Transcripts For DW The Day 20190723 00:02:00 :

Transcripts For DW The Day 20190723 00:02:00

election next year. 2 weeks ago britain seized an iranian tanker now iran has taken control of a u.k. ship a tit for tat to take a crisis that london says is now a battle iranian piracy vs freedom on the seat tonight britain's awkward and ironic request for help to patrol the strait of hormuz soon to be breaks it britain sending out an s.o.s. to europe sending a thanks but no thanks to the united states i'm burnt off in berlin this is the day . at approximately 4 pm u.k. time on friday iranian forces intercepted the british flag trying to stand in pearl in the strait of hormuz through.
european trade for xmas montrose a role navy type $23.00 frigates currently deployed in the gulf try to come to the tankers 8. truck through. the trees and. the coast for the long run through from the far right. here on how to rights to obstruct the ship's passage let alone pool to. all those countries calling on iran to release the tanker we asked them to tell britain the same thing. but there is simply no comparison between iran's illegal seizure of a vessel inside a recognized shipping and being forced most of east sanctions it was that for an act of state piracy. also coming up in parliamentary elections ukrainians have given their new president
a strong mandate to fight corruption and that's rather remarkable. it's interesting what incumbent lawmakers allegedly did to stay in power. transfer and an overnight vote went to transfer and however the company forced mocked by the way to spread it. over income and. well to our viewers on p.b.s. in the united states and all around the world welcome we begin the day with a growing crisis between the united states and iran and britain firmly caught in the middle today iran said that it has captured 17 spies working for the cia and sentence some of them to death the u.s. president reacted with a tweet calling that announcement faults busy and nothing but propaganda at the same time the british government was in an emergency meeting to come up with
a response to what it calls iranian piracy on the open sea on friday iranian revolutionary guard troops ignored warnings from the british navy and seized a british ship in the strait of hormuz the fact that it has taken 3 days for london to announce its response speaks to the few and frustrating options that it happens ever since the u.s. withdrew from the iran nuclear deal britain has found itself in an almost impossible position how to help the rest of europe save the nuclear deal while maintaining ties with its most important ally the united states and to make matters more difficult britain is counting on a new trade deal with the u.s. after it leaves the european union later this year so the irony was not lost today when the u.k. said that it will put together a naval protection mission in the strait of hormuz to be led by europe and not connected in any way with a similar alliance that the u.s. is struggling to create because freedom of navigation is
a vital interest of every nation we will now seek to. together a european led maritime protection mission to support the safe passage of both crew and conquer in this final region we've had constructive discussions with a number of countries in the last us and we will discuss later this week the best way to complement this with the recent u.s. proposals in this area or that was the u.k. foreign minister there jeremy hunt let's take this story now to london i'm joined by our correspondent barbara vague good evening to you barbara there is another important part of this story tomorrow we expect to find out who the new u.k. prime minister will be either jeremy hunt who we just saw or boris johnson i mean would you agree that this has to be the worst timing possible. we also know french that is the most likely candidate to step into downing street
10 downing street on wednesday afternoon is going to be boris johnson and the time he is absolutely horrific because of instead of sort of throwing himself into his favorite topic that is bracks it and sort of go to europe and sort of the hit everybody around the head and say you now finally have to do what we brits want because i'm boris johnson i'm the new prime minister what he has to do is go cap in hand to paris and to berlin and talk to them and say now listen can you come up with anything that swims off lies so we could form convoys in the straits of hormuz and protect the tankers there and so he has to sort of strike is rather to say polite and more or less concern. no insult against the french for instance we know how much he likes that and he also has to talk to him going to market who is not an easy partner in negotiations like that so it's very difficult 1st day and week for
boris johnson likely in all likelihood. do we know how boris johnson would handle the situation with with would it be different from what theresa may has do. we have not the foggiest idea to be truthful because when he was still foreign minister boris johnson upheld the european line he said we want to keep the nuclear deal was iran a life he was very diligent in talking to paris and talking to the linen sort of talking to the of the foreign ministers and trying to keep those diplomatic ties or diplomatic contacts as they where to iran a life and he did not try to rock that particular boat bought now he's in a totally different position you already mentioned he does want to trade deal with the united states. so what bird is johnson under pressure to be ready to sort of throw everything away to sort of go to washington and say listen i sort of.
