Transcripts For CSPAN Politics Public Policy Today 20130709

CSPAN Politics Public Policy Today July 9, 2013

Mr. Brooks i want to emphasize a few points about americas immigration situation. The first point is this, america has been far and away the most generous nation in World History when it comes to allowing foreigners to come onto our soil, when it comes to allowing foreigners to receive our most cherished right, citizenship. In that veen, i would like to share with you some information from the department of Homeland Security aufings of imdwration statistic, it covers data from 2011 going backwards. First, with respect to legal status, the numb of people we as a country allow to have permanent legal status in the United States of america, in 2011, was 1,062,000 foreigners in that one year were fwiven legal status who had not previously had legal permanent resident status. Lets go back 50 years to 1963. It was 306,260 that were given legal permanent resident status. I. E. , today, were even more generous than we were a half century ago. Today were giving three times as many legal permanent resident status than we did a half century ago. 40 years ago, 1973, 398,000 foreigners were given legal permanent resident status. Still twice today what were giving than we gave 40 years ago. In 1983, it was up to 550,000, meaning that today roughly twice again as we are giving than we did as recently as 0 years ago. Then in 1993, it was 903,000, in 2003, it was 703,000. Again today, more generous than any time in american history. Thats with respect to legal status permanent residency for foreigners. A bigger issue is how many petitions for naturalization were filed by foreigners and how many foreigners did americans give naturalization to . I. E. , our most cherished right in the United States of america. Over the last few years new york 2011, 694,000 foreigners were naturalized in the United States of america. In 2010, 620,000 foreigners were naturalized. In 2009, 744,000 foreigners were naturalized. In 2008, a little over a million were naturalized. In 2007, 660,000 were naturalized. Those are huge numbers. Probably more so than any nation on earth. Not probably, definitely, more so than any nation on earth. And probably more so than all the rest of the world put together. Thats how generous america has been with respect to foreigners. To put that into perspective, a decade ago, 462,000, meaning were roughly giving 40 , 50 more now than we did a decade ago, naturalization. N 1993, 20 years ago, it was 313,000, meaning today were giving twice as much naturalization than we gave 20 years ago, 30 years ago, 1983, it was 178,000, meaning today, we are four times more today than we were in 1983 just 30 years ago. But it goes further. And this is important. How many foreigners lawfully come into the United States of america . Bear in mind that we as a country, we have a total population of a little over 300 Million People. But lets look at whats happened since 2003. E total of all admissions, according to the department of Homeland Security new york 2003, 180 million foreigners came into the United States of america lawfully. They may be tourists coming and going. They may be students on student visas coming and going. They may have work permits or work visas, they may be part of trade delegations but 180 million foreigners figured out how to do it the right way, the lawful way. In 2004, 180 million again, in 2005, another 175,000 foreigners came into america the right way in 2006, another 175 million foreigners came into america the right way. In 2007, 171 million foreigners came into america lawfully. N 2008, 175 million in 2009, 162 million. In 2010, 160 million. In 2011, 159 million came into america lawfully. Now why do i emphasize these numbers . Its because the number of people whose first act on american soil is to break our laws is min us kuhl compared to the big picture. Compared to those who know how to come into america lawfully, compared to those america welcome into the United States lawfully. So those are numbers i want to emphasize. Basically what that tells you is that there are hundreds of millions of foreigners around the world that want to come into our country and we generously and compassionately allow them into the United States of america. While we are what we are focusing on today are the lawbreakers. And we have people in this body, people in the United States congress congress, people in the white house, who want to give amnesty to lawbreakers. Lets bear in mind that there are reasons why we should not be doing that. First and foremost, we can have the choice of whomever we want out of these hundreds of millions that want to come to the yotes of america and immigrate and become citizens of our great land. In that kind of perspective, what we need to be doing, is choosing those who best fit americas needs. In that perspective, lets bear in mind our Financial Condition as a country. We have four consecutive trillion dollar deficit the worst deficits in the history of our country. We are now about to rush through the 17 trillion mark in total debt. We are not a country that can afford to stay on this path. We are not a country that can afford to allow into our nation immigrants who are going to be tax consumers rather than tax producers. When you have the pick of hundreds of millions of people around the world, we should be smart and we should have a smart immigration policy that brings in people who are going to be tax producers. Not tax consumers. Thats going to help us with our deficit situation, tep us with our