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And turkish president. Opens a new front. Packed with the United States. Electronic goods. The death toll from a major transport disaster in the italian city of genoa has risen the Italian Deputy Prime Minister says thirty people were killed and many seriously injured after part of a four lane motorway bridge collapsed earlier today a two hundred metre long section off the reinforced concrete bridge and about twenty cars and trucks. Warehouses and Railway Lines say the bridge was undergoing structure to book the bridges on a main highway linking italy with france it was built in the one nine hundred sixty s. And is known as the brooklyn bridge. For the very latest im joined now by john the sea monkey double is monitoring the situation from the italian capital droom see little of the death toll has risen to at least thirty people what can you tell us about the victims where what we do know is that yet and tomorrow really is a major Public Holiday here in italy its the major Summer Holiday and so there were probably people on that bridge either preparing to travel out of the city going to the mountains or going to the beach and so thats why we do see this death toll are rising and theres concern of course as they try to discover how many people were underneath we have heard reports of many people missing and so we have that death toll at the moment as well as many people injured some of which seriously so well have to see how things progress in the next couple of hours and perhaps even days what we do know that there was some thirty cars involved as well as three trucks in this incident as that the Massive Concrete slabs came crashing down and so the rescue services are trying to pull the people out of those cars underneath that concrete are definitely a tough job ahead for them right now and other than any issue thoughts on what earth caused the collapse of a section of that bridge. Well what we do know is that as you mentioned days Maintenance Work being carried out but theres been Maintenance Work carried out on this bridge for a number of years that it was inaugurated back in one thousand nine hundred sixty seven but has really been the cause of a lot of problems there have been reports about the cement tearing away there has been talk back in two thousand and nine that perhaps this in type of project should be demolished and so we have a lot of reaction on social media and even of course from the Political Forces here in italy with the transport and infrastructure minister being very clear saying those responsible will pay for this a disaster but at the moment of course all eyes on a possible rescue and we have the Prime Minister and the deputy Prime Minister rejected by the leader of the five Star Movement traveling to the site of genoa later today to express their closeness to the people involved in this tragedy and uses the means throne to use course is going to be on driskill how Emergency Service is dealing with this disaster what we do know is that the Fire Services as well as the Ambulance Service is on board some two hundred firemen involved and as i mentioned theyre involved in pulling people out of those who are trapped in the cars that are under all this rubble four people in fact were extracted the lives of that some good that seems to be coming out of it but people who were in the city described the situation and the sound of when it fell was like as if a bomb that hit the city and theyre treating this emergency like how they would treat an earthquake here in italy so all the steps are in place for the emergence of services to try and find as many people alive as they possibly can and ask questions being asked about the stage of infrastructure in italy how are people there reacting to this disaster. I think you find really speaking to ordinary tallinns a real frustration at the number of these socalled what appears to be unmanned me disasters happening in the country perhaps you know a lot of people hear me feel a possible terrorist attack but in this particular instance it was something that perhaps could have been avoided of course there has to be an investigation put in place to find out what can be done but a frustration among many italians that perhaps the infrastructure in this country a g seven member no less is really not up to scratch and more really needs to be done so clearly theres going to be an investigation into this very unfortunate incident but all thoughts perhaps now on those potential survivors underneath the rubble seen on gupta thank you very much for joining us with that update from rome police in the u. K. Are treating a car crash outside the houses of parliament as an act of terrorism three people were injured when a man drove his car into the security barriers outside the building the suspect has been arrested police are working to confirm his identity. This footage was taken moments after the car crashed outside british parliament. A b. B. C. Television camera filmed a car driving toward parliament then into an access lane before hitting the barrier gate. Surround the vehicle and arrest the suspect at gunpoint. And eye witness described seeing the car. Itself seeing a man roy. I was appalled at the restraint to force my remark and it was deliberately it was a it was made over you have a lot of injuries you would use a direct hit from under those of it becoming quite an experience at least now in fiction they. Were praised for their Rapid Response they say the incident is being treated as an act of terrorism given that this appears to be a deliberate thought the method and this being an iconic sites we are treating it as a terrorist incident top priority now is to formally establish the identity of the suspect understand his motivation if we can. He is not currently cooperates and the crash happened near last years Westminster Bridge attack where five people died after a man drove into a crowd and stabbed a Police Officer the security barriers were installed in the wake of that attack. Let me now bring you up to date but some of the