Transcripts For CSPAN Politics Public Policy Today 20131005

CSPAN Politics Public Policy Today October 5, 2013

That he wants affordable, Accessible Health care for his family and for families all across New Hampshire and all across this country and he said, do not give up on that. But you have got to open this government. People need the help that they deserve, our economy needs the strength and the vitality, we cant leave thousands of people without their jobs, without their pay, and i ask you, mr. Speaker, please, bring this vote to the floor. We can pass this with a bipartisan vote and we can move our country forward. With that, i yield back and i thank the gentleman from california for giving us the opportunity. I thank the gentlelady. You mr. Peters youre right, all we have to do to get started again is put the Senate Resolution before the house, we could put that to a vote tomorrow and the government would be immediately opened. Id now like to yield time to my friend, the gentleman from florida, mr. Murphy. Mr. Murphy thank you. First i want to thank my good friend from california, mr. Peters, for organizing this important discussion this evening and reminding all American House important it is to end this ridiculous and disgraceful shutdown were in right now. The damage this manufacturing crisis is cause this manufactured crisis is causing is unacceptable. Ive heard daily from hundreds of my constituent who was felt the pain of the shutdown the last four days. They all express the same sentiment, enough already. I share this frustration. I received a letter today from a local navy veteran and it particularly stoot out to me. I want to share a brief part of the story i read. Im a recently discharged veteran of the u. S. Navy. During the five years i served i was told continually that when i left the service behind, i would be taken care of and i believed that implicitly. Well, i couldnt have been more wrong. Since i was discharged over two months ago, aye struggled to get unemployment and find work. I am currently received v. A. Disability for Service Connected injuries. Or at least i was before the government shut down yesterday. I rely on my disability to survive. Now i dont know when the next payment will arrive. To complicate matters further, ive attempted to start school and use my g. I. Benefits only to find out that the v. A. Will run out of money by the end of this month if the shutdown continues. So no more disability or education benefits. Benefits ive earned. Benefits i got for sacrificing five of the best yores of my life for. So essentially, i paid into this program, made sacrifices too numerous to count, was deployed around the world twice in support of the global war on terrorism and now i come to find out that all of that amounts to nothing. This shutdown has negatively impact midlife more than i ever thought possible. The mere fact that Veterans Benefits were even on the table as part of the shutdown is an outrage in itself. Have we not done enough . What more do i need to sacrifice . We have a hard enough time surviving overseas ands the treatment we come home to. Our own government shutting down and unable to take care of us. I plan on applying for food stamps soon. I never dreamed my life would come to this. Especially after serving my country. But hey, i guess thats what our government has come to. Please do whatever it takes to end this shutdown. Well, joshua, i never dreamed it would come to this either. That our nation would be willing to break its promise to the brave men and women like you over partisan games. I called joshua today to let him know that i too am appalled and that i am here fighting for him alongside my colleagues, alongside our nations veterans, seniors, and all americans who have had enough, enough of the shutdown, enough of the games, enough of these manufactured crises. That is why im leading efforts urging a vote on reopening the government. Our fragile economy cannot afford one more day of this disgraceful shutdown. And neither can veterans such as joshua. I urge the house to pass a clean spending bill immediately and put an end to this nonsensical shutdown. Thank you. Mr. Peters i thank the gentleman from florida. I fwess its cold comfort to joshua to hear the house is voting on piecemeal approaches. Im not saying theyre ill mote vay motivated, many of us supported them. But its teem but theyre not working. Its time for us to learn our lesson. We can do the work we were sent here to do, that were paid to do, without stop the government. I think those comments are very well put. I thank the gentleman. The other thing we heard about in addition to we need to get something or need to talk, we have to repeal or do away with the Health Care Law. I would just say this about being a freshman. We werent here for these votes. None of us cast a vote either way on the Affordable Care act or obamacare. But we heard a lot of questions about it and we took those questions, took them very seriously and most of us said, you know, we should try to fix them. But were also realistic. Weve seen that Health Care Law was passed by congress a few years ago. Signed by the president. Its okd by the speert. Its survived a number of adegreesal repeal votes here in the house of representatives. So it appears its here to be with us, to stay, its been rolling out with mix red ports this week but i think in many places people are finding hope that they can get Affordable Health care. Clearly we have more work to do. I stand here willing to help fix the Affordable Care act to the extent we need it. I expressed my own concern about the medical device tax. Enge thats something that should be repealed. Theres other the cadillac tax. I think we should provide new incentives for wellness. I think we should get out of the way of technology and encourage technology as an approach to lower costsful and im willing to get to work on that. But thats not fwoning to be that law took a long, long time to pass, it was very contentious. The problems wont be solved to the satisfaction of