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Police have lethal weapons but them. When they make mistakes, unlike people in other professions, the consequences are dire. They are trying to do the right thing and save as many lives as possible and that includes minority lives. Host thank you so much for the time youve taken. We can both agree this is an issue that has been contingent in the past and will continue to be can tend just in the future and one day we can talk about common humanity just the way you ended up talking about the good the police do, that we can spend more time focusing on the majority of all people in the United States who are actually lawabiding citizen. Thats one thing we can agree on. Thank you so much. Host senator gene gene, what is on your Summer Reading list . Either bickerstaff and i stack than i have time i fear. Right now im reading the Wright Brothers, which is David Mccullough spoke good wonderful american story of ingenuity and creativity. The library of congress does a great series for members of congress where they bring in authors interview them. They talk about their most recent books. I had the opportunity to see David Mccullough talking about this book. They give us each a copy of the book, for those of us who come to the event. It is a wonderful story. Host what drew you to that book . Guest hearing David Mccullough talk about it and talk about the Wright Brothers, who are very interesting. You know, you think you know because we all learn about the Wright Brothers and they are the founders of flight, you know, then to hear David Mccullough talk about the personal story, i discovered i didnt really know anything about them at all. The brothers had aces your who was dairy helpful in everything they did and they lived at her home. All of them live together as they were getting were older. They had a bicycle shot. They started out a bicycle shot. One of the brothers was just fascinated by flight and a study birds and then translated that to how to begin to build an airplane and a one to North Carolina because that is where the wind patterns with the best. It is just a wonderful story and also not just about that family and their relationships, but also about america at that time as we were lucky not what it hath been to and the Industrial Revolution and the innovation that was going on in the country at the time. Host does it surprise you that the sister got a little bit short trip . Guest well, that was pretty typical. It was nice to hear the really Important Role that she played. I am not finished with the book. Im a quarter of the way through. He talked about the conversation. What books are you drawn to . Guest depends on what im doing at the time. I was trying on something serious that i can read that im interested in. And then something fun. I really like mysteries. Im a big fan of mary clark when ive got a weekend or i am on a flight someplace and ive got some extended time that i just want to escape, it is fun to read mary clark, francis and of course all of those are very fun. But then, reading i find history, historical novels are fascinating to me. Biographies and history. One of my favorites recently has been the book red notice, which is about the sir jay magnus the case, a man who was one of the First Western masters in russia and Eastern Europe after the fall of the soviet union and we had some legislation to address a really horrible human rights abuses in russia. This young attorney who had worked with the author of the book and in a whistleblower on people who he thought were defrauding the russian government. Bill got so outraged about what was happening because he was imprisoned and tortured, ultimately he died. During that. And afterwards, he tried to get attention to his case and we ultimately passed legislation here that ben cardin and john mccain sponsors that i worked on and was a thereof to hold accountable those people in russia who would violated magnus keith human rights, and hold others in russia accountable. It is a fascinating story and read a good novel. Also interested another book that has New Hampshire connections called citizens of london, which is a great story about world war ii and the americans who helped forge the bond with written that helped us defeat the nazis and world war ii. Armor governor of New Hampshire who then went on to be ambassador to england during that period. So it is a great story about americans who were really pivotal in what happened in world war ii and about the period of time about what it was like in 110 during the bombing. You get that sense of what life was like in that it could end at any time. There was a sense of urgency about everything people did. The mans name was john wynette, armor governor of New Hampshire and a real hero to english people during that period. He succeeded joe kennedy as ambassador. Host do you find that reading can help your work in the senate . Guest absolutely. It gives you a historical event, which is interesting. Even though i was an english major, i find history fascinating that are fascinated by history. It gives you a sense of the challenges we face today and under his campaign they are not unique in most cases we face similar challenges before and looking at how people make decisions to overcome those and the leaders that weve had in the past who are able to steer the country in a positive direction. Its really reassuring to see that we face difficult times as we are today before we been able to get through them. Host you said you were an english major. Why did you major in english . Guest i wound up as an english major. Ive always loved literature, but both and i started out majoring in french and then how to transfer schools and switch to political science. When i transferred back to my original college, i wanted to be able to graduate and i had more credit in english than anything else. That was the way wound up as an english major. Host who were senator literature favorite . Guest i above heart of darkness, that was one of the College Students that was one of the books that i thought was really critical in thinking about life. You know, the idea that work is really important in having something to get up and do every day