Transcripts For CSPAN2 Pete Hegseth Battle For The American

CSPAN2 Pete Hegseth Battle For The American Mind October 11, 2022

For us. As i was noting, you were in the armed services, a basque ballplayer in high school. I dont think you started off your career as a commentator a news guy, how did you and fox news ever meet . Good question. My First Television appearance ever was on msnbc hardball with Chris Matthews. [laughter] i had never done tv before in my life and i had a buddy who had done tv twice so he was an expert. [laughter] he said lean forward that his first to. It makes you look better stature better posture. [laughter] lean forward and dont let the host cut you off. 46 times Chris Matthews cut me off. I was a newbie. I didnt anticipate i would go into tv. I read a couple of events organizations when i came back from iraq and afghanistan supporting in the battlefield then fighting for reform at the v. A. Through that, and it up doing appearances on tv in different places. A lot of ended up being fox and fox and friends. I will never forget, one day they said have you ever thought about asking questions instead of answering them . I said im happy to try anything one time. The worst i can do is make a full of myself. It went ok and that was in 2015 early 2016 then took her carlsen who was the fox and Friends Weekend host took the primetime gig thank goodness. Because he is amazing. Then i took his slot on fox and Friends Weekend and thats read been ever since. [applause] i dont know if it was your pen who wrote this because it is coauthored, but right up in the front there was a note that when the two of you got together, it felt like Indiana Jones and his father and one was sean connery and one was Harrison Ford is my first question is which of you is sean connery and which is peers in fort . We believe that to the imagination. I am older than him. He even looks like sean connery doesnt he . How did the two of you get together for this book . I will monopolize, i promise. I was at a diner in North Carolina and there was a young family in the corner who had their young daughters and their uniforms. I walked around and i was talking to everybody and i talked to them and they were talking about this Wonderful School a Christian School in North Carolina that they sent their kids to. I had known about classical Christian School but my interest peaked around that point. And they said you have to meet this guy. So i did. I said i want to do more, what do you guys do . He shot me tens of information. I kept reading it and im calling him i called him too much i think. I sit is this true . Then our member looking at my wife and i said by the way, she runs a lot of the stuff on fox nation and i said we have to write a movie about this. People need to know whats going on. To the bellamy salute to what the progressives did the whole story. What david had done and the research he had done was a nobrainer. We got to work on the film then eventually the book. None of this happened without David Goodwin and the research and expertise he brings. I bet everyone in the audience has some familiarity with Critical Race Theory being taught in our nations schools today. What i found fascinating in this book was right up front, the two of you make the point that thats just a very recent tip of the iceberg. This problem is really as much as 100 years old. One of you please explain that . It is. What is an amazing part of the story of the development of the book is we started march 2020. If you remember, thats before crt went front and center. Before the George Floyd Riots and before covid. The interest early on was pete and i were thinking we want to tell the story of what was happening in the early part of the 20th century because nobody has told the story. As we went along, history was unfolding in front of us. Pete coming back with he went about this what about this . I had this person on tv today and they said this. Pretty soon, it was a truly collaborative project where pete was writing, he has written most parts of the book that deal with contemporary issues of the day. We found out was it fit together like hand and glove. John dewey no sooner gets done with his work that i researched in Columbia University than Frankfurt School shows up. Pete had a better grasp on that side of things than i did. As a whole, the work was evidential. It would not come together if it hadnt been the time and place and the partnership. Yes, the progressives had been targeting our youngest minds on their mind from the very beginning. They knew they had to remove the one immovable object inside American Civic Life and western civilization if their schemes were to catch on. The immovable object was god and faith. The centerpiece of the american classroom since the founding. They had to replace it to keep the Indiana Jones analogy going, its like when youre trying to grab a precious artifact but its on a pressure plate. If you take the artifact off of the pressure plate, the alarm is going to go off. If they did that a hundred years ago, the churches would have revolted. They openly wrote in the new republic and this is the research that david did, they discussed how do we remove god from the classroom . They ultimately landed on a forgery which the culture at the time was willing to accept. It effectively was allegiance to the state. It was the flag. It was a new pledge. A pledge of allegiance written by a socialist. It didnt say under god when it was originally written. I love the flag, i probably said the pledge of allegiance today at the beginning. I revere it. For them, it was a new idea around which they could get society to cohere that was malleable, nationalism being more malleable vent bevel truth. When you have