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The results reverse culture shock. Ready for. You realize how strange artificial is really connected to life. The prize winning documentary something from the forest starts people first on t. W. It is a trunk tweet that changes decades of u. S. Policy in The Middle East today the us president said its time to recognize israeli sovereignty over the Go On Heights Israel captured to go on hikes from syria in one thousand Nine Hundred Sixty Seven a move considered illegal by the un israels Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu who could be voted out of office in two weeks i think the president for making History Today netanyahu critics say hes trying to engineer an election victory with the help of the u. S. President gul from berlin this is the day. The president. Has just made history. I called him. I thanked him on behalf of the people of israel tonight President Trump made the decision to recognize that that hard fought realistic that important place is proper to be a sovereign part of the state of israel unbelievable and im much obliged to support for our security in our right to defend ourselves we will double our efforts to make sure that we protect all that is important all that is important is for all that is important to america and indeed all that is of course to the world thank you thank you michael. Thank you president drones. And thank you america. Also coming up tonight they have a syndrome and can work just like you with me tonight will take you to a cafe in tehran where the waiters are serving up inspiration. Look at me now i finally made it im famous i go through life with my head held high see. To to our viewers on p. B. S. In the United States and all the Around The World welcome we begin the day with a trump tweet on u. S. Foreign policy in israel a tweet that some say is really more of a Campaign Poster for israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu today the u. S. President tweeted that he supports recognizing the go on heights as a part of israel now this is important for several reasons the Golan Heights is disputed territory and has been ever since israel captured it from syria in one Nine Hundred Sixty Seven and illegal an exception according to the united nations no u. S. President has ever advocated recognizing israeli sovereignty over the go on heights until donald trump and there is the timing of trumps Announcement Today Netanyahu Praised Trump and thanked him for making history and for standing with israel against the threat from iran but inside israel critics of the Prime Minister fear todays tweet could boost netanyahu is Reelection Chances and the Prime Minister faces a real challenge at the ballot box in two weeks as well as an indictment for bribery and corruption support from trump plus a to date visit scheduled for next week at the white house it all looks like a u. S. President campaigning for the israeli Prime Minister. He recognizes rules so we do over the Golan Heights and he did so at a time when iran is trying to use syrias a platform to attack and destroy israel and the message the president has given the rule is that america stands by israel for our that was the israeli Prime Minister speaking there we want to take the story now to michael pretend hes reported extensively on The Middle East and is Executive Director of the media line a news agency good evening to you michael its good to have you on the show you know there is concern that trumps announcement may give netanyahu a boost before this election how much influence does the u. S. President enjoy over israeli public opinion. Well hes a popular figure in israel for obvious reasons how much this will actually sway the ultimate decision of the voters is really. Not as clear cut as you might think. It has a pattern dont forget this will be his fifth run is this excessive term if he could win and each time the naysayers believe that hes not going to make it and usually comes through. One of the problems for those who are critical of the Prime Minister is that he really doesnt have the Succession Successors that the public in the privacy of the voting booth when they decide whos going to be their protector for health and wealth the ultimate deciders of voting on this now doesnt have a lot of competition and vents like this and the relationship with the american the american president whos popular play very heavily and both sides because there are many expatriate americans who vote in the american elections who live in israel so works both ways what about these two leaders is this a story of Brothers In Arms about two leaders both who are under investigation one already facing indictment both claim that a witch hunt is being conducted against them do they can we say that these are two peas in a pod a political pot if you will. Yeah the very close will be former president truck came along and he wasnt one of the players in the general electoral picture maybe the netanyahu was referred to as the republican president and in israel clearly his politics come down on a more republican way and under trump certainly a lot more than that so that its a self is not anything unusual that there are that investigations in these other things they make for great copy but the truth is that they do have an alliance they do believe most of the same things but the israeli people believe that ultimately President Trump is somewhat of a pragmatist that hes a businessman who wants to get a deal done and there are many people in israel who believe that theres still a price to pay and that President Trump has not presented the voice to these airlines yet. What about this announcement today how significant is trumps Tweet Calling for the u. S. To recognize israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights. Well this was telegraphed but a little more than a week ago senator Lindsey Graham was in israel hes there frequently but this particular trip was for the specific purpose of opening the discussion as he said he was going to go back to america and lobby the president for full recognition of the israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights graham made no bones about it in politics you dont have accidents you dont have people. Starting to to Say Something expected to be in a vacuum clearly it was it was well orchestrated and senator graham did his job he was very articulate but what was interesting about his presentation was that undiplomatically he made no bones about the fact that part of the american decision was to punish those who are not playing along and punish those who are causing trouble and instability in the region he wanted not just that the israelis for their purposes have the Golan Heights or sovereignty is recognized but according to graham who is clearly speaking for the president or they were speaking out about one voice they wanted to punish the syrians for their behavior on the heights so its a bit of the different dynamic thats unfolding in front of us but it does fall in line though with. Israel policy doesnt it i mean if you look at what hes done. Totally it absolutely falls in line with that. For two peas in a pod the policies are very very similar i dont think mr netanyahu has ever had a less of a struggle in getting something through or are getting his ideas recognized positively in the white house hes having a heck of a time with it and we also heard today especially from that yahoo that this is about standing together against the threat from iran is that what this decision. It is all about is it about us trying to shore up more support for the u. S. Stance that iran is the main threat to the world and to The Middle East. The iranian card is an easy one to sell in israel dont forget that back in the days of iraq being Prime Minister about half or maybe more of the israelis were willing to lease discuss the idea of returning the Golan Heights to syria that changed when ahmadinejad became a Household Word and when israelis were viewing the Golan Heights not as a syrian territory but were actually seeing the image of a dinner just in the iranians on the ice that changed considerably so iran is a very safe and good bet for israelis who are do you think that we would be even talking about this announcement or the shift in policy if the Syrian Civil War had not taken place or if the outcome had been different i mean if we were talking about a strong Syrian Regime i know bosch or al assad is still in power but if it were stronger like it used to be. So you know clear in its position of basically taking that land away from syria and letting israel have it. Well its very significant as the the putin card a putin has become the King Of The Hill in the in The Middle East when you look at the airspace over syria and all the different players and all the different fighters and all the different its like a crowded parking lot except its up in the air. Netanyahu spends a tremendous amount of time and effort and cajoling putin and hes probably the leader of a western nation who has more western type nation who has more input and more time with putin than than any other he doesnt necessarily get his way with putin but theres clearly a relationship that that others dont have and its an its not its carved out a very unusual niche and hes playing it to the hilt right now hes going from which really being down to to probably victory again would you say that this decision has been taken and with the blessing of Lattimer Putin as well as the knowledge and the blessing from of saudi arabia do you think that they have signed off on this as well. Probably and thats especially putin if putin didnt sign off on it if he wasnt affirmative on it not being negative on it in The Middle East means quite a bit as well yeah thats it thats a good point what about this upcoming visit next week and then you know hes going to the white house we understand its going to be a two day visit at the white house and thats unusual isnt it for the president to meet with another Head Of State for two days that says a lot doesnt it well this oh absolutely anybody who wants to make the case of President Trump being involved in the israeli election and doing what he can for israel and netanyahu its not so much whats happening with the visit in israel its whats happening with the netanyahu visit in washington to give him two days at the white house is amazing especially the message is not supposed to be lost that obama had pretty much banned him from being there a long time. President trump is welcoming him in every way he can be putting in a state dinner that theyre focusing around the couples the first couples so. Theres no bill or whistle thats being overlooked in this one yeah looks like a love fest for sure Michael Friedman of the Media Line Newsagency joining us tonight michael we appreciate your insights thank you pleasure and in time the. Pronoun two breakfasts the uncertainty over exit means uncertainty for british People Living in other European Union countries in spite of verbal reassurances from both brussels and london its still unclear what breaks it means for these people or hundred thousand british citizens live right here in germany and they are concerned about how their lives will change if and when breaks it happens. Back and forth and back and forth. Off the backs of negotiations negotiations that are seriously trying the relations between the European Union and the British Government especially since the second deal fell through