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Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to bind a noble on the upper west side. Tonight i had the distinct pleasure of introducing actors Jonathan Allen and amie parnes. Jonathan allen has covered for political, bloomberg and box. He is sad wired right to weekly political column for roll call. Amie parnes is a White House Correspondent for the holidays tapering washington. She covered Hillary Clinton during the campaign and will cover the trump administration. Theyve written the acclaimed biography hrc. Tonight they bring us shattered inside Hillary Clintons doomed campaign. Deep access from the top to the bottom of the campaign, Jonathan Allen and amie parnes have reconstructed the unsaved opportunities, the wellintentioned misfires in the head and thorns into a devastating month. The shoe carpet time he writes although the Clinton Campaign was widely covered and many have been in the last several, the blowbyblow details shattered in the observations made here by campaign and Democratic Party insiders are nothing less than devastated. Sure to dismay not just supporters, but everyone who cares about the outcomes than momentous consequence is that the election. Without further ado, join me in welcoming authors Jonathan Allen and amie parnes. [applause] good evening. Thank you for coming. People we dont know yet, there is my family waving over there. They mustve been drinking already. They are laughing like they were. So i think what we are going to do here is read a little bit of one of the early chapters of the book, chat or seven. We will talk a little bit about what a blast and it will take questions from anybody who has a question. Do you want to start, amy . We are going to read a little part of chapter seven, which is a chapter that centers around iowa. It is called i was certain we were going to lose. Bill clinton was off. He hollered at john podesta loud enough to be heard through the walls of the little rooms he laid claim of a historic savory hotel in downtown des moines, iowa. It was the pond and he was watching on tv. Theyre getting it all wrong again as the result of the Iowa Caucuses trickled in. Hillary was reading, but he was going to be tight. Omg wolf blitzer said on cnn. It doesnt get a whole lot closer than that. That assessment invited parallels to hillarys 2008 last two barack obama. It was then builds absurd comparison and i had been a threeway race and she was still likely to come up a winner on this night, not the thirdplace finisher. The upstart challenger competing in iowa in deja vu was so hard storyline to resist. And ensures the race will go on for months and months on the democratic side reported that night and sanders headquarters. Hillary was such a prohibitive frontrunner heading into the democratic nomination by that she should have cleaned up. Bill had a much different days. Iowa has never been clinton country and increase your share of the return from under 30 in 2008 to 50 give or take a little in 2016. Plus unlike obama, bernie was tailormade for iowa. The state is overwhelmingly white littered with colleges and decidedly workingclass workingclass cities, even if you manage to eat out he got a victory, that were showing strength, not weakness. Why couldnt i see a difference . It was just another of those routine about television personalities. He cursed him after the meet the press host had declared obama the winner of the 2008 primary in may of that year, and that another sign of the inability to tamp down his emotions that Pivotal Moment of his wifes political career. At the start of the day he went for a walk to release some of the builtin stress and at one point he played a combination of card games, and stayed simple ship with them. He was a protective husband and a concerned democrat and now he was shouting eight years of pent up frustration of his longtime adviser. When bill had spent himself, podesta locked into an adjoining space that is part of the caucus night. Hillarys length of anxiety would consultant to come in and he was looking for. I was state director matt paul, the spec to quote in his mid40s had left his job as Communications Director for agriculture secretary tom vilsack to run the iowa population. For the better part of a year, having served on howard deans president ial campaign in iowa to vilsack in senator tom harkin, ponder the state electorate as well as anyone. But it did back in appointment not. You go in there and deal with them. Paul gathered himself and walked in to allow the chair. Bill was wearing a suit and a pair of other. His arms were crossed. Even if it hadnt been audible through the walls of the hotel, it wouldve been clear he was in a foul mood. His eyes were fixed on paul. If theres ever a time to make sure i know my shit, this visit. He fired questions at him. But his ousting in polk county . How about cedar rapids . Ill watch go through the state of our caucus results hadnt been reported county by county, slowly the president ingrid society even if society didnt. You cannot delete consistent with where his team thought she would be heading to caucus night. She was up a handful of points. Sanders is slowly closing in on her. After palfrey