Bereft. All i have to say is neener, we have your jacki. Jacki schechner in the newsroom. What are you doing for lunch today . Well at 12 30 eastern time the president will sit down with mitt romney. There will be no press in attendance. Hes meeting with the 12 nobel Prize Winners at 12 15 but then a post election niceties. There is no agenda. The white house spokesman said the president would wouldnt mind talking to mitt romney about ways to make the government more efficient. The president is will be meeting with paul tonko in the fiscal cliff negotiations. The man who had a tattoo on his face for the election removed. The r now stands for the man who was running for election but also the man who is a sore loser. Its been four years since Hillary Clinton ran for president , but shes still carrying 70,000 in campaign debt. Secretary of state mrs. Clinton is not allowed to do any campaigning for herself so it is up to her husband bill to try to get that number down when she ran for president back in 2008, she ended up racking up 25 million. Again that number is to about 73,000 about four years later. You can join us on chat which is always fun to do. Go to current. Com Stephanie Miller and well be back with more show after the break. [ theme music ] [ music ] announcer ladies and gentlemen, its the Stephanie Miller show. What a week were having, really . Nothing is worse in radio when somebody steals your ahead phones. Now im using your ear phones and god knows what been in your ears. Now wearing ear phones with big chunks of metal up against my heres. Stephanie all right, were having a week. 1800steph12 tollfree from anywhere. Fortunately, we have a preholiday street. [ music ] announcer karl. Stephanie karl frisch from bullfight strategies. What are you doing here . Im here in town for the victory fund for the annual lgbt leadership, so im in town for that. I have not been in studio since you started in current so i wanted to plant a flag. Stephanie yes, so festive. We havent seen you since the bigwell, the big victory parties. Were all having big victory parties. There is nothing bad that happens on election day. Stephanie lets review. Its the only thing if youre mitt romney, i actually was laughing my tail off watching the republicans castigate romney. Its kind of like blaming a chamaeleon for being green for its surroundings. Stephanie well get to this. But his adviser bragged about losing the poor and minority voters to obama. He said it was basically the victory for romney because he won the right kind of voters. When they say mitt romney shouldnt say that stuff they do believe it. They just think its embarrassing. Stephanie all the wrong people voted for president obama. Well say it a little bit. Stephanie andy barowitz tweets that mitt romney will speak to a black person for the First Time Since the debates. [applause] john kerry is ready to go. John Kerry John Kerry john kerry. Stephanie are they on staff of scott brown for senate . What, really, they are not too obvious . We have all have an idea. Were all wearing pink leather shorts. Stephanie funny that. And i like the new white house hash tag, its my 2 k a typical middle class family of form will see taxes rice 2,200 if congress does not act and now were seeing caving on republicans. Theyre launching their own hash tag for twitter, its my two sticks and you can rub them together if youre cold in the winter. [ magic juan music ] wand music ] so the first cracks on the republican stance on higher tax rates. John boner may make it in time for christmas. Well see. Do you remember when i asked for that so i could go like this, and you would play that. Grandma got run over by john boehner lost her medicare on Christmas Eve she dont deserve no healthcare nor medicaid or Social Security hed been drinking too much eggnog and we begged him not to go then he put on too much bronzer and he staggered out the tavern through the snow when we found grandma that morning ality the at the base of the fiscal cliff she had orange marks on her forehead and cheetto flavored tears on her lips grandma was ran over by john boehner on Christmas Eve my poor grande stephanie Rocky Mountain mike. I think he gives boehner too much credit. I think the elves are in charge at santas workshop. Stephanie do you see how this will play out this time . I cant believe were watching this as Something Different is going to play out. John boehner will make a commitment to the president that he cant keep. Hell go back to his caucus and they wont want to do it and then hell have to break his word to the president again. Tom cole. Sound byte in my view we all agree were not going to raise taxes on people who are making less than 250,000. We should take them out of the discussion right now. We should definitely take them out of the discussion that no one is having. It was the president who said, oh five, eight years now no tax increase on people making money over 250,000under. Stephanie boner is standing for tax rates for those that go over. They think thats their main bargaining chip. He said some republicans on the hill operating tax cuts for the highest earners for everyone else. Cole believes the reverse is true. I think we have the winning argumentno. Many believe raising taxes is costing jobs. They dont get what the elections said. Most people voteed for the president of the United States. By a large margin. Stephanie except the moral victory by romney. Weve been giving 5 and 10 all this time to get a chance to have meal with barack obama and who would think that mitt romney would win. Stephanie how did mittens win. Hes always stacked for the top 1 . This is milk toast summit. Stephanie if jayz and beyonce is there im going to be mad. Stephanie this is the star of the morning. The first crack developing among the republicans over whether to accept a deal with the president with allowing