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Unfit to lead our country, certainly at this time. I think she is unfit. She does not have what it takes. You will go through four more years. I call her obama light. Think of what i said. They are scamming us with cyber. We are living in a cyber world. Here she is all screwed up with her emails. She does not know what the hell is going on. Who would be so stupid to do what she did with her emails . I mean, who would be so stupid . We are going to turn this country around. We are going to do things that are going to make you proud of your president , but more importantly, so proud of your country again. I deal with all these countries. I have so many deals. They laughed. They laugh at us. They say, what is going on . They dont believe it. Even the people from china this morning. Youll see, i think it will be on cnn. They will say, mr. Trump is right. They cannot believe what they get away with. I have the largest bank in the world from china, the largest bank in the world, massive bank, a tenant and one of my buildings. I know the people. They are sort of friends of mine. They tell me, we dont believe we get away with it. I dont know if they know i will be revealing this, but they say, we cant believe we get away with it. So we are going to turn it around. Now, a couple of things. We need strong borders. We need that or we dont have a strong country. Agentsborder patrol endorsing, first time they have ever endorsed a president ial candidate. What a Perfect Group to ask, as opposed to some consultant that wants to sock you dry with fees. They know less than that beautiful woman standing there. All they know is how to get fees. I said, let me ask you, how important is the wall . Not that im going back, because i am not, but i feel better about it because they say mr. Trump is vital, especially in terms of stopping the drug traffic going to the borders. You ever seen the wall they have . They take a pogo stick and go right over the wall. They actually build a ramp and they go over with a car loaded with drugs. Not going to be any ramps with my wall. It will be a serious wall. It will be a real deal wall. It will be way up there. It will be a big, beautiful wall. And you know what . Someday they may name it after trump, but i would rather have a statue in washington, d. C. So look, we are going to build that wall. Mexico is going to pay for that wall. We have a 58 billion trade deficit with mexico. 50 8 billion. That does not include the drugs pouring across the border, and yet we have Companies Moving into mexico. Just took the world Golf Championship out of miami and brought it into mexico. The people of miami are furious. They brought it into mexico. They signed like a sixyear deal with mexico. They take everything. , because weerything allow it to happen. We are not going to allow it. We won indiana big. Remember, that was going to be a firewall. It was a firewall. It was a firewall for me. I won in a landslide. Thank you bobby knight. Others, by the way. We had incredible support. So many people came out. And they supported me. I knew i was going to win indiana. They kept saying we are going to win indiana. Let me tell you what i think. Cruznk, and let say ted one, he would not be here right now. Lets say somebody else one. They would not be here right now. They always give up in california as a republican because they say you cant win. I think we can win. I think we can win. So we are going after california. We are going after the state of washington. We are going after places that no other republican goes after because we have a little bit of a tighter path. We have a few states where if we do not win them, it is over. Whereas democrats can lose numerous states and they win. We have a tighter path. I am not your typical person. Costa mesa, 31,000 people. They hardly showed that. That was the day the kid was breaking the police car. He was probably not arrested. , who isjoe arpaio that . R at the border than sheriff joe totally endorse me. Nobody tougher than sheriff joe. I saw this. They had a couple of people of people protesting. They put them in jail and a couple of seconds. That is the way it has to be done. We need strengthen our country. I see it. And then this democrat mayor gets up and says, i think it was donald trump. You know what i say . When we have a protester inside, which is not very often, i say be very gentle, please dont hurt him, take care of him. If hets to shout punches you in the face, smile as your nose is pouring blood out of it. Be very, very nice. Anhad a case where we had africanamerican guy, who is a fan of mine, great fan, great guy. Look at my africanamerican over here. Are you the greatest . You know what im talking about . Ok. So we had an africanamerican guy at one of the rallies a month ago. We had protesters inside the arena dressed in a ku klux klan outfit, ok . They are running around dressed as ku klux klan. The place is billing and booing. Africanamerican gets up, and man, he slugs these guys. He slugs them. By that time, their hat was off because it got ripped off as they were running up the stairs, but this guy, a great guy, i think he was a military guy for a long time. He slugged his guy wearing the ku klux klan outfit, but by the time he got up to the top, you could not see it was a ku klux klan outfit. When the africanamerican coldcocked this guy, this guide did not know what happened, everybody thought the africanamerican was against me, and it was the opposite. He was his great guy, military guy. We have tremendous africanamerican support. Im going to bring jobs back to our country. We are going to bring jobs back. But when the sleazy people, these dishonest people, who never show the crowd, they never show the crowd, when they show that event, it made it look like the white guy was on my side. Said, icanamerican guy had enough. And nobody is going to run through an arena like that, and they reversed it, and it is a disgrace, ok . Let me tell you while we are on the subject, we are going to bring jobs back to this country. We need our jobs. We are going to make it very expensive for companies to fire everybody and leave. Oneknow, your area has lost in three manufacturing jobs over a fairly short time. That is a lot of manufacturing jobs. Ay therime rate is wei hell up. When i go to connecticut, landslide. Maryland, landslide good rhode island, landslide. Delaware, landslide. We had newfore that york, super landslide. They know me in new york. We have three people running. I got 62 . I won so much that people could not believe it. Way above projections, i knew i was going to win. Even for you, with the people who know me do best, they give me a tremendous vote of confidence, and we won it. , donald have these guys trump is not at 50 . I have 12 people running against me in some of these states, right . Ever notice that . Here is a guy, mr. Trump will not run. This is the finest field of talent ever assembled in the history of the republican party. That was before iran. Thisten to krauthammer say is the finest group of talent ever assembled in the history of the republican party. I looked at my wife and said, maybe i should not run. Except krauthammer does not know what hes talking about. He is overpaid. He was the big one for the war. Go into the war. Go into iraq. Fight like hell. Lose thousands of lives. Its been 2 trillion. You know what we got . Nothing. You know what we did . We gave iraq to iran. With that being said, we are going to build our military so powerful, so strong, nobody is going to mess with us. Our military is to pleaded. Did you see those things on fox and cnn where they had a sort of documentary on what is going on with our flyers, right . We have these great airmen. Our is going on with equipment . Our f16s, f18s, they have the fighters, but they dont have into a planey go graveyard where they dump the old planes and they are stealing parts for our fighter jets. And they are stealing parts from museums, they are going in and taking parts because they want to be able to continue to fly. This is the United States. Can you imagine them doing that . And then they spoke to these young pilots, these great guys, and said, well, what do you think . They are leaving. As soon as their term is up, they are leaving. Was remember how great it 15 years ago when they started. This is the United States, folks, and we are never going to be doing that kind of thing again if i am president , i tell you right now. I tell you right now. Dowe have a lot of things to and we are going to do things the right way. Hillary clinton is not a talented person. She is not a natural. She was not meant for this job. She is greedy. Hel butl, sheas does not have the talent for the job. She is not a natural for the job , and she is just not a natural talent. Honestly, folks, look, beyond me, if you choose a Hillary Clinton, this country is going to die. It is going to die. She is not respected by other countries. Japanexample, when i said , look, we may have to walk, but japan, you have to pay up. You have to pay up. We if they dont pay up, have to walk. And