Transcripts For CSPAN2 Key Capitol Hill Hearings 20160317 :

CSPAN2 Key Capitol Hill Hearings March 17, 2016

Neighborhood of havana. That is where poverty, castro style not opportunity, not freedom, not democracy is the t umbrella under which they live. S the president should witness their bravery. Listen to their stories, feel their despair. See the fear under which they live. And stand up with them. If he did, he could learn of ths story of ms. Gomez, who is a rested this past sunday for marching peacefully. Basically the ladies in white they dress in white as a form of a symbol, they march with to church every sunday in protest of their sons, and husbands who are arrested for their political and they are beaten savagely. If we could learn of the story one of the ladies in white from marching peacefully. And and an article she told her story quote, we were subjected to aer lots of violence today, many ofp us were dragged and beaten to. She pointed out this had taken place only one week before president obamas visit. She related how she was taken tl a Police Station where she wasn forcibly undressed by federal uniformed officers in plainview of some males. And she said after they had taken away all of my belongings, they told me to strip naked and i too refuse. So they threw me down on the comp floor and took off all of myhr clothing right in front of two men and they dragged me completely naked into a jail cell. She was handcuffed and thrown on left asl the sale on trail cells floor, h naked and left alone. Or how about the young cuban resident who was arrested in havana, it was reported that on march 14 the castro regime arrested the man, head of the youth wing of the Cuban Patriotic Union and major dissident organization. He has been accused ofal rhod on friday, he had participated in a meeting in miami with ben rhodes. T president obamas deputy, national, National Security advisor. He returned to havana on sunday. I guess thats what castro thinks and does to those who meets with the president s deputy National Security adviser. It notwithstanding their true stories and the stories of thousands like them, the president s first announcement to the strategic approach with the castro regime in 2014. Ons in Broad Strokes we learned of the forthcoming we established with the diplomatic relations. Its change of symbols with the American Flag flying over the United States embassy in havana and a cuban flag flying over embassy in washington. A s we learned about the forthcoming comm transformed the fact of the easing of sanctions to increase travel, commerce, courtesy. But for but for those of us who understand this regime, we the caution and urge against those Broad Strokes, we asked the administration at least require the castros to reciprocate with certain concessions of their ow. For which would be as good for u. S. National interest as for the cuban people, and for u. S. Cuban relations. For example, before the president ever traveled to burma, country with notorious human rights abuses, and with and with which this administration began to engage, they first demanded and received action by the burmese to address their human rights record. To be sure the burmese d government agreed to meet nearly a dudgeon benchmarks as part of this action for action. Including granting the red cross access to prisons, establishing a un high commissioner for human rights office, release of Political Prisoners, conclusion of a ceasefire and ensuring International Access to conflict areas. We asked, as the president cuban policy unfolded that they push for changes that put cubans in control of their own future, their political process, process, economic opportunities, Civil Society governments. We do not get it a single one. Ed we asked for changes that would honor americas legacy of the champion of human rights. I we did not get those either. We we suggested changes that would openly bring cuban to the community of nations, contributing to rather than detracting from the overall prosperity of the hemisphere. There were none. Hea most are partly, we asked that they remember that it is a lack of resources, not a change ofts heart that slowed the castros adventurism and responsibilityl in inducing support for those within the western hemisphere. In essence we were inking strategically. Instead, we traded strategy for tactics andu leaving human rights and democracy have criticized u. S. Policy. The simple truth is deals with the devil require the devil to ar opening channels of communications controlled by the regime Means Nothing unless we are going to communicator values. It Means Nothing if we do not champion the material changes that the cuban people seek. It Means Nothing if we do not seek the language of the castros understand. The communist revolution has failed miserably and its time to let the cuban people decide their future. The the castros know it, but, but it is antiquated hallmark of the revolution and the ironfisted role that came from it that keeps them in power. T we talk about being in a pass, thats in the past but no one challenges that area until those are truly challenged we cannot expect to we can in the meantime regime is moving forward, already breathing new life into its existing repressive state system. Cubans are being beaten, arrested, and otherwise ruffled at higher rates than ever before. The the Cuban Commission for human rights, which is within cuba has documented 1100 political relet arrest in 1141 in february. In 41 in february. In january 2016, the commission documented 1447 political arrests. As such, these 2588 political arrests in the first two and half months of this year which represent the highest to begin a year in decades. This is what happens when president obamas first announces he will not visit cubn unless there tangible improvements