Broad question of john and then for katie and steve. John, you found a great deal of postmillennial religious reference in the writings of unionists and premillennial religious references in the writing of confederates, and i was wondering about the relative prevalence and frequency of religious references on the two sides, if theres any difference, or if these images are equally evident for unionists and confederates, and i also wondered about women and men, if there is any sort of difference in their propensity to make such references. The question that dovetails out of that has to do with religion in the lives of your two subjects, who we heard a little bit about early in his martyrdom, but religion and his piety. U of lets start with john. John thank you for that. By the 1850s and 1860s, middleclass women are assumed to be more moral and religious on either side of the masondixon line, so one would anticipate and certainly find in these diaries that women refer to god and prayer rather more than men, particularly west point graduates, etc. And there is a great deal of resignation toward the vicissitudes of childbirth, etc. If i survive this is in gods hands, let alone war. What is missing in this paper are the northern democrats. If it is useful to think in a slightly less rushed way i should mention that i am a california yankee and speak like a micromachines salesman accordingly. Post mills are very optimistic about changing the world. They are either pessimistic or realistic. For example, what is missing here is george mcclellan. Northern evangelicals concerned with the status quo. Mcclellan at the same time as jackson is fighting to liberate his valley, is lecturing president lincoln on fighting a just and christian war with limited means, limited aid. This this paper was very much focused on premill civilians and postma occupiers. Thanks very much. Kathryn as many of you may know, early was not particularly religious, but religion was certainly an important cultural context of this time, and i think he perceived the fact that he was out of step with the prevailing culture in this way. I think most famous story of early going to church was during the Shenandoah Valley campaign,. He went with some of his staff. This account was published in a newspaper that one of earlys friends in canada brought to his attention. Early learned about the fact that this had been printed in the newspaper when he was in canada, so in that sad state we were talking about. So he is reading this article with his friend, and its giving these anecdotes about him going to church. He went to church with staff officers, and the preacher is giving this fiery sermon. You know, what will you do when the end times come . What will you do . He kept repeating the question. Early said to one of his staff offices, id conscript every damned one of them. I hope i can say that on cspan. You said it. Its out there. Kathryn ive said it could it is printed in the paper. Someone asked if he actually said this, and he said unfortunately he did, but why did the guy have to go and say it to the newspaper . He was not a very religious man, and at the time, as he explained to his friend, he was very concerned about having enough troops in the valley. That was a real concern and problem he was contending with, but he was embarrassed when popular attention was called to that aspect. Stephen this is a great thread . I had not thought about all the way through. I can get through this and not use bad words for cspan. It is relevant, youll see. Religion comes up in the chapter on the Valley Campaign in taylor s memoir. Always in contrast with jackson. Theres an anecdote that taylors louisiana brigade, louisiana tigers who were some of the best fighters jackson had in the valley, are sort of carousing and whistling and singing, and taylor records that jackson said, thoughtless fellows for such work. Taylor is very proud that these catholics from louisiana turned out to be so ferocious in battle. In the course of one battle narrative, taylor records that he starts cussing at his soldiers to get them to go, and then he records jackson tune to him and saying to taylor, i fear you are a very wicked fellow. This comes up its quite clear that taylor plays this up to call attention to the contrast between jacksons scottish presbyterianism and his own much more worldly cosmopolitan catholic connection with these louisiana soldiers. There is also a very moving moment where somebody has died i believe it is taylors own quartermaster, and taylor says, i did the best i could to recite the Burial Service from memory. Quite clearly, he has, im guessing, anglican affiliations, but they are not part of the narrative structure at all of his memoir. Thank you so much. We are eager to hear from you. We have microphones for those who have questions. This is being recorded for tv. Did you want to get us started . I kind of had two questions. We had a speaker last week who was speaking about the winchester gun and the repeating rifle, and she made a statement that the repeating rifle was not used in the civil war. It was only years afterward against the native americans. The other question was that last week, we had a civil war roundtable. The person working to start the memorial to the National Park it is a brandnew National Park and he described how earlys men walked barefoot up to where the union troops were sleeping. No canteens, nothing coul nothing. Then, when they won that battle, they did go on a rampage, but it was because they had no shoes, no water, because nothing was allowed to make any noise because they attacked the union forces in their beds at 4 00 in the morning. When he was trying to get them to defend themselves later in the day, they were trying to eat and to clothe themselves. Thank you. Some questions about earlys army and technology. Kathryn repeaters were used in the civil war. There was a variety of different models. I dont think they played a significant role, so perhaps thats what she was getting at. They became more significant in the postwar era, in the indian campaigns, but speaking to earlys troops, indeed, they were severely deprived, so i had mentioned earlys strategy when he had invaded the north. Beyond retaliation, because there