still come in the two men repeated conversation the nearby room of the rest of hillarys team is nervously assessing the situation. In front of the others, one source in the room noted a market shift of those personality. Usually he is a storyteller the source said. On this night, he was just an information gatherer. He wanted to know what the staff didnt tell them why didnt know it. Its much harder to figure out whos winning a caucus state and particularly in iowa because the results are measured in both cast. Instead reported as a number of state delegate equivalent on the worst of the vote each candidate gets from his or her performance the caucus locations. Numbers can come in this very small fractions. Over and over, and more often that were meaningful updates. What really matters remained unreported. If they were in accord morning taylor was screwed. You also knew his alabama home with the state numbers, the same number say not a bad feeling. Paul was reporting to bill. This is not Getting Better he told podesta. This is going to keep going down. He could overtake us. Let me say before we go farther, we are really happy to have spin here. We love cspan. Its like local television for us washingtonians. We would really like to thank her and the noble for hosting. We found out as we were walking in today that this book showed up as number one on barnes noble on their website today across the country. We are really happy to be here and we would really like to thank our team, kevin dallas over there along with rachel ricky key and many other people to help make this book possible. They stand along the wall and they are really responsible for a lot of what actually appears in the book. What we thought might be interesting is we would talk a little bit to each other, and take some of your questions as you want to kick it off, maybe . Is this kind of fun because even though john and i were together now for two books in five years, i have an idea of johns favorite moment in the inner workings, but i kind of dont, too. I figure well kick it off this way let you guys chime in as well. So maybe lets start off by talking about your favorite moment of the book. There is something that happened on election night. You might have had his similar experience to us which is that we were expecting are claimed to be the next president of the United States. I assume most of you are not well into writing a book about this election. One of the first things that we discussed in the immediate aftermath of the election, it think a lot of people were trying to get adjusted to the surprise of the election to of course the transition period for us, we sort of had to make an assessment of what we were still had to go after from the preelection period. From the pregeneral. Im all for the things we were really going to focus in on at the end of the campaign in a different way because we have a lot of reporting from before the election. Some of the last month or two, we hadnt had a chance to talk to folks because they really shut down around the election. Nobody wanted the leaks out. One of the decisions we made early was that we thought it would be a tremendous failure on our part if we did not get a tick tock of election night, of what was going on behind the scenes in the Clinton Campaign. My favorite part of the book in the thing i feel most invested in is the effort that we went to to really talk to a lot of people about what was going on. We have sorted a three to four ticktock of the Peninsula Hotel or Hillary Clinton and her top aides during this weekend at their rooms surrounded all night. The boiler room and made town manhattan ordered data analytic spokesman pulls yours in some people really crunching numbers and talking to people in the state, where they were all working. To brooklyn headquarters people were there as well and of course the Javits Center where her victory party, her plan to tory party was. We spent a tremendous amount of time to be together would have been putting together a tick tock, trying to get the time element. There are a tremendous there are a lot of things in this book that have not appeared anywhere else. Amy and i were the first to report in late november because we were afraid that he would reported that for the book came out that president obama had urged Hillary Clinton to secede when she was not ready to get a lot more of the story of election night, what was going on, with the feelings are, what the debates were among our staff and among her family even. To me that is the point im most proud of is that we got all this reporting that no one else did about this really incredibly shocking moment for not only for the country, but obviously for the clinton people were not only the clinton people, but the country as well. So you, what is your favorite part of this book . Labatt obviously because it took a lot of work. I should say if you dont mind, every authors favorite part is the byline. So this is really the second favorite part. No, it was great to actually everyone wanted to know what was going on inside the room. Id have to agree with you. We wanted to know the real story. Obviously they kept trying to portray a Joyful Campaign and we kept seeing signs that it wasnt