in the respect for human rights and then he crosses his own deadlines. Onths. Nearly 2600 arrests in two and half months. Pected. These are only political arrests that have been thoroughly documented, many more are suspected. U. S. Fugitives, and members of Foreign Terrorist Organization still enjoy safe harbor on the island, like a convicted cop killer of new jersey state trooper, or charlie hill, who killed new mexico streetn entrance state trooper robert rosenblum. Not a penny penny of the 6 billion in outstanding claims by american citizens and businesses for properties confiscated by the castros has been repaid. On. On relenting censorship andub repression of cuban journalistse continues on skates. The cuban path to liberty does not even include the u. S. Embassy. So, what wheeler . We learned that despite the Obama Administration with the castro dictatorship and increase travel to the island, repressioe on the island is rising exponentially. Of why . Because the castro regime, oneys of of the most astute observers of the american political system is rushing to take advantage of the permissive environment created by the president s hunger for legacy and the relaxation of restrictions. Liv. Mr. President that, legacy is for years, we have heard how an improvement in u. S. Cuba relations and ezine of sanctions and increasing travel to the island would benefit the cuban people. A benefit that never was realized despite the visits and, investments of millions of europeans, canadians, mexicans and south americans. Not one bit of a better life for greater democracy for the king cuban people. He since december 17, 2014, the president has offered unilateral concessions that the castros are are more than happy to accept. If that is not not enough for us to at least question her cuban policy, we are now facing a new unfolding migration crisis. The United States is the largest migration of cuban immigrants since 1994. The number of cubans entering the United States in 2015 was nearly twice that of 2014. Ds some 51000, tens of thousands more are desperately trying to make the journey via south andub central america. I ask, why would cubans flee if the promise of a better life in cuba is just on the horizon . When president Obama Took Office those numbers were less than 7000 annually. Cuba 51000, we heard that selfemployment in cuba is growing. The number of self employed workers in cuba has actually decreased. The cuban government today is licensing 10000 fewer selfemployed workers than it did in 2014. In contrast, castros military monopolies are expanding at record pace. Even the limited spaces in which selfemployed workers previously operated are fi being squeezed as the cuban military expands its control of the islands travel, retail and financial sectors of the economy. Now will speaking recently in washington and the nations capital, president , president ch obama argued how this new policy is creating the environment in which a generational change in t transition will take place in cuba. The key question is, a generational change in transition towards what, and by whom . Cuban democracy leader has concisely expresses concern he said legitimizing the castro regime is a path contrary to a transition. B cnn has revealed that the cuban delegation and the secret talks that began in mid2013 with u. S. Officials in ottawa, toronto and roll, and toronto and rome, and which led to the december 17 policy announcement was headed by colonel alejandra castro. Colonel castro stated the 49 euros euros son of cuban dictator raul castro. In both facetoface meetings between president obama and raul castro this year, first the april summit of of the americas in panama city, and just recently of the United Nations General Assembly in new york, alejandra conceded with a wide grin next to his father. He holds the rank of colonel in cubas military of the internal which is hand the on the trigge. Of intelligence services. Raul castro is grooming alejandra in a position of power. Sadly, his role as with the Obama Administration seeks to further their goal. Of an intrafamily generational transition. Within the castro clan. Similar to the aside in syria and in north korea and we know how those worked out. To give you an idea of how he views the United States, he described its leaders as quote, those who seek to subjugate humanity to satisfy their interest in hegemonic reay goals. This is being ready to be the next leader of cuba who we have been negotiating with. Of course it also takes money to run a total terrienship dictatorship. Which is why raul castro named his soninlaw as head of the business administrative group. Is the Holding Company of the revolutionary armed forces. Cubas military. It is the is the dominant driving force of the islands economy. It established in the 1990s by raul castro, it controls touriss companies which runs cubas comy hotels, nightclubs, restaurants, and islands retail stores. It controls virtually all economic transactions in cuba. D according to hotels magazine, lead industry publication, it is by far the largest Regional Hotel conglomerate in latin america. It controls more rooms than walt disney. Xis h as the news explained a few years back, tourists who sleep and some of cubas hotels drive rental cars, build their gas tanks and even those writing are taxis have something in common. They are contributing to the revolutionary armed forces bottom line. Ep in essence, cubas military system. Th it became this business a powerhouse through millions of canadians and european tourists who have and continue to visit cuba each year. The cuban military owned company averaged 12 growth in 2015. It expects to double its Hotel Business this year. Regard helping the cuban military but apsley nothing is being done to help human relations. While they have