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A new page in history of relations between christians and muslims and the United States is sending thousands more troops to its border with mexico donald trump says he is stopping an invasion of Illegal Immigrants critics call it a political stunt our correspondent tries to find out the truth by going on patrol with a border guard. And the records tumble on super bowl sunday as the dualism patriots defeat the Los Angeles Rams to clean american footballs biggest prize for the six time well take you through the action. Im sorry kelly walk into the program venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro has rejected an e. U. Ultimatum to call president ial elections eight European Countries including germany france and the you. Kay said that they would officially recognize the self declared interim president juan if majority fail to act but doris says he will not cave in to pressure from those calling on him to leave. Under mounting international pressure. Embattled president remains defiant. In a t. V. Interview Nicolas Maduro rejected an ultimatum by European Countries to cool elections by International Politics cant be based on ultimatum that was the era of empires and colonies. His response clears the way for e. U. Nations including germany and france to recognize his rival. As interim president. Over the weekend many thousands across venezuela followed quite those call to protest. The police backed off from one antigovernment rally a possible sign of solidarity from security forces. Venezuela is wracked by economic crisis medicines electricity and even food are in short supply. The u. S. Has pledged to support by sending humanitarian aid President Donald Trump even left open the possibility of providing military backing in your scenario which is all options all options are on that. But maduro retains powerful allies russia china and his countrys military. With the crisis escalating he appeared on state t. V. Visiting an army base an apparent attempt to project strength. And joining us now from brussels is our correspondent barbara vessel and barbara you know we really have a door here rejecting this ultimatum from europe this call for new elections what are the possible next moves by the e. U. In dealing with venezuela the next moves are now of course are in that the countries who have already known to the last thursday when the Foreign Ministers of the European Union met in the remaining kept a book rest that they will sort of recognize or at least acknowledge the Opposition Leader as an interim president because they had set this ultimatum that the time has passed nothing has happened of course we seem a door again defined and so theyre now taking sides and its the for the big for spain france germany u. K. And others are to follow so more or less the majority of the european states will sort of take sides in this conflict they have watched it for a while they see of course that this is a standoff between china russia and the United States on the other on the other scent on the other side however they didnt in the first instant want to get involved however they now see that they somehow cant avoid it and they are now saying we want to support democratic. The country we still hope for a peaceful sort of handing over of power peaceful process of change governments so i mean now they will presumably have to work with quiet how do they plan on doing that. They have set up a date starting a Contact Group of some European Countries and some let an american neighbors arrive for instance from livia costa rica and they have diplomatic ties in the country they have people they can talk to and they supposed to help the european sort of set up some structures within the Country First aim is of course to get shipments to humanitarian aid in and the hope is that the european sort of not really being part of the power struggle between russia and the United States might have an easier right there that they might get in that they might have a chance to sort of not as into media speak into media just because they have now taken sides but as somebody who has no immediate interests in the country and simply wants to help particularly the suffering population lets talk a little bit more about the suffering population and the humanitarian aid in particular because i mean theres a lot of pressure obviously resulting from from the immediate need that many citizens of the country have what can be do to join plans in providing more aid to the country. Theyve been ready to to fly in theyve been ready to sort of bring aid into the country but so far theyve simply been blocked from entering i mean the situation on the ground has become more and more tense and they would simply no chance now the first step really is to negotiate with them or do regime and try to sort of get aid to the people and so that is what the europeans really try to do in the first place to sort of and then in the next step of course ease the tensions because the greatest fear of course also for the e. U. Is that there might be some sort of military breakout and finally maybe even intervention after some American Forces we have seen that they have been stretched in the past and so theyre really trying to trying to sort of use all diplomatic and political channels they can mobilize in the area to sort of void that vessel with the very latest from brussels on the european efforts to put pressure on Nicolas Maduro there thank you so much hugh. So now lets get a quick check of some other stories making news around the world bahraini footballer hakeem brady is facing two more months in prison after a thai court tonight him bail the former National Team player and australian resident is fighting extradition to his native country for allegedly vandalizing a Police Station and raising fears torture and even death if he is returned to bahrain. In el salvador former mayor not to kelly as easily one of the countrys president ial election the Anti Corruption campaigner secured a majority after the first round of voting picking up more votes than his three rivals combined the kellys victory and the two party system that has governed el salvador for nearly three decades. And more