you know what . They will have to defend themselves. Thats ok. Thats ok. What im saying is that they will have to defend themselves. Right now, we have to defend them from north korea. If anything happens, we have to defend them. I say this to everybody, we defend them, but if we get attacked, japan does not have to help us. Now think of it. That is our deal. Sergeant bergdahl, we get her doll and they get 5 we get surgeon bergdahl and they get five of the killers. I call him the five for one president. It was the same with the iran deal. Should not have even started negotiation and till we got those prisoners back. And not once did this stiff. He is a total stiff, john kerry, not once did he get up from the bargaining table and say, sorry, folks, you take care of yourself. Leave the room. Double up the sanctions. They would have called him within 24 hours. And by the way, the biggest loser in that deal aside from us is israel. Israel is beside themselves over that deal. That deal is a disaster for israel and the middle east, because you will have countries now start to arm up and arm up big. It is a disaster. This is the president we have. I believe that Hillary Clinton is going to be worse than obama, ok . I believe she has less talent than obama. She has less natural ability than obama. ,im not saying that because he doesnt. He has an agenda, folks. Nobody could he so stupid and make deals like this guy is making. Remember this. Remember this. Obama has been talking lately, talking about donald trump, and normally i would not want to attack the president. I would not want to say bad. I would rather not. He started speaking. Now he has been very quiet lately, very quiet. You know what . He started speaking. Once the attacks, we are allowed. He will go out and campaign for hillary. Hillary hates obama, you know that . Him for years. Obama called bill clinton a racist. Bill clinton hates obama. He hates obama. Hates him. The Biggest Surprise to me is that he made the speech at the convention for him. Honestly, because he hates obama. Hillary clinton cant stand obama, but now hillary will do anything shes he says. You know why . She does not want to go to jail. You notice . All of a sudden they were going to disassociate themselves with the president. Anything heden wants, she will do, because it seems lets take the word seems out. They are protecting her from going to jail. And she does not want to anger the president by saying, i disagree with you on this trade so she agrees with just about every single thing that he wants to do. Yes, sir. No, sir. I think she should start calling him sir, ok . And that is what is happening, folks. We are going to have a whole different thing. Remember this about obama. Thing,s thought one i never thought hed be a good president. I thought he was going to bring the country together. I thought he was going to be a good cheerleader. He has been a disaster cheerleader. No, no, i know what she said. Hey, a lot of, people say that, by the way, but i thought it would bring the country together. She cant bring the country together. Its not there. Hes divided the country. Wealthy, eight less than wealthy, white, black, he has been the great divider. He has been a terrible president. Hillary clinton will be worse, believe me. She will be worse. She is going to be worse. She has a chance of being far worse. Look at the libya deal. Look at it. You know its among the finest oils in the world, right . Is one of the fine oils in the world. You know what . Isis has it. I met with the fiancee of the ambassador who was killed. Yesterday, she is supporting trump, a very nice woman, and she tells me stories about hillary that are unbelievable, unbelievable, horrible stories about hillary. I said, are you sure that you are supporting me . I thought she would be on the democrat side. She said, i am supporting you, but she told me stories about hillary that are horrible, horrible. She said the ambassador was like a great guy. What they went through was supposed to be beyond comprehension, including the other three young people. And remember the ads, the phony ads with hillary, who do you want answering your phone at 3 00 in the morning. She was sleeping. She was sleeping. She was sound asleep, or who knows, but she did not answer the phone. I say she was sleeping. I say she was sleeping, because she has no energy. I say she was sleeping, all right . You know, i say was a terrible thing. And in ghazi has never really been picked up like it should be picked up because the resident president never picked it up. It is an honor you are here in this kind of heat. I know a number of you went down. I love you all. Youre going to be so happy and so proud. You have to go out on june 7. You have got to go out. You have got to vote. Because we are sending a mandate. And we are now i had by millions and millions of bugs above the people that came in second. I wont even tell you who it is. I had by millions of bugs. The bigger mandate we have, the stronger the movement will be. And most important, get everyone of your friends, and in november, you have to vote. I will be back. I will be back. In november, in november, you have to go and vote. Let me just tell you, we are going to start winning again. We are going to win with our military. And we are going to knock of the hell out of isis. Going to go a lot faster and a lot easier than people understand. We are going to knock the hell out of them. We are going to have strong borders. We will have the wall. We will be proud of our country again. We are going to repeal obama care. It, in texas, 60 blue cross blue shield. 60. Fourgoing to be worse other sections. And dont let them take that november 1 announcement and make it december, because that a loan will destroy alone will destroy their chances of winning the presidency. Remember, dont let that happen, because theyre trying to do it. They want to have a later announcement date. So we are going to start winning with so many different elements of life and our country. We will save our second amendment. Every clinton wants to abolish it. She wants to abolish our second amendment. We are going to save our second amendment. We are going to win. We are going to win it every single level. I joke, i joe, and i have fun, but it is not a joke when we are going to win, win, win. We are going to win so much, three or four friends, great friends in the audience, and i say theyre going to come see me at the white house, mr. President , sir, we are winning too much. The people of california dont much, mr. N so damn president. Please stop this winning. We are not used to it as a country. We are used to losing all the time. We can handle it. Im going to say, im sorry could we are going to win, win, win. We are going to win with trade. We are going to win with military. We are going to win by getting rid of obamacare and replacing it. We are going to win at the border. We are going to get the wall. We are going to let people to come into the country, and theyre going to come illegally. We are going to win so much and we are going to make America Great again. I say greater than ever before. Remember this, folks. America first. We dont put america first. We have these horrible, horrible trade negotiators. I actually think they are not as stupid as people think. I think they ask you want to help everybody else. They want to help everybody but our country. We are going to have a policy of america first, make America Great again. We will do it. Get out on the seventh and vote, and boy, you better vote in november. Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, everybody. Thank you. We love you. Thank you. Speaking for 40 minutes in the blazing sun and heat in redding, california at the airport there. Open up our to phones to get your thoughts, particularly on the tone of the campaign. He commented on things that Hillary Clinton has said in recent speeches about the tone of donald trump. Hillary clinton yesterday making a speech in san diego on Foreign Policy and National Security highly critical of donald trump. You can send us a tweet. We will continue to watch as donald trump works the crowd on the tarmac at the reading airport and get to your calls momentarily as well. We hope to show you some video. There have been protests at donald trump rallies and elsewhere, including last night outside of the arena, which resulted in some violence. The reasons why we are asking you about the tone of the campaign, not only the people who go to rallies and campaign tween thet the candidates themselves. Lets go to mary in birmingham, michigan. Republican line. Go ahead. Thank you. Actually, i think his tone was dead on correct in response to she clinton, who actually did not yesterday in her speech, she was supposed to lay out her Foreign Policy. She said nothing about Foreign Policy. All she did was shoot arrows at him. At least he has said what he plans to do. He has laid it out. You know, every time i hear him speak, i am so grateful that he is running. I am disgusted with the way that the police did not protect people, but we are just going to hear him speak. What our