Transcripts For CSPAN Key Capitol Hill Hearings 20151217 : v

CSPAN Key Capitol Hill Hearings December 17, 2015

Make up a normal person. Appreciate you bringing those issues to us. Separateperry did planned parenthood funding from medicaid funding. But i can tell you is that there was a departure from using medicaid funding at planned parenthood. Texas set up a separate fund which they used state moneys four. From all appearances the last legislative session and seem to be working quite well. It has been in the process. I will yield back the balance of my time. Mr. Collins we have long conversation before hand a lot of these issues. This is going to start on the path that we need to go. These are things that will get fixed as we go. I dont think the amendment of someone the rest into their sexual orientation. Ive heard that argument but i dont buy into it and it is very good the you brought it before us. Im happy to sit here for four hours listen to it. I think that that is a comment well said, we will stay here all day all night whatever it takes. Your support for you believe in and your representation of people back home. We respect each of you. Especially when we have an omelette the threeday rule, to get some these issues out on the table. For theple of questions gentleman from southWest Virginia. As far as the stream protection role. Your focus is on the coal industry. Thattrapolation dozen impact lots of other mining activities around the country . I believe it certainly does. It doesnt immediately it will certainly do so within a short hearing of time. It is impossible to find a mining situation to the underground what you dont have some water in the mind. The key is to make sure youre not polluting the water. That is a concern. There is no way this country can move completely away from coal. Said, this islier going to have a dramatic impact on any goods that may need to be manufactured with the use of coal. Which course electricity is one of ourbased fuels. Very much needed in periods of severe cold as we saw two winters ago. When Natural Gas Prices spiked. I think over hundred dollars in the northeast per thousand cubic feet. Available. It doesnt have to go through pipeline. It can be waiting to be called upon to be used. It is an important fuel source for the United States. Seems that there is an effort to put the immediate completely eliminated. E it. They could be a huge detriment to the Mining Industry as a whole. I appreciate you pointing out out. Even in the state like ours where we depend on hydropower, we do get coal by cable. It will impact all the soul of the country. Mr. Martian mr. Mulvaney, thank you for raising your points. I didnt see in the amendment the section youre talking about as far as our state department influencing other governments. The examples i gave her a little broader than the actual narrow language of the amendment. The amendment speak specifically to the United Nations. Realm of uslarger trying to do this overseas. I raise it because you raise it. I like to make one last comment. I made yield myself a minute. The issue brought up, the issue, i so much appreciate because i think two parts of this, i was in argentina lets say two years ago and i watch our ambassador lecture the argentinians about job growth and job creation and what they needed to do from our state department. Meanwhile always happening here washe United States threatened he in opposition to what we were telling other people to do. Currently there is a system that exists on a bipartisan bicameral appropriators, when they become aware of something that may be exactly what mr. Mcgovern was talking about, it would be a very difficult issue that we should properly make sure that this country new we were not going to fund, it should come back through the congress to. Have under thers foreign account the ability to withhold money. And set an official Going Forward and holding these governments accountable on their own. It should come from the people who gave the money. A part of working with you. Is there anything further from any member of this committee . I want to thank all three of you. Ifnk you for your time today you see mr. Meadows tell them what you get whatever he sent this now closes the hearing the omnibus and tax extenders bill. With the committee grant a rule providing for consideration of the Senate Amendment on military construction and veterans affairs. The rule makes an order of motion to make appropriations to designate and hit her in the Senate Amendment. Amendment number one consisting of the text of the committee print. The rule provides one hour debate on the house amendment equally divided and controlled by the chairman and the ranking minority member of the committee on appropriations. The rule waives all points of order against consideration. Questions will be divided between the two house amendments. That amendment shall be engrossed as an amendment in the nature of a substitute. Section five provides that the chair the committee may insert into the congressional record and any time during the remainder the first session such material as he may deem explanatory of the Senate Amendment in the motion. The speaker made a sense dispense with the reading of the journal of the previous day. Chair may at any time to clear the house adjourned. The speaker may appoint members to perform the duties of the chair for the duration of the debate. They shall not constitute calendar days for the purpose of the war powers resolution. Thank you very much. Ou have now heard the motion is there an amendment or discussion . I move the committee make in the Cyber Security act of 2015. Thank you very much. The vote will now