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Knock him off message with more divisive and ugly rhetoric, trump . Hes not taking the bait. The real divide in this election is not between left and right but between everyday working people and a corrupt political establishment that works only for itself. Well, well take up the latest developments on the campaign trail with brett barns, carrie picket, also speaking with pastor mark burns on the Clinton Campaigns new low with its race baiting. And the Obama Administration reaches out to the Putin Administration for help in the middle east. Yes. The situation with syria, turkey, and russia, it is growing even more complex. Well be taking that up and a lot more with retired general bob scales. Now, our top story tonight, Hillary Clinton forced on the defensive in the midst of growing scandals. Repeatedly tried to defend the Clinton Foundation and her tenyear of secretary of state. Clinton today offered up her classic response. Theres nothing to see here. But as weve learned over the past few months, the indeed plenty to see here. Fox news senior Political Correspondent mike has our report. Hillary clintons running mate tim kaine continued the attack on donald trump calling his values extreme in front of a majority africanamerican audience in florida. Ku klux klan values, david duke values, donald trump values are not american values. Theyre not our values, and weve got to do all we can to fight to push back and win. A day after accusing donald trump of taking a hate movement mainstream, clinton doubled down just to make sure americans enjoying the final days of summer didnt miss it. A man with a long history of Racial Discrimination who traffic in dark conspiracy theories drawn from the pages of supermarket tabloids and the kinds of white supremacist groups should never run our government. After days of the Clinton Foundation access to the Hillary Clinton led state department, the democratic nominee reiterated her work there was not influenced by outside sources. When asked if there were any emails tied to foreign entities that could derail her campaign, clinton rejected that possibility. I have a very Strong Foundation understanding of the foundation, not to have a play on words. That the kind of work that the foundation has done which attracted donors from around the world is work that went right into providing services for people. Also is has a new ad that will run on cable in the critical states of florida, ohio, north carolina, and pennsylvania. It accuses trump being out of touch with the Africanamerican Community and once again uses his own words against him. I have a great relationship with the blacks. Ive always had a great relationship with the blacks. What the hell do you have to lose . Clintons only significant Campaign Event other than fundraising this week was a speech in reno yesterday. That plays into the criticism shes running out the clock. It may lack the stamina to be president. Her Spokesman Says while Many Americans enjoying the final days of Summer Vacation and less focused on politics, clinton has been working hard to ensure the campaign will have the money resources it needs to execute its strategy during the whole stretch. Tom. Thank you, mike in washington. In the meantime Hillary Clinton soon may be forced to face her growing scandals after a federal judge ordered the state department to begin releasing some 15,000 new clinton emails. By the way, they include benghazirelated documents. Fox news chief intelligence correspondent Catherine Herridge has that report. The fbi recovered nearly 15,000 records as part of its investigation into clintons handling of classified information. And on august 5th, those emails were given to the state department for review. According to this ruling from a florida judge, the Department Must begin releasing the emails by september 13th. The state department has told Judicial Watch, told us that they have had positive hits for the search term benghazi, so we know that these records that mrs. Clinton either hid or destroyed and now has been recovered are directly related to benghazi. The fbi gave state department seven disks, including one with classified emails after the investigation close. The 14,900 emails to and from clinton are on a single disk. Earlier this week the state department Spokesman Says the court imposed deadlines in a number of lawsuits may be tight. Right now our focus is to move forward with our assessment of these appraisal of these documents and then figure out how soon we can get them over to Judicial Watch. Based on the fbi investigated files sent to congress, the team used a technology called bleach bit to destroy what it decided were personal emails. Cyber Security Experts say the technology is like an electronic shredder. I believe the fbi would give it their best shot and look for a mistake being made somewhere, but its much, much harder for them. It really is hard to recover information that has been scrambled this way. The timeline is important in august 2014, the Benghazi Select Committee got emails that shows former secretary clinton used a personal