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Remarks earlier from senator cotton and european strategy. Take you live to the floor of the house gaveling in for speeches and taking up house atve work in the 2 00 eastern time today. The speaker pro tempore the house will be in order. The chair lays before the house a communication from the speaker. The clerk the speakers rooms, washington, d. C. July 17, 2017, i hereby appoint the honorable scott taylor to act as speaker pro tempore on this day. Signed, paul d. Ryan, speaker of the house of representatives. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to the order of the house of january 3, 2017, the chair will now recognize members from lists submitted by the majority and minority leaders for morning hour debate. The chair will alternate recognition between the parties. All time shall be equally parties between the debate event shall continue beyond 1 50 p. M. Each member other than the majority and minority leaders and minority whip shall be limited to five minutes. The chair recognizes the gentleman from michigan, mr. Lavine, for five minutes. Debat continue beyond 1 50 p. M. Each member other than the majority and mr. Levin. For five minutes. Without objection. Mr. Levin i rise today to mourn the passing of the chinese human rights advocate xaoibo l prize laureate who died last thursday in china under guard. The world has lost an incomparably courageous activist who was dedicated to human rights and the rule of law and paid for them with his own freedom and life. His passing last week in chinese custody marked a tragic end to over a decade of persecution by the chinese authorities. Who relentlessly mistreated him as he gradually became a symbol f the prodemocracy movement globe. He in 2010 the Nobel Peace Committee awarded him the peace prize for his thoughtful advocacy for reform and for his courageous support of the prodemocracy document charter 08. A year prior to the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to him, in 2009 chinese authorities tried him for subversion of state power for which he received an 11year sentence. Given his rising stature in the international community, they imprisoned him in secret locations away from families, supporters, or international media. They kept him from receiving the peace prize and put pressure on the committee to rescind the award in addition to doing everything they could to prevent his supporters from attending the ceremony in norway. They routinely censored and continued to censor the internet for preferences to him and other prodemocracy advocates and ideas. China was so afraid of the power of his words and the bravery of his action that while he was suffering from severe illness, Chinese Authority adopted the ultimate cruelty of not letting him leave china for medical help that experts said might save his life. For china, the supreme goal was his silence. Human e recare about rights and freedom, the more rewee must now march mark his death and remember him not by being silent ourselves. I first came to know about his work a few years after the Congressional Executive Commission on china was created. As part of the debate over chinas extension to the w. T. O. And concerns from members of congress over chinas human rights record. In 2000, i coauthored the legislation that created the China Commission to help advance and monitor human rights abuses in china. The commission continued to do important work and continues today by shining a spotlight on many issues such as abuses in labor, environment, and freedom of speech and association. He was the most prominent voice in china against his repression and democratic values. As wellknown in his life as another brave voice, andre, that voice and action occurred during the cold war where there is a full press against the soviet union, including the suppression of freedom. He supported numerous efforts for freedom. Including those of another. Oble warrior for freedom lou was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. They were kept in virtual imprisonment and not allowed to go to stockholm. Lous battles for freedom occurred in chinas economic and political power were rising. The United States and other nations were wrestling with him to adopt adont relations with china and they had been increasingly infused with concerns about security including the nuclearization of north korea. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. Mr. Levin i would like to insert the balance in the record. The speaker pro tempore without objection. The chair recognizes the gentleman from kansas, mr. Marshall, for five minutes. Mr. Marshall request unanimous consent to address the house. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Mr. Marshall mr. Speaker, i rise today to wish former kansas senator bob dole a happy 94th birthday which he celebrated this weekend. Born in kansas 94 years ago, senator dole has dedicated his life to being a public servant. In 1945, after nearly giving his life in world war ii, then Second Lieutenant bob dole earned two purple hearts and the bronze star for his combat valor in italy. He would later win the president ial medal of freedom. After serving as the representative for district 1, the district i represent, he became senator bob dole in 1968. I well remember sitting in my own classroom of third grade at Jefferson Grade School and reading our weekly reader, reading about a very contentious race between a young senator named bob dole and senator dole went on to win that race and serve kansas there until his 1996 president ial run. To date senator dole has the record for the longest serving republican leader in the senate. Currently, senator dole keeps a