Is going to join attorney general eric holder and travel to ferguson. The former vermont senator died today. In 2001, senator jeffords announced he was leaving the Republican Party and becoming an independent. He cited in congress with the democrats, with gate which gave them 51 votes in a chamber which had been split 50 50. That move gave the democrats a majority. A funeral is being planned in his home town of rutland, vermont. Was 80. Ords now, a debate on the safety of genetically modified foods. We will hear from consumer advocate and author jeffrey entrepreneurtech gregory stock. This is part of the vail symposium held in march. After the debate, we will take your calls on the safety of gm owes. Gmos. Hs Jeffrey Smith is a National Bestselling Author and film maker. He is the executive director for the institute of responsible technology. And a leading consumer advocate promoting nongmo choices. His book seeds of deception exposes industry and government lies about the safety of genetically engineered food youre eating, which is the best bestseller on gmos. Gregory stock, to my immediate left, dr. Gregory stock is a biotech entrepreneur, best selling author and public communicator. He is a leading authority on genomic and other advanced technology in Life Sciences. He was at ucla school of medicine in 1997. Served as its director for 10 years. While leading a broad effort to explore could Qlik Technologies post to reshape medical science. Through a series of highprofile lectures, dr. Stock has public debated about the social and Public Policy applications of the revolutions in molecular genetics. One of you please raise your hand and ask him what bio informatics means. And how you translate progress in basic sciences into improved therapeutics and health care. Among his books are redesigning humans, our inevitable genetic future, engineering the human drum line, meta man, and the book of questions. We look forward to your presentation. [applause] how many of you ski . Im in the right place. Forgive me if i have recognized and the raccoon eyes today. I went to vail for the first time. How many of you here are farmers . Lets hear it for the farmers. [applause] how many of you are gardeners . How many eat . Make note of it, there are more people who ski than eat here. [laughter] strange place. We are here to talk about something that is in our food and you may or may not know about it. Genetically engineered food is in nine food crops. Soy, corn, cotton, canola, sugarbeet, alfalfa, zucchini, yellow squash, and papaya. You can ask me to say that slower later during q a. The reason they are on our plate is because of a sentence in the fda policy from 1992. That sentence says that the agency is not aware of any information showing that gmos are significantly different therefore no safety testing is necessary. No labeling is necessary. Companies like monsanto, the biggest gmo producer, who deviously told us that agent orange and ddt were safe, they can determine on their own and maybe get it right this time that the gmo seed and the crops they produce are safe. It turns out that that basic sentence, which is in fact the basics for the u. S. Policy overseas, the state department, etc. , etc. It was a lie. It was complete fiction. We did not know about in 1992, but we found out about it in 1999 game 40,000 secret internal 1999, because 40,000 secret internal memos from the fda were forced into Public Domain from a lawsuit. Not only were they aware that gmos were significantly different, it was the consensus among their own scientists that they were different and of high risk, that they could create allergies and nutritional problems. They repeatedly urged their superiors to require longterm study. And every time they read the policy, they noticed that more of their science was removed from that policy and tell one person wrote, what has become of this document . It is a political document that does not give the side effect. The person in charge of policy at the fda, the political appointee was michael taylor, monsantos former attorney. The fda was given instructions by the white house to promote biotechnology. They created a position for him. Taylor became monsantos Vice President and chief lobbyist. Now he is back at the fda as the food safety czar. One of the scientists at the fda predicted correctly that, without required safety studies, the companies would not even do the normal studies that they would do because they are not on the fda list. So we have very few safety studies. But enough for the academy of environmentalism to evaluate and discover that the rats and the mice that were fed gmos had gastrointestinal disorders, organ damage, accelerated aging, reproductive disorders, and dysfunction of cholesterol and insulin. They said this information is not casual. It is a causal relationship based on standard scientific criteria. And on that basis, all doctors should recommend nongmo diets to all patients. This came out in 2009. In november of that year, i went to the conference with a video camera. I started to interview the doctors who had been prescribing nongmo diets. Up to this point, i had been representing scientists around the world, independent scientists who found that the entire approach to genetic engineering of food was completely premature, that we did not yet have enough information about genes, dna, insertion process to safely introduce it and expose it to the entire population who eat, which is most of you. And we could not release it with confidence into the environment with the self propagating polluion of the gene pool without the effects of Global Warming and Nuclear Waste because it is the background to the genetic pool. The only thing that lasts longer is extinction. So i was interviewing the scientists and translating their concerns so that everyone could understand. And anything i wrote in book form was looked at by at least three scientists. Scientists speak. They may say, converging lines of evidence suggest that i might be chilly. Nothing is definite. But when i meet these doctors at this conference, they did not speak like scientists. They said gmo cause inflammation. Gmos cause my allergic patients to have more allergic reactions. One woman said that she diets tod nongmo every