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Theyriting this appeared are now thinking of ways to move the Movement Without it. A lot of the supporters expect him and want him to be part of policies and leave them, but the idea that he will be able to have supporters for clinton is not going to happen. What has been happening to see . There have been stories that senator sanders will put clintons name in nomination. The roll call states will begin within the next hour. What are you hearing, if anything . A story saying birdies dangers Bernie Sanders is expected to nominate clinton. People are excited to introduce clinton to describe. Last night was sanders night. Tonight she will bring people who know Hillary Clinton well. The highlights he will have is mothers of children who have done lie in policeinvolved killings. It will be making the claims for desperate casework clinton, for those delegates thinking about whether or not to support her. The overwhelming majority of sanders supporters say they will vote for Hillary Clinton. Sometimes 60 will back her. A lot of infighting within the sanders camp. That is what tonight will be about. A lot of people are trying to corral sanders supporters. Sandersction to senator this morning. He made a round at the florida delegation this morning. The truth is not republicans lose elections, democrats lose elections. We lose elections when people give up on the political process. When 63 percent of the American People did not vote and 80 of young people did not vote. So our job it seems to me in the next few months is to do some very obvious things. Number one, we have got to elect Hillary Clinton as the next president of the United States. Number two, we have got to stay focused on the most important issues. It is not just about electing candidates. It is about transforming the country. Sanders earlier today. Lets go back to your earlier point. Where does the movement go, it is sanders still the leader of this . Sanders is still the leader or the face of this movement, what struck me about those lines if he has been making the case all along. People who understand Party Politics voter turnout. I watched him stick hundreds of times. If voter turnout is high, i will win. He is taking that message to the Democratic Party and to explain to young voters. He is trying to say, that message i was giving, that the same message we have to think about. Thats what we are hearing him say. Whether or not they listen to him, or corral the people who are staunch early or lost ber bust, that is up to him. People understand the geography of this country. A supporteromebody, for massachusetts or new york , they know they can afford not to vote for Hillary Clinton get a vote to donald trump. A sanders supporter in florida, ohio, virginia, what you would do, you say i guess i am with her. Tosays you are reluctant vote, but you will vote for her because you know the alternative is trump. The people in the battlegrounds are the people in the California Television they were boisterous, but california is a solid blue state. It will be interesting when he goes to florida, because those other delegations begin with the states. We will hear from Donna Brazile later. She compared to what the delegates are doing to the seven stages of grief. Is that a fair analogy . Is some stages of grief going on. Talking to people, some people are incomplete denial. I talked to someone today can saying that superdelegates might still switch. 99 impossible. There are people who are still in denial. There are people who are whitehot 80. Angry. This is not with the Democratic Party. There are people who are accepting this, accepting this that it is either donald trump or Hillary Clinton. There are stages of grief. I talked to people who sent the rollcall vote will start and a couple minutes, and once we are done screaming about the vote, once i can cast my vote, i can tell people we did our best and worked hard. Then we can move on to Hillary Clinton. People are trying to get emotions out on the Convention Floor and then we will move on. We love the rollcall because we know why every state is the great state of whatever. It is a great tradition in american politics. Is a great tradition. As some of your viewers might know, anybody who watches netflix, when i have personal time, it is interesting to come here and realized all the things we watch on tv are based on reality. We are in philadelphia, where our country was founded. In some ways it is amazing to watch people, even though it is shocking to hear people booing, this is a democracy, the people have differences of a kenyan, that we could be doing different of opinion, that we could be doing different things. There is something that is touching about that. We will have the tally for clinton and sanders. Clinton has more than enough delegates to get the nomination on the first ballot. Let me get your reaction to what Donna Brazile said earlier this morning on what has been party andwithin the Debbie Wasserman schultz who will step down on friday. Ms. Brazile what i know is the federalrmined it was wases that alerted the dnc being hacked. Led to a very weak security breach, which now we are seeing the results of that. We are taking steps within a party, and i do not have all the evidence, because im not privy to any of the information, but we are taking very important steps to ensure that our data is never compromised government that our Security System is the best in the world. Will schultz be on the podium any night . She is the chair. I honor her wishes. Debbie made the decision today. Everybody is working to bring electarty together to clinton and kaine. Debbie is my friend and colleague, and i support her worst. Donna brazile, who headed up the Al Gore Campaign in 2000. What happened over the weekend fit into the narrative that the Sanders Campaign manager been planning about over the last year and a half. Did, and one thing that people was struck by was i talked to people who felt we felt the system is rate and this is a confirmation. When you read the emails, they are to start a. You think of all the things a were saying about sanders and thinking about religion and trying to use that. It hurt the party in some ways. At the end of the day, with ltz setting down and people bringing home the point that the party has to focus on trump, if they are lucky, this party will coming out of this convention and people will focus on donald trump. There is a lot of issues going on. A lot of people prepared for cleveland to be a raucous convention. That thealize Democratic Convention is having more action than we country yesterday there were hundreds of thousands thousands of protesters in the streets. When i was in cleveland, i saw about 300. People are very angry at the Democratic Party, which people do not understand, but if you were at a sanders rally, you know there was a deepseated anger and it people do not trust the party and felt they were favoring Hillary Clinton, and the emails hurt their case. Part of the anger is aimed at superdelegates. We see changes in 2020 . I am not sure. He said there would be changes to superdelegates. He said he wants to see changes with superdelegates. People feel because of the emails and the delegates that came out for clinton before sanders was running that people feel that system needs to be looked at again. The Congressional Black Caucus wrote a letter saying superdelegates would be an issue for them and they did not want to compete with situations for seats at the convention. Theres pushback of the idea of eliminating redundant. You have a busy afternoon and evening, so let me conclude your thoughts