changed sides here i'm going to be was you now and let's sort of beat the iranians over the head was a big stick and i'm your boy. british papers talk about the danger that boris johnson might make britain and to the us again we've had this was blair and the iraq war so that would not be very welcome bought we don't know what he's thinking we don't know what's in his head even his closest advisers say we should just have to wait and see what you do take a listen barbara to what the u.k. foreign minister jeremy hunt said today about this proposed maritime protection alliance. he will not be part of the us maximum pressure policy on iran because we remain committed to preserving iraq agreement. with that standing
what do you make of the u.k. announcing this maritime protection force in the strait of hormuz they wanted to be led by europe and not to be connected with a similar force led by the united states. and the political will behind this is quite clear i mean britain does as the of the europeans does not want to be drawn into this increasingly and pillage driven stance that washington shows to its around they don't want to be drawn into a possible military conflict in the region would which would be absolutely horrifying as so they are still trying to sort of keep diplomacy a life they still saying now we really did something for iran we sort of worked it was them for so many years now they should sort of be more conciliatory towards us they should sort of give something back we tried our best and it is so this is the clinging to that but the station objectively of course is dire and in the end they
will have to come out with some sort of protection for cancun call unvoiced in the straits of hormuz are the voice of oil will not be transported and everybody will hit by that equally difficult situation for the british side because they sort of jockey this difficult situation by what you already called the tit for tat tanker crisis and also for the other europeans because they know they have on us have to get involved. before we run out of time talk to me about the irony here britain leaving the european union later this year tonight it is asking europe to help it be a troll the holy see. yeah it's not all about taking back control i mean you can hardly sort of pronounce this without really start to start laughing because of course britain when it's under pressure it's just a medium sized country on the edge of europe and they of course do need their allies in europe and of course they need to rely on them and then they will have to
turn around and say now let's do brics it and now let's be enemies again i mean this is such an impossible political situation is entirely paranoid and what will boris johnson will make will make off that there is no telling who you know or correspondent barbara when the story for us tonight in london barbara as always thank you. or you're watching the day still to come. india on its way to the moon does it also represent the latest launch in a new space race i'll try to find out in just a moment. if you colleagues and guests as they say welcome to the new reality the parliamentary election has taken place you can see the data on the screen as with process
preliminary results. which it will show in reality we may be looking at a situation when for the 1st time in the history of independent ukraine we'll have one party in the parliament which will be able to make all the decisions and will have the 226 votes to support all day legislative initiatives. are going to shoot in the senate or voters in ukraine went to the ballot box yesterday and made history for the 1st time parliament will be led by one party the party of the new president a blow to me as alinsky the comedian turned president who came to power with the promise of fighting corruption a mandate for change that is that much stronger tonight thanks to yesterday's parliamentary elections so let's take this story now to our correspondent nick connelly he is on the story in the ukrainian capital kiev force good evening to you nic so the president he must be laughing all the way to the parliament building his party controls parliament this should make it very easy for him i would think to to
get legislation passed to keep his current campaign promises will it. well brant these are really uncharted waters for ukraine politics as you mentioned this is a 1st few crain in politics the 1st ukrainian president to have an absolute majority in parliament his strategy of pulling those elections forward really banking that honeymoon he had with the voters really seems to have paid off not only that but also he's a rule new p.c. boards palm and not one of his new members of parliament has sat in parliament before you've got a t.v. chef there and a limb pick wrestler a fellow comedian so it's all expected that these people will be fairly plausible and easy to be disciplined compared to political veterans that have been in ukraine's parliament up till now what would you say nick was the parliament election result was it a strong show of support for zelinsky or was it more of
a protest vote against the established. i think this is very definitely still a rejection of the the status quo the people who have been responsible for ukraine failing to live up to its potential this is a country that has huge huge economic tensional but where people are still living much worse off than in neighbors like poland for instance so huge frustration about sounds of living here selenski has been very careful since he won the presidential election a couple of months ago not to offend anyone in his big electoral coalition as it was to. please everyone to say bring peace to dawn bass is part of the same time not sounding too friendly towards russia he's basically been in campaign mode all this time so i think they're only going to really find out what kind of president selenski will make now off to these. elections election observers from the oas see they say that the election this weekend was fair and free however they
accuse incumbent m.p.'s of trying to buy votes in order to keep their seats as there been anything said about that by the president today and i mean this really speaks to how big the problem of corruption in ukraine really is doesn't. but there's no getting around the fact that ukraine routinely comes at the bottom of european corruption rankings only russia routinely really doing worse i think the positive takeaway from today is that the old timers trying those tricks vote buying they didn't get away with it they were swept away by this tide of political newcomers that he has brought into parliament i think the real test of mettle and his real determination to fight corruption will be how he deals with. channels made him a star in the 1st place and has been really instrumental with his media resources in helping his political rise to power. used to own ukraine's biggest bank but it was nationalized under the previous government with support from western lenders
because it's alleged. billions to buy real estate around the world including in the us if it turns out the business interests are now going to be given preferential treatment on the government the credibility in terms of fighting corruption will obviously be shot or correspondent nic connelly of the story for us tonight talking about the fallout from this weekend's parliamentary elections nic as always thank you. well in hong kong it appears to be going from bad to worse over the weekend in thai government protests descended into violence but it all began peacefully as chan's of thousands took to the streets against it unpopular extradition bill that they fear will erode the city's city's old tanami as protesters headed for the office of china's communist party police fired on them with rubber bullets and tear gas and in
