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Marine le pen of the national front. At 2 55 p. M. Eastern. This afternoon, the House Rules Committee met to set the parameters for debate for the fivemonth spending measure to fund the government for the remainder of the fiscal year. Current funding expires friday. We will hear from the chair and Ranking Member of the House Appropriations committee, to discuss the budgetary process, and some of the provisions in the legislation, and other house members who offered amendments. This is about 90 minutes. Come to order and good afternoon, and thank you for joining us this afternoon. Today, the committee will consider hr244 fiscal year 2017 appropriations bill. And i want to welcome both of our very special guests from the Appropriations Committee, the Committee Chairman and the Ranking Member. We met last week and asked that you please do your very best. And it looks like both of you have completed your work, and were delighted that you are here. Rep. Sessions this bill includes well, i think before that, i didnt know whether that was a yes or no over there, we didnt ask for a vote yet, judge. This bill includes full appropriations legislation funding for the remaining 11 annual appropriations bill through the end of the fiscal year which ends september 30th, 2017. This bill includes full appropriations legislation from funding for the remaining 11 annual appropriation bill through the end of fiscal year which ends september 30th, 2017. The funding level contained in the bill meets the base to script Discretionary Spending provided by the bipartisan budget act of 15 and provides additional funding for National Defense Border Security and other emergency needs. Specifically, this legislation represents a 25 billiondollar increase in National Defense funding over current levels, which i believe is a first major step to restoring our military strength not only to our Homeland Security, not only to our men and women around the globe, but perhaps most importantly the individuals the sons and daughters, aunts, uncles, mothers, fathers represent the United States of america. They represent them in their uniforms and represent the heroes of this great nation and comes with our things. This legislation also includes additional 1. 5 billion to bolster Border Security. I think this is increasingly important event as we focus on the new administration and the attorney general who is addressing this issue along with Homeland Security. Id like to welcome the gentleman from new jersey, my very dear friend, the young chairman. Thank you for taking time for coming in your great work in providing not only for the nation but in particular the committee that has worked so hard at this. Also, the young lady my dear friend from new york, gentlewoman, mrs. Lowy. Before i turn to you both id like to defer to the Ranking Member, the young gentleman from massachusetts for the opening comments and remarks. I like to welcome our two witnesses. Thank you for coming to the rules committee. Mr. Chairman, this is probably a whole lot i can say about how i feel about this deeply long process. While it might be good therapy, i think i will refrain from any comments other than the urge the committee to move forward. Let us do our work and let us keep the government running. I yelled back thank you. I do think the gentleman in the key here is that one week ago we heard both of you not only respectfully approach the committee on the converse but you said would come back bearing gifts of a longer tail to be told and were delighted. I recognize. Thank you, mr. Mcgovern. Thank you for having me before the committee today to present the house and menaced for hr 244 final appropriations package for fiscal year 2017. Its a pleasure to be here. Im here before the committee today to seek an appropriate rule with the prompt duration of this important measure. The bill includes fullyear funding for the remaining 11 annual appropriation bill for the end of fiscal year on september 30th. As well as emergency and supplemental funding it provides a total of 1. 163 trillion in the base and overseas contingency operations, global war on terror funding meeting the basic discretionary cap provided by the bipartisan budget act of 2015. In providing additional funding for critical National Defense, Border Security and emergencies. The bill is product of well over a years worth of careful, committed efforts by every effort on member in this body in the congress as well as members of the appropriation committee. It reflects our common values, to help move our nation forward. First and foremost, the bill makes america safer and stronger the bill makes a down payment on rebuilding our military. By increasing overall defense funding by over 25 million above the fiscal year 2015 levels. This includes funding to feed iso, to counter radical extremism around the world and to support our allies. It also includes 1. 6 billion with an additional 36000 troops above the Previous Administration budget requests. To support our men and women in uniform all volunteers it fully fund the Largest Military pay raise in six years providing for their training and support for their families. Final package also includes 1. 