than eleven hundred people in queensland australia are fleeing their homes after record breaking flooding the city of townsville has been particularly hard hit with more than a neater of rain falling in just a week the flooding has forced authorities to open the gates of a nearby dam after its weld above capacity. Investigators have found the wreckage of the plane which crashed with Football Player emily on osama on board it disappeared from the radar over the English Channel two weeks ago salah was on his way to join up with his new club cardiff city when the plane went missing says the new England Patriots have been crowned american footballs n. F. L. Champions after winning the super bowl in atlanta and joining us now with all the action is next now from d. W. Sports so how did it go down. It went down like a lukewarm cup of tea overdrive you say not something youd hear the average n. F. L. For describe before march start but it was one for the purists rather than the casual fans of which there are many all around the world watching the super bowl of course but it was the lowest scoring farnell ever seen to three was the Foreign School the patriots win once again the sixth title now in just nineteen years and before the guy. It was built as this game of contrasts a defense of Patriots Team against a high oftens young l. A. Rams team with the coaches Bill Belichick sixty six the oldest in a super bowl final and the oldest to win it and his opposite number thirty three just half is age and show him right of the l. A. Rams but it fell a bit flat really of defensive masterclass you could say and on the Playing Field it was very much a case of you know getting those fine margins we had tom brady the stock quarterback of the patriots who we can see here winning his sixth ring because he just came the defense of the iran and the young quarterback of the other and just couldnt step up to the occasion jarrett golf that was just one single touchdown in the game so any michelle who we can see here celebrating near the end of the game getting that touchdown but you know the patriots the not known for being the most spectacular team to watch it so. You know and able to get the result over the end of the three like i said the lowest scoring super bowl so they did it to support them but you know these are the day they are big winners and i mean tom brady we have to you know hats off to him can we describe him as the greatest of all time yeah i mean in American Sports theres often this this idea of the goat the graces of all time and hes often been touted as that and he surely has the biggest claim now because even before this he was described by many as the greatest quarterback of all time and now hes got a six super bowl win which makes him the most for any individual player he was previously tied on five and hes forty one years old and he looks set to go on i mean its quite incredible hes older than his opposition coach by eight years and hes the oldest quarterback to play at those plays a plane and the oldest to win it and just like his coach Bill Belichick who like i said at sixty six is still going strong and this Patriots Team. Has this low stock count lots of role players who do that job and you have to credit Bill Belichick as well because he took a gamble years and years ago on tom brady when no one really expected him to be the superstar quarterback that he became so every individual player on this team knows that job tom brady is the only real notable star along with a handful of other players and off to so many years theyre still going strong but i mean some of those players theyre close to retirement we have to say i mean what does that mean for the team now Going Forward because they have been the big winners in the past years to move we see that Going Forward if theres a bit of a shake up here well i mean this was meant to be the sort of big changing of the guard the super bowl many expected the other rams to win this young high powered seem and again the old patriots prevailed tom brady like i said says he wants to continue in his words when i suck retire well he doesnt suck hes just walking the super bowl again and the owner of the team the patriots owner bob kraft he said we dont letting you guys retire because theres a couple like you say stars who are very much on the cost they mccourty twins and Rob Gronkowski who old room and to be retiring but the owners saying not just yet guys we can still win this thing a few more times so it will be interesting to see we expect a few of these players to announce their is on that soon but tom brady looks set to continue i think the coach Bill Belichick might retire and that could really be a change for the n. F. L. A seismic change all across the league where the young coaches in the younger teams will be ushered in ok fascinating stuff thank you so much max now appreciate it. Well now in the United States the pentagon says that it will send additional troops to the border with mexico the move came two days after President Donald Trump doubled down on his call for a wall to boost Border Security opponents described the mission as a political stunt designed to create the illusion of a crisis our correspondent alexandra phenomena traveled to arizona to speak with People Living at the border and the ones already guarding it. Patrolling the u. S. Mexican border he and arizona it stretches for more than six hundred kilometers agent down in the hernandez takes us to a remote part of a protected by an anti vehicle beriah he says whats happening at the border is a crisis like hes never seen before there are still a lot of people that are trying to cross the border illegally that do not want to be caught but now we have added element and dynamic of having family units from Central America theyre giving themselves of the Border Patrol which brings in a humanitarian crisis images recently captured by a three billions you need so families crawling under a small fence into the u. S. Even though the total number of our preventions along the border has dropped over the last two decades the age and say their job is no more difficult than ever. We are in the city of nagaland agent hernandez shows us the existing border fence here only recently has