such a Joyful Campaign. John and i kind of made it a mission to get the real story from people. Initially people would be like yes, great, if going well and slowly, slowly we started hearing the rails dory and were interviewing one source in the brooklyn headquarters because the stories about the people of the brooklyn headquarters mostly. A source actually told us that the very tail end of the interview, yeah, there was one moment right after michigan. She was really off. But i cant really tell you anymore. Youre going to have to talk to other people in the room for that. I was so angry i was a come on, tell us a little more about what happened here. We want to know about it. He was like now, talk to other people in the room. I got him to tell us who was in the room and he gave us these names. We tried to make the mission in every interview after that to find out what exactly went down in not moment. Finally, we circled back months later. Ninemonth later. Separately we could have had children in that time. Love you, honey. Finally, this one source had come on. We really want to know what happened here. We kind of have it in pieces of what happened. This is postelection now. Postelection. This was like premoderation, but i think it mightve been after christmas. Finally, the source tells us what happened and basically it resulted in us finding out what was happening in michigan during the primary. She was angry at her a she was telling them are messages that resonating. What is happening here . These are the moment. It is a book about what happened, not for outsiders, the people inside the campaign. I think that kind of book that kind of shines in this book and this is what we aim to do. Your turn. Truth or dare. I want to know what you think the hardest part of reporting out this book was . I think getting people in clintons orbit to talk about anything is impossible. If i was to chalk up whatever my proudest accomplishments were just as a reporter breaking into the circle of them getting people to tell us that because this is a famously especially in this campaign, a group that was not allowed, afraid of the repercussions of having leaks come back on them is something we write about here that Hillary Clinton is obsessed after 2008. She believed that the leaks from her campaign had really hurt her in 2008, rather than singing them as symptoms of dysfunction are excepting people who didnt feel their grievances were being aired effectively internally to the outside. She worked the league says something that was plaguing her campaign and one of the big reasons she lost. This time around, live these people thought they were working in administration. A lot thought they would work in the white house. There is a lot of incentive not to bring problems not to air problems externally or even internally. So i think, you know, to be the hardest part was getting people to talk. It really was unlocking persontoperson, detailed going back to the same people over and over again, matching the people cited in april to september, december. It was a reminder. The whole process was a reminder of the faith that reporters know in their hearts, which is if you want to get something good, you just have it work at it and work at it in work at it. I am proud we were able to bring to light so many things that people didnt know in terms of the basic story. You can improve his conclusions. You can disagree with things in the book and add i dont think your analysis is right or wish they had more about that. At the end of the day, theres a ton of the ton of new reporting and im so proud of that and it was hard work for us. I know my family sacrifice for it, your family sacrificed for it. I am proud of that. I want to know for a new what your biggest fear is now that it now. Waiting for a few weeks to come out, just to reach into the experience of the author. I hope her publishers dont get mad at us. We heard that there is likely to be a review on friday, the first review likely to come out of friday night came out before we expect it to them is really very good. For weeks to sit around with a finished project that nobody else has read. You dont know if anybodys going to like it. You dont know if its going to sell. It was just as hard to write them matter whether those things go well or poorly. But now that its out and people get to look at it, if the finished product, like what is your fear . So many fears. I want people to understand with guidance and be back on twitter and other social media that were biased reporters. We went into this basically trying. We shoot from the hip. We are reporters. We wrote with some people thought was a largely sympathetic book the first time around. This one is basically what we saw, what we heard from everyone in the campaign. So i kind of want people my big fear is this will be misinterpreted. As we explained in the introduction, we actually went about reporting that. Without obviously that she was going to win and are reporting changed. Well, it didnt change, but the direction didnt even change because we had time to problem solve throughout the campaign. It would have been when she lost. We had to kind of quickly interviewed people and quickly form conclusions about what