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Central bank in beijing blamed unilateralism and trade protectionism and called for improved financial stability. Due to the complicated International Situation and uncertainties we must pay great attention to handle the relationship between further reform and opening up and Risk Prevention the heart of city which we dont have on. The news turned asias benchmark stock indices into a picture of misery hong kongs hang seng index closed nearly 3 percent lower a 7 month trough in tokyo the nikkei 2. 00 to 5. 00 ended 1. 75 percent lower the mainlands big board the shanghai composite closed down 1. 25 percent. Looking ahead the current weakness of the yuan is going to make things difficult in trade talks the u. S. Wants china to buy more American Goods to narrow the trade deficit a correspondent andrea hang it all the ballots join us from the financial hubs of singapore in frankfurt address the fallout looks biggest in asia whats the damage. Well the chinese currency reaching that 7 per dollar level has created a huge domino effect across the asian region asian shares dipped to 2. 5 percent today and that is the steepest one day decline in the last 10 months now the japanese yen was an exception though government and government bonds as well as gold was strong safe havens for the asian market today but Everything Else basically stripped away analysts are saying that beijing could signal this as a depreciation of the could tolerate a further depreciation of the un car and see in order to cushion all the shortfalls are going to come from through those threatened us tariffs that are coming that we are the writings of the wool over to you from your perspective is this a dangerous move beijing is making. I think any move that can be interpreted as retaliating against trump or disagreeing with him perhaps contradicting him can be seen as a dangerous move but you know i talked to an economist on this is this going to be the beginning of a currency war he said you know its its its far too modest at the moment to declare Something Like that after all one also has to see the trump went 1st to pressure the fed to lower rates so one could see that as the 1st step in a move towards a currency Interest Rate war but he sees the chinese as wanting to send a signal to the u. S. That its not ready to have to take everything that the u. S. And the u. S. President are dealing out plus the Economist Says you know the chinese have been propping up the chuan for a long time and now this is a very modest change indeed and he also says that you are is neutral at the moment its neither undervalued or overvalued but of course it all depends on how the man in the white house receipts this you know that right as in frankfurt and a great thing in simple. Japanese cars are the latest victim of the countrys escalating trade well with south Korea Industry data show toyota and honda sales were down by about 30 percent last month in south korea thats when japan began exports critical to south korean Tech Companies in a dispute over wartime labor camps thousands of south korean Business Owners and seumas have begun boycotting japanese products. South korean president. Says the escalating trade war is a wake up call to prevent the economy and relations with the north he says a reunified Korean Peninsula will create a korean economic power outweighing japan but a peace driven economy needs peace. Could hope for south koreas long Term Economic health be found here thats just what south korean president has suggested hed like to see the Korean Peninsula unified at least economically. If you enter korean Economic Cooperation leads to a peace driven economy we will be able to catch up to japans dominance. Its the latest turn in the south ongoing trade drama with japan which scaled back exports to its neighbor after wartime grievances between the 2 nations reemerged south korea has responded by boycotting japanese products and its government has struck an increasingly nationalistic tone. Economic cooperation on the peninsula remains a distant prospect pyongyang would be expected to denuclearize something it has long resisted doing the countrys leadership meanwhile remains unpredictable raising tensions again just last week with a series of missile tests a north koreas isolated economy hardly compares to japans export powerhouse. Japan with south koreas 3rd largest trading partner in 2017 accounting for more than 55000000000. 00 in imports and just shy of 30000000000. 00 in exports south korean trade with the north is meanwhile virtually nonexistent. Were an economic reunification to occur integrating the north korean economy into the south korean would be costly and time consuming according to economists but the souths economy is struggling now and the stat with japan shows little signs of let up that means the north as an economic a looks or to souls current problems is likely just Wishful Thinking as for grandfather and pressurize and so for us folly and how much of this is Wishful Thinking or political rhetoric. Well i would call it populist rhetoric and its aimed at the domestic audience year and winter in called his approach of peace economy as a way to catch up with the economy of japan and the notion that south korea will never ever be defeated against japan outlook atomic economies nation especially in the years of the conduct of politicians it sounds quite cynical that