about what you saw last night on day one and what youre looking for in the next couple days, what story you are most interested in . The story i am most interested in is Bernie Sanders, how much of a case is he going to make for Hillary Clinton, and how much will he put his resources for Hillary Clinton . He mentioned clinton 15 times last night, to push back against he wasters and talking about that he was not going to be raising money for Hillary Clinton, but at some point people will feel sanders partisan this, and he has been urging his followers. It will be interesting to see if we see an enhancement of Sanders Clinton hitting the campaign trail. The mothers and some of the children who have been told by police, they will speak is up, as well as families of these officers, so i will see how that there to will play. It was allhe rnc about law and order, that black lives matters is a threat to democracy. Ms. Alcindor, joining us from the floor of the wells fargo center, i will let you continue with what we know is a busy afternoon. Thank you for your time. We appreciate it. Thank you so much. We are following you on our twitter page. You can share your thoughts on our Facebook Page and follow us cspan. All the speeches on our website at www. Cspan. Org. We are 15 minutes away. Roll call of states, a video presentation by jimmy carter, and bill clinton talking about Hillary Clinton tonight in the 10 00 hour. There back on ou floor with our colleague, swa in. Starting with you, what is your name and where is home . I am from las vegas, nevada, and im visiting my louisiana friends over here. You are a delegate . Yes, for Congressional District one in las vegas. You are in a pretty popular spot. There will be a lot of Facebook Pages. I love the attention. No, this is really great, having the front row seat with my friends. I love seeing the characters at the convention. Have you been to a convention before . This is my first commission. Me stay my mother let up for the convention, and here herenow, 30 years later, myself, voting for hillary, and at the time i was in love with the clinton at that time. I can you become a delegate . At the together a campaign, and for me it came from this moment in my childhood, hillary was so instrumental in creating Early Childhood programs. She put my mother to work when she was a single mother. All of that with that history and being with her all this time and seeing not only hillary move e inn her career, but m mind as an adult, it was a coming together that i felt like i need to do this. I have not been politically motivated for a few years after i got out of college. I was not interested in it. This legend cycle with hillary running, i needed to. Let me talk to your friend. You are from louisiana . Highend. I have from lake charles, louisiana. You have been a delegate for the clintons since 1992. Tell me your story. I was a delegate in 1992 when clinton ran for the first time in Madison Square gardens. With clinton being the governor of arkansas and Hillary Clinton being right above us, very proPublic Education. I have been an educator for 40 years, and consult with its with education in arkansas. I got on the band why can for bill Clinton Bandwagon for bill clintons campaign. Then when hillary decided to run, i knew it was another opportunity to look at a way to promote Public Education for every child. So i worked, collected, and i came to denver, and we were not successful than, but i knew we needed to pull together and be barack obama,ct so i worked for that for eight years, and when she announced that she was going to run again, i knew i had to do everything to be here to see the first woman nominated to be a part of because as they say, generationally, i remember my grandmother telling me stories when her grandmother could not vote, and in the south she had to pay a call tax devoted to tax to vote. L to see this happen is a legacy that i want to pass on to my my daughterinlaw and my first grandchild, a little girl, to say anything is possible in our country. It is now a time to say anything is possible for anyone and everyone, and that is why i hear to work. A big night for you. What is your name, and where is your home . I am tom anderson, from louisiana. A clinton delegate. How did you get elected . Egate. Ause of my codel what has the experience been like for you . Cspan land,dy in this is the tripledouble of democracy going on right now, and a triple dose of its, and i am loving every minute of it because the common theme that i have heard that is tolerable in this arena is love. It is something that is bigger than independence. What i realized and learned today is it is nothing but optimism in this arena, which me positive which means positive feelings everywhere. Even the booing gets a positive reaction, as we are allowed to live in a free country that allows us to goo negatively and not be thrown to boo negatively and not be thrown in jail for it. It is hard to focus on the real issues because it is so much fun, but the real issues, taking care of the least of the least and the neediest of the neediest in our country and throughout the world. This country feeds more people than any country has ever fed in the entire world. That is why so many people want to live here. That me ask one question. Is it going to be a competitive race in the fall . We will work hard to ensure that clinton is our president , rncanyone who watched the saw a spirit of fear, intimidation, and divisiveness. And i believe america will respond to that. After they see our portrayal of what the democratic wants this country, they will respond positively, because overall, this country wants the best for everyone and i think people will a at Party Politics and vote for a woman to put every american first. I think we will be victorious, and i had my plane ticket to d. C. For the inauguration. That is how confident i am. Tothank you for talking cspan. Have a good night tonight. There is a big crowd inside the wells fargo center. Were back with more calls and comments and your tweets. Saying she is laying out the facts and analysis quite clearly. cspan. Follow us your tweets and calls. Dean is joining us. Good afternoon. How are you. Centswant to put my two worth in. They were talking about hillary raising the minimum wage. Well, i do not know if they have talked about this or not. If they raise the minimum wage to 15 an hour, there will because of jobs lost. There will be people fired, thate on unemployment, so is something that they never talked about, i do not think. Alli am voting for trump the way because of all the scandals that hillary did. Thank you. Another tweet saying that you, cspan can for speaking to two women, hillary supporters come who are weeping at the making of history. This comes 96 years after women earned the right to vote, 1920, during the final year of the wilson administration. Joining us onld the phone, our line for independents. Go ahead, please. Hi. I appreciate your comments. I wanted to say that as a young person, 31, i grew up in a family who was active in politics on the democratic side. I grew up going to rallies. He campaigned for bill clinton, or ted kennedy, did a lot of stuff when i was in, for some reason all along this time i have never felt like i should commit to the Democratic Party. Until now. I am not necessarily committee to the Democratic Party, that there is something that happened this year with Bernie Sanders and the hope that he sparked in us as young people who really did not believe it was possible to a politician as honest and straightforward and caring as bernie. Its a very sad day for us today because we back him wholeheartedly, a lot of us. And i spent a lot of hours phone banking for him. I went his rallies, held hands with people i did not know. It does not matter where you come from. That is what we did. That is the kind of people he brought together. All the policies he is against, fight thewe want to 1 , we do not want big money in politics anymore. The mess we are in now is because of this. Clintons the hillary of the world. If you looked at her tax returns and bernies how much did he make last year 200,000 . 