happened and do that right after the election in january. That was a really quick turnaround. I kind of want people to understand that process without judging how we did that and whether or not we were taking sides in who we voted for in a disclaimer i dont vote even because i feel like my reporting is my publics nervous and i dont take sides. I want people to kind of judge this fairly and kind of read it before they actually judge it. The mac if i could add to that, you know, before the election have been, we picked up his seemingly sane on a lot of problems in the campaign and the misery of the campaign and we picked up on Hillary Clinton feels like she didnt have a handle for the electorate. The couple anecdotes about her saying to people very close, i dont understand what is happening with the country right now. I dont get it, which we have a seesaw was a problem in the democratic primary and general election. Certainly she would like to have gotten a larger share of the popular vote and certainly in the right state for the electoral college. There is something Bernie Sanders and donald trump or trap them into, part of which was her general believe, not just general, but strong belief in systems and working inside the system to make change rather than breaking down the system to make change. But we saw all of this going on for months and months, and ability to touch what is going on in the country and dysfunction on the campaign. It was weird to us because we saw the polls on election is going to win because theyre looking at the point and it says there seemed to be a pretty good pad there. I hope im not talking too much here. They said to us before the election, you know, it sounds like she is going to lose. Im having trouble understanding because it looks like shes going to win and you guys think shes going to win, but this book feels like something where shes going to lose here and we are like, thats the problem. We are going have to figure that out. We are reporters. This is what is going on and it may be this is for projections of an administration. We are struggling with that. And honestly close to honestly close enough they honestly close enough they could have gone either way. In a number of things could have taped it one way or the other. We had seen all the signs and not necessarily ending to a trusted archive in terms of reporting and not paid off and it was the reason we were able to produce this fairly quickly after the election because we didnt have to up a lot of her and reformulate assumptions because we just sort of laid out with the reporting was. Lets do one more quick question. Lets make this a lightning question. What is your favorite quote from the book . Thats rough. My favorite quote from the book. That somebody else said or that we think is so awesome . A powerful quote. Im sorry. [inaudible] yes, yes, not only to apologize for taking up the time, the quote is mr. President , im sorry. Yeah, i would have to agree. I can give you another one if you want. Actually know what, i do want to use that other one. People should get to that. Sorry. Like abbott and costello were and dumber at pier. Anyway, we will open up to questions because we want to hear from you all. Every q a mic. Just raise your hand and ill come to you. I would like to know if you have any feeling as far as why the former Vice President biden didnt win and secondly, id like to know how much influence do you feel president obama had as far as who could challenge Hillary Clinton is the candidate would have had a fair chance and lastly, why do you think president obama and pardon Hillary Clinton and would that have made a difference . Maybe ill take the first question. So, biden. Lets go there first. We have a think if you talk to sources than we did about why he didnt run, and it was bad timing for him. He needed to make a decision pretty quickly. His son had died tragically a few months earlier. He wanted to make a decision over the summer as the clock was ticking. His donors kept calling and wondering what was taking so long. He was really feeling the weight of the moment and not pressure. Finally, he realized he had to make a decision. Meanwhile, secretary clinton was boxing him in and doing things that didnt allow him to kind of do what he needed to do. Already taking many of the donors. Time had run out. He was he about it and we report that in the book. He reported that she was plain ugly. At the favorite quote. Its actually one of mine. He wasnt happy with it. You have a cordial relationship, but he was really angry at her and not for kind of doing what she did and keep a not especially when he needed time to grieve and make his decision. Especially now hes not ruling it out and interview. Hes basically leaving the door open. The timing was bad. Decisionmaking one. In terms of the pardon ill just take the last two. In terms of president obama, he wanted to remain neutral, but everybody knew that he prefers secretary clinton, which i think prevented a lot of Democratic Candidates are getting in release a lot of Democratic Candidates are muted again about getting them in because why would she run against a sitting president s preferred candidate who already has all the superdelegates lined