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. An than syria inthe weapon of the day world war i. Because of our work and the work of our partners, it has been prohibited in set except in a few incidences. We have to make sure, for the sake of our men and women on the front lines, or that we reinforce the prohibition. Seeing pictures of the children lying there dead is heartbreaking. There is no question. We still have the basic problem of asking the military to do more with less. The other day after the meeting at the white house, the president came up to me and said, i know how concerned you are about restriction. Lmi area i asked for a meeting with the president. I am waiting to hear back from the white house. I want to down and talk to them about this. I cannot guarantee we will get votes for it. I know a lot of people have the same concerns i do. If we can fix this, it may help some people in their vote. Look at the week ahead for congress. The Armed Service chairmans announced he will hold a hearing on syria. Andday, chuck hagel, general martin dempsey. Of chambers of commerce will go back in tomorrow 2 00 eastern time. Votes around 5 30. Also, debates on a resolution of authorized military force and area. It might come as early as wednesday. Live debate in the senate on c span2. In a house today on military action against syria is possible on the official agenda. Votes happening later in the day. Live coverage in the house here on cspan. For more insight into the week ahead, specifically related to congress and syria, we talked to a reporter. We are joined now by ian, a news editor. He joins us to provide a look ahead on syria. Ets start with the house what is happening in the coming days . Record. Ng on the behindthescenes, there will be a lot of lobbying. Right now, we only have 31 house members. The president has a lot of work to do to get more members to support his idea of a military strike on. A congressman has a hearing on tuesday, and then, eric house vote. Oned a meeting up for two weeks, why that long and should we meet up sooner . It is possible, but there is not much reason in the house it would fail right now. At least 139 members on our list who are saying they would vote against us right now. As i said earlier, very few members are willing to come out and publicly say they would they yes. Is a lot of feel behind the scenes work, a lot of classified briefings, a lot of phone calls by president obama lieutenants trying to convince people to support the idea of a military strike. What about the senate . We will see a vote this week. A vote on wednesday that would the procedural step to move limitedto authorize a military strike on syria. It is not clear they have the 60 votes necessary, either. We have 65 senators right now, undecided. 25 or so president obama has work to do. Is he meeting with them and what does he hope to accomplish . He is hoping to get as many of them as possible for support. Only nine republicans so far have come out. Senate republicans have come out so far and said they would support the president on this. You will probably need a few more than that. You will see a lot of liberal senators, voting against this. I am trying to shore up the numbers a bit. Is president obama making his case . That will be the story of the week. On monday, president obama is doing five television reviews. Tuesday, from the oval office. Lawmakers from the house and senate are hearing from constituents about. What they are hearing is, do not vote for this peer the president will try to shift Public Opinion as much as he can so senators and house lawmakers are hearing Something Different from constituents. Public opinion leaning largely against u. S. Strikes, how is that affecting how it might play out in the house or senate . Really see it in the house right now. It represents a smaller, geographic area. In tune with what they are hearing from to vigilance. Havekers in both parties said it is 101 against military action in syria. President obama is trying to do something to shift Public Opinion on this. Your time. U for thanks a lot. Wilson was so intellectual and was our most academic, most , the onlyresident with a phd. Most books written about him have been academic in nature. They have missed the very human side of this man. Was deeply emotional, passionate, romantic figure. He had two wives when this first wife died. He fell in love with a woman and married a second time. He wrote passionate love letters to each of these women. This was a will living, breathing, human being. I do not think we have seen that about him. Woodrowgraphy of wilson releases tuesday. Here more on cspans q a. Trying to maintain family time and protect their privacy, Edith Roosevelt arrest and repairs for the president , close enough to d. C. That he could get out there as often as needed, but far enough away that there was wilderness. This was a family place. It was unique for the roosevelts. It was a place with politicians and press and possibly a hubbub of activity. This was one place with private, family time. The roosevelts made it clear they did not want anyone but family here. Roosevelten edith as we begin season two of first ladies. Looking at the public and of the women who served as first lady. Monday night live. Next, immigration policy with a member of the House Homeland Security committee, and michael butler, a former Nationalization Services this is one hour and 20 minutes. Good evening. From the auditorium on the campus good evening and welcome to the president speaker series. On behalf of dr. John c johnson, the president , i am the moderator of tonights event. We begin our series with a look on the impact two experts will talk about that. First, we will look at the. Tuation in this will be a live broadcast, with a subsequent broadcast on cspan and youtube. We will begin introducing our two guest. An interview up front and then we will go to. This will be a live questions fu in the audience. Join us powerful guest tonight. Our first from in the middle here, the former mayor in pennsylvania, a congressman from the 11th congressional district, migrate privilege and pleasure to introduce the congressman. [applause] right is a former ins agent, a columnist, a much sought after speaker, and he has testified on ilLegal Immigration. [applause] welcome. Thank you for being here tonight. Let us begin before we get to the subject and talk about the situation as it exists in syria. I know you have been getting calls wondering how you will vote. The president says he will put it to congress and decide if we send missiles into syria. How do you feel . I i am very happy the president decided to consult with congress before taking any action. Back home, in my district, i do not know if i have gotten any phone calls from anyone who wants to go to war. I will wait to get a classified monday. When i get back there are a number of factors that need to be discussed. I am anxious to hear what the strategy and goal is, if we do strike syria. What is the end goal and what is that purpose . The factors that make this such a difficult weision is that the rebels know are mixing with al qaeda members, mixed in with the rebels who we are supporting against assad. We have israel, a threat of retaliation against israel, our traditional allies not with us. It makes the decision for me very difficult as to what the purpose and goal is. With that being said, i will keep an open mind and listen to the information that is brought move. Before i decide our knowing some of the leadership in the house and senate have already joined the president , that make your decision board of the . Not at all. Washington did