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Extinction and legend nation by no means missed out on a brain creasing dangerous turn. Made. This is due to be a news live from berlin a matter of life or death the u. N. Secretary general on talking to terrorists says the world is not moving fast enough to prevent catastrophic Climate Change calling efforts so far way off course well have the very latest from the u. N. Climate conference in poland also coming up. A surprise announcement from tops our dont stay says it is withdrawing from the Opec Oil Cartel its been a member of that organization for nearly six decades so whats behind the move. Boston taking matters into their own hands the Indian Government is not doing and so local residents have started cleaning up the beaches and the streets of the city of mumbai themselves. Im brian thomas thanks so much for being with us the u. N. Secretary general says the world is way off course in the fight against Climate Change and turning to terrorist was speaking from the polish city of kut to reach a where the most important talks on Global Warming in new years are now underway the conference officially opened today it airs told delegates that mankind must drastically reduce its Greenhouse Gas emissions to avert runaway Global Warming for the next two weeks the delegates will be discussing how to implement the twenty fifteen paris agreement. Well the u. N. Secretary general opened that conference with an urgent warning we are in deep trouble with Climate Change Climate Change is running faster than we. And we much kept up sooner rather than later be forty two years too late. For many people regions even countries this is already a matter of life or death and this meeting is the most important gathering on Climate Change since the bears agreement was signed if these are two overstates the urgency of our situation a matter of life where death correspondent irene bunyans for reasons i think ought to be free conference for as i read is this the make or break session for action on Climate Change that so many are calling it. In the meeting is essential for Climate Action not that global level so a few years ago climate the theres a great keeping Global Warming there to think about. But this year they have to decide how they will actually achieve that goal the result of this meeting should be the socalled rule book i set the guidelines so in countries how they should monitor their Greenhouse Gas emissions how to report on their climate efforts but then Nothing Port On Topic will be Climate Finance because industrialized countries pledged to look a One Hundred Billion u. S. Dollars a year to help work on to its cope with Climate Change but it remains unknown how they will actually manage to look at that money now in the run up to this conference a number of studies were released indicating a critical point is about to be reached when it comes to Greenhouse Gas emissions can you fill us in where are we right now. Well the situation doesnt look very well right now just recently the United Nations Environment Program published a Report Saying that there is a huge gap between where we should be and where we are actually in regard of c o two emissions so we should. Force if we want to reach that by recycling and goals by twenty thirty otherwise we may end up having three point two degrees above playing by the end of the century so you know President Trump has of course pulled out of the paris accords is taking United States out without the u. S. Is it even possible for the world to meet the c o two reduction goals of the been laid down in the paris accord. Well its important to remember that despite. Of pulling out from the parties have agreement these one take one really happened until twenty twenty twenty twenty things may have changed on the other hand other countries are increasing their time and im vision as well as local actors and the Civil Society the Civil Society isnt giving us and they will take the lead in their fight against Climate Change so i think around here we can feel the optimism that we are still on track to reach the parasite remained despite their with regard from. Us resource thanks very much. Markets here now and as the world in kind of a she focuses on Climate Change theres been some surprises of the cartel that produces so very much of the fossil fuels we use in our cars and the fuel our economy well i dont not so much as a price the first one but certainly in use of brine the price of oil has surged after russia and saudi arabia agreed to reduce output as part of an effort to curb oversupply in a separate development and that really is a Surprise Cutoff has announced its leaving the worlds most Important Group of all producing nations after almost six decades the countrys Energy Minister says the decision will enable qatar to move more on focus more on developing its exports of Liquefied Natural Gas but some analysts believe that the move could be political. As far as break ups go this one was abrupt and seemingly Out Of The Blue heres how could tars Energy Minister delivered the news that his countrys fifty seven Year Membership of the worlds most Important Group of Oil Producing nations was coming to an end the state of qatar has decided to withdraw its membership from the organization of Petroleum Exporting countries effective january twenty ninth teen this decision was communicated to operate this morning opec is made up of fifteen countries it was founded in One Thousand Nine Hundred Sixty with the goal of helping members benefit from a steady rise in oil prices so just how big a role does it play globally not present opec nations hold almost eighty two percent of the worlds reserves qatar by itself controls one point seven percent of the stockpile it might not sound significant but for a country of just two point Seven Million it punches above its