Transcripts For CSPAN2 David Bodanis Discusses Einsteins Gre

CSPAN2 David Bodanis Discusses Einsteins Greatest Mistake January 15, 2017

This is all we are exploring. And so with people from different areas to gather to have onstage conversations and find out in a few of them. Hazelbaker on monday to talk about intuition with psychologist david loveman. Enjoying to talk about animal wisdom, one of those from the congo and the connector relationships and how they mirror our hours. Possibly not as a major affect on television a little later tonight. Nonetheless, will move on from there. And then in december there is also think going on. I hope you can join us from various stations of our particular journey. So, one aspect of knowledge that we want to address tonight instead of genius. Where does it spring from, what is the understanding that makes it go beyond common understanding and knowledge that we possess as a society and what better example to choose that einstein . David bodanis has just come out with a new book, biography, but he entitles it einsteins greatest mistake. If you cant imagine what that last, you will find out tonight. But its interesting what he writes about the nature of genius. I will reach a short paragraph. Geniuses have to push hard to come up with their best ideas. Almost always going our past what everyone assumes to be true and we have to be confident that they are right. That involves being stubborn. But they also need to be subtle, and making sure the breakthroughs incorporate all the relevant factual information and keeping their later work responsive to what others are finding out. The trick is to surf the line between the subtle in the stubborn with us training to art either side. As einstein do it in any part of his life . We are here to find out. David bodanis of course is no stranger to bestsellers from 1986 and the New York Times bestsellers list and he caused an he caused mc squared, youve heard that equation before, the title of the book of his which got translated no fewer than 20 languages and also became a ballet presented by london. He will be joined on stage by david who most pertinent for this particular conversation brought out mind blowing proof, which won the pole at their undertone at this time and really questioned with a different angle. So we are delighted to bring these two together to be here and address questions a little later on. And maybe join the book afterwards because this is a celebration at David Bodanis latest book. So please welcome commented david auburn and David Bodanis. [applause] thank you very much. This is exciting. David and i have never met, but we will find a few things to talk about. Ive read the book over the last couple days. Its a wonderful book. You cast a very wide net. Its about einstein, but its also about many other things. I thought they could talk about the title ii begin with. I dont want to give it away i assume that einstein greatest mistake was spared when i started reading the book, i thought i knew what it was. I thought it was about his use of what he famously said as his greatest mistake. Hes added to one of his equations in order to account her what he thought was the static universe that ive got that right. Years later he regretted doing that here that is not einsteins greatest mistake as it turns out. Do you want to talk a little bit about what is . Where to begin. Einstein believed that the universe was like a book. If its like a book, that means theres a writer of the book. And maybe at t a deity, impersonal forces that have always been there. If the universe is different, if the universe is like a magazine coming you couldnt find a complete order. There would be Something Like this, Something Like that. In 1915, einstein found a beautiful simple equation. Something even more beautiful than businesses they comes once in a century arabia once a millennium. It was a beautiful simple equation and it was predicted the universe is expanding. In 1915, all scientist told einstein the evidence is unambiguous. Check out the universe is just a bunch of stars in the Milky Way Galaxy just floating in space and beyond that there was nothing. Donald trumps raid. Just this empty space. Einstein had to modify and lacerate these beautiful simple equation i never liked doing it. Imagine you had a beautiful sports car, old style porch or something. People say no, thats not the right style. You have to put anchors on it and bags of rocks. You have to make this a ugly. So he did that, but didnt like it. He had to do it because everybody said the universe is not expanding. 10 years later the astronomers said we, we are sorry we were wrong. All of our Experimental Evidence was wrong. Indeed the universe is expanding. Einstein said i knew it. I shouldve held my nerves. I really should have stuck to what i believe in. This beautiful vision i felt had been able to see cutting through the veil of all the complexity around us to see the simple clarity behind it all working with clean and pristine and exact. He got rid of modifications and went back to his beautiful original equation. Many people think modifications were his greatest mistake that they are the mistake many physicists make and it doesnt destroy you. Theres something that did destroy einstein, the conclusion, psychological inclusion teacher or not. If you listen to Experimental Evidence, it has hurt his intuition showed been insisted there was a clarity you can see behind everything. If he had held the snare, none of that wouldve happened. He just had to wait 10 years. About this time in the midtolate 1920s, Quantum Mechanics was coming in. The book goes into it in a bit more detail. The city he. The city of saints and ultrasmall level. Electrons are smaller than not. On the tiniest level, everything is not smooth like an ocean wave, and is inexact, probability, uncertainty principle. The idea of Quantum Mechanics as you can see an exact precise truth. When i came in, einstein said it doesnt make sense. Doesnt that i believe the universe is a beautiful claim both. People said the Experimental Evidence backs it up. He said this i