email account for government business. Later that year the committee requested more records as Judicial Watch and other groups went to court over access. Around december 2014, clintons team gave the state department 55,000 pages of email and wiped the rest one of the tools was bleach bit. If the documents at issue were clearly covered by the congressional request, and they went ahead and destroyed them anyway, then they could be vulnerable to charges of obstructing a congressional inquiry. The Clinton Campaign did not respond to fox or why they used the technology to destroy the records so that they would be out of reach. Tom. Thank you, Catherine Herridge washington. In the meantime donald trump is keeping the pressure on Hillary Clinton. Hes looking to capitalize on her miss steps and growing scandals while clinton tries to brand trump as a right wing radical, trump himself appears to be trying out a more moderate approach, especially on one of the core issues of his campaign. Illegal immigration. Fox news chief Political Correspondent carl cameron is with the Trump Campaign and has this report. In nevada, a state with a large latino population, donald trump allowed cameras only for a moment before speaking privately with hispanic leaders behind closed doors. Been doing very good with latinos. His stunning reversal this week when he said he might not deport all 11 million Illegal Immigrants but after promising to deport immigrants for more than a year, he faced a backlash from conservative white supporters, including women. Are you ready to make America Great again . Former gop Vice President ial nominee sarah palin who complained with trump if trump were to go down a path of wishy washy decisions, there would be massive disappointment. New trump wrote plainly quote theres nothing trump can do except change his immigration policies. Colter said trump said something quote stupid and would do so again and not backing down from deportations. Trump said this week he would build a border wall and make mexico pay for it, which makes mexico denies and deport violent and career criminals but suggestions otherwise lawabiding systems would be allowed to stay and then last night reversed himself again returning to the demand that illegal aliens first go home and then return to the u. S. Legally. If they come back in, then they can start paying taxes. We still have to leave. But theres no path to legalization unless they leave the country and come back. Trumps namecalling has escalated to a level not seen in president ial politics since the precivil rights era. Hillary clinton is a bigot. Who sees people of color only as votes. There are has been a steady stream of bigotry coming from him. This is someone who retweets White Supremacy online. If he wants the support of White Supremacy voters, trump said no and quickly changed the subject said quote i dont at all, not at all, and i will this is not about hate, this is about love. Trump about softening his deportation plans for undocumented immigrants and separately his statement of those who want legal status will have to go home first and return legally lives a big unanswered question. What will he do with those who dont care about legal status. Tom. Carl cameron in las vegas. Were coming right back. We have much more. Stay with us after a week of mixed messages, donald trump making it clear hes not going soft on illegal immigration. First day in office, im going to notify Law Enforcement authorities that all of the bad dudes, and we have a lot of them that are here illegally that are the heads of gangs and drug cartels probably millions of them, theyre out. Is that tough talk enough to convince voters hes not going wobbly on this issue . Well take that up and much more with fred barns, he joins me next. And these daredevils arent taking their remarkable array of triand happiness but above all this i wish you love and i will always love you, i. What hillary employed was a special program known as bleach bit to delete her private emails and tried to prevent their recovery. That according to congressman trey gowdy in an interview on americas newsroom. They didnt just push the delete button. They had them deleted where even god cant read them. They were using something called bleach bit. You dont use bleach bit for yoga emails or for bridesmaids emails. When youre using bleach bit, it is something you really do not want the world to see. Sounds about right, joining me now editor for the Weekly Standard fred barns and, fred, let me start with something youve been in that town for a while. I have. Tom ill bring you back to 1972, woodward and bernstein were on the trail. Dogging Richard Nixon about watergate and smoke about watergate and he need knew there was investigation about watergate and Richard Nixon won with a landslide, jennifer flowers comes out and says ive been having an affair forever with the guy. Didnt matter. Still won. So does this smell like that same dog where Everybody Knows theres something up but that it may not affect the election . Well, it will affect it but maybe not decisively and Hillary Clinton of course is running a very low profile