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Happened for instance in many families there is a lynching story. When you begin to think about what that means to have a lynching story in the family, how it shapes the way you move through this society and how it frames what you think about justice and how the system works in the society it is staggering. And so, one of the books i use was at the hands of persons unknown. That sounded like time, anyone else . Thank you so much. I appreciate this. [applause] we will have more book tv in prime time tomorrow night with authors of books about Global Health issues that begins at eight eastern with David Kessler author of capture. David horowitz latest book progressive racism argues that racism is endemic in leftist politics. He discussed his books and reasons for rejecting the politics of his youth to become a conservative. From the Four Seasons Hotel in los angeles, this is an hour. Good afternoon, everybody. When barack obama was elected ed president of the United States he was writing is full of hope whatever illusory that they have been across the country that the first black or at least half black president would usher in the era of postracial harmony. Seven years later i think we know how that turned out. Obama has healed the racial divide about successfully as his healings of the oceans. Its gone from a december to a raging boil. The left would like to pin the blame on what they call is the racist refusal to accept a black man as president. In fact, what has exacerbated relations in the United States is that racism of the less identity politics spearheaded by obama himself. Progressive racism, not the right is the reason for todays racial conflict. Let me focus if i made on his book progressive racism which i reviewed for the front page which i gave two thumbs up. Its called the black book of the american left and collects nearly 50 essays over the past 20 years. The book not to give away the ending but concludes the racial bias the left demand tears at the social order and the true quality and is the antithesis of the american dream. If i could quote a little bit more come in a free society, composed of individuals that are unequaled by nature, the highest government could his neutrality before the law. One standard and justice for all. This is the only equality at odds with individual freedom and the only quality that can make a vigorous community one. Please welcome the founder of the freedom center, the author of too many cooks to mention here including one of the few intellectuals willing to talk honestly about race and the most hated adversary, david horowitz. [applause] sorry for all those words but somebody has to do it. President obama has said that racism is in the dna of america and transmitted through the generations. This is malicious. It is in fact the most malicious libel ever uttered by an american president against his own country. Slavery existed in africa for a thousand years before a white person ever set foot there. It was calm and as when you would conquer your enemy. Not aristotle, not jesus until right christians in england did towards the end of the 18th century and the british colonies at the time that slaveowner named Thomas Jefferson wrote in to americas birth certificate that liberty is a godgiven right in the quality to. At the cost of 350,000 union lines, slavery was abolished quickly than in the western hemisphere. Every black person alive in this country owes their freedom to america, that is the true dna of america, not racism. The libel that its racism has a second malicious attack which is to persuade large numbers of the communitmembers of thecommunityh and to alienate them from this country and make them feel like outsiders. They were here from 1619 you cant speak of American Culture without black culture. It doesnt exist and one can go on and on. So this is a terrible effect on black people in this country and on the rest of us. It sometimes takes years to get a crucial facts like this right into thand then it can be undone next generation. It sometimes takes you a lifetime and let th the presideu dont learn over a lifetime. You cant trust anyone under 30. 30. I was youthful arrogance that nobody should respect. The reality is you cant trust anyone under 30. They dont have the life experience. When i was a youngster about 11 or 12, a book came into my progressive household. My parents as you know were cardcarrying communists. The book was titled we charge genocide. It was a petition published by an organization calling itself the Civil Rights Congress and it was a petition to the un to condemn the United States for genocide against black people. In the front piece is a photograph. Is there a projector that is going to photograph of . This is the most famous photograph of a lynching, two men hanging from the trees and a white man facing the camera pointing out anybody that has seen the pictures of lynchings hopefully would be able to get it up briefly. It was incredibly disturbing to me as an adolescent, and its still disturbing enough they dont want us to show it while the staff is present. Its a horrifying photographs with ten or 20 years before i read enough about lynchings. It wasnt devised for black people. There wasnt a racial dimension and its terrible and evil that it is a frontier justice. Lets not waste time with the process and have the punishment before the trial. I also learned a third of all the victims were white. That tells the firs you first ot wasnt devised and it wasnt a practice but they had allegedly committed crimes that were worthy of hanging. So most of the cases were not grabbing a black person and stringing them up from the tree. They were hangings to punish people for crimes which they had been accused. In this particular case, the two men were abram smith there is a companion who was 16 at the ti time. What happened i just happened to tune into a program where they interviewed James Cameron who was an old man about what happened, and what happened was the three of them had been accused of murdering a young white factory worker and a raping his girlfriend and they had broken into the