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On q and a. Live to london for british Prime Ministers question time. Each week the house of commons is incessantly bring Prime Minister teresa may taking questions from members of the house of commons wednesday morning on cspan2. We invite your participation on twitter using the hashtag pmq. Members are finishing up other business. Live to the floor of the british house of commons. The agreement provides stability and a vital time in the interest of all the United Kingdom including Northern Ireland, in no way changes the successes. It is worth more. [laughter] is it impossible to take up evenhanded Northern Ireland . No i dont. Secretary of state cannot see the uk has been destroyed following 1. 5 billion from Northern Ireland, and the face of it. No i dont. [laughter] the honorable lady wants to come in on this, she can. Will the minister join me in welcoming the governments commitment to use high commissions and embassies to promote Northern Ireland as a place to do business, Northern Ireland further includes in any initiative exports and prosperity. I support the point my honorable friend is made, Northern Ireland is a great place to do business and we will continue to support that and all parts of the uk too. Questions for the Prime Minister . Thank you, mister speaker. The house will be aware that the Prosecution Service announced charging petitions and relations to hillsboro. I know from working with the families when i was home secretary this will be a day of mixed emotion for them but the house will understand i cannot do anything further on matters subject to criminal prosecution. I have meetings with ministerial colleagues and others in addition to my powerhouse, such meetings later today. Over the past month, social media people putting labor party posters on my home and pushing them through my letterbox and some even urinated on my office door. A kinder, gentler policy. It may well be good people from serving in this place. My honorable friend is right to raise this issue and she was not the only person to experience this sort of intimidation, particularly, i am sorry to say intimidation experienced by female candidates during the Election Campaign. I believe this behavior has no place in our democracy. It could put good people off from serving in this house, we want more people to become engaged and wants to stand for elections and particularly as i stand here and see the plaque, dedicated to the late joe cox we should remember what joe said, we are more united and have far more in common with each other than the things we deny us. Mister speaker, i welcome announcement by the crown Prosecution Service that we are going to prosecute 6 people in relation to hillsboro, inquiring the development, only happened because of the incredible work done by the hillsboro Justice Campaign and other colleagues around this house. Pay tribute to all of those that spends a great deal of time trying to ensure there was justice that diane hillsboro. 79 people are thought, the families and friends, those are still unaccounted for and those who will live with the trauma of this horrific and utterly avoidable tragedy. And appoint a judge to share the inquiry in the next few days. And an appointment, the inquiry. I think we are all welcome the fact that after so many years of waiting the hillsboro families and those who were different groups in hillsboro not just the Justice Campaign but hillsboro families who came together and the work that was done has been as i said obviously today will be a day of mixed emotions for them. I welcome the fact that charging, the right honorable gentleman asked me in relation to dreadful tower, if i may, a number of aspects we all know and unimaginable tragedy this was, our thoughts continue to be with all those affected by it. 120 tower blocks across the country and 37 local Authority Areas that failed the combustibility test. Given the failure rate we are clear with local authorities, and test results getting on with the fire safety check and are doing so. And will support them in doing that. The secretary of state Community Secretary set up independent advisory panel, and the measures we need to take which is meeting, on the housing offer, 282 temporary problems have been identified, 132,000 had their needs assessed, 65 offers of temporary accommodation have been made to families. The payment from the funds, discretionary funds, those payments continue, and a quarter Million Pounds of payments have been paid and additionally giving a next to 1 Million Pounds to the local consortium of Charity Trust and foundations, on the issue of Public Inquiry i expect us to name a judge as soon as the right honorable gentleman will know the chief justice recommends the name of a judge, what we want to do is to ensure the process Going Forward for that inquiry, but the families concerned do have involvement with that and it is that work we are currently doing. Thank you for that answer, hope she can stick to her promise about everyone being rehoused in 3 weeks because it doesnt look anything like that topic will be achieved, she i hope understand the fear so many people have all around the country. In 2014 the fire and safety group, a warning that todays bill has a higher content of regularly available contestable material, can the Prime Minister give a categorical announcement with a combustible core such as polyethylene legal for use of highrise buildings in relation, the building regulations identified what is compatible, and the building regulations. This particular one is not compliant with the building regulation. This raises wider issues as the house will recognize and it is important that we are careful in how we talk