27 million . Speak to me. That sounds like people who we do not want to politics. The long line of things that have happened with hillary, the emails, this, that, endless amount of scandals, we felt this whole election process so far in has beenries completely against us. Arizona had problems voting, new york had problems early, we had problems the day before six huge state had to vote, they did an announcement that Hillary Clinton is the presumptive nominee, and half the country did not even vote. We are in a very tight spot right now. We feel hopeless. The personally, i feel hopeless. How can we possibly in our moral standards vote for Hillary Clinton now . I do not know how we can do it. I will have to take a lot of reflection because in my personal life, that just does with me, but the dnc, the emails the other day that proved everything we said and we were left at four, this election againstged ed against bernie. How can a person run for president when they have all have not evenou begun the first day and you have all this junk. They say you cannot vote for her because it will put trump in office. Has henot go there, but lied about something huge . Is he taking our countrys confidential passport information and just did whatever with it . No, he has not. I want to jump in. Thank you for adding your voice to our conversation. Bernie a tweet saying delegates are most fervent of his supporters. Bernie supporters are with her. This is a facility that houses and bruce, 76ers, springsteen concerts. You are back on the floor with more delegates. Inim, and let me tell you, i an excited delegation. Arkansas is having a big night tonight. Were arkansas travelers. We saw you in primary states for Hillary Clinton. What is this like for you . It is thrilling. I cannot tell you how excited i am. There is a lot of energy here, and we will have a great time. Be here. Xcited to i grew up with bill and Hillary Clinton from the time i was a young man to now, and now i am looking forward to being here president our past speak tonight as we get ready to elect our future president. Tonights role call night and wearing a we have sanders delegates in the delegation. Do you expect everything will go well for your candidate . I am. I expect bernie delegates to vote for bernie and hillary delegates to vote for hillary, and we are all fine with that. What about when you walk out the door . Once we leave this building we will all be on the same page. What is your reaction to the election of tim kaine . It is wonderful. My husband is thrilled because he spent a number of years in virginia. Is extremely excited, im excited, and i think it is a wonderful choice. Its checked and a lot of boxes, and i think he will be a great asset to the campaign. Last question people are saying the job has to be done, even though clinton has been in public life for decades now, she is not known as a person. What do you want the very public to know about . Hillary clinton is a warm person. My mother was a sixthgrade school teacher, and i met clinton when i was a small boy and hillary came to my school to talk to students. One thing i remember is she took time to talk to everyone one of us when we were little kids, and that impressed me. And bepolitics roughandtumble, but she is a very good person at heart, so that is where it starts, with your heart. It looks like the lights are going to. Thanks so much for talking to cspan. Thank you. Susan, thank you. It is now 4 30, and that gavel is expected come down, so we will take you live to the floor. We will come back with more phone calls. Cspans coverage of every minute of this convention from philadelphia. Ladies and gentlemen, please 2016me chair of the Democratic National convention, representative marcia fudge. Fudge the second session of the 47th quadrennial National Convention of the Democratic Party will now come to order. Welcome, delegates, alternates, committee members, special guests, and other friends. Members of the news media, guests from around the world, and our fellow americans for our deliberations. 26 years ago the americans with disabilities act was signed into law yes. Opening the doors of inclusion too Many Americans with disabilities. Quarter century later, we stand at the opportunity to open more doors by using the ada to encourage to increase jobs, accessible transportation, housing, and engage technology to create more equality for americans with disabilities. Convention, we are living out these values by passing the most disabilityinclusive Party Platform in u. S. History. And the name of god, the most gracious, we ask you to look upon this Democratic National convention through the eye of your internet mercy. As the events of the day challenge us in our ability to hear each other, trust each other and one for each what we want for ourselves, we ask you to restore our hearts to the capacity of human connection, empathy, and love. Our time calls for the very best from our political leaders. Guide to them to their very highest selves. Teach them that of all the things that nations produce, none is more beloved to you than justice tempered with compassion. Once put it, sage god will a a just nation even if it is unbelieving, and god will not a an unjust nation even if it is believing. Many nations, due to arrogance or bad leadership, have been blind to this truth. Please do not place of among such nations. We are not a perfect country, but we ask you to aspire us always to strive to be a better country. Grant us the courage to knowledge and make amends for our errors, including the ways devalued, compromised, and stigmatized all too Many American lives, especially like lives. Black let not of our grievances, no matter how legitimate, desensitize us to the sanctity of all innocent human life, including the lives of law enforcement, who bravely serve in a dangerous, yet all too often thankless, job. Terrorismscourge of scares our people and the entire world. Protect us from this evil menace, and guide us to the appropriate and most effective response. Us of that hurtful have of stereotyping entire peoples. Whether it is antisemitism or islamophobia, let there be no place for such bigotry in our country. God, you are the light of the heavens and the earth. Western,astern nor shine your Guiding Light on this Democratic National convention. Shine your Guiding Light into the hearts of our political leaders, and shine your Guiding Light upon the people of the United States of america. Amen. Ladies and gentlemen, please remain standing for the presentation of colors by the colonel Charles Young post 62 of post 682an legion of the american legion. Time, march. Present arms. Order, arms. E andplease welcom olympic Gold Medalist for the pledge of allegiance. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god indivisible with liberty and justice for all. Kelly to welcome timmy sing our national anthem. O say, can you see by the dawns early light what so proudly we hailed at the twilights last gleaming . Whose bright stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight oer the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming . And the rockets red glare the bombs bursting in air gave proof through the night that our flag was still there o say, does that starspangled banner yet wave oer the land of the free and the home of the brave . [applause] face. Ail, left forward march. Please welcome tom harkin from iowa. Harkin thank you very much. All right, iowa. 26 years ago today, 26 years ago today our nation won a hardfought adult and determination for over 50 Million People when we signed into law the americans with disabilities act, the ada. The adaam proud to say has helped so many share in americas promise. We are better prepared to get all our children access to quality education, help our Wounded Warriors when they come home, and support our aging population. We got this done because the Disability Community understood and new what Hillary Clinton knows we are stronger together. We brought together rugged and democrats, businesses and advocates. We stood up to fear and irrational prejudices. We are a better nation because of the ada. Have a way to go before we built a truly , when 26 yearsca later 70 of adults with disabilities in america are not in the workforce. It is time to take action. And that is why Hillary Clinton wants to ensure that people with disabilities are judged by their potential and have the tools to integrateetitive, employmentd. 26 years later, employers are still allowed to pay people with disabilities below the minimum wage, it is time to change that law. Hillary clinton will fight to eliminate the self minimum wage and ensure a fair days work earns a fair days pay. Medicaidyears later, still keeps people with disabilities in working homes, it is time to pass senator Chuck Schumers disability integration so that our fellow americans can live where they want, a bill Hillary Clinton will sign into law as president of the United States. Person seeking the presidency understands the Disability Communitys phrase nothing about us without us. Will bring the community to the table for a more inclusive america. Now i learned sign language from my brother frank when i was growing up. I want to teach all of whichd beautiful sign, connects with the values of this campaign. Ready . I am going to teach you this sign. Come on,o hands it is audience participation time take your fingers and put them together like this. Ok, you got everybody . Put your hands together like this, and move it in a circle in front of your body. 4 isriends, is the sign for america. It is a beautiful sign. Think about it, we are all together, were altogether. In thiss left out constant circle of life that is america. That that that that is the america that we all want disabled and nondisabled alike, it is a beautiful america that Hillary Clinton will fight for for every person, every person is respected, valued, and treated with dignity. Thank you. I used to be a renegade. Renegade i used to fool around yes, i kept my head you might think im a crazy i do not care its hip to be fair fairhip to be ladies and gentlemen, please welcome secretary of state of kentucky alison grimes. Ms. Grimes thank you. Good evening, my fellow americans. The youngestrimes, female secretary of state in the nation. I am honored to join you tonight representing not only the south, a great commonwealth of kentucky but the great commonwealth of kentucky. Clinton thellary majority of my life, or than 20 years. As first lady, senator, secretary of state, a mentor, and a friend. Six months from now, friends, i hope we know her by another name madam president. I met hillary while greeting her and president clinton with my sisters on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in january 1993. I could never have imagined that te,rs later she would wri call, check up on me in loss go, help me when my first ever campaign for kentucky secretary by my sidend stand as they took on one of the nations biggest bullies, mitch mcconnell. I am proud to be a part of a new generation of southern democrats, and i would not be here without Hillary Clinton. Personal, and i know it is for you, too. Caring andnow is compassionate. She reminds me to slow down and spend time with my family. She was the first to call me when both of my grandmotherss passed and i know how she wears the names, closest to her heart on a bracelet she is never without. Can devour i know buffalo wings. Else, shehan anything loves to listen. To hillary i know fights for all people, through causes we had both championed including equal pay. Then original cosponsor of ledbetter act, clinton will not rest until every woman receives equal pay. Womanss it is not a issue. This is a families issue. Voting rights, hillary believes like i do that if you pai yourd debt to society, you should not be sentenced to a life of silence. And the hillary i know, she is a fighter, a fighter for college affordability, for pensions for our tired coal miners, and for for our coal miners, and for Affordable Health care. She fights for everything that donald trump fights against. We have thetion, chance, the opportunity to send a message. If you condemn the hate speech and divisive policies of Donald Trumps gop, then stand up. Condemn gridlock and. Bstruction, stand up and if you think that the last thing this nation needs in our white house, in the oval office, is an unsteady, and qualified bully, who point fingers instead of offering a hand to the defenseless, stand up. , my fellow americans, lets stand up and elected as the next president of the United States the woman who has always stood for each of us, Hillary Rodham clinton. Thank you, each of us. God bless america. Hillary hillary gentlemen,ladies and pursuant to our procedural rules the Convention Secretary has received nominating documents candidatesmocratic for the office of president of the United States. Senator Bernie Sanders and secretary Hillary Clinton. [cheers] ms. Fudge as such such [cheering] is time to move to the nominating speeches. Thank you. Thank you. As such, each candidate is allowed to have the nominating speechesding resented on their behalf. We will now begin the process with nominating and seconding speeches on behalf of senator sanders. Welcome please welcome representative from hawaii. My fellow democrats my fellow democrats, my fellow ricans, although half oha. People have asked me could70yearold guy become the voice for millions. With ng seamlessly from the rust belt and environmentalists from the west, in answer lies in his aloha, his deep love for others and our mother earth. As bernie has said, the truth is when you hurt, when your children hurt, i heard. When my kids i hurt. Hurt, i hurt. This is a movement of love, love which calls upon us to care, to care for families torn apart by , tocriminal Justice System care for folks whose jobs have vanished as a destructive trade care for those barely atng by at women them minimum wage and those crippled to care aboutt, our environment and future about lives to care lost, lives ruined, and countries destroyed by counterproductive regime change wars. To care for our veterans who have put their lives on the line for our country, who now face unacceptable delays and inadequate care. This movement of love and compassion is bigger than any one of us. It speaks to our nations conscience and our hearts. This loss opens each of our eyes to the truth, that every hungry child, that every worker seeking the dignity of a job is my neighbor, every Senior Citizen in need of care is my , but an attack on anyone because of their race, religion, or Sexual Orientation is an. Ttack on all of us it is when we truly care for each other, choosing inclusion and love over divisions and hatred that this great country is truly