and the focus is very important. I also loved a book called the last angry man, which was about a novel about a man who was a doctor who just was upset and try to do some thing that he thought should be addressed in his whole life worked hard to do something about them. Of course i had the benefit of taking shakespeare in having not foundation and shakespeare i love shakespeare. Wonderful place. American literature us well and particularly american playwright im a big fan of eugene oneill. I tend to like kind of heavy plays. Host to go back to william shakespeare, how would you those of us who just dont get it, who just dont try. Guest you have to see shakespeare performed. When you see a performed, it is very different than reading it. The first year theyve totally integrated the schools in the south and one of my classes we did make back. We had the students perform different scene from the bath and it was really interesting to see them interpret and to get it as being able to actually play out the scenes from macbeth. The double bubble toil and trouble. The kids had a great time with that. Host is it relevant today . Guest absolutely relevant. Youve seen what happens to lady mcbeth because she still feels that guilt and what better situations today where people have done things that are wrong and unfortunately, not everybody feels that deal, but there are people that still do. Hamlet is trying to figure out what is the right thing to do. Very relevant today. Host senator shaheen, if you had to recommend it will court to books on u. S. Senate iran u. S. History in somebody sad how can i learn more about what you do appear, is there one you would recommend . Guest well, David Mccullough spoke about john adams is a wonderful book. 1776 is a wonderful book. Less about what we do today. I have not yet read master of the senate, which is the third book in the trilogy. I just finished the second occurrence of that is on my list to do. I am hoping this summer. People tell me that its a wonderful description of what happened in the senate and the process and of course as a mass that. That is under my list for the summer. Host when youre growing up in missouri and going to school in mississippi at shippensburg, did it ever occur to you that youll be the governor and another from New Hampshire. Just dont matter. That was not on my dream last things he wanted to do in the future. I have a theory of politics that some of us are born with musical ability and some of us are artists and now there is another skip of political genes. Some of us are just drawn to politics because my parents were always interested in current, but neither of them were political really. They always voted, but they were not involved in politics. I think some of us just are junkies. We get excited about it. Host are you an author . Guest im not. I wish i were. My oldest daughter i think you know has read a wonderful book about her family and my oldest granddaughter, her oldest daughter, ellie, who has type one diabetes and the struggle of the family had. This wonderful yellow lab and its alleys Diabetes Service dog. Shes at a camp in it for. A lot of the concern that i know we all feel because this is her first extended period of time away from home is mitigated because shes got coach with her. Postcodes about trillion coach came out in 2015 by Stephanie Shaheen in case youre interested. But tv did an interview about that. Why arent you an author . Youre an english major, history buff. Guest i hope that some point it will be. Very good fascinating to read and the senator story. Barbara boxer, i love that title and then of course Claire Mccaskill has written a book. She has a wonderful title ii hers as well and kirsten jello brand has a wonderful book, about the importance of women, particularly young women in h. In the political process. It is great to have these talented colleagues and at some point i hope i can join them. Host is the only woman whos been governor and senator. What would you call your boat . Guest i havent gotten that far. Thats why havent written one because you actually have to take some time and think about it. Host to ever get recommendations for books from your colleagues are recommend to your colleagues books . Guest yes. Now having said that, i cant give you any that ive gotten lately. In fact, i shouldnt say that. I have Lamar Alexander bring me a book about the Senate Sitting right over there on the table. He said he thought it was the best book about how the senate operates that he had read. So we do share from time to time books that we think are important and helpful. Host whetted senator alexander bring that to you question her guest i cant remember. We were talking about looks and i cant remember exactly what i was talking about, but he said you need to read this book and then he brought it to me. Host senator shaheen, are the books that you go back to time and again a day novels, Historical Books . Guest less now than i used to when i was growing up, there are books that i used to reread frequently that because time is more challenging today, it is harder to do that. One of the things that i like is having had the opportunity to read to my children and some of the books that i read to them and that might read children have been interested in are some of my favorite books. Books like charlottes web, e. B. White book stuart little, those are wonderful books. Her parents, and it is just as fun for me to read and to make a bet that was for my kids to hear that. A quick shell silvers teen, where the sidewalk ends, which is fun to read, to some of the elementary student. The rhyming and the images. Sarah Cynthia Sylvia stout would not take the garbage out. You get that image of the little girl that kids can identify with. Host when you visit with librarians in New Hampshire, what is their main concern . Guest resources. It always resources. They also are very positive at the library of congress about the wonderful job that it does in providing support to libraries throughout the country one of the things i had the opportunity to do in the last 10 years or is of is to go to the opening of new libraries in New Hampshire. There is this perception in some quarters while everything