about this. There is a criminal investigation taking place, we allow the police to do the criminal investigation, the decisions they need to take, a wider issue here as we have seen from a number of buildings where it failed the combustibility test for essentials that were sent it already. This is a wider issue. For many years, decades being put up in buildings, questions in how this happens, why it happened and how to ensure it doesnt happen in the future. That is why i am clear that in addition to the inquiry that needs to identify the specific issues, what happened in relation, who was responsible. What is much more widely, over decades, different governments under different counsels, putting up on this on compliance with building regulations, a very wide issue here, we need to get to the bottom of it and that is what we are going to do. The Prime Minister told my right honorable friend, you make the results testing public within 48 hours and not sure that was done with the statement today. As of yesterday, 120 highrise blocks across britain and failed them. What timetable as the minister set with us being completed including schools and hospitals in every part of the country and what plans does she have to compel highrise buildings such as private sector, office blocks and hotels which may also have this material on them. If i could say what i said last week in a statement, the issue of the material within 48 hours, made a statement, and a very simple one. In my answer to the question, what we are saying to people is it is not a question of waiting for the test, dont wait until you have a sample and you know the result of the test. So far 100 of samples the come and have proved to be combustible. The fire safety check, we know part of the private sector doing their work in terms of fire safety checks, my response to all those with buildings covered by this through the fire safety checks with the fire service, take any measures necessary to make sure fire safety, will and doing that. In 2000 and only a third of new schools have sprinkler systems installed, parents are really concerned about the safety of their children. The coroners letter formally recommended the governor should encourage providers of highrise essential buildings with retrofitting sprinklers and two years later inside housing reported only 1 of sprinklers, and encouraging the retrofitting during the last four years. It did ensure, and aware of the recommendation for the foreign office. If we look at what happened, and the identification of the issues in a number of blocks so far. There are various issues that lead to concern about fire safety. If we look at what happened in camden where one was considered to be habitable but four of the five were not considered habitable, that was not just because of the clouding but other issues in relation for the gas riser. All of these issues raise wider questions, they raise wider questions about the inspections that have taken place, wider questions about residence complaints, being heard. That was raised in grenville tower and camden. This is a much wider question, terrible tragedy took place, should never have lost their lives. It led to this position and that is what we are going to do. Two coroners report, building legislations have not been overhauled, and act upon them to have their budgets cut by 40 during the same period. Under her predecessor, under her predecessor, five safety audits and inspections were cut by a quarter. Five Authority Budgets cut by a quarter, can the Prime Minister give an assurance to the house that the further 20 cuts planned by 2020 will now be halted . Can i say to the right honorable gentleman in his reference to building regulations, missed part of the point in this which is it is not just a question of what laws you have but how those are being applied. That is the issue. We have the building regulations about compliance materials, the question is why is it despite that we have seen a local Authority Area after local Authority Area materials put up that do not comply with those building regulations. He talks that is what we need to get to the bottom of. Why is it that fire inspections that local Authority Inspections appear to have missed this essential issue . I think i can help the Prime Minister with this issue. When you cut local authority expenditure by 40 you end up, you end up, you end up with you are Building Control inspections. Pretty bad when people shout. For somebody to be sitting right by the speakers chair and shouting displays a lack of wisdom which should not be repeated. Every member in this chamber must and will be heard however long the session has to run. I was simply making the point that seems to have upset a lot of members opposite and when you cut local Authority Budgets by 40 , we all pay a price in public safety. You fewer Building Control inspectors, fewer planning inspectors, we all pay a price. And, mister speaker, those cuts to fire service have meant 11,000 fewer firefighters. The Public Sector pay is hitting recruitment and retention right across the Public Sector. What the tragedy of grenville tower exposed is a disastrous effect of austerity. Mister speaker, this disregard for workingclass communities is a terrible consequence of deregulation and cutting corners. I urge the Prime Minister to come up with resources needed to retrofit sprinklers, properly fund the fire service and the police so that all our communities can truly feel safe in their own homes. This disaster must be a wakeup call. This did not start under this government. It did not start under the Previous Coalition government. It began under the blair government. The right honorable gentleman talks about local Authority Resources and talks about