Transcripts For FBC Cashin In 20140601 :

FBC Cashin In June 1, 2014

Its our Second Amendment rights. Well, their gun rights aint all right in certain places. Restaurant owners showed gun owners the door. Are businesses shooting themselves in the foot by taking sides in controversial issues . Firing up your weekend starts right now. Hi, everyone. Welcome to cashin in. Wayne rogers, jonathan, Michelle Fields and juan williams. Welcome everybody. Another week. Another investigation. The white house now launching a probe into leaking the name of a top cia spy. Add that to investigations of the va scandal, benghazi, the nsa, the irs, jonathan, im running out of letters. Is it time to stop probing and start making some decisions . Well, its proamerican decisions here. Thats the thing here. What is this . Almost two years after benghazi. No one has been captured. No one has been killed. The irs scandal, i believe one person was fired. Theres been no systemic change to our terrible system. Obama has been spying on american reporters like the ap and foxs james rosen. Meanwhile, as you said, leaking the names of an american spy. Lots of speeches from obama. They say hes a great orator and im starting to think thats all he is. Its more antiamerican rather than actually putting american first and leading this great country. Sure, wayne, jonathan pointing out a few but we didnt talk about fast and furious. We didnt talk about the secret service partying scandal. We didnt even talk about the guy drinking the glass of wine with the gsa on the tax dollars. Scandal after scandal and no heads seem to roll. I think its out of control. The federal government is so large now, nobody knows what any one branch of the government is doing at any one time. This whole thi about the va thats been going on for a long time. Obama even talked about it in his when he was running. So, you know, all of this, it tells us that the whole thing is out of control. They dont know what theyre doing. They have no responsibility for it and when they investigate, as you rightfully point out, an investigation is what . Thats just a cover up, again. This man is, im talking about the president now, of the United States is untrustworthy. He has no confidence of the people. So, juan, heres what seems to happen. These scandals bubble up because president obama hears about it in the news. He hears about it in the news and then they do this thing, they send jay carney out there to say dont worry were going to investigate and then were not supposed to ask questions because theyll come back and say its under investigation. This is ridiculous. What is ridiculous is the lynch mob mentally on this show. Why are you having a 14th investigation of benghazi. Oh, too many investigations. Republicans are up to 14. Because no one is held responsible, juan. The people are thinking, hold on, hold on. People have a right in terms of good government, to have an understanding of what the problem is and try to fix the problem. But these investigations are bogus, juan. Theyre bogus. He doesnt want to get to the bottom of it. If you look at the irs scandal, if you look at the irs scandal, the person in charge of the internal investigation at the irs was an obama donor. A person who donatea lot of money also to the Democratic Party. If you look at fast and furious, who was responsible for investigating eric holder . Eric holder. They made eric holder responsible for investigating himself. What kind of investigations are these . Theyre bogus. Go ahead, juan. Yeah, yeah. I think you guys need some tinfoil hats. You guys are into some deep. Oh my gosh. Youre not even responding. Youre attacking instead of responding. Into irs. Juan. Now say lets have an investigation. Your arguments have no substance. Youre just attack us. Guys, one at a tiechlt jonathan, let me ask you something. Any of these investigations, do we know anyone who has actually been held accountable . They let Kathleen Sebelius walk on her own. Lois lerner gets to take the fifth time and time again. Wheres the accountability . Theres a difference in saying you have an investigation and being held accountable. In the case of the irs, one or maybe two people were fired and nothing actually changed and juan you keep saying we had all of these investigations in benghazi, who has been held responsible . What islamist has been killed or has been captured . Thats called being in the american chief. The president is completely awol. Forget the scandal. The scandal is we havent found the perpetrators of this terrible crime against america. Hang, on, juan. I want wayne to weigh in on something. This week on thursday, i believe it was, the president decided amid all the investigations and all the scandals going on whether its the cia leak he decided it was very important to sit down with leaders and talk about concussions. Well, eric, once again this is dodging the bullet, where ever it may land. I dont understand why juan can say that. We dont even know. You know, you said you had all of these investigations about benghazi, we dont know yet what the ambassador was doing there. We have no answer to that. The state department doesnt even know or if they know theyre lying and covering up. The public doesnt know. So naturally we have to keep digging into this stuff because we get lied to all the time. And remember, this is the administration that promised to usher in a new era of transparency. Theres no transparency. A quick thought michelle and juan you can bring it to a close. Theres no transparency