is online, people dont have libraries and they are not reading books in the same way. But we have had a number of new libraries open in New Hampshire. The hubble they have traditional books, but they also do have this new function of providing computer access for people who may not have that her home, providing Community Space where people can come and meet together and i think that is in a wonderful trend nation in the function that libraries provide two communities. Host did you find that you could affect policy more directly as governor or senator when it came to reading, libraries, this type of education. Guest i think it is apples and oranges. You have a different role as governor did you do a senator. I was very proud when i was able to chair the sub appropriations subcommittee on the legislative branch because the library of congress was part of my oversight, my port folio and were able to increase support after several years when it had been decreasing and that was very positive. I heard back home how much people appreciated that. You know, as governor i was able to be in New Hampshire more to meet with students and go to school then i had been and you have a very direct ability to go when for programs like reading is fundamental to be able to go into the school every year in late kids and talk about the importance of books. Host what do you think about the programs like New Hampshire read through the whole state on reading the same boat . Guest yes, its very affect it in the programs you have given to our assignment to read a number of books over the summer. Those are very important because kids need encouragement and they need direction and it does broaden your horizons. It gives you the ability to fantasize other places and what may have been your life and very few other things do. Even television and movies are great. Books just have a different ability to capture kids imagination i think. Postcode you volunteered has been a political person for a long time. Jimmy carter, al gore, barack obama. Is there a political book that you would recommend for people, and memoir or a book by a politician . Guest certainly books about campaigning i think are to read week has because they give you that foundation to the modern Campaign System that we have. I can remember reading the book about the carter campaign. Jacked your mom, which is a wonderful book, particularly for those of us who have been part of that can paint. Its fun to go back and be how outsiders view what was going on. There is some book, almost every camp being. Host where do you get your books . Do you order them online, hard copy, ebook, how do you do that . Guest i never read ebooks i have to say. I actually like having a book, the feel of the book and the physicality of the book. I find important like that. I get them wherever i can find. I go into bjs on the weekend and no one to the table that has the books on it to see what is there that i might want to pick up. Theyve been out for a couple of years and found it very cheaply. I love to go in to books toys and just browse and see what is there. The library of Congress Events where they give you a book. That is one of the good reasons to go is because you get to leave with this book. Wherever i can find them. Fred salome books, two on occasion. That is why havent yet read than it because i have a friend who bought it as i dont go out and buy it. I could get it from the library of congress, but then i have to give it that. I always feel like im on a deadline when i get books from the library of congress. She said ive got it. I will give it to you. So wherever i can find them. It was a term used in the days, meaning at least the appearance of a sudden shortage of oil, which reminded all american. Time the wellbeing of our country was increasingly dependent upon our ability to access foreign reserves of oil. That Second Oil Shock has occurred because of the iranian revolution, overthrowing the shah and producing now a government in tehran that was hostile to the United States. Compounding the problem just a month before december 1979 the soviets had invaded and occupied afghanistan. It appeared that the appearances were misleading. It appeared that the soviets were now prime to march westward into iran at saudi arabia. It was also a fact that carter was perceived to be weak president , somebody presiding over a lackluster economy and somebody who supposedly was letting things like the iran hostage crisis and the soviet nation about you can occur. 1980 of course was a president ial election year. The president understandably wanted to be elected to a second term. Politically it seemed to make sense to strike a get tough posture and the Carter Doctrine was intended to do this. What does that imply . What the Carter Doctrine implied or led to was the militarization of u. S. Wheat in the greater middle east, beginning with the persian gulf, but ultimately including a far broader swath of territory in the islamic world. Carter didnt for a second for c. Or expect all of the military interventions that were to follow beginning in 1980. At least in my judgment, the carter talk and touches off a come to be a war for the greater middle east. The things we always hear in those early years was fighting to preserve our resources. Is that accurate and as i thought we were fighting for . It is accurate and yet its not all we were fighting for. In other words, it makes sense to say that. At the outset, the greater middle east was a war for oil because it feared that our prosperity, our wellbeing must contention upon ensuring we had access to foreign oil. What i argue in the book is it began as oil, quickly morphed into some thing else. The middle east in some sense, very important senses became a war to demonstrate that the limits that apply to other countries need not apply to less, to demonstrate that when the United States senate mind to doing something that we can do it and can use the term that they like in washington and in the same sense we are able to shape a large part of the world, the assumption among policy makers being that the use of American Military power gives us the instrument to accomplish this s

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