biblical truth and objective truth you cant move people off of that. You find when you read this story of the characters that its almost to a man and to a woman they are atheists, humanists, socialists, then eventually marxist who reject biblical truth. They reject human nature and sinful nature. Once you can change and reject that, then you create a laboratory for societal change inside classrooms. One of the other things that david discovered through his research and we write about is the early progressives studied one of the First Successful social movements which was prohibition. A woman named what was her name . Frances willard. She is a suffragette, a socialist. Said if we can put the curriculum of thirdgraders, we start to have a chance. In the 1870s, third grade curriculum antialcohol is put into curriculum. These are loose Public School associations. Third grade curriculum put in. By 1919, what do you have in america . Prohibition of the sale and consumption of alcohol. The progressives said if you can do that with third grade curriculum, what else can you do with third grade curriculum . They discovered a word called paideia. Asby said the pledge one nation under god indivisible, would you go so far to say that the socialists and the ones that greeted the pledge when they were after what you described to them under god and god is essentially the state. Yes but originally the original pledge written by Francis Bellamy did not include under god. That was included by eisenhower when we were fighting the godless communists in the 50s. To oversimplify, basically what the progressives did and it was always under the guise of training for new economy. They replaced the cross in a bible in the classroom with a flag and a pledge. Over time they said were going to start start a different type of school over here where god is not allowed inside where we have pullout time where you can go to instruction outside of the school. Not on school grounds, but we respect that you have faith in god. Then when they moved it to new york, they had a different approach. You should explain the gary plan. They started school in gary, indiana that changed the way school worked altogether. Their intentionality was visible because they created model schools and several places around the country but gary, indiana became the center of it. For anyone who knows the town, it was formed in 1905. It was a very new city and they could take the wherever they wanted to take it. One of these new disciples was the superintendent of that area and they built the plan there in indiana. Its features were things you probably all thought were always in school like bells that ring at the end of 55 minutes. The seven period day. Subjects broken up and social science being in it. This was all packaged up and they removed religion christianity from the classroom by putting it in a pullout p eriod. When i first encountered the story i was reading the backandforth editorial pages of the new republic 19151918, they were arguing about how to get god out of the classroom for good. Because the one side was saying if we put it in a pullout pe riod, we could just drop it. Then they said we shouldnt have it in pullout. The whole modern American Experience especially at high school was designed in gary, indiana without god. In the book, you describe at some length this whole woke movement. Part of being woke is you are invading my space. Those words are harmful, all the rest of that. I read this and i cannot believe it when i read it when i read in your book. That is that the United States the National Archives and Records Administration the agency that is the nations attic, it keeps all of our records and takes care of the constitution of the United States and the declaration of independence, when you access the archives website, it suggests in the top righthand corner these there are harmful words in these documents. How can this possibly be . Its true. You got a website of the National Archives for the declaration and constitution of the United States and there is a trigger warning. Of attentional violent content. Inappropriate content. Thats the logical extent of the view of the left. They want to reject, they have rejected the ideas of our founding and their theories were dedicated to that from the beginning of when they landed on our shores. David talked about early progressives, then you have the critical theorists of the Frankfurt School who free germany. There all marxist. They free hitlers, they arrive in new york and they are welcomed at Columbia University. What is columbia at that time and what is Columbia Teachers College still today . The preeminent Teachers College in the United States america. The marxist arrived with a new theory called critical theory. Sound familiar . Is the precursor to Critical Race Theory and critical gender theory. They begin to teach it and they begin to teach it in the Teachers Colleges means when the teachers go out and become heads of their departments or other places, they are teaching critical theory. What is it to your point . It the premise is to deconstruct effectively western christian civilization. Criticize all things that lead to the white european patriarchy capitalist system that must be torn down if we are to advance work schism. They thought and an academic sense but it became in they thought that warfare was not going to fly in the states United States america. Instead, our terrible path of Racial Injustice was more fertile ground. The critical theorists eventually landed on radical race theory as to way in which they could indict america from the beginning. We call the first chapter of our book the covid 1619 moment. Because covid19 happens. Zoom comes into all of our homes and you