Republicans can call in at 202 7488001. Emocrats, 202 7488000 independents, 202 7488002. You can also catch up with us on twitter and facebook. Very good Tuesday Morning to you. We begin where the senate left off last night, those for gun measures failing in a series of senate votes. We are getting here thoughts. Here is the headline from the Washington Times this morning efforts to do something about guns devolves into partisanship. The story notes that senators could not find the sweet spot, instead retreating to partisan corners and stale mating on competing plans to try to keep firearms out of the hands of terrorists. Said thekers democratic plan ran roughshod of the Second Amendment. Last night after those votes failed in the senate, senator bill nelson talked about those votes and lamented the senates inability to act on gun control. What am i going to tell 49 grieving families . What am i going to tell the families of those that are still in the hospital fighting for their lives . Tell the going to trauma surgeon whose blood inined shoes have been shown a picture on so many news program . , inwho said he did not know the midst of the screens and the cries, if they were black or white or gay or straight. 40 all brought in over at one time into that trauma operating room. What am i going to tell the community of orlando that is trying to come together in the healing . Sadly, what im going to have to tell them is the nra won again. Host the National Rifle association releasing their own Statement Last night. The display was about politics, plain and simple. Today from chris cox, the American People witnessed an embarrassing display in the United States senate. President obama and his allies proved they are more interested in playing politics than addressing their failure to keep firearms out of the hands of terrorists. We are getting your thoughts this morning after that series of votes in the senate and we will go over what is being called a compromise bill that is set to be released this afternoon. Senator Susan Collins waiting that effort, the republican for me. Surely from new castle, pennsylvania, a republican. Your thoughts. Caller i think going back and forth through this situation, until we first of all stop these people from coming into our country because lets just face it, these people that are coming in, they are not coming in to help us, they are coming in to hurt us. Until we put a stop to this find out exactly what is going on, we are not going to change anything. Host surely, who are these people . Explain what you mean. Caller we all know the borders are open to just about anybody. And i do not want to say all the islamic people because that is not fair. We have a lot of good people here that are american citizens that live by the law, they work, pay taxes, and are good people. But it is the ones coming in, they do not know these people. They are coming here to just cause trou the government needs to get their act together and put a stop to this nonsense or this country is not going to change. It is not about the guns. The guns have nothing to do with it. That is just rhetoric coming out of washington ec washington, d. C. When he to put a stop to who is coming into this country and the people that are here that are listening to all of this isis nonsense, and going out and doing these acts. Host surely in pennsylvania. Jim at lake gaston as a response to bill nelson when he was asking what to tell folks in orlando. You can tell them that background check legislation would not have made a whit of difference. Cj is in minnesota for democrats. Caller thank you for letting me get in on this one. Number one, when we look at the arms, what about the ammunition . If they cannot still stop them from dealing with the arms, what about the ammunition . If they put a freeze on that, are you still listening to me . Host are you talking about the 30 round magazines, restrictions on magazine limits . Caller not only that, but a restriction on the bullet. If you catch that someone who is ordering a whole bunch of ammo you may not be able to stop the arms but you can stop the ammo. Is in kingston, illinois, an independent. Caller i live near chicago and massacres go on every weekend. I think it is kind of phony of the democrats cannot talk about it. It is crazy. There are so many gun laws around the chicago area and Everybody Knows that it would not make any difference to change any law. Anybody can get any weapon they want from any gang member in your town. That is what they do, they sell arms. Until you close the border, which is almost impossible, people will always find a way to come in for mexico. The mexican people are fine. I even know some gang members and they are mostly nice, they just want to make money. But it does not make sense when the gangs go to war in chicago and shoot each other. They do not hurt anybody else, but it is getting so bad where the crossfire is hurting innocent people every day, i do not understand. The democrats cannot say anything to the republicans if they are letting that go on. Host what would make a difference in your area . Caller it is every day. I know a lot of people in chicago is just scared all the time. And justs humongous the crime is unbelievable. I know a few teachers that wanted to leave their jobs. Everybody is fleeing chicago because the gangs are so bad. Mexico is doing better because all the gang members are in chicago. Host sharon in illinois. Four different bills voted on in this and it last night, separate proposals from democratics democrats and republicans on the issue of keeping guns out of the hands of terrorism suspect. Different plans proposed, one authored by senator Dianne Feinstein that would empower the Justice Department to block the sale of guns two people suspected of having terrorism ties, that was voted