not send me there. The people in my district, that is how i got there and that is whose voice i am bringing to with me. N some of the classified information i will not be able to share with constituents back home will make the decision more difficult. You have to take that into account. Some of the unknown that the public may not see. We have talked over 10 years. A National Radio program of your own. You and the congressman have traveled around the country and immigration. Egal first, your thoughts on syria . Wax a tough situation, as we have seen, in afghanistan and aaq. We know iran is playing heavy role into the situation. The congressman made the point about concerns about reprisal but reprisals against israel. When i covered a terrorist plot in the 1970s. My concern is that america might also face reprisals at home. We know there is a growing presence of iranian shock groups. We know they are here. Less than a year ago, there was an attempt made to killed a saudi ambassador. What people really need to understand is the oceans do not really give us much buffer. That is why i always make the point that while people always talk about california, mexico, 50 border we have states. We really have a problem in the fact there are millions of foreign nationals living inside the United States today whose identities and ultimate goals are unknown and unknowable. There may be people waiting for a phone call. A followup and then we will move on. Some wonder if we do nothing in. , that ends a google to the iranian government that we may be week. The president has drawn the red line and they have crossed it. It puts the United States in a very bad position on how we are viewed globally on whether or not the United States is credible. It is veryoubt, important we speak with one voice. That will way into the decision. The problem is what happens if america ask and it does not stop the problem. There are tough decisions to make. I have to say something. This is one of the reasons i am proud to consider him a friend. About hissked him leadership, his answer was that he speaks to his constituents. He truly does represent his constituents. We will show some quotes based on some of the writings and things said to tell the story of how this particular president speaks really happened. Several years ago, we learned about a van mayor in pennsylvania. I will ask the congressman to tell the story, but first, less is more. Llegal is illegal he made a statement may 3, 2007. What were you addressing . Why did you say it . Immediately, i created the first law in the country dealing with and the world media was at my doorstep asking why i am doing this. To me, there was no gray area. I did not he one. I said, because illegal is illegal. This was not antiimmigrant. We are not talking about immigrants coming here, but people who entered the country illegally. How many people were there when the problem started . 50,000 . 30,000 people. Thats ok. What happened. All the aur city haven . The question i needed answered, we why hazleton . 2000 miles away from the southern border. The last place you would think to have an eagle immigration problem. It took me a while to actually come to the final determination that we have a problem with ilLegal Immigration. 2000. Elected mayor in it was a city that was bankrupt. A very safe, quiet city. One murder every seven years. The six years in between, they would talk about that one murder. Senior citizens like to sit on their porches and talk to their neighbors. City began changing in 2001. I had my First Encounter with ilLegal Immigration. I was called to an apartment with nine men sleeping on the floor in mattresses. Forapartment was not fit human beings, let alone for animals. You do not want to watch human beings exploited like this. We called ins. At the time, they were still ins. Us to simply tell them to move on. I did not agree with it, but that is what we did. Friday after that, on a night in october, which are big nights, High School Football nights, after the football games, the students would go awntown and hang out at local pizzeria. This friday night was different. Hector, and illegal alien on a drug deal gone bad, shot two people 100 feet from where High School Students were standing outside, killing one and wounding another. That murder terrified our city. Alien inother illegal the city. I thought that was not usual. This was happening over and over again, until i realized we have a problem with ilLegal Immigration. Our population grew by 50 , a huge group growth for a city. Our tax revenue remained the same. That is something we wanted to discuss tonight. How do you provide services when your revenue is broken . On the first page of the lawsuit, i described how ilLegal Immigration diminishes the quality of life in the community for that very reason. When you when you can no longer provide the leverage level of services to the public to keep them safe, take care of the people, the issues, code violations, you begin to lose the quality of life of small town america. I could no longer do it. We did not have money to hire more police. What i did, once i realized the problem was much bigger than what we could handle, i went to washington in december 2005 and met with the department of justice. It was a great day. They brought in all these experts to talk to me and the thece chief i explained problem and talked about the game the gangs, i talked tout our lack of revenue deal with the problem. What i got was a knife a nice coffee mug, a pat on the back, and i realize the federal government, who caused the ourlem by not enforcing laws, would do nothing to resolve it. Vice is the makeup of illegal aliens varied or is it largely hispanic . Very diverse community. We made people from romania problem ofe main those in the country illegally or from the dominicans, which was very interesting, especially sitting on the Homeland Security committee. When i talk about ilLegal Immigration, the focus is always on the southern border. I know better. 40 of the people in the country illegally did not rock that border and did not cross any border. Ity come here on a visa and expires and they melt into the system and disappear. We have no way to track them. Many people in the country illegally did not cross the southern border. They entered through our airports. When you were the mayor, i was on a flight back to daytona aach seated next to a non catholic nun, and i said, sister, how is the mayor doing . She said, hes by himself than we do not go out at night. How how prevalent was the feeling among residents when you are mayor toward the end, knowing it was an almost insurmountable problem at that point . It came to light for me one morning when i drove to city hall and went to get into my parking spot reserved for the mayor, and i could not get there because there was an elderly woman waiting for me. She started hitting me in the chest with her finger and said, you better do something. I can no longer sit on my porch any longer. I am afraid to go out. I walked up to my office and, being born and raised in hazleton and being the mayor, i was proud to be the mayor of the city i grew up and to realize Senior Citizens could no longer enjoy that this was how they were living, and they could no longer enjoy being outside, i never realized i had to do something. I was standing alone. To not get a politician come near me for weeks. It was refreshing. No one came there to campaign. Quest that is right. I skipped it. They did. Not only president ial candidates. Senator clinton, senator obama, and senator mccain, pennsylvania was six weeks alone in the primary. Everyday, i picked up the picture the paper