at its greatest. Inspiration from the a of Mahatma Gandhi small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history. Now, my friends, because this is a movement fueled by love, it can never be stopped or defeated. Now on behalf of millions inspired by aloha, determined to seek a future rooted in love, compassion, and justice for all, and dedicated to a government ir the people, by the people, am truly honored to nominate Bernie Sanders for president of the United States. Applause]d please welcome, paul feeney, legislative director idw 2222. Mr. Feeney wow. Good afternoon fellow democrats. I am a proud member of the International Brotherhood of electrical workers 2222 in austin, massachusetts. Boston massachusetts. I comment from the labor movement, so can i call you my brothers and sisters . [applause] in that case, we are at a crossroads. Even just a matter of moments, we will enter a new phase in our party, and chart a new course for the future of our country. Page, we must be reflective of this past year when working people across this country join with senator Bernie Sanders to reignite a Political Revolution in the United States of america. Applause]d brothers and sisters, bernie not only fought for people, he empowered people. To my brothers and sisters that have been a part of this historic campaign, i urge you to stay engaged, stay active, stay fired up. Because we have shown this country that People Powered politics can never be defeated. [cheers and applause] they say that movements are made up of the they series of movements. Itsothers and sisters, ones like the one we find ourselves in in philadelphia, as we stand on the verge of nominating our candidates for president. Its moments like the ones we ignslast night when bernie s filled this whole and were held up filled this hall and were held up not by it only bernie supporters, but by hillary supporters too. We should be proud to share this moment together, but to fill this movement together. [cheers and applause] Bernies Campaign came together around a shared set of values and ideals. Values and ideals like the fight for 15. Like the fight for unions, against economic inequality. [cheers and applause] those are central tenets of who we are as a party. But all of those things are nothing more than words on paper unless we decide, as bernie asked us to last night, to join together and support Hillary Clinton in november for president of the United States. [cheers and applause] my brothers and sisters, my fellow democrats, now is the up and stand up, to rise it sends a message to the rest of america that our party is united. Our movement is a life and our revolution has just begun. [cheers and applause] probably rise to second the nomination to Second Democratic Bernie Sanders for president of the United States. Thank you, god bless you. [cheers and applause] please welcome delegate from vermont. I comeson my friends, from the great state of vermont. [applause] the berne never felt more than i do in this moment. [cheers and applause] together we have worked to take our country back from the millionaires and billionaires. Endther we have worked to Citizens United and restore democracy to the people. Together we have worked for eight 15 minimum wage. For debtfree college. For breaking up big banks. Justice. Te and for the man who launched this revolution, senator Bernie Sanders. [cheers and applause] tonight my friends, we celebrate the progress we have made in this campaign. And we set a course for progress that we will make when we win in november. I am so proud of us. [cheers and applause] friends, to millions of you who have volunteered, the millions who have donated, the millions who have stood at rallies across this great land and demanded change. [cheers] bernie. Proud of [cheers and applause] our movement continues. Our revolution continues. [cheers and applause] we will never stop working for a future we believe in. [cheers and applause] we will never stop fighting for the change we need. And we will never forget the men an who leads us. So with pride, gratitude, optimism for the future we all build together, i stand before you for the purposes of seconding the nomination of our friend and hero, senator Bernie Sanders. [cheers and applause] theill continue president ial nominating process for nominating and seconding speeches on the path of secretary clinton. [cheers and applause] ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the podium senator Barbara Mikulski from maryland. [cheers and applause] sen. Mikulski fellow democrats a special hello to the state of maryland our nation was born here in philadelphia 240 years ago. Our Founding Fathers gave us a great start, but it was the founding mothers that said do not forget the ladies, for we will foment our own revolution. Theyers and applause] started the job, but we are going to keep it going. No yes, we do break barriers. I broken barrier when i became the first democratic woman elected in the senate in her own right. [cheers and applause] in the first to share the powerful appropriations with it. So it is with a full heart that i am here today as we nominate Hillary Clinton to be the first woman president. [cheers and applause] many of you have broken barriers. You were the first to go to college, the first to start a business, maybe the first to be a citizen. But when you broke a barrier, you did not do it for yourself, you did it for others who would not have the opportunity. That is what hillary wants to do. She wants to break the barrier to opportunity so you wont have barriers. You can count on her. She will work for you. Hillary wants to get results. She will fight for your daytoday needs. And the longrange needs of the country. She will fight for the macro issues and the macaroni and cheese issues. So you will have National Security and economic security. So you will have an opportunity for good jobs and a good neighborhood with a good school, and your kids will have a really good future. So you will have equal pay for equal work, minimum wages [cheers and applause] for health care when you need it. Yes, its about new jobs, and the solar energy. She wants that job to light up your home, light up your community, light up your life. She wants that little life in you to shine. The hillary i work with is duty driven and unflinching. She is a leader. So on behalf of all the women who have broken down barriers for others, and with eyes toward the barriers ahead, i probably praise Hillary Clinton the nominate for president. [cheers and applause] praise Hillary Clinton at the nominee for president. [cheers and applause] please welcome representative john lewis from georgia. [cheers and applause] rep. Lewis my beloved the democrats, there are forces and america that want to take us backwards. They want to undo 50 years of progress this nation has made under democratic leadership. We havecome too far, made too much progress, and we are not going back, we are Going Forward [cheers and applause] that is why we all must go to the polls in november and vote like we never, ever voted before. [applause] party, the ago our Democratic Party nominated and elected the first person of color to ever serve in the white house. [cheers and applause] but two for one term, terms. On this night, we will shatter that Glass Ceiling again. [cheers and applause] we are the party of tomorrow, and we will build a true democracy in america. You, i have known Hillary Clinton for many years. She is one of the most qualified candidates to ever run for president. [cheers and applause] she is a leader. Sometimes standing against the wind to break down barriers that divide us. She could