5 billion funding to strengthen our borders the largest increase in Border Security technologies and interceptor in more than ten years. Law enforcement and the health and safety of our American People are top priority. Funding for the fbi, us marshals , customs and border control, are increased and critical dollars are targeted towards vital and effective programs within the National Institute of health and the centers for Disease Control and towards programs that battle the opioid abuse epidemic across the nation. Legislation also includes provisions for other Key National Priorities like Disaster Relief, important transportation interceptor, support for education and local communities like the Dc School Vouchers and fully offset Permanent Health benefits for retired homeowners. Just as important, this bill uses back there dollars wisely and effectively the bill streamlines the government by freezing, cutting or eliminating dozens of programs throughout all of our federal agencies and departments. This includes the Environmental Protection agencys executive overreach and cutting of funding by 81 million, freezing the irs at current levels and prohibiting the funding with a Green Climate fund of the un Climate Change panel. Strong oversight is implemented at every level of government to ensure that no taxpayer dollar is misused or goes to waste. We make every dollar count. In sum, this is a solid builder affects the most important need of the American People. This ensures the future prosperity and security of our nation. As you know, the current continuing resolution expires friday and our time is limited. We must complete our work of the fiscal year 2017 that we can address for 2018 parties. Id like again, to think mrs. Lowy for her hard work beside me and all of our members on the bills in this package. This package reflects shared american values, this bill moves our country in the right school direction and i asked my colleagues in the house and senate to support it, vote on it and send it to the president s desk. Thank you for the time, mr. Chairman. Thank you. Mrs. Lowy, we recognize you. Thank you to my friend chairman sessions, to our Vice President and very able chair of the labor has subcommittee, well leave it at that. To our Ranking Member mr. Mcgovern and all the other members of the committee im very pleased to be here today with chairman to discuss the fiscal year, 2017 omnibus appropriations bill. Bipartisan negotiation resulted in a bill that i would not have written, is a product of compromise makes it an important investment. Such as increased Biomedical Research at nih by civilian, making college more affordable by increasing programs and making them available yearround and investing in transportation, education and providing our military with the tools to deter and defeat threats abroad. I am pleased we have reached agreement, we shouldnt really celebrate coming to a fullyear agreement in may for a fiscal year that began seven months ago last year our committee was negotiating in good faith until the Trump Transition Team interfered, insisting on acr until late april. This unnecessary and costly delay combined with the president s proposed cuts to the fy 17 and 18 spending bills which are in direct prevention to priorities that members on both sides of the aisle did not bode well for our work in the coming months. So, i support this bill, im under no illusion that this president will try again to insist on faculty and cuts that will harm hardworking families and will attempt to interfere in our ability to negotiate. Just today, in fact, the president tweeted quote our country needs a good shutdown in september. Perhaps the president needs a history lesson. The constitution grants congress the power of the purse and i hope the president is watching and he will learn that good things happen when we Work Together as we did when we Work Together for the American People i yield back. Thank you. Thank you very much. Mr. Chairman, the responsibility that both of you have is not so much policy, although you carried the policy before you but its making sure you find that policy and making sure that policy is funded properly and follow through. With that said, as you know, there are lots of controversial issues, so to speak, that are in our domain that we deal with. One of those issues that i would like for you to as best as you would choose to speak about and that is there is at least an amendment that is on this issue but sanctuary cities, defunding century city and the issue that relates across the country on sanctuary cities became an issue as you know several years ago, in particular with the outside of san francisco. I know theres been a lot said about this. What is the bill that is before us today how does it address the funding of things for cities. The bill has no money in their four sanctuary cities, no language that relates to sanctuary cities. Thank you. Another issue that is always difficult and it has been an issue every year ive been on this committee and it has come up before funding is the viewpoint on the funding for womens health, planned parenthood and other issues related to that. As i recall, congress does not specify in its funding mechanisms, people or places or things that would be decisions that reside by the administrator is there anything in this bill that is funding for planned parenthood, money set aside for planned parenthood or can you discuss any of the issues related to womens health. No funding in our bill for planned parenthood. The department of health and Human Services does have Family Planning funds and those determination as to where those funds go lay that responsibility lays with the secretary. There are no funds in our bill for planned parenthood no plan print funds for planned parenthood in the focus. The issues also related to directly related to, issues on the border theres money, additional money, to my understanding but id like you to clarify that this continues the effort that really this administration is after two further not only develop their plan but to make available Many Technology and important updates along the border fixing fencing, fixing things that might be weaknesses in the border right now. Could you please discuss what you believe that money is smack 1. 