concertina wire been installed on top of it. We know that there is certainly a possibility that people can still come over or drugs as well come over and recognize that but its definitely a tool that works effectively and in this particular area has completely changed the landscape for more security less illegal crossings that sounds like an argument for president s drums border war but was it worth shutting down the government over the Border Patrol agents told us they dont talk politics theyre here to do their job regardless of whats going on in washington however they seemed happy and relieved that a deal has been reached at least temporarily we opened the government neither the shutdown nor trams plans for a border wall have been popular in downtown nogales we need each alba says the citys mayor democrats are to regard the economies on both sides of the border heavily depend on mutual trait. Maybe president sometimes given a little bit and say you know what. This find a Common Ground is find something that we can do together but stick to Border Security and Economic Development and by National Relations with mexico. After thirty five days of shutdown the federal workers in our resolve now will be finally getting their paychecks but their roll over the border wall is still far from over. Here watching data begin is still to come on the program defeating cancer how scientists in austria are using data and Machine Learning algorithms to help in the fight against the killer just seems. The first pope francis has arrived in opera dobby its the first time that a pope has ever visited the muslim majority kingdom of the United Arab Emirates he was greeted by Abu Dhabis Crown prince. During his two day visit he is due to meet leading muslim clerics and hold an open air mass now the historic papal trip is aimed at turning a page in Christian Muslim relations in the region. For many of the one point five million catholics in the United Arab Emirates its the stuff of dreams the idea of the pope visiting the Arabian Peninsula the birthplace of islam was unthinkable a few years ago pope francis was invited by abu dhabis rulers local parish priest to find the whole town says the pontiff wants to foster tolerance and promote a moderate brand of islam. As its definitely has signaled that he wants to build bridges he wants to say look its lamas changing it can change and it also wants to change and. The emirates have declared twenty nineteen is the year of tolerance and theres a lot of symbolism in the invitation im sure. It to wooden hands that asian ship into the not only but the. Because through which the boat should be but it was a sort of visit. Pope francis will be in the emerge for three days hes expected to address a series of issues including the lack of legal rights for Foreign Workers but the fact the pope will lead a Catholic Service on the islamic and Arabian Peninsula is a sensation and its really not right takes a long yes i mean this is a pope of many firsts people have repeated over and over over and last few years and this is actually the third strip to the area this is an area that was essentially out of the vatican sort of immediate purview because the population of got the legs is actually quite low but it has become actually hotspot a great political importance because much of the power is projected from there are big and because in the journal region got the leagues have come christians in general have come under enormous pressure from different conflicts and different governments etc so this has become actually a very important place or a very important focal point for the vatican for at least now about ten years or so i mean he says that he wants a new chapter in fact in Christian Muslim relations in the region how does he plan on achieving that but i think that to some degree he has been fostering disavowed taken specially through several of its internal institutions has been fostering closer relations with server several muslim organizations sort of around the region but particularly sort of an interim really just dialogue at the very same time what is true is said the vatican has had a very powerful and very effective diplomatic machine that has deployed in several conflicts around the world and you know we are seeing of course the top of the table so to say on our screens were seeing actually that the page and pageant but you know behind closed doors what were going to really hear its months progress is sort of all the conversations and all dialogue and of the negotiation lets talk about one of those conversations. That might potentially happen because i mean he has condemned the United Arab Emirates involvement for example in the conflict in yemen now hes in abu dhabi are we likely to see more pressure put on by the pope well i mean he actually made himself very clear even yesterday at noon during the angeles as he was preparing himself to leave to up to to the middle east i mean to the United Arab Emirates he said that basically this was a complete humanitarian catastrophe and without mentioning you know the country by name i mean he clearly said that he was there essentially in a mission to try to bring peace the thing about this about this in the way that this prophecy has operated International Conflicts and has done it by the way very efficiently as they did in cuban American Relations us in the syrian front when the actual negotiators sensually the us stopped from from advancing into the country something that we only find out many months later so we have the people in the grown negotiating and then the results are really the first things we see so i dont really expect to hear a great pronouncements over the next two days but i do think that this kind of operations tend to have an effect on Global Politics a couple of months thereafter and thats when you know thats something hop fascinating stuff martin gak walking us through it as the pope as we mentioned as he is visiting that area of the world so appreciate it thank you. Japanese carmaker nissan is the latest company to decide that it is not taking any chances with braggs it citing uncertainty of the automaker has decided to shift planned production of its new s. U. V. Model away from britain taking away