accumulated debt, and hopefully reduce or minimize the risk of an american tradgity that tragedy being a debit dating insolvency and bankruptcy of our great nation system of in that veen, our foreign policy, our immigration policy should focus on those who are going to come here and produce more revenue then theyre going to consume. Im for allowing immigration into the United States of america. Its a cherished privilege, its a historical fact of our country, but that smart immigration means that the people we allow into the United States of america need to bring wealth with them. If thats going to help produce more in tax revenue than theyre going to consume. We need to allow people into our country who are going to bring skill sets with them, if its going to empower them to produce more in tax revenue than theyre going to consume. We need to allow them to bring their intellectual capacity thats going to enable them to produce more revenue than theyre going to consume. So yes, our immigration policy is broken in part because we have laws that need to be better. Yes, our immigration policy is broken in part because a president of the United States who refuses to enforce the laws that are on the books. Me personally, i see no need, no need whatsoever to engage in an Immigration Law debate until we have a white house thats going to enforce the laws that we already have on the books. In the absence of a white house, in the absence of a president , that is going to enforce the laws on the books, new Immigration Law is meaningless because it has no force and effect as long as we have a president of the United States who instead of being the chief Law Enforcement officer of this great land, instead of being the chief executive officer of the executive branch, ends up being the person who is in charge of more lawlessness than anybody else in the United States of america because as long as you encourage lawlessness by refusing to enforce the laws, youre giving a wink of the eye admission ed a tacit that its ok to break our laws. As long as we have a president of the United States that refuses to enforce our las, that refuses, refuses to come forth with a sound immigration policy that he will abide by, then it does no good for us to have this kind of Immigration Law debate. But that having all been said, i want to emphasize a few other things. As was pointed out earlier, the senate gang of eight amnesty and open borders bill legalizes or brings in 40 million foreigners over the next decade. If you put the two numbersing to, 11 million who are unlawfully here, who have broken our las, whose first step on american soil was to thumb their nose at Law Enforcement and americas laws, and we have another 10 million that this senate gang of eight amnesty and open borders bill is going to admittedly bring in the United States of america, think about the impact of that on the economy, think about the impact of 40 million job seekers on the wages of americans who are struggling to survive. Theres a study by george vorrhas a Harvard University professor, not exactly a conservative think tank, Harvard University, that concludes that this huge influx of ilLegal Immigration of Legal Immigration will have a definite and adverse effect on the wages of americans. For instance, people who have only a high school degree, they are already losing 00 a year. That a lot of people who are wealthy, 00 is not much. But to those struggling to make ends meet, 800 is a lot of money. With respect to the average american, not just the least among us, but the average american, the cost to the average American Household is over 1,000 from these immigration policies that are in existence now from a white house who refuses to enforce our Immigration Laws and refuses to protect American Workers from this huge supply of cheap foreign labor that is competing with struggling hardworking american families. Minorities are also dramatically hurt. I would highly encourage everyone look at the report that was come out by the black American Leadership alliance, then finally, i want to focus america the om beautiful. This real ji is about the rule of law. This really is about the rule of law. If we have no if we dont enforce our laws, we have no law, many of you have heard the first stanza, lets go to the second. Amber weaves or of grain, america, america, god shed his grace on thee and crown thy good with brotherhood from see sea to shining sea. Oh beautiful for pilgrim feet who stirred impassioned stress, a drum beat for freedom beat, america, america, confirm thy soul in selfcontrol, thy liberty in law. This has been americas heritage for decades, for centuries. The rule of law is paramount. I cant speak for the rest of this house of representatives, i cant speak for the United States senate, i cant speak for the white house. But i can speak for one voice from the alabama fifth Congressional District and that voice is this, i will never, never reward and ratify illegal conduct by supporting amnesty for people whose first step on american soil was to violate american law. We can do better than that. We should do better than that. And we must, must respect the rule of law or else we will descend into chaos and anarchy. I yield back. Mrs. Bachmann i thank the gentleman, i thank the gentleman from alabama, that was a tour deforce, i thank you for that. I think the context you gave was wonderful, the fact that we have been extremely generous, because one of the numbers you mentioned that i had heard as well is that the United States of america allows in more foreigners into the United States