jail and took them out and strung the two up from the tree. Thats the famous picture. You can see the crowd is white. They have been accused of murder. According to James Cameron, they had actually committed the murder. According to the white woman allegedly raped, she hadnt been, so this would have turned up in a tribal. The murder charge was right and this didnt make the lynching right. We had a due process in the country for a reason to protect the innocent. Another fact about it is James Cameron arrested with them and the reason was James Cameron said. He didnt participate. He stayed in the car. And he probably would have been hung for being black. Except a white woman in the mob stood up for him so they let him go and he was subsequently tried and convicted of being an accessory before the fact and then he spent his life fighting for civil rights and in 1991, the state of indiana pardoned him. You can fin find out that all ou look up indiana lynching. They wrote the song strange fiction, and it was used in this book in the symbol although obviously once you know the facts it is a lot more complicated than that. Another thing i learned late years and years later when i have become conservative, so 20 or 30 years leader is why the petition was brought to the un. After all this is around 1950, 51 when america had been through the Second World War and fought the master race in favor driven by the fury of the race and the conscience of america was awakened and the barriers broken down. Truman integrated the civil service. Jackie robinson became the first black participate in Americas National sport. Before brown v. Board of education integrated the schools. So in the first place the charge of genocide, that is a deliberate campaign to exterminate the people with whats going on today in the muslim world. Obviously was not the case. Wow, the Civil Rights Congress, which often does petition with the communiswasthe communist pad was one from moscow as we learned through the soviet archives. In eastern europe, there was a trial taking place in czechoslovakia. The kremlin had accused the top leaders of the communist party. Because 11 of the 13 liters were jews in other words, did we charge Genocide Campaign it wasnt about black people at all it was about using black people against the United States to neutralize the bad publicity that the kremlin was getting in its campaign against the jews as everybody knows. This progressive tradition the parents were communists and never refer to themselves communist always us progressiv progressives. They live today in the Democratic Party that dont care about the black people, it doesnt do much for black people except throw them from his and pride of their leaders to keep the community in line with. In the inner cities they get crumbs. The Democratic Party controls every major inner city in america. 100 and has the 150 to 200 years. Everything thats wrong with the inner cities in america, every oppression come every deprivation, democrats and progressives are responsible for the destroyed School Systems that year in and year out dont teach these kids to read and write massive failure works. They would go to the death to defend the unions that provide the slush fund for the party. I would have to go back to this later but using it is what progressives do and thats why every year the Democratic Party will run, black churches will burn and so forth and so on. Its disgusting and racist. I learned late about these fac facts. Ive done nothing for politics since i was 10yearsold. I understand most people cant devote themselves to the arguments investigating these things coming and im sure the facts that ive laid out here are obscure or invisible to people actually even watching cspan which are people that are highly politically educated and informed to begin with. I went on to raise a lot of money and ive written about this extensively for the black Panther Party. The black Panther Party was seized by the vanguard of the revolution and i bought into that and was seen as a vanguard because they would take up arms against the police come and stand up for the oppressed. Actually, prior to the 60s, the greatest social revolution in Race Relations ever in the history of mankind is taking place. In 1940, 4 of black americans were in. In 1960, the figure was 49 . Just a remarkable transformation and it was still only the beginninat thebeginning of the n that was taking place. But on the left, we saw them as an oppressed people and revolution was the only thing that would transform their lives. And therefore, the left despised Martin Luther king. We supported him in 1963. Then as things got more and more radical, the despised him and turned their back on him in a pretty isolated figure when he was assassinated in 1968. Anyway, i saw the black Panther Party as they were willing to stand up for themselves. It didnt occur to me that the black Panther Party had no significant following in the community of oakland and the areas where they were prominent and in fact feared by the local community. I have this progressive racism in me and i saw them as symbols of everything that was wrong with america and thats why i raised the money for the black Panther Party i didn party iden to the sign. I raised a lot of money to build a black Panther School and went to buy a church and turned it into a black Panther School. The woman named betty who had three children and works for me editing the largest magazine in the lef left and in 1974 that he disappeared and by the time the police fished her body out i knew the panthers had murdered her. I was the end of my career because all of my progressive defended the panthers and i knew if i said what i thought i would be denounced as in i had a family with four children and it took me some years and i fed disinformation to journalists and they published the first story. The panthers were a street gang. They murdered a dozen black people and got away with it. But this delusion, this progressive delusion, this melodrama of america having racism in its dna it is metastasized if we come to the present. In 1999 or thereabouts, i was walking down to berkeley street