4. 1. 5 million is included. As i said in my opening remarks, weve had in over a decade this funding is for improvements maintenance of existing infra structure, Technology Investments and increased Border Patrol and agent hiring. It specifically for those purposes. Would it be your idea that you believe in the 2018 budget cycle you would be entertaining not only from Homeland Security but probably an appropriations of request by the administration that would be vetted, understood and agreed to if you so chose on any additional provisions. We would expect the white house and theyve indicated they would request additional money to help bolster the southwest border and enforce immigration laws. Thats a strong likelihood. This is the first step in the fact is one in 3 billion, we scrub those numbers and felt that the investments we make, we put in here in terms of infrastructure, border fence, it would probably be a good First Step Towards fulfilling the president s objectives. Thank you. Last point id make in reference to my statement about the follow within the budget camps, do you have any statement that you would make, traditionally, meaning in the last year, year and a half we could have made the statement that we were not only falling in line with the budget caps but that were equal to about the spending Discretionary Spending levels for the year that we had in 2008 , do you believe that is still the case with mark. In some of those departments we are back at the 2008 spending levels. I think thats pretty positive. We been able to, sat without too much damage and too many repercussions. I think every committee chair, were talking about our committee having responsibility for the discretionary pot, not the entitlement, group of entitlements. I think every member of every chair and every ranking has been working very closely to reduce, certainly keep the Discretionary Spending level and in many cases substantially reduce it. I know energy and water which i chair the committee is down to 2009 levels so its not without a lot of consternation and hard work. I think those spending levels have been reduced substantially in just about all departments. With the exception to veterans and defense. And of course we recognize that was an aggregate total that you gave and yet you whittled that down increasingly. We have. We also know you have a constant demand on mr. Cole to get things done at mih, our dear friends at nih. I believe they are effectively using the wisdom, the dollars that youve given them, these heroes of our country from the medical community and research and development. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. I want to congratulate my chair and Ranking Member on a terrific job. When you were here less than a week ago we asked for your closing to get it done and you said you would and you could and you have. I think you are both to be commended. I know how much work went into this and how much giveandtake you are both involved in. In a goodfaith effort to find common ground. I think this is actually a much more consequential bill in some ways then just quote unquote on running the government. Although thats consequential enough. This is actually the first bipartisan, bicameral compromise working with a new administration. This is actual real legislation across the floor that both parties have participated in and have come to a common agreement on. Its my hope that your good work becomes foundation for other similar efforts and certainly for next year. I dont have any illusions, my good friend and Ranking Member is precisely correct when she tells us that next year will be very difficult. Certainly, looking at the 18 fiscal year budget will have a truncated amount of time as i know the three of us agree, we wish this had been done earlier. I do think a lot of good things came out of it. President youll be very pleased with what he achieved in the areas of defense and i think more poorly, our men in uniform will have certainty of funding there and getting out from acr as the chairman pointed out what was done on the border is the most significant thing weve done in a decade and it was done together, i might add. Both sides consented to and im obviously most familiar with the labor eight portion of the bill and that is very bipartisan, quite frankly. We probably squeezed it a little more than my democratic side would like but its a 2. 