forefathers put together, freedom of speech, number one. They were taking that away from the people that were just going to hear him, and to be pelted with garbage and have their car lights kicked out, but the police were doing nothing. But they were burning American Flags. Mary is talking about the rally in san jose california. This is redding, california. Donald trump just finishing up his comments. Comments from Hillary Clinton yesterday in san diego are available on our website at cspan. Org. Democrats line. Peggy indicator, georgia. Caller i think someone should cut out his tongue. They should cut out that song and stick it up his ass. The tone of the campaign, jeremy. Would you think of it . Prophecy is coming to pass. You can bet on it. Every word in the bible is coming to pass soon. Do not forget it. This is happening right now. Norman, Santa Barbara, california, on the independent line on the democrats line. Go ahead. Caller i think he was right on the money. He is right about wages. They are stagnant for the last 30 years. Host you are calling on our democrats line. Primaries coming up on tuesday. Who are you going to vote for . Caller well, i am voting republican right now. Which i normally dont do. You think he will play in Santa Barbara there on the coast . Caller great. He is right. He needs to do something about all the illegal aliens and everything going on in the country. We need to get some jobs going, and things are just, you know, bad for everybody. Host our road to the white house coverage will continue live this weekend bringing you Bernie Sanders saturday night, 10 00 eastern. We hope to bring you another event from Hillary Clinton, too, draws near on tuesday. Donald trump on the tarmac supportersographs to in redding, california. Its huntsville, texas, next up, our democrats line. George, hello, youre on the air. Caller i would like to know why is that none of the news commentators will press donald military draft status. He received four deferments from five because he was sick yet he was so busy draft to g, why does she want send everybodys sons off to a war. This is a veteran who spent in vietnam. Host you spent eight tours in vietnam . Caller yes, i did. I was with the navy, with the amphibious forces and air pack, i sure did. Host thanks for your service. Iowa. Democrats line in caller how are you doing . Host if youd do us a favor and make sure you mute your television. Go ahead with your comment. Caller im a firsttime caller. Im just wondering i have been watching this for a long since he said he was going to be president. Why hasnt isnt he ever questioned talking about donald trump about he says hes going to make America Great to bring jobs. Ng he pointed out one african american. I watched this on cspan and all holds. Lies he thats not the makeup of america, thats not the melting pot. People,ee one race of which is white. Im wondering on why hes never how is he going to make America Great and bring the American People, who what is his Foreign Policy . Going to do for drug addicts and homeowners whose upside down. All this, what im gonna do, it peoplegood and motivates because theyre in a situation that seems bleak for them right thin,t it has to wear what im gonna do and start us definite things of what hes going to do. Host have you heard donald trump sometimes hell call into morning shows on tv networks. Called in a number of places. Him . You heard reporters asking him, how are you going to make America Great again . Caller ive never heard him be by some simple things like me, im just an ordinary guy. And imer heard im sitting at home watching him saying, well, when he makes a makement, im going to America Great, how . How do you plan on making America Great in the where are bring these jobs from . Host howard, glad youre watching and you got through on phone. Ins hear from Barbara Winston salem, North Carolina. Temperament from the campaign, what have you heard from donald trump and Hillary Clinton . Caller ive watched donald trump and hillitary since islary since day one and he just what this country needs. As far as the democrats, and bettercans, people forget dyed in the wool party the person that will help this country. As far as hillary, she destroyed all the women that bill went are for why the women her, ill never know. Her agenda is worse than obamas. Host during his comments, donald trump talked about last rally in san jose, theing about some of protests and confrontation there. Outtweet that came bout about that rally last night in san jose, donald trump was tremendous love and hall, outside,he small group of thugs. As watch donald trump heading out. The reporter for abc tweeted supporterent a trump was surrendered by a protestor the a egged inhe the face. Anted to show you that video host another tweet from gabby morrenjello who covers the campaign. Quoting Hillary Clinton, i condemn it, but he example of violence outside of the rally in san jose. Asking you about the tone of the to tucson, arizona, alex on our others line, as gets set to leave redding, california, this afternoon. Caller i want to say that at cspan, you have the best coverage. Ive given up on fox, msnbc and the rest of the networks. You are right in the middle, which i am, basically, im a moderate. I see that right now im looking at donald trump and hes reminding me a lot of sarah palin, all these basically doing ginning up the republican party, republican folks, which seem to be uneducated. I have been born and raised in tucson all my life and theres a here, inoke around this little town, our town of trump in america was 20 foot that 20footxico would build ladders. Democratsnya on the line. Caller im outraged that anybody in the United States think of trump being president. I think hes the most ignorant ever, ever seen and it honestly scares me to have him as our president. Say. S what i want to arizona. Chuka city, ernie, go ahead, on our others line. Caller yeah, my name is ernie wachuka city, arizona. There really is a for real issue our border. For anyone who doesnt understand it, they need to take a look at our border. Penetratedis being by afghans, pakistanis. They just found one that got away. Several they cant find right now, they got away. Usyre not here to do anything else but harm. Thats all i need to tell you. Donald trump is telling it like it is. Let you know, too, we had the head of the border our guest on washington journal and you can see that online at cspan. Org. I mentioned Bernie Sanders earlier. Hes in california this weekend. We will cover Bernie Sanders, a herehall in l. A. , coming tomorrow, 6 00 eastern. A few more minutes of your phone tone and comments on the of the president ial campaign to south bend, indiana. Democrats line. Jackie. Caller hi. Anyway, president obama was just here on wednesday. We had a huge turnout. Our factory jobs are hiring like crazy. I mean, on the president s watch, our gas prices are down. Rate is less than 4 . Were doing great here so if you this way. , come host what do you make of the job good news for south bend, elkhart, where the president was the other day. Area, were all in this yes, a lot of people in south elkhart. In host donald trump tweeted, terrible jobs report just reported, only 38,000 jobs added, bombshell, with the jobless rate dropping to 4. 7 from 5 . To ouron, nevada, we go republican line, elaine. Caller hello. Ahead. O caller i just think we need a hes thed i think brightest star there is and i all myen a democrat life. No more. Host also on our republican is paul in talassie, alabama. Talasi, alabama, an indian name. We support donald trump. Oure Senior Citizens and economy is going download. If he lets the budget go, then need more Social Security. In, letts the budget Social Security have all the funding first and do all the fromograms that that, hell get just about every americaitizen vote in because we worry about our Senior Citizens and our Social Security. And then starts from there, and Fund Everything else. Been asking thanks, paul. We have been asking you about the tone of the campaign. A tweet from d. R. Who says his tone was president ial. Remarks on Foreign Policy, strong common sense. Says, how apropos, the background music for donald on rocking in the free world by neil young. Didnt he pay why those people back from trump university. Hes going to lose. You. Ore for donald trump, silent majority . Incoherentock of angst. Heres someone calling on the democrats line. Caller i talked to the people in europe and they go back to in 1940s when they type ofd war ii and the rhetoric that was going on i hitler to say with with the way he got people to to francene france france, the problems to the world. I think thats what donald trump is doing. Host you think donald trump is getting people to hate, who . Other americans . Heler i think to get votes, has us trained against each think that the way hes doing it reminds me of in europe of how it was in the 1940s with way things went in germany. Host some tough comments on Hillary Clinton today at his in redding, saying that she was, quote, greedy, and if elected, this country is going to die. Heading