have done anything with her life, but she decided long ago she didnt want to do just well, she wanted to do good. [cheers and applause] so she has dedicated her life to Public Service and building us build our america for all of her people where no one will be left out or left behind. So tonight on behalf of our mothers trying to make ends meet , and our fathers who have not onn a pay increase in years, behalf of the students drowning debt, on behalf of those that suffer the injustice of discrimination because of the color of their skin, for protesting for immigrant rights, gay rights, and removing barriers in america. On behalf of the victims of gun violence, i give you a great leader who can unite us as a nation and as a people. A leader that can break down the barriers and build a Better Future for every american. [cheers and applause] she will fight for us all. With her heart, her soul, and her mind. My fellow democrats, i am pleased to second the nomination for Hillary Clinton as the Party Candidate for president of the United States. [cheers and applause] ladies and gentlemen, please welcome tomorrow from new york i was born on a dirt floor, to a woman whose name i will never know. What i do know is that she left loved me enough to give me up so that i could live the life she wanted for me. A life without hunger or despair, filled with hope and opportunity. As a baby bundled up in the hopes and dreams of my mother, i began a new life in a faraway land called america. Women anded my two learned early on about intolerance and hatred. But i also learned about the power of love faith, and hope. The first time i saw hillary, she was on Tv Addressing the panel of men with such confidence and owners up of self. Her poise and presence fundamentally changed how i would claim my own space in the world. I was 11 years old. [cheers and applause] amaru seven years later, my belief in america inspired me to raise my hands and solemnly swear to defend her ideals with my life. I joined the army as an ammunition specialist and gave the best of myself to a country that had given me so much. [cheers and applause] i returned from iraq deeply committed to restoring the faith of americas promise for everyone. In the birthplace of our nation, we renew our commitment to democracy with an historic step towards gender equality. [cheers and applause] reflected in broken shards of glass and hillary herself, we can see the dream of our daughters. This is americas promise. Along my journey, i have called california, texas, georgia, and new york home. Konw that what connects us runs for deeper than what divides us. If you can hear my voice tonight, join the and everyone in this whole by texting hillary to 47246 as we move forward together. I believe in americas promise where a child born into poverty can stand to nominate the woman she is myers is a little girl she admires as a little girl. As the next president of the United States, as my commanderinchief. [cheers and applause] an immigrant, a combat veteran, a woman of color, and my mothers daughter, i am american. My story is our story. The story of america. Thank you. [cheers and applause] ladies and gentlemen, that concludes the nomination for our president ial candidates. Pursuant to the convention rules, we will now proceed to a rollcall vote of the states to vote on the nomination for the Democratic Partys candidate for the 45th president of the United States. The chair of each delegation or their designee will report the vote of his or her delegates on and following the rollcall. Each delegation shall receive the vote will be collected, and all delegate votes will be counted. With that, please welcome our secretary Stephanie Rawlings blake, to conduct the rollcall vote. [applause] ms. Rawlingsblake good afternoon delegates. Are we ready to make some history . [cheers and applause] my name is Stephanie Rawlings blake and i am the secretary of the Democratic National committee, and the Democratic National convention. Over the last several months, my office has worked diligently with each of your states and the territorial parties to certify your delegates and other official convention participants. My sincere thanks to each state and Territorial Party for helping us to bring this moment, the official roll call of all of our delegations. Are we ready . [cheers and applause] alright. Alabama. You have 60 votes. How do you cast your vote . Thank you madam secretary. The state of alabama has champions not only in football, but we have champions in civil rights, in voting rights. We have champions for equal pay. 50 championproudly votes for secretary Hillary Rodham clinton and we cast 9 votes for senator Bernie Sanders. [cheers and applause] ms. Rawlingsblake dont i have one more . [laughter] i will count it as an extension. Alabama, you have cast 50 votes for senator clinton and 9 for senator sanders. One vote is an abstention. Alaska. [cheers and applause] alaska, you have 20 votes. How do you cast your vote . Theadam secretary, alaska, state that is on the front line of climate change, with our receding glaciers and our rising ocean, alaska, which has the most Diverse National diverse native population in the United States with 229 federally recognized tribes. Makes the united casts and arctic nation, 6 votes for the next president s of the United States Hillary Clinton, and 14 votes for the inspiring progressive, Bernie Sanders. [cheers and applause] rawlingsblake alaska, you have cast 6 for secretary for bernie 14 votes sanders. American samoa, you have 11 votes. Have you cast your vote . Democrats, and fellow americans, madam secretary, on behalf of the governor and lieutenant governor, american more ofhere per capita, our sons and daughters proudly wear the uniform of the u. S. Armed forces than any other state or territory [cheers and applause] home of americas cleanest air year after year. And the last place for the sun to set day after day. Madam secretary, American Samoa cast its votes according to the Committee Rules on pledged delegates, 3 for Bernie Sanders. And 8, and if you give us more, wed cast of those too, for the next president of the United States, Hillary Clinton [cheers and applause] ms. Rawlingsblake American Samoa, you have cast 8 for Hillary Clinton, 3 for senator sanders. Thank you very much. Arizona. [cheers and applause] arizona have 85 votes. How do you vote . State, the beautiful natural state, we are proud to say we are the home state of caesar chavez, home state of many native tribes, home state of electing some of the first leaders in this country. Bym proud to be joined here gerri, age 102. Madam secretary, arizona casts. 