in the british house of commons. Order is what Jenny Hayhurst has been looking for since the bracks of referendum kicked in in twenty fifteen a year before the referendum the british student moved to berlin for her Masters Degree now shes unsure what shell be facing once she finishes studying the majority of my time spent in germany has been not knowing what the future is going to hold for me here which adds to all the uncertainty that you have as a young person anyway so i would say people are highly highly frustrated with uncertainty looming Jenny Hayhurst has decided to take action as part of the initiative british in germany shes fighting to help secure u. K. Citizens rights abroad her worst fear and no deal brechts that she and many others will lose their residence status overnight the advise she hears most often just give up your passport i mean not only are there emotional reasons why i wouldnt like to give up my greatest british why would i want to give up my british passport and also really practical i want to go back in the future and visit my family of my parents and i want to stay and care for them for a long period of time i would have to fulfil very strict requirements income requirements criminal record requirements the list goes on and on for these reasons Jenny Hayhurst and many other british citizens want their fate off the bracks of Negotiation Table were not Bargaining Chips with people and the most important thing is to recognise that this is about how we live our lives and we need to have to give them some way out of this uncertainty at the moment and we need our rights to be secured. Right to be secure but once you have the way to three Million People from other e. U. Countries live in britain and many are wondering what will be your post extremest be. Karen made or has just returned from school run with her children just like she does every school day she lives an ill fortune North East London but her routine is about to be totally overturned because of breaks it had to make Personnel Decisions in terms of whether to stay in my job and relocate or try and find another job in england karen is from is tonja and works for the European Medicines Agency just a few underground stops away in cannery wharf but at The Beginning Of March the relocated to amsterdam because britain is leaving the e. U. I really like my job i enjoy working. And do what i do so i took the decision that i want to relocate with my employer because ive had been working for them for quite some time already so its a move to amsterdam in the summer but life will be complicated karen needs to keep her foot in the u. K. After she broke up with her partner their father insists the children visit him and london never really be the only attention to securing my stay in you like pretty sore or anything like that i was european living here but president salt had to start thinking about my future the Prime Minister has offered settled status to europeans are already living in britain but they have to apply for it to provide crissy can make it difficult i could bomb from the sri Million Initiative a lobby Group Fighting for e. U. Citizens rights seems huge and security people are in complete limbo people are depressed have soured upset theyre very angry no one can make plans people dont know whether their job will go whether they can bring their parents into this country because if theres a cliff. A couple of weeks. Time whenever then we just dont know what our legal status is has she lost hope that things could still turn out all right well were still fighting and lobbying and producing things like this to keep you citizens out of the rain will be Stormy Weather so these are Wind Proof Rain proof and hopefully will keep three point six Million People dry theres still no recipe for exit but karen has made her decision as a single mother she needs her income and security and all the paperwork for u. K. Status citizenships of passports for the children must come later im really sad to leave a leaving england because obviously weve built quite a nice life here in libya very settled here but. But there just breaks it it just doesnt leave you many choices are you going to go to netherlands all. You want to hear. Youre going to learn another language all. Right it has been decades since the end of civil conflict under the camaro rouge in cambodia yet the country is still littered with an estimated two million Landmark Clearing them is dangerous and a perfect job for rare. They may look like vermin but these rodents are lifesavers. Tryon power traps are searching for land mines in cambodia. Millions are still buried across the country the legacy of decades of war. The rats have a powerful sense of smell and they have an ability to learn. Here at Rat Boot Camp where they are trained to detect explosives. Rats can sense the slightest whiff of t. N. T. And when they do theyre given a treat. But it takes around one year before the rodents are ready. But hes good with the rifle actually trained to smell. So they go straight to the target. So thats. Faster and cheaper. Easy to move to carry. The rats go to work clearing this area of land mines ten of them at a time sniff out the explosives every half hour different rats take over so their concentration doesnt slip for humans one wrong step could mean Death Threats though are safe. Dangerous but then you need to be more than five kilos to act. Just down the road the rights of free this village of landmines but thats after four decades in which the mines killed more than Sixty Thousand people in the country thousands more were disfigured farmer was one of them. Our village lived in fear for many years wondering who might be next. Five sons and worried constantly. Now that the mines are