stories making news around the us more to has given permission to for the rescue ship a crevasse to enter port a after five European Union countries agreed to accept the one hundred and forty one refugees on board the ship the dns a four day standoff that kept the ship at sea the refugees will be distributed to france germany spain portugal and luxembourg. In ecuador at least twenty three people were killed in a high. High speed bus crash east of the capital quito another nine thousand people were injured is the second major bus crash in two days twelve people died on sunday when a bus carrying soccer fans overturned in the south of the country. South korea has marked its first memorial day for women and girls forced to work as sex slaves by Japanese Forces before and during the Second World War officially unveiled a monument to the socalled comfort women in the city of cio not on the issue of reparations for the women has caused tensions between the two countries. Monica johns me now and with the latest on turkeys economic woes monica yep and that spot between washington and her isnt helping turkish president richard type add a one has warned his country will boycott you as products in response to what he calls economic terrorism done by the us hes referring to the Trump Administration doubling tariffs for turkish steel and many m the turkish lira appears to be pulling back from record lows thats after the central bank took emergency measures. President arrow one claims the United States has severed ties the lira as retribution for ankaras detention of an american pastor on espionage and terrorism charges washington had already imposed sanctions on turkey and last week announced plans to double import tariffs on turkish elaman human steel since then the turkish lira has lost a quarter of its value there to one says its part of a plot by the United States to devalue currencies globally meanwhile Russian Foreign minister Sergey Lavrov already predicts consequences for the dollar we didnt but. Im sure that this grave abuse of the u. S. Dollar as a global reserve currency will result in the eventual demise of its role. Or you would get the slow bits while many analysts say that International Concerns about it are ones economic policies are behind the leader as crash the turkish Leader Speaks of economic terrorism by washington and called on his country to boycott u. S. Made goods im really proud of electronic we will boycott american electronic products if they have the i phone there is also samsung. You know no one has also renewed a call for turks to convert their euros and dollars into turkish lira to strengthen the currency meanwhile analysts hope for the central bank to take action to restore confidence in the lira. Meanwhile the political some of break here in europe has come to an end and things are starting to move in the euro zone lets get the details now from a man of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange and that is none other than early good to see you first of all i believe we have some fresh Economic Data coming out from the block and its not too bad. Its not too bad you know and economists theyre factual people you dont see them waxing poetic a lot but today one of them said germany is on track for a golden decade with these g. D. P. Numbers from the Second Quarter zero point five percent growth a healthy figure and more than people expected and whats more also the growth figure for the First Quarter was revised upwards consumption strong consumers spending money contrary to the belief that germany german people save all their money but they have good jobs secure jobs theyre earning more thats a strong point as the state spending as well and the picture extends to the euro zone itself as well the block as you say zero point four percent also a good number and countries like spain and the netherlands actually growing faster than germany well maybe that prospect of a golden era through germany has prompted the german chancellor Angela Merkel to comment on planned euro zone reform at her first public appearance since the holidays. Thats right she said that she could imagine having a budget alone for the eurozone not as a separate budget but under parliamentary control of the e. U. Parliament has no need for for an e. U. Finance minister but shes taking up on talks that she had with the french president of mind when my call earlier in the summer its venting towards creating something that will perhaps force investment in the euro zone and provide a buffer in case of crisis a very interesting proposal seems to be moving on the politicians want to propel this forward as well but of course the devil is in the detail all sorts of questions to be answered on how to implement it ok and thats when we turn to you again for the ounces think is about to leave us and frank that. Well south korea is set to impose a driving ban on recalled vehicles of germanys luxury brand b. M. W. Authorities are the owners of certain b. M. W. Models to get a safety check while warning that they pose a danger to the public they have been more than thirty cases of car fires which are thought to have been caused by engine problems b. M. W. Is the second most popular foreign car brand after fellow german Mercedes Benz no injuries have been reported so far as a result of the car fires and the austrian capital of vienna has been ranked by the economist as the worlds most livable city it is the first time a european city has led to the annual survey by the Economist Intelligence unit the anna secured an almost perfect score of ninety nine points out of one hundred each year one hundred forty cities are ranked by Living Standards crime transport instability this years rankings is melbourne and australia dropping to second place after being those are the most livable city for seven years in a row. Now over to rita now a disaster in west africa the legacy is still lasting absolutely monica. Lets take a look at this scene of a mountainside that collapse under the weight of rain a year ago tons of modern rock crashed into houses on the slopes