was a real vengeance streak running through him, but beyond retaliation, he was also ordering that these northern towns deliver goods to districts because his troops were suffering from serious ones. Halt occurredl with the surprise attack in the ma men had been asked to leave anything that would rattle so they would not wake the sleeping federals. They achieved this wonderful success in their initial surprise, but indeed, when they saw some of the material they were lacking, they didnt cause they dids the plunder and take some of that. In some humanitarian sense, it is difficult to fall them for that. This is where the controversy arrives. The soldier are quoted in my talk really captures the feeling in a sustained way, which is whose fault is it when the troops are not being well supplied for . Certainly, theres larger issues at work, and if you are not going to stop to plunder in battle, the tension will be released somewhere else, so they saw goods they needed and took those goods. And they cannot be reformed. And they could not be gotten back into line at the time. John i think with the author mightve been alluding to is that the winchester rifle specifically was not used during the civil war years as opposed to the spencer and henry rifles. Elizabeth i might note that her book addresses the theme of how soldiers on both sides cope with deprivation, exposure, hunger, and so on, and devised as she puts his selfcare regimens to do so. If you like to learn more about that, i recommend that book. Other questions from the audience . A microphone is coming your way. My question is for dr. Matsui, . Some of the stories referred to religious rights, and im curious if a large number of reference in the Confederate Military press you detail a number of references and personal letters, but im curious if they also occurred in 1863 and 1864 in the larger public style. John certainly. I think you might be in some ways prefavoring the lost cause narrative. Certainly in 1963, in 1863, 1864, 1865 in the valley, there is a sense of resignation. Many valley residents were prounion or conditional yunis. Unionists. Theres a sense of holding on until some sort of deus ex machina, god delivers a miracle, a second jackson, which early might have been hoping to be, etc. Again, the sense of holding on and that creeping dread of is not a matter of god is testing our faith but rather god is judging. Elizabeth thank you. Yes, sir. Kind of piggybacking on that, towards the end of the war within the valley itself, is it known from research, was there any specific religious sect that was maybe giving up more or earlier than another one . Was it just a combining of the war going to end . John thats an excellent question. I will take it for now. You just gave me and i saw avenue for research. And next avenue for research. The fairest thing i think i can say off the top of my head would be to divide the free will versus calvinistic. I would look at the presbyterian and the baptist as being calvinistic in that sense as opposed to, i dont know, methodists and episcopalians, emphasizeing human agency. I will certainly be looking in archives for that. Elizabeth that is a great question. Other questions . When you talk about jubal earlys ransom campaign in the northern states, were there any southern or strong southern loyalties in states like maryland, and how did this ransom campaign affect their loyalties . John thats an interesting question. There were marylanders who had proconfederate sympathies. One of the interesting things is that after they had shelled washington and were withdrawing, there was i am blanking on which town it was, but there was a town in maryland they went to. I cannot think of the name of this . I need some more coffee. In any case, they were marylanders within earlys ranks that refused to bring the town and instead argued for some negotiation and coming down on the price of the ransom. I guess what im saying is there were feelings on both sides. Certainly, marylanders were not happy, but some did have sympathies with the confederates. The same was true when it came to confederate marylanders who were fully dedicated to the confederate cause. Even they had to draw a line and say they did not want to participate in burning maryland. Elizabeth thank you. Other questions . Veryofessor matsui, in a brief passage, you talk about the intermixing of the Union Soldiers occupying i believe it was winchester, and their dalliance with some of the negro women. Did any of this continue, or were there interracial marriages, or was it just a quickie for the time . John the could cant to is i dont know. I think one element is the issue of keeping Occupation Forces in winchester, which remained occupied for much of the rest of the war. Part of the problem are my sources tend to taper off in 1863, 1864, particularly in winchester, so i cannot reliably name sources. Partially because one family flees, runs the two lexington where they think they will be safe. Certainly worth looking into further. Elizabeth one might observe that interracial the nature of those interactions would look very different from the eyes of the various groups that you have in your frame. What might look like a dalliance in the eyes of a disapproving confederate might be experienced as coercion on the part of an enslaved woman and multiply out infinitely the perspectives that represented, andces o thats why the sort of crossreferencing of sources is so important. Thats why we feel crossreferencing is essential. You referenced hunters leaving lexington. Had he taken lynchburg, was his plan to come here . Rhetoricalat was comment that if they saw the two great seats of iniquity, but youre right the goal was lynchburg, not charlottesville. That was just a rhetorical term. I some had he taken lynchburg, his goal would have been to join grant in front of petersburg. John but if sheridan does not replace him, then he is coming right through here, right down west main street in march. Who knows . You may have. Elizabeth other questions . People areone many thinking. Im curious about a theme that was mentioned. We have at the table a great deal of collective knowledge about civil war memoirs as a genre. You mentioned nostalgia as a feature. Im curious about