waist. The decision to withdraw from opec will enable the country to increase production outside of the cartels constraints but its also being read as a slight to the Group Leading members saudi arabia which last year instigated a boycott of qatar accusing us of supporting terrorists qatars Energy Minister denies theres a political motive that has nothing to do with the book is ok. If you look at the. Status of the opec if any country wants to withdraw. What it has to do is basically put in writing its request or its decision to withdraw and it basically was in the next calendar year qatar is decision to leave opec may not cause major damage to the group but it certainly calls into question its reputation for pushing shared economic interests above politics and for more on the qataris move to pull out of opec im joined by spencer welcome Director Oil Markets and downstream energy at i. H. S. Market in london good to have you with us of course qatar is not a Major Oil Producer we just heard that in our report but does its exit from opec have any impact on the cartel itself its inevitable that it will have some impact although i think that impact is relatively small qatar produces around Six Hundred Thousand Barrels Per Day of oil opec produces around thirty to Forty Million Barrels Per Day so so in terms of Production Qatar is a small part of opec so i small impact but not a Significant Impact but in terms of Reputation Image or unity. Again maybe a little bit but a couple of years ago indonesia decided to withdraw and then decides to come back come back in again i think its i think its logical what qatar is doing their priorities on gas thats not thats not something new that has been like that for a few years so Oil Production is not their main area of focus and so i guess theyre saying they dont need to be part of of opec they they want to just carry on producing what they camp of focusing on on developing more gas youve mentioned gas i mean liquid natural gas of course that is where catalyst already the world leader when it comes to exports how much of the potential is there well some sort of gas is a growing markets the worlds demand for gas is going up the worlds demand for oil is going up as well but gas demand is rising faster gas is seen as a cleaner fuel and therefore the medium term future of gas is looks better im more optimistic than the oil its almost inevitable that the worlds demand for oil will peak the question is is when is that going to be certainly if theres going to be a peak in gas demand it will be a long time further into the future than any peak in oil demand right Spencer Welch there from h s a market in london thank you so much thank you. More business coming up later but first brian has got some well hopeful developments for the people of yemen in that way monaco around says it will be supporting the peace talks aimed at ending the conflict in yemen those talks could start as early as wednesday in sweden now this Development Comes after the Saudi Led Coalition fighting in yemen agreed to fly out fifty wounded rebels who are supported by iran and medical evacuation as part of Confidence Building Efforts ahead of the planned peace talks the fate of who the rebels was a stumbling block to the start of a previous round of talks in september. Or International Groups are of course trying to bring an end to the conflict which has pushed yemen to the brink of famine we have this look at a school in the capital sana thats trying to provide food to keep its students alive. Five hundred bread rolls for the young Honey Girls School in santa two for each student the recess and first meal of the day are highly anticipated. Apart from here at school many children have next to nothing to eat. That its never nice to my father doesnt have a job anymore im very thankful to the school for the food and thats the situation i was in we had. No money as parents were impoverished by the war the schools director says many children are suffering because of the society so many students lost their parents through bombs and rockets aimed at houses factories and shops. After that would be empty hospitals cant cope theres a lack of medical supplies children are especially hard hit according to the ngo Save The Children Tens Of Thousands have died from nutrition and infection Eight Million yemenis are just barely surviving now with the help of outside aid. And the sustained war causes more deaths every single day. Back at their own Honey Girls School in santa lentil soup is on the menu for lunch. Its funded by the german Charitable Organization future for kids. I finish and then as a man hand its poverty is spreading and medicinally and we used to give a daily mail to thirty to forty girls now its Three Hundred to four hundred and thats me out of the army and. A bit of hope within the misery i these children are learning and have a warm meal every day but only as future and that of many other children in yemen is unknown because theres not yet any sign of an end to the war right. Now for a look at some of the other stories making the news today a russian. Made soyuz rocket has successfully launched into orbit with two astronauts and the cosmonaut onboard the trio taking off from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in kazakhstan for a six Month Mission on the International Space station this is the first manned voyage to the i assessed since a Soyuz Rocket Failure in october. More antigovernment protests are taking place in france today Ambulance Workers have gathered close to the National Assembly building in central paris to complain about changes to working conditions senior politicians there are holding crisis talks in the wake of violent antigovernment protests that have been rocking the country. A far right party has won seats in an election in spain for the very First Time Since the end of the franco Military