around freetown the capital of syria leone the city in west africa had already experienced three days of heavy rainfall together with the rampant deforestation and d. And construction it led to one of the worst flooding related disasters to hit africa in recent times an estimated one thousand people were killed and about another three thousand left homeless a year on the ws one hundred crease traveled to freetown to meet a man who lost half his family in the tragedy. Its a painful journey for maliki camera who has returned to where he used to live in regent a suburb of the capital freetown. Camera lived here with his family for ten years he remembers the day vividly exactly one year ago when he went to work early in the morning in the pouring rain. Shortly after a powerful mudslide destroyed hundreds of homes including his own. Last year at this time i was still sitting here with my family we talked to the children not going out and ill never be able to see them again gods going over for no one is helping me im suffering and i was hurt so much. I just over its go i think. Almost his entire family was killed by the mudslide his daughter fatima just seven months old. His wife. The only survivor was his twelve year old son daniel who was rescued with severe injuries. Cameras says he was given the land by local authorities but there was no official Building Permit so whos to blame. The government its the government is to blame we werent living in the socalled green belt where construction is prohibited so we built our houses outside the area in a section marked to save city limits. The Environmental Protection agency has a different view it says the houses were built in the greenbelt illegally but the new head of the agency does admit that in the past there were hardly any checked there were not supposed to be and thats why i say it was due to weak governance because nobody was supposed to be housed yeah. According to environmental activist high as they say residents were also to blame for last years catastrophe she says he tried to warn people just to. Weeks before the disaster. People we are cutting down trees and the forest which up with thick dead people we are boning chap called the out people we are mining stones in that particular area they also do a wildfire within the forest so whats happened its a weekend this way and because the smells will leak and thats one of the reasons several factors contributed to the disaster last year inefficient offer to use citizens that we can all the risks deforestation a massive population growth on the heels of freetown additionally Climate Change has been causing much less frequent but stronger rain falls that is why op service warned of further disasters in the future. Leaky camera and of the survivors now live in emergency accommodations provided by the government they may be safe but they are an hour outside the city center. Theres no Running Water and no schools in the area but residents still have to pay rent. A year after the devastating mudslides camera still doesnt know what the future holds for him and his son. And that report finding andrine krishi joins me now live from feet on where people today are remembering the victims of last years tragedy a welcome looking at the landscape behind you have to feel seems to be a fair bit of damage what is being done to help survivors like maliki commodity we saw in your report won it off the tragedy. Well you come out and others have basically received some cash in the case of mr come our it was about three hundred fifty u. S. Dollars they also received new housing as we have seen in the reports but they still have to pay rent for it and many of the victims of the survivors have been complaining bitterly that this is not enough and this is what we have seen again today we im here still at the premise of a church where Commemoration Service is held for the victims and many of them have been complaining bitterly that the support is not enough and there was a very remarkable moment here when one of the bishops of the country took to the stage and addressed the crowd Bishop John Young and he was very direct in what hes saying he said we are moving from one disaster to another this country and we are sick of it it was really a verbal slip towards the Political Class in the country and the president was sitting right in front of him he was of course referring to the disasters of the country has seen before eleven years of civil war later on the deadly Ebola Outbreak massive corruption in the country and then later on the mudslide and hes blaming a lack of response on the government and he said clearly also addressing to the president he should end this mess so a lot of anger and disappointment from what he was saying to what extent has the area recovered from the devastation of last year. Well you can see it behind me the devastation is still clearly visible some work is still going on a lot of people were relocated to other areas but you can also see many are still living close by and they are also still complaining bitterly that hardly any investment has come to the area theres no infrastructure no roads. And i have been a what is being done to evolve a tragedy of this sort again have any lessons been learn from last year. Well i think the very important part is that almost everybody i talked to understands that this was a manmade disaster that could have been avoided and this i think is a very Important Message and everybody got this point you have to know that sierra leone has been having a new government for the past few months and the new president to use modern hero is known as a strong advocate for Anti Corruption and he has been doing some steps in the right direction there but the question is have they already reached the bottom have they reached the ministries and to some people i talked to they told me this is not the case they said but you can still walk to the ministry of lands here if you have the right connections if you have the money you can bribe your way through and basically get a Construction Permit for whatever you want to