be on the mcgovern amendment. It. Nose have the gentleman asks for roll call though mr. X no mr. would all know mr. Burgess know mr. Stivers know mr. Collins knowmr. Burns mr. Newhouse i. Slaughter ms. Slaughter mcgovern i mr. Hastings mr. Tuesdays, nine days. Themotion is not agreed to vote will now be on the motion from the gentleman. The eyes have it. Mr. Governor, do you seek a rollcall vote . Ms. Slaughter you seek a rollcall vote . Yes i do. I mr. Cole i mr. What i mr. Burgess i mr. Stivers i was to collins i mr. Burns i mr. Newhouse i ms. Slaughter no mr. No mr. Chairman i. 98 is, two days. Two nays. S, agreed to. Is re i want to thank all the members. I want to thank cspan for being here i know your listeners are very interested in what is going on. This ends the committee hearing. We will have mr. Cole who represent the committee. Good luck server. Ir. Mr. Mcgovern will represent the democrats. Merry christmas to each and every one of you. This ends the hearing. House to vote friday on spending bill. Bill howbus spending did it come together. On the house side the new speaker really delegated the responsibility to hal rogers of kentucky. Was negotiating with his democratic counterparts for weeks really. Starting with leading these listening sessions trying to get support from the rankandfile. Embership they really whittle that list down. Lowey kicks it wherethe leadership level was expected that paul ryan and the other leaders would close the deal. It took a little bit longer than we expected. It does look like they will get it done by friday. At the speakers news about what you asked a successful vote looks like. He wont say. He says members will vote how they want to vote. What youre hearing about how the gop conference will vote . Scott wong we are hearing a little bit of opposition from nancy pelosi and the other democrats coming out of their meeting. They are concerned about one yearsion that lifts the 40 ban on crude oil exports. Another provision that they had hoped would be in the package was a provision helping puerto rico and that deals with its debt crisis. We are hearing some grumblings from both sides. But it hasnt been as pronounced as perhaps previous spending packages have been. At least on the republican side. Paul ryan has been reaching out to members starting really from the moment he became speaker. Memberso incorporate ideas and trying to get a buyin from the rankandfile. I asked him today were successful vote would look like. He wouldnt say specific numbers. Some lawmakers are saying that they could get over a hundred votes for the omnibus spending bill which would be better than some of the past bills. Predicted that they get a majority of the majority. Be about a hundred and 24 votes. That would be a very strong vote for speaker ryan. They will vote on that on friday. On thursday they are taking on these tax extenders and tax cuts. Speaker ryan actually pointed to the tax extender package as a big win for republicans. It would extend a number of tax breaks for businesses and corporations and individuals and even farmers. They would make many of those tax breaks permanent. Roughly 650 billion over 10 years. A significant amount of money. Abouticans are very happy this package. Most of them probably will supported in the house. Democrats whorom have complained as recently as this morning that these tax breaks tend to favor corporations more than they favor workingclass families. Paul ryan has used his interview yesterday to talk. Bout what is ahead in 2016 how important is the victory on this tax package for what is ahead in 2016 . Scott many other leaders in the capital c this bipartisan deal as an opportunity to hit the reset button on appropriations process that had broken down in the past. If you remember harry reid had begun filibustering republican bills that have been sent over from the house. Concerned about sequester levels. He wanted to see those listed. Was that heid today has been holding repeated talks with harry reid over the last few days. They are on the same page. In a very general sense. They want to get back to regular order. The twoyear budget deal it is boehner at speaker john struck with president obama that set up this vote on the spending bill this week. That really has allowed congress to pay that into 2016 and hopefully get back to a more normal appropriations process. Scott wong, thank you for joining us. Up, homeland secretary jeff johnson. Then Federal Reserve chair janet yellen. On next washington journal, hill danvers from the center for American Progress. Terror alert system dined to inform the public of potential threats. This is 30 minutes. Morning, efrk. Particularly over the last period of weeks following the terrorist attack in paris on november 13th and the terrorist attack in San Bernardino, the 27bd, state and local Law Enforcement and Homeland Security officials have been on a heightened state of readiness to protect our homeland. People are anxious know. They should know and need to know what their government is doing to protect their homeland. First, as the president explained, on monday. Tat pentagon. Were engaged in a Bombing Campaign against the islamic state. In iraq and syria. To take the fight directly to that terrorist organization. This has included training and equipping Ground Forces in iraq and syria. Two, Law Enforcement, the fbi, does an excellent job virtually every day of detecting, investigating, interdicting and prosecuting and preventing terrorist threats to our homeland. Arrests are made on a regular basis. Three. Aviation security. Since last year, weve enhanced Aviation Security at my direction. At last point of depar chu, airports overseas