back to the plane as hes four days from the primary in california. A couple of more calls. Calling from new jersey. Caller thank you so much for cspan showing the entire program. No one else does that. Number two, to the gentleman that just spoke, i dont know where hes from. But we love each other. Your color orat your education. We all get along. Christians, and we are behind mr. Trump. I would like to know how many sanders had hired protestingeft his job at age 40 and became a mayor know how manyo companies Hillary Clinton has begun and hired. Mr. Trump is our savior him and thankfor you so much for taking my call. Well. Host caesar is next in temple, texas. Good afternoon. Caller i wanted to let yall trump becomes president , im going to goy to dave who pierre, south dakota. Caller i usually dont watch. I happened to turn your channel i see thee in, and riots you were showing. What concerned me was the the American Flag and waving of the mexican flags. I guess i lost touch here dont we have laws against burning the American Flag . I guess this is really getting concerned about the way the elections going. I dont know. I usually try to pick the best like tout this id know who those people are burning the flag. Host what do you think is the protests, last night, wereusly, people protesting donald Trump Supporters outside of his arena in san jose. That . O you thinks behind caller well, its evidently of anger that i think a lot of people are concerned the economys going right now and the know ifnt, i dont because what trump is advocating, more that that it like more jobs and try to fix the economy, that this sit with them. I dont know if this is just california that this is happening in. Is it such a i know its a liberal state, outside of hawaii, about as close as it gets. Think its its theably probably California Group over there. I guess maybe its close to mexico and they waved the mexican flag. Host appreciate your comments. He was talking about the disturbances last night outside rally innald trump san jose, california. This is a tweet from a blogger, tim poole. His tweet says, now, trump supporter attacked and left bleeding in san jose. Heres a look at that. Did you say anything to anybody or just walking out . I was walking out with my trump sign. He grabbed i had trump sign. You didnt say anything . Trump, trump host one view outside of san joses rally last night in california. Is buttoned up, on the tarmac at redding, california. Take a couple more calls before it departs. Starr, northe, carolina. The tone of the campaign, robert . Registered a democrat but i will be voting for mr. Trump this year and im somewhat surprised because i a rally when they were therviewing a couple of protestors and it seems like the protester that was talking was an illegal immigrant himself. Wondering why no one on the media has picked up that a of the protestors are. Llegal immigrants host robert, thanks for that. Attleborough, massachusetts, is next. The others line. Caller first time calling. I have been a democrat for 15 voting republican this year for donald trump. Host why . Caller because i think hes the man to do it. Ive had enough with the democrats. Host thanks for that. Ozark, missouri, nicole on the republican line. Also a democrat and i am voting for donald trump. People understand why think Hillary Clintons going to the statesall for knowing shes an obamabacker. I dont understand. A live looktaking at the donald trump plane about to take off from the tarmac in redding, california. He spoke for about 45 minutes this afternoon and well reair eastern tonight. Next up, panama city, florida, line. Republican hi there. Caller how are you . Comment on make a his tone. To see, you know, more meek onle bit the in fact we know about the system being rigged and the clintons being and things like that. And id like to see him on there should agents at these rallies on the southern border because them are illegal and they could pick them up right then and deport them. Host thanks for the call. Cedarburg, wisconsin. Nicholas. Caller im a lifelong democrat and i will be voting for donald trump. Host why . Caller i think hes the right ban man to bring back jobs. Brings this up a lot that it was bill clinton who signed nafta and that destroyed states like wisconsin. Really trump will do well in the general. More than that, in the light of san jose, i think trump has a fifth column in this country. Host what is a fifth column . You mean . Caller its an old military term, a group of subversive people inside our country with no loyalty to the United States will work against this country. You saw that, theyre burning flags, hoisting the flag of a foreign nation. Thisnot want these people this in our country. A theyre citizens, they have right to stay. If not, they need to be deported. Host do you think has campaign propelling that opposition . What youre calling the fifth column . Caller i think no, this is america. About trump. Will i completely agree with the right to be against trump. Thats fine. No, you dont go up here and beat up his supporters. Chicagotually at the rally and i witnessed this firsthand. Its dangerous. Host thats nicholas in wisconsin. A couple of more calls here. We mentioned that Hillary Clinton spoke yesterday in san diego, a speech focused on Foreign Policy and National Security and the differences between her views and that of donald trumps. A look. Secretary clinton americans arent just electing a president in november. Were choosing our next the personnchief, we count on to decide questions andar and peace, life death. And, like many across our the world, iround believe the person the forblicans have nominated president cannot do the job. [cheers and applause] secretary Clinton Donald trumps ideas arent just different. Are dangerously incoherent. Theyre not even really ideas. A series of bizarre rants, outrightviews and lies. Applause]d secretary clinton he is not just unprepared. Is temperamentally unfit to hold an office that requires knowledge, stability and immense responsibility. [cheers and applause] secretary clinton this is not someone who should ever have the Nuclear Codes because its not to imagine donald trump leading us into a war just under hismebody got very thin skin. Host all of that Hillary Clinton speech available at cspan. Org. A few more calls here. This is from florida. Your, go ahead with comments. Caller i think all of this protest thing is coming from the side of our government. Paid for. , which is im not going to say whose money. I think we all know. Host who do you think is paying for the protestors . Coming outhink its of a soft bank account. And its being by theby the early on other candidates. Media,ing driven by the that trumps a big on the. Hes not a bigot. To listen to him. He wants borders. I dont see how having borders makes somebody a bigot. We have laws in the country that followed. Ng theyre laws on the books regarding immigration that our is not enforcing. Phoning in,iate you donna. New york on our democrats line. Caller hi, im also voting for trump and i am a lifelong democrat. Cast for rosswas per perot spokeerything of has come true. Youtube,to look on 1992, 1996. Giantd there would be a sucking sound out of this country for jobs and its happened so i will vote for donald trump. Host thanks for your comment, tammy, and all your calls this afternoon. Wello let you know that be showing again tonight at 8 00 eastern, well bring you the address of donald trump at the in redding, california. All ahead of the california tuesday. N in fact, its a day full of primaries and one caucus. Montana,a, new jersey, south dakota, new mexico and dakota will have democratic caucuses on tuesday, as well, ahead of our live coverage tuesday 9 00 on superman, all of that ahead of the Republican Convention getting underway on tuesday rather, excuse me, monday, july 18. Our coverage all week on cspan of the Republican National from cleveland. Yesterday on cspan2, we marked of live televised coverage of the u. S. Senate and cain,g about that, paul who covers capitol hill for the published this, piece the other day. What the 30 years of cspans broadcasts have taught American Public and its an article that looks at the cspan2weve shown on and our coverage of the u. S. Senate. Kane, you can read his washingtonpost. Com. Heres our special look at our coverage on cspan2. Todays an historic occasion. The proceedings of the United States senate are being broadcast to the nation on first time. Or the not that we have operated in now. T until millions of americans have sat in the galleries and observed Senate Debates during their visits to washington. Witness thehey can proceedings in their own homes. Nation isay that the tuning in late. Woodrow wilson said that the informing function of congress should be preferred to its function. E today, as the u. S. Senate comes out of the communications dark ages, we create another historic relationship between congress and advancements in communications through radio and television. That was june 2, 1986, 30 years ago this month and the was the first day of permanent television of the United