8 billion less then president obama requested and this should of been effectively his last set of appropriation bill and its about a billion dollars less that we spent last year. My prioritizing and by focusing on areas that we have in common like the nih, center for Disease Control, like programs like era and all of them impact aid, all those areas got modest or significant increases. To do that we terminated nine programs saving over a billion dollars. Again, that had to be done by parts away or it could have been done at all. It really was, i think, congress is working well. I would hope my colleagues on both sides of the aisle follow the example of chairman and Ranking Member and dont let the [inaudible] date certainly didnt agree on everything in here and each of them had to leave on the cutting floor things they would have preferred to have in the bill. Welcome to legislation. Welcome to actually making a product work. Again, i dont need to ask a lot of questions and i dont need to know the bill as well as the two of you but i know it pretty well by now and i sat through all the hearings and been briefed by the chairman, certainly on our side, he kept us informed as our bills move beyond our level as for your level as chairman and Ranking Member and working with your colleagues in the senate. Much more complex process than most people in america recognize. With many more participants than they believe participate and none of them able to dictate to anybody. Everybody has an up both here in the president has to veto that anybody can derail this if they choose to do it. The fact that nobody did in the fact that people came together and the big debate is one of the most. I like that kind of debate. Thats actually a pretty good way to look at legislation. Clearly each side of felt like their priorities were protected in advance or they want have signed off the bill. I suggest to me thats a good deal making was going on at every level. Certainly, between the two of you, certainly with her counterparts in the United States senate and frankly, with the administration. They had the ability to knock, not accept or not the state and they did. He made concessions in good faith and my friends on the democratic side made concessions in good faith and heaven knows, my chairman made concessions in good faith. I understand, im very proud of the products that youre presenting here and im very proud of the manner in which you operated under enormous difficulty and you pulled off the Great Success of the next four years. We may disagree about a lot of things but the government does have to run and at the end of it both of us have to agree, both parties, frankly, both chambers in the legislative branch and ultimately, up obviously, both branches. The fact that you were able to do this and do it professionally and in a way that makes the rest of us proud is a good example of the type of legislators and people you are. Thank you very much i look forward to you debating this on the floor i look forward to voting for its passage and i look forward to your good word giving the American People a little breathing room between now and september 30th. Frankly, and a list of accomplishments and prioritization of their money that i think on election will be pleased with and proud of. I yield back to back thank you very much. Mr. Mcgovern. I agree with my colleague from oklahoma. This is a compromise. Its not perfect. Whether your democrat or republican, youre not totally happy with everything in the bill but i think its our job to keep the government running. I think, i hope that we get a strong bipartisan vote in favor of this and we can avert a catastrophe which would be a government shutdown. There are things in this bill that i dont particularly care for and there are things im grateful for, im glad were not funding this wall. I think its a stupid idea. By the way, if i remember the campaign correctly donald trump said he would build this wall and mexico would pay for it. Thank you for not battling this bill on the backs of the American People. Theyd rather spend that money on medical research or improving their roads and bridges and structure. Ms. Lowy, you pointed out that President Trump tweeted that our country needs a good shutdown. I think what our kitchen needs is our president to shut his mouth. Every time he opens it or treats things become difficult around here. This should of been easier than it was and i argue that the white house made it much more difficult. I think you both for our work and i hope we continue the spirit of the bipartisanship and focus on doing the peoples business as we approach september and that we can avert yet another manufactured an unnecessary crisis. Thank you very much. I yield back. Thank you very much. The gentleman from georgia to back thank you, mr. Chairman. I think back to some of the resolutions that we pass and they were shorter, easier to read, striking a date and adding another date in. We have all this conversation about everything thats in here and what looked like and what they dont like. Would have been easier to do one of those resolutions, working to change the date from april to september and keep everything going the same way. Mr. Chairman. We wanted to get out from under the cr, where an equal branch of government and we been running under autopilot with all due respect, looking after the previous president priorities. I view this congress exerting its authority in determining a very Bipartisan Committee the road forward the next five months. I like that notion. And others involved with the decision that i thought made a very persuasive case. So the continuing resolution in my judgment of we have irresponsibility as democrats and republicans to face the challenges and not just a continuing resolution. Republicans and democrats right down the line m what you hear in a bipartisan way we didnt do the easy work we do the serious work and so grateful to you. Is easier to let this demob then to dump the pot out and start over from scratch. I was thrilled by to support my first conference appropriations bill last fall and that gives me great hope one point that we could possibly even get to even more. And bin i have watched you be successful with my eight expectations do you think we met the september 30th clock for