the top 2 tax rates to expire. A loyalist and confidant of john boehner. Who called it the socalled 2 , not 2 . Nothing in math is socalled. There you go again with liberal numbers. Stephanie the House Republicans reportedly conservative representative labrador you he, he always served with senator sharpei. No hes from idaho representative labrador. Oh, okay. Stephanie he said hes opposes coles idea and the majority also opposes. Its hard to know if that means anything. What is happening is very simple. You have a cluster of House Republicans who will come out and say that their party should compromise. The only people who are going to do that are people who are worried about reelection in in 2014. And its a small enough number of people that the volume will not get us a compromise, but it will save their tails for reelection. Stephanie right, right. The president talking about this whole situation. Obama if congress does nothing every family in member will see their taxes automatically go up at the beginning of next year. Stephanie so what is your guess . You say that like its a bad thing. Stephanie what is your guess on how this is going to play out and when. I think republicans are going to blink. I think they have to. But i was talking to the other somebody the other day and they said do you think the president should be campaigning around the country . Its about time. He should be out there on the stump just like the campaign, and thats when hes at his best, and thats when the republicans are on the ropes. Stephanie its a different reality now. Despite what they have to say they always have something to to say that is the same thing. Are you okay . Youre giving me that look. I got a late start on the stream because i was running around looking for headphones. Stephanie here is the president again. Obama again im asking congress to listen to people who sent us here to serve. Im asking americans all across the country to make your voice heard. Tell members of congress what a tax hike would mean to you. Call your members of congress, write them, email, post it on their facebook walls. You can tweet it using the hash tag my 2 k. Not y 2 k. Great, Mitch Mcconnell is watching his vcr to make sure that it doesnt explode. Stephanie why cant i get it to stop flashing the time. I dont understandi tried putting lettuce in there. It seemed to do the trick. Stephanie oh, karl, what is your take on what nancy pelosi said yesterday. You know it will make our friends on the liberal side crazy. She said the starting point should be the framework discussed by the president and boner back in 2011 at which time the democrats were willing to consider some things to do with Social Security and medicare curbing the inflation adjustment and lifting eligibility age for medicare. Some democrats say that should be off the table. I think it should be off the table, but i think there are ways to bring republicans to the table. And its by being out there aggressively articulating what happened in the election and what the consequences are. Karl rove said elections have consequences. Republicans never seem to get consequences from the elections. They have a partyelections. Stephanie the americans voted. And they said we have made a decision and raise taxes. You know people didnt like george bush but they believed him when they said he was going to do something, and he got reelected. Cenk sadly. Yes he did mean it. I i will private advertise Social Security. No you wont but we believe its a good idea. Off to a roll licking start with karl frisch. Karl frisch are on gotomeeting 24 7, arent we . We are. Stephanie thats how we stay connected because i can never see your beautiful shiny face. I use powder. Stephanie its clear im not used to seeing him except in hd. Look at him. If your tam is team is spread out in all different locations, like we are use gotomeeting. Im telling you, i was actuallyyou know what, if you think i just do this on air, i was doing with this friend like i was doing a commercial for gotomeeting because shes using some other thing that doesnt work with the marbling on the video and the audio dropping out. Gotomeeting, you can try it free. For how many days. Stephanie well, thanks for asking chris. You can try gotomeeting for 30 days. Once you try it you will never go back to inferior services. Click on the try it free and put in the promo code stephanie. What is the promo code. Stephanie thank you, chris it is promo code stephanie. 19 minutes after the hour. Back with karl frisch live in the studio on the Stephanie Miller show. Announcer i got her number on the mens room stall. 1800steph12. That this guy, to the best of his ability, is trying to look out for us. [ music ] [ music ] announcer Stephanie Miller. I cant i cant i cant too early in the morning semi cant follow. 1800steph12 the phone number toll free from anywhere. Karl frisch from bullfight strategies live in studio. When i dip you dip we dip. Stephanie what is that picture. Its the lazy up smurf. When i do stephanies show, perhaps at 9 00 a. M. Eastern time. Stephanie are we talking naked . No, no. Im usually in my lazy smurf shirt. So its different to get up at basically an hour after going to bed. Stephanie yes, welcome to our world. You tweeted four hours ago that youre going to be here on the show. I thought youre up really late or up really early. I was up really late. Stephanie he said hes leave leaving the rave. It was a rave, the 90s were fun. Stephanie why not. And its back. Oh, boy. [ world news music ] stephanie it becomes more and more an alternate reality our world and right wing world. Bragging about losing poor minority voters. They need to stop talking about why they lost. I would be down for that. Stephanie yeah, yeah. Mitt romney can take solace in his devastating loss because he won the voters who really count according to the thesis of