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This is an important time, it is very, very good that there is washington, we are only in new york, and there is your visit , but i want to clarify right away. Here are the euroatlantic aspirations of ukraine. Will the president ial campaign in the United States affect no more precisely, how will it affect what will affect for sure, but how it will affect ukraine or vice versa , and it can be affected either way , depending on how it will go. Even before the end of all military operations, but with certain nuances of International Law, the provisions of International Law will be recorded or such a decision will not be made, i think it will be a mistake for this, regardless of this, there would be an argument, a very good argument even for his company, it just so happens that it coincides with that for me. I believe that this would be a strong step for him, purely political. Will he use it internally . Now, without waiting for the development of the event, i will give you analogies , they said the same thing about him during the Second World War , when the un was created and began to be created before the end of the war, the key decision was made before the end of the war and it helped to avoid the domination of stalin, then churchill roosevelt, if he goes this way, the American Leadership will be right now, and if they wait for a certain period, i think it is possible then, well, to find ourselves in completely new conditions valery chaly, the chairman of the board of the Ukrainian Crisis Media Center and the ambassador of ukraine to the United States was in direct contact with us in 1519 years, thank you well, we will put an end to that, do not forget to subscribe to the Youtube Channel of radio svoboda follow the operational news in our telegram channel and on the website of radio svoboda a also like and comment on this broadcast. Thank you for your attention and ill see you tomorrow on svoboda life broadcast, lets hold on, damn stairs, my legs cant walk anymore, wait for my wife , im not healthy. 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M. Vasyl zimas big broadcast, two hours of air time, two hours of your time , two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to stay up to date with Economic News and new sports, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, presenters who to many, they became likeminded as well as honored guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, the big air of vasyl zimi, a project for intelligent and caring people in the evening, the most important thing is the war in ukraine, the main topic for ukrainians , victory and loss, analysis and forecasts, politics and geopolitics, Serhiy Rudenko and the guests of his program will talk about all this, people who have information and shape public opinion, people who defend ukraine and create the future, the main and interesting thing in the program is the verdict of Serhiy Rudenko from monday to friday at 20 00, repeat at 12 10 this is the 23rd separate rifle battalion of the armed forces of ukraine, we are now in such a significant salient, and actually at the very edge of this salient , we are holding the defense, the battalion has wedged itself into the defense of the orks in Donetsk Region and is holding positions right now, the military needs our help fighters need drones to conduct reconnaissance and destroy the enemy even on the approach we take the infantry each drone is the lost enemy and the saved life of our soldier join the gathering we will show our fighters that we are with them the usual time the usual tv channel the usual program the world during the war well and the usual host my name is yuri fizer. I congratulate you for a long time. Important and with a guest whom i will present a little later now i have to say what he usually says at the beginning of every Program Every monday so please whoever watches us on youtube i am in the end thank you to everyone who watches us where we have not been turned off, but a request to those who watch in youtube. We have two channels specially created for the world at war program. And general espresso broadcasts us both there and there, but please whoever watches the specially created for the world at war program, put your likes if you like this program, dont like it, im sure you like the program no, there will be no likes well, but if so well, put it and comment, its very important for us to know your opinion, after all, you not only put likes on a special channel, but also on the general espresso channel, its so very important firstly, so that we know what you think about what i propose to discuss with my guests, and secondly, in order to promote the espresso tv channel itself on youtube , but also the Sweet Program during the war well, as usual, i asked you a question today, it sounds like this, it is on a special channel , it sounds like this, in the west, they started talking more often about negotiations because, and then there are options for answers , because the west is tired, the west is exhausted, the west wants us to disperse or your option please write your options in the comments after the program, and maybe even during the program, as there will be time. I will watch, look, read, and maybe even voice your options. Well, what i must have done before the program reminded give your favorites well, now its time to introduce my guest and start communicating directly with him oleksandr hare, an expert on foreign and Security Policy of the center for defense strategies, a diplomat mr. Oleksandr congratulations , glory to ukraine, you already told me where i was, and i dont know how to answer, to be honest or rather, i dont know, they told me, but i forgot , chinese is a difficult language. But as i already promised, when the taiwan case will be involved, if there are such moments in the world during the war , i will definitely talk about this island about what is happening there at the end of last tuesday. I talked about my trip for 20 minutes on vasyl zimas broadcast, and it honestly impressed me, but today with you is not about taiwan, not about china. Lets start with the visit of the secretary of state of the United States of america, Anthony Anthony blinken to ukraine, is there any