They came up with at the time of those discoveries. After we separated from the oregon country and territory it is important to see what was on the mind of the people organizing the government. Showing outside of the political concern what is interest at that time and of the governor. He conducted ten indian treaties in 13months. Some say he took advantage of that situation. So, it gives you a peak into what was on his mind as an int l intellectual and a reader and politician. Gives you a peek into the first thing people in this state, particularly olympia, that people were pulling off the shelves and reading. This is the First Library to have public access. It is open to the public. It is a circulating special collection and we have a special desk for people to visit. They can come to the second floor and request materials. It is as a monitored desk and secured collection. But it is the library for the people for the state of washington and it is meant for Research Process and learning about the pacific northwest. We encourage people to come. Depending on the condition of the material, we may have restrictions regarding making copies or handling. But overall, if you come in and you make a request, we will be happy to fulfill it. For more information on washington and other cities, go to our local content section on cspan. Org this has been a terrific place to work and i am Team Teaching a class and i was thinking today how great it was to have the intellectual stimulation and play off each others ideas. I want to thank the university and my chairman and former chairman for their terrific support over the years. And dean paul den benson i would like to thank. And i would like to thank my coauthor who is not here. He reviewed my book saying wonderful book but there is flaws. And you could put your email in and i said i want to know what the flaws are so i can fix them for the next edition and i will pay you if you do a copy edit of the book and tell me what your flaw is. He sent back 20 pages singlespace. They were not all mistake. A lot were challenging me interpretation. But we developed a working relationship and ended up writing together and we have written three together. Both volumes of the book and the reader. Before i get into a patriots history of the modern world my other book is celebrating its 10th Anniversary Edition and were releasing a special edition so i have been updating the history of the United States and updating it to bring it up to the presence. That is going to be fun. This book came to be after the history of the United States book, back then, before some of the other books i was thinking about doing history of the world. Paul johnsons book modern times is one of my favorites. Dave seemed like the perfect coauthor because he was strong in areas i am weak, military history especially and dave is good at that. We submitted a book about that big to the publisher and you can imagine the reaction. They split it into two books. And volume two didnt even get much smaller but originally they were one book submitted. Volume one came out in death valley in october 2012 right at the peek of the president publicity. I did one radio interview because all they wanted to talk about was the election. But volume one is two world wars and a great depression. It is dark and there is not a lot you can do to make it fun and lig lighthearted with that material. Volume two is fun in a lot of parts, though. You had culture, education, entertainment, and the internet and all of the things sharon mentioned are in it. I thought tonight, some of you are particular with my talks and i am usually political, so i thought we would deal with more of the fun, cultural stuff. I thought i would talk about the golden accident. American in the immediate postwar period entered an economic time i called the golden accident. That is not to say american w k workers and owners didnt take advantage of it. But what we had at the end of world war ii was a onceinalifetime advantage. Our allies were knocked down. Everywhere you look the United States stood as the worlds leading consumer and producer at the same time. And i cant find another time in World History where one nation has existed in that kind of situation where it was the leading producer and consumer as a result of these circumstances. You have control of 15 of world trade and 40 of world manufacture. Those are awesome numbers. And nowhere was this better seen than in autos or the chapter called freedom chairt. Autos made men turn invincible. And man on a throne was what an American Driver was called. A Free Flowing Movement of people and goods across our nation is a requirement. And martin marty referred to the alter of automobiles. The u. S. Produced more autos than the entire rest of the world put together and did so until the mid60s. But autos were seen as a stick of success. There were more cars per paved road in the ussr. But the u. S. Had 15 times more miles of paved roads. Auto deaths in the usrr grew much faster than anywhere else. The numbers were pretty bad with a high percentage. Cars became a staple joke in the soviet union and managers talked about copying the americans and their production capacity. Their cars came up short. As one russian joke said in russia owning a car brings joy twice once in purchased and once when sold. Another proverb was there are no roads, just cars. There were green spaces, parks and apartments with bath tubs and showers which was unusual, but no cars. But until five years did the soviet union produce the number of cars this one plant was projected to produce at the time it opened. As it everything, cars and car ownerships came with penalties for doing anything not permitted by the government. There were many things that would land you in trouble. This was true through much of the east block. The east german car was labelled the worst car in the world. Powered by a twocylinder engine and it was obsolete even at the time. It smoked like an Iraqi Oil Field according to one person. It was said quote over in american they made automobiles, we put an emphasis on departments. We sold the Raw Materials and bought auto factories. People were chosen according to the task and capabilities. Ever here by questionnaire. There were many foreign successful Car Companies in the free nation. Most notable was germany and japan. The beetle was one of the most poplar and they had to export it. By 1955, more beetles were sold abroad than in germany. We saw the volkeswagon was conceived by hitler to be the car of the people. It was a total flop and owned only by naziparty members. But in america it gained cash here. The age of the beetles is remembered with flowers all over. There was will chamberland, the seven foot tall basketball player, standing next to the bug brought attention. It was in disney movies and reached new levels. Japan entered in the 1960s. Nissian found a cheap pickup that was attractive to Japanese Gardens in california. When they tried to enter the passenger car, they were under powered and too small. The datsun was a disaster until they redesigned with a larger engine and more room for americans. Americans success in steel and auto made the Big Companies successful but harmed them in the long run because it made them lazy and their managers blind to