changes to regulation. In 2005 it was the labor government that introduced regulator we reform fire safety order which changed the requirement to inspect the building on fire safety from the local Fire Authority which was usually the fire brigade to responsible person. The legislation governing fire safety and power blocs was commented on by the report into the backfire, it criticized the 2005 order which had been put in place by the labor government. The Prime Ministers answer must be heard and it will be. Laws which took effect in 2006 ended the practice, routine fire expansion. That is why i say to the right honorable gentleman this should be an issue across this house we recognize is a matter that has been developing over decades, a matter that has occurred under councils of all political persuasions and something which i would hope we would say we should come together and ensure that we we get to the answer of why this has happened over many years, what has gone wrong and how do we stop it happening in the future. Understandably on this most solemn and sensitive of matters the front bench exchanges have and perhaps inevitably and perhaps rightly very comprehensive. That is scheduled to take part, should have the opportunity to do so. Businesses in my constituency share the desire to provide certainty for trade arrangements in the years following our exit from the eu. Can my right honorable friends confirm any transitional arrangements would be for strictly timelimited period and any suggestion of ever retreating deadlines of perpetual status quo would fall short of honoring the decision by people of this country to leave the eu. My honorable friends is right. When we know what the future relationship of the eu will be, we need implementation periods in article 50, to assure the practical arrangements are put in place for the new relationship but this does not mean unlimited transitional pay. We will need the European Union, that is what people wanted and we will deliver. In blackburn. Thank you, i welcome the prosecutions of hillsboro and congratulate the families and all those involved in many years of campaigning. Mister speaker, the scottish secretary insisted scotland would see increased funding for Northern Ireland as part of that, i am not going to agree to anything that would be constructed as backdoor funding in Northern Ireland. Mister Prime Minister, any representation from scottish secretary about the deal either before or after . Could i say to the honorable gentleman when we look what happened in terms of funding for the rest of the United Kingdom, the Statement Last year my right honorable for the chancellor set aside in Infrastructure Fund for 23 billion pounds, putting more money into nhs into our schools and an impact on scotland as a result of that statement, 800 Million Pounds extra spending going to scotland, 350 Million Pounds extra going to scotland. I dont remember when that money was announced to scotland, the honorable gentleman complaining more money should be going to Northern Ireland. Then, of course, he is a nationalist and not a unionist. Mister speaker, the Prime Ministers failure to give a straight answer to that question speaks volumes. Order. Mister ian blackburn. Thank you, mister speaker. The Prime Ministers failure to give a straight answer to that question has only succeeded in putting more pressure, secure with what passed. The honorable gentlemans question must be heard. I will give the Prime Minister one more opportunity, any representation this. Yes or no . I can assure the honorable gentleman i receive recommendations from the secretary of skate about relating to scotland including regular representations that point out the scottish nationalists have the interest of scotland at heart they should remain part of the United Kingdom. Given my constituency, once again facing misery with an overtime band and strike action looming, does the prime mister agree with me the only way to end 18 months getting back down. My honorable friend is right. Delays and destruction to their service and expert report found the main cause of widespread disruption was union action and for the sake of passengers get around the table and solve this dispute. Thank you, mister speaker. Can i think the Prime Minister for coming during the general election . For making a widely welcomed you turn on the dementia tax. Could i invite the Prime Minister back to make another announcement reversing their appalling cuts to Police Budgets, my constituents want to see the back of. We are protecting the budget. We are protecting the budget. We are making reforms. That is why i introduced the crime agency to deal with organized crime, related to crime on the streets. That is why we put money into a new National Cyber unit to make sure we can deal with the new sorts of crimes they have to deal with, they are reforming policing but it is not about a number of police on the streets but what happened to crime, crime has fallen to a record low. The glenville tower tragedy shocked so many of us because so much should never have happened but to claim as the opposition bench did ahead of any inquiry the, quote, residents were led by politicians is grotesquely inappropriate. Will my right honorable friend confirm our government will help rebuild lives and homes and critical inquiries with urgency and nonpartisan calm . My honorable friend raises a very important point, what all of those affected by the tower deserve is an inquiry gets to the truth and provides them with the truth and knowing who was responsible. We need to do that in a careful, calm and determined way and use the same calm determination to get to the bottom of this wider issue of why it is materials were used in the tower blocks