information about this visit . Well, there is very, very little. Do you have any information about why he came . And what were the results of this visit . What were the results of this visit . Well, lets start with that for the Biden Administration, ukraine is an extremely important matter of principle. As from the point of view of Foreign Policy priorities, so actually, and uh, the ks, why mr. Biden will go to the elections on the 13th was the program speech of anthony blinkin, where he ran, i counted about a dozen mentions there of ukraine and the most important thing is that ukraine is a defense of the norms of the principles of International Law, in fact the very system on which the modern world is built and, of course, which fools like the Russian Federation want to destroy with such a brutal by way, and others are more intelligent and powerful. We mentioned this country today, which means an authoritarian regime, we will say so in a hidden way, so his visit here is a normal support, a demonstration of the support provided by the United States in general and the Biden Administration in particular. Of course, the visit is very important against the background literally in the last month , such skeptics have become more frequent, which means that evaluations of our counteroffensive took place. But ukraine did not cope, and thats why lets think about how to get on this peaceful path to there are some negotiations and so on. Thank god that our friends, well, in the west, they began to repel this attack, and former military diplomats and american politicians began to say no, it is very important to support ukraine. We ourselves could not do given the lack of dominance in the air. That is, this is a very important moment and of course it is an important moment on the eve of the Un General Assembly before the day of the meeting between president zelenskyi and the president to biden well, most importantly, since i believe that this will be a difficult conversation, the most difficult thing will be to convince america of such citizens, and most importantly, even more importantly , the republicans, the majority of whom are inclined to the fact that ukraine should not be given additional aid, i would like to remind you that the budget for the year ends on september 30 and the money that was allocated to help ukraine, and joseph baidu has already turned to the congress with a proposal to provide additional assistance, and it has not yet been resolved, there is a blockage, it is not only related to ukraine, i understand the internal political struggle has intensified, this is such a very interesting story, i think that varna is worth the crooked air, but in principle, all these moments are extremely important, and the visit is part of the preparation for what will happen during the visit of the president to washington and during the Un General Assembly e p oleksandr ot vi they already said that 24 billion dollars are being prepared there, it seems that jobiden is proposing to the congress to allocate ukraine in the next package of financial military aid, so far it is as you said, it is still pending it is in the air. And please tell me what about the loan lease. As far as i understand, it was allocated to ukraine for 2023. Now it is necessary to continue this decision again through the congress. It was definitely for two years and in fact it seems that the term of the driver has already expired this august, but none there was no help with this program, there were various explanations, and i will honestly say that it is difficult to understand why the administration was not canceled by this tool, the most reasonable explanation for me is that since the time when i was a linguist, lets say the design was created the legislation has changed and it is quite difficult to provide something to ukraine in this way, and actually at that time there was a fairly positive attitude and there republicans and democrats competed for who would help ukraine more, it is a pity that after the fact that representatives of the republic came to power, at least in the chamber, and in particular this is a loud trumpian minority that fundamentally asks not to help ukraine. Well, of course, there are reasons, very often their theses are in line with what we hear from the kremlin from the khrobars, so it is difficult of course, but on the other hand, you know, there is a positive thing, first of all, the senate is controlled by the democrats, this is the first, and secondly, there are more of our supporters there , and in the house of representatives, we will have to find some kind of compromise, because the help that is planned to be provided to us is packaged with, along with other things, such as humanitarian aid , humanitarian aid to the same hawaiis there , to some other things, and i, as a compromise , such a continuation bill can be adopted , that is, which continues the previous budget until a new one is adopted, in contrast to ukraine, where if the budget is not adopted , however, 12 months can be spent on all those articles that were voted on before in the United States. This does not happen, and that is why they have government shutdowns. To make such an interim decision and then we will have certain resources, or rather the americans will have resources to help us, well, it will be interesting to see , lets go back for a second to the visit of anthony blinkin, and it seems that already after it, he said in an interview that in tango the two are dancing and thats why at some point in ukraine you will have to meet ah hmm zelensky president Volodymyr Zelensky will have to meet with the president of the country of terrorists Vladimir Putin this tango something from his lips made me worry you dont think that well somehow it was from him hmm somehow no, well, not unpleasant, but somehow i would not like to hear such a thing well, i agree , since the antonym berlinkin is one of those hawks of the democrats, it is very strange, you know such a combination, because the traditional republic i was a hawk. I think that the question here is different, that there is criticism of the administration of the west in general , that they are like morgans, that is, they are such war hawks and do not want diplomacy, and they constantly have to say that we