than all of the countries of the world combined. We are so extremely generous. This year alone, i believe the figure was about a Million People we allow into the United States legally. Mr. Brooks for citizenship. Mrs. Bachmann for citizenship. A remarkable number. Then consider the bill that came from the senate would double the figure, for Legal Immigration. Were having a hard time assimilating the number of people that we have when we have 24 million americans that are unemployed right now. Were still allowing a Million People in legally, let alone all the other numbers of people who found legal venues to be able to get in but another number you mentioned, you talked about the study that came out earlier from harvard. And in that study, which i read at your recommendation, what were looking at is the average household is looking at a reduction in income in wages, of 1,300 a year. Thats an enormous amount of money for the average American Household. Because just consider when barack obama became president of the United States, the average income for households in the United States was about 55,000 a year. That number has dropped while hes been president. It didnt go up, its gone down. Its gone from about 55,000 a year down to close to 50,000 a year. And now we know that about 1,300 a year has come in bays of the amount of has come in because of the am of penetration of illegal aliens in the United States and thats bringing down wages. I would add to your comments as well, mr. Brooks, that as a member of congress, i cant vote for anything thats going to take away jobs from legal american citizens. Thats who were talking about when were talking about amnesty, were talking about taking away jobs from legal american citizens, from the middle class. Why in the world would we do that . I yield back to the gentleman and then if he could yield right back. Mr. Brooks i encourage all americans to google black American Leadership alliance, and they focus specifically on the impact of the senate gain of eight, amnesty and open borders bill on the black community and im going to quote. Everything i say is a quote but im not going to read the whole news release. Given the fact that more than 13 of all blacks are unemployed, nearly double that of the national average, it is our position that each member of Congress Must consider the disastrous effects that senate bill 744 would have a lowskilled workers of all races while paying particular attention to africanamericans. Black workers will suffer the greatest harm if this legislation were to be passed. Many studies have shown that black americans are disproportionately harmed by Mass Immigration and amnesty. Most policy makers who favor the legalization of nearly 11 million aliens fail to acknowledge that decades of high immigration levels has caused unemployment to rise significantly, most particularly among black americans. They further fail to consider how current plans to add 33 million more legal workers within 10 years will have an enormously disastrous effect on our nations jobs outlook. The National Bureau of Economic Research recently issued a report asserting that 40 of the decline in employment rates for lowskilled black men in recent decades was due to immigration. Let me repeat that, the National Bureau of Economic Research recently issued a report asserting that 40 of the decline in employment rates for lowskilled black men in recent decades was due to immigration. Studies by professors from Harvard University found that immigration reduced labor by as much as 8 in other demographic groups by 2 to 4 . Research conducted by university of california san diego by a professor, immigration has accounted for 40 of the 18 percentagepoint decline in black employment rates and current immigration proposals are sure to substantially raise these numbers. Many blacks compete with immigrants particularly Illegal Immigrants for lowskilled jobs and there are no enough of these jobs to go around. Consider the fact that nearly 51 of africanamericans do not have a higher education. In 2011, 24. 6 of blacks without a High School Diploma were unemployed. Concluding, we are firmly convinced that such an expansion of the labor force during one of the most protracted periods of high unemployment in decades will result in suppressed wages for all americans, but the effects on africanamericans will be the most devastating. This is the black American Leadership council, if you pull up the news release, you can see the black leadership around the country that is saying no, that this is hurting americans and in particular, it is hurting us the most. Mrs. Bachmann i thank the gentleman for yielding back. The next population most hurt is actually the legal hispanic population in the United States. Its their wages that are suppressed. If you are thinking of a hispanic mother who is working as a hotel maid, if we have legalization, she could be competing with seven other people who are vying for her job as well. Thats what we are looking at right now. And i thank you for bringing that research to our attention. What we are looking at is hurting the job prospects of those who are the most vulnerable and thats one thing we have seen from the president s policies. He is hurting the people who are on the economic edge. Ill yield quickly to you if you yield back. Mr. Brooks the issue before us is who we are as representatives and senators going to vote for . American workers or foreigners. Its just that simple. Mrs. Bachmann i thank the gentleman for yielding b

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