Transcripts For CSPAN2 Book Discussion On People Get Ready 2

CSPAN2 Book Discussion On People Get Ready June 26, 2016

There was a lot of people thinking very creatively out how you take our ability with Technology Make it work for. Not being unemployed and poor, but Reform Society said that that is to an improved to just a handful of investors and monopoly firms, but the call for all their spirit thats a question where to take a position because there is no reason this has to be our Worst Nightmare for everyone unemployed giving each other right in our cars. This has to be an opportunity to transcend limitations and go places where everyone can let the extraordinary that, not just a few. I want to turn it over to my partner and fellow author, john nicole. [applause] wow, i am told off did this wrong. I hope i got it right. This is the power of cspan as opposed to collect this year. Hope is strong. Thank you so much for coming out tonight. I am absolutely delighted to be with all of you folks. I am delighted to be in an institution named for emma goldman. [applause] brothers and sisters, if there is anyone who couldve let us out of this wilderness, it was probably emma goldman because she told us the first thing we have to think about us one another rather than those folks at the top because there is nobody at the top thats going to be watching out for us. This is a fundamental understanding of the book that half an eyebrow. We were inspired to write this by an odd phenomenon in our life. Our previous book did pretty well in america and have academic interests, led to the formation of movements for immediate requirement help feed into democracy movements. In america, are books that tended to be treated as todays manuals are a little bit of reference for those on the out side trying to get in. In europe, we had a different experience. A member of our folks were treated as instructive for those who were in power. They wanted to have discussions about what would happen if we lost journalism, if the literally died out, what would happen if democracy was severely diminished me about what happened if we didnt navigate constitution guaranteed free and open election and absolutely made sure that our vote mattered more than a handful of peoples money. We got invited to these conferences in europe and theyre fabulous. They have some of the best. It was very good. Everybody trusted nice to in some of the places we went to have swamped in the lakes around them. So we felt welcomed. Media and democracy and a whole host of other issues. Typically these conferences after a spell, a spell, i would sit back and listen to everybody else be to see the nature Tech Companies come in ahead to think tanks in places like oxford, some of the most powerful people in the world including the biggest thinkers in the area of technological incident. Top experts on Artificial Intelligence in the digital revolution and not a nation. These were incredibly smart and able people and many of them were very pleasant to hang out with. However, in in their remarks, but i was struck by was how often they talk about implementing new technology that would get rid of a lot of jobs. Not just we are going to be more efficient here for more efficient they are. No, theyre talking about the elimination of whole industries, literally transformation of our society. Everyone said the spirit is no one who didnt pay this, that its going to be a bigger deal, more transformational than the First Industrial revolution, which took us from Northern England to people from an Aquarium Society into manufacturing and the second Industrial Revolution we saw play out so much in the United States and of the development of fact to recount from new england all the way through the great lakes, all the way out across america, dan places like baltimore. They said what was going to happen is going to be so much bigger than that. It struck me that if somebody covers politics full time, who works in the thick of american media, who writes for news papers and magazines and even appears now and again on television, i didnt hear anybody talking about this. I didnt hear our media say tonight we are not going to devote the whole show to a discussion of Donald Trumps hand. Tonight we are going to talk about with their children or grandchildren are going to have jobs. I didnt hear them say well, tonight we are not going to talk so much about what nickname donald trump has given to marco rubio appeared tonight we are going to talk about how we organize a fair and just society in which our traditional jobs are no longer there and what we the people will do to live out the rest of our lives. Didnt hear that. As i covered for 2012 campaign. We have a Permanent Campaign in america. As i covered that and moved into this campaign, i didnt hear a single political leader in the speech on the technological changes taking place. So what i realized was that we have a bizarre discussion going on in America Today. We have an elite discussion about a certain line, where everybody is saying on what is going on. They know all about it. They share the information in the report and look at whats going on and implement the changes. This type of the ice age we live in the future. This isnt something coming 10 years from now. How many of you have heard of kodak . Well, there you go. Even some of the younger people in the crowd effort of kodak. The company synonymous with photography in america. Everything we knew about pictures. Kodak in 1988 at 145,000 employees in the United States. 145,000 employees. Largely used nice. Very, very good jobs. It held up whole cities. It was the heart and soul of all American Cities and the Research Departments that were fabulous. Research departments actually developed technologies they use to take pictures with their phone. They use the pictures over to your computer. They did all this incredible work and they kept putting money back in the research, back in the community. 