campaign, she doesnt want to be out front and center. She goes to just this week was at a bunch of fundraising events which were closed to the press. She doesnt have press conferences. Shoves away reporters, treats them like pests, and you know what . This campaign is working for her. No question about it. The less shes front and center, the better she does, her polls go up but the more she is when shes out front, it turns out an awful lot of people dont like her and her polls go down. So shes running i wouldnt say shes exactly hiding, but shes quite happy to have donald trump be the guy out front and be the issue. Well, the one event that she had this week in reno, that was supposed to be about helping small businesses. But instead, it came out to be donald trump is a racist. Was that simply the classic look over here because lets get off this email subject and lets call donald trump a racist. Well, yeah, i think there were two reasons for that. One is exactly, tom, what youre suggesting. And that is, look, im going to change the subject. The clintons have been great on this stuff for years. You know, you get there. But set by the media or by problems, they change the subject. And the other thing is of course donald trump is making an effort for africanamerican and hispanic votes and Hillary Clinton wants to stop that. Tom well, the company bleach bit is getting a great commercial, arent they . Everybody is talking about bleach bit now. Yeah. Tom and trey gowdy makes a very good point. And it was a year and a half after she left the state department when Congress Starts saying, hey, were interested in seeing your emails all of a sudden out came the bleach bit. Is she going to be in trouble with some sort of obstruction of justice . Well, i would think she would be in trouble if one kind or another for sure. But shes not answered for this. She has not accepted any responsibility. The reporters are going to have to ask her this question. I think shell duck it. But those who work for her and actually did this bleach bit business are going to have to answer for it. I mean, look, you dont you dont do this as trey gowdy said because just to hide stuff about your daughters up coming wedding. Clearly and now we know that some of these emails that she had shoved aside were ones done with benghazi. Those were work related. Look, there are so many problems here. I think with this scandal and others, this is just the beginning and if shes elected president , these things will go right on into her presidency, the investigation, the stories, the scandals. Tom and thats why i brought up 1972 and Richard Nixon. It smells kind of the same thing. All right. Yeah. Those are interesting analogies for sur s. Tom well, well see. It may turn out to be similar. Brett barns, thank you. Good to see you tonight. Thank you. Thank you. Tom you bet. Well, roll the video. Look at this. One daredevil throwing caution to the wind high above romania. This guy crazy . Thrill seeker riding a union cycle of the crumbling rim of an 840foot high chimney, even hanging from a beam and then if that wasnt tough enough, why not juggle some oranges while casually walking across the structure. Oh, my gosh im getting dizzy looking at it. Up next more turkish tanks roll into syria. As the Obama Administration, well, their legacy in the region dealt with another serious blow, retired attorney serious blow, retired attorney general bob scales joi sfx road noise sfx tires screeching sfx horn honking father you pull in front of me daughter daddy we dont say words like that just let your love flow like a Mountain Stream and let your love grow with the smallest of dreams then let your love show and youll know what i mean tom well, dangerous confrontations between iranian and american worships up by more than 50 this year. That according to a defense official who tells fox news that there were 26 iranian provocations in the first half of this year alone. Plus four incidents this week. Four iranian ships came within 300 yards of the u. S. Destroyer. That was back on tuesday and just a day later an American Ship was forced to fire three warning shots at an iranian boat which came within 200 yards. Joining me now former u. S. Army war college and fox news military analyst, hes also author of the new book scales on war. The future of americas military at risk. General, i always love talking to you. This is i mean i went back, and i was kind of digging around. Ronald reagan in 1988 did something called praying mantis. They were doing this same sort of thing. Ronald reagan blasted destroyed two iranian oil rigs, sank four boats, and had. Well, thats entirely different because the guy thats going to pull the trigger is not ronald reagan. Remember now, during praying mantis, the iranian navy lost about half its strength over a couple of week period. And wants most americans are angry about is you have this little rat kicking the leg of the giant if the giant isnt doing anything. I dont know about the rules of engagement are, tom, but i would hope next time these little speed boats get too close to an american destroyer, they put about 20, 25millimeter