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Transcripts For CSPAN3 Key Capitol Hill Hearings 20150506 :
Transcripts For CSPAN3 Key Capitol Hill Hearings 20150506 :
CSPAN3 Key Capitol Hill Hearings May 6, 2015
All our states are hit by the slew of proposed epa rules aimed squarely at the fossil fuel industry and folks that work in that industry. I would like to highlight a letter from the governor of wyoming to the epa administrator on april 28th i ask that letter be entered into the record, madam chairman. In this letter the governor highlights a study by the center for
Energy Economics
Public Policy
at university of wyoming entitled impact of the coal economy on wyoming published february of this year. I would ask that this study be entered into the record. Without objection. Thank you. The governor states about the study that it determined the single largest threat to wyomings coal industry is epas clean power rule. In fact, the study says that 111 d climate regulation has potential to drastically reduce wyoming coal production. Coal output under favorable circumstances decreases by 32 of the 2012 production by the year 2025. Study goes on to say even the best case of impact modeling of that 111 d scenario suggests loss of 7,000 jobs by 2025, relative to unemployment in 2012. It says overall proposed carbon regulations result in predicted decline in the states combined coal and natural gas revenues, between 36 and 46 by 2030. So our state is finding this rule will cost thousands of good paying jobs, will drastically slash state revenue that pays for college scholarships, schools, medical emergency services, road safety programs
Environmental Protection
Water Quality
services veteran services, other vital services. Wyoming children, seniors, veterans, fish and wildlife dont deserve this dramatic cut in revenue by the epa. So i find this is recklessly irresponsible, where costs are so clear and devastating and benefits are theoretical or unknown. My question to the two of you is this. Are these statistics similar to what youre seeing and concerned about in your states and how will essential services for children seniors and the environment be impacted in oklahoma as well as in
West Virginia
. Sure. So i think you raise a number of important issues. We obviously received a great deal of feedback from coal operators, from power plants, from coal miners in the state of
West Virginia
about the devastating impact of these rules. But there are a couple of other implications as well. For instance
West Virginia
as its tax base relies heavily on coal severance revenues. If you were to look at a chart and examine some revenues that come to each of the counties from 2011 to now, youll start to see a rapid decline. Recently seen news publications about people laid off in counties because
Coal Severance Tax
revenue had declined. The regulations have far reaching implications well beyond coal operators. The fact is for every job you have related to coal in
West Virginia
, there are probably seven jobs that tie indirectly. It has fundamental impact on the economy. Thats just one of many reasons why our office has been focused so much on this, because it would be an absolute travesty to finalize a rule that ultimately has a real likelihood of being struck down in the courts. So regulations have direct impact on the people and quality of life of the people of your state . Without a doubt. As youre looking at the issues there are always a wide variety of reasons that give rise to a particular decision by a power
Plant Operator
or mine operator to change unemployment status, but regulatory burdens is always very high on that list. If i could add to general morrisseys comments though we dont have a robust coal economy, we have coal in the state of oklahoma we are vertical. I think whats lost in the debate is the impact on consumers, those consuming electricity in the future in the state of oklahoma between coal and natural gas, 78 of electricity is generated. As i indicated in opening comment, 15 of our electricity is generated through wind. The choice is available to the state of oklahoma to comply with this mandate from the epa of reducing co 2 by over 30 . Puts us in position of having to make decisions about shuttering of coal generation which makes up over 40 of electricity generation. That will increase costs substantially to consumers. One rule to give an example. In the
Clean Air Act
something called regional haze section of the
Clean Air Act
. That one rule alone, between pso, and og and e have seen 15 to 20 increases in their generation of electricity, with just one rule. When we combine all of the others, it is going to be obviously substantially more than that in the future for consumers in the state of oklahoma. These regulations would directly hurt, hurt the people of oklahoma. Some of the folks that can least afford it. Thank you, madam chairman. Senator whitehouse. Thank you very much madam chairman. This is an interesting hearing because the questioners on the republican side and attorneys general present are all from states that have the characteristic that attorney general pruitt just described, they have a robust coal economy. And clearly we have a practical problem in that coal, burning of coal for electric generation creates some very dangerous consequences, but theyre not fairly distributed. So where there is a robust coal economy, this creates one kind of problem. In rhode island where the oceans are up ten inches against the shore, where our fishermen are seeing fisheries disappear where houses that have been there for generations are falling into the ocean we have a very different set of problems. And i think it is important if were going to address this that we on one hand recognize that there may very well be economic effects within coal economies from trying to unburden ourselves of the environmental consequences of coal burning and we are i think very willing to work with you to mitigate those consequences. But we cant allow those consequences to take us to a point where we deny the problem exists. Thats just irresponsible and factually wrong and ultimately i think potentially quite disgraceful to the institutions that we all serve. So let me ask you first attorney general pruitt, you said one of the problems with epa regulation was that this issue should be left to the local level. Please tell me what oklahoma is doing at the local level to address
Carbon Pollution
Climate Change
. Senator if i could in response to your question also say i did not make reference to the coal economy in the state of oklahoma. We dont have a robust coal economy. In fact, our percentage of generation of electricity attributed to coal is 40 , less than maryland. I wrote it down as you said robust coal economy. If thats not correct i stand corrected. The record is what it is. I think what oklahoma that done is engage in very much a balancing effort between diverse fuel sources from renewable at 15 of generating electricity to 40 in coal. How does
Climate Change
roll into that calculation . Our focus through
Public Utility Corporation
Decision Making
as well as my focus as attorney general is not to engage in policy debate about whether
Climate Action
is occurring or not. Why not. To look at the statute to determine if epa is engaging in a process consistent with authority you have given the epa. Why would you be willing to look at the consequences of the regulation on, for instance the coal economy but not be willing to look at the consequences of the regulation on
Environmental Protection
. Why is that the debate you think you need to stay out of when youre willing actively to get into the debate on the other side . That seems imbalanced. My comments referring to
Decision Making
and discretion that the state is engaged in balancing generational electricity between coal and fossil fuels. I would also say to you it is congress that should be jealous about protecting its role and what it has told agencies what they can and cannot do. It is congress that has set up the framework we are talking about this morning between 111 and section 112. I am comfortable that theyre following it i am not jealous at all. I think theyre doing exactly what congress intended. So i am very comfortable with that. What i am concerned about, we heard from the senator from wyoming, an important coal state that the benefits of the rule are theoretical or unknown. Theyre not theoretical or unknown. Theyre very clear theyre very specific. Theyre people very knowledgeable about it. If i could use the remainder of my time to quote one very well known scientist on this who says we know precisely how fast co 2 is going into the atmosphere. We made daily measurement of it since 1957. We have ice core data before that. It has increased by 40 since the
Industrial Revolution
and that that increase is due to human activity primarily fossil fuel burning. Second daryl, bad use in agriculture. Theres no debate about that. He continues there are lots of scientific eve sees, the facts that it is increasing in the atmosphere and increases in the atmosphere due to humans about those things, theres no debate. And that is a statement of doctor barion moore iii who is the dean of the university of oklahomas college of atmospheric and geographic sciences. I think we need to be fairer about the hearings if were going to get to a suitable result. My time has expired. I yield back. Thank you. I would like to ask another question, make another statement. I believe the chairman of the full committee and senator certainly if youre here we will go through another round. I would just react to some comments made in terms of the constitutionality and
Legal Authority
that we are looking at here. I think we all need to be mindful that this can swing both ways in different administrations. Just because this time i think the constitutional overreach is too much and its something that bears terrific scrutiny it is not to say another ten years another administration that senator whitehouse would be thinking the same thing because of the direction it is going. So i think this is extremely important to look at the legal implications and also the comment was made that there was tremendous outreach to the state regulators, and i would reinforce that what i said in my
Opening Statement
, that i said before the committee before and testimony was in front of the committee that the primary administrator in charge of this at the epa wouldnt even come into the state our state to hear about seniors whose prices of electricity are going out. The miners who lost their jobs, the manufacturers who are going out of business or are concerned about price. I think you know maybe theres been outreach, but hasnt been enough outreach in my opinion with regular folks that are being heavily impacted in those states where i live. I am going to ask quickly a question to mr. Martella. We heard a lot about whether getting back into
Legal Authority
on four
Building Blocks
. What
Legal Authority
if any does the epa have under the
Clean Air Act
to impose dispatch requirements on natural gasfired power plants . Because thats one of their
Building Blocks
. So thank you for asking that question, and the question about the
Building Blocks
two three, and four. I am going to ask the same question on all of them. Maybe i can give you the same answer to all of them. They synch up with the question about cooperative federalism and relationship we are hearing from all witnesses between the federal government and states. I would like to answer in this one way, and it is something that professor heinzerling said in her testimony. A lot of people, a lot of people make analogy to esps and naks program. People say epa has been able to implement naks program. Professor heinzerling said this is not materially different than that, but it is materially different. I think this is the answer to your question. In the naks program, congress authorized epa to regulate naks pollutants and authorized epa to delegate that to states. Two things are different. At the outset no doubt congress delegated this authority to epa
Congress Said
you can give it to states or take it back. The fundamental distinction with the
Clean Power Plan
you talk about blocks two, three four epa is saying we want states to implement renewable forward, or dispatch system or
Energy Efficient
system. The distinction theres no debate
Congress Never
authorized epa to run a new standard in
West Virginia
or dispatching system in oklahoma or
Energy Efficiency
program in rhode island. Congress has never given that to epa, epa therefore cant delegate that further to the states. Thats a summary way that brings together themes of federalism, constitutionality questions and questions that have come up. Youre saying in the area of naks theres specific legs late i have authority to go into the direction they have gone. Thats correct. Thats well settled the
Supreme Court
addressed it several times, it is very clear what congress set up this cooperative federalism system there. If a state decides if my colleague from oklahoma decides not to implement the epa naks
Congress Said
epa has the authority in the first instance. If oklahoma decides not to implement renewable portfolio standard,
Congress Never
authorized epa to implement that renewable portfolio standard. Thank you. Attorney general morrissey how many states were adjoined in the case you recently right now we have 15 states, which includes attorney generals and governors. In the d. C. Circuit there were three cases that came together and were consolidated. We led the state effort and there were other industry efforts as well. Would you characterize the 18 states as ones similar to
West Virginia
, wyoming, oklahoma,
Energy Producing
states or heavily reliant on coal or is it all over the board . My sense, these are strong
Energy Producing
states. This is a bipartisan coalition. The state of kentucky is on board with the lawsuit as well. We have been reaching out to more states. We believe that even noncoal producing states or
Energy Producing
states should care fundamentally about whether this rule is finalized because of legal implications. Thank you. Senator whitehouse. Thank you very much chairman. Attorney general morrissey is