4 votes for senator sanders the next votes for president of the United States of america [cheers and applause] Hillary Rodham clinton [cheers and applause] mayor rawlingsblake arizona, forhave cast 51 votes secretary clinton and 34 votes for senator sanders. You very much. Take your time. Job mayor rawlingsblake arkansas arkansas, you have 37 votes. Do you cast your vote . Madam secretary, i rise from we first learned to believe in a place called hope. [cheers and applause] where we are equally as proud to be the home of the american poet angelo and the civil rights leader daisy gasenbater. Where its mother and first lady Hillary Clinton lived to prekfor access education long before it was popular, where she led the fight services before it was popular, where she led the effort to establish a childrens ,ospital before it was popular and when she fought for our mothers, sisters, and our was popular. Ore it arkansas, where we are again for ourith hope children and grandchildren, including my five granddaughters katelyn, mary, bella, aviana, know this is truly a nation that should all be equal. Madam secretary, arkansas casts sanders who bernie campaigned from his heart and who now in unity joins us in supporting Hillary Clinton understands what is at stake. And now arkansas enthusiastically casts 27 votes for the next president of the United States, Hillary Clinton applause]d mayor rawlingsblake arkansas, you have passed 27 votes for and 10 votesnton for senator sanders. Thank you very much. California [cheers and applause]. Alifornia, you have 551 votes how do you cast your vote . California, the state with energy, lots of enthusiasm, and the state that on climateld trump change, immigration reform, and 15 minimum wage, casts for. Ernie sanders 221 votes [cheers and applause] for Hillary Clinton, the next president of the united 330 votes [cheers and applause] ,ayor rawlingsblake california you have cast 330 votes for clinton and 221 votes for senator sanders. Much. You very colorado [cheers and applause] madam secretary mayor rawlingsblake colorado, you have to orado is home mayor rawlingsblake how do you cast your vote . Madam secretary, colorado is home to rocky mountain, mesa and blackd dunes canyon of the National Parks which are some of the worlds and diverse lands. As colorado democrats, were proud to be the party that day to protect these lands because they are. Mericas lands [cheers] our delegation is happy to announce 41 delegates are casting their votes for senator , 36 delegates for Hillary Clinton, and one abstention. [cheers and applause] mayor rawlingsblake thank you very much, colorado. Cast 36 votes for secretary clinton and 41 votes onesenator sanders with abstention. Thank you very much. Connecticut [cheers and applause] have 71 votes. U how do you cast your votes . Connecticut,etary, the constitution state with a democratic governor and as the thetry has seen through last few weeks a walkout, a sitin and a filibuster, we are most aggressive and progressive delegation in the congress [cheers and applause] we are the college home of the former and next president of the states but most importantly the home of the hamburger. He honorableall on our nancy wyman to read our roll. I just want to tell you we state to answer the president s call on raising the minimum wage that our next clinton, willlary expand on. Recognize that this state, with most successful implementation of obamacare in. He country yes idea for nextst clinton. Hillary our state casts our votes 27 and 44or Bernie Sanders votes for the next president of the United States, Hillary Clinton. [cheers and applause] connecticu cast 44 votes for secretary clinton and 27 votes sanders. Or thank you very much. Delaware [cheers and applause] delaware, you have 32 votes. How do you cast your votes . Secretary, delaware, home of Vice President Joe Biden Biden [cheers and applause] state with a unanimous democrat led bysional delegation congressman john carney, our. Ext governor of delaware [cheers and applause] is home to our favorite son and our beloved biden. Esident joe [cheers and applause] dovero taxfree shopping, air force base, and the beautiful beaches of sussex that broughttate you kevlar and nylon and gore the reigning of alanaost valuable player dell don, jazz legend clifford bad to theeorge bone thoroughgood and the delaware destroyers, the state started our great nation, the first state to sign the , delaware casts nine votes for Bernie Sanders and casts 23 votes for the next ,resident of the United States Hillary Clinton [cheers and applause] you. Rawlingsblake thank delaware, you have cast 23 votes clinton and nine votes for senator sanders. Democrats abroad, you have 17 votes, how do you cast your votes . Democrats abroad represents the 8. 7 million u. S. Citizens outside the united. Tates goyoure an american abroad, abroad. Org to register to vote or request your overseas ballots. Our delegates from around the world include larry sanders, the. Ig brother of Bernie Sanders [cheers and applause] and democrats abroad delegate. Rom england we cast nine votes for bernie. Anders [cheers and applause] for the nextes great president of the united clinton. Illary [cheers and applause] and to cast our final vote, here sanders. [cheers and applause] ,i want to read before this convention the names of our ely sanders, dorothy sanders. And did not have easy lives they died young. They would be immensely proud of their son and his accomplishments. They loved him. [applause] they loved the deal of franklin and would be especially proud that bernard is renewing that vision. Pride that iormous cast my vote for Bernie Sanders. [cheers and applause] mayor rawlingsblake thank you very much. Democrats abroad, you have cast seven votes for secretary and 10 votes for senator. Anders district of Columbia District of columbia, you have 44 votes. Votes . You cast your madam secretary, i am the mayor of the district of city in thee best world and soon to be the 51st union f our great [cheers and applause] taxpaying000 americans just like you. Statehood and only with statehood will we have votes in you ess just like [cheers and applause] the next president of the united rodham clinton, will sign our admission into the as thestates of america 51st state [cheers and applause] madam secretary, we cast five bernieor the honorable theers and 39 votes for next president , Hillary Rodham clinton [cheers and applause] mayor rawlingsblake district of columbia, you have cast 39 votes for secretary clinton and five votes for senator sanders. Thank you very much. Florida [cheers and applause] votes. , you have 246 how do you cast your vote . Madam secretary, on behalf of the greatof florida, sunshine state, the home of senator bill nelson, the state went blue for president obama and is going to go blue proudlyary clinton, i cast 72 votes for senator bernie and 163 votes for the president of the United States of america, Hillary Clinton hillary] mayor rawlingsblake thank you very much. Cast 163 votesve for secretary clinton and 72 sanders. Senator thank you. Georgia [cheers and applause] georgia, you have 117 votes. Your vote . Cast , it is anecretary honor to present the 2016 delegation from the great state georgia. Our state has been and will the epicenter of civil and human rights, home to dr. Martin luther king jr. , and Coretta Scott king, and march for social justice has carried on by civil ownts legends like our congressman john lewis. [cheers and applause] and home to the 39th president of the United States, a democrat, jimmy carter and first y roz Rosslyn Carter georgia is a state moving forward. We forged an alliance that is shifting a deep south state to a deep shade of blue. Our rememberingor rat of young people and communities of color fortifies our state standing as a beacon of progress and hope. And that serves as a celebration diversity that has cemented georgia as the next battleground. Tate in the United States [cheers and applause] , georgiasecretary cast 29s are proud to votes for senator Bernie Sanders next7 votes for the president of the United States, secretary Hillary Clinton [cheers and applause] mayor rawlingsblake thank you so much. Georgia, you have cast 87 votes and 29retary clinton votes for senator sanders. Thank you again. On to guam. Guam, you have 12 votes. Your votes . Ast did he do it . , from theecretary remarkablyuam, a therse community and homeland of the chimural people. We have traveled over 8,000 miles and through nine only vote to cast our for the president and the Vice President. Iswant a president who sensitive to our needs, a president that supports our rights for full selfdetermination and