do if you just pay the right people. To get you these permits so the question is how can the new president really address these issues in a short time that things will really change the needle for the People Living there the scar on the mountainside is like an open wound and increase in feet thank you very much for that reporting today not just really going to court has sentenced a catholic archbishop to a year under house arrest well his role in covering up child abuse by a paedophile priest Phillip Bilson becomes the most senior catholic cleric to be convicted for hiding abuse in the church from one of the strangest top catholic clergymen to a common criminal Philip Wilson was once archbishop of adelaide but then the sins of his own pos forced him from that job. We saw what youve done and it was amazing that one of those go outside court wilson wouldnt reply to victims demands for an apology instead of support ahead. Whos the good going to the big dont know. What rubbish like marie excuse me if you call me rubbish you know you could you call me robbie that confrontation for the outraged abuse of five as somebody in the Catholic Church so i sorry to put walk million others we is the contrition from bishop former Bishop Wilson hes grice as Somebody Just set up stays has shown no grice on the sword in the sylph muson has been convicted of crimes dating back to the nineteen seventies then he didnt report a pedophile colleague to the police when two older boys confided in him campaign aside the case isnt rare that a falls get to do their highness acts because people are the conceal or ignore what they do today will seem was sentenced to home detention despite survive his agony one would have contrition to look his defense argues hes eileen but activists say its rather because the strength in law still lets off lightly those who cover up abuse. To formula one to a time one champion Fernando Alonso will retire at the end of the season when his contract ends Mclaren Racing along with county released a statement confirming the news the thirty seven year old is competing in his seventeenth formula one season and has thirty two wins twenty two point positions and ninety seven podiums in two thousand and five became the then youngest champion in formula one history a spaniard has been championship run rough three times. In fricatives ben stokes has been recalled to the england team after he was found not guilty for his role in a street brawl in the city of bristol in september last year stokes was accused of knocking out two men outside a nightclub in the early hours of the morning the twenty seven year old said he was innocent and insisted he had acted in self defense a jury found stokes not accused or rhonda missed some big tournament for england to say including the ashes tour to australia into this whole world number one andy murray has been ousted from the first round of the cincinnati open as he makes a comeback from hip injury the british player is working hard to get into shape ahead of the u. S. Open later this month marty did put up a good fight after losing the first set to new couple of france playing here in the white shirt he found his composure and battled to take the second set but came from up with some brilliant Broad Strokes to win the match six one one six six four. In poland drawings on the going around his sauce if used to be a popular sport with crew system themselves on the mind. A river that runs through the capital was so it fell out of favor through. The Second World War but now with a major time trial that the sport is attracting fans once more. Its a long haul in the morning to the vistula river in warsaw for an International Rowing event it might not sound terribly special but it is to a lot of poles they treat the sport as something almost exotic. Because of the boy for the Second World War there are thirty rowing clubs and more so everyone was rowing now there are basically no opportunities for amateurs to take part and we want to change that in the young so its simply impressive so many sights on the vistula thats the first time in my life ive seen that and im really happy. To put. Thirty teams are competing but not directly against each other theyre fighting the clock and conditions are ideal the water is relatively calm and no transport ship traffic is allowed on this stretch of the river for some its almost hard to imagine that we can row right in the middle of war seoul. Sylvia competed for poland in the london summer olympics she wants to boost the sports popularity. You must bet on a bit of noise and im really proud and happy that growing is catching peoples attention in warsaw as the capital of poland and thats helping growing to get noticed just like in the good old days rowing has indeed been making waves on the vistula but its not just about competitions like this one rowing is supposed to become a sport for the people and where else can you find so much nature right in the middle of a major city. Heres a recap of the top story that. In the northwestern italian city of. Fine a find is that carrying out. The site strong sports minister has an immense tragedy. I have more news for you in half analyse it. Odd. Mob. Boss. Because. Hes so take a moment. To. Explain. Emotion is. A. Comedy has made faces. Heard the gap between the parties in the wealthiest keeps growing and. The interesting inequality is dividing the world in a rich society on the sun. Sixty minutes d. W. Earth. Home to millions of species the more serious. Those are big changes and most start with us. Small steps global ideas tell stories of creative people and innovative projects around the world like news that protect the climate most Green Energy Solutions and reforestation. They create interactive content teaching the next generation about Environmental Protection and were determined to build something here for the next Generation Global ideas the multimedia environment series on t. W. Well just. Oh man im not laughing at him started. Before the new bundesliga season kicks off

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