in this administration. Thats what they promised. Yet if you look they go after whistleblowers. They deny more requests than they approve. We are 46th in the world. We are behind el salvador yet this is supposed to be a transimportant government. No one is even held accountable, ever. Quick thought. Well, thats the whole point. Im paying for the ticket but i got to tell you, what weve got here is an america where people actually have investigations. The fbi looked intensively into the irs scandal. Yeah. Republicans notice house. We need to go. They can continue to investigate. The American People i think would like to see accountability. Well have to leave it right there but you can continue the conversation right now on twitter. Cashinin. Trending on twitter 18 weeks in a row. Thousands upon thousands of comments. Its awesome folks. Keep it up. Make your voice heard. Get ready for the newest and fastest segment. Everything from duck dynastys Phil Robinson to bill mauer and the iranian government not happy with took and videos like this. Welcome back. We have a new segment for you this morning. Three fascinating stories, seven fast minutes. First up, remember this video of iranian students dancing to the song happy . Well, michelle, the iranian government called Mark Zuckerberg in and wanted him to talk. But lets talk about Internet Freedom of speech and the iranians. Go ahead, michelle. If you consider the fact that they just sentenced 8 people to 123 years in prison for comments they made on facebook that are critical to the government. In Mark Zuckerberg were to go to iran which he probably wont he would probably have a game of thrones style punishment so its not looking good. Iran is savage. Its totally backward and tribal. This Company Funds and shouts death to america. They hate western america. Specifically western success of which Mark Zuckerberg is. Mark zuckerberg built facebook before he was 30. What was iran doing during that time . Funding suicide bombs. They should be not just ignored but forcefully dealt with militarily by our own country. We decided to ease off on their sanctions. Maybe we should step them up after this. After this, i think we got bigger business about Nuclear Weapons and that looks to be going pretty good but we have trouble with all of these countries that want to control the internet. Look at whats going on in china. Look at russia. All of these countries, antidemocratic because they saw what happened with arab spring and thats more of a tribute to the United States and our openness. Is there a happy ending to this story . No, juan is exactly right. Its the fact that we have an open country and we respect that. They dont. Its simple as that. We have to move on to the next one. Fill robinson in the news again. Speaking at a gop event r. The duck guys back in business again . And werent they always big business . Well, they were and they still are. The duck guys are always and they have been. Theyre very popular and all of that. Why, in the world, though he is speaking at a Republican Convention is beyond me. I dont get that. I mean, why not get anybody . Why not get all of us to speak there . It doesnt mean anything. Hes not going to get a lot of votes. What about it . I think hes big business and probably good for the gop, no . No. Are you kidding me . What does it say, eric, that the gop makes a hero out of a guy that says blacks were happy with slavery and segregation and gays are to be damed is he the chief of outreach for the gop or selfsatisfaction. He has a very popular tv show and he prays at the end of every show. Are you all right with that . I think the republicans are making a bad move here. The political debate right now is between faith which phil exemplifies and reason which is more by thelibertarian part of the party. What about the duck guys michelle . Well, midterm elections is all about rallying the base and getting them out there to vote in november. And love Phil Robinson, hate him, he rallies the conservative base and i think it actually would be a good thing for november. Finally, a good friend of this show took heat for telling a joke about global warmers and true to form, lead by four star general of the liberal loan brigade bill mauer. Its a puzzle when all the pieces point to only one answer and yet when that happens with Scientific Consensus he wants to take another spin. So jonathan, more proof, no sense of humor. He is not a fan or advocate of american conceptionalism. A lot he does just for shock value. He wants attention. I think he is better left ignored on political issues and science as well. These guy versus no sense of humor. Pat is a great guy. He was making a joke. Yes. He is my dads former boss, actually. But bill maher, he has no sense of humor whatsoever and i think what this tells us is that he has, hes not a good comedian. He doesnt even understand that pat sajak was joking and bill maher should just be on the payroll of the Democratic Party because hes a mouth piece for them. How about you, juan . Are you going to defend bill maher . Isnt bill maher a comedian . Yeah. And we should understand that pat sajak was trying to be a comedian. If you question climate yourself okay but if you dont youre a racist . Was that a funny line. . Juan he was having a little bit of fun. Oh, okay. Were big fans of sajak. The tea parties are terrorists. Wayne, close out this block and close out this segment . Yeah, its very simple. I dont care. Id rather watch grass grow. Both of them are wrong. I knew he would come