around the country which appear to be noncompatible or noncompliant with building regulations but real issues here, we will not point fingers, we will buy calm determination. Regarding the deal with the du p is it true on the one hand she is shelling out extra money to secure the sport and on the other hand still giving them cash in the form of short money in opposition . Is that what we get . No pay raise for nurses but double [shouting] lets be clear about what the government has done in the agreement, as a result of this election there was no party that had a majority in the house. [shouting] the party that has the largest number of seats, the only party that can form an effective government is the conservative party. That is the right thing to do and what we have done. The Prime Minister share my concerns that 50,000 people, 150 people every single day, underlying not only we should keep those but consider the case for investing more in florida offices to win the war against traffickers to keep our borders safe and secure. I say to my honorable friend, an excellent job at the juxtaposed control and the work they do in his constituency and the work to stop Illegal Immigrants and human traffickers and say have indeed, we have been investing in system capabilities in the last two years in new technology, 71 million earmarked for that in the current Financial Year but there are particular pressures, why we also invested more money to maintain security and ensure the calle camp remains closed and making efforts upstream as well to reduce the number of people trying to get into the United Kingdom illegally and putting extra focus on the central mediterranean, 75 Million Pounds going for humanitarian support. The Prime Minister is well aware of the misery and suffering caused by reckless gambling. For inexperience on the turmoil, committing to legislating. So much hardship across the community. Is the honorable lady knows the consultation was undertaken in relation to that issue, which they are considering and will announce the results. The will of fernandez. 63 of voters chose the conservatives. Will my right honorable friend join me in reminding the chamber decide won the election, join me in thanking join me in thanking the people for placing trust in the conservatives and reassuring them she is the best person to be prosperity led. I am happy to join her in thanking the people for reelecting a firstclass member of parliament to represent men she is absolutely right. It was a conservative party forgot the highest percentage share of vote in this election, conservative party that got the most seats, 56 more than the labour party, that is why we are and effective government. Ian austin. Thank you, mister speaker. Will the Prime Minister confirmed the last week britains for most Senior Police forces, the commissioner, heads of counterterrorism, national for an agency and police chief counsel all wrote to the government saying the counterterrorism policing and protective security grant is being cut by 7. 2 and doesnt this show contrary to what she told the members that to protect Police Budgets is not being kept. We have protective counterterrorism policing, we put money in to and uplift in arms policing and the commissioner of the metropolitan police made the deck of the metropolitan police have a wide diversity of tools they can using countering terrorism. Not just about the funding but ensuring they have some powers to deal with the terrorists and that is what we are determined to ensure. Leo property. I was deeply alarmed to hear the reported announcement, utterly undermine the security and safety of the country. Will the Prime Minister agree with me, her government and the conservative party could provide safety and security our great country needs . Can i welcome my honorable friend . I am sure he will be a fine representative of the people of the constituency and can i join with and saying i think people were shocked to hear in public the leader of the opposition appears to support train but in private he wanted to scrap it. Only the conservative party only the conservative party is clear about retaining our in the case of the leader of the opposition it appears he says one thing to the many but another thing to the few. Thank you, mister speaker. After being defeated by my honorable friend, the defeated candidates, in the scotland office, affronted democracy does she not think she should stop with this report and do the next thing, negotiations . We have throughout the time we had so far been working with and talking with the Scottish Government and other administration this and we will continue to do that and i hope and trust is the nature of the honorable gentlemens question that for now on scottish nationalists will be focused on issues and independents. Thank you, mister speaker. Is the Prime Minister aware of the Current Crisis in venezuela and is this an example of how an experiment in socialist revolution can go horribly wrong . I have to say to my honorable friend he made an important point and the leader of the opposition, i have to say when we are talking trade deals in the future, the leader of the opposition is a shadow chancellor, the only good trade deals in cuba, north korea. Men and women in contested places, the safety of others first, especially in response to the terrible events, we all pay tribute to their professionalism, that is why i believe it is important we get them all the resources they need to do their vital jobs. In scotland it is outrageous police and Fire Services are required 35 Million Pounds. Order order you are usually the embodiment of calm, repose and statesmanship. Take some sort of tablet, man. Mrs. Fellows must be heard. Thank you again, mister