the first time or are we too far into 2017 . We have our work cut out for us but we can move smart and . And expeditiously and if they want to have cabinet secretaries, up we want to get those details as opposed to us skinny budget we need to get the work done as quickly as possible and. Dave mccurdy gyre partnership i wish the nightly news would carry your bipartisan success. I yield back. With your comments specifically about the continuing resolution. I have a lot to say i would be remiss if i cannot think the chairman and Ranking Member for the extraordinary work in them might add the staff from bullseye its republican and democratic side lot to be complemented been tirelessly especially during the last weekend wannabe period occasionally we have built in turns they know c. S. Enough on Television One of the fellows and i am proud of is a young man that has been with me for a considerable amount of time no entering the Foreign Service of the nation. And has written many of the words of the young intern major or hand. I dont want to take credit for somebody elses words but to live from the article that appears in the Congressional Quarterly to express a moment of dismay. Soleil finish required long area of hours with the staff and leadership team. So before fiscal 2018 it is unlikely the Spending Committee will have enough time to have time to marco up and report all 12 spending bills before october 1st. Or that they will move across the aisle and the senate floor to make it out of the conference or committee. This virtually guarantees fiscal 2018 will start with a stopgap bill somewhere along the lines i believe i can say i told you so they had indicated the delay will cause them to get a slower start than we will be right back here next year with the same old same old and that is regrettable because we can if we take the time to allow the appropriators to do the work that i know that they are capable of doing. And those that has seen them do it open rules on all of those appropriations with every opportunity to make that argument. And a couple of our colleagues on either side of the aisle with the amendment that i share with them coming from the coast the concerns that all of us have for flooding so they could be pleased with some of those measures but i am sure that a lot of people are in those disaster areas have felt that there could be more aisles of a do not think bat the measure from the District Of Columbia should be but i do think issued ba standalone measure. Working through getting rid of 160 into say there is some port can hear that we dont know about. Or to have a sufficient antidote also from the Washington Post one of the byline said in a fight from capitol hill often twitter. Linda first budget negotiation. Here and is what i think everything that will go one here and on the floor with my colleague and everywhere else to say the big idea is the biggest negotiator said tell anybody they are the best negotiator. So that donald trump has learned some lessons and another that i thought for the colleagues with the notion is bipartisan the did is some disgruntled members so when the Freedom Caucus has its next meeting but they have learned a little bit what it is like to be in the minority. Hopefully become to our senses in begin regular order in this body and make for good policy. I was just handed the fact sheet on the intelligence authorization and told the wouldbe inserted into the of rule. Sanders stand some of the dynamics and not just passing in the middle of the night but the debate that needs to be had on the Defense Authorization i think he for the time and i yield back. You are correct. I thank you not only through observations but i want to thank the gentleman. Is there another that would seek time . If you assist mr. Chairman. A pure question. Your recognized. Did you see the president s tweet today the company the country needs a good shot down to fix this mess . Deal agreed the bill is a mess . Dont because we have worked on it. This is bin a product over 14 months with contributions from both republicans and democrats. Of very High Percentage a think we are proud of our work newproduct. I am not sure in which context he put the notion for word but having seen the result of previous shutdowns it think it would be regrettable the way it does damage to the nation in many ways of what we tried to do with this bill is pride stability and predictability for those who serve in the military around the world. It is difficult to fight against isis to have a Strong Defense posture unless you have regular order where members can contribute and we can hear from the military leaders and to meet their needs. And asking for additional defense dollars. I hate to see as a nation download. Yes this is regular order one in zero or two support the bill with these statements supporting the bill may have been referring to another situation yet to be identified but in terms of shutdown never once to see that. Did estates government accumulated approximately 600 billion in debts and minder standing is a store called interestrate would take 2 trillion to service the debt per could you have an estimate promised that this will create . I dont. But the chairman of the Budget Committee could give you a pretty solid figure. Most of what we do is Discretionary Spending. There are some real cost drivers with all due respect to medicaid and medicare so our contributions to cut spending to make sure every dollar counts with greater investments with Border Security and National Defense congress to action the last