through. I love this segment. Coming up, locked and loaded with controversy. Fast food franchises taking aim at gun owners exercising their Second Amendment rights. Did they mess with the wrong customers . The fire debate coming up. Nto pe insider trading. Well bring you the latest. Stay with us. Look at the baby. Thats the cutest thing ive ever seen. Representing our Second Amendment rights. Gun activists getting the boot from some restaurants in the lone star state. They were trying to prove a point about their Second Amendment rights, but some franchises werent having it and some came out with corporate policies asking gun owners to leave their side arms back at the ranch. Jonath jonathan, is it Smart Business to become activists and take stands on issues like these . The activists, theyre actually protesters, walking into private establishments brandishg their firearms. This is a Property Rights issue and the right to bare arms doesnt exist on someone elses property, so yes, when the manager of the chiles comes i in as the unions that we say show up at peoples houses and camp on the lawn. Idiots and theyre hurting the case. Its really not the same thing. These are establishments and these people have rights to have open carry, in other words, allowed to show not in someone elses establishment, eric. Because it serves the public doesnt mean its owned by the public. Youre 100 right. So, the question was to you, if its smart to do this, if its smart to ban people from carrying a gun in your establishment, when they have a fully american constitutional and state right, what are you thoughts on this. I think its a stupid decision. They should stick to making mediocre food and quit getting involved in politics. However, if they dont want people on their property, its fine. They can just kick them off, be u i think its bad for business. I would agree. Go ahead. Boy, i feel like somethings happened here because i agree with michelle, with jonathan. They have the right as a business to set the terms for their people on their property, protect their clients. You know, people who come into that business want to feel safe. But is it smart . Is it smart to prohibit people is it smart to prohibit people from exercising their constitutional and state right to do so . Its not banning anybodys constitutional right. Theyre saying this is the terms of their business and guess what . I wouldnt be in there in the next cycle, a mass shooting, after which has happened in california. No thank you. Im going somewhere else to buy my goods. Where do you stand on this one, wayne . I think its stupid. I dont understand why anybody wants to walk into a fast food joint with a gun in their hands unless theyre holding up the place or i dont like the way you cook ed my hamburger, bang, bang, bang. This is idiotic. Its insanity. There is no reason for anybody to be carrying, you got to remember something. A gun has one purpose. To kill. So, why is somebody walking in anywhere hold on, guys. Not just murder. Very quick thought now, dont forget, were talking about retail establishments. You still have a right to hold a gun in an open carry way, almost every single state. John, quick thought. But these people, these protester, activists, are asking for their rights to be respected, but at the same time, theyre violatinging other peoples rights. So, the chilis, mcdonalds and starbucks, people should leave the guns at home. Its a silly mistake, a silly decision because in texas, theyre going to lose a lot of business, but it is their property. They can decide what they want, but at the end of the day, its bad for business. Thank you very much for joining us this week. Coming up, how some folks are coming up, how some folks are cashing in on what im a teacher. Let me tell you what i make. I make learning a privilege. Not a chore. And frustration a tool. Not an obstacle. I make working hard seem easy. And giving up impossible. I make an old subject feel like a fresh thought. And unconventional methods common. Im a teacher. I make more. Wayne, youre up first. Well, im going for yields this time. Cyf. I own it. It pays a little over 13 , i think this is a Solid Company. What is the rate vested in this type of real estate . They invested in mortgages, derivatives and theyre well financed and they have a good line of credit and its a Solid Company thats been growing well in the last six months. Mortgages and drerivatives, when has that gotten anyone into any problems when it comes to finances . Im looking at more of a Market Neutral strategy. The main bottom line is diversification. Especially when the market goes south, so qmn is an etf that practices just exactly the hedge fundesque neutral strategies. Giving a benefit on the upside as well. And youre getting in pretty cheap. Going to have to leave it there. Thanks for another great week. Thank you for joining us. You can keep the debate going about todays topics on twitter. Sound off and let your voice be heard. Have a great weekend, everybody. Hello and welcome to across america, im jeff flock and where are we this week . Were on a ski lift. Whoa and a snowmobile. The snowmobile is back in a big way. Were driving down a frozen mountain and camped out on a frozen lake. Notice anything here . Were looking at all things cold and hot. We are both sweating. Look at this. Well introduce you to the man who put his sweat into the relaunch of the twinkie. Well explain why tea is becoming hotter than coffee. And if that hasnt

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