Climate Change
a problem anywhere in the world . Well, senator, my role is to serve as chief legal officer of the state of
West Virginia
. I am not going to make an argument today about
Climate Change
and whether the temperature is evolving because regardless of the policy merits of anyones proposal, policies have to be implemented in a lawful manner. Thats one of my main obligations as attorney general of the state of
West Virginia
. And well, let me just ask attorney general pruitt is
Climate Change
a problem anywhere in the world . Senator i think that the process matters that the epa engages in, to address the issues. I get that. I didnt ask a process question i asked if
Climate Change
is a problem anywhere in the world. The question about
Climate Action
plan of the president ,
Climate Change
is something thats a policy consideration of this congress. If you want epa to address that in a direct way, you can amend the
Clean Air Act
to provide that authority and statutory power to do so so states can no how to conduct themselves in a way thats consistent with statutory construction. So to be clear, neither of the attorney generals present will concede that
Climate Change
is a real problem anywhere in the world. Senator i think the material discussion is the
Legal Framework
of the
Clean Air Act
. Material or not, i get to ask questions. So it is material to my question. All right. Lets go on to something else. We talked about kilowatt per hour cost. I would like to make a point which is that the price of electricity in rhode island was 15. 2 cents per kilowatt hour compared to 9. 67 cents per kilowatt hour in oklahoma and compares to 9. 52 cents per kilowatt hour in
West Virginia
. However, because of
Rhode Islands
investment in efficiency and whole variety of programs particularly through rggi mentioned earlier that have been able to bring usage down,
Rhode Islands
paid only 91. 48 a month for electricity compared to 110. 47 in oklahoma and 106. 44 in
West Virginia
. Will both of the attorneys general from
West Virginia
and oklahoma concede that the real impact to a consumer is the dollar amount they have to write on the check that pays the bill. Well senator i think where youre going now, some of the details in terms of how electricity prices may vary across the state is a policy question. And in
West Virginia
we heard deep concern from power
Energy Economics<\/a> and
Public Policy<\/a> at university of wyoming entitled impact of the coal economy on wyoming published february of this year. I would ask that this study be entered into the record. Without objection. Thank you. The governor states about the study that it determined the single largest threat to wyomings coal industry is epas clean power rule. In fact, the study says that 111 d climate regulation has potential to drastically reduce wyoming coal production. Coal output under favorable circumstances decreases by 32 of the 2012 production by the year 2025. Study goes on to say even the best case of impact modeling of that 111 d scenario suggests loss of 7,000 jobs by 2025, relative to unemployment in 2012. It says overall proposed carbon regulations result in predicted decline in the states combined coal and natural gas revenues, between 36 and 46 by 2030. So our state is finding this rule will cost thousands of good paying jobs, will drastically slash state revenue that pays for college scholarships, schools, medical emergency services, road safety programs
Environmental Protection<\/a> programs,
Water Quality<\/a> services veteran services, other vital services. Wyoming children, seniors, veterans, fish and wildlife dont deserve this dramatic cut in revenue by the epa. So i find this is recklessly irresponsible, where costs are so clear and devastating and benefits are theoretical or unknown. My question to the two of you is this. Are these statistics similar to what youre seeing and concerned about in your states and how will essential services for children seniors and the environment be impacted in oklahoma as well as in
West Virginia<\/a> . Sure. So i think you raise a number of important issues. We obviously received a great deal of feedback from coal operators, from power plants, from coal miners in the state of
West Virginia<\/a> about the devastating impact of these rules. But there are a couple of other implications as well. For instance
West Virginia<\/a> as its tax base relies heavily on coal severance revenues. If you were to look at a chart and examine some revenues that come to each of the counties from 2011 to now, youll start to see a rapid decline. Recently seen news publications about people laid off in counties because
Coal Severance Tax<\/a> revenue had declined. The regulations have far reaching implications well beyond coal operators. The fact is for every job you have related to coal in
West Virginia<\/a>, there are probably seven jobs that tie indirectly. It has fundamental impact on the economy. Thats just one of many reasons why our office has been focused so much on this, because it would be an absolute travesty to finalize a rule that ultimately has a real likelihood of being struck down in the courts. So regulations have direct impact on the people and quality of life of the people of your state . Without a doubt. As youre looking at the issues there are always a wide variety of reasons that give rise to a particular decision by a power
Plant Operator<\/a> or mine operator to change unemployment status, but regulatory burdens is always very high on that list. If i could add to general morrisseys comments though we dont have a robust coal economy, we have coal in the state of oklahoma we are vertical. I think whats lost in the debate is the impact on consumers, those consuming electricity in the future in the state of oklahoma between coal and natural gas, 78 of electricity is generated. As i indicated in opening comment, 15 of our electricity is generated through wind. The choice is available to the state of oklahoma to comply with this mandate from the epa of reducing co 2 by over 30 . Puts us in position of having to make decisions about shuttering of coal generation which makes up over 40 of electricity generation. That will increase costs substantially to consumers. One rule to give an example. In the
Clean Air Act<\/a> something called regional haze section of the
Clean Air Act<\/a>. That one rule alone, between pso, and og and e have seen 15 to 20 increases in their generation of electricity, with just one rule. When we combine all of the others, it is going to be obviously substantially more than that in the future for consumers in the state of oklahoma. These regulations would directly hurt, hurt the people of oklahoma. Some of the folks that can least afford it. Thank you, madam chairman. Senator whitehouse. Thank you very much madam chairman. This is an interesting hearing because the questioners on the republican side and attorneys general present are all from states that have the characteristic that attorney general pruitt just described, they have a robust coal economy. And clearly we have a practical problem in that coal, burning of coal for electric generation creates some very dangerous consequences, but theyre not fairly distributed. So where there is a robust coal economy, this creates one kind of problem. In rhode island where the oceans are up ten inches against the shore, where our fishermen are seeing fisheries disappear where houses that have been there for generations are falling into the ocean we have a very different set of problems. And i think it is important if were going to address this that we on one hand recognize that there may very well be economic effects within coal economies from trying to unburden ourselves of the environmental consequences of coal burning and we are i think very willing to work with you to mitigate those consequences. But we cant allow those consequences to take us to a point where we deny the problem exists. Thats just irresponsible and factually wrong and ultimately i think potentially quite disgraceful to the institutions that we all serve. So let me ask you first attorney general pruitt, you said one of the problems with epa regulation was that this issue should be left to the local level. Please tell me what oklahoma is doing at the local level to address
Carbon Pollution<\/a> and
Climate Change<\/a>. Senator if i could in response to your question also say i did not make reference to the coal economy in the state of oklahoma. We dont have a robust coal economy. In fact, our percentage of generation of electricity attributed to coal is 40 , less than maryland. I wrote it down as you said robust coal economy. If thats not correct i stand corrected. The record is what it is. I think what oklahoma that done is engage in very much a balancing effort between diverse fuel sources from renewable at 15 of generating electricity to 40 in coal. How does
Climate Change<\/a> roll into that calculation . Our focus through
Public Utility Corporation<\/a>
Decision Making<\/a> as well as my focus as attorney general is not to engage in policy debate about whether
Climate Action<\/a> is occurring or not. Why not. To look at the statute to determine if epa is engaging in a process consistent with authority you have given the epa. Why would you be willing to look at the consequences of the regulation on, for instance the coal economy but not be willing to look at the consequences of the regulation on
Environmental Protection<\/a> . Why is that the debate you think you need to stay out of when youre willing actively to get into the debate on the other side . That seems imbalanced. My comments referring to
Decision Making<\/a> and discretion that the state is engaged in balancing generational electricity between coal and fossil fuels. I would also say to you it is congress that should be jealous about protecting its role and what it has told agencies what they can and cannot do. It is congress that has set up the framework we are talking about this morning between 111 and section 112. I am comfortable that theyre following it i am not jealous at all. I think theyre doing exactly what congress intended. So i am very comfortable with that. What i am concerned about, we heard from the senator from wyoming, an important coal state that the benefits of the rule are theoretical or unknown. Theyre not theoretical or unknown. Theyre very clear theyre very specific. Theyre people very knowledgeable about it. If i could use the remainder of my time to quote one very well known scientist on this who says we know precisely how fast co 2 is going into the atmosphere. We made daily measurement of it since 1957. We have ice core data before that. It has increased by 40 since the
Industrial Revolution<\/a> and that that increase is due to human activity primarily fossil fuel burning. Second daryl, bad use in agriculture. Theres no debate about that. He continues there are lots of scientific eve sees, the facts that it is increasing in the atmosphere and increases in the atmosphere due to humans about those things, theres no debate. And that is a statement of doctor barion moore iii who is the dean of the university of oklahomas college of atmospheric and geographic sciences. I think we need to be fairer about the hearings if were going to get to a suitable result. My time has expired. I yield back. Thank you. I would like to ask another question, make another statement. I believe the chairman of the full committee and senator certainly if youre here we will go through another round. I would just react to some comments made in terms of the constitutionality and
Legal Authority<\/a> that we are looking at here. I think we all need to be mindful that this can swing both ways in different administrations. Just because this time i think the constitutional overreach is too much and its something that bears terrific scrutiny it is not to say another ten years another administration that senator whitehouse would be thinking the same thing because of the direction it is going. So i think this is extremely important to look at the legal implications and also the comment was made that there was tremendous outreach to the state regulators, and i would reinforce that what i said in my
Opening Statement<\/a>, that i said before the committee before and testimony was in front of the committee that the primary administrator in charge of this at the epa wouldnt even come into the state our state to hear about seniors whose prices of electricity are going out. The miners who lost their jobs, the manufacturers who are going out of business or are concerned about price. I think you know maybe theres been outreach, but hasnt been enough outreach in my opinion with regular folks that are being heavily impacted in those states where i live. I am going to ask quickly a question to mr. Martella. We heard a lot about whether getting back into
Legal Authority<\/a> on four
Building Blocks<\/a>. What
Legal Authority<\/a> if any does the epa have under the
Clean Air Act<\/a> to impose dispatch requirements on natural gasfired power plants . Because thats one of their
Building Blocks<\/a>. So thank you for asking that question, and the question about the
Building Blocks<\/a> two three, and four. I am going to ask the same question on all of them. Maybe i can give you the same answer to all of them. They synch up with the question about cooperative federalism and relationship we are hearing from all witnesses between the federal government and states. I would like to answer in this one way, and it is something that professor heinzerling said in her testimony. A lot of people, a lot of people make analogy to esps and naks program. People say epa has been able to implement naks program. Professor heinzerling said this is not materially different than that, but it is materially different. I think this is the answer to your question. In the naks program, congress authorized epa to regulate naks pollutants and authorized epa to delegate that to states. Two things are different. At the outset no doubt congress delegated this authority to epa
Congress Said<\/a> you can give it to states or take it back. The fundamental distinction with the