and see one of them close but never stopping there. After a while, i got to inking maybe it was me causing them not to stop, because i do not think anybody wanted to ask the question, how do you feel about what i did. I stood alone, until we were who suedllegal aliens the a. C. L. Will lu, and ice i thought i was standing by myself, but there were millions of americans standing with me. Should i talk about going to washington in december 2005 and coming home with a coffee mug. We had arrested a 14yearold for selling drugs in a playground. It was a playground i grew up on. He was selling cocaine. When i arrested him, he had called his lawyer who he had on the dial, which i thought was an usual for a 14yearold. He was in the country illegally. I felt like i had lost control of the city. That night, i got a call from the chief of police at 1 00 in the morning. In the headen shot while working on his pickup truck last night. Arrested seven times before he became came to hazleton. Shot and killed him in the face. Thosers to apprehend involved. We spent half our years in the budget. I sat with him who wanted to know why this man still stood in the country. I had enough. Washington was not going to do anything else. Andok an oath to protect defend the people in my community. Punishing businesses that knowingly hired illegal aliens, and landlords who knowingly hired illegal area aliens, because they are illegal. Those who sued the city were illegal aliens. I was told they would a corrupt our city and get me out at election time if i did not back down. I said, i will get another job if that happens, but i will not act down. Court. To we had no money. I said there were millions of americans who stood with me and i knew that because i began getting checks around the. Ountry i remember a veteran sent me seven dollars and said, this is all i have in my wallet. Continue to fight. We went to court. The plaintiffs had to ask the judge if they could have their names kept anonymous because they did not want the public to know who they were. The judge granted the request. We were not allowed to ask their names. They asked if they could not have to come to go to the courtroom out of fear of being deported. They did not have to. He judge granted that request i believe illegal aliens were given more rights than you and i are given. We cannot sue the city and remain anonymous. The judge ruled in favor of illegal aliens are they city schools . What is the Financial Impact . English as the second language. 500 in the year 2000. In 2005, the budget for english as a second language was 1. 5 million. That is how fast the population grew. Just as a comparison for our audience, the impact for ilLegal Immigration on Public Education is almost three quarters of 1 billion per year. That is to edu and feed illegal immigra ia for Public School s. Everyone educated for Free Education regardless if they are here illegally. Around that time, you are striking up a relationship. What brought you together . The lead lawyer, defended you. This goes back to my background. , my neighbors were killed. Everyone educatedi still cannott we need you to be inexpert witness at this trial. We are having these discussions and debates. At the trial, that is how we can do it. What we really need to understand is these issues. This is the threat we are facing. This is with public safety. Even look at the resources and quality of life in terms of whether or not communities can buses subways everything. My own background. My mother came here ahead of the holocaust. My mother died in the hol cost. But its about a legal system that has integrity posed by a system that doesnt have integrity. I was happy to help lou. I had spent half my career with the drug task force. Obviously there are many in wag that would like to step around or walk around the case of ilLegal Immigration, the topic of ilLegal Immigration and the issue. Because there is a beef, there is no question that there is support whether your democrat or republican for the growing hispanic population that is here. And when you take a stance against ilLegal Immigration as do, many feel that this is not good for our party. And the point that i do make to my colleagues is that the city at i was mayor of is 49 hispanic. I won with 90 of the vote for mayor. Ich is an example that immigrants realize that ilLegal Immigration isnt good for them. Those that came to this country for a better opportunity, for a better education for their children, for a better life understand that allowing millions of people into the country illegally doesnt give those opportunities to them. And in my own town where people know me the best, ive been able to get support from that population. One other point that i think is very important and i talk about it in washington a lot is from the very first year that i created the ordinance, our hispanic population grew every single year so this theory that if you stand up against ilLegal Immigration you will be driving immigrants out of town just isnt true. In fact, why would you move to a city if you felt you werent welcome. So these theories that i believe are created by the media many times, they are not reality. I think everyone who is listening and watching wants to know what do we do with those who are here illegally. The most common question is those who have raised their children. Who do you do with children who no fault of their own find themselves in this country . Whats a workable solution. Cook is going to be asked to weigh in on this. What do we do with them . Do we keep them or send them home . Thats the most asked question right now in washington and my question is easy to respond to. What do we do about the 22 million americans that couldnt find work this morning when they woke up . What do we do about the single mom working three jobs to put food on the table that will lose her job because of someone that will take her job away from her or the High School Dropout . Why in this debate is it always about what should we do about those who knowingly came here illegally and the debate is never about what about the innocent victims of ilLegal Immigration, what are we going to do about that . If we talk about any kind of pathway to citizenship were going to make this worse. Were encouraging people to come here illegally through our open borders. We know they are open. And were going to waive sidship to come to america and were going to grant you citizenship because we dont know what to do. I would rather be the voice for the person who is a victim because ive had to deal with that whether its in a crime thats been committed and now in washington as i see the results of what ilLegal Immigration means to others. I dont want to turn this into a law lecture. You can go to my website and get the sections of law but this is about law. Title 8 of the United States code section 1182 is a list of all the categories of aliens to be excluded. So tin inspections process and i began my career as an inspector way back in 1971, and if you look at the list it makes it clear how important the immigration laws are. Aliens who are convicted felons, human rights vilettors, rapist, members of violent gangs, money launderers, then we get to aliens who become a public charge or by working illegally compete unfairly with American Workers or deminish wainls and working conditions. Prior to the Second World War the responsibility was the response nlt of the labor department. Thats how we shielded American Workers from unfair foreign competition. Then there say quote i want to read because this is important having lived through 9 11 and the whole country did. Its perhaps obvious to state that terrorist