this is my 50s time here on the stage. If it werent 15th time here on the stage. If it werent for Andrew Breitbart, kurt wouldnt be sitting here, matt wouldnt be sitting here. We are going to recognize the 12th anniversary of his untimely passing. Since we are at cpac, cpac is so connected to breitbart, let me just say god bless you, thank you for every thing you have done for us. [applause] true visionary. Matt i would echo everything said about andrew. Andrew breitbart was a titan. Larry he wouldve loved to this conversation. He wouldve said be meaner. Matt we were way too nice. Larry said nothing. Guys like media matters matt all right, thanks, guys. [applause] or, field reporter julio rosas. Yay here we go.

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