changes. By the 1970s, the u. S. Was falling behind in steel produ i productivity and their cars were not as good as japan and china. The company with the longest record of success was honda. Honda was created against the governments wishes and without any Government Support whatsoever. They took the lead in numerous areas from textiles, electronics, and robotics. They indicated you better have lots of competitors to have a good company. The choices the government made were catching up to it. Autos gave rise to other businesses in the 1950s. Road side hotel chains. The holiday inns were designed with a car in mind. Fast food mcdonalds. And portable music with a car radio that turned into top 40. That became successful because it gave americans across the country the same play list so that as they travelled to new places, and remember for the first time after the war they are going to new states new englanders going south and minnesotans going to arizona. And they can listen to music they are familiar with and not have it change radically and stay in a holiday inn which is the same everywhere and eat mcdonalds which the same everywhere. So the 50s is this era of stagnation but there was a reason for that. Bubbling underneath was a great concern about atomic warfare and race relations. And america was starting to come apart in the 50s. And people say that is the decade of the 60s but it was starting in the 50s and peopl were looking for similar things. But it came back to the freedom provided by the automobile. Fashion is another subject. In 1920s, a russian immigrant in introduced the first brassiere. She wanted to exsentuate the body. It would emphasis the long, sleek and skinny look. The rounded shoulder and tiny waist he sought luxury. He said i want to make the rich feel rich. I cannot see a designer getting away with that today. They decided they wanted to exhibit clothes, not the woman who wore them and the models were thinner and thinner. It was said the truth about modeling was the camera added ten pounds and the models had to be skinnier than normal. A divergance about women began to diverge. You had the italian sex pots like sophia loren. And the models from new york like twiggy. The mini skirt was introduced in 1964 and largely due to twiggys ads. We still have this battle going on between new york paris and hollywood on the other as to what the ideal woman is to look like. This is all made very clear in the movie the Devil Wears Prada where it is said 2 is the new 0. But a funny thing happened women at both ends of the spectrum had something in common. I went through designer and Fashion Research to dig all of this up. There is a waist to hip ratio and it is. 7. That is considered to be the ideal waisthip ratio. Marilyn monroe at 362424 and oddry helpburn at 312231 both came in at. 7. A british study this is amazing of 300 glamour models, play boy magazine and fashion models, found all of them fell within the ratio. And twiggy was a. 7. Is that amazing . Of course the toy industry took advantage of this with an invention of barbie. The doll came around in 1959 and became the best selling toy in history. British economist said barbie is near the top of futile sources. In the 1960s and 1970s the average girl had ten barby. Then the american doctors caught up. The american board of Plastic Surgery opened up and in 1957 medicine in the service of beauty was published and the race for Plastic Surgery was on. Face lifts in the 1950s, which was the most poplar surgery, and other body enhancements made you more poplar and successful. And in 1963, silicone gel was introduced and another part of your body would make you successful. Half a million are being performed. Brazil had 1, 600 Plastic Surgeons. They had small breast and larger butts. As developed by brazilian Plastic Surgeon and i maybe mispronoun mispronouncing this name but there were Plastic Surgery pamphlets near the bibles. In vietnam nam it took off into the 1960s even. In the 1990s, parents were giving teenagers nose jobs or breast enlargements for 16 birthdays. Survey results of 33,000 women show they would rather lose ten pounds than achieve any other goal and that is a quote. In the book, this leads to a discussion of dietary trends and we end up back at the cold war. That is where i thought i would stop and take questions. I tried to stay away from political things. So that is just some of what is in the book. Who would like to start . We need to move boom guy. Batman, robin and boom guy. Who has a comment . Sharon . In your book, you talk about the importance of america maintaining the values that she had when it was founded. And there were four of those according to your book. Can you talk a bit about those four. Sure. We outline in volume one, sharon asked if you didnt here it, we talked about the four pillars of america exceptionalism. We came up with three things that defined america, but looking back we refined that and thought we didnt quite hit it. So we identified four pillars of. First is a predominantly christian become background. That is where we started. It wasnt a buddhist nation. The documents were drafted with that in mind. And second factor, and i think important one and overlooked, common law. Common law comes out of germany. Spreads to england. Somewhat disappears in germany and england. But gets to america. And that is law is put into the hearts of people can it bubbles up and they elect leaders to enforce the law they know. The divine right of kings, which is now civil law, is god gives the leader the law and he is going to tell everybody else what to do with it. And thanks to napoleon civil law spreads throughout the world in the middle east and parts of asia. And today i cannot think of another common law besides american. And free market is the third. And we can all agree that is our economy. But the forth factor is different private Property Rights with titles and deeds. We think those are important because countries in africa that people have stuff. They have houses or cars. But they cannot prove it or register with the government. In a book called mystery of capitals and he found in egypt it took 14 years and 150 separate steps to obtain a license to build on desert land. I bought a new hours seven years ago. We went to a title agency with a thousand documents laid out. Sign here. Put blood her. Sacrifice a chicken. We were done. It took an hour to sell property and by property. 150 steps and 14 years. 1 step and 1 hour. If you cannot prove you own it, you dont own it. It is true a piece of paper isnt a final guarantee against the government taking your land or whatever, but it is a guarantee or one more step someone has to overcome. One more impediment. So they have essential but have to be guaranteed. And those are the four pillars. And by the late 20th century, only england and america have all four of them left and england is fading fast. When you say england that would include canada, correct . There is a country up there . Yeah, that would include canada, absolutely. Although, canada remember, because of quebec has civil law. They had tension between civil and common law. Do you end up with a positive look for the country or are you pessimistic . I will quote yoda always in motion is the future. It remains to be seen. Dave is more o