down. There was a republican proposal along the same line that would halt the sales but only if a that found probable cause the person trying to buy the gun is involved in terrorist activities. On howa time restriction long somebody could be kept from buying a weapon as that investigation proceeded. Was on then cornyn floor last night and talked about his proposal. Heres what he has to say. We all agree terrorists should not be able to purchase a weapon. That is not up for debate and anybody that suggests it is a simply misleading. The question is whether we are going to do so in a way that is cant to show. Are we constitutional. Are we going to do it in a way that would improve terrorism investigations or not . My amendment would stop terrorists from buying guns well assuring lawabiding citizens placed on a watchlist do not have their rights taken away based upon some list created by the Obama Administration or this government. It will set up a process to monitor, investigate, and detain terrorist where warranted by evidence. Is far way, my proposal and away better than the senior senators. Hers are unconstitutional. Kennedy Teddy Kennedy had his name come up on a watchlist by mistake and after realizing the problem, he had a lot of trouble getting it resolved. If Teddy Kennedy had trouble getting it resolved, what kind of chance does an average american have . Host get his proposal failed as well, 5347. Nightes were needed last for those proposals, 60 votes for either one. The breakdown was mostly along partisan lines on the cornyn bell. Senators conley and mansion voted yes. , twoe feinstein amendment republicans voting yes, a yacht tte kirk of illinois ayo and kirk of illinois. We are getting your thoughts and we will talk about the other two proposals. Brent is in charleston, west virginia, republican. Caller thank you for taking my call. And look at what democrats are telling American People in summary. They are saying we have these mass shootings. Most of those have been terrorist attacks, attacks carried out by people who are loyal to a radical strain of islam. The democrats are saying if you just let us infringe on Second Amendment right, it will solve these problems. It will prevent these attacks from occurring. In nomind the fact that case, in no mass shooting in the last five years has any measure proposed by any democrat been casen to have in every it is proven that these laws would not have prevented these attacks. So why do democrats keep proposing them . I do not believe it is because theyre stupid. I think it is because with democrats it is always agenda before country, agenda before fellow citizens. Host do you feel that way about your senator who we noted was one that crossed party lines and voted for the cornyn amendment . He is one of the more reasonable democrats but this is also the same senator who very recent he said that due process is just killing us, that we should be able to do away with due process. We have a system of government where the federal government can put american citizens on a list with poultry justification test. Justification at best. Now they want to take Constitutional Rights away from the citizens and it is more whichant than our liberty is being threatened internally by the machinations of government. That is to simply stand before cameras and say, enough, and propose laws that will prove ineffective as far as the crime goes. But which also blatantly infringe on the right to keep and their arms. Host brent in west virginia. Hillary clinton watching this debate closely in the senate last night, former senator, she had called for more gun control measures. She sent out a oneword Statement Last night after none of these votes moved forward. Enough. And she listed the names and ages of those 49 individuals who were killed in the orlando shooting last week. Moses is in new york, new jersey, democrat. Moses, are you with us . Lets go to our line for independents, james in tennessee. Caller thank you for accepting my call. , the guns, we have terrorists that are born right here. , we have had gangs in america since i can remember. , there was aboy popular show that was all about people killing. [indiscernible] chicago, you had gangs. Host what would make you feel safer in tennessee in the wake of what we saw in orlando . Is there anything that you think the federal government should do . Caller so many politicians will always vote no, especially the republican. They do not care. The guy did a murder in south carolina. He was a terrorist and you do not talk about him. They do not mention him. Host talking about the charleston shooting, the anniversary of that happening last week. We are talking this morning about the gun control measures that have been proposed in the senate that were voted down last night. Another one expected to at least be proposed. We are not sure if it will get a vote but senator Susan Collins of maine tweeting out last p. M. Senator collins and others to in vail bipartisan compromise to help keep guns from terrorist and make america safer. Some information for you about that proposal that is coming out from the wall street journal, noting the Bipartisan Group of lawmakers is being led by senator Susan Collins. The proposal would ban the sale of guns to terrorism suspects who appear on the nofly list, which prevents certain travelers from boarding commercial flights, or a separate selectee list that requires additional screening. Appeal the decision and be awarded Attorney Fees if successful. That is the wall street journal previewing what is expected to be in that proposal that is expected to be released today at about 1 45. Senators schumer and read, two of the Democratic Leaders were asked about the commons proposal and what they think will come of it in a press conference yesterday following the senate vote. She