rounds into this thing, blow it up, take the iranian navy guys captured, put them on the decks of the america destroyer on their knees with their hands behind their heads just exactly like they did to our sailors a few months ago and even ask for a 400 milliondollar ransom, i dont know. But i think most americans are getting sick and tired of this fifth rate navy made up of a bunch of incompetence kicking our navy in the shin. I realize that the rules of engagement are ambiguous. But maybe its time for us to act, tom. Tom and this is its not just any water. Were talking about very Important Oil shipping lanes that would be critical to the worlds oil supplies. But it was also forget the money angle, the uss cole. 17 sailors died because a b a dinky boat rolled up next to it and blew a hole in the thing. Yeah. Thats just unbelievable. And heres the thing. They have the most vulnerable part of the iranian navy right across the straights, theyre completely vulnerable to a strike by the u. S. Navy. Maybe if we fought back, the iranians wouldnt be so bold and wouldnt threaten the streets as they do today. Remember, almost 50 of the worlds oil passes through that straight. Its time for the United States navy to stand up and thump these guys once and for all. Lets switch geography a little bit. And i promise, general i wont drag you you into the political world. But donald trump has gotten a lot of criticism for even talking about lets see if we can have a relationship with putin. Now we find out that john kerrie is meeting with the Russian Foreign minister about some joint agreement to work on syria, the middle east, what do you think . Well, i mean this is important, tom. This could be a window of opportunity for the United States. Several things are swinging our way. First of all, isis has been weakened particularly in iraq if not in syria. Isis overreached in syria as you know with those horrible atrocities committed. This coup has made the president nervous about where his future lies and only last week has rolled an entire fleet of tanks into. So maybe were at the point where we can create this Holy Coalition between syria, saudi arabia, the United States, most importantly turkey, no correlation is possible unless turkey plays along but given whats happened over the last couple of months, perhaps thats a possibility, tom. Tom so strange bet oh, you bet. Tom even in the world of the military. Yeah. Tom all right. Thank you, Major General bob scales, great to see you. Thank you so much. Thanks, tom. Tom in the meantime were coming right back with much more. So stay with us. Donald trump says Hillary Clintons growing scandals and race baiting are further dividing the United States of america. Heres trumps message for millions of americas who feels downriver from the democrats. This is the year that the people who have been betrayed by democratic policies including millions and millions of africanamericans and hispanicamerican citizens reject the politicians who have failed them. Tom pastor mark burns who was confronted by angry protesters when he went through a meeting with trump yesterday joins us here next. And these skydivers are defying gravity and working together to pull off an amazing stunt. Well show you what happens next in the video. announcer vo who says your desk phone always has to be at your desk . Now, with one talk from verizon. Hi, pete. Im glad you called. announcer vo all your phones can Work Together on one number. You can move calls between phones, so conversations can go where you go. Take your time. Im not going anywhere. announcer vo and when youre not available, one talk helps find the right person who is. 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Sfx road noise sfx tires screeching sfx horn honking daughter daddy we dont say words like that just let your love flow like a Mountain Stream and let your love grow. Tom well, Donald Trumps Campaign Manager hitting back at critics today. Kellyanne conway in an interview saying trump deserves credit for taking his case directly to africanamerican voters. Republican president ial nominees usually arent bold enough to go into communities of color and take the case right to them and compete for all ears and compete for all votes. Theyve been freed to do that. So mr. Trump deserves credit. Tom well, our next guesstimate with donald trump today during a leadership roundtable. Joining me now founder of the harvest praise ceo of the Television Network and big trump supporter, pastor, i was watching the convention in cleveland and all of a sudden heres this guy making all of this noise, and, man, you made an impression. You got everybodys attention in a big arena. So it looked like you were having a lot of fun. It was. Tom so this business about the fact that trump is a racist and the race cards being played, you kind of expect that that kind of comes out in political campaigns, you know . But whats your reaction to the fact that its being delayed . Well, tom, democrats do the same two to four years. Every two to four years, a politician from the Democratic Party gets up and so to speak try to rally in the support, rally in