I had those little scissors. [laughter] listen, four years ago, the democrats lost the governors rate by 20 votes per precinct. 20 votes. 20. That was your cousin pookie not voting. That was jim, who was like drinking beer and setting up his fantasy football for next week, and he didnt vote. That is what happened. 20 votes could decide whether millions of hardworking pennsylvanians get the raise they deserve. Those 20 votes could decide whether teachers get the support they need and whether our kids get a fair shot. 20 votes. Your vote matters. It decides the course that pennsylvania will take, so i am not just asking you to vote, because i know all of you are going to vote. You have got to get involved. There are organizers here. As you are going out, you should try to hook up with them and talk to them about volunteering. Go to voteforpa. Com. Volunteer. Make some phone calls. Knock on some doors. Grab people you know. The election is too important to leave it to somebody else. It is up to you, and you make a difference. Listen. I know i know that the hardest thing in politics is stubborn status quo, and for the young people here especially, i want to emphasize this. Sometimes it seems like folks in power care more about power than they care about you. I know that. And you are fed information every day that says nothing is changing, and everything is terrible, and when we do make progress, you dont hear about that. Ye hear about some conflict or some phony controversy, and over time, you get cynical, and you think, you know what . What i do doesnt make a difference, so you do not get involved, and sometimes you do not even bother to vote, and i am just here to say, especially to the young people, do not buy that. Do not buy that. Because despite the cynics, america is making progress. This country always makes progress despite unyielding issues. Unyielding opposition. There are workers who did not have a job before. There are families who have Health Insurance who did not have them before. There are students who going who are going to college who could not afford before. There are troops home from iraq and afghanistan with their families who were not home before. You know, cynicism is sometimes passed off as wisdom. There is nothing wise about it. Cynicism did not put a man on the moon. Cynicism never started a business or cured a disease or fueled a young minds. Cynicism is a choice, and hope is a better choice. Hope is what gave young people the courage to march for civil rights and Voting Rights and workers rights and womens rights and immigrants rights and gay rights, and hope is what built this country. The belief that there are better days ahead. The belief that together we can build up our middle class, that we can pass down Something Better for our kids. That is what built pennsylvania. That is what built america, a belief that americas best days are still ahead. You have got to believe it, and you have got to act on it. You have got to vote, and you have got to vote for tom wolf, and when you do, i promise you a better pennsylvania and a Better Future for this country. God bless america. Lets get to work. [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2014] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] close i look a sum of a house and senate races in the closing days of campaign 2014. This is from washington journal. She is a reporter from a roll call. They join us for the final political roundtable for the cycle. In the 11th hour, does it feel like there is more uncertainty about how or when this will end . Than previous cycles . Guest certainly the when is new, it seems clear we will have a runoff in indiana at which means it will not be decided until the first week of december, it seems plausible we will have a runoff in georgia which means it will not be decided until january, at which point i am planning to take the rest of the year off. If we are stuck here that long. That is unusual, uncommon. We also have to wonder, so if some of them will be as close as they appear to be are there going to be recounts and legal challenges . Those things could take weeks , months themselves. We could be here for a while, as they say. Host Abby Livingston, on the range of uncertainty, usa today s webpage has seven tossup races, real clear politics eight races that are tossups. Roll call as for tossups. Tossups. Ur some political reports have 10 tossups, why so much uncertainty . These races are down to the wire. The polling we are hearing about is within the margin of error, up one week by one point and down one week by another. My best barometer of how things are going in individual races is when i talk to people on the hill and the changes in their tone of voice. That is what i am relying on, are they more panicked this week or less panicked . Who is the most panicked that you talk to . Guest certainly democrats. The one certainty about the house is that they republicans will gain control and we have known that for a long time. But it comes down to the individual incumbent, and are their friends going to be coming back . There is fear that their best friend on the floor will not be coming back, about 17 of them are in serious trouble. Host what is a wave election and how do we know when it is coming . Guest a wave election is when you see a tremendous sweep and change in control. I think we are very close to seeing a republican takeover of the senate, i am not sure if whether that will count as a wave if they control it 5150, if they win everything on the table, if they run the table and win all of these in between seats, maybe you can call that a wave. If scott brown wins in new amateur, one of the earlier closing states, and he beats jean for a democratic held seat, if thom tillis beats kay hagan in North Carolina on the east coast for a democratic held seat, that is where you begin to see the signs. Those are the states where at the moment democrats have the best chance of holding on. If they lose those two first it does not look good in iowa already and by the time we get to alaska at 3 00 in the morning, it could very well have been a sweep for republicans. Host are you bracing for a wave at all . Guest on the outside possibly, house side possibly, projections keep getting higher. Some people say the range could go to 12. I actually heard the number 24, that is hard to digest. What is going on in the house is a republicans have somebody seats that there arent that many more to win. They may be held to a standard that they think is unfair, there just arent that many districts left. Host susan davis, a reporter for usa today she had a tweet, last week. Amazing that 800 billion is spent on house races for what will be a movement of five to 10 seats and no change of party control. 