very busy schedule, working here in washington, d. C. , and continues Public Service in a variety of ways. On the many saturdays, he can be seen greeting veterans at the world war ii memorial, something i have had the pleasure of doing with him. His International Impact is still felt in programs like the mcgoverndole food for Education Program which helps fight childhood hung earn poverty by providing nutrition to more than 22 Million School children in 41 developing countries. Mr. Speaker, as this body debates legislation andists impacts, we would do well to keep in mind leaders like senator dole who never forgot about the human impact of each bill, who has embodied Public Service his entire life, and never forgot where he was from, russell, can safments happy 4th birthday to my friend, mentor, fellow kansan, senator bob dole. Mr. Speaker, i rise today to welcome home our First Infantry Division mentor, fellow headquarters who been stationed in iraq for the last nine months advising and assist assisting Iraqi Security forces. Approximately 1250 soldiers returned home this week 150 soldiers returned home this weekend. Major general martin, the commanding general of the First Infantry Division at fort riley was among the soldiers who returned home. We thank him for his Service Abroad and looking forward to working with him at fort riley. This marks the first time that almost our entire division is back home together on one post. However, one aviation battalion is still currently deployed in the republic of korea. These soldiers and their families, especially their 235e78s, families, sacrificed greatly and it certainly does not go unnoticed. They are part of a distinguished division, the big red one, and return home just in time for celebration of the nations 100th anniversary. Welcome home to general martin and the rest of his troops. Mr. Speaker, i rise today to acknowledge one of kansas most wellknown nay tivings amelia erhardt. She was raised in acheson, kansas, and would be 120 years old this month. This month also is the 80th anniversary of her disappearance. After taking her first plane ride in 1920, she soared to the top of the aviation world attempting to accomplish the awe dishes Florida State around the worrell. Her history helped shape the future kansas would have the Aerospace Industry today. Her numerous accomplishments such as being the first woman to fly solo across the atlantaic and president of the 99s, a womans aviation club, paved the way for kansas today. Thanks in part to her, and thanks to amelia, 67 , 67 of the general aviation fleet has been manufactured in kansas since 1919. Its an honor to have her from kansas and on her birthday to recognize all shes done for kansas, aviation, women, and our national pride. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the chair recognizes the gentleman from louisiana, mr. Abraham, for five minutes. Mr. Abraham thank you, mr. Speaker. I rise today to bring attention to a very critical issue that has occurred concerning our skies and the control thereof. Our u. S. Airspace is the busiest airspace in the world and alone is the savest and most successful. We have over 87,000 flights per day in the United States airspace. Our wonderful friends from canada just to the north have only a mere fraction of that. For decades our air Traffic Control has been successfully managed under the f. A. A. With the oversight of congress and the american taxpayer. Like any system, there is lways room for improvement and modernization. However there are some who think the only way to get to modernization is through privatization. This could be this could not be further from the truth. Congress will soon begin debating an f. A. A. Reauthorization bill. Chairman shuster and the committee on transportation and infrastructure have done a commendable job and worked tirelessly to craft a bill that brings much needed reforms to the f. A. A. However, i strongly disagree with the idea to give control of air Traffic Services to a private corporation governed by a board made up of special interests. There are just too many reasons bad idea. A under the plan the corporation would operate air Traffic Control by charging flyer user fees. A private corporation concerned with raising money from the user fees will be heavily incentivized to prioritize air Traffic Services where it can raise the most money. This incentive would be very harmful to constituents like mine in rural areas who can very well see a reduction in air Traffic Services. Further, a private user fee model would undoubtedly lee dues reduce revenues to the airport and Airway Trust Fund as is the administrations only budget predicts. This fund is critical for upgrades and maintenance at small and mediumsized airports cross the country. Reliable air Traffic Services and airport infrastructures are essential for rural areas to attract business, for economic growth, and for americans to have access to safe and efficient travel. This plan is bad for rural america. Spinning off air Traffic Control to a private corporation is also a major liability for the american taxpayer. The administrations budget predicts that privatization of air Traffic Control would cost almost 46 billion, thats with a b, over 10 years. These costs would be compounded by the fact that the private corporation would be required to hire all current federal air traffic employees, continue to contribute to their federal benefits in health care, and continue to collectively bargain with their union representatives. This is hardly privatization and hardly modernization. Even more concerning the taxpayers would likely be on the hook if the corporation took on more debt than it can pay for. And is abled to