the troops, the black vote in america. And so in order to do that, they remind black people how the Republican Party are racist and how they will not ever get ahead if they supported the Republican Party when, to me, fool me once, shame on me, fool me twice fool tom fool me 40 times. Fool me 40 years, 50 years, there has got to be problems and a change to take place. Tom well, this is the question that i have. Most black americans are middle class people just like most white americans. And they go to work, they have jobs, they raise their kids. But 25 are living at or below the poverty line. Uhhuh. Tom that percentage at some point did they say wait a minute. Maybe we should try something different. Well, you know, obviously this is the case that mr. Trump is making. I mean right now i think mr. Trump is going to be the first ever real republican candidate thats going to really go after the africanamerican vote unlike any other republican candidate that has ever ran for office. Tom but hes had criticism. Youve heard it. Sure. Tom while hes out there in the suburbs of milwaukee, talking to white people about reaching out to black people. Sure. Tom Kellyanne Conway says hes going to go to inner urban areas. Absolutely. Tom are you helping absolutely were right there. Ive been blessed to be a facilitator of whats coming up. You saw yesterday with the africanamerican coming together, Muslim Leaders are coming together to talk with donald trump and be a sounding board to him, moving forward, policies like mass incarceration, like police and like education, and jobs. This is what is at the heart of donald trump for all americans. Now, when you talk about donald trump speaking in white areas so to speak, this is the kind of erratic that has to change or are we going to consistently have a raciallydivided country . Tom but ive got a very good friend of mine africanamerican guy who said to me tim, why do you keep voting democrat . And he says because they show up. So what this is saying, no, donald trump you say is going to show up. Absolutely. This is going to be i mean america is going to be blown away about the plans that we have for donald trump, and he is wanting to go. He is eager to go. Not so that he can prove to the world or like some people say prove to white women that he is not a racist, and hes a safe vote. No, he truly cares for all americans and that improves the Africanamerican Community thats a big part of this great country. Tom well, you got hassled yesterday over on fifth avenue outside the trump building. You were just going to go in and have a meeting with trump and others, and you got basically assaulted on the sidewalk out there. What was the complaint and what did you say . Well, the whole ideal of it is Getting Energy on another network, and he was obviously wanting to talk to me about do i support this racist . And i actually grabbed him by the back and walked with him and said, listen, walk with me. Im concerned about what you have to say. But then obviously he began to say donald trump is a racist. Do i support a racist . And at that point just because some people think the louder they get, that makes them more right or more accurate, no, he was just being insulting and to begin the conversation based off of a lie, there was no treason continue. Tom but, pastor, it also keeps people from talking about hillarys emails. Were not going to let that go. She released the ad yesterday. Its a tactic of a Desperate Campaign and desperate candidate whorled theres a shift in the wind and that her base, the Africanamerican Community is now starting to raise up and say hold on. Weve been voting democrat for 50 years, we have to show for it, now donald trump we may not agree with everything he says, and we may not even agree how he says it. But essaying the truth, and we cant ignore africanamericans have been tom ive never found a candidate agree with 100 ever. Im looking for that person. Pastor mark burns, great to meet you. Glad to be here. Tom thank you. In the meantime this group of daredevils brings a new twist to free falling. Watch as this pair shooter drops his friend onto the back of a wing suit pilot all the while theyre plummeting through the air. The stuntman then launches off the wing suit guy and deploys his own parachute. The Three Friends glide safely to the ground together completing one amazing skydive. Got to do that. In the meantime up next lous interview with gold star momand. Ive spoken in rallies across this country, 109 rallies i believe on a largescale and hundreds if not a dozen or so more, and ive never met a veteran on a personal basis ive never bet a veteran that would support Hillary Clinton white house. Tom well, well have that great interview and a lot more coming right up. Stay with us rock guitar yeah rock music you cant do this, you cant deny they feed us lines, but i wont act and all good things will come to pass but the truth is all you have to have and would you lie for it . Cry for it . Die for it . Would you . I believe believe were still worth the fight youll see theres hope for this world tonight i believe, i believe hey hows it going, hotcakes . I believe, i believe hotcakes. This place has hotcakes. So why arent they selling like hotcakes . With comcast Business Internet and wifi pro, they could be. Just add a customized message to your wifi pro splash page and youll reach your customers where their eyes are already on their devices. Order up. Its more than just wifi, it can help grow your business. You dont see that every day. Introducing wifi pro, wifi that helps grow your business. Comcast business. Built for business. Tom lets talk a little markets on wall street today, stocks closing mixed. The dow down 53, the s p down three, the nasdaq the other direction up 7 points today. And volume 3. 