couple years with support for the men and women but i could not come up with a figure with a budget analyst may add to the debt but it is in Discretionary Spending behalf than very careful to make sure every dollar is the major reduction that we referred to the we are still under the budget cap spending has been forced down by cannot give you did that picture. Via not sure this is the product of regular order . Isnt regular order in the historic matter but we started the process february february 2016 bin there was the decision for the end of the year to recognize the oakum of the election to move with the final decisions through 2017 that began october 1st into this year our committee did regular order i can assure you. So regular order would be each appropriations bill clears the subcommittee and is considered by the house and passed it is my and standing most of these appropriations titles did not clear your committee in its present form . Yes. Giving credit to chairman rogers all 12 bills cleared the committee the question is when we have the time to do those bills spinet but to be clear those are different no. Actually they are quite similar or very identical in some cases 99 of what we did when they cleared the passage through the full committee we had a conference with the senate is virtually the same bill when we pass them out of the full committee june or july of last year. Final question on the military spending. Is that extra spending word deficit spending . It goes into the overseas contingency account. It is emergency designation. So where it would come from there is not additional receipts fell increase the size of the deficit . Correct . I cannot substantiate that this certainly it has to be reckoning in some point. I yield back. It does not seem like we have additional questions. Excuse me doctor did not see you. I apologize i was out of the room. Just a couple of questions we heard doing those user fees agreements and there was some discussion in the text of the bill of one the president s budget came out more of the funding for the fda book to user fees to do more of that but yet the original legislation years ago said there should be the appropriation level to those agreements. Do i understand that correctly that is still the way things are designed to work . I will have to get back to i do not have the total facts. The pharmaceutical companys the medical Device Companies there is a whole variety which you probably know better than i do sinh were familiar with the existing laws. I am not sure if there is an equal contribution but generally speaking the companys have been paying the bill in large part from the fda the federal portion igo no i am not sure what existed in the past but the Previous Congress felt that was another way to pay for the work of the fda with greater user fees for students there is another branch called the office of refugee resettlement. Are you familiar with that . Not intimately familiar, but yes. We were asked to increase appropriations for that division of the agency because of the unaccompanied minors coming across the Rio Grande Valley border. Will those numbers stayed the same or be increased . I tended a briefing somewhere and i think the numbers of people seeking refuge along arizona and texas and Southern California has diminished substantially i dont know the age but we do have an obligation to look after their welfare but i think the numbers seven reduced substantially a distant know what those numbers are. That is my and standing as well that these Appropriations Bills that we have today are ones we have been working on for some time. I think there is enough flexibility to meet future needs but adducing than numbers are lower than anticipated for those that refugees status. I think it is 60 years 75 of even just one year ago. And clearly that was not a crisis situation then. Thank you for your work and i yield back. I just had a couple of comments i wanted to make from other members of the committee. Ended bears repeating that both talk about the regular order aspect moving forward with the Appropriations Bills under chairman rogers to be passed out of committee in regular order and judge hastings product the interest in high brought my at my interest as well of regular order in this process to do the same thing under your chairmanship. To be a new member of the Appropriations Committee of one to say there is commitment and i know under your leadership if youd like to comment on your plans that when all sides are claiming victory there must be something positive done i think it is a good one of the first major pieces of legislation is brought forward in a manner that will sides have had input with giveandtake that i think is a reflection guest to get the passage past tomorrow. But with encouragement to the ranking to expedite the process we went to continue to kickstart the members could talk about with the overall budget priorities. Time is valuable there is only the possibility of other issues to be bound and determined to work with a committee and onto the floor as soon as possible. I appreciate that to recognize time is short but the need to get it done and get it done right. Think he for being here. And hispanic is there any other member . We respect the hard work that you have done to represent not only the American People but work well with the new whitman the station to go forward on a plan such rethink or anything else that was discussed. We will now call the second panel that has made themselves available under this bill. The other former