Transcripts For CSPAN2 Book Discussion On Guardian Of The Re

CSPAN2 Book Discussion On Guardian Of The Republic December 20, 2014

This is the definition of what the houses and the paper is an effect is litigated. And again, unreasonable searches and seizures, who decides what is unreasonable way back and what you should understand what the justice whos to say is we can talk about the important concept of the supreme court. And you have five votes. Five people will decide and if they make it a constitutional decision, it will require a prompt additional amendments change that interpretation. And you have to understand why we think this is so important. Because the court is the ultimate definer of the outer limits and inner limits of what we understand as privacy in the 21st century. And that is how we do it. And i understand that china and russia have different views and these are not the regimes that we think should be involved in making the final determination of how the internet will be governed and as we move forward trying to figure out these issues. For the interest of time we will have to call it their. I appreciate your questions and i think the panelists very much on both sides. You wanted to Say Something . We will be there to give you this as well. And light questions if you want to, but afterward. Thank you very much. [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] youre watching booktv, television for serious readers are to you can watch any program on booktv. Org. Booktv continues as we talk about the importance of preserving the core values, family, faith, tradition and service, honor and fiscal responsibility, kurds and freedom. He says that these values are under attack by the far left and the obama administration. This is about one hour. [applause] thank you so much. It really is an honor and a pleasure to be here with you all. Theres only one thing that i am upset about, someone did not pay the heating bill up here. This morning i had a tshirt and shorts on and i got the airplane here i was looking for some longjohns, but it was beautiful here, the blue ridge mountains, theres something about this and you can see it on video or you can look at it. But being here is an incredible experience. Thank you everyone for taking time out of your schedule to share with me as i share thoughts about what i think is an incredible institution that was started in 1971. It was a Singular Mission that is going forth. And then when you think about what is happening here today, it is freedom week. And this reminds me of a scripture that comes from john Chapter Eight, verse 36. And it says it does make you free, you will be free indeed. And Liberty University, a university that is called liberty. That is incredible. But the motto says training champions for christ. That is something that is very local in this country. But when i think about that statement i went through the basic course for a field artillery, there to get you ready to go out on subsequent missions. Just the same as we think about what is there at the university of notre dame, when they come out and take the field and say play like champions today. So i want to talk to you not about you being trained to be a champion for christ, but being a champion for christ. Not just being a champion for christ but a champion for the country. Because i truthfully believe that these are connected. And if we dont continue to understand the connectivity between being a christian and being an american, i think we are going to lose this great lesson of liberty that we share as the name of the school. So just as a warrior finishes training, they must go out on the battlefield. You will leave and go out into and incredible battlefield. Consider this title, liberty, one of the three inalienable rights that are guaranteed to you not by man but by a creator. So three inalienable rights are in the declaration of independence written by Thomas Jefferson. And you should be proud that you attend a university that is named after one of the three inalienable rights made by the creator. So starting going through the bible, because there is no way that i would not bring the sword of the spirit, which is the word of god, because that is really the thing that prepares you to go out and be a champion for christ and for the country. So i want to start with one of my favorites. It says no man will be able to stand before you all the days of your life. Just as i have been with moses, i will not fail you were for sake you. Be strong and courageous because you shall be in possession of the land that i swore to their fathers. Only the strong and very courageous. Be careful. You do not turn to the right or the left but that you may have success wherever you go. This book says you shall meditate it day and night so that you may be careful to all that is written and then youll make your way prosperous. And then you will have success. Have i not commanded you to be strong and courageous two for the lord your god is with you wherever you go. In the first two important points about being a champion for christ and for your country is confidence. Because here in this book you have all of the great steps in this is the greatest leadership manual that has ever been written in the world, anything you come up against in life can find an answer to. And here those are some of the most important things are happening in life when you accept the command of a unit, and that is exactly what is happening here. Got surveyed had passed away and he said okay, you are in charge and you must take these people across the jordan river and give them the land that i said they would possess. You can just imagine them, not exactly the most eloquent of men, incredible responsibility and what god told him was very simple. This book of the law that i have given to him did not come from the left or the right. And i would also tell you that and being a champion for christ and for the country, theres another lesson that you must not turn from the left or the right and that is the declaration of independence. The United States constitution. When people dont understand