a new development video has emerged showing suspected mafia members attacking demonstrators. it was a vicious assault gangs of men all dressed in white attacking anti-government protesters on their way home from another huge demonstration. the brutal attack was life streamed on social media showing journalists as well as protesters being beaten as the men rampage through a subway station and on to trains i. didn't know what i saw somebody bleeding all over the floor in front of me i tried to drag him away but they wouldn't let me but had all sorts of weapons and i came over and attacked me too. but all that got up that although. i'm not position nor make it he was injured claims triad gangstas suggesting the shadowy criminal network was intervening in support of the chinese government as the dozens of injured received
treatment police finally arrived on the scene and work used by witnesses of taking more than an hour to get there despite frantic calls for help so far no arrests have been made on monday from homs probating leader carry now condemned the attack we absolutely do not hold all that horrible violence and i would let him lay his fear of it but the rules is not so we have to tell you the problem above or else will only 3 more albums. but other pro china lawmakers focused their condemnation on the anti-government protesters who threw eggs and paint at china's hong kong liaison office. want to get protesters clashed with police well into the night. such and should be severely condensed and i think these reporters who look at the still being spoken to take shifts or to see who is the only the relationship between central couple and then hold. that it is the closeness of that relationship
that pro-democracy protesters are worried about that concerns have expanded beyond the controversial extradition bill as fears grow that democratic freedoms are being eroded fear is that would only be stoked by the unchecked intervention of suspected criminal gangs. surely it's 2nd time lucky for india's lunar mission monday's launch brings india closer to its goal of becoming the 4th country ever to land a spacecraft on the mood after the united states russia and most recently china the chandrayaan to lift it off from its launch pad in and report dish state and play and this time sparking celebrations at the country's mission control space said the successful lift off comes a week after an aborted forced into. the unmanned spacecraft will explore for the 1st time the lunar south pole.
chandrayaan 2 is india's most challenging mission so far a highly complex undertaking. the spacecraft should reach its destination in the 2nd week of august when it enters an elliptical orbit of the moon. then it will approach the lunar surface. when the landing robot feet crum separates from the craft the most exciting phase begins india's 1st soft landing on the mood. to select a landing site is about 600 kilometers from the lunar south pole a region of craters on the dock side of the moon. the blue markings here shows frozen ice in craters i spotted by satellites. given the high plateau the landing
robot should touch down gently amid ancient rocks. after landing will open its doors and release india's 1st lunar rover on to the surface small as a briefcase it can travel up to 500 meters. with its on board instruments the rover will measure water bearing minerals in the lunar rock as well as the concentration of elements such as aluminum silicon and titanium. meanwhile the landing robot will record moonquakes and explore so-called luna plasma a thin layer of electrically charged particles above the surface. and the rover will be able to collect data for a few earth days and it will go dark for 14 days that's when the temperature drops to $160.00 degrees below 0 celsius. the all but it will spend
a year gathering data about the moon the objective is to fill in the gaps from india's previous mission it has 8 measuring instruments on board their function is to investigate the moon's fin atmosphere and show which minerals and chemical elements make up its surface when. for the 1st time a special radar will be used to determine the location and quantity of frozen water . india's mission is the 1st to bring this type of instrument to the moon. and for more i'm joined tonight by a group of seeing who is considered an authority on india's space endeavors his latest book is entitled the indian space program india's incredible journey from the 3rd world towards the 1st mr singh joins us tonight from manchester in the
u.k. mr singh welcome it's good to have you on the day how did you feel today when you saw that rocket launch and head for the mood. exhilarated and really this was as you know the 2nd attempt it's a very complex and intricate. business than what you want it and one of the things i think that been missing is that not many people recognize that this particular move to be called the mockery that misused today is relatively new can occur and it's only today that it and its operational like it has had 3 previous developmental flights so if you saw a great relief and delight at the successful and i understand it's also incredibly inexpensive compared to other rockets produced by other countries is
is that one of the the qualities that india can bring to what appears to be this international space race that it can get into outer space and cut costs at the same talk. well certainly it is one of the lower cost. and it seems that it's a little people today's international commercial space feel you know so india not only don't use satellites through india but also a whole country around the world with us. in addition to the cost in a dose that could bring great experience. india has one of the oldest space programs started with back in 1980 and today it has a huge infrastructure which allows india to cooperate with international partners not only with. europe and america but also with russia
and in terms of the. cost i think the increasing development in the commercial. thing also is going to provide its own know what costs so getting what's in this place operating them will be something that become cheaper and that's why aren't more players countries which traditionally went out because of expense to take on in space and this is a let me ask you we've got about a minute left you mentioned cooperation would you say that there is a a new space race taking place right now one that is international in its nature. i think it's healthy competition and that's always in the room moves not to space programs the nature of. innovation and economic growth come
from. competition and the space race merely stems from the old days of the cold war and sure in those days when there was just the america of the u.s.s.r. as it was then where the only player in big players in space but today these days in the me is just one of the many players and hopefully will collaborate not only with. the place in your broken china just as. russia and america not elaborate hoping one day trying that and india will also collaborate. blogger and author of the india space program mr singh we certainly appreciate your insights tonight thank you. well the day is nearly done the conversation continues online to find us on twitter you can follow media. t.v. and remember whatever happens between now and then to morrow is another day we'll
see that it. can cause. a soul mate in the us some. yes some. news it's a kind of culture twa to me a send me a phenomenon. the
family on a level. the feel of a small u.s. town in southern spain. a u.s. marine base in europe. it was established during the era of dictator franco and became an enclave of freedom. folks remember the good old days and the music they used to enjoy in their youth. group to roll. before going on t w. robots are still in the development phase. but it's going to happen when they grow . will humans and machines be able to peacefully co-exist or are we on the verge
of a robot collapse. artificial intelligence is now spreading through our society they are well experts be able to agree on ethical guidelines or will this technology create deadly new autonomous weapon systems. dice robot collapse starts aug 14th on t w. i i.