hundreds of new jobs it would have created their. Own plant in sunderland produces more than half a million cars a year its new flagship s. U. V. The extra zero was also supposed to be assembled there but that has changed the japanese carmaker has shelved those plans due to uncertainty over break that my reaction to this first of almost is absolute disappointment this comes. Time when the u. K. Automotive sector is under huge amends pressure not only with rex it days the missions or the mission four point zero other issues more than seven thousand people work at the nissan plant in north east england one of the countrys biggest car factories parts come from all over the world across supply chains that traverse the e. U. While sunderland voted for brags that free trade within europe is crucial for nissan well its devastating news fro city and the region any loss of future production at the plants it makes it less stable but i cant say im not surprised you know that the the uncertainty around brics it is is always a factor now in any decisions made in manufacturing. Britain will leave the e. U. In a few weeks but no one knows what will happen next in the break that process a nice and clearly does not want to wait to find out. Today is world cancer day dedicated to the fight against one of the worlds biggest killers in twenty eighteen the disease claimed an estimated nine point six million lives worldwide prevention screening and Early Detection are the focus of this Years Campaign doctors say that millions of cases could have been treated more effectively had they been detected sooner despite advances in medicine nearly half of those diagnosed died of the disease between thirty and fifty percent of cases could have been prevented entirely now colon cancer is particularly difficult to diagnose because there are many forms of the disease but now socalled bio banks across europe are trying to find new treatments with the help of big data. Living human tissue can be crucial in Cancer Research and this is how its stored in liquid nitrogen at very low temperatures. But its only a small part of the biological samples been studied at this bio bank in the austrian city of cuts. We have here more than sixty thousand samples of call encounter which is a hutu number but we have almost everything that you can imagine starting from here. Small pieces of a muscle or skin we have everything. Surgery patients donate infected tissue cells for research the samples are processed into thin slices and registered in a database placed on slides the samples are scanned by an automatic device. The more the better as this information teaches algorithms to accurately diagnose different types of colon cancer. These slides some much more relevant dri such as they can be digitized with High Resolution skelos as we go to see him this makes them crucial in draining the algorithms that can recognize morphological changes. To mention it here. And researchers also have access to millions more samples and patient data from other european bio banks thanks to a joint research infrastructure. The hope is that this will help find personalized treatments for each individual patient. But now in german soccer bundestag a strugglers out for pulled off a big win at home against mines on sunday taking all three points in some rather inhospitable weather conditions despite the snow the hosts were hot form and overwhelms their opposition in large part thanks to a stellar performance from their star striker alford finn bosn. Yes lehmann made his debut as assistant coach for our book the bavarians are hoping the former germany keeper will foster a winning mentality the team certainly began with plenty of confidence and in the eighth minute handball by Daniel Brzezinski gave them the chance to score from a penalty alfred finn bogus and kept up his one hundred percent record from the spot. And lightning struck twice for alex book in the thirty fourth minute another handball in the box gave them another penalty the referee had to check with the video assistant this time but the decision stood and finn bogus and converted again of course his ninth goal of the season had spoke to nil ahead at half time after the break the hosts continued to dominate the game and with less than an hour ago on a counterattack ended with finn bogus and scoring his third goal it was the icelandic strikers for hat trick. That was more than enough to end alex bergs ten game winless streak the yens lehmann effect is already in full swing. A quick reminder now the top stories weve been following for you here at the w. Venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro has rejected an e. U. Ultimatum to call president ial elections eighteen European Countries including germany france and the u. K. Earlier said that they would officially recognize self declared interim president while white oak if majority fails to accept. The. Drafty d. W. News coming up after the break our Science Magazine tomorrow today which this week features a new take on stuff youre going to want to hear that story im sorry kelly thanks for watching. Me going. To come. To. A space transmitter. And lots of creatures. An enormous number of creatures. Bigger is a project is intended to predict catastrophes and help prevent epidemics. With the help of our women and Furry Friends and their censors tomorrow today next on. Once upon a time there was a young girl with a burning ambition. To become a conductor. I was a very curious child and very excited and in love with music and that i would go to concerts with my parents and. Mirren for being on stage decisions and being part of that magic it was a difficult road at first the girl said she was told dont become conductors but this girl right and not obsessive. And one day she really did become world famous conductor brimming over with virtuosity and special. On longer than a i. Love my stuff. Starts feb eighteenth t. W. Hello and welcome to another episode of tomorrow today the science show on t w coming up this week. Sensors that fly and walk and crawl getting animals to collect big data on our planet. The smart swarm exploring new pathways and the creation of artificial intelligence

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