up. When people talk her skills as a candidate, one was clearing the field. She didnt get Bernie Sanders not to run, but there a lot of other democrats who might have run for president who did not and the democratic bench is pretty thin right now with a lot of candidates would run for president. Theres no reason to pardon her. Jim comey said he wouldnt run a prosecution. He said a lot of things that he would recommend prosecution. Donald trump is not going to imprison his successor no matter how much somebody dislikes what he does or compares them to get taters. I dont think were at that point by now are anywhere close to it. Theres a reason they should pardon him. Had he done so wouldve been a stand on both the president and clinton. What can you say about the decision by mrs. Clinton to delete the socalled personal email . Any consideration of the fact there had been potential backlash of a coverup of something. I mean, this is a question of in case people didnt care why she would delete the personal emails, those that were deemed personal or private server and whether there is any fear of a backlash. Obvious to people saying she was trying to hide something. The personal emails along to her. They are of a personal nature and theres a process put together where her lawyers and top aide who are lawyers were pretty females in determining what is a work email. Having looked at her work email and having seen the information classified and ended up in her work email in the private server seems pretty clear that they could have a problem. The shift delete it. If they wouldve done that, we witnessed in all that classified information. They may have made a bad decision, bad judgment. In fact, it was an optically poor decision to set up the private server and one by the desire to not have her files out there in the open under freedom of information act request while she was running her president. That worked out very well for her as you all know. In terms of the person you read your emails, those along to her. They dont belong to anybody else. There should be a problem as long as they are making the right decision about was personal. Given what you know now through your reporting and you have to pick one, which you say the clinton camp came off with the Trump Campaign won . Does. I think its really complicated and weve been getting that question a lot the last few days. As john and i report in this book and i think we do so pretty conclusively comment it wasnt just russia or comey. Its a combination of fact yours. Im not saying everyone here is that with the definitive fact there, not saying that it wasnt. Im saying it was a contributor for sure. But there are other factors including the fact that she didnt have a message from the beginning of her campaign. We detail in this book during her launch speech, she had more than a dozen advisers working with her to write this thing. None of them really do the center of gravity of this message. They didnt understand where it was going. She brought in advisers from president obama and his speechwriter, his chief speechwriter to help friday. He actually threw his hands up before the process was over and that i cant do this anymore because each is going nowhere essentially. The message was a huge problem for her. There is infighting at the top levels of the campaign. Her two top advisers, john podesta and bobby mc didnt care for each other. We detail the sin the book. There is one passage in the book were there at a senior retreat for members of the campaign and how they feel about each other and they are using words like passive aggressive. Hillary clinton stopped talking to some of her top advisers enron be moved during the primaries. These are all problems that were kind of swept under the rug. They were fully addressed. She wanted people to think that it was a drama Free Campaign raised on 2008 in the headlines that come up in 2008 that there was lots of infighting. They did a good job keeping it under wraps come of it as a problem for her. There is an image problem, likability problem. People didnt trust her. These are all factors. When you talk to people now, and john and i talked to someone tonight who basically said i supported her, the kind of unwillingly. I think that spoke for a lot of people dead inside a think a lot of people acknowledge that. I have a competitor for one the best quotes from the book supporting what you are saying, which is one of her top aides said i would have had a reason for running or it wouldnt have run. The argument was essentially that even her aides didnt know what the rationale was, that they were unable to look away she was saying to say here is her vision for the country rather than her visions of power. In a mean, she had been running for president for 10 years at least. I think an honest assessment is that it was very easy to see what Donald Trumps message was, whether you like it or not, whether he was being honest at the moment or not. You could tell that he wanted to do. He had an isolationist message. He had an antiimmigrant message. But they were basically one, two, three things you can put together and say this is what he wants to do with this power. With her, there was an embrace of so many things. As