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Enemies , Brics , Telling , Will Make , India , Space Race , Moon , Launch , Place , Data , Reality , Guests , Screen , Process Preliminary Results , Colleagues , Parliament , Party , Votes , History , Ukraine , 1st Time , Initiatives , Decisions , One , 226 , Voters , Led , 1st Time Parliament , Ballot Box , Senate , Nick Connelly , Thanks , Promise , Presidenta Blow , Fighting Corruptiona Mandate For Change , Alinsky The Comedian , Him , Ukrainian Capital Kiev , Politics , Uncharted Waters , Campaign Promises , Legislation , Brant , 1st Few Crain , Strategy , 1st Ukrainian President , Honeymoon , Majority , People , Boards Palm , Tv , Members , Limb Pick Wrestlera Fellow Comedian , Chef , Rule New Pc , Support , Show , Nick , Parliament Election Result , Veterans , Zelinsky , Protest Vote , Rejection , Potential , Status Quo , Extensional , Sounds , Neighbors , Frustration , Poland , Russia , Everyone , Couple , Coalition , Peace , Campaign Mode , Anyone , Dawn Bass , Selenski , Kind 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Paint , Eggs , Relationship , Reporters , Closeness , Shifts , Intervention , Concerns , Fears , Freedoms , Gangs , Goal , Indias Lunar Mission Monday , 2 , 4 , Space , Mood , China , Odish State , Spacecraft , Chandrayaan , Play , Mission Control , Launch Pad , Celebrations , Unmanned Spacecraft , Liftoff , Lunar South Pole , Mission , Undertaking , Destination , Chandrayaan 2 , Surface , Orbit , Robot Feet Crum , Landing Site , Phase , Craft , 1st Soft Landing , 600 , Landing Robot , Satellites , Craters , Plateau , Markings , Dock Side , Ice , Landing , Doors , Rocks , 1st Lunar Rover , Rover , Water , Minerals , Instruments , Briefcase It , Concentration , Lunar Rock , 500 , Elements , Particles , Titanium , Silicon , Player , Moonquakes , Luna Plasma , Temperature , Al L , Earth , 660 00 , 160 00 , 14 , 0 S , Measuring Instruments , Function , Objective , Gaps , Fin Atmosphere , Quantity , Location , 1st Timea Special Radar , Instrument , Type , Singh , Group , Book , Authority , Seeing , Space Endeavors , Indian Space Program , Incredible Journey From The 3rd World , Manchester , Rocket Launch , Exhilarated , Attempt , Things , Mockery , Flights , Move , Rockets , Relief , Delight , Cost , Outer Space , Costs , Talk , Qualities , Feel , Little People Todays International Commercial Space , Don T , Dose , Addition , Experience , Partners , Infrastructure , Back , 1980 , Commercial , Know , Players , Aren T , Nature , Expense , Cooperation , Competition , Innovation , Room , Growth , Ussr , Cold War , The India Space , Program , Author , Blogger , Conversation , Media , Insights , Twitter , It , Soulmate , Phenomenon , News , Kind Of Culture Twa , Level , Family , Town , Us Marine , Spain , Folks , Base , Enclave , Dictator , Music , The Good Old Days , Youth , Tw Robots , Humans , Development Phase , Verge , Machines , Artificial Intelligence , Experts , Robot Collapse , Society , Guidelines , Technology , Weapon Systems , Robot Collapse Starts Aug 14th Ont Wii , Aug 14th ,

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