3 billion on the big board. In the meantime Economic Growth disappointing Second Quarter gdp grew only 1. 1 in the Second Quarter. Federal reserve chair janet yellen today saying the case for an Interest Rate hike has increased despite todays gdp report. Yellen who made the comments in jackson hole made the door open for an increase as early as next month. Some economists think what . Youre going to be able to raise Interest Rates . In the meantime donald trump this week looking to build on his core of supporters, including veterans in this country. The support of veterans will be key to winning battleground states like florida, ohio, pennsylvania where the bets make up at least 8 of the electorate. Earlier this week, lou spoke to gold star mother and trump supporter about what military families are looking for in this election. Its great to have you back with us and thanks for being here. Lets talk about how we didnt have a lot of time last time we talked about. To talk about in your view the support of veterans for trump, how broad is it . How energic is it . I can tell you that you mentioned im the senior military adviser for cba, and with that role, ive spoken in rallies across this country, 109 rallies i believe on a large skile and dozens if not 100 or so more, and i have never met a veteran that on a personal basis, i have never met a veteran that would support a Hillary Clinton white house. Thats what i do know. And i do think that yeah, i just never have. And i do think that, you know, donald trump is projecting the right idea for veterans. One thing we struggle as is we work at va reform. And Hillary Clinton was extraordinarily dismissive of va reform what the scandal was. Called it basically something that was completely blown out of proportion while people stand on the steps of va hospitals across the country and take their own lives because theyre so desperate for care. So, you know, a lot of things about donald trump on a personal level to me are extraordinarily appealing the primary thing is that is this, lou, if i could say, you know, when a young man or young woman signs up to be a war fighter, they as my son did and they are fighting for a nation. They are fighting for the United States of america. And when the lines begin to get blurred, and you begin to start feeling like youre fighting for a Global Society or fighting for something other than the greatest nation on earth, i can see that it could become a very large problem for people continuing to sign up to fight for america. My son died for this nation, he died for the american way of life. So, you know, the two candidates are polar opposites on that. And, you know, to not mention all the scandal that surrounds Hillary Clinton and all of the reasons that i think she could never lead an army. Never. Yeah, it is deeply troubling, and i want to get into that a bit if i may. You made me think back to a commercial that was running for the navy. And the navy put up this beautiful thing of pictures and jet fighters on the back of carriers and then said the u. S. Navy, the global force for good. It was the strangest ad ive seen. Theyve since taken it down. They had it for at least a year or two. Its about United States of america. As you say. Thats right. And you make such an important point. I think every american should be listening to and thinking about. You mentioned Hillary Clinton. I mean at what point do we say that a person has disqualified themselves as her. Is this Clinton Foundation, just seems to get more its been there all along. But were learning so much more about how it worked, how pervasive it is, how it included foreign governments, there seems no end to it. Can you possibly imagine being led into war by a woman who traded u. S. Diplomacy for donations to her foundation . Can you imagine being led into war by a woman who still blows off this email, just this unimaginable email scandal as Something Like what do you mean . Did i clean my server with a rag . They just dismiss it. I would like to ask your audience, lou, if they could look up nathan jason breadler. Hes a man that completely lost his career for sending one, one email on a unsecured server and the email was intended to save the lives of the men on his on the base he had just left in afghanistan. And hes lost his entire career. So ask somebody in the military who really understands the serious nature of National Security and of top secret documents. If they think this is funny or anything to be mocked