has always loaded with us. That susanng new collins is trying to make a compromise and it is a good thing. But the key question is not whether Susan Collins will set for a compromise, but whether republicans will finally join her so we can get something done. Question, noty whether Susan Collins is willing to compromise. She always has been. Will for the first time with the world changing, and terrorism and lone wolves, will 20 republicans finally step up to the plate finally step up to the plate and pass the most modest of measures . Three times today we mentioned that everybody likes susan and we know that if if something is going to pass we need to get some republican votes. She is alone all the time. Host the wall street journal noting some of the support Susan Collins is expected to receive for her compromise. Ayotte,itkamp, kelly jeff blake, lindsey graham, we will look for that today at about 1 45 and have more reporting tomorrow on washington journal. We want to get your thoughts on what happened last night in the senate and where they go from here. Fill in fairfield, connecticut, for the republicans. Caller i have a bit i have a grievance with Hillary Clintons remark. When she going to open her mouth and Say Something about the 50 million she received from muslims . Northjoe is in charleston, south carolina, a republican. Caller a very angry gentleman called a few callers ago. The fbi failed the community down here. I hope he does not think anybody down here defends dylann roof. A brief word about the Second Amendment. Constitutionrt the , but it is a flexible document and sometimes it needs to be amended. Otherwise we would still have prohibition, women would not be voting, and we would still have slavery. Having said that, some people interpret the malicious statement in several different ways. The fbi in dhs are either overwhelmed or incompetent and so it is up to us as citizens to defend ourselves to a great degree. They have proven they cannot quite keep up with the job. Laws, we know gun that it did not work in paris, in belgian, or in chicago. Criminals have always found a way to get guns, but i want to say the word a word about the watchlist. I want tobject, but talk about the criteria that gets you on there. Could it be some silly statements you make on facebook . If the watchlist is formulated in the right way, if you try to get a gun, lets use common sense. And you cannot get one and it turns out you were on a watchlist, use the resources, use the rules in your favor. March into your congressman or senates office. Scottd go straight to tim , mark sanford, and go to the local Fbi Field Office and say what the heck is going on . I want to get some result. Host in the Susan Collins bill in her socalled compromise bill, you can challenge being on that list and if you win you can collect attorneys fees. You mentioned the Second Amendment and the interpretation. The in alabama writes Second Amendment is grossly misinterpreted. Our creation of a Standing Army by the Central Government nullifies it. Angela is in, window, maryland, window,crat , maryland. A democrat. Caller many people agree with all four of those proposed laws and once again the republicans in congress are being completely unresponsive to the American People. None of these bills takes away my Second Amendment right and a than the law that says i cannot yell fire in a crowded theater takes away my First Amendment right. Whether you agree or do not agree, i think the majority of the people in this country want this and should have it. It is reasonable. Host some of those polls that were talking about refer to support for background checks and how those are implemented. The other two proposals that were voted down last night had to do with background checks. Here is how they were explained in the politico story. Republicans and democrats put forth doing gun proposals. Universalstablish a background check system including at gun shows and for internet sales. But their current measure is broader than the version from three years ago. Chuck grassley does not extend the universe of mandated background checks. His measure would also revise legal definitions on who is banned from owning a gun due to Mental Health concern. 60 voteachieving the threshold needed to move forward. We are spending our first hour talking about it this morning. Marianne is in pennsylvania, an independent. Caller i would like to make three points. The lady from maryland took my second point and ran with it. The first one that called up said we should not be letting them in here. The boy was born hair. We have been born here. We have been purveyors of mass destruction since the colonial times and still are. Mary, barry, a democrat in maryland. Caller i agree with one or the other gentleman who sent it has to be revised. People keep saying, we are violating the Second Amendment right. If you commit a crime you lose your right. You as a citizen who threatens our country, who says you are going to kill lives, you lose your Second Amendment right. Do not pass this for the government do not pass this bill, it is really shameful. And i am a gun owner. I feel like anybody should be able to carry any gun that they want but at the same time, if you violated our countrys loss you should not get your gun. Host we are going through some tweets from different members of congress who put out statements yesterday. Bernie sanders it is not hard to understand, potential criminals, and dangerously mentally ill should not have access to guns. We will show you a few more over the course of our segment as well as your tweets. The texan writes, now that the democratic side show is finished lets turn to rooting out fanatic muslim terrorists and banning new muslim imports. Caller good morning. Host go ahead, and. Caller i was a correctional officer for 13