been enjoying cigars by cuban workers, despite the dl evidence if president obama wants people to visit cuba, and a report by Bloomberg Business also explained how raul soninlaw, the general is the gatekeeper for most foreign investors, requiring them to dot business with his organization if they wish to set up shop on the island. If and when the u. S. Finally removes its halfcentury embargoing cuba, it will be this man, castro soninlaw who decides with investor gets the best deal. Ar again, he is part of the cuban military. So this is not about people to people, this is about us helping the very entities that helped form the military, all the talking points about how lifting the embargo and tourism restrictions would somehow benefit the cuban people are empty and misleading. In addition, Internet Connectivity ratings have dropped in cuba. The International Telecommunications union measuring the Information Society for 2015, the most reliable source of data and analysis on Global Access toub information and communication dropped cubas ranking to 129 down from 119. Cuba bears much worse in some of the worlds suppressors, including syria, iran, china and venezuela, worse. In venezuela, worse. In cuba religious Freedom Violations have also increased. According to the london based ngo, last year 2000 churches in cuba were declared illegal. 100r were designated for demolition t by the castro regime. Altogether they documented 2300 separate violations of religious freedoms in 2013 compared to 22o and 2014. Onal 2300 versus 220. Religious oppression is on the rise. If that is not enough, castro reneged is not enough, castro reneged on the release of Political Prisoners by international monitors. Most of the 53 Political Prisoners were released priore and after the president s five hav december announcement have since been rearrested on multiple occasions. Five have been handed to longterm prison sentences. Meanwhile Human Rights Watch b noted in its 2016 report that that cuba has yet to allow business to the island by the red cross or by United Nations human rate monitors as stipulated in the december 2014 pr states. To these were the conditions that prompted congress over the course of our long history with cuba to pass excessive laws to build on, not detract from executive orders that created the embargo. Alists so i visited with thousands of people who long for the day that the freedom we enjoy in ourn great country extends to theirs. As long as i have a voice, they will have and i allowed to speak truth against this dictatorit. System and any effort to delegitimize it. t we must realize the castro regime will not be altered by going back on our demands on basic human silver rights. If if the United States gives away its leverage it should be ready for a true transition in cuba. Finally as for the latest announcements from the administration, stand against any roadblock of the statutory provisions that codify cuba the sanctions. We learned this week that the administration has cleared the way for individual travel to cuba outside the group or organization, that is tourism, plain and simple. We learned this week the administration has cleared the way for cubans athletes, artists and other stern salaries in the United States. He it would be a good thing except unfortunately much of not all of those things will go back to the regime. We learned that americans mayc s purchase cuban products ande services in third countries come cigars, alcohols and basic products produced by system of slave labor that funnels proceeds to one place, the regimes pocket. When it comes to banking and financial services, well now permit the u. S. Financial system to take the flow of these and other d proceeds directly to the regime. The administration will allow the cuban government which profits from the sale of intelligence, like when they had our help to export software to the United States. Ts never mind the cuban government aggressively monitors the Internet Activity of cubans using the island. Then we are going to permit these significant amendments to the act to control regulationsf in the export, cornerstone of implementations with u. S. Sanctions against the castro regime announced on tuesday create new opportunities forith travel. From within they permit the regime to use United States dollars to conduct its visit. C they are unilateral concessions require no changes to the political and Economic System which they exploit the lives and labor of cuban nationals. Late last week i want officials in the department of treasury l that these changes come up to and i think in some places cross the lines. Their actions are inconsistent with existing statutes. O an incompatible with the intent congress has expressed to those statutes, i i should know because i was one of the authors of that when i served in the house of representatives. In my view in the end of the day, this is this is a unilateral transfer of the little remaining control that they had not given away prior to the announcement. With these steps i believe we have set the stage for legal action against thevel administration. Congress is authorized categories of travel to cuba. But none of these categories tos were tourism with the regime. The president has said that his cuban policy has helps promote the peoples independence from cuban authorities. But its clear, it does not. Yet this week the administratio will be reportedly allow the regime to use u. S. Dollars and International Financial transactions and a u. S. Hotel a company to partner with themi cuban military conglomerate run by the castro family. Lets be clear, it is not the cuban people are eager and willing to show for their dollars, only the regime is willing and eager to do so, as for the report that t

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