are ready for diplomacy to begin, but russia is not ready all the time, putin says certain things that are incompatible with the fact that the fire will cease. Well , the most important thing that seems to me to be the achievement of ukrainian diplomacy is that the ukrainian formula for peace was adopted as a basis and always blinky at other american Officials Say about a lasting just peace well, then they sometimes continue the un charter based on the norms of International Law, sometimes in short, but the most important thing is that this is the meaning of the ukrainian peace plan, which is based in principle on International Law , we want nothing more than what is written down , agreed and voted by the General Assembly there and other international organizations, thats why its true, but i think that for now the combat hopak is, lets say, a more appropriate dance with the Russian Federation, and i dont think that it will ever happen with this regime an opportunity for some negotiations. I hope that of course, after the successes in the south of ukraine, there will be processes that create a favorable basis for regime change in the Russian Federation. Lets hope for a rebellion, merciless, senseless, traditional for russia. And then maybe with the successors, there is no difference as far as it is. Will be different from putin, but for sure they will not control the state as much as it is possible then such an opportunity has opened up but fundamentally for us it is still a matter of course territorial integrity of sovereignty and we are ready to talk to anyone who is ready to talk about it so far we dont see such people so tango is postponed for now i really liked how you said combat hopak instead of stang it is ours i can already see even this as a title you know combat hopak instead of tango , its cool, because its real, its really true, and our soldiers are at the front, doing this dance , this combat hopak, and the most important thing is that they dont invite the other side to this tango , because combat hopak is not that, its not a dance two in contrast to tangom aa look, you already said two words about territorial integrity a minute ago, and i was alarmed by another statement that was made last week from friday, the minister of defense of germany, boris pistorius, ee, commenting hmm, talking about the fact that germany within one in two weeks will decide, in fact, their government will decide to transfer missiles to ukraine, longrange missiles for the armed forces of ukraine, taurus, so after that he said one more interesting thing, he spoke there for a very long time, not long enough yes this is a rumor about the peace of westphalia that he once helped because peace came to europe and thus hinted to all of us on the ukrainian side about what is possible. We will also have to give up some territories that russia has already occupied because during the conclusion of the peace of westphalia, this is what happened, the countries stopped at those borders that they managed to conquer or surrender, for example, what can you say about it . Well, you know, the spanish system was formed after the 30year war played a very important role, in fact, they were sovereign on their territory to do whatever they wanted, the most important thing was religious freedom, but other things. Here, but i want to tell the story about what else wilson was, with his idealism, and the first the world war and the Second World War and then, er, it means the helsinki process, which said that by and large all civilized countries should observe the rule of law, not human rights and other things. Well, by the way, helsinki, the helsinki process, it was quite an important factor the destruction of the evil empire well, by and large, the final act of the osce in the 75th year is about the inviolability of borders, not interference in internal affairs, that is, after the spanish system, something happened there, this is 1640, which was 88 years ago, and i think that more powerful systems and more powerful ideas were born. Im not saying that after the collapse of the evil empire and the rise of communism, from uh, that means from history , such a concept as the responsibility of protection, that is, when genocides, ethnic purity, other things , states and the International Community has interfere in a big way. I would not like to return to the westphalian system in its pure form. Although, of course , sovereignty and territorial values ​​are extremely important , but on the other hand, even then, it did not exclude interference in internal affairs, it was simply not legitimized, there was no right to interfere. Yes, but it happened and we know that the Russian Federation, the soviet union or the russian empire, well, they were definitely not law abiding and fulfilled all the treaties that were signed, i cant imagine if they see us as bad russians er, how will they stop interfering in Ukrainian Affairs . Is it because of the fifth log , thank god, it has decreased, and here the rest is happening, if it is because of the socalled orthodox church, which is in fact, eh, let s say this fsbstitched roof and of course it is a subversive force for us, thats why i honestly think its strange. Hes probably not very knowledgeable about the history of our part of the world, but the germans have such a problem in principle. They usually look at their own history through the prism of their own history, and they probably think that us east germany occupied by communism, but we tolerated it. So we had an eastern policy and we waited until the end of the cold war and the unification of germany. Of course, this is a false theory, because germanys noneastern policy and reagans and europes predecessors and successors are the same bus the elder who completed this empire of evil spoke of the prerequisites for germany to unite and therefore there is no ukraine. On account of where nonmale experiments are taking place, thats why i think that this example is not very appropriate. I also know that you should mention human experiments, and i read this morning about the statement of mironov, it seems, from the russian state duma, who said that the west in ukraine is trying to find some again after all, the diseases are experimenting with diseases that are aimed