patient and every patient gets better. I was skeptical. For years, people would come up to me and say i react to gmos, and when i take him out of my diet, i feel better. And my skeptic brain was saying how do you know . Maybe its true, but probably not. How do you know . I was looking for a background scientific trend, not individuals who would react or not react. But here were doctors. I was skeptical. I said to this woman, what percentage . She said 100 get better, maybe 98 . I asked her again, how many patients do you have that you prescribe nongmo diets to . She figured it out. 5000 over the years. I said, can i come to your office and talk to your patients . She said sure. I went there with a video camera. Someone with 25 days into a nongmo diet, they had symptoms disappear in three days. They had lost 10 pounds. Their crown disease symptoms disappeared. Kids with terrible that pain had disappeared. Another person, irritable, gone. Irritable bowel, gone. Another doctor was invited into their office and i interviewed their patients. So many dramatic improvements. Then i started asking rooms like this, how many of you have noticed improvement in your health . Every single time i ask this, the most consistent reaction is gastrointestinal Getting Better. Energy issues, weight loss, allergies, asthma, and also behavioral problems with kids, autistic problems. When i ask people as i did in the doctors office, how do you avoid gmo . They are not labeled. And they often say they buy organic or reduce processed food. So soon as they buy organic or reduce processed food, because im representing the scientific community, i say there are too many cofactors. Maybe its the diet. Is it the nongmo aspect of the diet . Is it a reduction of the chemicals that are not in organic . Is it the chemicals that is usually found in processed food . At the same time, i started visiting farms and veterinarians who had taken livestock off of gmo corn or soy and they took him off gmo corn or soy and they were Getting Better from the same problems that the people were Getting Better from and there were no other cofactors. The danish pig farmer said in massive his uncontrollable diarrhea he had been facing for two years disappeared in his pay. They called it diarrhea. In the chicago office, it was called irritable bowel. Then i would talk to veterinarians who deal with pets. Moresaid when gmos reduced, gastrointestinal problems and immune system problems. They would tell their pet owners to take the animals off of gmos and they get better. I have video of several veterinarians and pet owners repeating the same thing. Now we see a pattern. Studies,imal feeding gastrointestinal, immune, reproductive organ damage, etc. People Getting Better from these same diseases and disorders when they remove gmos from their diet. Pets and livestock get better from the same diseases and disorders when taken off gmos. These same disorders and diseases are on the rise in the u. S. Population. Paralleling the increase in the roundup, theand herbicide sprayed on gmos. There is a big variety of disorders and diseases. How was it that gmos might impact these . If you look at gmos there are two main traits. There is the pesticide producing a toxin that make little holes in the insects to kill them and then there is a nervous side designed for roundup herbicide and it is absorbed. Lets start with roundup. About 85 of the crops out there and prayed with round up. The crop does not die, because it is engineered with a viral or bacterial gene which has been inserted. Roundup was the subject of a paper last year and the authors, just looking at the biochemical property, linked it to cancer, obesity, diabetes, alzheimers, anorexia and depression. They came up with another iticle two weeks ago linking to gluten sensitivity and celiac disease, and death by kidney dysfunction. The way roundup works is it binds with nutrients with trace minerals, making them unavailable to plants, making them unavailable to us. That is one of the reactions in our body that can deprive us of important nutrients. It is also opposing antibiotics. A potent antibiotic. How many people here have learned that gut bacteria is important for help . It is like a gut bacteria revolution at medical conferences these days. There are many, many talks on gut bacteria. The bacteria is critical for digestion and immunity. Roundup is an antibiotic. It kills bacteria but it is selective. It kills the beneficial bacteria , but not the e. Coli, salmonella, and botulism. Ofit causes an overgrowth negative gut bacteria. This was confirmed in laboratory studies. When it messes up the gut bacteria, that can affect the immune system, the digestive system, cause leaky gut, holes in the gut walls. Undigested food proteins can get in there causing immune reaction, inflamation, allergies, autoimmune disease, and has led to cancer or parkinsons and alzheimers and other diseases. Roundup also blocks a certain pathway, a metabolic pathway. It does not matter what the name is. Monsanto said humans dont have the pathway so it doesnt matter if it gets blocked because it does not get blocked in us. But our gut bacteria uses that to produce tryptophan, which is a producer of serotonin and melatonin which is our mood , changers. It can cause sleep issues when you get rid of serotonin and tryptophan. There is plenty of specific details that roundup does, endocrine disruption, which can mess up a reproductive capacity, possibly linking to birth defects. It links to all these different diseases. It has a strong competitor in the bt toxin. The toxin breaks little holes in the stomach walls of insects to kill them. It wasnt supposed to have any impact on human beings. But a 2012 study found that it did in fact break. Holes in human cells just like in insects. If it breaks up a little holes in our intestinal walls come it also creates the leaky gut that we just talked about. It doesnt just allow the undigested food proteins to get in there. But also the bt toxin and the round up. So in the blood of Canadian Women that were tested, they found bt toxin and roundup. In pregnant women, 93 of their blood and in 80 of the blood in their unborn fetuses. If it gets into their blood another study with mice showed , that it caused damage