States senate. Were going to use the 30thtunity of this anniversary to look back at the senate and how its changed in the era of television. We have two guests who were with the senate for 40 year and their there, now retired and emeritus position, are here understand. Thank you for being with us. Tablechie has been at our many times in our historical specials over the years. Senate historian emeritus, the historian from 2009 to 2015 and has written a number of books including press gallery, congress. Thanks for being with us. The senate had been debating this idea of opening itself to time. S for a long the house had, in fact, preceded it, in 1979. Took them such a long time to say yes . You know, the constitution require congress to do its business in public. For the first six years, the in secret. Entirely they didnt think they needed a gallery. On dayse had a gallery one. The house was prime, when television became available. The senate, because its rules are different, and allows members to speak almost as long they want, they became a little more reluctant to it took that and so several years to persuade the along. S to go host as soon as the broadcast 1984,evolved, way back in 1924,enators had the some senators had the idea that idea. Ld be a good guest they had experiments to would work. It the technology wasnt up for it at the time. Members were very conscious about communicating and members liked to communicate to the theres a newever form of technology, there are often members who want to try it are traditionists traditionists traditionalists would say, no, no. Host when the House Television began, Claude Pepper thought it would be a good idea to televise proceedings. What was senator peppers contribution to the debate . Guest senator pepper was gone from the senate by the time i thated but my sense is since he was the only individual who traveled from the senate to was willinghat he traditionbound institution, the institution adoptas more reluctant to 20th Century Communications opportunities that he was happy to move over to the house side, a body much more in tune to the people soll of the somebody more willing to open the doors decided that the doors more likely be open on the house side. That hesurprised flastled that traveled in that direction. A good number of the senators were against Opening Doors to cameras. That . Why is guest the senate is, by design, constitutional design, a reflective body. It is designed to slow things down and designed for cop term contemplation. I think a number of the senators who had been around for a long time think about those characteristics were not necessarily photogenic. And the very nature of the body might be compromised when the camera started to roll. The 1974 swearing in of notes a debateer and in 70 over the panama canal treaty. What was behind those experiments . Ready to getting impeach president in 1974. The senate repaired for his impeachment trial. Looking over the records from 1868, they realize that was the first time they handed out tickets to the gallery. You couldnt impeach a gallery and not allow the American Public to watch it. They agreed to bring tv camerons is cameras and. But he risked by. But he resigned. Then they took the cameras out so there was no more televising. In the late 1970s the panama canal treaty was debated. It was a significant issue at the time. A huge amount of interest. The senate allowed npr to come in to broadcast. I remember sitting in the Senate Gallery and right at the front was krauthammer who was doing the playbyplay was introducing who was speaking at the time. She would do a little introduction for them. Sitting next to her was a woman who is doing sketches of the senators so they could have sketches on the evening news that night. Sort of primitive type of broadcasting coming out of the chambers. Host after the 1980 election, republicans gain control over the senate. Howard baker was the leader. First resolution he introduced as majority leader. Happened to the initial efforts to bring cameras in 1981 . Senator baker liked a new innovation. He was also one of the first leaders who was elected in part because he was going to look at on television. The parties were actually thinking in those terms. Senator baker would have been perfect to present his partys agenda at that time. The old line senators who had the democrats have been running the senate for 26 years. Senator russell long said it was a terrible idea. In the house they had strict real rules about how long you could speak. Resistance, senator byrd was a real traditionalist. At that time they sent staff around the world to talk to parliaments that were televised. The Israeli Knesset what which was being televised. One of the members set whatever you do dont let the cameras into your chamber. Once you get them and you will never get them out. Host what really was the process for the decisionmaking on cameras . Did they always have to be introduced by the majority leader . Can you talk about it from the process of getting it done . Guest let me go back to howard baker. You mention when he became majority leader in 1981 he was leading the charge in favor of television. He loved technology. He was a camera bugged and loved showing off his cameras. He was interested in computers as well. No geek. Handson tech had to fight with resistance on both sides of the aisle. It was less to left to his successor, senator dole to navigate those waters as majority leader with senator byrd, the minority leader at that time. Reluctant, more a creature of the old senate. Bob dole embraced his predecessor bakers interest and respect for technology. They did go back and forth. Sort of went back and forth, being a broker between the leaders, trying to satisfy their wishes. There were a number of rules changes that were discussed. Most of them were left by the wayside on the cutting room floor. Ae one major change that was major concession was to take the hours that have been added to the rules of 1979 to reduce at 100 hours to a more manageable number. At the time, the two leaders asked tammy what was the most number of hours used in a postcloture filibuster since the rule change occurred in 1979 . He came back to the office and said they need to do research. Realized that we discovered that 30 hours had been used on filibustering an attempt to reintroduce the draft. That was the longest time it had been used in a postcloture filibuster. It remained 30 hours since then. Host 1986 is one this whole discussion over Television Cameras exploded. Senator byrd is key. Us any back stories about how he changed his mind . Number of the senators were becoming senators were becoming concerned. Watching the house representatives on cspan but could not see the senate. Senator byrd was not a Great Television watcher. And apparently he did not have Satellite Television at home. I heard he was traveling back to West Virginia to give a speech and was staying at a hotel that had satellitetv and he watched the house on television. He was stunned. He but they were just showing clips. He did not realize it was gaveltogavel. He was impressed with what he saw. That. An to adjust to i think that combination, plus a younger members coming to him and saying when al gore got elected in 1984, he was the first representative on tv. So you have the pressure from the younger members to the senior members. Who was the first to speak on the floor in 1979 house of representative, their technology oriented, he was one of the first senators to speak in 1986 as well. We have a story we have told over the years about senator byrd that travel the that same trip home he was introduced in his home state of West Virginia as the speaker of the house, who was at the time, testimonial. He became concerned that the senate was being left in the dust. Can you verify this story . Story ive heard that also. I think it was just dawning on them that the senate had to catch up with the house. Mentioned, there were a number of old line senators, who said just after the way . Good at changing minds. Once his mind was changed, he could be very persuasive. I think he realized and convinced his caucus that this was inevitable. In order for the senate to function, that this body conceived in the late eight eight team century had to no longer be away from the public. Require a simple adoption. They require a higher number for cloture. Cloture is difficult to obtain on questions and then the standing rules are two thirds. If there was going to be a filibuster and senators byrd and to all needed two thirds, that was the number that they had. But senator byrd could be persuasive, and i think senator dole on his side of the aisle also. Host so they decided on a twostep process, one was this june 2 day as a trial. . They wanted to see did it change things, give himself a chance to step back. But within the month everybody liked it very much. It had not change the institution. It was very hard to pull the plug. There are only a handful of senators who are is still in the body that were there in 1986. Wasof them is surprised me senator Chuck Grassley. He voted against the initial