Clean Power Plan<\/a> you talk about blocks two, three four epa is saying we want states to implement renewable forward, or dispatch system or
Energy Efficient<\/a> system. The distinction theres no debate
Congress Never<\/a> authorized epa to run a new standard in
West Virginia<\/a> or dispatching system in oklahoma or
Energy Efficiency<\/a> program in rhode island. Congress has never given that to epa, epa therefore cant delegate that further to the states. Thats a summary way that brings together themes of federalism, constitutionality questions and questions that have come up. Youre saying in the area of naks theres specific legs late i have authority to go into the direction they have gone. Thats correct. Thats well settled the
Supreme Court<\/a> addressed it several times, it is very clear what congress set up this cooperative federalism system there. If a state decides if my colleague from oklahoma decides not to implement the epa naks
Congress Said<\/a> epa has the authority in the first instance. If oklahoma decides not to implement renewable portfolio standard,
Congress Never<\/a> authorized epa to implement that renewable portfolio standard. Thank you. Attorney general morrissey how many states were adjoined in the case you recently right now we have 15 states, which includes attorney generals and governors. In the d. C. Circuit there were three cases that came together and were consolidated. We led the state effort and there were other industry efforts as well. Would you characterize the 18 states as ones similar to
West Virginia<\/a>, wyoming, oklahoma,
Energy Producing<\/a> states or heavily reliant on coal or is it all over the board . My sense, these are strong
Energy Producing<\/a> states. This is a bipartisan coalition. The state of kentucky is on board with the lawsuit as well. We have been reaching out to more states. We believe that even noncoal producing states or
Energy Producing<\/a> states should care fundamentally about whether this rule is finalized because of legal implications. Thank you. Senator whitehouse. Thank you very much chairman. Attorney general morrissey is
Climate Change<\/a> a problem anywhere in the world . Well, senator, my role is to serve as chief legal officer of the state of
West Virginia<\/a>. I am not going to make an argument today about
Climate Change<\/a> and whether the temperature is evolving because regardless of the policy merits of anyones proposal, policies have to be implemented in a lawful manner. Thats one of my main obligations as attorney general of the state of
West Virginia<\/a>. And well, let me just ask attorney general pruitt is
Climate Change<\/a> a problem anywhere in the world . Senator i think that the process matters that the epa engages in, to address the issues. I get that. I didnt ask a process question i asked if
Climate Change<\/a> is a problem anywhere in the world. The question about
Climate Action<\/a> plan of the president ,
Climate Change<\/a> is something thats a policy consideration of this congress. If you want epa to address that in a direct way, you can amend the
Clean Air Act<\/a> to provide that authority and statutory power to do so so states can no how to conduct themselves in a way thats consistent with statutory construction. So to be clear, neither of the attorney generals present will concede that
Climate Change<\/a> is a real problem anywhere in the world. Senator i think the material discussion is the
Legal Framework<\/a> of the
Clean Air Act<\/a>. Material or not, i get to ask questions. So it is material to my question. All right. Lets go on to something else. We talked about kilowatt per hour cost. I would like to make a point which is that the price of electricity in rhode island was 15. 2 cents per kilowatt hour compared to 9. 67 cents per kilowatt hour in oklahoma and compares to 9. 52 cents per kilowatt hour in
West Virginia<\/a>. However, because of
Rhode Islands<\/a> investment in efficiency and whole variety of programs particularly through rggi mentioned earlier that have been able to bring usage down,
Rhode Islands<\/a> paid only 91. 48 a month for electricity compared to 110. 47 in oklahoma and 106. 44 in
West Virginia<\/a>. Will both of the attorneys general from
West Virginia<\/a> and oklahoma concede that the real impact to a consumer is the dollar amount they have to write on the check that pays the bill. Well senator i think where youre going now, some of the details in terms of how electricity prices may vary across the state is a policy question. And in
West Virginia<\/a> we heard deep concern from power
Plant Operator<\/a>s, from coal operators about what the impact will be on electricity pricing. I have seen that in the context of other proposed regulations that have gone through. It is important to reiterate right now, to choose a policy objective and try to advance it through unlawful means is something everyone in this body should reject. Can i go back to the question i actually asked . Isnt the economic effect of the policy made real in a consumers life by the amount of the check that they actually write rather than a per kilowatt hour cost . I think, senator, most people look at the amount theyre paying when they get in the bill. Attorney general pruitt you agree . I think senator what is important for
Utility Companies<\/a> across the country is to have choices, flexibility and diversity of the portfolio to produce electricity. My question was quite self. That is when youre a
Utility Consumer<\/a> in terms of the economic effect on you, what really matters is the amount of the check you write, correct . In a long
Term Economic<\/a> effect shuttering coal generation, long term will be substantial on consumers. You didnt answer the question. You segued into your lobbying on behalf of coal. The answer is yes or no, the real difference is made by what the bill is . Senator, i maintain that the state of oklahoma is experiencing an increase in cost to consumers because of the epa heavy hand of eliminating fossil fuels from the energy mix. I suggest that you try what rhode island did. Our costs are higher than you but bills are lower because we took trouble to invest in a significant way in
Energy Reduction<\/a> and efficiency and with that my time e expired. Thank you, madam chairman. We have been talking about this since 02. I remember down on the senate floor, tried to pass a similar thing that this regulation would do, but pass it by legislation. I saw what happened. That first bill was the
Mccain Lieberman<\/a> bill. Mccain was a republican. We decisively defeated that bill and every bill since that time, senator markey is not here now, he had a bill up also. Now, thats happened. And this discussion about the science is settled, the science is settled, the science is settled, every time something comes up about the science isnt settled, they come up with the science is settled. They dont want to elaborate on it. I want to make part of the record an article in the wall street journal called the myth of
Climate Change<\/a>, 97 . This whole thing they say 97 of scientists, this totally diffuses that. It will take too long to read. I will put it into the record. Without objection. And talk about some of the scientists. I know richard lynn sen, i talked to him, he was upset when al gore was using this politically for his career. He is an professor in climate and people ask the question why is it that people are so concerned about regulating the co 2. He said it is a power grab. He said these are his words regulation of carbon is a bureaucrats dream. If you regulate carbon, you regulate life. This idea that the science is settled, the science is settled it is just flat not true. I know that people who have 12 years of their life wrapped up in this issue as the only issue of our time, they dont like to recognize this but nonetheless in fact, i will do this from memory i have said it so many times. You go back you see these cycles that take place in the world. 1895, we went into the first cold spell that has been really talked about, about 30 year cold spell. Thats when they first said another ice age is coming, all of that, try to get people alarmed, the world is always coming to an end when this happens. 1918, we went into a warm spell lasted about 30 years. Then the first time you heard
Global Warming<\/a>. That was 1918. Then 1945, they change and started going into a cold spell. This is the interesting thing about the 30 year cycles. And it goes right up until today. The year that we had the greatest surge in emissions of co2 was after the second world war, 1945. That precipitated not a warming period but a cooling period. These things, these are reality realities realities. I remember speeches i made in response to things that my good friend from rhode island said when i talked about what is the reality of whats going on today. Now, so were going to hear more of this. I know theres an effort now to have this bureaucratic thing that in my opinion doesnt have what it is supposed to have. The only thing i am going to get back and get the response from both attorneys general is a matter of what we have been talking about in flexibility. Miss heinzerling talked about it, the epa often talks about flexibility and would say the epa is simply hiding behind flexibility while in reality forcing states to make the least economically devastating decisions. I would ask the two of you, does the
Clean Power Plan<\/a> provide states with any real flexibility . Every witness talked about flexibility. I think if you look at the concept of flexibility, this is a false concept. The reality is that states are having an enormous amount of pressure applied to them to develop a state
Implementation Plan<\/a> within one year based upon the declarations we receive from many of the states, people dont think thats possible that the goals of this proposal are so severe that states are not going to be able to come into compliance. When you look at the proposal the way it is constituted i dont think it is fair to say it is flexible, but our argument has always been regardless of whether people think thats desirable from a policy perspective, the law actually doesnt even allow the epa to go outside the fence to develop that kind of flexible approach. The final point i would make, if you look at the predicate rule required before finalizing the 111 d rule thats for new source performance standards, that obviously does not rely on outside defense technology. When they developed the best system of emission reductions, it is much more narrow. General pruitt . I think my fellow panelist addressed it earlier. Flexibility with respect to how plans are adopted is something the states endeavor to possess and have but flexibility with respect to performance standards inside the fence versus outside the fence thats what we are facing here. The epa is taking approach of forcing performance standards on the state of oklahoma that are outside the fence. Theyre providing less options in the future as far as how to comply. Thank you. Senator carper. I am not a lawyer either. Studied economics, got an mba but not a lawyer. I dont understand all of this, some of this discussion when we get into technicalities, but i do know this, i have seen us pass legislation when i was in the house with senator inhoff and in the senate where we put in the same bill conflicting approaches to the same issue. And in some cases we were unable to resolve differences, so we put both in say somebody else will figure this out. I think in a way when i saw discussion on section 111 d of the
Clean Air Act<\/a>, it reminded me of that kind of behavior, and i am looking at your testimony lisa, where you say based on the text of section 111 d alone, epa has perfect sidewaysively defended its proposed view that the statute is ambiguous interpretation is reasonable. These are the criteria for the chevron deference. Explain it so i can understand. I think do i, but we have two amendments, one dropped out in the code, i am told it lives in another life. Explain this to us. Congress in 1990 passed two amendments to section 111 d. One seemed to look to pollutants, one seemed to look to sources. As epa has explained as i note there, theyre not entirely clear, either one of them standing alone and the combination is not entirely clear coming together. So what epa tried to do is try to take from each amendment something, and what it said is you cannot regulate the same pollutant from the same sources under both programs, section 111 and 112. Thats the kind of judgment as youre suggesting that agencies make all the time. There are many times when statutes arent entirely clear, they may contain provisions that are in tension with each other and agencies resolve them. This usually is a straightforward application of what i call chevron deference, which is the case in which the
Supreme Court<\/a> said if a statute is not clear, if policy judgments are left to the agency to make, then the agency gets deference to a reasonable interpretation of the statute. And here i think the text allows epas interpretation and also say in light of the comments earlier about the problem of
Global Warming<\/a>, just imagine if the epa said no, well take the interpretation that does not allow us to regulate the sources of
Greenhouse Gases<\/a> that are the most
Greenhouse Gases<\/a> in this country and to attack the problem of
Climate Change<\/a> by doing that, that we are going to pick the interpretation that does not permit us to do that. That would be quite strange. Yes, it would. Question if i could, miss backman, please. I want to go back to the issue of whether science of
Climate Change<\/a> is settled. Very briefly do you think it is, do you think it is not . The question on whether or not the science of
Climate Change<\/a> is indeed settled law do you believe it is . Do you believe it is not . Senator microphone. Microphone. I am sorry. I thought you were asking me. I am. I am asking you to use your microphone. Is this better . Thats good. Thank you. I am also not a lawyer. I am not a climate scientist but i choose to believe the overwhelming majority of climate scientists that say it is real and say it is caused by humans. So now we need to act and i can tell you also that there is a cost to action but theres also a cost to inaction. And i can tell you as one who is responsible to consumers electricity consumers who depend on