member of the rules committee from the Natural Resources Committee Review id like to come forward mr. Graves . They are here to appear together in the other gentleman was here thats okay we can give him on the next panel whenever suits his desires. Gentleman will come again to the rules committee with your distinguished service to us is really appreciated. And will state a frustration with the process with you have found within the bells of this bill in new program established through this legislation for a deal of foundation the reason im upset is there is a bipartisan piece of legislation to establish this going through my committee in fact, it is very similar to this past last session. What this would do is allow the creation of blm to get donations to solve backlog issues in the problems to administer their responsibility but there is a sidebar so the money go specifically for the backlog problem and not used for land acquisition. We already have too much land with backlogs of park service and blm in for service why exacerbate the program to bring more . The ada to have a foundation to help the problem is great but that is not this particular bill. This now authorizes on the appropriation bill in my area of jurisdiction and i and upset with that that the authorizations and wanted or not it bin i dont want it has been added against the wishes of my committee with the objections of my committee in my committees objections were ignored by the staff of the Appropriations Committee i find this specifically a very bad policy bill worse the procedure that i find offensive it should never have gone forward so whether the brainchild bin came from one side or the other it is a material but it should be done by the authorizing committees not being added to the appropriation bill. For having said that a dont expect you to make it in order to ignore what i if i were with you. I am done for coastal had. But i am done. I have a very important with a colleague from california to prohibit use of funds to prevent any of the various states from implementing their own lives with the distribution or cultivation of marijuana in their jurisdiction. With each new state initiative is the same gloom and doom predictions but this is not come to pass in colorado the first the chosen to regulate medicinal and Recreational Marijuana since then filing primus down, and now colorado is using tightly regulated dispensaries to generate over 200 million of tax revenue last year driving the cartel and out of business that prey on children. This is not legalized marijuana issue so that it doesnt raise its resources for those that acting in accordance with the state law there is more pressing concerns under state law and i would add over 60 percent of americans now owe whitman head jurisdiction british legal medicinal recreational by ironclad the text includes a language that is the federal funds with regard to states that allow for medicinal uses but this language assembly extent that to insurer does limited federal resources are not used to prosecute under federal law under the regulated use of marijuana i include the inclusion of this in the omnibus and im happy to yield for any questions. Delaware appreciate the opportunity to be here february of last year to experience the 580 year flood even from south louisiana received the 1,000 year storm event to put into perspective one town experienced 32 inches and about 36 hours the average american receives between 20 inches in one year and we received 32 inches in 36 hours it was an extraordinary event whether the joplin tornadoes Hurricane Sandy or Hurricane Katrina we have had some extraordinary events. Congress has stepped up to realize that primary act is insufficient than Congress Steps up to let people know we have their back and we will be there but with this 1,000 years even to flood so do the math with the families but to date thanks to the Appropriations Committee 1. 6 billion has been provided to help recover our communities in august with those of not been distributed to the bureaucracy of the federal government but just this weekend we had a 70 yearold woman alone pretend to understand the details living in a herd headed home waiting for recovery dollars died there trying to nchs per home to make it livable b. S. Seen reinvent foreclosures selling their homes for pennies on the dollars not opening businesses as an extraordinary event. But there will be an earthquake and a tornado somebody will be hit by hurricane. Doing at the percapita analysis 20 unjust talking Community Development block grant funds for Disaster Recovery for the only dollars received in the flood disaster. Represent south louisiana we wanted more money which is far short of the assessment of what the assessment said it was needed bieber asking for anything near 100 percent of what was recommended maybe 45 percent. With a bipartisan amendment to eliminate a 500,000 per structured but it simply cannot afford to reopen so we have states in limbo right now. With that disaster account the 350 million and that final amendment to take what was done in the Water Infrastructure improvement act of 2016 that any project that prides flood protection in the declared disaster area to be appropriated in the bill to put them in the account for any project federal declared disaster area. To be authorized by Congress Virtually made no progress with one small structure for this is the area that was flooded to give them security. So with that i yield to my friend mr. Richmond. Underfunding this does not save money but in even a