speaker. Police and fire. Frontline services, marked here alone, the Prime Minister found the magic money 3 extending the exemption. We got the gist of it. The Prime Minister. When the Scottish Government took the decision to merge into scotland they were told this would lead to it being paid by scotland, they were advised that was the position and they chose to go ahead with the merger. Thank you, mister speaker. The festival of the pilgrimage. Cut i ask what more could be done to protect all persons of faith, being persecuted for their faith on campuses suffering large antisemitism. Happy to recognize all of them as my honorable friend has said and she is right, it is important, we talk about people being persecuted for their faith in countries abroad. We need to be clear that sadly we do see people here suffering attacks of antisemitism on campuses. We do a lot of works with students, the government is supporting them. We are supporting community suffering from islamohphobia. There is no room for such hate in our societies. The current Prime Minister visited my constituency about the precarious situation facing the infirmary, stating, quote, people with scam upgrade. Use this opportunity to reassure my constituents all services, including a e provision. I can confirm it is not closing. The service will be open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, majority of patients will see no change. Thank you, mister speaker. The claim of a lot of money on overseas eat keeps this country safe was shown by recent events to be utter nonsense. Can i tell the Prime Minister spending more money on overseas aid each year does not make it more compassionate to the public. When that money is much needed in the United Kingdom. Can she promised to cut the overseas aid budget only on priorities in the uk, i hope she doesnt have a strange political aversion to anything that might be popular with the public. I can assure i take a different view. It is important. Given the position we hold, the state of our economy, one of the largest economies in the world, we are actually recognized we can help those around the world, we are seeing millions of people, particularly girls being educated, that is important, i recognize what my honorable friend has said, we have suffered terrible terrorist attacks in the United Kingdom and our services have foiled a number of terrorist attacks in recent months and going back over recent years too. It is important to ensure good governments in countries so we dont see where terrorists are able to train. I think Prime Minister for visiting during the election. It went up 50 times. 53,000 eu nationals would like some clarity on this generous offer of how much extra the applications will cost and in local elections is now. Described as a fair and generous offer, to ensure they are able to stay in the United Kingdom and they will have rights in the United Kingdom as the uk system has. A significant number of charities including those looking after the most honorable disabled people, imminent closure due to the application of National Living wage sleeping in shifts and insistence six years back pay despite the advice last year. Would the Prime Minister ask to suspend any actions until we can find a workable solution . My honorable friend raised important issue that he cares about particularly. The National Living wage, making sure it is fair in all sectors including social care but on the specific point he raised the department of health and other relevant departments looking at this issue carefully, enforcement protect lowpaid workers in a fair and proportionate manner. We have invested more money in social care, to billion pounds in extra budget and we need to look at this on a longterm basis but i can assure the department is looking at the specific issue he raised carefully. Angela smith. Does the Prime Minister it will be sinful to deliver a free trade deal with European Union . We have both said over the last few months, with the covenant of trade agreement is not just possible but will be easier than other countries negotiating, on the same basis as other countries in the European Union and therefore we are not negotiating in the same position as canada and other countries outside the European Union so we can achieve a Free Trade Agreement and it will be good for the United Kingdom and the European Union. Will the Prime Minister agree on Opposition Leader who claims to be all things to all men saying one in london and the opposite no kind of leader at all and that is why voters in my constituency rejected his leadership in the recent elections. I would like to welcome my honorable friend and i was very pleased during that Election Campaign and he is absolutely right. What people want to know is the position of the party on the question, we are very clear that the country what we want to see the country coming together to deliver on the will of the british people was we should leave the European Union and that is what this government will do. Mister speaker, i beg the Prime Minister at this crucial time in our countrys history to listen to the many friends we have in europe and the rest of the world who fear we are sleepwalking, zombielike, to is a disaster us deal with. They have no confidence in the three ministers in charge of the deal and believe our country is going to be deeply damaged by concerns about our economy and our role in the world if we do not get our act together. I have to say to the honorable gentlemen, the negotiations of started formally, a very constructive and positive start to those negotiations with my right honorable friend in the eu and the negotiator, set up 3 working groups dealing with the issues initially including started a dialogue on the