some of the people said to us or not for anything. It was then very focused even after all these years. Some untold, im not going, some untold john and i there was a wall in her brooklyn headquarters that had little post it note and it said hillary and the wall was covered with various ideas. One of our sources pointed to that wall and if youre for everything youre not for anything. [inaudible] you guys talk about Brooklyn Podesta and trump had come in late in the game and ran circles around them. Who was making decisions in brooklyn and saying but arizona only before the election. Podesta was millennial. It was making decisions for the campaign . The first answer to that question is your guess is as good as mine. This was a problem that allowed a the junior level staffers are unable to get decisions and sometimes they were trying to sign off on something because podesta were talking and things like that. In terms of if you want to sort of look at what the basic debate was it really mattered in terms of the strategy of Field Operations and analytics in how this sort of mechanics of campaigning believe heavily in the use of campaign data, not only heavily, but exclusively. He did look favorably upon those with politics as an art including president clinton who believe Hillary Clinton should be out there trying to persuade people who didnt agree with her. The data said it was more expensive, less efficient to try to get people who disagreed with her to vote for her than people who agree with her to show up, which is true by the way. Anybody will tell you that is true. Typically they dont abandon persuasion efforts entirely. This campaign increasingly abandoned persuasion occurs nsa abandoned persuasion efforts they are more focused on the base and alienated. With the people who might have been persuadable at one point. Particularly talking about workingclass process that was so focused with good reason with that domination. But the delegates in our path. So she goes to the city of it doesnt go to the nearby suburbs or talk in ways that are trying to reach out to the voters shes having trouble with. They become somewhat alienated easy to process particularly the rust belt over time. Theyve done things differently, but one of the motives that this book is that there was a big envelope over the level of reliance on data versus say bill clinton coming in. These guys are buying our message. We need to spend more time with them and we need to frame it this way. He would come in and essentially be like gray, mr. President , but i dont want to send you out or rural area or send it to a city where you can touch people who are more to turn out. A lot of these former aides were angry about it. And he had a field a better feel for things than this data in analytics. The report in fact do something thats still kind of angers the people around him. Hi, both of you referred in passing to james comey. How significant to the outcome and even though they kind of publicly downplayed it, what was the reaction to that inside of the campaign. There is a saying in the campaign. We cant have nice things. Every time something started to go well, there is another shoe that drop. It felt like there was the millipedes running around dropping shoes. We go through this sort of background of that and i dont want to tell whole story here because i want to get a few more questions and. Basically they were shot at what happened and they were trying to scramble to figure out why the fbi director had weighed in again to say he was reopening the investigation essentially looking at a computer that belongs to trim 11. There cant be any name we dont know about because they got everything. The press secretary traveling with her when asked about it, the reporter on the plane was asking about these new revelations was joking. Hey, man. You see the new thing from comey . Really funny, dude. Yeah, so they never saw that coming. In terms of how much of a factor was in the election. Its impossible to know exactly. I would point out that while director comey did a lot of unusual things, thats a euphemism. He did a lot of unusual things during this campaign. All of what he was doing relates back to the email server. If there is somebody here who thinks that was a good decision on her part, both in terms of how you should behave as a public official or a politically good decision on her part, please raise your hand. Right . So i mean, that is to damage that may be unfair and what not. We sort of look at that as part of the major goal to paraphrase of this email server that actually came to light before she even announced the campaign. Im a journalist with the newspaper from norway. [inaudible] at norwegian relatives, so we are very proud norway. Politics are more interesting here than they are in norway. I have a question about iraqs ties to the candidate herself. How much did you talk to her during the campaign and to what extent did you feel that her staff was being guided in one way or another when it came to talking to you because obviously he knew many of these people and they must have known you were writing this book a must of had a kind of strategy in place to guide you in the direction they wanted you to go. So, thats