and ive spoken on 100 College Campuses an and saw what the students were being taught. It occurred to me i was familiar with the curriculum it is politically correct to hate white people and i determined right and im going to write a book with the title its politically correct to hate white people. I did write about. The publisher had first of all when i told my new york publisher i had one of the biggest divisions of simon and schuster publishers that i wanted to write a book how it is a politically correct idea, my editor told me we will never publish a book with that title. It would have been a bestseller. So i had to go to get this published and it was called hating other progressive causes. In 2001, i became aware of the campaign on american campuses. This code of reparations awareness and it was a campaign to get reparations for slavery. This was 137 years after the fact. It would have been a Reasonable Campaign if the reparations were to be paid by the confederacy and not by the United States government or the citizens lost 350,000 lives and i spent i dont know how much the government to spend but obviously it was a lot of money and it would have been reasonable if there had been any children of slaves or if White America was opposed to any federal program that would actually help a black people. So i conducted and attempted to take out in College Papers called ten reasons why reparations for slavery is racist in its the sam its the e president s statement that racism is in the dna of america because it alienates them from their country. Even the name africanamerican, africa isnt a country, its a continent. I dont know how many different languages theyve spoken and how many nationalities there are. African americans for better or worse or americans and they should be proud of it. Theres obviously some like sheriff clark who do so. But they are considered race traitors for the progressives. It is a bigger misnomer as liberal. They are intolerant. We all know that they are not liberal about anything except harvard drugs and sex and spending other peoples money. Thats what they are liberal about. They dont want two sides to a conversation. Thats why i have to take bodyguards when i appear with other speakers and im sure everybody is familiar with those committed by the totalitarians who call themselves progressiv progressives. This is a throwback of 100 years, thats what it is. Its no accident that they support the totalitarian threats from islam. Today we have a movement called black lives matter. I dont mean stirring people up from trees, but lets have the punishment before the trial. So they help to burn the city of ferguson which is 60 black. The demand from the head of the rightly spent. Thats what it was about. It was supported by the president of the United States. Dont think that barack obama is a racist, then you tell me how as the chief advisor of Race Relations was the racist al sharpton and convicted liar by spreading the lies and never pay the penalty. There were 4. 5 million in back taxes who could get away with that. He would never get away from being a racist. Al sharpton is a racial arsonist who incited his own mob. There was a store owner in harlem and he cited on his radio broadcast followers to get them out of our community. There were seven people of color and al sharpton today is the president to go to person on Race Relations. This is what weve descended to end it started with the racist race hustlers targeting white people. Youre guilty just by being white and if you are black you are innocent. Even if the facts eventually show that he forgot the like o. J. Simpson. Black lives matter claims that its the entire socalled progressive liberal culture. The Democratic Party, the Democratic Party officially endorses the black lives Matter Movement. They ruined the life of aaron wilson, the author who was defending his own life against a three street thug Michael Brown who attacked him in his police car reaching for his gun and how many people out in the Television Audience would do Something Like that . That tells you everything you need to know about him. He wasnt picked on because he was black. He was picked on because he just committed a strong armed robbe robbery. He was alleged to say it was his accomplice in the robbery. Or freddy gray or gardener. Predators and who do they pray on . Black lives matter and if you want to know where this problem comes from it comes from the School System over to what i called neo communists. America is a racist country and a repressive country and anybody who goes to war with america has no sympathy has our sympathy. I wonder my ex comrades on the left were going to support a monster like saddam hussein, and they did and they did it again in 2002 and 2003. The hatred is so deep seeded its hard for the conservatives to fathom otherwise there would be many more conservatives talking the way that im talking now. But i know it because i was there. White supremacy, whoever says that its either a lunatic or racist, but a racist on the le left. They were at eight years at the end of a disastrous presidency by barack obama. We had two black secretaries of state and the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff and heads of the National Security council including the current and a by air on television lying about what happened. We have thousands of elected officials and cities like atlanta. There were other cities just like that. Baltimore. And who suffers by the way, the war that black lives matter and other races declarer have led to the epidemic, sides and crime rates. Who are the victims . Its time for black people to wake up and start voting for republicans or youre going to be in this prison. The blacks in the inner cities would be in prison lets not forget the middle class in america. It is so orwellian and a diabolical that people put faith in the Democratic Party as a project youre into champion of blacks when the Democratic Party is the worst enemy black people have in this country, thfor the worst. And lets not forget its also the party of slavery and segregation and the party of the inner City Authority of the welfare system that