145,000 not a period in 2012, kodak what row. They were bankrupt. Sad story to death of an american and a pair of one of the companies that really did a lot to undermine kodak, to take technology and put them into other forms of. Companies like snapshot you different operations have come up. In 2012, one of the Major Companies was sold. The same type of kodak was going to write. They sold for a billion dollars because these new tech giant to come up with ideas. They buy the companies that compete with them and they bring the ideas and to make sure the competition doesnt exist. This company got facebook. A billion dollars. They had to reveal how many employees they had. 13. 25, 30 years ago had 145,000 employees did not have them unionize doing great research, putting money into communities. It is wiped out by companies that employ it hurts people. Im sorry im not that good with math, but i believe that our future is getting rid of companies that employ 145,000 people at good wages and replace them with come as that employ 13 people, that trajectory doesnt look good for a lot of us. You ask yourself, where did all the work zero . How can i work be done. Does anybody here have a cell phone . Do you go. Will you do when you take a picture . You take it. And i use isaiah, edited. Now you send it on. You do the work they used to be done by all sorts of other people did its been put down and your phone. Thats the future. Heres the interesting thing. You do the work and redistribute wealth of todays companies so effectively youre paying them for the opportunity to do the work and they collect your data and sell it to other companies and give it to powerful people to manipulate how you live your life. On balance, this is not the best calculation for building a future and yet we will see this across the board. That is not the past. That is now. So when people try to ask buying a 2016 president ial race, all this time i hear pundits on television, and they go i dont get this. Why are people so a three . Why is it such a volatile electionyear . Why are the peoples revolting . Theyre not grateful and all the great and its happening. The stock market was set today. Isnt everybody happy about that . Billionaires are richer now than theyve ever been. Isnt everybody happy about that . We have that group about the line. On the very wealthy people talking about the future. In a line down here that we put the politician and our media. We never talk about it. They never get serious about it. We live in the middle. The weird thing is, even though there is that line above us, we have actually heard some of this. Weve seen some of this. We know we dont have the job that we did have. We know many Older Americans have been put out of one job vehicle with nation, another via automation. Young people have grown up marinated in technology. They know the potential of these new technologies. The fact of the matter is that people are having thoughts and discussions that are deeper than our media or our politics. If you want the explanation, if you want to know why young people are showing up at Bernie Sanders rallies and why they are not authored by the word socialism, i dare not other guy an alternative for the capitalism they know ,com,com ma its because they actually see the future a whole lot more clearly than our political and media elite care to discuss. If you want to know why 58yearold man shows up in a donald trump bradley, somebody has been laid off from their auto job, then we train to work in a warehouse. After that, you know, replaced by a robot working over at the quiktrip by the gas station. That is why hes there. I know i media will tell you everybody in a donald trump bradley, we dont understand them. We dont know whether this into the night. We dont know why they would find anything appealing to them. I share that view. I am no fan of donald trump. The fact of the matter is the slogan is make America Great again. Returned again is opposite in that phrase. Hes running around, promising people to take back before all these changes take place. Bernie sanders slogan as a future you can believe them. This offer is theres going to be a lot of change, but at least it would be humane. Lets move beyond the politicians. Lets move beyond the parties. Lets move beyond our failing media and failing political system in under an these people showing up at these rallies, these people voting in ways that are destabilizing and shaking a our politics are responding to realities the coming increasing burdens on their lives. The only question we have is his comment is this the last election of the 20th century for the first election of the 21st century . That is what we are sorting out right now and its really unsettling and released gary because times like these could be a better way than kerry. What we tell you in the book is times like these have occurred before. We have been wrenched out the existence is we know and for us to experience radical on battling economic social change and we have struggled with it and it not been easy. We have seen our way through. Best example historically and in our book we resurrect a group of people and make them heroes. Best example is at the start of the night teen century in the north of england. Has anybody ever been to the north of england . A few of you. Did you ever go to a village . Villages has a churchyard in its green and its a pleasant land. Most people lived in villages like that. They were incredibly talented. They knew how to make things that folks wanted to buy. They made clothing and different pieces about you see and they have their children around them. They had decent lives and industrialists came along and said he know what, we could make a whole lot more money if we got all these people at the villages and put them in cities and let them live in slums and without the work of William Blake described a dark satanic mills. From before dawn till after nightfall, working on the machinery and making clothing and their children were forced to work with them. The existence was being destroyed and they understood the destruction was not in their interest. It wasnt even in the interest of their craft. Credibly wealthy people wanted to increase the wealth of people but not to