Transcripts For CSPAN Washington Journal 20160628 : vimarsan

CSPAN Washington Journal June 28, 2016

If you want to post on our social media pages do so on twitter at cspan wj and if you want to make a longer response you can do so on facebook. Com cspan. The decision coming out yesterday comprises the headlines of all the major newspapers today. To the decisions out of the Supreme Court yesterday, specifically looking at texas on this health and Safety Standards that were imposed by the texas lawmakers. Those were overturned yesterday and we are going to talk about the larger implications not only for the state of texas but for other providers and it impact on campaign 2016. You can give us a call and make your thoughts known. 202 7488000 four republicans, 202 7488001 four democrats, and 202 7488002 for independents. There was a lot of activity outside the Supreme Court yesterday, people supporting and andblican supporting opposing the decisions. Byponding to the decision the Supreme Court, here is what she had to say. Today women across america have had their Constitutional Rights vindicated. The Supreme Court has sent a clear message to the tactics of politicians who have used underhanded means host that is a little bit of the decision from yesterday. The numbers will be on the screen if you want to give us a call. Pages of the Washington Post they talk about some of the factors that play out especially when it comes to the november alignment test election. While many social conservatives have expected this comfort with donald trump, they need to get behind him. People promptly made up their mind who they are going to vote for, especially people who have been on the fence not really wanting to vote for donald trump. Theybortion advocates say have been very successful statewide in pushing restrictions. States have passed laws making it tougher for women to get abortions, the fifth Straight Year in which antiabortion activist have pushed through a number of laws restricting the procedure. Calls and will go to steve from florida, the republican line. What do you think about the decision . Caller i believe the abortion issue has just become a wedge issue for the Republican Party. The American People have , it isd row versus wade old enough that it is black letter law and it will not be reversed anymore than slavery or any other issue. Which nowg issue becomes a wage issue come wedge issue. People against it should oppose it as it is they can with federal funding but it is time to let it go and accept that the best we can do is limit federal dollars. As far as law, it is now a settled issue for sure. Thank you very much. Host that is steve from florida. Here to talk about the decision yesterday sam baker. Tell us about how the breakdown of the votes came, or at least the decision, and how each side came to its legal arguments supporting and defending. Guest this was a case that if Justice Scalia was still on the bench this would have been a 54 decision. With five votes to strike down texass requirements. The three remaining staunch conservatives. On the other side, the majority opinion was written by Justice Stephen breyer and it is. Xtremely back focused it is very long, detailed. There is not a lot of good quotes and it because it does not sort of in they a super broad legal principle or really try to make a stand. Tois all about, texas tried make this argument and we think that is incorrect for this particular reason. It came up at the trial court and we think they got it right. It is sort of narrowly written but it is so thorough that a lot of people think it might be pretty useful in trying to knock down similar laws in other states. Host for those three who opposed the decision, what were the kind of legal arguments that they put out . Wrote austice alito really long dissent arguing the court should have, should not have taken this case and should have kicked it to a lower court. Onre are several levels which those conservative justices are unhappy. They are unhappy with the outcome first and foremost and that fled into Justice Thomas said, we should just stop holding these regulations. The other conservative justices were hoping and you can see the similar argument, they were hoping for an escape hatch in this case being decided. They wanted to kick it back to a lower court for more factfinding. Reflect both. Host what is the larger implications and how does that affect skates who have some states who have similar laws . Guest this clearly is going to be used, and i think successfully, and a number of the states to knock down similar laws. A couple where you might see that happen pretty quickly, mississippi which has an almost identical law that is actually on hold right now and has been appealed to the Supreme Court. They will probably dispose of that soon. Louisiana, there are 20 some states that have some version of one of the two requirements that texas has. Yearsl take a couple of for all of those to work through the system. Some of them might be able to survive but i think you will see a couple of them knocked down in the courts reasonably soon. Ast sam baker, you have piece that talks about Anthony Kennedy and the title says it is still Anthony Kennedys court but not for long. Can you summarize . Guest this was a case where Anthony Kennedy did not break the majority decision but cast the deciding vote. 4he only reason it was not a 4 split was because he sided with the courts liberals. When you see a highprofile case at the end of the term, it is often Anthony Kennedy casting the deciding vote. He casted the deciding vote on samesex marriage and other small but significant cases last year, citing with the liberals. But if there is a president clinton and if they Senate Confirms her appointee to fill justice glias Justice Scalias seat you will have five and right nowes the only way to win a