trial. And the permanent. But hes very camera friendly. What were his concerns . Guest people were afraid that if you gave senators on limits unlimited time that nothing would get done. The senate talks about workhorses and show horses. Senator grassley is a workhorse. He gets things done. He gets out before the cameras when he wants to promote something. There was real concern that this would change the nature of the senate over time. On they realize they were used to the Television Cameras. Allen, one senator, john glenn, who went to the floor that day when the cameras first arrived, doing a bit of a display about how he thought the senate would change. About makeup, cameras, resurgence of blue shirts and ties. Did you see that in the chamber . Were people changing their attire . Guest yes. I think senators realize that this was a time for them to look their best. This is not really a question of showing up for an interview. This is where they want to work on a daily basis, and the cameras would be there and the cameras on them. Looks important that they their best. I believe there was a proliferation of lou shirts and red ties back then. And i think to an extent that remains the case. Senator glenn may have made light of the incoming era of senate television. The senate always stay open now that the cameras are there . An executive have session, if they are dealing with something of a classified nature. Once every five years or so they will close the door. Executive sessions the doors are open for legislative and executive business. The proper term is closed session. It takes one senator to make a motion to close the doors and another senator to close the motion. Infrequent and done as a surprise. Not usually done as an advance as a surprise. As don pointed out, when that occurs, the senate the camps decamps. Host Chuck Grassley was one of the handful of senators back in 1986 who voted against it. Another of those is the current majority leader, mitch mcconnell. He voted against the initial trial. But later voted yes to make it permanent. He talked with us in an interview recently. 2 the senate will be marking the 30th anniversary of its permanently televised session. It became daily gaveltogavel coverage. You were here then. Do you remember the discussions leading up to it . Guest i do and i remember thinking it would be a big mistake voting against it. I have to confess, i was the one who made the mistake. It has been extremely important televised. Senate im sure i have made a number of but voting my career against cspan2 televises senate was one of them. Howard baker was the first person piece of legislation that he put in and it didnt go anywhere for years because of all these concerns. As the senate changed . So. T i dont think i thought that would happen, but i dont think it has. Its an important step in the right direction. The American People are entitled to see our debates. And our debates are a lot more than what is subjected to in a president ial or sartorial campaign. They get to see that we dont hate each other. Oft there are a lot intelligent people here, trying to do what is in the best interest of the country. They would be denied all of that if it wasnt for cspan covering the senate. Host have the senate had to make any accommodations for the cameras . Answeri dont know the to that. If there have been some, it has an pretty minor. Are in recent years, the there has been the addition of social media. How has that changed your job . Guest social media is certainly important these days. It doesnt change how i do my job, but it certainly does involve a lot more people in what is going on. Theres nothing bad about that. Thatggest frustration is most of the coverage of what we that we disagree on rather than the accomplishments that we achieve on a weekly basis. Host people who watch the see long quorum calls and discussions about whether or not the process works and the Television Age area guest the reason we are in quorum calls his we are having discussions about how to go forward. In the senate, everything is done and unanimous consent. Any one senator can keep you from moving forward. We end up using quorum calls as fillers while we are trying to discuss going forward. I am sure it is boring for the viewer, and im not sure how you , but itsquorum calls not true that nothing is happening during a quorum call. Were to change anything about Television Coverage of the senate, is there anything you would change at this point . Guest i dont have any suggestions to have on that more point. Host thank you very much. Host that was mitch mcconnell, talking about his hesitation to have cameras in the senate. Cameras in the chambers were to be run by Senate Employees and under the control of the that any News Organization could pick up the feed and use it in either short coverage or gaveltogavel coverage. It remains that way today. Senate and the 99 congress in 1986, 96 white men, two asian men and only two women. Paula hawkins and nancy casaubon. If we look at the 114 congress today, 75 white and one asian woman 20 women overall. Three hispanic men, to africanamerican men. How has this changed . You have iniversity the membership, the type of things they push. Barbara coakley on her own, we take pictures of these class she served in, they were just too at first. With each year it grows. Issues that are concerning two women are much more front and center than they were back in the 1980s. Not to say that the senate wasnt interested in womens issues, it but there was a different focus and intensity about it. The same thing is through with f the end racial diversity. The house has always been more diverse. Districts are smaller and they tend to reflect the population. Television has helped people to identify attractive candidates. It has helped to the point where we have several states back in 1986 the average age was 55. And today 30 years later of the average age of senators is 61. This distant belie that less statistics belie that. Guest its a great place to work for the longhaul. I think that people who come to the Senate Quickly learn that the nature of the body is that slow to act, but it takes everybodys wishes into account, and that longevity tends to be enlightening. It is legislating is not easy. Legislating in the senate is not easy, and that experience are at a premium. Come and workt to in a unique procedural environment. Its difficult to be effective right away. To be effective formulating policy in the senate is a slow learning curve. Ones recognize the nature of the institution, how is her seizures emphasize and support the founders design that this be a place for the long haul. Im not surprised that you have people coming and staying for as long as they can. Host you heard the majority leader talking about the advantage of the public being the to be able to see events of our time. We wanted to start with one of the most important pieces and that is the consideration of going to war as a nation. 1991, senator in and in the first gulf war october 3 2002, senator boxer talking about the iraq war. Lets watch. Drawn driven been into the bodies of innocent people. Electric wires attached to genitals. Daughters raped before their parents and executed. Say, whyur society cant we continue the dialogue . Than jamesother baker agrees to demand one that satisfy them . Acts of appeasement are wrapped any acceptable language of constructive dialogue. With each passing day, the United States and its allies seekings their bullies to destroy a man who professes hood,a benevolent robin who only wants peace and justice for the palestinians. Many have come to the conclusion that we should let them stay in kuwait for another six months or year or so. Best has beenher seen as a beacon of hope. I fear an example not of might makes right but mike backing might backing right. I believe it is laying out a the for peace, not just pass for war. Trying everything we can to avoid chaos and devastation to our own and to innocent civilians, who may be used for ponds in urban warfare. Brightthat matalin all Madeleine Albright and dr. Kissinger laid out a path for peace when they spoke before the Foreign Relations committee. They talked about unfettered inspections and dismantlement of weapons of mass destruction. I agree it will not be easy. It will be impossible. But there is no doubt in my mind that we should lay out that path , and try for complete, unfettered inspections, with nothing off limits, to be followed by dismantlement of the weapons. To those who say it whenever work, maybe they are right. But madam president , we have massiveever, pulled the trigger of the weapons on a nation that has not attacked us first. Debating, says the cameras came, there have been five votes in the senate on authorizing the use of force. A significant are these debates sending our military to work . Guest there is nothing more significant for a legislative body to decide then to decide to send men and women into or to risk their lives. I find it interesting that in the senate committing troops to battle go to filibuster. I have asked me i have asked been ask at you turn