know. For 10 years i left something beautiful to go along with Experimental Evidence and that Experimental Evidence fluctuates. Im not going to do it again and not destroyed his life for the next 30 years. His minus other superb level. Strategic isolated. He said stay away from einstein. Gore him. Hes dangerous. Hes brought. It was a horrible thing. He was famous in public. Charlie chaplin, he was interviewed all the time. But the connections he had had with other working sis came to an end. You talk about how joes sport, who was one of the godfathers of the Quantum Mechanics had enjoyed it is a system all over the world coming to be with him in europe in the 30s and 40s through the same was not true of einstein at princeton. He was a relatively isolated figure even though he was a gregarious, warm person. Thats really her. Einstein used to say theres two types of thinkers in the world. You can imagine which category you go in. One third are tennis players. If you have a problem come you come to work on monday or go home and nature family and think weve got to work it out. I want to huddle together and work this out. Those are tennis players. Golfers are totally different. They come to work on monday morning with the problem. Give me some space. Im going to go to the coffee shop. They need to work on on my own. Tennis players are golfers. Einstein was a tennis player. And he loved it when he was older. Grad students, one or two people around him. He would need some quiet time to do the final putting together. But he couldnt do it on his own and he didnt like doing it on its own. He had grown up in a warm, cuddly family. After this thing happen with Quantum Mechanics, when they felt he was holding for the truth, and he felt he was holding up like atlantis. The universe of courses like a simple bug. He was forced to be a golfer. He was forced in princeton, new jersey, a perfectly nice town. The people there were very pretentious. There is demagogues ranting upon still. Its much better now, but it hurt his feelings and that within just a matter of age. Some people become stodgy when theyre older. Some people dont. In his 50s, at one point he came up with the notion of highly separated particles can sort of synchronized in a way, even oxidants in the universe. That the idea behind the new Quantum Computers being built as we speak. Almost 80 years later. He came up with a early concept of what became lasers as well. He did his main work in astronomy, came to a head in 1915 in the winter of wartorn berlin and exactly as he said that the next year while he was resting, one week and he came up with the idea that led to lasers, which only could be built. Human technology wasnt up to scratch for another 40 or 50 years. Lets talk about him as a genius. The university of chicago try to define genius means something other than is hes really smart to really talk to. Did you have that are working on this book . Iris. Theres two things that separate genius at an extremely good talent. An intelligent person does something you can do when you could do it better. If i were to run in the race for the same boat, i would highly recommend that you do not vote on mr. But in us to win. But i could imagine if i was stronger i couldnt understand how he does it. Genius is different. When people and neil simon at his peak were a great director of music. Mozart can be dealt. Hes moving along and something comes an almost like a joke. Where did it come from . Its brilliant and did they get it makes sense. One part of geniuses they do things we cant imagine how they do it. Michael jordan at his peak was able to be like an athletic genius. Together they about the first part alone. The people coming from good and goals, and a genius is also correct. What they find is right. I was struck in your book that you emphasized einstein wasnt necessarily a map of michael genius. He had talent, but math is not his strongest suit. He wasnt the best calculator. He wasnt technically in some ways as proficient as many of the people he worked with and relied on to do his work. But he had almost a visual imagination that allowed him to see things that no one else could see and then he would work from those, almost from this visual images backward to build and find the mathematics he needed to justify these images in his head. Thats exactly right. Heres a trick question. How could david and i were parallel, making sure we want parallel and yet you think its impossible that einstein can visualize it in his head. We are watching pair of a few yards away from each other. It seems impossible. Just think for a moment. How could that happen . Suppose david and i are on the equator, on the earth over here. We start walking parallel. But on the Curve Service as the years, we end up hitting the north pole and we feel some forceful in this together, even though you must be getting it wrong. I am walking north to einstein could evaporate away. Those waiting visions are really important. Another thing about the correct genius rather than a cranky person is there is a true that is aiming towards einstein once said this may be ties in with wisdom. These folks had all the wisdom of the universe. Normally we couldnt see it. It was dark ,com,com ma dim, but they, but they are too short of the our species could walk forward, take one book off the shelf, pull it down and see the waiting truth. By night they d. Equalsign c. Squared. The book to put on the shelf and withdrawn. We believed in that vision, so even when they didnt did before the winter of 1915 and he knew that he was there waiting. That helped not just write them, and polled them. The description of these tennis games he played, especially when he was mounting his strongest challenges to Quantum Mechanics. There is a conference in brussels. 