gone we feel great relief. And the rats are fast this area would have taken people for days to clear with great danger but the rats did it in under an hour. Well today is world since millions have the genetic condition and increasingly theyre being integrated into their communities you visited a cafe in the Iranian Capital Tehran for a look at how that works. Completely in his element serving couple chinos to the guests in this Cafe Waiting Tables this is first ever job and the forty year old is loving every second of it. I like the cafe its big and its nice and. Thats why im so grateful to the mrs i got that every night when i go to bed i thank. All. The others who work here have little chance of finding work elsewhere irans job market is currently in such a bad state that over a third of College Educated young iranians are on employed for people with Special Needs its become nearly impossible to find work. For most of those people theres nothing to do once they finish school they just stay at home but were convinced its good for them to show people that they have other abilities not just good for them its also good for their families theyre often sad because they cant do anything but here they can show just what theyre capable of. More than forty People Living with Down Syndrome Autism work here regularity everybody pitches in doing what they can brewing Coffee Waiting Tables or entertaining the guests with music. They all get paid for their work except for the cafe owner he she runs a deficit every month there are very few Government Programs to support social projects like this one in the islamic republic. Weve never received support from any kind of organization its a completely independent project founded and finance privately or totally self dependent. Giving up is not an option because every day she sees just how much this work means to him ron and the others. I used to just be with my father. But father look at me. I finally made it im famous and go through life with my. C. With their positive attitude iran and his colleagues have created an atmosphere found nowhere else in the islamic republic. No other can feel he a new iran could get away with this level of. Iran and the others are making the best out being a little bit different and have formed Coffee Down Tizen into a place thats bursting with positivity. And the increasing number of retired american Football Players who suffered concussions during their career or being diagnosed with Brain Conditions have been one result another attempts to make football safe. Impact on full speed american Football Players may appear to be well protected but a Rating System for the helmets of Youth Players developed by researchers in the United States will make it clear how protected they really are from Head Injuries the way we develop the Rating System was by collecting data directly from useful ball players so they had sensors in their helmets we knew how hard they hit their head how frequently and what locations on the whole it so we replicated that in the lab and it identified which helmets best reduce risk. Researchers found some alarming statistics in adult players in one study of the brains of deceased american Football Players ninety nine percent. A Chronic Brain Disease found in individuals whove been exposed to repeated head trauma and in living retired former american Football Players reports have shown increasing numbers suffering from memory and cognitive issues. Theres always going to be concussions or helmets are one part of the answer but the larger part is reducing the number had impacts on sports so if you can eliminate those high risk areas and use football and kids arent hitting their heads as much theyre going to have less concussions but youre never going to get rid of all head impacts so when you still do hit your head you want to have the very best head protection. The National Football league says concussions were down twenty nine percent in the Twenty Eight Thousand season with a new Rating System playing a role in the drop and its hoped that figure will decline even further. For the day is almost over the conversation continues online you can see right there on your screen how to contact us and remember whatever happens between now and then tomorrow is another day you didnt. Moving in the. Center of the Conflict Zone with Tim Sebastian coe for my guest this week here in london field lawyer john mills a member of the Progress Of European The Search Group which is consistently fairly pain for a tough deal with brussels last week grow mr mills changed his mind decided to support families allays agreement for other types of finally giving a conflict so few minutes on t. W. For. The present europe at its most fascinating at its most exciting. Its most creative colorful glamorous trendy tasteful innovative brilliant charming Exciting Douglas and the resistible. Moment on t w. Whats the connection between brett powell and the European Union dinos Guild Contests e. W. Correspondent and Avid Baker John Stretch this second line with the rules set by the team. Cuts in. The Smoking Recipes for Success Strategy that make a difference. Baking bread on d w. Is a child of the positive you. He was in fact it at birth. She probably wont live to the age of five. The Program Dream aims to prevent the mother to child transmission of the virus. Hiv positive women give birth to a child the negatives babys. Mother project is a hugely effective strategy in the battle against. More than One Thousand Eight percent of these children up on health it the German Aids Foundation is supporting dream in mozambique. You can do Something Team give a baby a future with that and. Make a donation safe a life. This

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