Transcripts For CSPAN2 After Words With Milo Yiannopoulos 20

CSPAN2 After Words With Milo Yiannopoulos August 27, 2017

Guest dark room and a skyscraper. So looking forward to meeting you. Host you look like youre over the new york skyline. I dont see a billboard. Guest thats a lie. , thats why theyre so advertisement for your book behind you, right . Guest may be like drag queen style. Host we will see it. Just in case anyone on the planet as missed it, youre just written and published your first book, dangerous. I noticed on the table of contents that pretty much everybody hates you. So according guest it does feel that way climate according to the table of contents we have a number of people who hate you. I guess you would say that the Progressive Left takes you, the altright hate you, twitter hates you, feminists hate you, black lives matter hq, the median pay cheaper at the list. So my question is, you sold off a lot of books or somebody who is hated by everyone. Who is buying the book . Guest that is true. It is now at week four on the New York Times bestseller list. Simon schuster dropped that nobody else big dipper imagine a publisher trinket down. Its hard to believe. I am very happy, ive been very happy with the reaction. I think what happened is people, i had a bit of a drama in february where something, out of my mouth a year and half ago or something on one of those long latenight live streams. I get like seven hours of any today and occasion something will come out of your mouth halffull but you dont think that happen. I apologize for that and what happened afterwards is why i love america so much. People are so forgiving. If th they believe that you gava sincere account of what went wrong and if they know that by and large youre a good decent person putting out good decent products and the really want to hear more from you, then i think they are very accommodating and forgiving. Host asked that exact of my memory of the way that went down. Guest yeah. And to think people have been great. The media of course are pigs and repugnant, but actual americans are fine. They are lovely, wonderful, decent people and they can see through the spin. They can see through the garbage and he think from my point of view thats what happened. Host what did you write this book for . Guest so the book is written basically, my primary audience skews enormously younger that a lot of conservatives. Thats why cspan, excuse me, by cpac, a bit of a controversy about speaking there because its traditionally assembled by much older evangelical social conservative christian types. The sort of people who hate the president. I think perhaps there just offputting or unsettled by my still of conservatism, which is much more relaxed about certain social things, much more come first to get some social things like immigration and islam that there too terrified to touch. A little bit more, a little bit soft on this kind of church of free enterprise. That think that now people can associate me with steve bannon and breitbart, i am a product of that intellectual into land. I do believe in that stuff. Most importantly i believe in peoples right to discuss it into defendant and actually to discuss and defend anything. Host let me ask you about that because it seems to me and im sure to you like the left has gone a little crazy with the election of donald trump. How do you explain that . Guest theres an earnestness and, i mean look, the left invented Political Violence was funny to watch places like the daily beast in vanity fair publishing articles that may be the left is a problem with violence. What did you mean . You invented it. You literally invented it. They are the people who want social change, the people who want to tear down institutions and replace them with even they dont know. Of course theyre the ones who will reach for violence when their arguments fail. Host whats the problem . Guest essentially the difference i think between conservatives and liberals is that conservatives by their nature want to preserve things. They want to maintain the status quote or at least they would like change that has been properly looked into and researched and thought about. They want change based on data, reason, logic and evidence. Thats in short supply in the media, because the left believes in a number of conspiracy theories, number of total myths. The gender pay gap is a myth. The campus rape culture epidemic is a myth. There are dozens of others. Like lance black lives matter is completely uprooted by the rally of who kills who in america. There are all kinds of things like that, and a as a journalist in britain coming to america cant imagine this would be the land of the free, the nation of the First Amendment, i thought perhaps foolishly that those of you to country you could be, do and say anything. What i discovered is that is true but only if you are leftwing. If you look at the beginning of the book use quotes from sarah r assortment of people like that. Sarah before she contracted feminism was really funny comedian. She used to tell great jokes about everyone. These days, however, shes best known for screwing up on twitter because she has written to something probably but wants to send a signal to a friend. With the result she is becoming really unpopular. Amy schumer was never tempted a funny but has what politics. We are instructed not only to find brilliantly funny and incredible but also beautiful. Shes been on the cover fashion magazines. You are not saying look at this person, youre saying be like this person. Anyone in the country wants to be like amy schumer, particularly not after the car crash of a movie she just did with poor goldenrod who came out of retirement to be in that abomination. And her special for netflix which was the least funny thing i feel a netflix. Host let me ask your question about change. You talk about conservatives wanting to preserve things and yet, you call yourself a conservative, i think. You consider yourself a conservative . Guest i think that any movement, any movement that, whether it is an intellectual movement or a social activist movement requires people from all across the spectrum. Theres a chapter in my book where i go for Establishment Republicans. I really go for the washington d. C. Types for the sorts of people watching this