Reliable Affordable Energy<\/a> that certain ways to help the system include
Renewable Energy<\/a> include
Energy Efficiency<\/a>, include demand reduction to help with reliability issues and help with resiliency of the system. Thats fine. Hold it right there. One last question if i could for lisa. Are epas proposed carbon standards supported by three
Supreme Court<\/a> decisions in massachusetts versus epa
American Electric<\/a> power versus connecticut and regulatory air group and epa thanks very much. Yes. Tell us more. Massachusetts versus epa of course held
Greenhouse Gases<\/a> are pollutants within the
Clean Air Act<\/a>. Much of which we here is attempt to relitigate that, tell us
Carbon Dioxide<\/a> is not dirty somehow. So therefore it is not regular ulable. That case holds they are. American electric power is interesting because it relied on regulation under section 111 d in holding that there was no socalled federal common law, court made law of
Global Warming<\/a> pollution. Thats significant because if this regulation goes by the boards, then all of the reasons for the common law come back to force. And the last thing that the
Utility Air Regulatory Group<\/a> seems to me that case can be understood generally as a victory for most of epas
Greenhouse Gas<\/a> program that was at issue there and secondly it asked epa to look section by section and make sure that regulation under the particular provision of the
Clean Air Act<\/a> made sense for particular pollutants. Thats exactly what epa has done here. I would say this is a good panel. I commend you and the staff for pulling it together. Thank you all for coming. If i ever go to law school i want you to be my professor. Thank you very much. I would like to thank the panel and senators. Will there be questions for the record allowed . Yes, we will leave the record open for two weeks you can submit questions for the record. Very well. Thank you very much. Appreciate your patience when we had to leave. On the next washington journal, debate on ways to reduce poverty in urban areas. Later, colonel commander of the war fare
Group Discusses<\/a> training needed for u. S. Troops in
International Urban<\/a> combat zones. As always we welcome your thoughts by phone, facebook twitter. It airs live every morning 7 00 a. M. Eastern on cspan. Sunday on cspan q and a,
Kate Anderson<\/a> brour on the world of the white house through the eyes of people that work there from the kennedys through the obamas. Who are the thicklands . Theyre an incredible family, nine members of the family worked at the white house. I interviewed
James Jeffries<\/a> the only current part time butler who i did get to interview. Hes still there, might be there now. He works every week at the white house. And nine members of his family worked there. His uncles, john and charles were mater ds the head butler. He told me my uncles ran the white house. They brought him in when he was 17 years old in 1959 during the eisenhower administration, he is still working there. He describes how he used to work in the kitchen, was a skinny guy, they kept giving him ice cream to eat. They were great. It is incredible he remembers what the eisenhowers were like, thats a dying breed of person and he remembers that. Thats what i wanted to do is to pay tribute to these people. Sunday night at 8 00 eastern and pacific on cspan q and a. The head of the
National Institutes<\/a> of health testified at a
Senate Hearing<\/a> about president obamas
Precision Health<\/a> initiative. A
Research Program<\/a> intended to improve medical treatments by tailoring them for individual patients. This hearing of health,
Labor Pensions Committee<\/a> is an hour and 40 minutes. The
Senate Committee<\/a> will come to order. This morning,
Holding Hearing<\/a> on the promise of
Precision Medicine<\/a> for patients. Senator murray and i each have an
Opening Statement<\/a> then we will introduce the panel of witnesses who are getting to be very familiar to us. We are grateful for you for coming. After that we will have time to ask five minute rounds of questions or two, depending how many senators are here. We are here today to discuss exciting new direction in our health care called
Precision Medicine<\/a>. What does that mean . Well, those of us in the room a good representation of the population, they estimate one in ten of us would have diabetes. If doctors could use
Precision Medicine<\/a>, that is if they could look at our individual dna and genetic, molecular makeup of disease, perhaps they could tailor treatments to each individual rather than to more general category of diabetes. I was visited this morning by the head of philadelphia
Childrens Hospital<\/a> who talked about their work in identifying a defective gene, mutated genetic defect that csese blindness, and how they have developed a therapy that restores the sight in a child because of the therapy directed for that specific genetic defect. This is happening with cancer treatment. Doctors can look at the cancer cell and assess how to treat it. News week reports genetic testing on tumors is starting to become the norm in the big cancer hospitals like sloan keterring, all incoming patients have their tumors sequenced. This is all possible because of extraordinary achievement by a great many individuals on sequencing the human gee gnome, none more important than dr. Collins who is here today. We are grateful for that. Today we want to discuss what
National Institutes<\/a> of health and private industry are doing in
Precision Medicine<\/a> how the food and
Drug Administration<\/a> will regulate those innovations how
Electronic Health<\/a> records can effect the ability to innovate and what this means for the american patient in the
Health Care System<\/a>. It is one of the most exciting new frontiers in medicine. Senator murray and i are working on initiative to ensure our federal agencies are equipped to review medical products and processes produced by this kind of cutting edge medicine so american patients arent waiting on the sidelines because regulatory science cant keep up. Our
Innovation Initiative<\/a> is not just about
Precision Medicine<\/a> but
Precision Medicine<\/a> is an important part of our initiative. President obama announced a
Precision Medicine<\/a> initiative in the state of the union this year, he detailed his plans at the white house and i attended that to demonstrate my support. The president proposed mapping gee gnomes of 100 individuals and making it available to medical researchers across the country. Look forward to hearing more from our witnesses. There are similar private efforts under way. I am interested in hearing about that competition and about possible collaboration, for example,
Childrens Hospital<\/a> of philadelphia that i mentioned has 250,000 individual children gee noems sequenced there. I wonder how useful that would be to the one million dr. Collins is putting together, how these scientific entrepreneurs, dr. Vent ner in california philadelphia other places how that relates to the president s proposal for a million individuals. I look forward to hearing the cost. The cost to the human gee gnome have been reduced in the last two decades. Dr. Collins testified i believe that he said 15 years ago would cost about 400 million to sequence the first human gee gnome, whereas today it is about 1,000. Very often in
Health Care Innovation<\/a> initially increases costs, doesnt mean we shouldnt innovate. They can increase costs but in the long term decrease
Health Care Costs<\/a>. Take alzheimers which according to
Alzheimers Association<\/a> will cost 226 billion this year along with other dementia. We could use
Precision Medicine<\/a> to delay onset or cure of the disease. Save precious dollars in
Health Care Systems<\/a> and alleviate some grief and pain associated with it. The committee has spent time and will spend more on improving electronic
Electronic Health<\/a> records. The federal government has spent 28 billion to drive the adoption of these record systems and the results is that doctors dont like the systems. They interrupt the doctorpatient relationship and havent been worth the effort. Senator murray and i begun a working group to identify the five or six thing we can do to help make the failed promise of electronic records that something that physicians and providers look guard to. Instead of something nay ensure. Desalvo, we look forward to working with you on that. And looking forward to results that you take administratively or we do legislatively. We have to get to a place where the systems can talk to one another and smaller physicians offices want to adopt the systems, cant afford the cost can be confident their investment will be of value. Dr. Collins told us that a properly functioning
Electronic Medical<\/a> records system is tremendously important to the president s
Precision Medicine<\/a> initiative. It can help to assemble the genomes of the one million individuals. And second if we want to make
Genetic Information<\/a> useful, this is complex stuff. Its going to take computers that operate easily and with a click of the house to help make it possible for doctors to actually prescribe prescriptions for individual patients. Also would like to hear if we know dr. Desalvo, at some point how the 11 billion effort by the
Defense Department<\/a> on
Electronic Medical<\/a> records would relate to the 28 billion weve already spent, and whether those will be compatible and whether youll be working with them. Theres a lot to talk about today. This is a tremendously interesting and important effort. And i look guard to the witnesses comments. Senator murray. Thank you very much, mr. Chairman and thank you to the witnesses for being here today. Each of your agencies plays a
Critical Role<\/a> in the topic were talking about and im grateful to have you here to share your expertise. Ive approached our bipartisan effort to advance medical innovation focused on one question in particular, and that is what can congress do to help all patients and families get the safest most effective treatments and cure more quickly. Our conversation today is about the promise of
Precision Medicine<\/a> and its a crucial and truly exciting piece of the puzzle. Theres in question were at a critical moment in the medical field. Researchers and medical experts are increasingly finding ways to treat patient, not just as the average patient but instead based on their own unique characteristics and history. This is the different in getting eyeglasses based on the average prescription and getting eyeglasses based on your own prescription. Its huge, especially for families across the country waiting and hoping for better cures. Im proud that nay home state of washington is home to several institutions that have been pioneer in this area, the university of washington which is using this
Precision Medicine<\/a> technology to tackle
Breast Cancer<\/a>, eye disease and alzheimers disease. Im glad we have to opportunity today to discuss the ways in which fre sigs medicine is changing and improving lives and how congress with help advance the new frontier. The president has proposed making significant investments in
Precision Medicine<\/a>. His physical year 2016 budget has a budget to advance the ge nomices and
Data Management<\/a> to shift away from the one size fits all medicine to treat tailored to specific individuals. This proposal could accelerate the advancement of
Precision Medicine<\/a>. As i discussed with dr. Collins last week im deeply troubled with the nihs purchasing power. They were able to come together to replace the harmful sequestration cuts to nih and fda and other critical priorities like education, infrastructure and defense. Im am hopeful that we will be able to work across the aisle and find a wie to prevent these short sided cuts in kicking in again. This is absolutely critical to the kinds of investments we need to keep our make our families to help our families and grow our economy, including
Precision Medicine<\/a>. One of my
Top Priorities<\/a> on this committee is to look for ways to continue improving the quality of care patients receive and supporting
Precision Medicine<\/a> is essential to that goal. By offering patients and provider misare and much
Better Health<\/a> information patients in consultation with their doctors will be empowered to make informed decisions about their care. And our
Health Care System<\/a> will be better equipped to put their needs first. Protecting privacy will be an fornt challenge throughout this process. In the last few months weve seen serious
Security Breaches<\/a> impacting families
Health Information<\/a>. That is unacceptable. As researchers, providers and patients gather together we need to be aware that data is being created that cyber criminals will want to exploit. That means well need to develop strategy to protect privacy that meet todays challenges. Chairman alexander and i are investigating the current state of cybersecurity in the
Health Sector<\/a> and this needs to be an all hands on deck effort with providers, insurance and government working together. Thank you to all of our witnesses for being here today and i want to thank chairman alexander for holding this meeting. And i look forward to working together with you, mr. Chairman and other members of the committee to support this
Important Initiative<\/a> mgs thanks, senator murray top the underscore what senator murray said, this specific topic is an issue with the president which the committee in a bipartisan way is interested. We have three witnesses and ill ask senator cassidy if he would like to introduce the fist one rmts yeah dr. Karen desalvo and i know each other from way back when i was full time with lsu and she with tulane. I told her that we made the spread tulane green today. Shes at the office of the
National Coordinator<\/a> of
Health Information<\/a> technology. Onc is the lead