1928, where you describe every morning, einstein getting up, walking to the conference and einstein present a new challenge in the form of a thought experiment. He says here is via Quantum Mechanics essentially couldnt be true. Imagine theres a box and give those is very concrete image. And it explains the end of the day and why he thinks that experiment doesnt succeed to prevent Quantum Mechanics. These two guys who are just batting back and forth is very concrete the images. An almost playing a game with one another, the mathematimathemati cs, the detail comes later. But what they are working from his images are so clear and the precise that we can even understand them. Nonmathematicians can understand them. Totally. One of the things that i try to incorporate when i read a book like this. Theres all sorts of equations in Popular Science books where people take a University Textbook and summarize it and clarify it. Thats fine. A good thing to do. Your attorney do Something Different. Suppose you didnt know if the content of the meeting was in brussels. But what was going on was that two men had been friends. When he was young that einstein. David loved and admired each other. Even gave einstein some of his favorite danish cheese, which are copenhagen is a special thing to do. And i find out if are tended to enjoy it. So they really got they were men who shared the vision. At least in einsteins e. They seem to believe that the universe, einstein had found a man who he respect for human being. If i nobleman, the opposite is somebody like heisenberg. They are sharing the same goal. Remember the beautiful line from the french poet. Love is looking into each others eyes. Looking together in the same direction. Nils bohr and einstein for a while were doing that. But then, when Quantum Mechanics started coming in, one by one people left and stand side and they said you talk about things being about. God does not play dice with the universe, but everything is clear and exact. The evidence time after time the showing the service of everything but beautiful ocean swells. This probability and uncertainty on the level. Im sorry we have to leave you. When i was young i was living in paris and he was a fresh prince. His name was tabori. He was one of the last people who stay close to einstein. He described what it was like coming back from a conference. Einstein is changing, going on to burble in. You will stay with me. He would respect that the Experimental Evidence i might not like it, but everyone was leaving. He ended up being the leader of the Quantum Mechanics. So its a great conference. They both came to a head and respected einstein so much that he knows there is one exception, one case for Quantum Mechanics didnt apply, it would all be well. We are not going to go into the details of that, the very roughly the uncertainty principle can be thought of like this. Suppose im trying to measure what the air pressure is inside a tire. So i get a little gauge on a a little cage and i stick it in a tire in the air comes out of measures the pressure. Suppose we havent such a good conversation that david comes by and i stick the i stick the agenda and Start Testing now. I say measuring the tire. Should look at it. I suppose i should. By the time i look at it, and my sake of allah per square inch. When i first put it and it was more. The air has come out. To do it accurately, i should look really quickly. If you think about it, the second i put a dynamic error starts coming out, i get a figure, but the figure is that they run. Just like as you look in the temperature refrigerarefrigera ted see the temperature. Is slightly different from what it was before. If you are really, really careful, however careful you are, something will be a little bit boss as you interact with the event. Whatever you are the key now, it not going to be precise. You cant even say what the truth is air pressure inside the tire was good to einstein, that was nonsense. We are not skilled enough and he developed exactly as he said a hollow box with light flashing around inside of it. When the clock ticked down into the down at the pool open to the back and some of the light went out. Well, you can measure how much that changes the way to the back. The box would go up and at the exact moment, and exact moment, the box would go a certain amount not. You can see how much came out. This was unlike the air pressure gauge. Mels bohr couldnt work out what was wrong with it. If this is correct you could have sent in happening on the micro level, but you could exactly measure it. There is a photograph of that night when einstein died about it. And since i was good with his hands. His dad was an electrical engineer, contract there. So he liked building things. The defense rebuttal, he would get a matchbox and straight. He was in switzerland. He would make little ski lifts, little cable cars just for the kids. So we imagine this wonderful box. There is a photograph of einstein on the street of brussels and mels bohr is really worried, but einstein is smiling as can be. Sadly the last photograph ive ever seen of einstein looking really, really happy because the next morning, bohr who was very smart, not a genius, said einstein, the box has the light go out, if you weigh it, it goes up a little bit. Not a lot, but a little bit less. Bohr said when it goes up it it goes that because im a the gravitational field of the earth. What happened then . Einstein released a problem and it turns out einsteins relativity, time is a little bit its not the same as air pressure. Think of air pressure in the air is quite dense. As you go higher up, its even thinner. It turns out for various reasons, time works as a certain speed. As you go up higher, it changes its rate of advancement. The people pirate changes it even more. As the box moves up, theres a certain uncertainty and the time measurement. So you have a different point in the gravitational field. Einsteins theory made the idea not work. He had the good grace to say in this case you are right and that was the last time einstein never tried to fight back. But in his heart he knew he was right. Thats bias. It is hard is convinced hes right this second area oral come a skilled lawyer. They might do verbal twist and turn an job. They could win the argument, but youre convinced youre right. He knew it. It had to be. He was a selfaware person. He had a sense o

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