that on a fast track, but truly important decisions like putting our troops in battle really do require the institution to stand back and take its time to decide. Significant,y obviously for a vote to occur, but only after the greatest of liberation and the ability for everyone to be heard area host when the cameras first came into the senate, many cameras that been there through the eight vietnam war. Ow did the ghosts of vietnam war, the gulf of tonkin it was one of the shortest, very little thought went into it. It was something that everybody was responding to without thinking about the longterm consequences. Today, similar type of resolution would take some time. Practically every sender would need to analyze. There is a long history of conflict between president s and congress over the war powers. Constitution is a little ambiguous on this. Congress declares war, how far can they go and what are their responsibilities. Today, with televising the senators all feel they need to go on the record on something as important as war. What do you sense eating in the chamber for these momentous votes beating in the chamber for these votes . Guest the atmosphere is electric. , the camerasbates must be trained on the senator who is speaking. What the viewers at home dont see are the deliberations that thegoing on frequently in cloak rooms and in the well of the senate. Of the grease that makes this process work are the deliberations are the back and forth among the senators. Some of that can be captured on camera. A great deal of that is not captured on camera. To be a fly one the wall. I realize that cspan cant be a fly on the wall. But a great deal of the give and on theat is necessary senate floor in the National Arena does take place between and among the senators, off the floor or out of the glare of the cameras. Host that is intentional on the part of the people who set up the rules. How did they set up the institution so they can do that . Guest its the way the senate functions. As i said, its a 21stcentury institution conceived in the 18th century. It is trying to make the best use of the technology in the 21st century, to remain true to its 18thcentury conception. Its a difficult thing to do to forge compromise. Everyone has to give a little when you forge compromise and thats not photogenic. To a certain extent, the cameras conceal it by not being able to show these kinds of discussions taking place. Host another area that is the purview of the senate is to consider president ial nominations, and will talk about nominations to the Supreme Court. This is when all three branches come together. We have two clips, one from 1987 , the appointment of robert bork, who was denied and in 1991, the nomination of clarence the orderh his senator danforth. Robert works america is a land in which women would be for into back alley abortions, blacks would sit at segregated lunch counters, rogue police could break down citizens doors in midnight raids, and schoolchildren could not be taught about evolution. Writers and artists would be censured at the whim of government. The doors of the federal courts would be shut for millions of citizens for whom the judiciary is the only protector of the individual rights. America is a better and freer thinks nd robert worked thinks. Ork believe that is supreme is a leaving living, breathing human being. Person should be judged living,ving breathing, human being. That is what Clarence Thomas brings to the United States Supreme Court. Be a greathim to american. I dont say that lightly. I consider him to be a great american, because he has come farther in his life than anyone i have ever known. I have heard members of the well, i waso me, poor too. I was disadvantage, too. President , there is no one who served in the United States asate who knows disadvantage Clarence Thomas knows disadvantage. Nobody here. Nobody here. Nobody here was born black in the segregated south. Host thats a senate considering Supreme Court nominations. It seems as though these nominations have been pretty contentious. Right now we have Merrick Garland being considered. People call and say has this always been so contentious . It has been like this from the beginning. The senate has advise and consent powers. No one is appointed to the or to the courts without the senate having some approval over that. Of the hundreds of cabinet , lesson 5 have been rejected by the senate. Those are relatively shortterm appointments. Lifetime appointments to the courts, the federal courts at all levels are different stories. The senate has rejected about one third the role of the Supreme Court nominations that have come forward. The two speeches that we just heard are two pivotal speeches. One by ted kennedy denouncing robert bork. It set the town for the debate. It wasnt just the senators and their Interest Groups across the country that he rallied as part of the speech. Speech by john four danforth is also significant, he was a highly respected senator. Because danforth was was a speech it you could have heard given from a pulpit at some point. I think the closest nomination vote of anybody, everybodys vote counted that point. Senators have been putting their the on the line since George Washington era. They have always insisted that is the role of the senate to decide whether someone is good to serve a lifetime appointment to the court here in host host what can you add . Thomasin the clarence nomination, i dont think there was one senator who have the level of hers act that John Danforth commanded among his colleagues on both sides of the aisle. It was not my job to count votes, but it wouldnt surprise me if the margin of victory for Clarence Thomas was based on John Danforth report support. Contention has been in ther of some distress parliamentarians office. What has evolved in the last decade or so is the issue of filibustering. Not mother so much whether the nominee has support, but preventing a vote on nominees. The impeachment of president clinton in 1999. I want to show a video from that time. Will talk about how the senate prepared for it and what the senate went through during this process very this is from senator edwards. Edwards throughout this trial boasts. Absolutes,poken in the president engaged in misconduct. Prosecutors say he must be convicted and removed from office. The president s lawyers say this dues not does not rise to an impeachable offense. Let me ask you this. Even if the president engaged in the alleged conduct can reasonable people disagree with the conclusion that as a matter of law he must be convicted and removed from office . Yes or no. Absolutely. And a coupled case of areas, and i think it is an easy case in some areas. That upontution rates conviction, the person shall be removed. You have to put it in, text of the cases. Canpresence of the body apply the same Legal Standard of how crimes and misdemeanors to the fact that a judge who was convicted of perjury was removed by the body. You concluded your mind that this president committed perjury, you have to duck you have a dynamic you have to work through. That theuggest allegations of perjury and obstruction of justice in this case are not trivial. Its not about a speeding frigate ticket or trivial matter. Or the activity of the president when he was defending a Sexual Harassment lawsuit. Determine that he committed the crime of perjury, and you determine that he committed the crime of obstruction of justice, based on the president of the senate, you would have a hard time saying under the situation in this case thats not a high crime. I would be the first to admit that the constitution is silent on this question about whether tonot every high crime has result in removal. If i was sitting where you are get on myd probably knees before it made that decision. The impact on society will be real either way. Thats house member and later senator lindsey graham. The senate has not been called upon to be involved in the end each meant proceedings very often. Of thethe level president. What was it like preparing for this . Guest it was extremely nerveracking. But it was also an opportunity for those of us in the parliamentarians office to get to meet the chief justice and his staff. They could not have been more professional. And who have the kind of presence that was is essential before for maintaining the dignity of the proceedings. Chief Justice Rehnquist had written about impeachment. He had studied this long before these events brought him to the floor of the senate. The nation was very fortunate to have him and his attorneys and his chief of staff who were very dedicated that the trial be a fair trial. We did have moments towards the where the trial conflict between the cameras and the institution arose. Under the senates impeachment rules, the case is laid out in to, but deliberate liberations take place in private. With the door closed. There were senators or pressing who were pressing their leadership, from both sides of the aisle to open the doors during the deliberation. There was an attempt to convince the chief justice that he should rule that the doors be open. The