issue of the border between Northern Ireland and ireland and that relationship which is important for Northern Ireland and the whole of the United Kingdom. We set up our objective, published our white papers and bringing the repeal bill before this house. We know the plan we got, the party that doesnt know what it is is his party. The Prime Minister was Crystal Clear on monday that the reciprocal agreement will include the people of gibraltar. On tuesday the Spanish Foreign minister sauce yet again to suggest a unilateral makes it clear that it is counterproductive and send him a hearing aid. I think my honorable friend for raising the issue, the governments commitment to gibraltar has not changed and it will remain. There was side rifts in Northern Ireland particularly in my constituency with issues of Severe Mental Health are the worst in europe and the developed world. Clinicians and others have pointed to the legacy of 30 years of terrorism and violence and the awful effects of that. Part of the money we are investing this week goes to Mental Health care. Extra investment in the health service. Isnt it time people recognize this is delivery for all the people of Northern Ireland across all sections of the community and is going to help someone move vulnerable and disadvantaged people in Northern Ireland and people to get behind it and welcome it . My right honorable friend makes an important point, it is the case as we said in the agreement, the we recognize particular circumstances of Northern Ireland that have arisen as a result of Northern Irelands history and as he says there will be Mental Health issues that arise as a result of that and it is important we put a more increMental Health across the United Kingdom which we are doing and to see the first training that has taken place to help identify Mental Health issues among young people and be able to deal with those but as he says that money is for the good of all people in Northern Ireland across all communities. I wonder if the Prime Ministers opportunity to see the British Attitude survey today stated 75 of british people wanted to leave the eu, 20 from last time. She will of course know that 80 of the british electorate voted for parties that want to leave the eu and from her expensive candidacy, i know personally, but thousands and thousands of people tell me the referendum decided the issue, just get on and leave the eu. Will she assure the house she will make that her priority . My honorable friend is absolutely right. What i have seen across this country is real unity of purpose, regardless of how they voted in the referendum, the decision has been taken, that is what the government will do. Rachel reeves. Thank you, mister speaker. 9 billion people in the country, loneliness is bad for your health as smoking 15 cigarettes a day. Will the Prime Minister join with the honorable member, encouraging from across the house, in the speakers house, what all of us would do to tackle this in our society. I would like to commend her and my honorable friend for the work you are both doing, encourage members of the house to do as she said, raising an important issue, we increasingly recognize the impact loneliness has on health. We have been able to put into the Dementia Friendly Community program, particularly helpful skills and volunteers over 50 in looking at these issues of loneliness but it is an important issue and members should recognize the work of the commission. [inaudible conversations] here in cspan2 we leave the british house of commons as members moved to other business, you have been watching Prime Ministers question time married life wednesday at 7 00 eastern when parliament is in session. You can see this session again sunday night at 9 00 eastern and pacific on cspan. For more information go to cspan. Org and click on series to view every program we had from the british house of commons, and comment about premises questions on twitter, hashtag pmq. Live sunday at noon eastern, author, journalist and history professor herb boyd is our guest on indepth. I draw parallels between detroit and new york in the book, 1863 draft riots, there is a nice comparison between what is happening in new york and what is happening in detroit for the same reasons, you talk about black and average community at each others throat in terms of jobs and housing. If you go to the 1943 in harlem, 68, 67, the same and almost for the same conditions that created that. Mister boyds books include autobiography of the people by any means necessary, and his latest, a peoples history of selfdetermination. Black lawyers, black doctors, black laborers should live next to each other and benefit, class amalgamation going on, talk about benefits of segregation, that would be one of the opportunities to have contact with another class. That is the beginning, the black middle class in detroit. Join our life 3 hour conversation with mister boyd with calls, emails, suites and facebook questions live sunday at noon eastern on indepth cspan2. Chicago mayor rahm emanuel talked about initiatives for education, one would require Chicago Public High School Seniors to have a post graduation plan in place before getting their diplomas. Rahm emanuel serving his second term as chicago mayor. Before that he was white house chief of staff under president obama. From the National Press club, this is an hour. Welcome to the National Press club, the place where news happens. My name is andrea, i am part of the breaking news team at Bloomberg News and Vice President of the National Press club. Before we get started i would like to remind everyone, please, silence your telephones if you havent already. For our viewing and

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