with flights directly to the United States. Im pleased that other nations have followed with near identical enhancements to Aviation Security. In july, i gave the new admin stater of tsa, a tenpoint plan for improve iing aviation secur and airport screening. Dmesically. That plan is being implemented on schedule. Earlier this year, tsa and i issued guidance with regard to Airport Security. More guidance on Airport Security is forthcoming. In response to the crash of metro jet 9268, i directed further Aviation Security at certain airports in that region. With respect to items brought on aircraft. And an inspection and evaluation of airports in that renal. Four, with regard to potential travel and immigration, to the United States, of those who may be suspected of terrorism, last year and again this year, i directed a series of security enhancements to our socalled visa waiver program. Im pleased that congress is also involved in this effort to strengthen our ability to enhance the security of our visa waiver program. We routinely deny boarding and travel to those with potential terrorist connections. Into this country. At the state department and at the department of Homeland Security, we have in place now a multilayered, thorough process for vetting refugees for refugees for resettlement in this country. This is particularly true with regard to iraqi and Syrian Refugees. The process the multilayered, thorough and takes on average 18 to 24 months to complete for every single refugee. This includes consulting databases and agencies in the Law Enforcement and Intelligence Community. As you heard the other night, the president has directed the state department and the department of Homeland Security to also conduct a review of the k1 visa process. Visas for fiances, which we are doing. Under my leadership as secretary, we in fact began to consult social media for bechts and we will be doing more of this. Any reports of partial reports to the county tear are simply false. Five, since last year, we enhanced services. Six, we continue with information with state and local Law Enforcement around this country with regard to what we are seeing at the federal and international level. Director comey and i routinely do this and will be doing this later this week in a communication with Law Enforcement nationwide. We continue to share information with the private stakeholders such as business organizations, sports organizations, the ncaa, the nba, the nfl, for the same purpose, to share what it is we seek. Eight, as should be obvious to the public this Holiday Season in particular, there is a heightened security and Law Enforcement presence. At Public Events and Public Places across the country. Law enforcement, National Security, Homeland Security personnel are working overtime to protect the American Public. We are building relationships in communities across this country. We are calling upon muslim communities and leader to in effect in you see something, say something. Isil. Muslim communities across this country. We are building bridges with muslim communities, enkournging them to work with us and working with them. These are just some of the things we are doing to protect the homeland. Finally, ten. Public awareness. Public vigilance and Public Participation are important to our Homeland Security. This is what brings me here today. An informed public about our Homeland Security efforts and what we see can help. In 2002, we went to the color bars. Everyone remembers the color bars. Severe, high, elevated, guarded, low. One of the issues with the color bars is there was little public commentary to go with them. And theres a certain deescalation factor here. Once you elevate, its difficult to deescalate. In 2011, we did away with the color bars. And created the National Terrorism advisory system. The National Terrorism advisory system has two levels to it. An elevated alert and an imminent alert. This system has never been deployed. It depends upon for an elevated alert, a credible terrorist threat. Can which in the implementing guidelines means something very specific. An imminent alert warns of a credible, specific, impending terrorist threat. Against the United States. This in my judgment, does not work in the current threat environment because it depends upon a specific, credible, terrorist threat to something in the homeland. This system has never been deployed. Its time we change the system. Trz this is what we are doing in announcing today. We are creating an intermediate level to the system that includes an intask bulletin, which describes general developments or trends regarding threats of terrorism. We do this in public speeches, in Public Statements, for Law Enforcement with joint intelligence bulletins. We do this on a periodic basis. There are news leaks, Anonymous Sources from National Security and Law Enforcement, we want the put in one place for the public to see what we are seeing concerning the homeland and what we are doing about it and what the public can do about it. So, today, we are creating this new, intermediate level to the ntas system called an ntas bulletin. This is a template for an elevated ntas alert, which we have never useded. In the fouryear history of this system. This is an elevated alert, which again, depends upon a credible, specific threat. This is the template for a bulletin. Which we are announcing today. General information for the public and the current threat environment, what we see, additional details, what your government is doing about it and how the public can help. With todays announcement, we are also issuing an actual ntas bulletin. 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