a very complicated question. We dont talk about our sourcing at all. It is something we did on hrc. We are not doing it for shattered. You can rest assured that we talk to everyone from the highest levels on down. This is a very inside the campaign kind of boat. So if you want to know what outsiders are thinking, this is not the book for you. I thought youre going to say we dont talk to the press. The second part of your question is also complicated because as john mentioned earlier, they are a tough nut to crack, the clinton world. We did this two times. At times we felt it was correct me if im wrong, but the second time was just as hard as the verse, perhaps harder because she was running a campaign and they were worried about what we were going to put out. We also had day jobs we were doing at the same time. And it wasnt as easy as it might sound because we did hrc, its not like the open the floodgates and open on this book. Quite the opposite. We had to work really, really hard every of us had to kind of range reduced ourselves to the clinton world in some sense. They used to joke with john. That like they dont tell us and weve been working with these people for years. One of the things about the leaked emails from the staffers as we were able to see somebody being told not to talk to us because presumably you know, there was the naval victories. It was just like you dont have to talk to them. People at spoken to us before. Dont talk to them, which is essentially like youre not allowed to talk to them. I will say that there is a mix of pattern over time some people talk to us and some people didnt. Some people asked permission to talk to us and got it in some people didnt ask permission to talk to us anyway. John and i often joke that we want to write our next book on someone whos a lot easier and more accessible. This world is not that. By queen elizabeth. Cave bear. Im a journalist from new york. You guys were terrific on channel five this morning. Tanks, sir. Hey urge you right, from fox. In the third of the way into the book and so far hillary is indecisive. Shes got very bad judgment. Shes not good at politics and she doesnt stand for anything. You guys have a front row seat. Forgetting for a moment is the president now, did she learn anything that told you whether she would be a good president . So far all thing shes due in the campaign, shes not doing very well. What she had been a good president in your opinion . Someone elses applauding. Is that what she wanted to ask, too . [inaudible] so the one thing we learned from hrc, our first boat, was shes a policy wonk. This is her name. She knows how to govern. She knows how to govern more than she knows how to be a candidate. Shes not the best candidate. She actually admitted this several times during the campaign. She has said she is not president obama either. Shes not even george w. Bush, who people say is quite charming. Amy works hard, says smart things than i cut in with a few jokes. Everybody smiles amount and then we get to go home and then we forget how hard shes worried. I feel for her on that level. When people talk about sexism and misogyny in a campaign, i think in society with a lot of a lot of that in she is sometimes judged unfairly. However, your job as a candidate to win over people, whatever their bias desire. I was a little bit of failure. I didnt mean i mean, it did mean to cut you off, but i had a point though is valid. It is tricky because they think shes a terrible candidate. She doesnt know how to manage a campaign while. I do think shes very wellversed in policy. We saw that in the debate. I think arguably she won all three and i think that she would be good and not furtive way. I think she would have a management problem for sure if she was in the white house. [inaudible] since 1991, comey is the one who led the whitewater investigation against bill clinton and there has been a 91 billion since russia started this untrustworthy Clinton Campaign. So i think, what do you think . The press also contributed to that since they were hardly ever asking whos the president . Donald trump. Thank you. Did you just not want to say the word . Its still very painful. Im recovering. Never asked about his service. Whatever he said, is like water off a ducks back. Nothing mattered in the growth or left the growth or left, right and center. Ben ghazi was a phony name. He himself using a private server. So obvious that as you mentioned do contribute, but i think there is a very concerted after wearing the last 10 days, when comey went and put it him on the scales by ringing up this phony emails they, when he knew this russia investigation is a serious level at the tops ties is a connection to these people is going on. So my question is within all these factors contribute towards her being very cagey and mismanaging and not having a specific message. I think in the end her policies were not very well reported by the press. I think if he wanted to find policies, they were easy to find. You know, i would be hesitant to look at a campaign and say wow, there is a campaign against her and it was unfair that there was a campaign against her. You know, we havent talked about this before, but you talk about russia. Here is the