800 million. Guest im looking forward to after the election when we see the final numbers if it is four seats and 1 billion spent. We are just in a total arms race of money. That is what it takes to hold onto those seats. Host we are talking of Abby Livingston of roll call. And paul singer of usa today your call usa today. Host we will start with George Culligan calling in from South Carolina on the line for republicans. Good morning, everyone. I think the presence of those who want and can participate is much more than the previous election, at least it shows that. Am 25 years old looking at this community at this election as the persons the people come to give their vote it will be less than the previous one because they want to boycott the election host paul singer, talking about voter turnout what are the expectations. He has a good point, there was a poll in usa today a couple of days ago that found people were not excited about going to vote and not enthusiastic about who would take Congress Next and we have this great quote from a voter who says it is just a cornucopia cky out there. George is right, i would be stunned to see significant turnout. The democrats are making a major push, particularly in louisiana, georgia, even alaska to get people to the polls. If they are going to win these races, all of these places need tremendous turnout particularly among enormities and young people. Host some of the headlines from today, here is washington post. Drama in the home stretch, gop closes in but it may not and on election day. In in early voters turn droves to cast their ballots. One story from the miami herald. The final push. Lets go to lena, portland, oregon. Say that would like to first i have already voted and i think as a person of color i would like to say one of the problems that weighs heavy with me i want to make this sound as good as i can, as respectful democrats ie look at how they are running from obama. Grimes she was enough to make you want to cry but all over the country they are doing that and the man has done better than haveabout any president i ever known, i m 65 years old. What do you want from him, he is not god. People are not voting with their pocketbooks, they are voting grace. Voted, ilike me, i have felt hard fallen because it doesnt matter whether i vote, i would never vote for a republican but the democrats are such cowards anything to get elected so they seem to be just as powerhungry as the republicans. Lena rings up at highprofile kentucky race, our house candidates running away from president obama as much as the senators . Good lena had a really point in this is a growing debate, the you go all in with the president , get your base to come out or run from him. What is happening in a lot of these house races is democrats are running in hostile territory. For instance in southern west virginia, nick needs to win by 90 . President obama internally poling when thauf kind of dynamic its really hard for Nick Ray Hall to say i know you dont like obama but still vote for me. Theres a nuance he has to do. I cant think of any specific ads but hes definitely not hugging president obama and inviting him to come into the district. You bring up nick ray hal listed in your recent story out from yesterday one of the most vulnerable house incumbents. Who else makes that list according to the roll call analysis . We have some interesting members. Illinois tops the list. Theres a bad feeling in illinois this year. The gubetorle race is dragging down democrats. He got a late start to his campaign and he as freshman. So he really hasnt established his brand. Most people think nick ray hal is the most vulnerable. Hes got a good local branch they call him nicky joe in the district. Thats why we felt he wasnt number one we moved him down kind of contrary to conventional wisdom. Another closely watched one lee terry. Guest yes. Host the most number two. Guest and he is a republican. He made a comment during the Government Shutdown about how he needed to accept his paycheck when a lot of other members were turning him down to pay for his nice house. That has not sat well. People on the street can repeat the advertisements repeating his quotes verbatim. So he has a very toxic presence right now. So his problem is not necessarily whats going on in the big picture but it reflects the anger voters feel. Host if you want to check out that entire list its roll call. Com. You can see on the screen there. Those are the race ratings for all the different house races around the country. Florence, South Carolina on our line for republicans. Good morning. Caller good morning. Go ahead. Caller good morning. Host youre on the washington journal. Go ahead. Caller i think our government is broken. It needs to be completely overhauled. Therefore, i believe that they all need to be voted out and all new voted in. Think this is the time as i think this is a time that our military active reserve retired and former need to get out and vote. Host wayne with a comment on the getting out the vote. Talk about tossing the bums out. The dissatisfaction that voters have. Have we seen more members than usual this cycle be defeated more incumbents be defeated this cycle than usual . Guest we thought there may be a wave of incumbents being challenged particularly on the republican side with tea party challengers. We didnt actually see a great deal of that. A lot of the