selfgovernance as ratified in democratic platform. Therefore, it is with great proudly cast we two votes for senator bernie , one ab stent, and nine votes for the next president of the United States, Hillary Clinton. Mayor rawlingsblake thank you very much, guam. Cast nine votes for secretary clinton, two votes for senator sanders, and one abstention. Thank you again. Hawaii hawaii, you have 34 votes. How do you cast your votes . Aloha it is my great honor to introduce our great senator from great state of hawaii, senator brian shouse. Aloha. The great state of hawaii, the prettiest place in the world, the birthplace,. He home state of barack obama [cheers and applause] that has proven that energy,go to 100 clean. Roudly casts its votes 19 votes for the leader of revolution which shall , the man who inspired , burnersple nationwide all over this great land, for a future we can believe in, sanders, 19ie votes [cheers and applause] nextd 15 votes for the president of the United States, secretary Hillary Clinton. [cheers and applause] mayor rawlingsblake thank you much, hawaii. Hawaii, you have cast 15 votes for secretary clinton and 19. Otes for senator sanders idaho have 27 votes. How do you cast your votes . Madam secretary, the state of idaho, the gem state where we have the most mountain peaks of lower 48, thehe deepest gheorghe in north america, and the longest river in the United States, proudly cast 20 votes and sevenr sanders votes for Hillary Rodham clinton. Mayor rawlingsblake thank you very much. Seven you have passed votes for secretary clinton and 20 votes for senator sanders. Applause]d illinois. [cheers and applause] illinois, you have 183 votes. Votes . You cast your offor the great state illinois, home of president barack obama [cheers and applause] home of the United States ator dick durbin [cheers and applause] home of the next United States Tammy Duckworth [cheers and applause] sanders we give you. Epresentative balenhoff illinois proudly casts for a the fatherssive and of the new Political Revolution 74 votes for Bernie Sanders applause]d clinton we give you hillarys lifelong friend, betsy. If i can get in here. Ello, fellow democrats ,n this historic, wonderful day in honor of dorothy and hughs daughter and my sweet friend, i know youre watching, this ones you, hill. 98 votes. Yes [cheers and applause] mayor rawlingsblake illinois, 98 votes for secretary clinton and 74 votes for senator sanders. Much. You very indiana applause]d indiana, you have 92 votes. How do you cast your votes . Fellow democrats, in 2008, turned blue for the 1964 ande in since helped elect president barack ofma, the United States americas first africanamerican president. 2012, we hoosiers sent joe donnelly to the u. S. Senate. In three months were going to help create a democratic sending evan bye back to the u. S. Senate. Greg is our next governor of the state of indiana. And Hillary Clinton as the first woman president of the United States of america [cheers and applause] on this episode of the say last week can they conspired but their ideas. Isfired their bigotry is tired. Heir attacks are uninspired so mike pence and donald trump, you are officially fired [cheers and applause] , this year istary of indiananniversary statehood. [cheers] and madam secretary, were giving ourselves a present. Were going to turn indiana blue one more time [cheers and applause] were going to send evan bhy the u. S. Senate. Were going to elect my good friend, john greg, the next of indiana , hes a governor who wants to be the governor of indiana and with all of that, it is my one abstention, for senator bernie , and 48 votes for the next president of the united , Hillary Rodham clinton mayor rawlingsblake indiana, you have cast 48 votes for votes forclinton, 43 senator sanders, and one abstention. Iowa. Iowa, you have 51 votes. How do you cast your votes . From iowa, a state of female firsts. 1857, the university of iowa became the first state women intoto accept its degree program. [cheers and applause] and im the congress from inas 2nd district where becameabella manse field the first woman in america to pass the bar and become an attorney. My names dan. Im president of council 61, of asktional president me international. 58 membership female. Forelieve in equal pay equal work and dignity for all workers madam secretary, i am andy chaire, the delegation for iowa where it all started. Proudly cast 21 votes for and 30 Bernie Sanders votes for the first woman to be nominated by any party and the next president of the United States, Hillary Clinton [cheers and applause] mayor rawlingsblake thank you. 30 votes fore cast secretary clinton and 21 votes sanders. Or thank you very much. Kansas. [cheers and applause] kansas, you have 37 votes. How do you cast your votes . Madam secretary, and hello, democrats ofare the great state kansas, the birthplace of anne our wonderful to. Resident barack obama kansas is home to a rich history of democratic activism, studentlede first nonviolent civil rights sitin. The famous its also the state where a courageous third grader changed of history, overturning jim crow laws through the brown v. Board of education. [cheers and applause] we want to give a big shoutout k. U. Jayhawks, k. State wildcats, and w. S. U. Shockers. Go shocks , the greatcretary state of kansas, home to kathleen sebelius, carlin,s bob duck, john finney, carlson, secretary of glickman, andan congressman jim flannery and casts 23ore, proudly votes for senator Bernie Sanders next4 votes for the president of the United States, clinton. Odham [cheers and applause] mayor rawlingsblake thank you very much, kansas. Have cast 14 votes for secretary clinton and 23 votes. Or senator sanders kentucky votes. Y, you have 60 how do you cast your votes . Madam secretary, in the kentucky we know the beauty of bluegrass, rolling hills, and the appalachian mountains. We gave the world muhammad ali, time. Eatest of all [cheers and applause] the kentucky derby, most two minutes. In other words in kentucky we like. Hat a winner looks s delegates proudly cast 27 for senator bernie and 33 votes for the next president of the united america, secretary Hillary Rodham clinton mayor rawlingsblake kentucky, forhave cast 33 votes secretary clinton and 27 votes. Or senator sanders louisiana [cheers and applause] you have 59 votes. How do you cast your votes . My friend, madam secretary, is senator Karen Carter Peterson and i chair the louisiana Democratic Party. And we are one louisiana we will not be defined by any , nor will we be defined by any act of senseless violence because we are one louisiana louisiana knows that love trumps hate melting pot of beautiful cultures, cajuns, fish, we hunt, we gras, zulu. Votes. Proudly cast our 14 votes for senator bernie for theand 45 votes first woman president of the rodhamstates, Hillary Clinton mayor rawlingsblake louisiana votes forast 45 secretary clinton and 14 votes for senator sanders. Maine. Have madam secretary mayor rawlingsblake how do you cast your votes . Known for our rugged independence and ethic, mainors neighbors. R their our traditions run as deep as our forests. Lobstermen,rs and farmers and fishermen, home longfellow, ll bean and stephen king. Maine has not voted for a nearly three decades. As maine goes, so goes the nation and so goes the nation for a democratic president casts 18 votes for senator Bernie Sanders. [cheers and applause] and 12 votes for secretary clinton odham [cheers and applause] mayor rawlingsblake thank you very much, maine. Cast 12 votes for secretary clinton, 18 votes for senator sanders. Again, thank y

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