his top adviser stewart stevens. Thats the guy who put Clint Eastwood up there. Stephanie despite that idea, he lost. And hell never work in republican politics ever again. Stephanie he wrote arguing winning wealthier and whiter voters romney secured the moral victory over obama. How can i take what romney said and make it even more we made the white decisionsthe right decisions. Stephanie thats even doucher. He said on november 6th romney carried the majority of every Economic Group except less than 50,000, income, that means he carried the majority. The Republican Party has problems but a we go forward lets remember any party that captures the majority of the middle class must be doing something right republican ideals, mitt romney carried the day. In other words, eat the poor. Stephanie and spread them into mulch. At what point do they not go in a padded room. We won all the electoral votes from the state of delusion. Stephanie i love the analysis. Implied argument that poorer votessers are inferior, further they write unfortunately for romney, poor minority votes are the same as the votes yes our election system is made up that way. My understanding was there was a poll tax sometime. Stephanie i was only told there was opposite progression. I wasnt told that they were going to be able to vote. Gene in illinois, youre on with karl. Caller good morning, testify any. Firsttime caller. Stephanie yes. Caller guys are talking about entitlement reform, and there should be some entitlement reform but they should start with congressmen and senators retirement in medical benefits that they get before they pick on the poor people. Why pick on the congressmen. They get vested after four years in office. Other workers work a lifetime to build up a pension. Stephanie yes, lets run it like hostess. Lets suck the Union Pension dry, give it to the ceo and then blame it on the unions. If youre a politician who is large and in charge or whatever, then it works well for you. Stephanie yes, exactly. I think we would get pretty good results from government at that point. Stephanie that seems to be their tag line, screw you. Thats more succinct, screw you. Were back with the rightwing world with karl frisch on the Stephanie Miller show. [ music ] [ music ] [ music ] announcer Stephanie Miller. Sound byte bad hair, weird knownose. Her face made me want to learn how to box. Man there is a lot of love in this room. Stephanie it is the Stephanie Miller show, welcome to it. Karl frisch from bullfight strategies is with us. What a delight. 1800steph12 tollfree from anywhere. Lets go to rhonda in texas really quick. Hello rhonda. Caller good morning, i would love to be there with you. Stephanie me too. Caller i just want to make a point that i havent seen or heard much about during the debates paul ryan said that 97 and 98 of employers are Small Businesses. That would make Small Business owners who are more likely middle class the actual job creators, not the top percentage that claims they are. Stephanie wait, now wait a minute. Go back, im sorry . Caller if 97 and 98 of all employers in the country are Small Businesses. Stephanie then the top 2 are job creators. They are job creators, but they dont create nearly any jobs. The two 2 are money hoarders. That should be a new reality show. Theres that middle income family job right on top of a cat. Stephanie and they use job creator business loose. Lets dive into the rightwing world. Charles k routhammer. Sound byte obama understand this. Hes not trying to fix our fiscal issues and problems, hes trying to destroy the republicans by insisting there is a split among the republicans on this issue that has held them together the same way he destroyed senior bush sr. When he went back on the pledge he made. This is an attack on the republicans. There is no evidence that he is interested in the real fiscal issue because he would have to talk about spending entitlements, and he isnt. No evidence . Stephanie yes, he is. Thats like republicans saying there is no evidence for Climate Change and all you have to do is look at his face as its melting right off his skull. Stephanie like raiders of lost ark. Why would Grover Norquist be out there saying they better stay in line if there were no emerging split. Stephanie thank you. Hes on tv almost every day with a different lie. And you know he doesnt belong on television. Hes badder. Please. Stephanie fox news. Sound byte the United States still is the idea of equality of opportunity, not the equality of outcome. What you have is a mod raid Democratic Party which is not your fathers Democratic Party. You now have a Democratic Party so far to the left that they believe in fundamentally antiamerican concepts of radical Wealth Redistribution in order to equalize everyone. Thats not what america is about. Thats not what theyre about. You just made that up. You pulled that out of that shapely ass. Stephanie wow, that was a moment. Wealth distribution is how she got her job. If fox did not redistrict their wealth into her pocket, i would see her on barham. Stephanie people who are not from la are so cute. He is from la. Im from the other side. Stephanie youre so 310 snobby. Im not a 818er. We just loft everyone. Stephanie we lost everyone in the valley. You know, i think these Election Results demonstratebly moved to the right. The Republican Party has move to the right. We have more freedom than weve ever had as a country. You go back to the 60s and there are all kinds of things that would be illegal or you couldnt do in the 60s that you have the freedom to do today not to mention how much more freedom you can participate in if youre well, if you have healthcare. Its ridiculousness. Stephanie anthony on the slide. Sound byte Time Magazine has announced the people who have been nominated for person of the year. One of them was sandra fluke, yes. I think that b