Transcripts For CSPAN Washington Journal 20130310 : vimarsan

CSPAN Washington Journal March 10, 2013

The president will be having four separate meetings on the hill with congressional leaders this week. Dinner and lunches. For democrats, 2025853880. For republicans, 2025853881. For independents, 2025853882. Getting your thoughts and the president planning to make several visits to the hill this week. If you do not weigh in by phone, there are all other options to check in. Twitter is one place for you and post a short message. Tom has this cartoon in this mornings open the Washington Post. It speaks to wallace, a coming together of sorts. You concede the president building a train track towards the republicans, currently trying to finish the track. In the other direction, the republicans paving their own road represented by an elephant. The grand bargain is on the menu, that is the lead headline. Republicans and the president broke bread last week. Now time to negotiate. Skeptics are writing host there is a lot more out there today on the president s visit this week. The president drawing a lot of headlines from his saturday address, where he spoke to and about republicans. [video clip] in the months ahead there will be more contentious debate and honest disagreement between principled people who want the best for this country, but i still believe that compromise is possible and that we can come together to do big things. I know that there are leaders on the other side of the aisle that share that belief. That is what this country needs. That is what you deserve. Host the wall street journal, wrote this week that they are that the president rarely makes the short trip from the hill to the white house but this week his motorcade will be tying up traffic as he tries to convince congress to come to a deficit deal. Meeting with Senate Democrats on tuesday, republicans of the house on wednesday, then thursday making two separate trips to the hill. First to meet with republicans than house democrats. The president is looking for a deal to put an end to two years of fighting over the deficit and has shown a new interest in reaching out to rankandfile lawmakers. John boehner from this week, speaking a little bit about the president and his outreach. Then we will get to your calls and tweets. [video clip] i know. You know, we went through months of Campaign Style events all over the country. I did have a conversation with the president about last friday. It was kind of interesting that this week we have gone 180 degrees. After being in office for four years he is going to sit down and talk to members. I think it is a sign. A political sign. I am hopeful that something will come out of it. But if the president continues to insist on tax hikes, he will let it very far. If the president does not believe we have a spending problem, i do not know that we will get very far, but i am optimistic. Host a couple of facebook postings from joe clark. Tenn. , on the line first. Good morning. Caller i do not know why anyone would meet with president obama, that is a joke. The man never tells the truth. [beep] possible position on budget cuts and tax hikes. He will change in a day or two. He is not trustworthy. He is not anyone you could negotiate with and think that you have something. Host lets hear from fred, an independent caller. He visited the hill several times this week. Never seen three days in a row of the president headed to the hill. What you make of this . Caller good morning, first of all. Host good morning. Caller it is politically necessary, first of all, but politics is so disconnected from the rest of the country, like a black operation where they get together in back rooms and pass legislation where we do not even know what is written in it. It is getting difficult to have any relationship at all with just about any representative anymore. It just dont make any sense. Host if the personal touch and a visit to the hill does not work, what is the answer to the Economic Issues we are facing . Caller one of the at one of the answers is that everyone is going to have to sacrifice. Even those who are on disability. I am on disability, i still have to sacrifice some things myself. Everyone has to cut back and tap into this second economy on wall street. They do not get tax for any of their transactions. The second economy, it is almost like handsoff. Everyone gets to talking about their 1 . If you have 400 people who say do not touch my deal because it is only 100 only 1 of the budget, the math does not add up. They continually fight over what they call this small portion of the budget. We have got to find some revenue. If we cannot do it through other taxation, we need to find another kind of revenue. Everyone with entitlements needs to give up a little something. Host marie, democratic line, good morning. Caller i feel the we are putting too much on the president of the United States. I just listened to john boehner and he just said that there is no way they are going to raise taxes. We have cut two or three times in the last four years. Everything is going on the president. It is not possible. I really wish that they would have some real dialogue between the republicans and democrats and quit putting everything on the president. It is ridiculous. Host code to twitter this morning on all of this. Michael writes that obama host back to facebook. Host senator sessions deliver the republican address this week. Heres a short piece. [video clip] people up people are hurt every day by the washington establishment and democrats are determined to shield them from accountability. Government has never been bigger or more out of control. They say there is no problem with waste, fraud, and abuse. They say that you are not sending them enough money. They say they have proudly spent every penny, so you must send them more. If you do not . They will not stop spending, they will just borrow more. These destructive policies cannot continue. We are at the breaking point. Instead we must act to create more jobs and better pay and we can do it without adding to the