and, you know, thats why ive said. Ive not met one person in the military that would tell me out loud that they would be happy to serve under a Hillary Clinton presidency. Were out of time. And i appreciate you spending this time with us as always. And i would like to ask you back so that we can talk about the majors case and its impact on the military and its discrepancy and the contrast of which a former secretary of state has been treated by our justice department. Karen, great to have you with us. I would love to. Thank you. Tom well, up next donald trump tonight making some news on Border Security and illegal immigration. And we will have that breaking news for you and taking up with kerrie and tony and sue lynch right here were coming right back. Dont go away. Its a mans world . Well i dont see anybodys name on it. While they were out doing their thing. We slowly changed all that. We changed all that. Today women can do anything men can do. And theres one thing were even better at. Sfx loud poorly played electric guitar that sounds awful but a lot better than last week rock guitar music we werent born to follow tom donald trump spoke just a few moments ago saying he will have a comprehensive plan on immigration within the next two weeks. Well start off by securing the border, getting rid of the horrible criminal element causing havoc, drug dealers, damage members. And ill be announcing something within the next two weeks, a very comprehensive plan on immigration. Tom joining me now, terry picket and member of the wisconsin women for trump, sue lynch and tony sayegh. There has bean lot of confusion, where is trump on this immigration issue. After labor day well start ramping this up with a specific plan. Hes focusing on being more humanitarian. Donald trump has always been against illegal immigration. There have been clever attacks on the left to make it seem like hes against immigrants. But even in this current plan we are beginning to hear more about, he does not have a pathway to legalization. But what he is doing is prioritizing the way a policy would look. You kick out the illegal criminals who are here. Thats how barack obama deported the most of any president in u. S. History in his first term. And protect the border. Tom terry picket, what do you make of this news. This is an important issue of contention on which he ran in the primaries. This is what he did tonight. Gets the subject off the race story and gets it back on to policy. Right now, you do have some of his former primary opponents saying see, we told you so, hes flipflopping, along with even some of his critics who were saying the same thing. This just means he is transitioning from a primary argument to a more general election argument and simply saying he is giving detakes which is what details which is what people westerly demanding and Going Forward with a campaign thats more efficient and simply tighter. Thats something even his staunchest antiamnesty supporters will have to accept. Even those gopers who arent sure about trump. They dont have any other choice but to support trump otherwise Hillary Clinton will become president. Sue lynch. Moments ago we learned from the state department, they will not release any more of Hillary Clintons calendar. Rent a. P. Found out a majority of people were donor to the Clinton Foundation that were nongovernmental people. Now they are saying well not release an not release any me of her calendar until after the election. Doesnt that sound like they are hiding something . It sure does. Once they understand the American People are not going to tolerate this type of secrecy, it will only be reflected on election day in november when we elect in trump president. Tom the reno events she had yesterday, thats the only Campaign Event she had all week. That was it. Why isnt she out there . Donald trump is everywhere. She has been insulting the press by not opening herself up to press conferences. She is only participating in highend fundraisers from los angeles to nantucket. Hillary clinton does not want to engage in any major public debate or questions with the media. Even the a. P. , you cite that report that came out. It has exposed the fact that all the meetings Hillary Clinton elected to take, she didnt have to as part of your duties as secretary of state. 50 were donors to the Clinton Foundation. Even if the nevada events yesterday it was supposed to be a speech on jobs and the economy. She talked about donald trump as a racist, a bigot. Tom were she changed the conversation. Thank you very much for joining us tonight. Thats it for tonight. Im in for lou dobbs again monday and part of next week. Well have some great guests coming up after the weekends. Have yourself a great weekend and well have more great shows for you next week on the lou john are they our only option packs fortunately not. We have that libertarian candidates. Governor Terry Johnson and people dont even know they are running. What has a libertarian stand for . John they will answer that tonight in our libertarian town hall. And now, john stossel. [applause]

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