case is to win kennedy. It gives him a lot of power to decide what the ruling is going to say, what legal basis it reflects, the scope of the legal opinion. His vote is the only way to win. In the future i think we will probably see five democratic , which does not mean every case will be a lock but i do not think kennedy will be the only way to win anymore. You will have a couple of justices jostling for position and he will still be an important vote but will not have quite as much clout over the biggest cases as now. Host sam baker joining us to talk about the decision reached yesterday on the texas case. Thank you for your time. Time,e remainder of our your thoughts on the decision, not only specifically with issues of abortion but with the larger implications of campaign 2016. Republicans,0 four 202 7488000 202 7488001 , democrats. Steve in scranton, pennsylvania, democrat. Caller since texas enacted this law a lot of clinics have closed down. Now that the law has been struck down, does that open texas up for liability lawsuits from forcing those people out of business . Host why is that important to you . Caller i was from texas. But my question is just that, is it going to cause more legal problems from this one decision . Host cliff from brentwood, california, republican line. Caller the Supreme Court with this ruling has raised abortion to the level of a basic fundamental human right as recognized by the constitution alongside other basic, fundamental human rights cited in the constitution like the right to speech or press or the right to assemble. This is extremely significant constitutionally. To state of texas tried establish a minimum medical standard for Abortion Clinics to meet in order to provide this service and they are acting to protect women, as is therefore abortion providers. The Supreme Court has essentially only to meet the standards medically of a veterinary clinic, and this is very problematic. The epa and other departments and agencies are rolling unilaterally that certain institutions have to meet their various standards to stay in business, to maintain their function. Level constitutionally are the rights of these agencies acting upon . At what level constitutionally do they affect do they exist . Justice kennedy is making the switches. He did it on affirmative action and abortion, and his disparate per his disposition these questions, he looks political. Host jim is from erie, pennsylvania, independent line. I am independent. I believe in a womans right but this too may looks like it is about states writes. Ghts. I have some wetland behind my house that has been there forever and the epa came in, state epa, and told me that i was not allowed i was planning on building a shed and they came in and said you cannot build a shed in your backyard. Ok for thee it is epa to come in and tell me what i can do in my own backyard, but at the same time, these people down in texas like the last guy was saying are just trying to make the standards better, and the feds come in and tell them you cannot do that. I think it is about states writes. Rights. People need to look at how this country was set up with regard to that. There was a man last night on television who was a secret Service Agent for 30 years. They had him on and i hope you can get him on cspan because he was telling exactly what the clintons are like in real life. Host we will leave your thoughts there because we want to stay on topic. When it comes to states writes that is part of the editorial in the wall street journal. Burdense undue ,efines an Abortion Case planned parenthood versus casey. The point was to establish the undue burden on women. Of mondays texas decision is to tell the states to forget casey. Herbert in georgia, democrats line. Caller they need to honor the law. It is so hypocritical about the Republican Party. Andgives everybody a will you do not override anybodys will. How do you want to protect the fetus in the womb but here are the same republicans, the same people do not want to protect aboutghts of children ak47s. Ghey are the same as the whi party. They need to abandon their decision. They are Something Else. They need to respect people, respect people how they are. Host this is francis in tennessee, republican mind. Caller good morning. I would like to say the Supreme Court has killed federalism. The states created the union and they had rights in the fourth article of the constitution. And now anything a state does like our voting laws, they are subject to federal decision. We have little power to make our own decisions on the state level anymore. I would also like to say with this decision, we have reached the point completely of abortion on demand. Any reason, any time or place just about. I heard someone say yesterday that what is wrong with back alley abortions . The state of texas cannot put down some kind of ruling or restriction for the clinics, but they do other health clinics, why any kind of role . I think history will judge accordingly because it is millions upon millions of babies getting aborted. They are babies and we should be ashamed. Campaign donald trump did not put out a former state formal statement but there was a statement in bloomberg hasng one of the handles chosen to reach out to christian conservatives and they have done so. They reached out directly in the aftermath of the Supreme Court overturning the texas abortion laws on monday which while deciding against releasing official statements or media postings. Earlier monday, the campaign engaged its recently imported executive evangelical Advisory Board about the ruling, reaffirming trumps commitment to appoint prolife justices to. He nations highest court afterwards, the board released a statement obtained by Bloomberg Politics echoing the campaigns message and referring to a meeting of more than 1000 liters in manhattan