cannot plan and carry out attacks in the United States if they are not able to enter the country. While there were efforts to enhance Border Security none thought of that as a tool of security. Hijackers demonstrated the ease of obtaining a visa Border Security is not a stone of security boll si. We believe it must be made one. This quote is from the 9 11 Commission Staff report on terrorist travel. Its remarkable to me that the administration debating whether or not we need to enforce immigration laws and secure the borders while we face the continuing threat of terrorism, the growth of Drug Trafficking organizations in the United States and were being told the board certificate security. Were being told Border Patrol arrests are down so that would probably mean there is not as much of a problem. I said trying to figure out how many ill leels are here based on arrests doesnt work. You want the real met trick, whats the price of drugs because heroin and cocaine come across the same border as do the illegal aliens. If the board was secure drugs would not be available, supply and demand. The borders are wide open. Its endangering safety and its contributing to unemployment. That comes to a corner stone issue. Were going to come to the audience for questions in a few moments. Some say its impossible to secure our borders. Everyone talks about the southern border but the northern border is even more pourous. I think it might have been you or someone who said the next attack on this country they fear will not be planes crashing into buildings but by people blowing up supermarkets near the border. There is violence in texas killing the ranchers. Discussed not being in the house . It is. I bring this point up on Homeland Security committee. And the focus i believe needs Border Security first. Hen we talk about Border Security we need to focus on all borders. The stath i talked about a little earlier that over 40 of the people in the country illegally dont cross the border. We have no exit. We dont know whether theyve left or not. In fact, ive introduced a bill that will track when somebody comes and whether or not theyve left or not. And i dont want the American People to be fooled by any bill that we pass in washington that claims our borders are secure because we have done something about the southern border. That is not securing our borders. I want to give a quote to michael cutler. You wrote on july 15 of this year in the d. C. March for jobs, the gang of eight say that our immigration system is broken, the failures of the immigration system are tributable to why is it that they will not answer this when you speak to this issue. Why dont they answer to that . Because the goal is to satisfy the campaign contributors. There say remarkable quote and i have to do this because Allen Greenspan testified back on april 30, 2009 and it was about the need for comprehensive reform. I think its a dangerous idea of giving millions of unknown illegal aliens. I called at this time terrorist assistance act. They quoted me on three separate days from the florida senate. And by the way hes a conservative and im a life long democrat. This is an american issue. But youve got to understand the snanty of what Allen Greenspan said. He said bringing in lots more Foreign Workers at the hightech level. And he was for illegal aliens being a Flexible Work force. He said first skilled workers and their families form new households they will move into vacant Housing Units which is depressing prices of american homes. Lets bring them in so we can raise the value of houses to help the banking industry. These were lost to foreclosure because americans are unemployed. Then he comes up with the statement. And i want everybody to understand people go to clenl to get a better future, to get a career. Thats why my kid are in college. But he said something that blew my mind. He said that greatly expanding our quotas for the highly skilled would lower wage premiums of skilled over thelesser skilled. Skill shortages exist because we shield our labor force from world competition. It is the price mechanism in the process we have created a privileged elite whose incomes are being supported at noncompetitive high levels at immigration quotas. Eliminating such restrictions would reduce some of our income quality. Hes saying if you flood the market you could slash the wages so that people with no skills wouldnt make that much less than the people with skills or education. This is about the destruction of the middle class. This is about the destruction of incentives for kids to go to universities. It makes no sense. But if youre motivated by the bottom line, the guy that know it is price of everything and the value of nothing, then i guess your name is Allen Greenspan. Do you agree with that congressman . Absolutely. I have four daughters that went to school and my second daughter is an engineer as well. And i asked her if she felt there was a shortage of engineers. And i think were selling out our children. Rather than look around the world and say we need more engineers or we need more high skilled workers why dont we invest in our own kids . Why are we slamming the door on our own children while we look around the country for cheaper labor to do those skills. Do we have a cite i cant that says if you want to come into this country you are either coming in because you bring a skill or you are fleing for persecution . Do we have a skill set that we say we need this or that . Whether its medical, engineering, whatever, they can advance our fast track their way to Legal Immigration because they provide a skill . Do we do that here . We do. There is a lot of fraud because we dont investigate it. There is fraud . Yes. We know how many Border Patrol agents there are. Its about 20,000 now. 20,000 for the entire country. There is 35,000 Police Officers in new york. And we only have 700 ice agents doing interior enforcement and more than half of them are doing customs work. To police from the interior we have about 3,000 agents. You probably have a better chance of buying a winning Lottery Ticket than getting arrested for violation status if youre an illegal alien. Were being told there is no legal way for people to immigrate. More than a million aliens are given a green card every year. We admit tens of millions of nonimmigrants. We are admitting more authorized Foreign Workers each month than the number of new jobs than were creating. If we could grow the economy by having the government get out of the way and having the private sector to develop new businesses, couldnt we create jobs mechanisms to absorb them. Rather than pun shg them, could we make them contributors . Heres is problem. I didnt mean to step on you. Go ahead. There is another quote. But if you look at the 9 11 Commission Report and i gave testimony to the 9 11 commission. Immigration fraud was the number one em3weding tactic of choice. So by saying that you are here illegally now were going to make you a productive member of society, we dont know who you are. If you go back to the ground for excluding an alien why would somebody evade the inspections process . Its only known to them but you have to presume they belong to one or more categories of excludeable aliens. Look at what happened in boston. And i dont want someone saying this is terrible because of political asylum. My family was decimated in the holocaust. Then i asked president johnson to let juice come here. Im a big fan of it but there is no integrity to the process. If you look at the boston family but the tsarnaev got asylum. If you raise something of ethnicity im going to face persecution or worse. As soon as we