debt. Here is how. Make welfare temporary and the Welfare Office and employment job training office. America has Energy Resources to create millions of good paying jobs. Protect American Workers from unfair Foreign Trade practices. A globally competitive tax code to create more jobs here. Make the government last wasteful. Greater results for the money that you learned. And enforce an immigration policy to protect Legal Companies from on lawful competition. Eliminate federal rules and regulations that are not needed and destroy jobs. Finally, we must balance the federal budget. Host that is senator sessions in advance of the president going to the hills several times this week. Lilly, tennessee, republican line. Your thoughts . Caller i am thinking that this is about four years too late. He should have met with them before this. I think that he should have met with both democrats and republicans at least once a month every year. He has not done any of that. The republicans are completely not responsible for some. He is leading the behind again. He told these tales and is now trying to clean it up. So, you know. We are just losing. Host all right, thank you for calling. Here are the numbers again. For republicans, 2025853881. For democrats, 2025853880. For independents, 2025853882. We want your thoughts in advance of several visits by the president to the hill this week to talk economy and budget matters, and other items for sure. From politico, obama heartr congress. Hearts host we have a quote from the white house spokesman host here is isaac from new york city. Good morning. Caller good morning. I wanted to add my input based on a couple of the callers and what they had said. A few people pointed out that offering tax cuts and more leeway for the rich as such a negative thing, but i and my perspective i do not see this as a bad thing at all, you know . At a time when issues are a problem, it is always a great thing to have the u. S. As a safe haven and a comfortable zone for the rich and those who have money to spend, you know . There is nothing wrong with them powering them. There is a trickledown effect wherever they go. I wanted to add that comment. That is all. Have a good day. Host have a good day yourself. Tim, democratic line, good morning. Caller good morning. From where i am sitting, we tried to put forward these tax breaks when bush was in office. It seems like they want more and more and more. I was just thinking what about the money the republicans will be paying back for Social Security . We are still waiting on that to go through. So, i think that they anti american, antiamerican worker. They would rather do things like a third world country to make a bigger bottom line. People just tired of it. Just waiting on them to make a break, you know . They talking about illegal immigration. We still got workers working to save a buck with a bigger bottom line. Host that was tim there. Lets go to ken, cincinnati. A republican. What are you looking forward to this week, if anything, with the president visiting the hill . What would your priorities be . Caller first of all, this is much more than a flood wall. Much more than shenanigans on the part of the president try to make the American People think that he is on their side. With the sequester we were told the world would come to an end. I think that this is more of the same and the republicans need to stand their ground. If we want to raise revenue, we need to fix the tax code more than generate new businesses. Finally, the president needs to meet with harry reid. Host ok. We understand the Senate Budget committee will be working on the budget for the first time in a while this week in open session. Look for coverage as the week goes on. The senate on the floor will take up their continuing resolution for the rest of this year. The house passed a version this past week. A busy week on the hill, including several visits by the president , who will meet with republicans on each side of the hill as well. Edward christian rites b from richard,ear columbia, south carolina. Host lets hear from richard, columbia, south carolina. Caller to a good morning. Everyone talking about being receptive to the democrats or republicans, they complain when they try to do it. They should lay it up and sit down at a roundtable. That is what he made a round table for. Work it out for the people. The rich people are going to be rich. We have got record profits in business. The stock market is getting rich and you all are trying to take money from poor people . It does not make any sense. What kind of incentive is that for the big guy . They are not america. They do not love this country. They are taking and taking and taking for their record profits. That is my comment, thank you. Host that was richard, south carolina. Back to twitter host if you look at the front cover of the weekly standard, this morning, they have the rock and hard place. If you go inside, he writes host you can read more in the weekly standard, this sunday morning. We are going to step back now and take a look at the gridiron dinner. Actually, not a look, there is no camera coverage. A washington correspondent from the Baltimore Sun was allowed in last night. Good morning. Caller good morning. Host remind us of what the gridiron dinner is all about. Caller it is a group of 65 of washingtons i guess youd say their most elite journalists. Historically it is print reporters, mostly bureau chiefs. In recent years it has expanded to television and radio correspondent. They have been doing this annual dinner for 128 years. The president almost always comes to speak at it. Obama is the exception, he did not come for the first two years in office. He was there in 2011 and there again last night. Host the arrivals to the dinner, that was the extent of our coverage. But lets speak about the coverage first. Mark, your journalism, brigitte your journalism correspondent said it was a shame that there was no television coverage, but that the full White House Press pool explain how you were allowed in this time . A first . Caller right. Here is