program and were coming into this determined to hate me. I the end that michael is just that they hate me slightly less. Maybe it wont after this. Conservatives have accomplished absolutely nothing to win the cultural wars in the last 30 years. They have some a managed to scramble into office but when they get into office they do nothing with it. They dont achieve anything or cultish anything. Host are you talking that republicans or conservatives . Guest im talking about threpublican establishment, talking about the think tanks and magazines in washington, d. C. Im talking about even some of the conservative imprints at major publishers. They dont take risks. Im talking about in particular republican politicians are all of the people that hate donald trump massively ineffective, useless people who say one thing and do another. And whose values have drifted from ordinary Americans Care about so much that he dont think the republican party, minus trump, can claim to speak for anyone in america anymore except the superrich. The democrats are right about that, and they did a good job of clinging onto power. But theyve done a really bad job of making sure that they are a powerful and a presence to be feared in the arena that actually matter. When you get the oval office in this city and the congress youve already lost the battle. Im talking hollywood, im talking about the media, College Campuses. Host how do you change those things . Guest you do what im doing what you d get attention, you start discussions. Nothing in the last 30 years has done as much to raise Public Awareness about the wacky politics on campus at uc berkeley writes that attribute. 20 people of god uc berkeley and havent been able to speak. People of god to colleges and at by the protest but nobody is quite been able to generate the come nobody is quite been able to show the left for what they really are, like me. This book is about how i got to that stage. Who else is on the chopping block whether it it silicon valy assessment republicans, all the threats to his free speech in america do as i see it visitor to america from europe. Host tell us how you got here. Guest how do we get you back . How do we send you away . I married, getting ready somebody i love very much, so good luck with that. Im afraid im here to stay. But i will say, i started a telegraph, i suppose it will that may be New York Times, the Washington Post with centerright rather than centerleft as they both are. I got a really good training in british journalism, rigor and seriousness but also mischief and fun and sat there. My mentor at the telegraph was a great admirer of the way that newspaper had been in the 70s and 80s when you publish satirical columns. I picked up a love as a think many of us have for quite subtle, sophisticate satire, sort of multilayer provocation designed outrage companies and educate. That doesnt fit very well in americas current public sphere where everybody is just desperate to be upset about something. For instance, at uc irvine i give a talk about what black lives matter dont care about black lives. I do so as a gay jewish immigrant with a black boyfriend dressed in police that did do with the chuck black dildo water bottle. There are so many things that are on an interesting about it. I dont see anything like that happening in culture. I dont see any musicians taking big risk. Marilyn manson one of my heroes shouldve been a trump support. If only because of how much it would have annoyed everybody. But even he crumbled and even he did the music be deficient in the cavity or shooting somebody looks like donald trump. It was a disappointing to me that he was in the 90s that i grew up with, the dissident messages countercultural warriors who were being totally unfairly pilloried by the religious right in this country, over without evidence cleaning that this stuff could make you violent or make you whatever. Didnt come to the defense of trump, me, however you like in the Broad Spectrum of this new populist uprising on the right which is one of the most interesting things to happen in american politics for half a decade. Its so interesting. What i found disappointing, so display was those heroes of mine from the 90s had basically gone soft. They had gone native. The only exception to that is very careful about his public pronouncements, and just for questioning, you know, and established norms politically correct utterances, and just for observing that he went to a dent in hollywood where nobody would admit theyre going to vote for trumpet everyone was planning to. Hes now yelled that when he goes out to dinner in hollywood as a racist and a trump supporter. Thats why they dont do it because it will destroy their careers. Host let me ask you let me ask you about hell raising. You put on a family show with your boa ball is in your jewelrd your fabulous outfits. I guess one question is how do you make sure that people who what youre saying if they might be too busy watching what you doing or looking at you . How did he get past the shell and you the message . Guest if you watch my shows which most people dont, and if you just read the headlines and dont come if we just read the headlines, listen to turtles, believe what you read on twitter and you never picked up by book and youve never come to one of my shows, i can imagine why a lot of people feel that question is a given example. I i did a show about abortion. I am like rabidly prolife. I did a show about abortion and i started it, i was stressed beautifully and the started it by handing out posters that were signed and numbered by me like theyre kind of precious merchandise, like madonna was giving out photos of people made in the front three rows. But they were photos of aborted fetuses. They were so shocking and people were just like, what the what . Then i came out and gave a talk that was rooted in studies, data and evidence. Whilst making but at the hypocrisy Progressive Left. If you actually read it, if you actually pick up a copy of the book, if you come to one of my shows its impossible to climb that just because i nation to get peoples attention with shock tactics and with showmanship, the left want to believe theres a substance with me. I want you to believe im a clown, im an attention seeker. But it is impossible to maintain that position