open up the laptop and in american history, they are teaching 1619 as the new founding date. They have rejected 1776 and the principles thereof and they are indicting america from the very beginning as being a terrible country. That type of logic at the academic level which has now made its way pervasively into k12, of course it leads government institutions to say that the constitution and declaration of independence need trigger warnings. Therefore they must be canceled and we need to find a new founding date and all the wisdom that they had despite their flaws has to be rejected. That was the premise of critical theory from the beginning. They used only teach it in higher education. Now all the teachers who have been through the Teachers Colleges and they handled the accreditation that is now in bed with the unions and now i see we are back to who is a great friend of ours he wrote standing up to goliath he took on the Teachers Unions in california hes an amazing individual. [applause] we have drawn on a lot of wisdom from a lot of people who have been on the front lines and we are yelling about it before people were paying attention. Now, they are paying attention. Those theories have been embedded into our institutions and thats how you get to the point where Something Like that appears on the website. Thats what you have to read this book. I will pull a quote on your book and i would like for you to explain it for us. The right has long held the right principles but the left controls the positions. What do you mean by that . Its a political question, you get it. [laughter] what do i mean by that . Look at local school boards. Look at union representation. Look at our universities. We stand on principles that we know are timeless and believe that they should be timeless and believe that they stand on their own whether they are the brilliance of our founding or the biblical wisdom. The left goes ahead and runs for all the positions, takes over all the institutions then pushes out all the stuff we felt was timeless and would be there no matter what. If there is something you could fault the founders for, its assuming this type of education would continue. How kids would be educated at some level with an understanding of greek and latin and great books and arbuckle western silt ash civilization narrative. They assumed that would be the waters you can swim in. And others who came about after that and tried to could deconstruct everything they did. I try not to be pessimistic in this book, but you revert the stuff we covered on fox of parents rising up at school boards. Virginia, Glenn Youngkin gets elected, its all amazing stuff. Its heartening. But do those types of actions in todays government schools because thats what we should call them, Public Schools are government schools. Those types of actions as we say in the book, i feel like its like charging a machine gun nest with nerf guns. We salute your efforts, but we will bury you all. What did they do those parents . Good luck, see you later, next. My mother protested at pta meetings in the school board in the 1980s and 1990s. God bless her. She took me out of those courses whether it was the sex ed course or the quest selfesteem thing that is benign by todays standards but she recognized it for what it was back then and she protested and pulled out. Guess what happened in the middle school . Nothing. 99 of the other kids at Forest Lake High School still went to that education and the Quest Program and now we are on the 95th iteration of that at Forest Lake High School in conservative minnesota. They control the pipeline of every aspect of educational industrial complex. The unions being the most powerful arm of that but the Teachers Colleges textbooks curriculums certifications accreditations all hard leftists. We want to disavow people of the idea that you can move to a nice zip code or going to move to a conservative community and everything will be ok. The problem is the pipeline has been federalized and they control those positions. Protesting is good and doing something for your kid is good, but its insufficient at this point. If i could add to one thing, the money involved is the icing on the cake. It is the biggest industrial complex. Not only is infrastructure solidly in their hands, but the money is two. You went to what has to be defined as an elite school for university. In the book, both of you note that your request was not to find an elite education but rather the best education. What is the difference between the elite education and the best . You are an expert. By todays standards, and elite education would be princeton where i went as an undergraduate or harvard where i went for a Masters Program but i dont know if you saw on fox and friends recently [applause] i did most bust open my diploma to harvard right returned to sender and mail it back to them live on tv. Because, our institutions are poisoning the minds of not just our kids, but our country. If we hold them up as standard bearers of excellence and gatekeepers of credibility we continue the cycle. It is not just my socalled elite background. It is probably your alma maters too. Take your pick. Unless you went to hillsdale, liberty, or college of the ozarks, your university is probably dutifully pumping out hard leftists and marxists at a rapid rate. Read your alumni newsletter. Go back and take coursework. Peruse the website. Just by default because we like these sports teams are the nostalgia of drinking beer in college we pump checks to these institutions and we might as well just send it straight to the democratic party. Any part of perpetuating that, i believe, is perpetuating a cycle hurting our countr

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