the longstanding issue between the gridiron faithful and the Television Correspondents that would like to go in but have been barred from doing so. As the Pool Reporter there last night, i feel like i was there to represent both sides. It is the first time that a Pool Reporter a pool report has been done of the president s remarks only. So, what happened was i came in. Common for these types of events, the Pool Reporter comes in just as the president is taking the stage. I have maybe 50 minutes or so to try to get a look around as best i can, capture a couple of quotes mostly jokes. I forward it to the rest of the press corps. That is the first time that has happened and i do not know this for sure, but i am i think it is partially in response to these requests for more access. The other thing that the gridiron does is they release the lyrics to the show, which happened before the show began. The speakers, which included bobby jindal and [indiscernible] on the democratic side, they both released texts of their addresses as well, separately. Host we have a little bit of what that had to say. But just a little bit more from inside the dinner, john. Describe the evening, in your words. Caller i was sort of struck by this is not the White House Correspondents Association dinner, which people are more familiar with. In part because it is larger, in part because they allow cameras. It also tends to be a little bit more celebrity focused and a mixture of hollywood and washington, new york and washington t. But this dinner is much more profile by design. Not quite the celebrity clientele there. The one person that i noted, partially because he is close to our leadership is the ravens coach. Leadership is the ravens coach. You do not have the big screen type presentation that you sometimes get at the Correspondence Association dinner. The jokes tend to be a little bit more inside baseball, at least this time. The president s remarks were largely directed toward the press. He also picked on members of both parties, people in his cabinet and so forth. He spent a lot of time, for instance, talking about the bob woodward story, at one point saying something along the lines of name one administration that never walked out after picking on bob woodward . Of what is the worst that could happen. Clearly reference in the nixon the administration. A transcript was put out of the president s remarks. Some of you have noticed that i am dressed differently from the other gentleman. Because of the sequester, they cut my tails. No one will feel any Immediate Impact because of the sequestered . You are about to find out how wrong you are. John, you also send out your own twitter message about marco rubio and the president. What was going on there . Caller one of the more poignant lines of the night came when obama took a long civil water as a parody of the marco rubio response to the state of the Union Earlier this year, ending the show by saying now that is how you take a sip of water. You know, it is a lot of inside jokes. Really geared for the folks in the room. Pretty funny stuff. Host there is also a right up on bobby jindal, who spoke to republicans. He was quoted in one ride up as drawing an implicit comparison between the president and himself, referring to speculation that he might seek the white house. What chance does a skinny guy with a dark complexion and a funny name have to be elected president of the United States . What did that do, if anything, for bobby jindal, who has been talked about for 2016 . Caller look, that stuff was not anything that was in the room for. I was only in the room for a brief few minutes to see the president. One thing that i keep holding back on, i was there to cover the president on the gridiron dinner. There is a fine line. Because of that i did not get to see any of the skits. From what i understand, it sounds like bobby jindal killed it. The president noted at one point in his speech that he thought bobby jindal was very funny. Some of the twitter speculation last night and this morning suggested that he may have loosened up a little bit compared to his own state of the Union Response earlier, which did not get very good reviews. It is tough to say. How people see this, because of the limited size, and what it means for bobby jindal, certainly he got rave reviews from the press corps last night. Host this from the press corps last night, bobby jindal erases memory of his disastrous reply to the obama state of the union years ago. Back your point about many people not being able to see these, how important are these dinners . Especially this gridiron dinner. Caller you know, that is a good question. My sense is that both the gridiron and Correspondents Association dinner appeal to a very limited audience. By suspect that there are not too many voters outside the beltway who are paying very close attention to them. I was surprised by how few tweaks were flying around last night to and among some of the journalists who were not there. Certainly not a wide response from boat not inside the beltway. Virtually none. That is not a scientific analysis, but my sense is that these dinners are very closely watched inside the beltway. Host our washington correspondent, in for part of the dinner host we have about 15 minutes left to take your comments about the president visiting capitol hill several times this coming week. He will have four separate visits with folks on the hill beginning tuesday. He will meet with Senate Democrats. On wednesday, he will meet with House Republicans. Then he will meet with Senate Republicans as well. House and across house democrats, too. Carol has been hanging on from richmond, indiana. Caller he is having a lot of visits because they have an issue on their hands. They lack them put systems in place that have they let them put systems in place that are affecting our technology. And if they are not careful, our government is going to be in ruins. They are trying to get together the best they can. I do not think eric holder did a good represen

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