Agency Charged<\/a> with formulating the federal governments i. T. Strategy. Ive been impressed. Dr. Desalvo has come to me personally. Theres a friend back home whos having a lot of problems with her medical record and adapting to it. She clearly recognizes interop ability is key. Shes listening to the physicians and developers of this product. He was a
Health Commissioner<\/a> for the city of new orleans including and after hurricane katrina. We look forward to you testimony. We expect to get to know you pretty well here because all of us are interested in fixing the
Electronic Medical<\/a> records system. And youre on the point for that according to secretary burwell. We look guard to that. Our other two witnesses, dr. Collins, the director of the
National Institutes<\/a> of health who oversees the work of the largest supporter of
Biomedical Research<\/a> in the world. Hes been the director since 2009. And of course hes known among other things for his leadership of the
International Human<\/a> genome project. Completely sequencing the human genome in 2003. Dr. Jeff shuren was here last week. Hes at the food and
Drug Administration<\/a> for more than five years. Theyre responsible for sharing the
Safety Effectiveness<\/a> and quality of medical devices, and fostering device innovation. We welcome him back. If the witnesses would summarize their remarks in about five minutes, we would appreciate it. We have senators here who want to have a conversation with you. So lets start with dr. Collins. Well, good afternoon, chairman alexander
Ranking Member<\/a> murray and distinguished committee members. Its an honor to appear before you to discuss how we can advanced americans health. Earlier this year the administration unveiled the
Precision Medicine<\/a> effort a bold new initiative. We believe the time is right for this
Ambitious Initiative<\/a> and the nih and our partners will work hard to achieve the initiative. Weve had to make decisions based on the expected response of the patient. This one size fits all works for some patients in some conditions but not e others. Precision medicine takes into account individual differences in patients genes, vief styles. Blood typing for example with has been used to guide blood transfusions for almost a century. The identification of the brca one and 2 genes has made it possible to provide options for women at high risk of breast or ovarian cancer. And the gene discovered in my own laboratory 25 years ago has led to wide spread ability of targeting therapeutics. But the concept of applying the concept broadly has been dramatically approved by the development of affordable methods for characterizing biological information. That includes genomics the recent revolution in mobile
Health Technologies<\/a> and the emergence of tools for analyzing large biomedical data sets. Patients are increasingly interested in taking part in research. All of these developments will help make possible the dream of processing a wide range of health applications. Were thrilled to take a lead role in the multiagency
Precision Medicine<\/a> initiative. This initiative will focus on cancer accelerating efforts. This component will include the molecular analysis of large numbers of individual tumor to see what gene mutations are driving the malignancy and matching that information with available targeted therapeutics provided by pharmaceutical industry partners. Simple blood test will be developed that can detect early response or resistance to drug therapy. And a combination of drugs will be tested to see how best to achieve not just a remission but a cure. To put a human face on this i would like to paint you a forward looking picture of what the
Precision Medicine<\/a> can deliver for cancer in a few years. Consider the hypothetical case of lily, a 52yearold woman of asian decent. In 2018 after battling bronchitis and a persistent kof were lily goes to her doctor ordering a lung screen along with a new blooz test to look for dna and other biomarkers serk lating in her blood. The ct scan detects a tiny spot that could be inflammation from cancer. Not clear. But its revealed a genetic mutation that occurs with patients only with cancer. Her prognosis from this cancer today would be pretty grim. But in 2018 that could all change. Lily is treated with surgery to remove the tumor and the tumor dna undergoes molecular analysis. And she was treated for a target drug that was originally developed for skin cancer but has the right therapies for her tumor. With this treatment a decade later, lily remains cancer free. Thats a hypothetical but quite realistic of what the cancer component of this initiative could achieve. As a longer term goal, nih will launch a
National Research<\/a> cohort of one million volunteers who play an active role in how their medical information is used to manage a broad array of diseases. The participants will be centrally involved in the design and implementation of this process. They will be
True Partners<\/a> with appropriate privacy protections they will be able to share genomic data, lifestyle information and samples linked to their records. Participants will be able to have access to their own
Health Related<\/a> information. New approaches for detects and analyzing a wide array of variables will be tested in small pilot studies. Ultimately the most proms will be used over time to collect valuable data. Let me quickly give you an example of how this can benefit a specific person but also provide evidence for a new strategy for
Health Maintenance<\/a> that could be extended across the nation. Consider the case of 38yearold
Precision Medicine<\/a> initiative participant carla. Its 2020. Carla feels healthy. She welcomed a chance to try out a wearable sensor that monitors her pulse
Blood Pressure<\/a> and medical activity. But discovers that her
Blood Pressure<\/a> runs 150 over 200 too high increasing her chance of stroke and kidney failure. Carla is not alone. Nationwide 78 million americans have high
Blood Pressure<\/a>. Many like carla dont know it. Whats worse nearly 50 of those diagnosed with hypertension do not have it under control. Carla consults with her doctor who confirms the need for treatment, suggests she takes an inexpensive diuretic drug. Carla on tans a smart bottle that sends a note to her phone if a dose is missed. So the
Precision Medicine<\/a> initiative will also bring many types of
Health Care Monitoring<\/a> into this new century. Current evidence suggests that the physical exam and the associated lab tests may not be as useful as one would help. But new opportunities to incorporate specific indicators of individual health are emerging. This
National Research<\/a> cohort will provide a powerful opportunity to ape says such strategies rigorously to see if they provide clinical valuable information and
Better Health<\/a> outcomes for the american people. In closing let me emphasize that the impact of the
Precision Medicine<\/a> will extend far beyond the individuals who volunteered to participate. It will push the frontiers of discovery across the entire spectrum from basic science to translation tall science. Given the size of the project and its real world nature, evidence of um proved
Health Outcomes<\/a> derived from this initiative will be attractive for immediate application across u. S. Medical care. With sufficient resources and a strong sustained commitment of time, energy and ingenuity from the scientific medical and participant communities, the future of
Precision Medicine<\/a> appears really bright. We look forward to torquing toto make stories like lily and carla a reality. That concludes my testimony. I look forward to answering your questions. Thank you, dr. Collins. Dr. Desalvo, welcome. Thank you, senator alexander and
Ranking Member<\/a> murray and to the other distinguished senators. Thank you for the opportunity to be here today with my colleagues. Im
Karen Desalvo<\/a> were the national coordinate at the department of health and human services. When i was a medical student at tulane i could never imagine that in my career i would see me sin on the such a track. We are on the cusp of being able to customize treatment for the patient in front of me based on
Key Information<\/a> instead of having to treat them as a average patient. What is more exciting is that
Precision Medicine<\/a> is not just a theory. Its already changing practice and saving lives in the u. S. We wouldnt be on this cusp but for
Health Information<\/a> technology which is foundational to the president s precision med sip initiative. The office of the
National Coordinator<\/a> is the federal lead for
Health Information<\/a> technology. And oncs responsibility is to advance the health i. T. Infrastructure for what is six of the u. S. Economy health care. We do this work through a mix of programs, meetings and technical asis tan tans aimed at cattizing the marketplace. We seek to spur and support innovation to support advancements like
Precision Medicine<\/a>. Onc has responsibility to ensure that all consumers are engaged and their interests are protected. Congress created significant momentum in 2009. The act provided funding of the support of adoption of
Electronic Medical<\/a> records on the front lines as they made the transition to use them. As the result, were bringing health care into the digital age and we have reached a
Tipping Point<\/a>. This
Strong Foundation<\/a> of
Health Information<\/a>
Technology Makes<\/a> it possible to bring to the bedside personalized treatment through
Precision Medicine<\/a>. The data and
Electronic Health<\/a> records married with advanced and lytics and other sources of data including patient preferences will provide the picture of a
Persons Health<\/a> and needs. This comprehensive data picture is necessary to identify the right prevention and treatment that is not only the most effective but also the most desired by the patient. This is a reality already in places like tennessee, maryland, nebraska, florida. Thanks to the tools bimt into the
Electronic Health<\/a> record, doctors are able to taylor treatment today. I spoke to folks at the university of
Florida Health<\/a> where a patients card yolgs can order a test to see if they carry a particular variant of a gene. This test will held. Cardiologist know if theyre using the best medicine to prevent a clot in a patient eats heart. A doctor is choosing the right life saving blood thinner tailored and specific for them. And though this kind of treatment is exciting, it is indeed only the beginning. We have much work to do ahead. See that this is available to everyone in this country. As part of routine care. And onc stands ready to undertake this work. To get there well need to stay the course in adoption to see that every american has an
Electronic Health<\/a> record. We also need to go beyond the pockets of
Data Exchange<\/a> and achieve true interoperaability. Well need to establish new data necessary, environmental exposures and patient generated information. We will build a trust framework that respects individual privacy and establishes
Strong Security<\/a> protections. We will work with the private sector to establish openly available apis which are doorways to unlock data. In all of this work well remember what i hear consistently from consume ares who are our principle customer. They want to be able to access and share their
Health Information<\/a>, including the scientists if they wish without blocking or delay. The president s
Precision Medicine<\/a> initiative is one of the most exciting ways that we can bring the right care, the right prevention to the right patient. Only imagined a few years ago. Its because of advances like this and the
Underlying Technology<\/a> to support it that we are on the cusp of realizing better care and health for everyone. Onc stands ready with our colleagues at hhs and with congress. Thank you and we look forward to your questions. Thank you, dr. Desalvo. Dr. Shuren. Chairman alexander,
Ranking Member<\/a>s murray and distinguished members of this committee. Thank you for the opportunity to testify regarding fdas role in the
Precision Medicine<\/a> initiative. The success of
Precision Medicine<\/a> depends on having accurate, reliable and clinically meaningful tests. Its the results of the tests that determine which patients get which drugs or treatments and whether or not they get them. Inprecise medicine results from bad tests misdiagnosis you get the wrong treatment or you get no treatment at all when you should. And as a result patients get harmed and
Health Care Costs<\/a> go up. Fdas role in the initiative is in a technology called next generation sequences. Ngs can sequence long segments of a persons dna or the entire genome. Were moving away from the model of one test one disease. But a test that can identify one of many different diseases or the risk of developing that disease. But today there are significant barriers in place for advancing that technology. It affects the research, affects the development and the ability to use this optimally in health care. Let me tell kwlau the barriers are and what were doing about it. If youre making a test an you want to know is it accurate, two of the things you need to know are the following. Does it accurately measure what youre trying to mesh hur. Do you identify the right variance. We call that analytical validity. And secondly you want to know is there a
Good Relationship<\/a> between what you measure and the particular disease. If you say its a test for
Breast Cancer<\/a> is that variant associated with
Breast Cancer<\/a>. We call that clinical validity. Thats difficult to do for next generation sequencing. Heres why. You have about 3 million variants and your genes are made up of components called base pairs. There are 3 billion of them. Now you want to know how accurate is the test to measure all of that. Normally you would look at each of the variants. You cant do that for 3 million variants. People are struggling to make sure are their tests accurate. Then if you want to know is it clinically meaningful you need data for that. Its hard to get a lot of clinical data. Its difficult to do clinical studies and the data tends to be siloed in the institutions that are doing the testing. So in december we propose an entirely different work on the tests. We and the developers have struggled on what to do with it. So for analytical validity we need to have reference standards, essentially sub sets of genetic variance that if you can show accuracy in measuring those, its reasonable inferred that youre good at measuring the other variance. We gave 2 million to the