the congress or to the completion of the task in the time were talking about shutting the government down. Lets not hold the government up for that. My final observation about this shutdown is that i feel im reminded of when i practiced law and tried cases and i had i liked having a case with a good lawyer on the other side because a god lawyer knew where he or she was going. And you could tell kind of what the strategy was and where youre going to end up. I feel in this case like im trying a case against a lawyer who is really inexperienced or doesnt know what hes doing in that i cant figure out where theyre going. Were hoping that if there is some resolution that can happen, wed love to be part of it. Enge it starts with passing the continuing resolution that the Senate Passed and getting this government open right now. Id like to close with a few comments on the other issue we havent got ton but that enge concerns me greatly, and thats the debt ceiling. Its one thing to argue over the continuing resolution, weve been talking about that and shutting down the government and thats a bad thing. Its something i hope well end soon. As i said before, its something that is entirely within our power to do without the help of the senate or the president. We vote for the resolution the Senate Passed and the government would be open tomorrow. I hear talk about the debt ceiling as though its the same thing and it is not. The debt ceiling is a dangerous, dangerous tactic for negotiation. Its bad business, its bad economics and its bad government. First id start by talking about what its like to do business in this way. It occurs to me that my parents one asking themselves about the people who would play with the debt ceiling, who raised these people . What were doing here with the debt ceiling, talking about not paying our debts, its like getting the credit card bill, opening it up and seeing how much you bought and deciding at that point, well, no, ive got to control spending, i dont want to pay this. Thats too late to have the discussion. I remember my parents, my father is a minister, my mother stayed home, worked part time to help us with college. I have vivid memories of them laying out the bills on the dining room table, make sure they could figure out their cash flow, how were they going to pay each bill, what diof the month each bill was due. And they made every payment. Because they always taught me about making sure you kept good credit. We know now about Credit Scores and how important it is to be on time, and families all over the country understand that kind of approach. For us to take this approach that we are not going to pay the debts we have encurred is just the wrong way to do business. But its realy terrible economics. The treasury reported this this week. With the government likely to exhaust its cash reserves around october 17, the treasury said being forced into nonpayment of any of its obligations and in particular its debt would spark turmoil in the Financial Markets and possibly send the country back into recession as deep as that of 2008 to 2009. We know weve been coming out of that, we dont want to go back there. In the event it continues, the debt limit impass were to lead to a default, it could have a catastrophic effect. Not just on Financial Market bus also job creeeags, Consumer Spending and Economic Growth. Credit markets could freeze, the value of the dollar could plummet, u. S. Interest rates could skyrocket. The negative spillovers could reverberate around the world. An there might be a financial crisis and recession that could echo the events of 2008 or worse. This is not some political statement. This is what were hearing from the wall street journal, from the banking community, from the financial sector. They are saying stay away from this. Cnn money said forget the current Government Shutdown. Economists say debt ceiling impasse that could plunge the nation into a recession. About half of the 22 economists surveyed by cnn money say a recession will be unvadeable unavoidable if Congress Fails to raise the debt ceiling before the treasury runs out of cash laider this later this month. Lets not get to that point, mr. Speaker, we cannot mess with the debt ceiling. The Government Shutdown is bad enough. Were kind of playing around the edges. I urge that we put the Senate Resolution before the house so we can vote on it, open this government tomorrow. Let us not touch, let us not play with the notion, let us not suggest to anyone that america wont pay the debts its encurred. Fonally from an article called after the shutdown posted by speaking icky, hes in partisan terms but i think it applies to then. This is why the republican approach to debt ceiling is not, like people of zeke miller of time has argued, the standard way of doning business in washington. This is an attempt to remake the legislative process itself and to do so by threatening to do something, the fault, that no one, including the people making the threat, believes to be in the best interest of the yeats. We cant be sure of exactly what would happen if the u. S. Stopped paying its bills but at the very least it would lead to havoc in the bond market and the Financial System which depends on a u. S. On u. S. Treasuries and riskfree collateral, higher Interest Rates and an immediate hit to Economic Growth. Its not a road that anyone would want to go down and in my view its not a road we should be considering going down. As bad as the continuing resolution is and the fight over the shutdown, i know that just behind us is a much more dangerous prospect. I wanted to warn of that. Finally just to suggest to folks that i have two bills that would provide an alternative and would help us deal with the National Debt and theyd work very simply leek this when debt was declining as a percentage of the economy, which means we have it under control, the debt ceiling would adjust without a vote, payments would go out. When debt started to increase as a percentage of the economy, which means were not having it under