Regime in one Nine Hundred Seventy Five the vox party which has taken a tough line on immigration is set to enter angela she is regional some like the Governing Socialist secured the most scenes but not enough for a majority even with potential left wing allies the conservative Popular Party came in second its leaders said he hoped to put together a coalition with vox and the center right citizens by. A sri lankan court has issued an order preventing Mahendra Rajapaksa from acting as Prime Minister until the legitimacy of his appointment has been reviewed. South asian country plunged into political Credit Crisis in october when the government sacked the former Prime Minister and put rajapaksa in his place. Mexicos new leftist government has put the president ial airliner up for sale the boeing Seven Hundred Eighty seven dreamliner is one of sixty government planes the government intends to sell and officials said the sale showed the new administration was making spending and savings a priority. Well this year india passed some of the toughest Anti Plastic Laws in the world with Prime Minister Narendra Modi vowing to abolish single use plastic by the year twenty twenty two now it is a challenge being taken very seriously ill leave by mum by recently right by the w. H. O. As the fourth most polluted mega city on our planet the streets there are now being patrolled by anti Plastic Police known as the blues squad they can impose fines of up to Three Hundred euros they can even put you in jail if youre caught using single use bottles tops or bags now private citizens have also launched an initiative to get on top of mumbais waste problem. It mostly flip flops in the the ideal footwear for trudging through trash and sewage on the beach. But that now the velvet afro shot his crew. The mum i know it began efforts to clean up his hometown One Thousand Nine Hundred beaches and spy ring others to join him. When i stepped in the four standard beach was a plastic graveyard ok for the doors element it looked like a landfill he asked for help on social media and doesnt follow him now they join him every sunday even when its forty degrees celsius in the shade i will do something i will do something because he inspired me to come to this beach. And he can only see this much and. The volunteers do their best to save india from the analysts plastic trash food waste and mouth but washes ashore from the arabian sea. The fish is mistake just before the killer this is no more garbage but its a killer it kills other species because it enters they just exist and his battle with trash might seem to be a source of fear and task especially in the metropolis of man behind with its more than Twenty Million residents the government seems unable to conquer the problems so hardworking volunteers like shah and his crew are trying to make a difference. Trash has become a growing problem in india. Mega cities like mumbai produce Twelve Thousand tonnes of it every day. The government is currently running a campaign called clean india but its priority as addressing the lack of toilets in the country not the trash disposal problem. And for this man thats a blessing. Every day weve says way through mumbais gridlock on his mind patch. Tasked with a clean india he picks up Household Trash from anyone to register. For years old its like youve always said you didnt really know chris what do you do with it you simply come on to our web site leaving your details. Your phone number pick up date. Couple pays hard cash for the recyclable material just a couple of rupees but its an incentive rather than throwing out the trash it is gathered here and then sold the two founders of the business came up with the idea around three years ago. They now employ Fifteen Hundred trash curious if youll go for india and i asked him why you would feel there is no support that you would find it is no waste i dont think so there is abundance always but this is just beautiful it as a problem that you are looking at is as a resource so what we thought that if this restarts the state of being dumped into a landfill can be put to that i channel which is getting it to sacre does have some valuable economic was a property of probability over that of the. Couple and around forty cents a kilo he says its not much but it does add up he runs a small interim Storage Space in the center of mumbai where he sort through the material and stacks it according to content. Then the middlemen come and pick it up. And all the material is recycled in different states and goes to Maharashtra Metal goes to good rot paper ends up in factories in gujarat. Company is happy to be doing something positive for his country and without waste in recycling he would hardly manage to make ends meet. Dr know how awful shock you not only became a beach city cleaner but also a distinguished celebrity when you went on it him with a prize for his initiative. To offer us the most memorable and moving moment happened this summer when tuttles appeared on the beach. I run my house. And there is there are just coming to her. Or despite her door back from. Her emotionally very very emotional home. And i. Have her everywhere i was crying to. People like Aftershock Tackling Problems in india but they know that cleaning up irresponsible Waste Disposal is a mammoth task and one that might never be achieved. On the other stack the task right now is keeping trade moving freely with a look at the trade routes between the u. S. And china keeping the truce as well of course bridewell asian markets for one theyre up after the United States and china agreed to a ninety day truce in their months long Trade Dispute the announcement came after the countrys leaders met at the sidelines of the g Twenty Summit in argentina this weekend but what have they actually agreed to lets take a look. For months there was little or no less up in the Trade Dispute