specifically at the slavic people. Its just some. Its just, i dont know. Its a paradox. It cant be called a paradox. And its just incredible. So, i think there would be a lot of interesting material for him to work with, and he would probably bring out a lot of interesting, well, interesting things. Lets say a few more words about another statement by yanstoutenberg, the secretary general of nato. This morning, i read what he said, did you learn about the russian the war in ukraine may last much longer than expected in the west, and therefore the alliance needs to prepare for it. In your opinion, mr. Oleksandr, will the alliance be able to prepare for it or will it be ready for it, considering that the Alliance Includes some countries leaders which well, they have already repeatedly stated that this war needs to be ended as soon as possible and sometimes not even on the basis that ukraine needs, well, you know, it is difficult to predict what will happen because in november next year mr. Trump may come to power and it may be the end of nato as such and then in fact the entire European Security architecture will be destroyed or , for example, we are now seeing with the seizure of power in african states, if russia shakes the situation with the help of wagner, then the flow of refugees can cause europe to we also see antiemigrant sentiments in italy. So imagine what could happen again. A few Million People are coming. It means a wave of migrants, and of course it can bring down those governments that are sympathetic to us. Of course, this is a plus for internal problems in europe. I did not cancel, i mean economic , especially against the background of what is happening in china, as such , lets say one of the powerful motors of the global economy, they have a large number of problems , including the european one, so this is also problematic because the usual average europeans want to live better, but i see that their lives are not improving. There is a problem, especially with the sanctions against the Russian Federation, the increase in the price of Nuclear Weapons and other things. Of course, they can, regardless of what is happening in ukraine, and purely because of their personal life, there are some problems to put pressure on the government there or them to change because there is i would say yes if democracy is, relatively speaking , riding a bicycle that we have to balance in our country we cannot stop stop in an ideal state we have to balance then nato or what is called the west is approximately if there is a ball on a wire near the ceiling of the circus and a person riding a bicycle on it. That is, this is a balancing act and we dont know. Lets hope of course that the professional grain will be in the decisions made by my governments that support us, that they understand what it is existential war not only for us and not only for the eastern flank but for the actual european project, then of course we will be more optimistic and we will be helped, you know when i asked you this question, i dont know why i omitted this one the moment of strumpom who can become the president of the United States of america and really then the question of oil in general with many question marks can uh after this question be but this morning i also watched the interview of donald trump on the american nbc tv channel in the program mix dress neo and in it the presenter asked him a question , for example, about ukraine, if you become the president , what will you do . And he said that again, oh, if i were the president , i would immediately stop this war i would sit one at the table and the other at the table, they would talk and thats it. She asks him. Well, what exactly would you talk to them about . He said no , these are secrets. If i told you my secrets , i would lay all the cards on the table, but there was one moment when she i asked him, but for example, if you will, for example, insist on this condition that ukraine, for the sake of peace, must give up territories already conquered by putin, territories temporarily conquered by putin, of course this is obviously about the Kherson Zaporizhzhia region and donetsk the luhansk autonomous republic of crimea is what he said then oh, no, no, no, it should be ukrainian, but then he immediately added , and if, once upon a time, when putin seized crimea, well , he didnt say that, he made such hints that if he seized crimea and the donetsk Luhansk Region we would sit down at the negotiating table and then we would somehow agree on what to give to russia, judging by everything, then there would not have been a bloody war, there would not have been so many deaths. Well, thats why im very worried. I always say that if i had lived in the United States in america, i would definitely be a republican, but i would not vote for trump, well, this is just something new, he said that this is a territorial dispute, the truth is that traditional republicans ran over him, he took a step back, but now we see that he has lost many positions and is in second place, but there is also mr. Vivik , who in general is a person who gives a certain number absolutely without appellate definitions and this is such universal stupidity that you can imagine well, you cant imagine and he was in third place , its a shame that but mr. Oleksandr 5 support for that vira karavasmani you can ignore it at all, i think so, lets hope so, its just a pity that those, for example , michael bence, former Vice President or enika gelli, permanent representative to the United Nations , but they are not tortured at all in this present republic reality and this it is a pity that the real republican views of the region of the human type are not in demand now, but demagoguery of the trapelsky type, are there uhuh greenies or some others, of course and they are now uhuh gaining momentum because they have arguments absolute populists when they say, for example, that we dont need to help ukraine, we need to strengthen security we have a war on the southern border , well, its as if you can stop the mexicans and all Latin Americans with heimers abram with other things, that is, of course, im pure demagoguery and its harmful to the interests of the United States, first of all, im not

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