control, we all understand that longterm debt cant continue to rise as a percentage of the economy without hurting our economic future. But in that case, we need a mechanism to do something manufacturer than just yell at each other and call each other names. Which i know the freshmen that were with me tonight are still amazed that thats what happens here but thats what happens way too often. We need a mechanism to force a discussion of how to manage the debt. Our bill would provide that if we are in the condition where debt is rising as a percentage of g. D. P. , and the president and the congress and the leaders of congress didnt do anything about it which is the condition we find ourselves in today, then individual members, mr. Speaker, would be able to propose their own measures without the blessing of leadership but with the sponsorship of only 50 of their colleagues to force a discussion on how to manage the debt and get it under control. Thats just one idea. But at this point i think its the only idea on the table to avoid this in a constructive way. Mr. Speaker, i appreciate the chance to offer some thoughts on these issues with my colleagues and with that, i yield back the balance of my ime. The speaker pro tempore under the speakers announced policy the chair 3, 2013, recognizes the gentleman from texas, mr. Gohmert, for 30 minutes. Mr. Gohmert thank you, mr. Speaker. There is a lot of talk about obamacares most people call it taste difficult after the hundreds of stories we are its hard to e, call it the Affordable Care act when people are saying it is unaffordable. What is interesting, so many members of the media were chopping at the bits for someone to sign up for obamacare successfully. They grabbed the young man, chad henderson, he talked thursday about his internet experience, applying for insurance through e a forwardable care act through the web silet. Nd he was a media ico nmp. This young man from georgia, signed up for obamacare. And we find the rest of the story, so many were using his story, chad henderson, he got signed up easily. Heres a story by kate heppeder 21yearold er georgia man became the subject of National Media attention, ncluding a frontpage times mr. Frelinghuysen press story who was one of the once who get , hew the web site and plold didnt complete the process. Amidst the initial publicity, he was hailed by supporters of the Affordable Care act as an example of the new system working. And was attacked by those against the law for buying into the plan and being a volunteer or organized for action, a non profit promoting president obama agenda. Reason called hendersons saying into action after he and his son have not bought a man. N an interview with the times freepress he confirmed he idnt purchased a plan but the confusion was in the wording. I never said i purchased a plan. I said i submitted an application and so i enrolled. I havent paid for a plan. I never meant to mislead anyone. When he talked with the press on a sday, he said, he picked slch blue ue cross shield. He said that the specific plan fit into his budget. Ap in his initial tweet, heppeder son said, quote, the pound sign, obamacare, just now, looking forward to having Affordable Health care for the first time, end quote. He stood by the comments, but respeeded that he never specifically said he pird a plan. En ace of spadse, apparently does a lot of unlon looking and comes up with interesting hings, he posted this today, chad henderson disclosed he was a partisan paid to post advocacy things on social media. So, whos the bad guy here. He was not coy about his passionate support of barack obama or his vol understanding tear question mark with o. F. A. And he says, you should know about me, and disclosed, unquote, and has an inset where the following is quoted from his posting, im labeled the guy who talks about politics, unquote. And normally as anythingtive effects. Im here to clear things up. You will see im not that object see ceased with politics. I post things on here and other social networking sites. Think it is good. Secondly, i work for an organization that pays me quarl to post the political stuff as add vow cast iy so its kind of my job. Kind of a way it seems things go around here. You have people with the tea party hoe seem to have one thing in common. I have met people of tea parties from countries all over the world, as i have been around the country. Tax. My pay income and as we have b each kay to the world war inch i memorial where somebody in the administration thought it would be cute to make veterans suffer and create an immeage so they knew stories would blame the republic cans, which they did, and wow, if he are blaming the republicans, even they appointed negotiators and ask us to negotiate, we wouldnt goirblet, we told them we wouldnt negotiate. We on do whatever we wanted. Create as much pain as we can, because they will help us ensure that the American People are duped that the american republicans are to plame. This was the game from the beginning. There were no paid veterans out from world war ii. Hey were out there out there hoping to roll in their wheelchairs down the granite pen sidewalks around the outdoor openair memorial that was constructed in such a way it wouldnt have to be closed, it could be open 24 . I have been down there all during the course of the day and night, 10 00 p. M. , 10e a. M. , 4. M. And no, i dont drink. Just go down there to see the memorials that were constructed for america. And most of the time i dont see any park service people, but since someone in this administration, some people in administration thought it would e really cute to show that there are barricades up at the rld war ii memorial, the openair, granite sidewalk, 24 7 without guards most of the time, that would be cute, that would play well in the media and we find out as protestors came down there as we were geting some more veterans in there this week, Pat Africa Poole had his reporter had the camera going when he saw the u

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