what the rule of law means, they are easily swayed. When you find out that people dont understand that your First Amendment right says freedom of religion and the exercise thereof, we have freedom from religion and the foundation it can start to go out and attack this. And so we have people that are not able to come back and withstand the difference. One of the incredible traditions of fantasy football is before every home game is a local minister that delivers prayer. They actually wrote a letter to my university and told him to cease and desist for Football Game. Some of us have a little snow on her head, we know when we used to have prayer in schools. I remember playing in atlanta, georgia and the local minister would come out and do a prayer before each Football Game and i never remember any kid getting carted off of the field. But see if we have people that all of a sudden tell us about this thing called separation of church and state, we are not rooted in the word here, but all of a sudden when you talk about separation of church and state, you need to ask them where they find that. You find it in the declaration of independence, the federalist papers, you find it in the United States constitution . It was simply a concept that was written in a letter. Same here in the United States of america we would not have a head of state who is also the head of church, which is what they had in england. He never meant for it to be that we would not be able to express ourselves in prayer and that is why we have the free exercise thereof. But if you turn away and not meditate on these things day and night as god told joshua as you get the opportunity to talk about your, you will not be prepared to go out and be truly a champion of christ and country. The other important thing is courage. How many times did god tell joshua to be strong and of good courage. And you are not called as christians to be scared. If you want to be scared, youre not following the example of the person who went to the cross. Because if he was scared, he would not have done it. Thats truly what you are training to be here. Training to be champions of christ and champions of the country, meaning that you have to develop a level of confidence in you must be courageous. But it also means developing an incredible sense of fullness. One of my favorite scriptures when you talk about boldness, found in isaiah 54, verse 17. It reads very simply that no weapon formed against you will prosper and all those that accuse me in judgment will be condemned. Because this is the heritage of the serving of alert and the vindication is part of it. Can see all kinds of things that were written about me. And every tongue that rises wont happen. That is the type of boldness that you have to have. If you are competent and have courage, you shoveled this. It was in alexander the great before he was 32 years of age who said fortune favors the bold. So if you think about where you are, freedom week, being trained as a champion at a university called liberty. Somebody in 1971 had a bold picture. And you think about what liberty started in 1971 and where it is today. We have an incredible honor and privilege to be sitting in studying on this campus. Something that children all over the country would be able to love and share. You have to be bold and proclaiming it just the same as the person was bold and establishing it. And i can tell you that i have been a speaker at depaul university, cornell, marquette. The reason this is special to me tonight is because i dont have to worry about someone sitting out there just being there to heckle. Because you are here on this campus because theres Something Special about you. Theres something within you that is different. Youre here because of incredible boldness. And then sometimes the people who are saying white people dont have values, they dont believe in this church the. Show them your confidence in your courage and your boldness that they are wrong. Being a champion for christ is not just and without her age and the confidence in the boldness, there is also something often you need to have and that is called perseverance. What i think about perseverance to go through the book of john and in the book of john i read these words, 16 and 33. These things i have spoken to you so that means he may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation but taker its because i have overcome the world. And so think about how you are sitting here right now all dressed up and looking nice, probably going to go out and have pizza and typos or whatever. Even though its cold outside youre going to go into a room that is warm and have peace. Think about your Christian Brothers and sisters who all of a sudden one day someone came and knocked on the door and give them three choices to convert, submit or you die. The oldest Christian Communities and civilizations. Think about how a couple of weeks ago, a young pack any couple, someone said that they burned papers out of the quran. The wife was pregnant and they were both thrown into a kiln and set on fire. Look at the Young Christian who went and was confronted and told to convert and she said i will never give up my lord and savior jesus christ and some gentlemen went away and came back and they poured acid down her throat. When she went to the hospital to be treated, there were rumors put out that she had spoken against the profit mohammed and islam. She was shot in the hospital and the doctors refused to treat her. So thank god that it there were people that have that same light that she had here. But they brought her back to the United States of america. She has earned her degree from a school in texas and shes about to get married. So that is what perseverance is. You can have the confidence and the courage and the boldness, but if you dont have the perseverance youre not going to be a champion for christ and country. Because if you think about this faith that you have accepted. The christian faith. It has been so persecuted until today it is being persecuted. Yet somehow this continues on and another generation steps up to say that i will