legalize them they went back to russia. We dont know who is here and you have a president giving hundreds of thousands of dreamers identity documents and you know what the interview process is . There is no interview. Its done on paper. You mail in your paperwork and if all the boxes are checked and a couple of pieces of paperwork trr there here are your identity documents. Is that true . Its absolutely true. I said are there going to be face to face interviews and background checks of the Illegal Immigrants and i knew what the answer is because i know what is involved in a criminal background check. Its not juths looking at a piece of paper and the answer is no. And my question to her then was we know that illegal aliens use fraudulent documents to get around this country. If were not going back to the country of origin and finding out the history, how do you know what terrorist we are now granting citizenship to. I remember one case we arrested a guy from selling crack cocaine. It took our detectives five hours to determine who he was. He had five Social Security cards. We adopt know Law Enforcement doesnt know who we are dealing with. And with what is happening right now in syria and mike made a good point earlier, we need to protect the best interest of the American People first. And i dont know if were doing that and i believe its more for political reasons than what is in the best interest of the American People. I should have asked thu before. Were going to come to the audience next. If you have a question raise your hand. Were going to do that next. When in your opinion hazel on the and this was going on who was your governor . Ed. So a democrat. Your a republican. Did he blow you off to be direct when you told him i got this going on, i need help. I couldnt get help from the governor, i couldnt get help from washington. I couldnt get help from anyone. Nobody wanted to hear this. In fact the gove more nors race was going on during this time and i couldnt get any potential governors to come and look at what was happening and why i was doing what i was doing. Nobody wanted to touch this issue. They didnt want to go near us because its such a political hot potato. I remember when you decided to run for congress. It was a huge fundraising thing to get you collect elected because people were mad about the lawsuit. What was that like when you were running. You ran a spirited campaign. We had you on our show. How many people came out when you ran for congress . I did have a lot of support but a lot of the support came from around the country and thats when i realized that this wasnt something that wasnt a parochial issue in hazel on the. I realized that small towns around this country were crumbling under the weight of ilLegal Immigration. I remember testifying before senator kennedy in philadelphia on the panel testifying was myself, mire bloomberg and Police Commissioner from philadelphia johnson at the time. I was naive. I didnt know how anyone else felt about it. I just knew i was going to take care of the people in my town. When i went there they were picketing me. Luckily they didnt put the face with the name and i was able to get inside. When i went inside there was an audience like this. And they had t shirts that did not support me. I remember asking one of the directors how senator kennedy was on this issue and they said hes not with you and mayor bloomberg, no, Police Commissioner johnson, no. And i realized that i was the meal for this hearing. And i sat there and mayor bloomberg opened and he went on to say how he felt new york citys economy would crash if they didnt have Illegal Immigrants because he asked who would wash our dishes and clean our tables and clean our hotel rooms. And that was all i needed. That was the match to my fuse. I said that single mom will do it and that High School Dropout will do it. Maybe new york citys economy would crash if you didnt have Illegal Immigrants but small towns around this country are crashing because of it. And i realized that i did strike a nerve around the country with people who understood what ilLegal Immigration does to small town america. I just have to say this because you are raising one of the guys that drives me nuts and thats bloomberg. Mayor bloomberg a number of times went nuts about six months ago and it was all over the headlines in new york city that he wanted the bronx District Attorney to go out and lock up anybody who press passed in Public Housing. He said tress patters are dangerous. Then he wants anybody who flives Public Housing to be fingerprinted. He says i am certain they want someone to ask people wandering around who are you and why are you here. You know what struck a note. That was the kind of question i used to ask as an immigration inspector when foreigners visited the United States. So a mayor that goes nuts about people that trespass in Public Housing but doesnt see anything wrong with trespassing on american and wants to provide them with a key to the city. What an incredible disconnect. I dont think his ears are hearing what his mouth is saying. We actually set this up six months ago. Michael and i were talking and the congressman signed off on it. His top aid is here. And we were talking about this six months ago. There is going to be a vote in the house coming up right away on the immigration issue. I take it youre going to vote no . The house is not expected to go for it, the senate did. Im trying to do all i can to stop the vote because what i want to see is Border Security first. We shouldnt even talk about anything else until we secure our borders. I like to say you wouldnt replace your carpet at home if you still had a hole in the roof. Lets fix the roof and then well have the discussion what do we do with everyone else. I think we have a question p front. Thank you for being here. Todays wall street urinal there an article journal there is an article can the illegal immigrant practice law . They are arguing that the federal government has no authority to determine who has a license to practice law. The federal law sited by the Justice Department prohibits states from providing Illegal Immigrants with public ben fets unless states pass laws to the contrary. This implies that the federal government is saying states cannot give any Public Benefits unless the states passed laws to allow that such as california allowing illegals to practice law which is going to their supreme court. So my question is are you aware of any states that have passed law that is give Public Benefits to illegal aliens and if they have, why have they done that and why can the federal government over rule that . Illegal is illegal. You certainly get that. That is the magnet that draws so many Illegal Immigrants to america is the fact they can take jobs away from American Workers and get benefits. If we take away the magnet and take away the jobs and we stop giving benefits to people that are in the country illegally, many the reason that they are here wouldnt be here. They would simply go home on their own. Yes they do receive federal benefits, medicare, Social Security, there is no question about it. We have an administration right now that is using patriot toirl iscretion which i believe is unconstitutional basically denying any kind of enforcing immigration laws to people in the country illegally. Ill give a case back home. A little burro right next to the city. The chief of Police Stopped a young man for speeding. When he got there the man couldnt speak english so they had to get a translate tore. It took about four hours. The man admits hes in the country illegally for six years. He didnt know his address. He didnt have a