potential loss of life bin ich think he did to the members of the committee into my colleague from louisiana thank you. That representative grave covered with those School Campuses and to get those schools rebuilt with the normal part of their life. With those South Carolina and North Carolina in georgia, West Virginia that was not included those who were on the coast to take a risk. Been those with 22 feet across sea level. And the best reversed and one thing that makes america great. With a place of despair with circumstances not to have the capacity to help themselves to demonstrate over andover again. Will hold country locked arms and those that have the and men need without addressing that to give the body a chance to vote on it. It means your home is still gutted. Maybe youre in the state . That means youre not going to the church usually go to. And then to be approved by hud and then devoted the verification process. So the sense to be overwhelmed with it is hard to focus. Pdf so after a weaker two weeks he wished they were going . So all im asking the committee to do to make the case the reason why we dont offset the disaster funding is the understand the role of government. That we just need some assistance that when sandy at i went to the for to thank the body with a did for me after the katrina after the president s of georgia texas and alabama liberals and to advocate and it was the right thing to do. To give them the ability to get the citizens lives back in order and with that thanks for giving me the time to make the case. Can you remind me . It was not just a louisiana. And don south louisiana. Think he and mr. Chairman. We will have to take questions from the committee thank you for making your amendments in order. Seven with that process that is deeply flawed. Thank you very much. And i would add that they might very well create a Disaster Relief committee with even the partial ways to fund it with the incometax checkoff for those to volunteer. On such a committee. So the idea that each share of each committee and with the Ranking Member and then the reason i feel that way. But in the time that i am here. There libyan another disaster but fema can only address the have news if you lose your house with the Disaster Relief and when the houses were damaged with the individual and i say to you chairman i hear you loud and clear the worcester believe from hurricanes in florida from houses toward drugs or from floods from one decade ago have not been addressed . And then the emergency way that is necessary. And that there will be more than that we could address that in a meaningful way. I will thank all four of you. March 8, 2016, i appreciate that. Water to other members to seek time with us is there any of their member the misstate amendment of the rules Committee Presentation now from the gentleman from oklahoma. So to send amendments a single motion offered by the chair of appropriations with the Senate Amendment numbered two and three and number one with the amendment with the rules committee 115 modified by the amendment will play it points of order is not subject to those in question will provide the Senate Amendments with one hour of debate and section two and to be certain of the congressional record and those that you may deem explanatory. Finally the select committee on intelligence the first materials you may deem explanatory for the fiscal year 2007. There is no discussion from of a gentleman. If we would entertain any questions the Republican Leadership could make some changes when will have the members have time to give consideration before being asked to vote in those other word about not being protected i appreciate any advice. And those who could be asking the motion to be agreed to. The decision on the Health Care Bill it is pending before the speaker of the house. They will make a determination i am in regular consultation with the speaker whenever voss of reports and to understand that with that consultation to with that process with Bad Information and to have no update at this time. To be where the continuous dialogue. In a when the speaker notifies with the legislation to make them available to please recommend recognize we appreciate your answer betted is tuesday and we do not have the text. And then we recess on thursday for under the best Case Scenario that would be thursday and we dont even know what we are voting on. And we had to protest the of process so to do Major Health Care reform. So with that article with the gops new Health Care Bill idol think anybody would be surprised to know spinnaker that objection not only the critique of the circumstances with that availability back to the rules committee and i have not heard anything and this is a do. Thank you very much i appreciate the hard work and to a knowledge of the amount to a clock in the morning to be accomplished by the staff of this committee i appreciate their hard work in the late hours. [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] the house is scheduled to take up the 1. 1 trillion spending bill tomorrow this afternoon. We will have live coverage of that debate when they return for legislative business at noon eastern on cspan. While the spending bill is expected to pass before the friday deadline, the fate of the republican Health Care Bill is uncertain. We got an update from a reporter on capitol hill. Scott wong is senior staff writer with the hill. What is the status of a possible vote in the house on the republicans Health Care Bill

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