National Institute<\/a> of standards and technology the work with the
Scientific Community<\/a> to come up with the very first reference standard if the genome and they just released that last week. Under this initiative and with additional funding support, well continue to work with nis t and the
Scientific Community<\/a>. As a result the developers wouldnt have to come to the fda. Just meet the standard. We need to lench databases where we get all of the
Genetic Information<\/a> and then make sureardized and. The cure yags activity. And then working with them and the
Scientific Community<\/a> develop standards and best practices for having these databases for doing the occur ration and then have clinical interpretation. You know what happens today. You can send your blood to different genetic tests labs and get different results. Thats what happened it may be because you missed the variance or you interpret it differently. With the standards in place we can have consistent accuracy in testing and consistent interpretation and reduce the time and cost to spur research, advance
Technology Development<\/a> and ultimately to achieve
Better Health<\/a> outcomes. Thank you. Thank you dr. Shuren. Well snow have a round of five minutes questioning dr. Da so vo, when i was the governor of tennessee, i had the idea that all student would become computer e lit rate. So i bought enough
Mac Computers<\/a> to put in all of the middle schools. It was a great idea. Sounded good. Forget something. I forgot teacher training so nobody really knew how to do it. I didnt think it all the way through to the end. I think we have something of the same problem with our
Electronic Health<\/a> care system. We spent 28 billion. Its a great idea. Holds great promise but its not working the way its supposed to. The current standards for meaningful use arent clear upgrades are expensive, the systems dont work well enough to share the data. We hear its expensive to share the data because of the relationships between vendors and doctors. Some of the doctors call this data blocking. You just released a report on data blocking describing these concerns. Senator murray and i have set up a group, working group to work on this because of the large amount of interest in our committee on the subject. My question is, will you work with us, this committee, to identify the five or six steps we could take to get our
Electronic Medical<\/a> records system functioning well enough so that it supports not just the
Precision Medicine<\/a> effort that we have but so that it functions and its something that physicians and providers can look guard to using instead of enduring . Yes, senator, i look forward to working with you all in identifying ways that we can make this work for doctors and others on the ground, on the front lines. Thats where it really matters, where the work flows are sometimes not the way they ought to be. We look forward to that. You can count on our participation very actively. We have some efforts underway as the senator is likely aware. Weve been working through our rules for meaningful use for certification. But we know theres more work to be done and belook forward to that. What im talking about is actually beginning to get some results. Identifying the five or six steps we should take. You should know them better than we really. Although dr. Cassidy has some personal experience in this hell give us im sure. And going step by step to get them done. And if you can do them by administrative order, great. Well include them as the
Administration Initiative<\/a> and begin to do what we ought to do. Dr. Collins 1 million genomes i mention i was is iz haved by the
Childrens Hospital<\/a>s they have 250,000 sequenced genomes. One question how many how many of these are already out there . I mean you want to assemble a million, theyve got 250,000 in philadelphia. Dr. Vent ner want to assemble a million. Can you get those by going to the philadelphia
Childrens Hospital<\/a> and using some of theirs . Thats a great question. And were trying to come up with every possible way to assemble that million strong cohort by taking advantage of things that have already been done. Well have a may jr. Meeting in your state on may 27, 28 with a number of those who have been managing these large scale cohorts gathering together to see if there is a way to put them together can you estimate the number of genomes that have been sequenced . I should be clear. When you say genome sequences, some people are referring to a sampling, a gee know type. A snip chip is the term thats used. Some are talking about sequencing just the parts of the genome that code for protein we call that the exome. To do the whole gee know is becoming quite affordable. Most of the cohorts have not yet done whole genome sequences. The group in philadelphia is doing it with some of their patients. Dr. Vent ner has the sbrengs. We believe that to get the maximum information you want that. Let me ask you quickly. Senator murray has emphasized the importance of making sure everyone or a
Representative Group<\/a> of everyone is included in this. What about children . I mean the suggestion was made this morning that sequencing the genome of a child for a genetic defect leading up to a particular disease can be less complicated than for an older person who may have a more complex disease. Will you include children and the single gene therapy treatment as part of what you do . That is an active area of investigation by our working group. Let me explain we assembled a group of public and private experts on this whole question of of this million strong cohorts. Theyve met once last week and wie theyre meeting again to talk about what should be the constitution of the cohort. Should children be included. We want to be sure that covers diversity of the population as well. And some of the cohorts out there may not be as diverse as what we need. Well figure this out. There is a desire to have this be something that representing the broad swath of our country. There will be a strong motivation for many people to include children. Thank you. Senator murray. Thank you for being with us. Dr. Collins weve heard a lot about how
Precision Medicine<\/a> is revolutionizing the practice, allowing for the development of targeted cures for individuals. But im also interested in the
Economic Impact<\/a> of this work. We know that
Precision Medicine<\/a> is not only about treatment but about prevention when have a lot to do about how factors like environment,
Nutrition Impact<\/a> individual
Health Outcomes<\/a>. How might these discoveries impact
Health Care Costs<\/a> . Well i do appreciate that question because we all agree that
Health Care Costs<\/a> need to be brought under control. A lot of concern about the
Current System<\/a> is it is a sick care system than it is a
Health Care System<\/a>. And if we had the opportunity focus on prevention instead of waiting for illness to strike we would improve the health of the nation and save money. The
Precision Health<\/a>
Initiative Aims<\/a> to focus very intensively on prevention and to find out what actually works. I mentioned in my
Opening Statement<\/a> something about the fact that our annual physicals probably dont collect the kind of data that ultimately youd like to have that might be a tip off to something sma needs attention. And the opportunity to begin to use the new tools as well as the wearable sensors reporting on the environmental exposures should put us in a much better situation to monitor individual health before an illness strikes. I dont want to overpromise the value a that this will result in as far as cutting
Health Care Costs<\/a> and bending the curve that we want to see start downward again. But i would think over the course of time this is one of the best opportunities we will have to cut our
Health Care Costs<\/a>. You know, one of the exciting things about
Precision Medicine<\/a> is its empowering patients and people to participate and be full partners in discovery of new treatments. You mentioned the new mobile and wearable
Health Technologies<\/a> that are out there that allow researchers to collect data on how participant behaviors affect their outcome. I know all of the agencies are working to find new ways to engage patients in their own health and sustain participation among people involved in research studies. What are the best practices in
Patient Engagement<\/a> to ensure sustained participation throughout the medicine studies . Another great question. There are a number of cohorts that are engaged a lot of patients that were going to be consults with about what their experience has been the mayo clinic, marsh field has one. All of these have done a lot of work to figure out what it is that people are looking for if theyre going to participate. I think an important part of what were trying to do with this initiative is not to think of the individuals who take part as patients. Theyre partners. We want to have them at table. Were going to have a workshop that is focused to try to get information from the individuals, what theyre looking for. People expect if theyre going to be part of this that their information is going to help people. But they also would like to get information back about themselves in terms of what has been learned about their own state of health. And what has this study led to in terms of broader discoveries that might not have happened otherwise. They want to be included, informed and at the table. We promise that is the attitude we will bring to this. Let me ask you, dr. Desalvo weve seen several high profile sophisticated attacks on
Health Care Organizations<\/a> in the last few months. Americans expect that
Health Care Providers<\/a> and researchers are taking the necessary precaution to protect their data. Thats why i mentioned working with senator alexander on the current state of cybersecurity in the health care industry. Can you tell us what steps onc is taking to help researchers keep the large amount of genetic and other information that theyre collecting secure . Thank you for the question senator. We agree its a major issue. Its on top of our mind every day. The steps weve taken most recently are to require in the
Electronic Health<\/a> records that day the is encrypted at rest and in motion. So as you move and data is moving across systems it also needs to be secure and encrypted. Were working with the department of
Homeland Security<\/a> with the
National Security<\/a> council and others to ramp up the additional security expectations. But as data begins to move and be liquid theres more opportunity for there to be security issues. Its a top priority. Weve taken some actions and we have some additional ones underway. What is nih doing to protect the patient privacy . Weve already initiated a genome data sharing policy which has been in place for several years because weve been conducting studies to try to understand genetic contribution to diseases like alzheimers or schizophrenia or
Heart Disease<\/a>. Qualified researchers can apply to see that information. But it has to be overseen to make sure that the individuals who are looking at the data are appropriately signing on to various restrictions, such as not sharing it with third parties and acknowledging where it came from. And thats been very successful over several years. I think we have a good framework there. We think there are things needed in order to protect genetic privacy to make sure it is not acquired by individuals who do not have the right to do so. There ought to be something to avoid surreptitious genetic tests of individuals without their consent. Thank you. Senator cassidy has deferred to senator hatch and then senator franken. Thank you mr. Chairman. Weve been following your work for years. We have a database too and i wonder if that could be part of the million person cohort. We have, as i recall, its the largest repository of computerized family histories and its linked with 22 million
Public Health<\/a> and clinical records. And the scientists at the university of utah has been able to use the noncommercial resource to identify dozens of genes responsible for diseases. Now the utah genome project is harnessing the power of utahs large family. Discover new disease causing genes in underlying conditions such as diabetes,
Heart Disease<\/a> 0 pieceobeseity and cancer. They mall fie our ability to identified disease causing genes. By harnesses these advantages, it seems to me you know, using these large families and large cohorts. I think our folks in utah can make significant contributions to what youre trying to do here. And i would like to know if you think they would be useful and if i can play a role in getting the university of utah and you i think youre already working together but i think you need to work with that group as well. We are indeed. Senator thank you for the question. Utah has been in a wonderful place as far as the ability to do
Remarkable Research<\/a> in human genetics over many decades. Research ive personally benefitted with collaborating over decades of my own research clear. You have an unprecedented level of depth in terms of family collections. One of the things that we are going to be wrestling with a bit in terms of this cohort is exactly what ought to be the involvement of multigenerational pedigrees. It brings considerable strength to the effort and that will be a topic of discussion also at this workshop later this month in nashville. I would say that inner mountain
Health Care System<\/a>, i should have mentioned it early. They have a strong presence in this as well. So im quite sure when the dust all settles this prevision