last week. York, this is new robert, democrats line. Caller i am wondering if this decision will have any effect on attempts by rightwingers to restrict access to contraception. Host you should know that Hillary Clinton also put out a tweet when it came to the decision that read the fight is not over, the next president has to protect womens health, women wont be punished for exercising their basic right. Stanley, virginia, independent line, our, good morning. Caller i would like to make a comment about the subjects yesterday. This should be a state issue. It is a sad day in america when eight people can make a decision for 300. It is like making one shoe that fits all. There is something wrong with this picture. If there is republicans in they getr democrats, six of the prolife or opposite, that is the way it should go. It should be left up to the states. People have less and less freedom everyday and i think this is a step in the wrong direction, even though i have Great Respect for the law. Host you think it will make it difficult for the states to enact these kind of laws . Caller i think it is, but that is a starting point. How many other things are going to take affect. Other rights are going to be stripped away from us as people. Host does this affect any political decisions you will make when it comes to justices on the Supreme Court . I am prolife and i recognize other people feel differently, but the point is, i want to emphasize, when you have making a decision for 300 Million People it is something wrong with that picture. We need to clean the mess up in washington. The democrats and elite republicans, we need to kick them out and start over. Our country is headed in the wrong direction. Host here is barbara, island washington, democrat line. Hello . Go ahead, barbara. Caller hello . To care andl move ohio, democrats line. Caller thank you for taking my call. I would just like to say that whenever it is republicans and democrats that are supposedly fighting for rights and republican state americans are losing all their freedom, and we have to stop the government from imposing upon us, the difference tween republicans and democrats is that hello . Host you are on, go ahead. Caller republicans are usually trying to stop peoples rights, trying to stop them from getting married, stop them from protecting their reproductive rights, stop them from being able to comingle and come next. Democrats are always fighting for the rights for people to do what they should be able to do. From religious rights to school rights, republicans are always trying to make it about what they want and not what everybody else wants. Abortion, this has been taking care of 40 years ago and they have been fighting it ever since rights stop peoples from doing what the Supreme Court said it is allowed to do. Host one of the groups opposing yesterday was concerned women for america. The president and ceo commented on the decision yesterday. Texas appropriately tried to exercise its authority to protect women but unfortunately, the Supreme Court sided with big abortion. We stand as members of the Prolife Movement saying we will never give up. Aboutext election is Supreme Court justices, lower court justices, and 500 appointees to our government. We must vote. This is a call to action. We will not give up. Decision striking down a law in texas. Call 202 7488000, republicans, 202 7488001,emocrats, 202 7488002 independents. Caller i just wanted to comment ona person who was adopted may 22, 1968. My biological met mother she told me flat out, because we were very close, i said if the law was the other way would you have had me aborted . She said yes. So that is quite a profound thing to hear. Going to say anything more than that as far as where my position is. Host the decision yesterday by the Supreme Court agree or disagree . Caller from what i understand, it was made by four judges on not see howd i do that is even something they should have taken up. Thank you for reminding me. I thought it was very unfair that you would have a 44 decision. That was not smart. Rightrestricted peoples to go and do what the law says they can do, it is a lousy decision. Know, if it made it easier for them to go do with the law says they can do i do not suppose it is a problem. Host that is mark from california. Mike from california on our democrats line. Caller i respect people being against abortion and thinking it is murder but these callers with this baloney about how the actions intend to wipe out the Abortion Centers is just baloney to cite the safety of the woman. There is that, but then, we are all the same. We are all selfish and have our motives. Rightsdy is for states when a particular subject falls your way and other people with a different viewpoint, they think the government is overreaching. The Supreme Courts job is to check up in the states, as in the jim crow when the states grew up, that is too bad. Country,ross the especially all of the christians during jim crow and you watch this crop on tv every night crap on tv every night. The federal government overriding what the states are messing up. Host did you think that texas overreached with the decision it made when it put these restrictions on abortion providers . Caller a majority can do anything in control of the functions of a given area. They can say there is no abortions. We do not care that you are raped, and they thump their chest and think that god is proud of them. I say good luck taking that story to the holy gates because a lot of people who call themselves a christian are not going to get it. Other decisions made by the Supreme Court yesterday concerning former virginia government governor robert mcdonnell, the court on monday tossed out the governors corruption conviction narrowing what it calls the governme

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