job. He had 3,000 cash in his pocket. And he had two Public Benefit access cards with his name spelled differently on each card. Obviously he was committing fraud. They called ice. Ice said let him go. This is what infuriate it is american public. People who go to the store, arent asking anything from the government. They are not getting anything. They are struggling to take care of their family and they see somebody with their card overfilled using multiple access cards. It is the administration. It is washington that has created this problem. Quick followup then back to the audience. This goes back to sanctuary cities. If you have People Living in your town and you dont know who they are, they are a threat. You know what a terrorist does the day before an attack . He goes to his job where hes been hiding. Sanctuary cities are guilty but thund administration because of what i call prosecute toirl deception this is going on. It was a problem with the prior administration. Why should anyone come legally . Let me ask you a question if you were going down the highway and there is three lanes, easy pass, cash or free, which lane are you going to be in . Why in the world would you go through anything other than the free lane and nobody knows who you are. Its crazy. Congressman, what are your thoughts on the american citizens who knowingly hire Illegal Immigrants and would ratherer hire them for a lorer wage than hire a starving widow. We know ilLegal Immigration deminishes wainls of the American Worker. There are 22 million americans who could not find work this morning. Thats why when we crafted the law in hazelton it went after the employers that were knowingly hiring illegal aliens, illegal workers because it is already illegal to hire illegal workers. We werent creating a new law, we were going to restrict the business license of any business that did that. That is the magnet that brings so many people into the country illegally is offering jobs. We know for a fact at one time people would ask me when i was mayor why are democrats and republicans in washington not doing anything about ilLegal Immigration. And i used to say well the democrats are looking for the vote and the republicans want the cheap labor for business. Then i got to washington and i reltsdzed i was wrong. They are both looking for the vote. We need to make sure we are protecting the American Worker first. Thats what as michael taught me our immigration laws are there in the first place is to protect our National Security and to protect american jobs. Isnt this a great time of year to make that point. Were between labor day and the 9 11 memorial. Its 1 years now. It took 44 months to win the Second World War. Over 20 years ago we were attacked by middle east terrorist. In fact on 9 11 there were 26 visa waiver countries we now have 37 as we approach the 12th anniversary of the worst terrorist attack committed on our soil. If the leaders that are behind the failure were in charge of our country during the Second World War what would have happened. Thank you for being here. This has been very enlightning. Congressman, you touched on something that i was going to ask about and that is we have heard cheap labor and votes of citizens are two prime reasons but that seems cynical. Can you explain the agendas you have had to confront that support ilLegal Immigration and the question about labor and votes . Well, i think most elected officials that take a position of supporting ill leem immigration ilLegal Immigration, their defense usually comes to these are people who just want a better life. They just want to take care of their families. And they paint the pictureover just a family that picture of just a family that is here for all the right reasons that you would want to come to america. Thats true. There are many who come here just like that. There is no question about it. But i see a different side as a mayor unfortunately. I saw the victim side of ilLegal Immigration. And many times politicians dont like to talk about that. I remember talking at a town hall in pennsylvania which is in the middle of the state of pennsylvania. And i talked about having compassion for the victims because many times people accuse me of not having compassion for the illegal alien. When i got done speaking this young couple came up and told me he drove an hour to here me speak. And he wanted to tell me about his daughter. She was 20 years old studying to be a veterinarian. Her neighbor was arrested in another sanctuary city and let go and he comes to pennsylvania. The man broke into his daughters house and stabbed carly 37 times. Carly had multiple knife wound in the palms of her hand as she tried to defend herself. She bled to death on the kitchen floor. He said i came to shake your hand because youre speaking for carly now. Anytime someone has a conversation with me and paints a picture of someone who is here for a better life, i think of them and carly. They were victims of ilLegal Immigration and we shouldnt ignore that. How many illegal aliens are getting axis to voting access to voting . We dont know. I know of investigations that were being conducted by agents that was shut down. There are two quick points that i want to make. A ysically deported a guy, drug dealer. We are speaking about a lot of people from different countries. This is not about mexico or latino. This is another lie that is being perpetrated. Its about making a distinction between citizen versus alien. When you say the word alien everybody wants to faint. Its not an insult. It means any person who is not a citizen or national of the United States. Thats not my definition. Thats the definition in the immigration act. The problem with that word is it provides clarity to the debate and the other side doesnt want clarity. Its a magic act. We physically deported a guy, i put him on an airplane and signed his warrant. He got back to the United States because twice he was arrested by the new York City Police department. We were never notified. The third time he encountered a 24yearold police officer. He reached for his gun, bullets flew. The cop was killed and i testified at the murder trial. I met his daughter that he never met because his wife was pregnant at the time he was killed. This is not victimless. And i tell you the other problem. We are allowing america to be the safety valve for places like mexico. There are many decent hardworking folks from mexico who would do anything if they could stay home with their families and be successful. But they cant. Today it would seem to me that america is looking to mexico as its role model rather than the other way around, the ood of being fabulously wealthy or being very poor. And were told if we dont import foreign entrepreneurs were screwed. People like gates who are entrepreneurs born in america. I find this disconnect mind boggling. Do you have any knowledge of an election that was impacted by an illegal alien vote . I know of nothing. Do you know of any or even suspected . No, because its impossible to determine whether or not it is. I know there were newspaper articles where there was belief and so you grapes on the part of the loser. We know this happens and its against the law for a lawful immigrant to vote in anything but a school board election. Thats why i felt so strongly about the voter i. D. Requirement. How is this Voter Suppression . If you are poor you dont have to pay for the i. D. If you are poor you are probably receiving public assistance which requires an i. D. So to hear this nonsense about this is Voter Suppression. No, its about integrity thats at the basis of the american republic. For the congressman, there seems