Medicine Initiative<\/a> will have a utah connection. I saw a wonderful piece this morning in the news talking about some of this. And i think theres a lot of excitement across the
Scientific Community<\/a> and across the country in what this might lead to and i appreciate you volunteering to help us. We do want to help you. University of utah has a
Genetics Department<\/a> as good as anybody can have. Weve irritated harvard to death by enticing a number of very top researchers out there to utah. I think they like the mountains and the skis as much as anything. They wont leave once they get there. Wed love to be of great assistance to you. I personally appreciate all three of you. I have take an great interest in what you do other these many years, as ive been chairman of the finance committee. I havent had as much time to spend in this committee, which i used to chair. I want to campment the distinguished chairman and vice chairman here for the good work that theyre doing. Theyre terrific leaders in the
United States<\/a> senate. Thank you. I appreciate you all three being here an i appreciate the work youre doing. Thank you, senator. Excuse me go ahead. Thank you, senator hatch. Almost had to get senator warren equal time there. The order im calling on senators is based on who was here at the time the gavel went down and based on that, on the republican sides cassidy and collins are next. And on the democratic side its franken,
Bennett Warren<\/a> and murphy are next. Senator franken. Thank you, mr. Chairman. Thank you to the
Ranking Member<\/a> for holding this hearing. Precision medicine is extremely exciting. Those of us in minnesota thank you, dr. Collins. Because mayo and the university of minnesota have been doing genomics project that funded by you. Very smart on your part. This is exciting because thiss really been a paradigm shift in the way we think of health care in this country in some part due to the
Health Care Reform<\/a> law,
Health Care Providers<\/a> and insurers are moving more toward person centered care. Im talking about coordinated care medical homes, acos provide incentives and information that help doctors taylor their practice their treatments, their therapies to meet the needs of individual patients. And thats of course what
Precision Medicine<\/a> is all about making sure the right patients get the right treatment. And the right treatment doesnt as wu were saying, dr. Collins, doesnt necessarily mean it isnt treating people when theyre sick. Its about health care not sick care. And using personalized medicine should improve prevention and so we are doing health care and not sick care. Dr. Desalvo, i do want to talk about what you said. Were at a
Tipping Point<\/a> in the adoption of medical
Health Record<\/a>s. And
Electronic Health<\/a> records. And i want to talk about that for a second. Because we had a hearing on that not so long ago. And this there are some been some barriers to adoption by certain medical providers, some resistance. Some people of doctors who feel like i got 20 minutes with this patient and i dont want to spend eight of it inputting data. But on the other hand, we have this is where were going. So what are you doing to address that open what are some good models. Ive heard of
Something Like<\/a> having a scribe whose job a medical student who is there with you who is taking down the information. We need to get there. What are we going to get there . Well, senator thank you for raising the voice of a lot of doctors in this country. I hear similar things when i travel and talk from my own family members, including my husband, that its been a great advancement, were going forward, folks want to go there. However the systems are not a part of the work flow in the way that we want or expect in incall practice. The opportunities there include giving more time for providers to be able to implement the systems on the front line. So the senator may be aware that in the last year weve put forward some rules with cms to provide additional flexibility in timing of the adoption of records or upgrading to new ones. And also to propose in this last set of rules, giving doctors the option of a more stream lined approach to the kinds of ways that they have to report. So reducing the burden or the expectation on the amount of clicks that they must do to show that theyre furngs nally using the records. Were working towards a goal of a shared expectation that this is going to be an inabler and really support them. Im committed to continue in that path. Your point about successes on the ground and tools doctors have used anywhere that office practice. Is it really important. We collect those through our
Fellows Program<\/a> as an example and share those. It is it varies by doc and by office what is going to work for them. Sometimes using a dictation system and having assistants tribe over it, sometimes its a scribe. Sometimes working with the
Electronic Health<\/a> record theyve had so much time that theyre able to make the system seamless. So state like minnesota is so far advanced as im sure youre aware. Thank you. I dont mean to interrupt you. We can talk about this for a long time. I just want to i want to get one quick question to dr. Shuren. I have a question about how the tests at fda the tests that the fda is going to be assessing. One thing that concerns me is some tests may get quite expensive and i want to make sure that i understand how they and the highly
Personalized Care<\/a> that
Precision Medicine<\/a> can provide will benefit everyone. And wont contribute to
Health Disparities<\/a> in our country. So my questions are, will these tests be considered diagnostic tests or preventive tests and who is going to be paying for them. Well, in the case of next generation sequencing, they can be used potentially for diagnosis and for predicting. And therefore prevention purposes. It all depends on do you have the data to show that that particular test can perform in such a way. In terms of reducing costs theres the funt for reducing costs for those technologies to be developed. If we have the standards i talked about and we have those databases of information it will be a lot less expensive to have the science. So in the past you do a
Clinical Study<\/a> to show does your test actually predict or diagnose that disease. But now with the databases you might be able to point to that data. Essentially its the
Clinical Community<\/a> is crowd sourcing the evidence. And we just did that recently with two years ago with a test for
Cystic Fibrosis<\/a> where first we approved the test based upon a subset of variance. And secondly they were able to use data in a database at
Johns Hopkins<\/a> that was support bid the
Cystic Fibrosis<\/a> foundation and didnt have to do a
Clinical Study<\/a>. Dramatically reduced the cost of bringing that test to market. Who pays for it. Hopefully the insurers will pay for it at the end of the day. If you have
Good Technology<\/a> its of no value to patients if they dont have access to it. And if they cant afford it, they wont have access. Theres no question that
Precision Medicine<\/a> can bring down our costs in certain ways. I dont worry about a brave new world where certain people have sk says to certain things. Im out of time. Im asking for consent to san mateo a statement to the hearing record. Of course it will be done. Thank you, senator frank. Senator cassidy. Dr. Desalvo weve had a gao report in the past. The va and the dod need to do much better to coordinate their records. Clearly
Electronic Medical<\/a> records are critical to
Precision Medicine<\/a>. Now i hear that theres an 11 billion dod contract going out and im not quite sure that its coordinating with the va. And we have testimony recently about how theres a lack of interoperateability. So i feel like were in a thicket here and we cant get out. But all we know, were about to spend 11 billion on something that the va system is not interoperable with. Please tell me that im absolutely wrong. Senator, that is the dods acquisition of a new
Electronic Health<\/a> record you with correct. Were intimately involved in that. The department of defense has embedded staff with us at onc to see that were communicating. The department of defense has agreed to lead the way to pointing to the standard. If i could for a second i nl have three and a half minutes. One of the important things is to move away from proprietary theres open source budders. Epic is one of them. Those vendors will have to agree to use the standards that the department of defense wants to use, which are the ones that onc has published. Were very pleased that were all moving in a direction to have a core set of standards that everyone will agree to so we dont have run into a problem youre telling us that the va will be able to share records or that the local hospital will be able to share records with the dod . So the va and the dod is a separate issues because they have a different kind of technology. But the request goal is that becomes exchange but also interoperateability. When you mentioned the goal, i accept that it is the goal. But how likely is it to happen. It seems like you left some wiggle room that indeed the va has a separate system and it may not yet communicate with the dod. Theyve found a solution to exchange information. So if youre at the bedside with the patients, you can see the records from the va and the dod. The integrating of the data requires having the same core data elements. Theres a
Technology Issue<\/a> which is solvable. Theres also a policy issue which is generally the harder one, like information blocking, which is one of the things getting in the way in the broader community. You spoke of the open source. That seems by definition not to include information blocking. So who is blocking the info . So information blocking can happen sometimes from technology. But what were seeing commonly is that the vendor systems will charge i accept that. Weve had the hearings about how the vendors are blocking. Lets take it back where we start pd. My fear is the unvendors blocking bidding. Ic im not cliesh, with the final 11 billion project be something that i at in baton rouge can access data or will there be a problem with vendor blocking. I would need the dod to confirm the answer. However, what i would share with you is that since we described blocking and since we put out that report, the vendors have been able to pull down the fees to make the problem start to go away. I apologize. Im almost out of time. I guess is it part of the initial rfp that they cannot block and that the va has to be able to share as does the
Community Hospital<\/a> . That is the intention of the dod, yes, that is correct. It is the intention but is it part of the rfp. Yes, thats where theyre going. That is what i understand from what we have recommended as onc to the dod. Can you . I sometimes find that recommendations are not adopted. We can certainly get back with you on that. Im almost out of time. I yield back. Thank you. Thank you senator cassidy. Senator bennet. Thank you mr. Chairman. I thank you, the witnesses for your testimony. Dr. Shuren as im sure you know, there is a thriving movement of innovation of
Molecular Diagnostics<\/a> underway. Thanks to the human genome project investment over the past decade. A number of
Colorado Companies<\/a> which are developing remarkable new advanced diagnoses. And there is like ebola, cardiovascular disease and lung cancer. The fda released a draft framework to regulate
Lab Developed<\/a> tests. As i wrote in a letter to you a couple of weeks ago, as always we need to balance both innovation and safety to be sure we create a fair and workable process. Theres some concern that the draft framework would improve thousands of labs or at minimum thousands 0 tests. Im wondering if you can speak to. This given the size and scope of the issue, do you intend to more formal actions . Are you open to congressional action . Would that be useful . How do we get a handle on this . First let me say that
Laboratory Developed<\/a> tests play an
Important Role<\/a> in our
Health Care System<\/a> today and our goal here is not shutting down
Laboratory Developed<\/a> tests but in fact making sure were facilitating inno ration and that those vest tests are accurate, reliable and clinically meaningful. We tried to strike that balance and i dont know that well actually receive thousands of tests. Because what weve heard from the
Lab Community<\/a> is that a lot of the tests they make are to address unmet needs. One of the things we put out in our proposal is to say youre making a
Laboratory Developed<\/a> test youre a
Health Care Facility<\/a> and treating patients and there isnt a test like that that fda has approved or cleared. You dont come in the door for premarket review. Well address that unmet need. Now subsequently if someone has the test and sends us the data we know the test works then our expectation is other people who are making the test should do the same because we have data that the test is accurate, reliable and clinically meaningful. I dont know that well actually receive thousands. That said we received a lot of comments on the proposal, were working on it and we will be making changes before we have the final policy. If there is legislative work that needs to be done around this, i hope youll let the committee know. I wanted to turn to one other topic around innovation. Dr. Collins mentioned earlier how important mobile technologies have become here. Really in the blink of an eye this is all changing the way doctors
Practice Medicine<\/a> and patients monitor their own wellbeing. And as you know probably senator hatch and i reintroduced the medtec act yesterday to ensure that the mobile apps are not regulated by the fda. I think we share the same goals on this and i want to thank you team for giving us
Technical Advice<\/a> all the way through. Can you talk a little bit about fdas think in this area . Well, first let me thank you and senator hatch and your staffs for the opportunity to