rules, however, were clear that the doors were to be closed during deliberations. It was a fascinating back and forth between the leadership of the senate who want to the doors close during deliberation, and some members of both sides of the aisle, and the cheap justice and the chief justice who was amenable to both arguments. Host what is the role of the senate in impeachment proceedings, how long the trial lasted guest . And also who was there. The room was just packed. One of the differences usedision brought was it to be a lot more crowded before there were tv cameras, because senators hung around to find out what was going to happen. Now they can watch it in cspan on cspan. Was taken, including the press gallery. The house of representatives impeaches the president , which is like inviting a person. In citing a person its up to the court to decide whether that person should be removed. The judges and people in other positions, other people can preside. Presideshief justice if its a president ial impeachment. They wanted to make it a more neutral situation. Also in the house, you old you need a simple majority. In the senate you need a two thirds vote. Anything that is done on a purely partyline is going to have a hard time convicting somebody in the senate. We have, in recent years, thrown out of office several federal judges, but they were impeached in the house by an overwhelming majority in the house. It became an overwhelming bipartisan to their majority of the senate voting. Do something on a partyline folk, vote is not plausible. Thats what happened with president clintons persuasion. It went on for some time. Voted it it they was not a two thirds vote. Essentially, it was an acquittal. I remember being outside, there were demonstrators out on the plaza. There was a bomb scare and the building had to be evacuated. The atmosphere was like a mardi gras. Mostly it was relief. Watching a discussion on the senate on this occasion of its 30th anniversary of cameras coming into the senate permanently to televise its proceeding. Our two guests have been on the staff of the senate, one on the parliamentarians office and one other in that historians office. We are appreciative of all the discussion. One area again that is the purview of the senate is approval of treaties. What is the constitutional responsibility of the senate in this area . Thet the senate alone has authority to advise and consent to the ratification of treaties. And to do so on a vote of two thirds. Enormously important deliberations. I believe that the consideration camerasenate before the on a regular basis of the panama canal treaties. Depth of the concern brought out by the deliberations on those treaties was remarkable. These are questions of how is the United States and the nation to function in the world, and who speaks for the United States . President s enter into treaties with the advice and control of the senate. It is not understood that the senate has the ability to amend treaties. So the senate can qualify its consent to the ratification of treaties, based on the subsequent adoption of amendments. The senate doesnt simply rubberstamp, they get to impose treaties that bind the United States and other countries. This is a very powerful tool given to the senate and they take it very seriously. Host the clip we have chosen for this discussion on treaties is from october of 1999. You will recognize that then senator on the floor who is speaking about the competent test ban treaties. Last,eard and closing the , i will make is my friend said our allies will lose confidence in us if we ratify this can be deep. Tony blair called today and he said for god sakes dont defeat this treaty. He is our number one ally. The german chancellor said please ratify in an open letter. The president of france said, please ratify. Gentlemen, larry eagleburgers conclusion is the one we should all deal with. Which i will enter for the record as mask consent that it be entered into the record as it is read. Point from the whole the americans back thepective, lock in overwhelming u. S. Advantage and weaponry. There is no other way to interpret a vote against his treating than a vote in favor of Nuclear Testing of other nations. It would stand on its head the of nonproliferation matters we have achieved for 40 years. As i used to say, i rest my case. I rested my case i always assumed i was going to win. I know i will lose here, but i will be back. I will be back. He was right, that treaty went down 5148. I was surprised to know that since cameras came in to the senate, they have considered 2500 treaties. Only a few of them rise to this level. Guest many of them are minor issues. Between two countries trying to street now there are fares. But some of these are major issues. Like the kyoto treaty and things like that. Or the genocide treaty, which was on for a decade. Every week here gave a speech about the genocide treaty. Eventually they passed it. These treaties have to build an enormous consensus behind them to get two thirds vote in the senate. They will affect our relations with other countries. , wepanama canal treaties built it, we should keep it tight above issue. Haveng it is causing us to relations with every laois nation and latin america. Eventually, by arguments, by debating, by articulating the issues, the senators can build a coach. It takes a long time, as senator biden said, all be back. We will see what we can do and see if we can build a bigger coalition. Host the next area is major pieces of legislation. The passage of the president S Health Care law, what we know as obamacare. These are clips from march 26,. 010, senator Barbara Mikulski senator coburn, who has left the senate and a doctor speaking against the Affordable Care act. I am honored because the role that i play in making sure that the punitive practices of Insurance Companies towards women. For too long, and in too many ways, they treated simply being a woman as a preexisting condition. First of all, they church they charge us 30 to 40 more simply to get insurance. Then they would have the punitive practices of denying Us Health Insurance for a preexisting condition. In eight states, domestic as ance was viewed preexisting condition. You talk about being abuse . Husband,bused by her and then your insurance company. We are not going to be battered anymore by these companies. This is the greatest assault on liberty this country has ever had. This country has ever had. Its not the government will be in charge of everybodyS Health Care. Process, to watch it from soup to nuts, essentially. Few things happen very quickly in the institution. N there is some big event or a senator mcconnell said, when something is in dispute, as opposed to when they agree with each other. One of the things he mentioned, the senate does a huge amount of business by unanimous consent, little things, polite things. Sometimes that can whiz by even ple in the valley legislation passes and no one has voted on it because there was not agreement. Toh of the process is hard follow. Often republicans are not happy with what they see. We certainly have a better. Hance we have thisst video from september 12, 2001. Yield myself 10 minutes and ask unanimous consent to deliver deskted sea at my ted at my desk. Without objection. I have tried to count the number of senators who were even around december 7, 1941, and there are not many of us left. , i hate to say i am a party to it, or not even born. Fortor thurmond was around 1812, i think, god bless his heart. Im so pleased he is still here. I still remember that sunday, we and heardf church about the bombing of pearl harbor. And i prevailed upon the to put out an extra and it was the last extra newspaper put out in the state of North Carolina to my knowledge. That they sold 12,000, approximately, and that put up the newspaper. I walked ad that, few blocks up the street to the post office, to the Navy Recruiting station, and i volunteered. Except they well, turned me down because of the hearing in my left ear. And i recall that i was so disappointed. Was the in the corner chief petty officer of the navy. Career petty officer. And i never saw a chief petty officer of the navy who talk to any way except out of the side of his mouth and he said, hey, come over here. Youi went and he said, do want to get in this man from maybe . I said, yes, sir. He said ive got some friends and i later found out this was the bureau of naval personnel. I thought he was pulling my leg. It turned out he was in. I received a waiver and i was diego for two or three months of trading. Thats beside the point. It set the stage that the recruiting station that day was filled with young men. Defend theired to country. A lot of them did not know where or what pearlas harbor was, but they came anyhow because they realize their country had been attacked unfairly. Thats the reason we won the war. And that was the time when the policy ofnd effective the United States of america was to seek out and find and destroy the leaders of forces vowing harm to the American People. That was the

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