if you read anything of right or come to one of my shows. Host let me ask you about stuff youve written. I have read your book. I loved by the way. Theres a lot of really interesting things can also learn statistics and examples. Let me have you written on a couple of things that you said in the book. One thing you said was that i really like, never again let the left tell you that they are the ones fighting bigotry. They are, in fact, its greatest defender. Explain what you mean by that. Guest what im seeking, the reason the left hates me so much is i am kind of like living disproof of the two central tenets of american progressivism. What is Political Correctness. I am smashing that norm and demonstrating that nothing bad happens when you crack a joke the summary says that racist. No, it was really funny and all my friends thought it was okay and go screw yourself frankly. Number two is, the main thing they hate is the sound of laughter. They really, really hate, the first thing to go in any new author to enriching a site or because he didnt want to laughing at them. Identify the thing the left hates the most, this is why i take some credit for the tanner and the character of the populist nationalist revolution in america because i started by being the first person who stood up in the belly of the beast at uc berkeley, uc irvine, uw seattle and just laugh at them. I left at them. They are selfevidently ludicrous. The social justice warriors who believe in conspiracy theories who want to break down traditional gender star types otherwise known as science and turns us into these hideous warthogs in the process and then complete nobody wants of sex with them. I am laughing at them because nobody can resist the truth wrapped in a good job. The second thing more preventer question which is important is identity politics. American has a disease and it is that, and i never express this before i came to her. I went to school with, i went to a fairly wealthy school in london, in london, in the southeast of england. And nonetheless, we had probably, well, we had a much higher of ethnic minority in that school and wealthy schools in america do. We had a lot of asians, by which any indian subcontinent. We had a lot of black kids in the school. Im thinking back to my school days and unthinking angela was cool. There are five things i think about angelo before member that he was black. But over here, you meet somebody and you made a start to make assumptions about the base on their skin color. Nbc news calls me a white nationalist. Knowingly lies and called it a white nationalist. Ive got these ten minute rants in my college talks about how i hate the stuff and, if youre going to identity politics you got to let white people do it. But i would rather nobody had it. Because it is poisonous and toxic when you judge people by their skin color, their sexuality with her gender. These things are not relevant to reasons debate about politics or about social policy. Like your white white said no ro talk about expect this ca kind f stuff that has infected journalism, infected academia and is now spiraling into hollywood and you start seeing hints of it on screen and you see in casting decisions like only a trained person can play a trans whatever. J davidson who played a trans hooker in the crying game, and then i think more famously played in stargate quit acting after those tool two was because didnt like the attention. He wasnt trans but he gave one of the most compelling, beautiful and brilliant portrayals of the challenges and horror of being a transgender person in america decades before the left exactly. That happened decades before the left decided trainees with the new big thing anybody has to balance greater the phone after im sorry but this idea that what you are is more important than who you are. That how you were born is more important than what you have learned in which you aspire to be. What your values are you are as a human being. If you took Martin Luther kings i have a dream speech and told College Campuses that it was stabbed by trump they would say it was racist. Seriously. I intend to do so on that extra by the adobe to larrys. We will take a of different quotes from black activists and say this is a Jeff Sessions to what you think about it . Host are you doing a trolling to work . Guest it is called troll academy. So the last two are, i, allowed to say the last the dangers of cheap talk was decided to speak to american College Campuses and america at large to the book i think a stunt that through to a much wider audience. We have sold well in excess of 100,000 copies of the book, first month i think i made 1. 2 1. 2 million in the first month on the book. We made so much more money now. Host thats actually. Guest its doing really, really well. Astonishing wealth and with a big hassle free speech i will invite all the people the left hates most votes. Uc berkeley a weeklong celebration of mischiefmaking i think will do good things for the book. But yes, that kicks off my settlements to her. We have dates in south america, australia, london, germany sweden and, of course, all over the united states. I think were doing ten dates in california, ten dates in florida. Host so is called rolling academy. Trolling. Guest in my book i make a distinction between trolling in mere cruelty. In my view trolling done correctly, trolling done for our purpose is intended to reveal things that Polite Society wonl tell you or isnt allowed to say. Id like to think of myself as sort of a purchase troll like trolling for the good lord, you know . I will provoke, i mean it. Host i thought you were too good to troll . Guest its a bit of a joke. I tell jokes that only my fancy get anybody else because of it in america is so earnest. At dont else takes at face value because no offense but you all dont really get ironing. This is a constant risk of being a european and america. Its like i call us of the most likely does fill in on the network nobody in america pickst for the word fabulous that i might be single slightly tongueincheek. Because if i were a super though i might not describe myself as idealists. Host you probably wouldnt. Although you might have a fabulous costume. Most super villains do. Guest im wearing my new

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