to the red blood cells. So it might be causing damage to our blood cells. And then when it gets the unborn fetus, there is no developed blood brain barrier. It might get into the brain. Toxin thatolepoking might be in the brain of the offspring of this generation. Another i talked to a scientist, several scientists, who talk about the bt toxin in the blood, saying it would probably watch out very quickly. If it washes out very quickly, why would 93 of the pregnant women in canada have bt toxin in their blood if it washes out quickly . It must have a constant source. It probably came from the milk in animals fed bt corn. I think there is another plausible explanation. In a 2004 study, they found that part of the roundupready gene , the gene of the soybean sprayed with roundup, transfered into the dna of the bacteria living inside our intestines. And that that bacteria was only was until a bowl was unkillable with roundup. This suggests that doesnt prove that when the genetically engineered crops transfers to gut bacteria, it continues to function. Genetically modified proteins continuously, 24 7 inside our digestive tract. They didnt see whether eating a corn chip could turn your intestinal floor into a living pesticide factory. Corn in the United States is made with bt corn and with round up ready corn. What if it transfers to the gut bacteria and continues to produce the bt toxin . That might explain why 93 of the pregnant women tested had bt toxin in their blood, as they are producing it continually inside of them. This was never confirmed. This was never tested. Which is a tragedy. Because we are feeding it to the entire population. But if you just look at the quality of the bt toxin and roundup, it could explain all of the different reports we are hearing from now thousands of physicians prescribing nongmo diets. I have counted 5000 or 6000 in auditoriums at medical conferences when i asked for a show of hands of how many are prescribing nongmo diets. In 1987, 13 said they were avoiding gmos. Last year, it was 39 . We are seeing a change, and a lot of it is concerned by the medical community. Unfortunately, the biotech industry has earned a reputation as being underhanded and lets say not so appreciative of the facts. When scientists discover problems, according to nature and other publications and interviews i have done with those scientists, there are they are typically attacked, often fired or gagged during they lose funding, lose access to seeds. They will be demoted. So much so that there are very few scientists willing to do research in this area. And we have tracked very consistently the reaction by biotech scientists in attacking these independent scientists and denying or distorting their evidence. When you look at industryfunded studies however, they are designed to avoid finding problems. We call it tobacco science. I sit with scientists and go over the Research Done by the industry and they point out exactly how this thing it is either not tested or they dont use modern techniques and if they do find problems, they just explain it away with often nonscientific explanations. So during the q and a, if you want to know more specifics about how they rig their research, there is an adoption. There is very humorous and entertaining descriptions everyone can understand. Fortunately, by educating people about the health dangers, many of us have seen the revolution that is occurring. Nongmo label products are the fastestgrowing. The products that were labeled nongmo in 2012 grew faster than any other category in terms of sales than any of the other 35 health and wellness claims. Last year, it was the second fastest. In europe, we saw a solution to the gmo issue, not by political and enactment but from consumer education. What i want to do is, i will talk a little bit about the way out of gmos if you like. But i want to describe i want to show you some pictures for the visual learners. Because some of you will take home more of what you see on the screen. Im just showing some of the photographs, not the peerreviewed published studies. Just some of the photographs. Here on the left side is a normal intestine of a rat. On the right side, the change in the architecture and cell walls along the intestines after eating a genetically modified potato. This is the stomach lining. This potato is not currently on the market. You see how the stomach lining is twice as big . This is after eating the genetically modified potato. This was almost certainly due to the genetic process of genetic engineering, not the particular gene that was inserted, because it causes massive Collateral Damage in the dna and causes unpredicted side effects like. Like this. In india, thousands and thousands of farm workers who pick the cotton that produces the bt toxin are reporting itching, rashes and other gastrointestinal or immune system problems. I went to a village in india where they allowed their buffalo to graze on bt cotton plants for a single day. All 13 of their buffalo died within two or three days. Many of them have been eating nongmo harvest plants for up to eight years. Rats that were fed genetically modified soybeans, their livers are shown on the right. You can see the substantial disk difference compared to rats that were not fed gm soybeans. Rats that were fed gm soybeans, their testicles change from pink to blue. I normally drink some water so this light can take its toll, but i do not have much time left. I gave a talk at the european parliament. Are russianspeaking rats. She fed them genetically modified soybeans starting two weeks before they got pregnant. More than 50 of their offspring died within three weeks compared to 10 in the control. The offspring were also smaller on average than the controls that eight nongm soybeans. Nongmo soybeans. There is a study that was done in france showing massive multiple tumors, organ damage, and early death. Im sure my colleague will pick apart and i will be happy to pick up the pieces. I will reinstate the scientific importance of this study. Here are pictures of pigs stomachs after they were fed genetically modified seed on the right. It is hard to see in this light, but it is severe irritation and show 25 larger uteruses. Other studies showed significant also rations.