do anything for the great mass of humanity. So we treat them today as backward. We use the term to talk to somebody who doesnt know how to use their phone. There is some of the most industrious in reading people of their time if they didnt like the economic changes taking place and they went into fact juries and wrecked the machine. They destroyed the machine. A guy named cap in the spring. They have had as an imaginary characters so strong it was one swing of his hammer. He could destroy one of those machines in the dark satanic mills. They didnt have a forgiving attitude towards the wealthy and powerful. They would drag the owners out, put them on it and try them for crimes against humanity. The British Government was not impressed. We ride in the book when the british were fighting napoleon and all the great wars of europe, industrial technical changes is almost as link to militarism to a strong government using military force. The incredible thing when they went to work, sometimes after nightfall, even on full moon nights in england they would gather down country lanes and form clubs to discuss their circumstance. They gathered that they could walk, sometimes miles they had to go. Even though they were being worked literally to the hand of their endurance, they continue to talk and struggle. First the machines are enemies. We have no power we arent even in the process. They began to transform that anger and passion into a radical democracy movement. People died in the name of this movement. They demanded universal suffrage. Everyone can though. Competitive election. They responded to them and their success was so great that it ushered in the rise of the trade Union Movement. It ushered in child labor laws, and made our day, transformation of work like perfection but wrestled with all of these changes and they made themselves a part of the shaping of the future. That only happened in england. Now, that is the history of what happened in america with our Industrial Revolution. At this time is that an update 70s, 80s and 90s, they would literally kill. Children were taken in the worst of it is. It was a horrible, dark time and not of that became a populist movement. We had little success. The Progressive Movement opened up democracy and elected u. S. Senate, both for women, transformational politics that then lead the next step ultimately when the economy crashed down because it was inhumane and did not work well if Franklin Roosevelt came to power. He ushered in reform that radically changed the very nature of our economic life. He said that those who acted to giving people the power of their Economic Future. The economic democracy that it does wanted to push the people back once more, i welcome their hatred. Because he said this is a revolutionary battle against economic royalist on, as evil and dark as anything the luddites had to battle the north of england. Fact of the matter is again and again through history when we have technological change that made our lives assuming, response has been to organize power. Dont be against technology. Not going to get you anywhere. The future is coming. Dont even imagine you can talk some billionaire into giving up his unimaginable wealth so you can have a little piece of it. Understand this. Those who control our economy today, those are at the top of things, they believe they can eliminate the jobs that we know and you will come together in existence, driving your car down the street to the duty in the middle tonight, trying to find somebody can pick up and give a right to. Take room in your apartment, cobbling together bits and pieces of a broken up economy, given enough money to get by. And then using that money to buy a new iphone. They are pretty sure he would keep redistributing wealth upward for a long, long time to come as your fist and gives darker and more satanic. There was another figure 200 years ago and ill conclude with him. He becomes the hero of our book. Lord byron was one wealthy and powerful person who took a cause. The irony bad in a debate in the house of lords at the point at which those who had been displaced and dispossessed began to understand this struggle as they were in was when they realized the hard work of the industrious poor was a far less can turn to the powerful and the enrichment of the hand of a man. That is the fundamental blunders tanning with which we began. And when we know that, we understand that we must replace those are the skit night to those who are making decisions about our Economic Future and we must put ourselves at those tables. If we dont make a fundamental political change now in this time, that our children and grandchildren will be doomed to an existence dramatically less than it should be. But if we do make that change, if we make that change, we realize the promise of every great in there and every great thinker throughout his jury. In our book we read about tesla and edison and einstein and what did they say when new technologies were developed . They said the plane of the technologies is to free people from treachery. What did they say about the point of moving forward and progress . This is human beings could work less and enjoy life more. Others insist it is, are not false promises. Those were promises that were made and they were real. We can work less and enjoy life more. We can have a civil and Humane Society in which we are creative, in which we have time for children, time for a community. It can work. But it cannot work if we let the promise of technology be locked up in the hands of a handful of very wealthy people. It can only be worked if we embrace the promise of technology and say this is going to be our future, not tears. People, get ready. Theres a change coming. You dont need money to get on board, but you do have to get on board because the future is not going to be shaped by someone else. Its going to be shaped by s. Thank you. [applause] do you go. This woman up front can be heard the deceased and microphone. I dont think youre a passionate enough. The truth of the matter is b

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