follow the man who went to the cross and died for my sins. The ultimate story of sacrifice and commitment. It is that perseverance that you will need not just as you were being trained as a champion of rice but to go out and be a champion of christ and country. And even with that person rants there Something Else you need and god recognizes that you read it and need it. It is called assurance. Until he saw to believe that there is insurance. So when you turn over to romans Chapter Eight and i will read these two verses, what shall we say if god is for us who is against us . And in verse 37 says in all of these things we overwhelmingly conquer through him who loved us. And you are more than a conqueror. So even if you have the perseverance and even if you have the boldness and the courage and the confidence you have the assurance that there is nothing that will be able to stand against you. And that is really something that is the essence of who we are in the United States of america. This country was started when 13 ragtag little colonies took on the greatest hour of the world knew at that time. Because they believed in one simple thing, the title of your university, liberty. They believed it was worth fighting for in a believed in creating him thing that the world had never known. And so when you look at those 56 men who signed the declaration of independence they basically on their own death warrant, they asked for a Divine Providence because they were willing to sacrifice their lives and their fortunes and their sacred honor much the same as the person that we worship as christians, he sacrificed his life and hes left this honor on the crops. So being a champion for christ is also being a champion for this country. And that doesnt mean that we disavow anyone else but we understand theres a different relationship between the Christian Life and the life. We understand how to persevere and we understand the perseverance and assurance that we know the Founding Fathers had. This young lady that i met from virginia. Can you imagine the euphoria of the ragtag bunch called the revolutionary army and the british of yorktown surrender . The assurance that they had. Confidence and encourage, boldness and perseverance, assurance. And as you weave your which you will be one day, being a champion for christ and country confidence which comes in one simple verse which is my favorite out of the bible. Christians for, chapter 13. I can do all things in christ who strengthens me. And when paul wrote that understand that he was soon to be executed. So what manner of person chained him in prison, could write that he can do all things through christ who strengthens him. And that is what you have with the confidence for you to go out because paul didnt say that i can do a few things. And he says we can do all things. And he says we can do all things and restore our economy and make it work. Once a look at america because we can do all things but that is what Liberty University teaches. America in 230 years has done all things and some people say that america is not exceptional, that america has not done great things. Ive been to 13 different countries, ive been in three different combat zones. And what you have in the United States of america is unique and unlike any other place. I was born in atlanta, georgia, and look at where i stand tonight, look at what i have been able to achieve. It is because in america you can do all things and in america you have an equality of opportunity that does not matter where you come from and no matter where you are born, that does not determine your and achievement in life. And thats what it says in the bible. That i can do all things through christ who strengthens me. So if youre going to be a champion for christ and for your country, you have to have that confidence can go out and be great. So when you think about being a great nation, its all about the individual. Christianity is about personal salvation. The strength of america is in the indomitable individual spirit with life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. But if youre not careful and you dont want to go out a champion for christ and country, you will not about the pursuit of happiness but that the government can guarantee your happiness. What happens when they can guarantee this . Well, you just remove this and replace it with government who will try to trick you into believing that they can guarantee your happiness. That is what happens when you have christ and country. So the challenge is confidence, kurds, boldness, assurance and lastly the qualities that you must take from Liberty University that you have been trained for to be a champion for christ. And it doesnt mean a hill of beans if youre not going to live up to be that champion. The mascot of this university is what im not a flame. Have you ever thought about that in a not tigers or volunteers ordered the Nittany Lions were the fighting irish but it is a flame. And so why is that so important . Well, it says that here in chapter six, 14 through 16, you are the light of the world and a city set on a hill in the mountains cannot be hidden. Nor does anyone light a lamp and it gives a light to all. Let your light shine before men in such a good way that they may see your good works. And glorify your father who is in heaven. There is a reason why you attended a School Called liberty and why the mascot is the flame. There was a flame that came down on the day of pentecost in a flame that Ronald Reagan talked about shining upon the hell and thats why we need you to go out and be champions for christ and country. Because the flame you are trained to carry here can mean nothing if you leave this institution, you take it and put it out. The purpose here is that you will be the next generation of liberty and the beacon of democracy. On september 17, 1787, the day that the constitution was signed in philadelphia, he walked out of the Constitution Hall he was met by a woman named mrs. Powell. A wellknown socialite. She was a very bold woman and came up and said what

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