where taylors memoir falls on the nostalgia spectrum. Or whereven to it evidence and post factor accounts of war in the valley . A great question and i think katies point is one to keep in mind, which is this wave of memoir writing goes from one what to the next. 1886 to lawrence chamberlains passing of the army in 1915. World war i has begun, so this is a phenomenon in military history. I would say that taylor definitely falls more toward the nostalgia and then early does, but taylors postwar experience is very interesting. First thing he does theres the surrender at appomattox and then johnson in north carolina, and then finally taylor surrendering to can be in alabama. The first thing that taylor does, and this is not in self interest, because he puts himself in danger is he immediately goes during that summer to washington and seeks audience with thaddeus stevens, charles sumner, ulysses s. Grant, to try to win the release of jefferson davis. He gets into that campaign very early, and he then becomes quite outspoken about the bitter aspects of reconstruction. That that said, your kind of you are kind of getting a mixed cocktail with him at the end, which is some real bile about reconstruction, but also, these harkening back to phases of southern life now passed away. His final paragraph i dont need to tell any of the students in the audience, always read that final paragraph if you dont read the rest of the book. His final paragraph is lyrical evocation of something he names tradition that is streaming down to us like light from the stars. It is just absolutely dazzling, but it is kind of you could sort of say the apotheosis of the world lost, not just the cause lost, but all culture. He is very much about that. Elizabeth nostalgia for early . I will Say Something briefly just to corroborate that i want to take that in a different direction. Certainly, early was vehemently opposed to reconstruction. I think there is a strain of nostalgia in that, but one of the things i wanted to call our attention to is the word nostalgia had a different meaning to contemporaries at the time. Nostalgia was a medical diagnosis of Mental Health at the time. It was believed and diagnosed frequently, at least in the Union Medical records, which we have much more in abundance at this point. Doctors would diagnose soldiers with nostalgia, which was fatal homesickness. This is a very random response, so when you ask this question, and maybe think about for these memoirs, writing their memoirs as a way to process and move on in return to being productive citizens. Early is rehabilitating himself in a personal way, for himself. That is what that means. Elizabeth yeah, that is a very helpful way to think about nostalgia. Stephen that is what the word means. Home ache. Elizabeth other questions . Thank you. Valley civilians in the is there any record of the civilians in the valley postwar in this time of lost causes and nostalgia . Did they have any unique reactions because of their unique culture to the postwar reconstruction, unique from the rest of the south . Kathryn well, i mean, one thing i would say to that as i do believe that the Ladies Memorial Association in the Shenandoah Valley and im sure dr. Jane could speak more to this than i can, but i think they were among the first and the most kind of zealous to begin to reenter the confederate dead. I mention this briefly, because this comes from her research that with federal efforts to build a National Military cemetery, these beautifully orderly places for bodies, but confederate bodies were being neglected, and Women Memorial associations took it upon themselves to have these bodies dug up, brought to their own military cemeteries, and properly mourned and celebrated. I think that role of Ladies Memorial Associations was absolutely fundamental to confederate ex interpretation of history that really ran through the whole postwar period. John i think aside from winchester, it would be interesting to look at lexington. Both lee and jackson are very in lexington, so how early does lexington become a mecca for the lost cause . My own personal story is the first weekend i moved to lexington, was walking through and a car pulls up to me, and the window rolls down and i hear a southern drawl asking me where lee chapel is. Again, the question is how early does that start . Stephen i have no statistics to back this up, but i would say that civil war memory in the valley is much like civil war memory along the path of shermans march in that sheridan is still reviled and still invoked and still named as sherman is still invoked and reviled. I just spent this week in jackson, mississippi there also. Im not sure thats quantifiable, but as you move through the landscape of the United States now and where you are likely to hear references to the war and what kind of references they are likely to be, sheridan in the valley is still live wire, especially for older people. In terms of that and in terms of the beloved, is it really true that jubal had framed on the wall the dismissal letter from robert e lee and what does that mean . Kathryn action dont know. Knows. R if gary it was an appendix in his memoir. His friends, like charles button, who i mentioned, published it in the newspapers. It certainly was widely known, and early treasured it. What does that mean . I think that is exactly what you would guess. To early, this was probably one of the most significant pieces of paper that he had ever received. Because while others had for sake of him and did not believe in his abilities anymore, his intelligence, lee still did, and he made it clear that he was removing him with reluctance. I i think early treasured that. I think they established that relationship. Elizabeth other questions . In the middle there, jack, as well. My question is mostly for professor cushman. You talked about theres a lot romanticization of southern culture. Is this something that comes back in retrospect . Stephen during the war, it is not yet past tense. Through the Valley Campaign, he is feeling elated. He did suffer from rheumatism, quite badly, and he was stricken during the seven days, but i think you can start to feel the tone change. The place that he loved more than anywhere on earth was the is that