next sample of something we knew. We knew that the russians had been trying to tamper with our elections. We knew they were behind the dnc hacks. It was good reason to suspect there was involved in the podesta act. Hillary clinton made that case publicly. She did it in debate. She said to trump that he was a puppet of 210. She talked about the intelligence community, the agencies that came in and said russia was responsible for these attacks. In a country like the donald trump anyway its not as though we had no idea what was going on here. If people didnt Pay Attention when they were voting and they are angry not because they were paying attention, that would be one thing, but i dont think that is the case. I think i was taken to the decision before making. One fifth said they thought he wasnt fit to be president of the United States in voted for him anyway. When i look at that comment that says to me even though this was a close race and one that couldve changed a little bit comment says to me Hillary Clinton failed to win by a large margin he could have. There were voters certainly available to her. They were available to her that she just couldnt nail down. And with that, we do have a note to the signing. Are there any final comments from either of you . Thank you everyone to appreciate you all for coming. We hope you enjoy our book. Thinks. [applause] this is a tv on cspan2, television for serious readers. At 6 30 p. M. Eastern, satirist p. J. Orourke reflects on the 2016 president ial election. Not least, many successful in effect did humorous email out to win over an audience by laughing on himself. Lets begin with a few more examples of this mockery. Lincoln possessed a very strong sense of selfworth. As a result, he was able to take a joke. Joining in with the utmost in a sense and good nature. He made much of his appearance conscious of his very unusual physical proportions. More particularly his unusually long lens come a long and very long arms. And the way that many consider 10 and ugly man, he faced that headon, passing himself as the subject of a story, an encounter with a stranger who said excuse me, sir, they have an article in my possession which belongs to you. Taken a jack knife from his pockets, the minix lane this was placed in my hand some years ago with the injunction that i was to keep it until i found a man other than myself. I think you are entitled to the property. Lincolns suggestion also gave rise and finally felt looking down the gunmetal of a passerby who asked land, and i quote, he promised to shoot the first man he met with other than himself. Getting a good look at the mans face, lincoln remarked having bared his chest, if i am uglier than you, then brave the way. [laughter] lincoln loved the absurd. He loved tall tales. According to noah brooks come he thought the chief characteristic of american humor was his grotesqueness and extravagance. He loved the story of bill, a lot of drunks and lincoln stories with catastrophically intoxicated on the day of heavy rain, staggered down an alley and fell asleep in not. We denounce it was getting dark, he sat out the public to wash himself. On his way, another thing you know a post, which bill missed a band that once took hold the arm of his man, the use of which the occupant is opposed. Though put both of his hands under and gave himself a thorough washing and made his way to the grocery. As the undead, what it is, is horrified by what in the world with the matter, you ought to see me before i was sloshed. Thered be no surprise that lincoln celebrated the craftsmanship, and the economy, energy and idiomatic color of his prose should of the humorous possibilities and curiosities of the english language. He discovered particular usages come enjoy discovering particular usages and the meanings of words. He smiled as he put it, the dutchmans expression of somebody tying his dog loose. He took delight in smilingly told the busy operators in the telegraph office that was since it was a fast day, he was pleased to see them working so fast. He memorized the phrase end because folks is red Court Proceedings would have the use upon the vintage and opposing lawyer who claimed he could bring a man to prove an alibi has lincoln shooting back, i have no doubt you can bring a man to prove an alibi. Yours look at the bestselling nonfiction books according to amazon. Guest dear comrades, i have to i have to tell you that i decided not to come back because i have contracted aids and the only place where i could get treatment is this country and then ive added some supporting information and i actually traced it back to somebody. I got the aids from. The and it worked. I know that they believed it. How do i know it . Because i also told them to give my wife the money saved on my account, and they did. And they told your german wife that you died of aids. Yes, they did. I know because my son now 33 years old, we have been in contact for the last five years, he told me the story what it was like to be at the other end. You can watch this and other programs online at book tv. Org. Tv. Org. Welcome, good evening, town hall. I am Christine Lee young, town halls new community

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