to be an up surge of. Olitical asylum requests this whole system seems to be stacked against enforcement and just giving benefits away and we could keep working and paying for these benefits. Are there some active groups that we can contribute to if were so inclined to fight this . I know it was a lonely battle for you as mayor. But is there something that can be done at the local level rather than waiting for federal action which seems to never come . I think anytime anyone is going to go to a ballot box and vote for someone to be an elected official whether its on the local level or federal level, i believe you need to know where they stand on the issue and whether or not they are willing to do something about it. There are many members that i , many that i work with members who understand what ilLegal Immigration is doing and the fact that it touches on so many other issues. Its not one issue. I remember when i was running for congress, they would say hes a one issue guy. All that tells me is you dont even understand that one issue because that touches so many other issues. So i believe you need to look at your elected officials fair as a group that also i work with a lot on ilLegal Immigration. I speak at my of their events. But you need to look at the candidate and determine whether or not they have the courage to stand up. Because its not a popular position because you are going to be called a lot of names. This is not a new issue. How many of you remember congressman hunter . He ran with this as an issue. I work with an Organization Called caps in california. There are some groups. The problem is the lions share of the money is going to the other side. I did a piece for social contract and i compiled a list of all the people that are making out like ban dits and by the way just a quick question. Snt it an insidious form of profiling to talk about the latino vote or jewish vote . When Police Profile there is situational stuff involved. When you can look at rodriguez and say thats all i need to know, i think its a disgusting form of profiling. We are not monolithic and its like saying those people. And it happens every day of the week. Besides fair, another group i work with is numbers u. S. A. There are two groups ive worked with since i was mayor of hazelton. Lets go back in the audience, i think we had a question back there then well come over here. Your question for our guest. I have a question for the congressman. What are your plans with those who are born here but have yet to reach an adequate age to take care of themselvess . Thats going to be another very difficult debate were going to have. Were talking about the dreamers as they are socalled . Is that what you are talking about . Born here or brought here . Born here . If you were born here youre a citizen. Of parents who are here illegally just for clarification . Yes. They are citizens. Fur born in this country but your parents are foreign i would make a suggestion and there say term i dont like the anchor baby. What i would like to see, the 14th amendment says you are bosh here youre a citizen but perhaps if you are born to an illegal alien then you would not have the authority to give lawful status to the parent that gives birth to you simply by having a child here. That might be a good half way ground to turn off big part of the magnet. We have birth tour rism doing that. Perhaps the solution is the law sizz you are born here, youre a citizen but you cannot petition for the parent to become a resident in their own right when they become 21. Does that answer your question . Yes. What steps should be taken to present racial profiling in these immigration laws . Well, we were very specific in the hazelton law when i was written to make sure that racial profiling could not be part of any of the enforcement. In fact, it is written in the law that it cannot be based and this is a business that knowingly hires or a landlord and this is the part that really we were concerned with landlord simply not renting to someone because of the color of their skin. And we took it out of the hands of both the business and the landlords in our ordinance. In the business portion to make sure that racial profiling was not used, we would if you used verify which is a free program over the internet that will determine whether the person is a lawful worker or not, if you used e verify you could not be in violation of the ordinance. The landlords again, we did not want somebody not renting to someone based on the language that they spoke or the color of their skin, so the landlord would simply send someone to city hall for a permit. The city hall worker again would not make the determination. We would use a data base the same one that they use for Social Security or federal programs to determine whether or not that person is in the country legally. So we took it out of the hands of the business and the landlord so that they would not profile and say im not going to rent or hire someone because they may be here illegally because of the color of their skin or the language they speak. We took it out of their hand and put it in the hand of the federal government and only the federal government would make that determination. No city plea nor landlord would make that. That was very clear so that racial profiling would not be part of it. Do you find that ignoring these laws where illegal is illegal that it tend to be a crumbling of the entire american system. You said to pick your elected officials correctly and yept sometimes the elected officials think that the law doesnt matter, that they can just do whatever they like. Do you find that . I do. Thats why one of the first bills that i introduced in congress was to punnish sarning wear cities by sanctuary cities by taking away any money of a sanctuary city. A mayor does not have authority to pick and choose what laws they like and dont. This country was built on rule of law. The fact we now have elected officials whether its a president or mayor deciding whether or not they are going to enforce laws will be the beginning of the crumbling of this country. I know the question was asked but just two things. I call open borders is immigration anarchist. Its not antiimmigrant to be proamerican. You take care of your own first. When a parent runs into a burning building and there are lots of kid in the building, you expect them to grab their own child first. We expect the country to look out for its own citizens first. Its not unreasonable. The first laws they encounter first is the immigration laws. Violations of our laws will not only go unnoticed but will be rewarded. If thats the kind of face you want to provide to the world then god help us all. When i found out you guys were going to be here i had to come down. I appreciate you. My question is about am nestty and you mentioned congressman steve king and some others youve worked with. And i know the main stream media has given him grief about things he said about the dream ct and giving am nesty to drug traffickers. Do you agree with that. Do you think the media should be attacking him . The steve king become radio active after he said that . Not to me he didnt because i know whats in steve kings heart. I dont think anybody could deny that some of the people that will be getting am nestty or drug dealers, some are criminals, some are terrorist and some are very nice people. But why should we be afraid to single out those that will be mixed in with this amnesty that are here to do harm whether it be selling drugs or trying to ncourage or children to join gangs . Look at the ago culechure worker that got amnesty. He was involved with the 1993 bombing at the world