Work Together<\/a> on the medtec act. We agree as we looked at the space, we were looking at functions, device functions that we had been regulating for a long time and now some of them are being put on mobile platforms. And what we found as we looked at it is that some of these lower risk functions we may better serve by no longerly activating them. Instead focus on higher risk medical device functions in this space. That is kind of a nice balance on the facilitate innovation good patient safety. Thank you. I dont know if you have anything to add . Well, only that i think that your point about mobile house technologies is well taken. Proliferation of exciting opportunities is happening around us and we certainly see the
Precision Medicine<\/a> initiative as an opportunity to test those out. You not only want an application thats cool gives you interesting information, but you want to know if that improves health, change outcome, and if we have a million individuals excited about participating in research essentially volunteering to become users of these kinds of technologies, whether its the next version of a watch that measures all kinds of aspects of your bodys physiology or something detecting in the air around you what exposures youre having, this would be a great opportunity to find out what works, what actually improves health care, and what ought to then be extrainlated and use liezed for the country. Thank you, thank you, mr. Chairman. Thank you. Senator collins . Thank you very much mr. Chairman. Dr. Collins, just this morning, i met with samantha kits from main who is pushing for more research into brain cancers such as plastomas. You mentioned thatton oncology is the clear choice for impacting
Precision Medicine<\/a> and important advances have been made in the area, and so i very much look forward to sharing your testimony with this group of people from maine who are concerned about such devastated brain cancers as these. Im wondering if you also see a role for
Precision Medicine<\/a> for alzheimers, parkinsons, and als . Our investments in these important areas also being considered as part of the
Precision Medicine<\/a>collins, for the question. Absolutely. We are learning that disorders like parkinsons and other nerve conditions do, in fact have multiple contributions to whether they happen or not to a given individual. For alzheimers disease we know of 35 individual places in the genome where variations place an individual at higher risk, and we know about one or two where individual variations actually are protected, which is an even more potentially actionable finding because youd like to understand that in order to develop the next generation of preventative strategies for people who were not so lucky as to inherent that preventative genetic variation, so theres especially for any disease that is common enough that youre going to have thousands of individuals in your one million strong cohort and opportunity to study those at a scale thats not previously been processed and to try to put together all of the things we can learn about their genetic inharns using the genome sequencings and exposures to learn everything we can about the
Health Record<\/a> experience and using mobile health. Are there ways we could have better detection systems of early trouble in terms of cognitive changes . Thats very much an intention of this. I think one of the exciting aspects of having this very large cohort is that it does not have to be just about
Heart Disease<\/a> or just about diabetes or just about alzheimers disease. It can be about all of those things because it will have the scale to do so. We have waited a long time to reach the point where the technology would make that possible and the time is now. Weve really reached a remarkable reflection appointment, i think, in the potential of medical research, and we should not let this moment past. I could not agree more. I think, truly, its so excite ing ing. Doctor despite the federal support that you mentioned in your testimony i continue to hear from small erer
Health Care Providers<\/a> about barriers they face with
Electronic Health<\/a> record implementation. Just yesterday i met with a physician from bangor maine, who shared with me that putting in place a comprehensive electronic
Data Collection<\/a> system for his small practice was going to cost in excess of 230,000. This was just for the software not for the hardware. Thats no small amount particularly for a smaller independent practice that is not hospital owned. To access information about individuals to improve diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of diseases you discuss the
Important Role<\/a>, the absolutely essential role of
Health Information<\/a> technology and interoperateability including standards and technology needed. As you you to build these health i. T. Systems for precision med sip, how can we ensure were not leaving out
Rural America<\/a>, smaller practices, rural hospitals,
Health Clinics<\/a> because of the cost . Senator collins, thank you for the question and for particularly spotlighting the challenge of small practices and rural. As the center was aware that was a particular focus we had early on in the hightech funding prior to rejoining the administration, and that team wanted to see
Rural America<\/a> was not left behind, and there was
Great Success<\/a> in the adoption in many of the communities across the country in partnership with the usda as an example. They are facing challenges now in upgrading technology, and challenges because of last year, challenges they had to put out the flexibility rule to give out more time to advance the cause youre described for that physician sounds exorbitant and im happy to follow up with your staff and that physician to see whats happening there and perhaps the
Regional Extension Centers<\/a> in your communities to follow up. You are exactly correct. Its critical we get this and that nobodys left behind and we find a way to make it successful for everyone. Thank you very much. Ill take you up on that offer. Thank you. Thank you, mr. Chairman. Thank you, senator collins. Senator warren. Thank you, mr. Chairman. President s
Precision Medicine<\/a> initiative could be a big step guard for targeted therapies for any number of conditions, and i think its a great idea. We should have started years ago. Dr. Collins, you first advocated for a
National Genetic<\/a> study to see how peoples genes and environments contribute to diseases over a decade ago 2004, is that correct . In fact, that is exactly right. That landed with a thud at that point. Thats the article on the screen that i published in 2004. I, in retrospect this was ahead of its time because we did not have the technology at the point where this would have been affordable or practical, but it is now. Well, im glad to hear that it is now, although, if we started pushing and fund back then we could only wonder how much further we would be ahead right now. You know congress did not make those investments, and, in fact, over the past decade, nih funding has not kept pace with inflation inflation, and that means we are years behind in doing this work. If we are serious about speeding up innovation, reducing long term cost, we have to start by investing in nih. The house has a proposal called 21st century cures thats supposed to accelerate medication and when first released months ago it did not include a single dime of new nih funding for congress, and last weeks new bipartisan draft of the bill very much seems to be moving in the right direction. Theres 2 billion in new mandatory funding for the nih every year for five years. And i applaud
House Republicans<\/a> for acknowledging what so many of us including
Newt Gingrich<\/a> and the industry said for years that nih is critical to accelerate. Lets be clear this will not solve a decade of neglect much less build the future that we need. So dr. Collins, in the late 1990s, congress doubled the budget of nih, and then
Agency Funding<\/a> was left to shrink back down. If congress had never doubled the budget of nih and had simply kept pace with prior investments, where would the nih budget be today . Senator i keep a graph in front of me all the time about this very question, and ill put it up on the screen because this is a documentation of the problems that we are now facing. Yep. What youre seeing on that screen there, the yellow line is basically what nih has had as far as our purchasing power for research. Its the appropriation, but as adjusted di the eded by the effects of inflation inflation. The dotted green line was the projection going back to 1970 until 1998 with the wonderful doubling and we have been getting up doubled ever sense. Follow the dotted green line, and we stayed on that trajectory, we would be higher up in the neighborhood of over 40 billion. So just to get back on track, and to reverse damage of the last decade, nih, if im right, needs more than 12 billion in just the first year . The house proposal does not even put that much in over the space of five years . So let me just ask based on what youve got here, in your expert judgment, whats annual rate of increase that nih needs to get back on track on its funding . Well, first, let me say we were thrilled, also to see whats in the 211st century cure, its the 2 billion a year of mandatory, gave a great jolt of excitement and some relief to a community thats. Really quite stressed over the last 12 years as we lost ground but to get back on a stable trajectory that would result in a healthy
Biomedical Research<\/a> ecosystem, which our country depended on with
Great Success<\/a> over 50 years, i estimate in my professional judgment, we need to be in the space of inflation plus 4 or 5 a year. Thats pretty much that dotted line plus inflation plus 3. 7 i guess, a healthy way to make sure all the talent and capabilities of this country in terms of
Biomedical Research<\/a>, where we led the world for decades, would be sustained, encouraged, and innovation going forth in the ways we want it to. Thank you, dr. Collins. it 2 billion a year for five years is better than nothing, but not pretend that a small temporary investment billions of dollars short of what we need to do the job, there is gaping holes in our nih budget, and we need a serious plan to fix it. There are many ways to make that happen. I have a medical innovation act for example, that could add another 6 billion in a year not costing taxpayers a dime, but whatever we do, this committee has to get serious about medical innovation, and that means we have to do better than the house proposal on this. Thank you, mr. Chairman. Thank you senator warren. Senator whitehouse. Thank you, mr. Chairman. Let me start by echoing the chairmans interest in having a review of where we are on
Health Information<\/a> technology. I read with interest by your predecessor, and i think it makes a lot of sense and provides, i hope, bipartisan foundation, for us to work forward, and i think that the
Meaningful Use Program<\/a> is obsolete and needs to be tuned up to meet new challenges that the progress over the last year since it was past now present to us, so thank you for agreeing to work with the chairman and the committee on the four or five key goals that we should be achieving and i would urge you to think big in accomplishing that. Lets no tweedle around the edges. Lets get this right. Dr. Collins, to follow up on what senator warren was saying, im interested in what youve been able to document by way of consequences. For failures toed adequately fund our scientific and medical research. It strikes me that you can tell me theres a return on investment from the research that we do and if we dont fund the research, we lose that return on investment. It strikes me, also, that you have examples of human benefits from
Scientific Research<\/a> if fore gone become human costs, and you
Pay Attention<\/a> to the countrys
Global Competitiveness<\/a> in this field so if you can comment in the three areas on what you think is the payback for investment in
Scientific Research<\/a>, or contrarily the cost of not funding
Scientific Research<\/a> . Well i very much appreciate the opportunity to talk about some of those consequences. Just put up another graph which, in many ways reveals the difficulties that are present in this country beginning back in 2003. Im showing you the opportunity that an investigator who comes to nicsh with the best ideas gets funded. Most
Research Done<\/a> in the country with the nations finest universities and institutes are supported by nih. This is the main place where the work gets done. For most of our history, thats been in the space of 25 to 30 success rate, one in three. Thats not easy. That means twothirds of the people are sent away. Now its one in six. Thats very unhaemtealthy. We look at what happened in the past when we funded up to 30 . Theres a lot of great science falling in between that space. Were not funding that now, half of what we should be supporting by historical trends is left on the table. So we dont know what were missing in that regard the next great idea about cancer may have been one of the things that did not quite make the cut. In terms of the question about medical consequences, im a physician. The reason i love being at nih and love what we do is to hope this is going to change things for the better for peoples health, and our track record there is striking in terms of what happened, in terms of longevity and prevention of disease, and it is frustrating we are going slowly. I promise you the
Institute Directors<\/a> and i, when we sit around the table to figure out what to do in the constrained circumstances, we prioritize and try to push forward. Were just going slowly. We need more advances in cancer. We need a universal influenza vaccine, we need those things, but we could be going faster. In terms of documents, its returning 2. 20 in the first year to the local economy because of the goods and","publisher":{"@type":"Organization","name":"","logo":{"@type":"ImageObject","width":"800","height":"600","url":"\/\/\/6\/items\/CSPAN3_20150506_070000_Key_Capitol_Hill_Hearings\/CSPAN3_20150506_070000_Key_Capitol_Hill_Hearings.thumbs\/CSPAN3_20150506_070000_Key_Capitol_Hill_Hearings_000001.jpg"}},"autauthor":{"@type":"Organization"},"author":{"sameAs":"","name":""}}],"coverageEndTime":"20240621T12:35:10+00:00"}