is destroying the inner city communities because it has huge incentives to kick fathers out of the Household Survey is a single mother of the bride by giving a 200 a month or Something Like that if she has a baby. So you encourage large families and if the mother also gets a job. How evil is that command the democrats arent responsible for it and republicans because they are not screaming this from the rooftops any time they make a speech. The National Culture of the New York Times, the networks, tbs, the universities encourage, this kind of racism and lunacy you cant always tell whats going on. The National Book award this year is americas most pampered racist. He didnt graduate from college but he was a professor from mit nonetheless and was offered a column in the New York Times and was currently receiving a 650,000 genius award from the Macarthur Foundation celebrated, praised in the atlantic institutions and had written the form of a letter to his son. Let me quote a passage from it. So thats the beauty malcolm x. Pledged us to protect, black blk beauty was never celebrated in the textbooks i have seen as a child. Anyone have any importance. He was born in 1975 and was 8yearsold when Martin Luther king became the only american with a holiday in his honor command in order was created by Ronald Reagan George Washington had to be pushed in the back of a bus so we have president s day now where washington and lincoln in the two forward thinkers in america are bunched together. They were championing civil rights and equal dignity and began appearing in 1949. Lilies in the field wasnt about civil rights, it was about a wonderful black person. In 1960, the novel was Racial Justice in the Pulitzer Prize that went on to sell over 60 million copies. In 1977 when coats was two years water, they finished a series of black oppression which was the most widely viewed the show of its time and was reviewed by 13 million americans an in thate a score of enemies. As is typical of the leftists like him in our academies, he simply lies to sustain his featured. He said his best friend was killed by a police man. His best friend was black. He said he was trying to run him over with his car. He used this as an example. However, the Police Officer was black. The devil made him do it. How racist is that, and this is a celebrated figure in the culture. People are shaking their heads. This is what the country has come to. They are tired of this lives that are lost because this doesnt just come from black people. How is it that they are now career predators and prey on black people, how screwed up is that, what is wrong with the progressive class, whats wrong is for 20 or 30 years. The whole curriculum is for the politically correct to hate white people. You have the university of missouri and the charges there were four charges in the school and not one of them examined. It is the resignation of the head of the whole mystery University System over nothing but empty churches. This was a school where the student body was black and the leader of the lynch mob was the millionaire executives. It is time for america to return to its roots which is individual rights and the individual circumstances. You can see the racial dimensions of it but there are others as well and they sit in a certain sense of humility before you go screaming black lives matter. The Democratic Party and the democratic controlled cities and states had deprived them of their Second Amendment rights by stringent gun control laws were the only picture they had his guns. He would be clinton had a secret service. The white middle class and people in the communities of security systems. The only security you have is what you can reach for in the drawer. Hillary clinton is determined they can take that right away from all of us, but in particular, from the black citizens of democratic control plantation in our major cities. Return to the individual rights and what is so remarkable about the country people say 400 years of slavery. There were 400 years of slavery if you include the english colonies and the entire. America was created in 1776 the constitution in 1787 a little over a generation slavery was eliminated. The liberator and until that is instilled again in our young people in the culture at large, we are in a heap of trouble. Thank you. [applause] we are going to take some questions because we are recording on cspan i would ask everyone to line up at the microphone if you want to ask question. You mentioned that donald trump twice. There was an interview in which you were asked many inside to see him as unfit to be the republican nominee. What is your opinion . You mentioned kennedy assassination, lyndon johnson, european tendency to look down their noses . Like they get to the final point. You said one moral of christianity as saviors are crucified so were you suggesting that donald trump is a savior . This wa this was a comment about how people think and trump has excited the conservative intellectuals around the review because he has had their books. He probably wont read their books. And i was recalling what i had learned because of course i was brought up as an intellectual. They were books starting from 70 and 76. We are the prodigal children of the europeans. So they always sneer at the culture which is a very american frontier of the state. I remember when kennedy was assassinated and lbj became president , all of my friends living in london looked down on it. He has lbj dogs and the daughters and wife and lbj ties. This was everything wrong with america. Crude, rude, vulgar. Kennedy had all of these reform programs. He didnt know how to do it. In the society anand the societe years ive learned theres intellectual smarts and street smarts and political smarts to underestimate trump which is what the National Review and Weekly Standard is doing today as a huge mistake. Thats all i meant by that. And they brought up i dont know why i brought up jesus, but a rabbi actually told me this people resent being rescued and reasoned that i they are dependt on somebody else. I also probably due to many interviews. What do you think of donald trump . First of