incumbents managed to dig in. At the moment one of the most exciting on the republican side remains pat roberts of kansas where you have hes actually running an independent named greg orman theyre neck and neck. Hard to tell whats going to happen. Host are we going to see more independents run in the future . Guest thats an interesting question. You could in theory now have a three or four member independent block in the senate at the end of this election cycle which would be pretty remarkable. You know, independent candidates still have the same problem that its hard to get name recognition its hard to get Party Support and frequently in many states they cant get on the ballot. The Ballot Access issues are extraordinary for third parties and independent. So e it remains ab institutional problem where you cannot get easily on third parties on a ballot and theyre not going to win lots of seethe but theres an enormous dwiss satisfaction with both parties. So its a nice opportunity for rossdz perot or high dollar figure to step up and fund their own campaign in 2016. I wouldnt be surprised if you see somebody trying to make that case. Host but easier than a house or senate level . Sometimes. But its hard tore get traction in those small races if the parties are so even trenched theres no other avenue for you. I think theres a couple in new york in the house seats trying to get on the ballots and again trying to get traction and attention. Its hard to do. Host gerald in highland, california. Good morning. Thanks for getting up with us. Caller thank you for allowing me to get in there. Im a retired naval Commander Special operations i fought in vietnam twice as a sea be. What i want to mention i see both parties doing this same thing. Its the same old sandwich different mayonnaise nothing is going to be done at the ballot. Its going to take something much more severe because these guys are lying lawyers both sides of the parties. They never tell the truth. They dance around the issue. They will not answer you yes or no. And were frustrated. I am so sick of this nonsense. Its like somebody telling me theyre peeing on my leg and its only rain. Were tired of the lies, the all the nonsense going on. Also like wall street during the bubble no one went to jail. I told my students im a retired college professor, too. Go to wall street change your last name youll never go to prison and you can steal all you want. Host youve been out on the campaign trail a bit. Are you seeing that same sentiment that gerald expresses with the frustration of congress . Guest absolutely. And gerald had an interesting point and reflects the unique thing about this cycle, which is in past cycles theres been anger at one party or the other. President obama, president bush, congress. But whats going on here is voters are angry at both obama and both the republicans. And its really what were trying to do is figure out where the anger is concentrated more and how it plays out. So this is just a very interesting dynamic. And they want to throw the bums out but then they hate the other side, too. So its just its a very, very strange cycle. Ost a question for you. I havent heard too much about them at this point. I think that theyre going to fall in line. I dont know that but it seems like the fact that kay hagan is still in a tight race that the republicans are coming out. If they were going to sit that one out she wouldnt she would be walking away with this. So i dont know too much about that but it seems like the fact that these races are still competitive means that theyre saying theyre going to come out. Host your thoughts on the future of Tea Party VersusEstablishment Republicans after the 2014 cycle . Guest well you still see some appearance of tea party candidates. Like in louisiana rob main nuss is probably going to be a critical factor. He doesnt look likely to win. Hes taking maybe 10, 12 of the vote but he may very well deny a flat out victory to the republicans. So and sara palin is still up with advertisements this weekend for man ust. So there still is an element of voters who are really disappointed with the Republican Party are not ready to embrace the Democratic Party and the Tea Party Still expresses i think the tea party to the degree there is such a party it still represents where they are on the spectrum. Where the question is when they walk into a voting booth and see a tea party or third party an outside candidate will they cast that vote or will they cast a vote for the bill cassidy or the other republican who seems to be more likely to win and a better choice than a democrat. Host talking with paul singer and Abby Livingston with roll call one of their Campaign Staff writers. Here to answer your questions, take your comments for the next half hour as were in our last political roundtable before the 2014 election. Chicago, on our line for democrats. Caller good morning. When i see people like these two people come on the program and i applaud them because this is what theyre getting paid to do but i hear them say they are and if. How can you say they are going to win and then you turn around and say if . If they were so good in their predictions why didnt somebody tell romney in 2012 that he was going to take a whooping . I hear karl rove talking about the president is going to be beat. And until the last vote is counted on november 3 how can you come on tv and just unless you know something that the public doesnt know . These republicans are going to take over . And this is my last thing. I asked a couple of months ago from George Washington to george bush as far as Foreign Policy goes, how many men did they get . This president from bin laden to ben gaza who we spent millions of dollars tracking down. The president has gotten his men. Host i want to stick on projections and how you come up with these tossup categories leaning one way or the other. How does u. S. A. Today do it . Guest well, its a great point. I want to underscore this exactly. None of us know anything. This is all based on prediction, on polling, on our understanding of the