safely operate our skies. Yes, the bill says there is no federal guarantee for the corporation, but this hasnt stopped the federal government from being forced to bail out other socalled private corporations through the to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars, such as fannie mae and freddie mac. Our airspace is a public resource and Great National treasure. Control over it should not be handed over to a private board with no oversight from congress and therefore no obligation to represent the best interests of the citizens of the United States. Modernization should continue to be our goal, and congress can get there without jeopardizing control and safety of our national airspace. I look forward to working with my colleagues and the president to modernize our airspace while making sure that it remains the safest and most successful in the world. With that i yield back the balance of my time, mr. Speaker. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. The chair recognizes the gentleman from texas, mr. Farenthold, for five minutes. Mr. Farenthold mr. Speaker, every year i have the pleasure of nominating Outstanding Young men and women from the 27th Congressional District of texas to the United States military service academies. Recently, i held a lunch for this years 10 appointees their family who received an appointment to one of the five service academies. I enjoyed visiting with these young folks and their families and would like to recognize each of them for their commitment to protect our great nation. Of corpus se aguirre christi from Moody High School who would attend the naval academy. Avery, a 2017 graduate from the Marine Military academy who will attend the United States merchant marine academy. Specialist david zane ledbetter, a United States army from victoria, texas, who graduated from Victoria West high school and will attend the u. S. Military academy at west point. Kayla also from Corpus Christi no a 2017 graduate of avia high school and will be attending the air force academy. Caleb of sinton, texas, is a 2016 graduate of Flower Bluff High School who will be attending the air force academy. John mcniff, a 2017 graduate, will attend the United States coast guard academy. Calista from Corpus Christi, a 2017 graduate of richard king high school, will attend the u. S. Military academy at west point. Clayton Daley Thompson from Corpus Christi, texas, was a graduate of Flower Bluff High School and will attend the u. S. Naval academy. Christina hammer from Corpus Christi, a graduate of king high school, will attend the u. S. Coast guard academy. And josh smith from victoria, another graduate of Victoria West high school, will be attending the air force academy. Each of them brings great pride to all of us in the 27th district of texas and i wish them the best of luck in their academies and look forward to hearing great things about their service to our nation. Mr. Speaker, i was walking along the cannon tunnel and was looking at all the art from the congressional art competition. As you know each year thousands of High School Students from every Congressional District submit their artwork to their member of congress for the annual congressional art competition. Helping expire these young people to aspire these young people to become passionate about art is one of my favorite parts of this job. Today id like to congratulate drew scott, the winner of this contest. She won it with an original colored pencil drawing, complementary calico, a drawing of her friends cat. I announced drew the winner and had the pleasure of hosting drew and her family when they traveled to washington for the unveiling of her artwork in the conon tunnel. Thanks to everyone who cannon tunnel. Thanks to everyone who committed their artwork. It was an extremely hard decision for the judges and congratulations to drew. I look forward to seeing next years entrance. If you are a high school student, id like to encourage you to participate in this wonderful opportunity. Thank you, mr. Speaker, and i yield back the remainder of my time. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to clause 12a of rule 1, the chair declares the house in recess until 2 00 p. M. Today. Tonight on the communicators private sector c. E. O. s recognize that your i. T. Group is not just a call center, its an entity that can help drive innovation. Its an innovation that can help combroof your bottom line and we need improve the bottom line and we need the federal government to help thinking that day. The chairman, texas congressman will hurd, talks about his upgrading technology, his proposal for a Cyber National guard. Representative hurd is interviewed by politico cyber reporter. If youre in high school and want to study something around cybersecurity, we are going to find you scholarships to go to college. When you graduate you have to come work in the federal government. Not at n. S. A. Or d. O. D. But at the dep depth of interior or at the Census Bureau or at social security. And you are going to do that for the same amount of time that you got the scholarship for. When you finish that time in federal service and you go work in the private sector, the private sectors going to loan you back to the government for the per verbial one weekend a month or lets say 10 days a quarter where this is going to improve the cross pollinization. Watch the communicators tonight at 8 00 eastern on cspan2. Next we take a look at the week ahead in washington, d. C. , from congress to the white house. This is from todays washington journal. Washingt continues. Int a week ahead washington. Were joined by tara palmeri. She is the white

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