trade center. If we dont know who you are and we give you an identity document thats a problem. Thats why i call it a terrorist assistance act. Even with the dreamers. Were told about children but the age cutoff the 31. I think of 31 being young but a child. In what society . We dont know if someone came three weeks ago and claimed to get here 16 years ago. There is a lack of integrity to a system that provides identity document ts. If you go back to the 9 11 Commission Report, the terrorists and the aggregate used over 300 false id tiss when some governments on the local or state level provided identity documents to people without being able to verify their identity they are crealting a National Security nightmare for all of us. When we talk about amnesty, we look at 1996 when Ronald Reagan gave amnesty to 3 million, almost 4. Because people will storm into the country illegally as soon as that happens. He promised the American People this would be a onetime deal. That we would never do this again and that we would secure our borders. Here we are 2013, they are talking about amnesty again. It could be 12 million, who knows or 30 or 40 million. And our borders are still not secure. Fool me once. Let me ask you with all the borders having the security of a screen door are you going to seek reelection . Absolutely. In that chair sat ron a few months ago, hes a freshman congressman, i think he may serve with you on the committee. What do you think of him . Hes a good baseball player i know that. I think he shares some of your values, does he not . He does. I dont know him very well. Hes a freshman. Im pretty vocal about write stand and im sure ron will get a chance to stand up for what he believes. We got precious minutes left. Want to thank you gentleman for coming this evening. Interesting. Im in the Contract Labor business. I provide labor to hightech companies. About a third of the people we employee are people that are brought here on visas. Nd i think that is something that we dont want to throw out throw the baby out with the bath water. Because there is not enough of those people graduating to fill all of the jobs that are available in this country. And what has happened is that a lot of it has gone offshore to india and other places where they have labor so i think we have to think about not so much the low end labor but high end labor how we treat that. Because in my business we would be out of business if we didnt have those people available. If i can help because we are running out of time. The gentleman raises a valid point. Do you see that being altered . I think we need to talk about whether or not were educating our own children. Rather than look around the world. [inaudible]. Here is the other part of the problem. As mentioned, if were not doing investigations to make certain there is not fraud involved and there are many cases out there where you have attorneys coaching other lawyers in how to game the system so they can get their fees by bringing in Foreign Workers. Willie sutton went to the banks because that is where the money was. Lots of companies go to india because thats where cheap labor is. I think your point of bringing in a higher skilled person versus a lower skilled person obviously is [inaudible] do we have the microphone so the gentleman can be sneard if you dont have the labor available in this country its going to go offshore. Im agreeing with you but we have to make certain the system has integrity. Thats the bottodge line is the lack of integrity. You know when a guy cuts you off on the highway and you say where did you get your license. Its where did you get your green card. Its the system has to have integrity. Summarize if you will briefly for our audyeps what do you see happening, what do you see in reality happening . Im hoping that people like lou and hes one of my heroes in washington and thats a short list will prevail. I hope that the American People in listening to this program and watching it will reach out to their elected representatives and demand true representation to make certain that the government serves we the people. Because that is who the government is for. Im hopeful that as more people understand the dire straight that is were in that they understand importing more Foreign Workers than the jobs we create adds to unemployment in record levels. Here at a 34 year high of unemployment. All of this can be dealt with effectively only if we enforce the immigration laws and i appreciate what you are doing. At the end of the day i hope what we do in washington will be to help the American Worker. I hope that we enforce our immigration laws so that we can help the immigrants that come to america for an opportunity because i believer were stealing the opportunity that america offers by bringing in many millions of illegal workers. And at the end of the day i believe that i hope that what we do in washington will be in the national sbestr best interest of the American People and not what is in the best interest of our national party. We do not operate in a vacuum when we do these events. I want to thavepk some people because without them, these efforts do not happen. Dean, richard, julian gomez, control, and shawn who worked our audience. Ob score, jerry kenny at kenny t. V. And our cspan partners tonight phil dean, gary sullivan. And bob south. I believe i have all of that. And tony mark who is makes sure everything gets moved and our host. Our next event happens on september 23rd. We will take a look at leadership. It will be september 23rd. A former air force Instructor Pilot will talk about her boc remarkable courage a system miesed strategy for success. We invite all students to come to anyone who wants to succeed in business to hear this incredible story on september 23rd. On behalf of our guests tonight, we want to thank you for being with us tonight. [applause] ladies and gentlemen of the jury thank you for listening. Thank you for watching. Have a pleasant evening. Redit credit captioning by the National Captioning Institute www. Ncicap. Org as far as issues before the f. C. C. We have a lot of them. Issues are diverse because in many ways the f. C. C. Overseas the information economy which accounts for 1 6 of the economy itself. We have a few things going on of particular interest though. One of those involves wireless communications. You can look around at the prolive indication of phones. But you also have to consider some of the numbers. We have more wireless phones in this country than we have people. One in three American Adults now has a tablet computer. All of those devices are using more of our air waves than ever before and were just Getting Started because worldwide moible data demand is going to grow 13 times in the next five years. The f. C. C. Has a lot on its plate. The newest f. C. C. Commissioner on issues facing the f. C. C. Monday night on the communicators at 8 00 eastern n cspan2. Cspan, we bring Public Affairs events from washington directly to you putting you in the room at congressional hearings, white house events, briefings and conferences and offering complete coverage of the u. S. House all as a Public Service of private industry. Were cspan, created by the cable industry 34 years ago and funded by your local cable or satellite providers and now you tonight on in h. D. Cspan q and a. We talked about wood drow wilson. Then prime ministers questions returns. And a discussion on u. S. This week on chewing day, a poster pulitzer prizewinning author with a new biography entitled wilson. Berg, in your 800 book 800 page book on woodrow wilson, you started like this

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