all committees a breath of fresh air in that he is not intimidated by what is called the Political Correctness of the communist party line and they keep you in check with that. So to be politically incorrect is to be driven from the society and you can see that reaction among these republicans conservatives like george will. They want to donald trump out of the picture. With that Democratic Party is responsible for all those republicans to appease the democrats for those open borders so they can get votes. [applause] i agree that was a farce but my question concerns and the black African American Police Confrontation which i think but shouldnt those conservatives use those teaching moments . The top but eric garner really is a situation where if he was talking calmly and selling one cigarette. So we have a liberal city with the liberal mayor passing the wildly high taxes so the cops will jaime light leg dash genuinely violate but the other example we had a man who shot in the back six times not resisting but they wrote their teaching a moment he was afraid of being put back in jail for not paying Child Support but if we put them in jail for not paying Child Support they cannot pay Child Support. Ephors teaching moment of that is the officer shot him on the back is on trial for murder. That is the real lesson of that. But when cops commit crimes like that they are tried and they should be. With eric garner he is a career criminal in the one to make an excuse for some of the u. S. Been preying on black people over 30 years also he was resisting arrest. Pcs now will not argue with you i will decillion my view. And telling you that you assume the position you put your hands, if the Police Officer says you are under arrest ayatollah lawabiding citizen. This sergeant on the scene was africanamerican. He was. He not. You talk on the influence of City Government and i applaud that. Rinaldi foundation which was the start up of 1940 under salt kolinsky in day were motherhood and apple pie. On the web site is says the proposed to the head of the Housing Committee of city hall that he proposed a restoration measure in of course, that is being pushed through. I would like to ask you rethink of the influence of organizations such as that. I wrote a pamphlet that 2 Million People have read called barack obama is moved to the revolution. It is an analysis of the original title. It is communistic and antiamerican and a very dangerous influence that is my view. I was trying to say that but i a am wondering what you know, or think of this organization . I know los angeles is the line there is 100 percent in control by the Democratic Party how could anything could be happening . That is one of the same. We have an encyclopedia of the last to discover the networks did mortgage day encyclopedia. But the called reluctance of the leaders of the black lives Matter Movement to repudiate there rankandfile to kill Police Officers should designate that movement as a hate group . It is. And it is typical. They hate each the police their defenders of criminals at home and enemies abroad. And of course, people with the Television Audience obviously not every democratic voter is aware what they do because they are incredibly deceptive. When i was a young boy and Joseph Stalin just murdered 40 million russians but the slogan of the communist party is not a dictatorship in their slogan was not to call for a soviet america that peas and jobs and democracy. It is very seductive. That is why social justice is a rush. But moral progress isnt because people are very good liars we have seen wonderful examples in president ial primaries said no. And dash both parties that is the thing to do to why and politicians have a vested interest because they have to put together coalitions of Diverse Communities where normally there at each others throat. Every politician does it but they are rare. You talk about genocide and 40 million killed in russia and china i hate it when somebody is killed unjustly even one, run those numbers they cannot comprehend. So the founder says those words he should not let the africans who work out as the goal is to exterminate the african race. Wouldnt that prove that america is not racist. They should not get a dime from the federal government she hated black people the last can overlook as the communists did as well. And el think there is anything that will prove to people who in their very identity that is of black lives Matter Movement. That is roughly 1. 2 million faces in america and the vast majority are black. So is a movement against the black people if you propose something sensible and can afford than children with the price of welfare to have the norplant is the prevention from having children in your called a racist but the book i have written is of those progressive races you can see we lost the battle we have to start winning. And try to get down to see you but that didnt work out i know preemptively. As a Public School administrator my question is do batf under Ronald Reagan and to the secretary of registration he said what we need to do with the department of education began as a director we need to eradicate the department of education it didnt happen that was his thought but i of course, to be a member of the California Teachers Association that the largest contributing group of the Democratic Party is socialist. Realize you dont have a magic pill but education goddess here but we are due to repeat that so how do we steer the Aircraft Carrier . I wrote five books in University Law how to reform them. They just fell into a whole. Republicans control 30 states i have spoken to the chairman of the education committees, Republican Leadership of various states it isnt a money issue for them. I didnt get any real support at the republican party. And until that happens able want to continue to feed universities that will see you have to be prepared to actually fight. Eating countdown the figures of one hands and that has got to stop late befriend who was a Democratic Party pollster and strategist who will remain anonymous and he explained to me how you get

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