he labels it he said economy because it will basically stabilize its military and dictatorship namely north korea that doesnt even seem to be willing to give up its nukes and thats why i think his approach is not politically feasible because the u. S. Would not allow significant Economic Engagement with the north im less and less a political conflict does not solve the other thing is that he wants to combine the 2 economies to outweigh japan but i mean the north korean economy is in a mess. Well but still it makes it quite a trip to south korea you have to see that north korea provides really cheap but highly qualified labor force and south korea could also like rebuild their infrastructure in the north and then they would have a connection to whats russia and the build pipelines and also like to recent projects of production the factories could be built there and have wanted and predicts that actually his piece economy could bring in 150000000000. 00 u. S. Dollars over the next few decades of course as Wishful Thinking but definitely south korea and china both the conglomerates are really looking out towards north korea to i think its interesting on the same day that seoul is talking about spending up big on boosting. Its or cutting its reliance on japan rather. Well i mean that they want to invest 6500000000. 00 in the next 7 years for research and development to not depend on one it took in these chemicals but you know just today the caustic equivalent of the korean ness that slid over 6 percent and why because of the u. S. China trade because china gave signs that it made allow the u. N. To depreciate. Off of the latest u. S. Taro so software is really vulnerable to protectionism and that should be a lesson for the south korean economy ok christoffersen so thank you very much and heres a solution to the planets pollution problems capturing Carbon Dioxide from our skies a company in canada is pioneering a method to filter c o 2 from the air and turn it into fuel. Everything seems to be fine on jonathan studies organic from in western canada. But joe knows better than most things. Hes the member for West Vancouver in the British Columbia provincial parliament where he holds the environment and energy for. Globally its accepted that its not going to be enough to simply stop emitting we are going to have a pole carbon out of the atmosphere for to achieve the 1. 00 degree targets or the 2 degree target that. That has been set now internationally British Columbia now gets 98 percent of its electricity from sustainable sources but fuel still comes from gas and oil along with all the associated air pollution so Jordan Sturdy campaign for the canadian government to invest in a Carbon Dioxide Research Project now north of vancouver in squamish a test plant runs filtering c o 2 out of the air project manager steve oldman explains the rather simple principle essentially its a big fan so i found that holds the air in and then it pulls it through a filter that filter has a chemical drop in through it like thats done by doing so we capture 80 percent 80 percent of the c o 2 from the yeah so we make Calcium Carbonate as part of our process you would know Calcium Carbonate as seashells the c o 2 was burnt sometime in the 18th century or maybe on your flight over from your up and we captured it and we converted it into these pallets da mr turner air into fuel a synthetic fuel for all combustion engines 10 years ago Jeffrey Holmes cofounded the project a kind of recycling plant for c o 2. What we do differently as opposed to taking fuels refined from crude oil and burning them which puts Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere we take the carbon from the atmosphere we take hydrogen from water and we recombine them into fuel that way when the fuels burn the carbon is released back to the atmosphere where it came from and we have a close cycle. Business with it. With. Some special. For all true fans who. Place blame me blame cut more than football long line you know that 77 percent clapping are younger than 6 oclock. Thats me and me and you. Think you know what its time to call voices. On the 77 percent talk about the issues. From politics to classes from housing boom boom time this is where. Welcome to the 77 percent. This weekend on g. W. Robots theyre still in the Development Phase folks but whats going to happen when they grow. Will humans and machines be able to pass me coexist for more we on the verge of a roka lips if we just bumble into this totally unprepared with our heads in the sand fusing to think about what could go wrong then lets face it its probably going to be the biggest mistake in human history. Artificial intelligence is now spreading through our society this the beginning of a golden did you. Want to be subjected to continuous state surveillance. Ok i look experts be able to agree on ethical guidelines or will this Technology Create deadly new autonomous Weapons Systems flowing. School robot collapse starts aug 14th on d w. Cuts. Cuts playing. This is d. W. News live from the death toll from the weekends Mass Shootings in the United States rises to 30 as the president tells a grieving nation to reject racial hatred. In one voice our nation condemned racist bigotry and White Supremacy a sinister ideology be defeated become a country overcome political divisions and prevent future tragedies also on the program

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