between the worlds top two economies no wonder then that this handshake which took place on the sidelines of the g Twenty Summit made front page news in both countries the deal the leaders struck a ninety day pause on u. S. Plans to raise tariffs from ten to twenty five percent on Two Hundred Billion Dollars worth of chinese goods in exchange china has pledged to buy more u. S. Imports and according to u. S. President trump to reduce or scrap tariffs on u. S. Made cars news of the Breakthrough Spread Fast in the Chinese Capital beijing. Vision might be America First but chinas is world first. Disagree over this but i believe there is more than one way to promote Global Economic development. Deescalation comes as a relief to u. S. Farmers affected by chinese tariffs on key crops like soybeans equally promise to hold off on further tire of eases the pressure on chinas already slowing economy still analysts say this is a pause a not a resolution to a complication. Of a more im joined by. Executive director of the International Trade center joint Development Agency of the United Nations. In geneva good to have you with us so we see a ninety day trade war. What does that truce resolve. Well for now we lets agree to discuss and its important because before that it was unilateral measures a he do you he had me and they had not really result of the fundamental problems lying behind this unilateral trade measures so now they go back to the table and they want to negotiate part of the negotiations are about access seeing each other smart but there is another part that has to do with the rules of International Trade that they will apply to each other which i would like to link to the outcome of the g twenty declaration which has g twenty members including the u. S. And china agreeing to go back to the w t o to negotiate the rules of International Trade so all alone or a demonstration that no one wins trade wars that warm up there is is sitting down agreeing finding a way to resolve Trade Differences through dialogue and negotiation so is this a truce on i level or is one of the two giving in i dont think they give in they are too interrelated in order to give in and if they give in both are giving in and if they win both win this is why International Trade is when when they are so interrelated that they figured out that you neal actually trying to resolve these them individually and collectively more damage more harm than it does to sit down and try to find a solution now my sense is that maybe ninety days is a bit too ambitious to solve the underlying problems but maybe in ninety days they can find quique we that will create an environment of confidence of trust that is what is needed to maybe reform the rules of International Trade in the world trade organization. As their Executive Director of the International Trade center talking to us from geneva thank you so much for your time. Thats what all the markets are saying about this and pakistan but its already standing by for us at the Frankfurt Stock Exchange powerhouse the truce going down where you are. Oh monica here in frankfurt of the docks isnt going down anywhere its been flying high in fact all morning on the news and its a similar picture across europe investors are more positive or far more optimistic even though theyre aware that after these ninety days things might change again but some are even hopeful for a year and rally which theyd sort of written off until now particularly well our car shares doing today b. M. W. Is up over five percent im Learning Foxrock and mostly on the news that donald trump tweeted about chinese car tears that china would lift these tariffs of course b. M. W. Produces luxury cars and then ship them over to china so the company would benefit from these stop in tears right now cost inputs that from the front could Stock Exchange thank you. Italy is headed for a showdown with the e. U. This week brussels will decide whether to sanction rome over its new budget which is set to increase in this huge debt now the former euro Group President has raised the prospect of writing off that debt calling a haircut in editable in an interview with Germanys Spiegel magazine jeroen dies a blue sea he. Said to the u. S. Has to send a clear message to italy that this time there would be no rescue is that bios of italian bonds needed to be aware that they could lose their investments polls now show a majority of italians are worried about their Government Spending plans. And heres a reminder of the top Story Befalling for you. Representatives from Around The World a meeting in the polish city of cattle to discuss ways of coping Climate Change the u. N. Secretary general and to when you do terrorists is the world. Not moving fast enough to prevent a catastrophe. And the Gulf State Of Qatar has announced that it is withdrawing from the oil cartel of opec in january the first next year the countrys Energy Minister said they were leaving in order to be able to focus on Gas Production its the first time a Middle Eastern nation has left the Organization Since it was founded in one nine hundred sixty. Youre watching the news from life from the lens more coming up at the top of the hour. Thanks for joining. Us on. The. Im going to. Express is an interactive african art unites identity culture and. Its. The story coming up emotional gathers. In our special ops twenty one africa mom and son. Next. How can a countrys economy grow harmony with its people plant when their. Our doers look at the Bigger Picture india a country that faces many challenges and those people are striving to create a Sustainable Future clever projects from europe and india. In sixty minutes d w. A continent is reinventing itself. As africas tech scene discovers its true potential. Inventors entrepreneurs and high Tech Professionals talk about their

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